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object:4.23 - The supramental Instruments -- Thought-process

The supermind, the divine gnosis, is not something entirely alien to our present consciousness: it is a superior instrumentation of the spirit and all the operations of our normal consciousness are limited and inferior derivations from the supramental, because these are tentatives and constructions, that the true and perfect, the spontaneous and harmonious nature and action of the spirit. Accordingly when we rise from mind to supermind, the new power of consciousness does not reject, but uplifts, enlarges and transfigures the operations of our soul and mind and life. It exalts and gives to them an ever greater reality of their power and performance. It does not limit itself either to the transformation of the superficial powers arid action of the mind and psychic parts and the life, but it manifests and transforms also those rarer powers and that larger force and knowledge proper to our subliminal self that appear now to us as things occult, curiously psychic, abnormal. These things become in the supramental nature not at all abnormal but perfectly natural and normal, not separately psychic but spiritual, not occult and strange, but a direct, simple, inherent and spontaneous action. The spirit is not limited like the waking material consciousness, and the supermind when it takes possession of the waking consciousness, dematerialises it, delivers it from its limits, converts the material and the psychic into the nature of the spiritual being.

The mental activity that can be most readily organised is, as has been already indicated, that of pure ideative knowledge. This is transformed on the higher level to the true jnana, supramental thought, supramental vision, the supramental knowledge by identity. The essential action of this supramental knowledge has been described in the preceding chapter. It is necessary however to see also how this knowledge works in outward application and how it deals with the data of existence. It differs from the action of the mind first in this respect that it works naturally with those operations that are to the mind the highest and the most difficult, acting in them or on them from above downward and not with the hampered straining upward of the mind or with its restriction to its own and the inferior levels. The higher operations are not dependent on the lower assistance, but rather the lower operations depend on the higher not only for their guidance but for their existence. The lower mental operations are therefore not only changed in character by the transformation, but are made entirely subordinate. And the higher mental operations too change their character, because, supramentalised, they begin to derive their light directly from the highest, the self-knowledge or infinite knowledge.

The normal thought-action of the mind may for this purpose be viewed as constituted of a triple motion. First and lowest and most necessary to the mental being in the body is the habitual thought mind that founds its ideas upon the data given by the senses and by the surface experiences of the nervous and emotional being and on the customary notions formed by the education and the outward life and environment. This habitual mind has two movements, one a kind of constant undercurrent of mechanically recurrent thought always repeating itself in the same round of physical, vital, emotional, practical and summarily intellectual notion and experience, the other more actively working upon all new experience that the mind is obliged to admit and reducing it to formulas of habitual thinking. The mentality of the average man is limited by this habitual mind and moves very imperfectly outside its circle.

A second grade of the thinking activity is the pragmatic idea mind that lifts itself above life and acts creatively as a mediator between the idea and the life-power, between truth of life and truth of the idea not yet manifested in life. It draws material from life and builds out of it and upon it creative ideas that become dynamic for farther life development: on the other side it receives new thought and mental experience from the mental plane or more fundamentally from the idea power of the Infinite and immediately turns it into mental idea force and a power for actual being and living. The whole turn of this pragmatic idea mind is towards action and experience, inward as well as outward, the inward casting itself outward for the sake of a completer satisfaction of reality, the outward taken into the inward and returning upon it assimilated and changed for fresh formations. The thought is only or mainly interesting to the soul on this mental level as a means for a large range of action and experience.

A third gradation of thinking opens in us the pure ideative mind which lives disinterestedly in truth of the idea apart from any necessary dependence on its value for action and experience. It views the data of the senses and the superficial inner experiences, but only to find the idea, the truth to which they bear witness and to reduce them into terms of knowledge. It observes the creative action of mind in life in the same way and for the same purpose. Its preoccupation is with knowledge, its whole object is to have the delight of ideation, the search for truth, the effort to know itself and the world and all that may lie behind its own action and the world action. This ideative mind is the highest reach of the intellect acting for itself, characteristically, in its own power and for its own purpose.

It is difficult for the human mind to combine rightly and harmonise these three movements of the intelligence. The ordinary man lives mainly in the habitual, has a comparatively feeble action of the creative and pragmatic and experiences a great difficulty in using at all or entering into the movement of the pure ideative mentality. The creative pragmatic mind is commonly too much occupied with its own motion to move freely and disinterestedly in the atmosphere of pure ideative order and on the other hand has often an insufficient grasp on the actualities imposed by the habitual mentality and the obstacles it imposes as also on other movements of pragmatic thought and action than that which it is itself interested in building. The pure ideative mentality tends to construct abstract and arbitrary systems of truth, intellectual sections and ideative edifices, and either misses the pragmatic movement necessary to life and lives only or mainly in ideas, or cannot act with sufficient power and directness in the life field, and is in danger of being divorced from or weak in the world of the practical and habitual mentality. An accommodation of some kind is made, but the tyranny of the predominant tendency interferes with the wholeness and unity of the thinking being. Mind fails to be assured master even of its own totality, because the secret of that totality lies beyond it in the free unity of the self, free and therefore capable of an infinite multiplicity and diversity, and in the supramental power that can alone bring out in a natural perfection the organic multiple movement of the self's unity.

The supermind in its completeness reverses the whole order of the mind's thinking. It lives not in the phenomenal but in the essential, in the self, and sees all as being of the self and its power and form and movement, and all the thought and the process of the thought in the supermind must also be of that character. All its fundamental ideation is a rendering of the spiritual knowledge that acts by identity with all being and of the supramental vision. It moves therefore primarily among the eternal, the essential and the universal truths of self and being and consciousness and infinite power and delight of being (not excluding all that seems to our present consciousness non-being), and all its particular thinking originates from and depends upon the power of these eternal verities; but in the second place it is at home too with infinite aspects and applications, sequences and harmonies of the truths of being of the Eternal. It lives therefore at its heights in all that which the action of the pure ideative mind is an effort to reach and discover, and even on its lower ranges these things are to its luminous receptivity present, near or easily grasped and available.

But while the highest truths or the pure ideas are to the ideative mind abstractions, because mind lives partly in the phenomenal and partly in intellectual constructions and has to use the method of abstraction to arrive at the higher realities, the supermind lives in the spirit and therefore in the very substance of what these ideas and truths represent or rather fundamentally are and truly realises them, not only thinks but in the act of thinking feels and identifies itself with their substance, and to it they are among the most substantial things that can be. Truths of consciousness and of essential being are to the supermind the very stuff of reality, more intimately and, as one might almost say, densely real than outward movement and form of being, although these too are to it movement and form of the reality and not, as they are to a certain action of the spiritualised mind, an illusion. The idea too is to it real-idea, stuff of the reality of conscious being, full of power for the substantial rendering of the truth and therefore for creation.

And again, while the pure ideative mind tends to build up arbitrary systems which are mental and partial constructions of the truth, the supermind is not bound by any representation of system, though it is perfectly able to represent and to arrange and construct in the living substance of the truth for the pragmatic purposes of the Infinite. The mind when it gets free from its exclusivenesses, systematisings, attachment to its own constructions, is at a loss in the infiniteness of the infinite, feels it as a chaos, even if a luminous chaos, is unable any longer to formulate and therefore to think and act decisively because all, even the most diverse or contradictory things, point at some truth in this infinity and yet nothing it can think is entirely true and all its formulations break down under the test of new suggestions from the infinite. It begins to look on the world as a phantasmagory and thought as a chaos of scintillations out of the luminous indefinite. The mind assailed by the vastness and freedom of the supramental loses itself and finds no firm footing in the vastness. The supermind, on the contrary, can in its freedom construct harmonies of its thought and expression of being on the firm ground of reality while still holding its infinite liberty and rejoicing in its self of infinite vastness. All that it thinks, as all that it is and does and lives, belongs to the truth, the right, the vast, satyam, rtam, brhat.

The result of this wholeness is that there is no division or incompatibility between the free essential ideation of the supermind corresponding to the mind's pure ideation, free, disinterested, illimitable, and its creative, pragmatic ideation purposeful and determinative. The infinity of being results naturally in a freedom of the harmonies of becoming. The supermind perceives always action as a manifestation and expression of the Self and creation as a revelation of the Infinite. All its creative and pragmatic thought is an instrument of the self's becoming, a power of illumination for that purpose, an intermediary between the eternal identity and infinite novelty and variety of illimitable Being and its self-expression in the worlds and life. It is this that the supermind constantly sees and embodies and while its ideative vision and thought interpret to it the illimitable unity and variety of the Infinite, which it is by a perpetual identity and in which it lives in all its power of being and becoming, there is constantly too a special creative thought, associated with an action of the infinite will, Tapas, power of being, which determines what it shall present, manifest or create out of the infinity in the course of Time, what it shall make-here and now or in any range of Time or world -- of the perpetual becoming of the self in the universe.

The supermind is not limited by this pragmatic movement and does not take the partial motion or the entire stream of what it so becomes and creates in its thought and life for the whole truth of its self or of the Infinite. It does not live only in what it is and thinks and does selectively in the present or on one plane only of being; it does not feed its existence only on the present or the continual succession of moments to whose beats we give that name. It does not see itself only as a movement of Time or of the consciousness in time or as a creature of the perpetual becoming. It is aware of a timeless being beyond manifestation and of which all is a manifestation, it is aware of what is eternal even in Time, it is aware of many planes of existence; it is aware of past truth of manifestation and of much truth of being yet to be manifested in the future, but already existing in the self-view of the Eternal. It does not mistake the pragmatic reality which is the truth of action and mutation for the sole truth, but sees it as a constant realisation of that which is eternally real. It knows that creation whether on the plane of matter or of life or of mind or of supermind is and can be only a self-determined presentation of eternal truth, a revelation of the Eternal, and it is intimately aware of the pre-existence of the truth of all things in the Eternal. This seeing conditions all its pragmatic thought and its resultant action. The maker in it is a selective power of the seer and thinker, the self-builder a power of the self-seer, the self-expressing soul a power of the infinite spirit. It creates freely, and all the more surely and decisively for that freedom, out of the infinite self and spirit.

It is therefore Dot prisoned in its special becoming or shut up in its round or its course of action. It is open, in a way and a degree to which the mind cannot attain, to the truth of other harmonies of creative becoming even while in its own it puts forth a decisive will and thought and action. When it is engaged in action that is of the nature of a struggle, the replacing of past or other thought and form and becoming by that which it is appointed to manifest, it knows the truth of what it displaces and fulfils even in displacing, as well as the truth of what it substititutes. It is not bound by its manifesting, selecting, pragmatic conscious action, but it has at the same time all the joy of a specially creative thought and selective precision of action, the Ananda of the truth of the forms and movements equally of its own and of others' becoming. All its thought and will of life and action and creation, rich, manifold, focussing the truth of many planes, is liberated and illumined with the illimitable truth of the Eternal.

This creative or pragmatic movement of the supramental thought and consciousness brings with it an action which corresponds to that of the habitual or mechanical mentality but is yet of a very different character. The thing that is created is the self-determination of a harmony and all harmony proceeds upon seen or given lines and carries with it a constant pulsation and rhythmic recurrence. The supramental thought, organising the harmony of manifested existence of the supramental being, founds it on eternal principles, casts it upon the right lines of the truth that is to be manifested, keeps sounding as characteristic notes the recurrence of the constant elements in the experience and the action which are necessary to constitute the harmony. There is an order of the thought, a cycle of the will, a stability in the motion. At the same time its freedom prevents it from being shut up by the recurrence into a groove of habitual action turning always mechanically round a limited stock of thinking. It does not like the habitual mind refer and assimilate all new thought and experience to a fixed customary mould of thinking, taking that for its basis. Its basis, that to which all is referred, is above, upari budhne, in the largeness of the self, in the supreme foundation of the supramental truth, budhne rtasya. Its order of thought, its cycle of will, its stable movement of action does not crystallise into a mechanism or convention, but is always alive with the spirit, does not live by exclusiveness or hostility to other coexistent or possible order and cycle, but absorbs sustenance from all that it contacts and assimilates it to its own principle. The spiritual assimilation is practicable because all is referred to the largeness of the self and its free vision above. The order of the supramental thought and will is constantly receiving new light and power from above and has no difficulty in accepting it into its movement: it is, as is proper to an order of the Infinite, even in its stability of motion indescribably supple and plastic, capable of perceiving and rendering the relation of all things to each other in the One, capable of expressing always more and more of the Infinite, at its fullest of expressing in its own way all that is actually expressible of the Infinite.

Thus there is no discord, disparity or difficulty of adjustment in the complex motion of the supramental jnana, but a simplicity in the complexity, an assured ease in a many-sided abundance that comes from the spontaneous sureness and totality of the self-knowledge of the spirit. Obstacle, inner struggle, disparity, difficulty, discord of parts and movements continues in the transformation of mind to supermind only so long as the action, influence or pressure of the mind insisting on its own methods of construction continues or its process of building knowledge or thought and will of action on the foundation of a primal ignorance resists the opposite process of supermind organising all as a luminous manifestation out of the self and its inherent and eternal self-knowledge. It is thus that the supermind acting as a representative, interpretative, revealingly imperative power of the spirit's knowledge by identity, turning the light of the infinite consciousness freely and inimitably into substance and form of real-idea, creating out of power of conscious being and power of real-idea, stabilising a movement which obeys its own law but is still a supple and plastic movement of the infinite, uses its thought and knowledge and a will identical in substance and light with the knowledge to organise in each supramental being his own right manifestation of the one self and spirit.

The action of the supramental jnarta so constitued evidently surpasses the action of the mental reason and we have to see what replaces the reason in the supramental transformation. The thinking mind of man finds its most clear and characteristic satisfaction and its most precise and effective principle of organisation in the reasoning and logical intelligence. It is true that man is not and cannot be wholly governed either in his thought or his action by the reason alone. His mentality is inextricably subjected to a joint, mixed and intricate action of the reasoning intelligence with two other powers, an intuition, actually only half luminous in the human mentality, operating behind the more visible action of the reason or veiled and altered in the action of the normal intelligence, and the life-mind of sensation, instinct, impulse, which is in its own nature a sort of obscure involved intuition and which supplies the intelligence from below with its first materials and data. And each of these other powers is in its own kind an intimate action of the spirit operating in mind and life and has a more direct and spontaneous character and immediate power for perception and action than the reasoning intelligence. But yet neither of these powers is capable of organising for man his mental existence.

His life-mind, -- its instincts, its impulses, -- is not and cannot be self-sufficient and predominant as it is in the lower creation. It has been seized upon by the intelligence and profoundly altered by it even where the development of the intelligence is imperfect and itself most insistent in its prominence. It has lost most of its intuitive character, is indeed now infinitely richer as a supplier of materials and data, but no longer quite itself or at ease in its action because half rationalised, dependent at least on some infused element however vague of reasoning or intelligent activity and incapable of acting to good purpose without the aid of the intelligence. Its roots and place of perfection are in the subconscient from which it emerges and man's business is to increase in the sense of a more and more conscient knowledge and action. Man reverting to a governance of his being by the life-mind would become either irrational and erratic or dull and imbecile and would lose the essential character of manhood.

The intuition, on the other hand, has its roots and its place of perfection in the supramental which is now to us the superconscient, and in mind it has no pure and no organised action, but is immediately mixed with the action of the reasoning intelligence, is not quite itself, but limited, fragmentary, diluted and impure, and depends for the ordered use and organisation of its suggestions on the aid of the logical reason. The human mind is never quite sure of its intuitions until they have been viewed and confirmed by the judgment of the rational intelligence : it is there that it feels most well founded and secure. Man surmounting reason to organise his thought and life by the intuitive mind would be already surpassing his characteristic humanity and on the way to the development of supermanhood. This can only be done above: for to attempt it below is only to achieve another kind of imperfection: there the mental reason is a necessary factor.

The reasoning intelligence is an intermediate agent between the life-mind and the yet undeveloped supramental intuition. Its business is that of an intermediary, on the one side to enlighten the life-mind, to make it conscient and govern and regulate as much as may be its action until Nature is ready to evolve the supramental energy which will take hold of life and illumine and perfect all its movements by converting its obscurely intuitive motions of desire, emotion, sensation and action into a spiritually and luminously spontaneous life manifestation of the self and spirit. On the other higher side its mission is to take the rays of light which come from above and translate them into terms of intelligent mentality and to accept, examine, develop, intellectually utilise the intuitions that escape the barrier and descend into mind from the superconscience. It does this until man, becoming more and more intelligently conscient of himself and his environment and his being, becomes also aware that he cannot really know these things by his reason, but can only make a mental representation of them to his intelligence.

The reason, however, tends in the intellectual man to ignore the limitations of its power and function and attempts to be not an instrument and agent but a substitute for the self and spirit. Made confident by success and predominance, by the comparative greatness of its own light, it regards itself as a thing primary and absolute, assures itself of its own entire truth and sufficiency and endeavours to become the absolute ruler of mind and life. This it cannot do successfully, because it depends on the lower life intuition and on the covert supermind and its intuitive messages for its own real substance and existence. It can only appear to itself to succeed because it reduces all its experience to rational formulas and blinds itself to half the real nature of the thought and action that is behind it and to the infinite deal that breaks out of its formulas. The excess of the reason only makes life artificial and rationally mechanical, deprives it of its spontaneity and vitality and prevents the freedom and expansion of the spirit. The limited and limiting mental reason must make itself plastic and flexible, open itself to its source, receive the light from above, exceed itself and pass by an euthanasia of transformation into the body of the supramental reason. Meanwhile it is given power and leading for an organisation of thought and action on the characteristically human scale intermediate between the subconscient power of the spirit organising the life of the animal and the superconscient power of the spirit which becoming conscient can organise the existence and life of a spiritual supermanhood.

The characteristic power of the reason in its fullness is a logical movement assuring itself first of all available materials and data by observation and arrangement, then acting upon them for a resultant knowledge gained, assured and enlarged by a first use of the reflective powers, and lastly assuring itself of the correctness of its results by a more careful and formal action, more vigilant, deliberate, severely logical which tests, rejects or confirms them according to certain secure standards and processes developed by reflection and experience. The first business of the logical reason is therefore a right, careful and complete observation of its available material and data. The first and easiest field of data open to our knowledge is the world of Nature, of the physical objects made external to it by the separative action of mind, things not ourself and therefore only indirectly knowable by an interpreting of our sense perceptions, by observation, accumulated experience, inference and reflective thinking. Another field is our own internal being and its movements which one knows naturally by an internally acting mental sense, by intuitive perception and constant experience and by reflective thought on the evidences of our nature. The reason with regard even to these inner movements acts best and knows the most correctly by detaching itself and regarding them quite impersonally and objectively, a movement which in the Yoga of knowledge ends in viewing our own active being too as not self, a mechanism of Nature like the rest of the world-existence. The knowledge of other thinking and conscious beings stands between these two fields, but is gained, too, indirectly by observation, by experience, by various means of communication and, acting on these, by reflection and inference largely founded on analogy from our knowledge of our own nature. Another field of data which the reason has to observe is its own action and the action of the whole human intelligence, for without that study it cannot be assured of the correctness of its knowledge or of right method and process. Finally, there are other fields of knowledge for which the data are not so easily available and which need the development of abnormal faculties, -- the discovery of things and ranges of existence behind the appearances of the physical world and the discovery of the secret self or principle of being of man and of Nature. The first the logical reason can attempt to deal with, accepting subject to its scrutiny whatever data become available, in the same way as it deals with the physical world, but ordinarily it is little disposed to deal with them, finding it more easy to question and deny, and its action here is seldom assured or effective. The second it usually attempts to discover by a constructive metaphysical logic founded on its analytic and synthetic observation of the phenomena of life, mind and matter.

The operation of the logical reason is the same in all these fields of its data. At first the intelligence amasses a store of observations, associations, percepts, recepts, concepts, makes a more or less obvious arrangement and classification of relations and of things according to their likenesses and differences, and works upon them by an accumulating store and a constant addition of ideas, memories, imaginations, judgments; these make up primarily the nature of activity of our knowledge. There is a kind of natural enlargement of this intelligent activity of the mind progressing by its own momentum, an evolution aided more and more by a deliberate culture, the increase of faculties gained by the culture becoming in its turn a part of the nature as they settle into a more spontaneous action, -- the result a progression not of the character and essential power of the intelligence, but of its degree of power, flexibility, variety of capacity, fineness. There is a correction of errors, an accumulating of assured ideas and judgments, a reception or formation of fresh knowledge. At the same time a necessity arises for a more precise and assured action of the intelligence which will get rid of the superficiality of this ordinary method of the intelligence, test every step, scrutinise severely every conclusion and reduce the mind's action to a well-founded system and order.

This movement develops the complete logical mind and raises to its acme the acuteness and power of the intelligence. The rougher and more superficial observation is replaced or supplemented by a scrutinising analysis of all the processes, properties, constituents, energies making up or related to the object and a synthetic construction of it as a whole which is added to or in great part substituted for the mind's natural conception of it. The object is more precisely distinguished from all others and at the same time there is a completer discovery of its relations with others. There is a fixing of sameness or likeness and kinship and also of divergences and differences resulting on one side in the perception of the fundamental unity of being and Nature and the similarity and continuity of their processes, on the other in a clear precision and classification of different energies and kinds of beings and objects. The amassing and ordering of the materials and data of knowledge are carried to perfection as far as is possible to the logical intelligence.

Memory is the indispensable aid of the mind to preserve its past observations, the memory of the individual but also of the race, whether in the artificial form of accumulated records or the general race memory preserving its gains with a sort of constant repetition and renewal and, an element not sufficiently appreciated, a latent memory that can under the pressure of various kinds of stimulation repeat under new conditions past movements of knowledge for judgment by the increased information and intelligence. The developed logical mind puts into order the action and resources of the human memory and trains it to make the utmost use of its materials. The human judgment naturally works on these materials in two ways, by a more or less rapid and summary combination of observation, inference, creative or critical conclusion, insight, immediate idea, -- this is largely an attempt of the mind to work in a spontaneous manner with the directness that can only be securely achieved by the higher faculty of the intuition, for in the mind it produces much false confidence and unreliable certitude, --and a slower but in the end intellectually surer seeking, considering and testing judgment that develops into the careful logical action.

The memory and judgment are both aided by the imagination which, as a function of knowledge, suggests possibilities not actually presented or justified by the other powers and opens the doors to fresh vistas. The developed logical intelligence uses the imagination for suggesting new discovery and hypothesis, but is careful to test its suggestions fully by observation and a sceptical or scrupulous judgment. It insists too on testing, as far as may be, all the action of the judgment itself, rejects hasty inference in favour of an ordered system of deduction and induction and makes sure of all its steps and of the justice, continuity, compatibility, cohesion of its conclusions. A too formalised logical mind discourages, but a free use of the whole action of the logical intelligence may rather heighten a certain action of immediate insight, the mind's nearest approach to the higher intuition, but it does not place on it an unqualified reliance. The endeavour of the logical reason is always by a detached, disinterested and carefully founded method to get rid of error, of prejudgment, of the mind's false confidence and arrive at reliable certitudes.

And if this elaborated method of the mind were really sufficient for truth, there would be no need of any higher step in the evolution of knowledge. In fact, it increases the mind's hold on itself and on the world around it and serves great and undeniable utilities: but it can never be sure whether its data supply it with the frame of a real knowledge or only a frame useful and necessary for the human mind and will in its own present form of action. It is more and more perceived that the knowledge of phenomena increases, but the knowledge of reality escapes this laborious process. A time must come, is already coming when the mind perceives the necessity of calling to its aid and developing fully the intuition and all the great range of powers that lie concealed behind our vague use of the word and uncertain perception of its significance. In the end it must discover that these powers can not only aid and complete but even replace its own proper action. That will be the beginning of the discovery of the supramental energy of the spirit.

The supermind, as we have seen, lifts up the action of the mental consciousness towards and into the intuition, creates an intermediate intuitive mentality insufficient in itself but greater in power than the logical intelligence, and then lifts up and transforms that too into the true supramental action. The first well-organised action of the supermind in the ascending order is the supramental reason, not a higher logical intellect, but a directly luminous organisation of intimately subjective and intimately objective knowledge, the higher buddhi, the logical or rather the logos, Vijnana. The supramental reason does all the work of the reasoning intelligence and does much more, but with a greater power and in a different fashion. It is then itself taken up into a higher range of the power of knowledge and in that too nothing is lost, but all farther heightened, enlarged in scope, transformed in power of action.

The ordinary language of the intellect is not sufficient to describe this action, for the same words have to be used, indicating a certain correspondence, but actually to connote inadequately a different thing. Thus the supermind uses a certain sense action, employing but not limited by the physical organs, a thing which is in its nature a form consciousness and a contact consciousness, but the mental idea and experience of sense can give no conception of the essential and characteristic action of this supramentalised sense consciousness. Thought too in the supramental action is a different thing from the thought of the mental intelligence. The supramental thinking is felt at its basis as a conscious contact or union or identity of the substance of being of the knower with the substance of being of the thing known and its figure of thought as the power of awareness of the self revealing through the meeting or the oneness, because carrying in itself, a certain knowledge form of the object's content, action, significance. Therefore observation, memory, judgment too mean each a different thing in the supermind from what it is in the process of the mental intelligence.

The supramental reason observes all that the intelligence observes-and much more; it makes, that is to say, the thing to be known the field of a perceptual action, in a certain way objective, that causes to emerge its nature, character, quality, action. But this is not that artificial objectivity by which the reason in its observation tries to extrude the element of personal or subjective error. The supermind sees everything in the self and its observation must therefore be subjectively objective and much nearer to, though not the same as the observation of our own internal movements regarded as an object of knowledge. It is not in the separatively personal self or by its power that it sees and therefore it has not to be on guard against the element of personal error: that interferes only while a mental substratum or environing atmosphere yet remains and can still throw in its influence or while the supermind is still acting by descent into the mind to change it. And the supramental method with error is to eliminate it, not by any other device, but by an increasing spontaneity of the supramental discrimination and a constant heightening of its own energy. The consciousness of supermind is a cosmic consciousness and it is in this self of universal consciousness, in which the individual knower lives and with which he is more or less closely united, that it holds before him the object of knowledge.

The knower is in his observation a witness and this relation would seem to imply an otherness and difference, but the point is that it is not an entirely separative difference and does not bring an excluding idea of the thing observed as completely not self, as in the mental seeing of an external object. There is always a basic feeling of oneness with the thing known, for without this oneness there can be no supramental knowledge. The knower carrying the object in his universalised self of consciousness as a thing held before his station of witness vision includes it in his own wider being. The supramental observation is of things with which we are one in the being and consciousness and are capable of knowing them even as we know ourselves by the force of that oneness: the act of observation is a movement towards bringing out the latent knowledge.

There is, then, first a fundamental unity of consciousness that is greater or less in its power, more or less completely and immediately revelatory of its contents of knowledge according to our progress and elevation and intensity of living, feeling and seeing in the supramental ranges. There is set up between the knower and the object of knowiedge, as a result of this fundamental unity, a stream or bridge of conscious connection -- one is obliged to use images, however inadequate -- and as a consequence a contact or active union enabling one to see, feel, sense supramentally what is to be known in the object or about it. Sometimes this stream or bridge of connection is not sensibly felt at the moment, only the results of the contact are noted, but it is always really there and an after memory can always make us aware that it was really all the time present: as we grow in supramentality, it becomes an abiding factor. The necessity of this stream or this bridge of connection ceases when the fundamental oneness becomes a complete active oneness. This process is the basis of what Patanjali calls samyama, a concentration, directing or dwelling of the consciousness, by which, he says, one can become aware of all that is in the object. But the necessity of concentration becomes slight or ml when the active oneness grows; the luminous consciousness of the object and its contents becomes more spontaneous, normal, facile.

There are three possible movements of this kind of supramental observation. First, the knower may project himself in consciousness on the object, feel his cognition in contact or enveloping or penetrating it and there, as it were in the object itself, become aware of what he has to know. Or be may by the contact become aware of that which is in it or belongs to it, as for example, the thought or feeling of another, coming from it and entering into himself where he stands in his station of the witness. Or he may simply know in himself by a sort of supramental cognition in his own witness station without any such projection or entrance. The starting-point and apparent basis of the observation may be the presence of the object to the physical or other senses, but to the supermind tills is not indispensable. It may be instead an inner image or simply the idea of the object. The simple will to know may bring to the supramental consciousness the needed knowledge -- or, it may be, the will to be known or communicate itself of the object of knowledge.

The elaborate process of analytical observation and synthetical construction adopted by the logical intelligence is not the method of the supermind and yet there is a corresponding action. The supermind distinguishes by a direct seeing and-without any mental process of taking to pieces the particularities of the thing, form, energy, action, quality, mind, soul that it has in view, and it sees too with an equal directness and without any process of construction the significant totality of which these particularities are the incidents. It sees also the essentiality, the Swabhava, of the thing in itself of which the totality and the particularities are the manifestation. And again it sees, whether apart from or through the essentiality or Swabhava, the one self, the one existence, consciousness, power, force of which it is the basic expression. It may be observing at the time only the particularities, but the whole is implied, and vice versa, -- as for an example, the total state of mind out of which a thought or a feeling arises, -- and the cognition may start from one or the other and proceed at once by immediate suggestion to the implied knowledge. The essentiality is similarly implied in the whole and in each or all of the particulars and there may be the same rapid or immediate alternative or alternate process. The. logic of the supermind is different from that of the mind: it sees always the self as what is, the essentiality of the thing as a fundamental expression of the being and power of the self, and the whole and particulars as a consequent manifestation of this power and its active expression. In the fullness of the supramental consciousness and cognition this is the constant order. All perception of unity, similarity, difference, kind, uniqueness arrived at by the supramental reason is consonant with and depends on this order.

This observing action of supermind applies to all things. Its view of physical objects is not and cannot be only a surface or outward view, even when concentrated on the externals. It sees the form, action, properties, but it is aware at the same time of the qualities or energies, guna, sakti, of which the form is a translation and it sees them not as an inference or deduction from the form or action, but feels and sees them directly in the being of the object and quite as vividly, -- one might say, with a subtle concreteness and fine substantiality, -- as the form or sensible action. It is aware too of the consciousness that manifests itself in quality, energy, form. It can feel, know, observe, see forces, tendencies, impulsions, things abstract to us quite as directly and vividly as tile tilings we now call visible and sensible. It observes in just the same way persons and beings. It can take as its starting-point or first indication the speech, action, outward signs, but it is not limited by or dependent on them. It can know and feel and observe the very self and consciousness of another, can either proceed to that directly through the sign or can in its more powerful action begin with it and at once instead of seeking to know the inner being through the evidence of the outer expression, understand rather all the outer expression in the light of the inner being. Even so, completely, the supramental being knows his own inner being and nature. The supermind can too act with equal power and observe with direct experience what is hidden behind the physical order; it can move in other planes than the material universe. It knows the self and reality of things by identity, by experience of oneness or contact of oneness and a vision, a seeing and realising ideation and knowledge dependent on or derived from these things, and its thought presentation of the truths of the spirit is an expression of this kind of sight and experience.

The supramental memory is different from the mental, not a storing up of past knowledge and ' experience, but an abiding presence of knowledge that can be brought forward or, more characteristically, offers itself, when it is needed: it is not dependent on attention or on conscious reception, for the things of the past not known actually or not observed can be called up from latency by an action which is yet essentially a remembrance. Especially on a certain level all knowledge presents itself as a remembering, because all is latent or inherent in the self of supermind. The future like the past presents itself to knowledge in the supermind as a memory of the preknown. The imagination transformed in the supermind acts on one side as a power of true image and symbol, always all image or index of some value or significance or other truth of being, on the other as an inspiration or interpretative seeing of possibilities and potentialities not less true than actual or realised things. These are put in their place either by an attendant intuitive or interpretative judgment or by one inherent in the vision of the image, symbol or potentiality, or by a supereminent revelation of that which is behind the image or symbol or which determines the potential and the actual and their relations and, it may be, overrides and overpasses them, imposing ultimate truths and supreme certitudes.

The supramental judgment acts inseparably from the supramental observation or memory, inherent in it as a direct seeing or cognition of values, significances, antecedents, consequences, relations, etc.; or it supervenes on the observation as a luminous disclosing idea or suggestion; or it may go before, independent of any observation, and then the object called up and observed confirms visibly the truth of the idea. But in each case it is sufficient in itself for its own purpose, is its own evidence and does not really depend for its truth on any aid or confirmation. There is a logic of the supramental reason, but its function is not to test or scrutinise, to support and prove or to detect and eliminate error. Its function is simply to link knowledge with knowledge, to discover and utilise harmonies and arrangement and relations, to organise the movement of the supramental knowledge. This it does not by any formal rule or construction of inferences but by a direct, living and immediate seeing and placing of connection and relation. All thought in the supermind is in the nature of intuition, inspiration or revelation and all deficiency of knowledge is to be supplied by a farther action of these powers; error is prevented by the action of a spontaneous and luminous discrimination; the movement is always from knowledge to knowledge. It is not rational in our sense but suprarational, -- it does sovereignly what is sought to be done stumblingly and imperfectly by the mental reason.

The ranges of knowledge above the supramental reason, taking it up and exceeding it, cannot well be described, nor is it necessary here to make the endeavour. It is sufficient to say that the process here is more sufficient, intense and large in light, imperative, instantaneous, the scope of the active knowledge larger, the way nearer to the knowledge by identity, the thought more packed with the luminous substance of self-awareness and all-vision and more evidently independent of any other inferior support or assistance.

These characteristics, it must be remembered, do not fully apply even to the strongest action of the intuitive mentality, but are there seen only in their first glimpses. Nor can they be entirely or unmixedly evident so long as supramentality is only forming with an undercurrent, a mixture or an environment of mental action. It is only when mentality is overpassed and drops away into a passive silence that there can be the full disclosure and the sovereign and integral action of the supramental gnosis.

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Wikipedia - 2013 Africa Cup of Nations knockout stage
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Wikipedia - 2014 FIFA World Cup knockout stage
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Wikipedia - Africa Cup
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Wikipedia - Aneuxanthis locupletana -- Species of moth
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Wikipedia - Breeders' Cup -- Grade I Thoroughbred horse racing
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Wikipedia - British occupation of the Faroe Islands -- 1940-1945 occupation during World War II
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Wikipedia - Bulgaria Davis Cup team -- Bulgarian national tennis team
Wikipedia - Bulgarian occupation of Serbia (World War I) -- Bulgaria military occupation of Serbia during WW1
Wikipedia - Bunbury Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Buster Cupit -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Buttercups Sanctuary for Goats -- Organization
Wikipedia - Byford Dolphin diving bell accident -- Explosive decompression of an occupied saturation chamber
Wikipedia - Cacupira -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - California Cup Juvenile Fillies Stakes -- An American thoroughbred horse race run annually at Santa Anita Park in Arcadia, California
Wikipedia - California mission clash of cultures -- Consequences of Spanish occupation to the indigenous cultures and populations
Wikipedia - Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft -- 1976 single by Klaatu
Wikipedia - Caltha palustris -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Camp Lacupolis, Minnesota -- Unincorporated community in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Camp Speicher massacre -- Massacre by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant during the occupation of Tikrit
Wikipedia - Campuses of the University of Nottingham -- Four sites occupied by the University of Nottingham
Wikipedia - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Wikipedia - Cannabis Cup
Wikipedia - Capitol Hill Occupied Protest
Wikipedia - Carbuncle Cup -- Annual architecture prize given to the ugliest building in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Castlereagh Cup -- Rugby league competition
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC women by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Australian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Buddhist religious occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Business occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Combat occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Combat support occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Companies based in Cupertino, California
Wikipedia - Category:Computer occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Croatian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Education and training occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Engineering occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Health care occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Humanities occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Islamic legal occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Jewish religious occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of American people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Armenian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Austrian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Azerbaijani people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Brazilian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of British people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Chinese people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Estonian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of fictional characters by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Finnish people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of French people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of German people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Greek people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Icelandic people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Iranian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Israeli people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Italian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Korean people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Lithuanian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of New Zealand people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Nigerian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Pakistani people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of people by filmmaking occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of people by nationality and occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of people by occupation and nationality
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of people by second occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Romanian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Russian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Scottish people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Slovenian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Swedish people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of women by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Management occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematical science occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Military supporting service occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Norwegian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Obsolete occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Occupational diseases
Wikipedia - Category:Occupational health psychology
Wikipedia - Category:Occupational safety and health journals
Wikipedia - Category:Occupational safety and health organizations
Wikipedia - Category:Occupational safety and health
Wikipedia - Category:Occupational surnames
Wikipedia - Category:Occupation of Smyrna
Wikipedia - Category:Occupations by type
Wikipedia - Category:Occupations in literature
Wikipedia - Category:Occupation stubs
Wikipedia - Category:Occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Occupy movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Category:People by occupations
Wikipedia - Category:People by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:People from Cupertino, California
Wikipedia - Category:People in history occupations
Wikipedia - Category:People of medieval Islam by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Religious occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Serbian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:South African people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category talk:Lists of people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Titles and occupations in Hinduism
Wikipedia - Category:Underwater occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Women by occupation
Wikipedia - Certificate of occupancy -- Document issued by a government authority, usually from the local government, certifying that a property is fit for a specific use in accordance with the applicable regulations.
Wikipedia - CEV Challenge Cup -- Annual European third-tier level volleyball competition
Wikipedia - Chafe-wax -- Archaic English occupation
Wikipedia - Chalice (cup)
Wikipedia - Charles Cuprill Oppenheimer -- Puerto Rican United States Army general
Wikipedia - Cheltenham Gold Cup -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Chersotis cuprea -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Chess World Cup
Wikipedia - Chester Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Chikara Young Lions Cup -- Professional wrestling chamionship
Wikipedia - Christmas Cupid -- 2010 television film directed by Gil Junger
Wikipedia - Chronology of Stanley Cup engravings -- Order in which the Stanley Cup received each of its engravings
Wikipedia - Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses -- Painting by John William Waterhouse
Wikipedia - Claire Cupples -- Canadian microbiologist
Wikipedia - Claudio Cupellini -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Clematis alpina -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis aristata -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis armandii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis brachiata -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis chrysocoma -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis cirrhosa -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis coactilis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis crispa -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis cunninghamii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis drummondii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis flammula -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis fremontii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis gouriana -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis hedysarifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis hirsutissima -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis horripilata -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis integrifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis lanuginosa -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis lasiantha -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis ligusticifolia -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis linearifolia -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis mandshurica -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis marmoraria -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis microphylla -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis morefieldii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis napaulensis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis occidentalis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis ochroleuca -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis orientalis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis paniculata -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis pauciflora -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis pitcheri -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis pubescens -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis recta -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis smilacifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis socialis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis terniflora -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis texensis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis versicolor -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis viorna -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis virginiana -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis vitalba -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis viticaulis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis viticella -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis -- A genus of climbing perennial flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis zeylanica -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Cnephasia cupressivorana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coalition of Women for Peace -- Israeli-Palestinian anti-occupation organization
Wikipedia - Code of practice -- A set of written rules which specifies how people working in a particular occupation should behave
Wikipedia - Coffee cupping -- Practice of observing the tastes and aromas of brewed coffee
Wikipedia - Colchicum cupanii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Coleophora cuprariella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora fuscocuprella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora parvicuprella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Comancheria -- Former region of the US Southwest occupied by the Comanche people
Wikipedia - Combat search and rescue -- Military personnel recovery from battlefield and enemy occupied areas
Wikipedia - Come Fill the Cup -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Commonwealth Cup (horse race) -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Communion cup
Wikipedia - Concupiscence
Wikipedia - Conquest of California -- Early military operation of the Mexican-American War where the United States was able to occupy and eventually annex Alta California
Wikipedia - Control banding -- Qualitative or semi-quantitative risk assessment and management approach to promoting occupational health and safety
Wikipedia - Coral Cup -- Hurdle horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Cornell Cup USA
Wikipedia - Cornwall Super Cup -- English Rugby Union club competition
Wikipedia - Coronation Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Corporation sole -- legal entity consisting of a single incorporated office, occupied by a single person
Wikipedia - Cortinarius pseudocupreorufus -- Species of fungus
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic in South Ossetia -- Details of ongoing viral pandemic in Georgian occupied Region of South Ossetia
Wikipedia - Crayons (song) -- Song by American rapper Cupcakke
Wikipedia - Credenza -- Dining room sideboard cupboard
Wikipedia - Croatian Water Polo Cup -- Water polo competition in Croatia
Wikipedia - Crockett Cup (2019) -- National Wrestling Alliance and Ring of Honor event
Wikipedia - Crockett Cup (2020) -- National Wrestling Alliance professional wrestling show
Wikipedia - Cryptomeria -- Species of conifer in the family Cupressaceae
Wikipedia - Cuba Davis Cup team -- National tennis team
Wikipedia - Cucuphas
Wikipedia - Cup-and-ball -- Traditional children's toy
Wikipedia - Cup and ring mark -- Form of prehistoric art
Wikipedia - Cup and Saucer Creek -- Creek in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Cupanoscelis -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cupboard Love
Wikipedia - Cupcake > Dino: General Services
Wikipedia - Cupcake -- small cake for one person
Wikipedia - Cupcakke -- American rapper
Wikipedia - CUPE 3902 -- Canadian labour union
Wikipedia - Cupedia cupediella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cupedidae -- Family of beetles
Wikipedia - Cupellation
Wikipedia - Cupertino, California
Wikipedia - Cupertino effect -- Tendency of a spell checker to suggest or autocorrect with inappropriate words to replace misspelled words and words not in its dictionary
Wikipedia - Cupertino
Wikipedia - Cupes -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cupeyalia subterranea -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cupeyes River -- River of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cupey, San Juan, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cupey station -- Rail station of the Tren Urbano system in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cupeyville School -- Co-educational college preparatory institution located in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cuphead (character) -- Video Game Character
Wikipedia - Cuphead -- 2017 run and gun video game
Wikipedia - Cuphea hyssopifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Lythraceae
Wikipedia - Cuphea -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Lythraceae
Wikipedia - Cup holder -- Device to hold a cup or other drinking vessel
Wikipedia - Cupid (2009 TV series) -- 2009 TV series
Wikipedia - Cupid and Death -- Play
Wikipedia - Cupid and Psyche
Wikipedia - Cupid Angling -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Cupid Crowned by Psyche -- Painting by Jean-Baptiste Greuze
Wikipedia - Cupid Forecloses -- 1919 silent film by David Smith
Wikipedia - Cupid in a Dental Parlor -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Cupid in Clover -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Cupid (moon) -- moon of Uranus
Wikipedia - Cupido (song) -- 2013 single by Ivy Queen
Wikipedia - Cupid's Chokehold -- 2005 single by Gym Class Heroes
Wikipedia - Cupid's Fireman -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Cupid's Mistake -- 2001 film by Young Man Kang
Wikipedia - Cupid's Revenge
Wikipedia - Cupid's Rival -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Cupid's Round Up -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Cupid's Rustler -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Cupid's Target -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Cupidstown Hill -- Hill in Kildare, Ireland
Wikipedia - Cupid the Cowpuncher -- 1920 film by Clarence G. Badger
Wikipedia - Cupid Untying the Zone of Venus -- painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds
Wikipedia - Cupid -- Ancient Roman god of desire, affection and erotic love
Wikipedia - Cupillari Observatory -- Astronomical observatory in La Plume, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Cupimus Imprimis
Wikipedia - CupNoodles Museum Osaka Ikeda -- Science museum dedicated to instant noodles
Wikipedia - Cup of Jamshid -- Cup of divination in Persian mythology
Wikipedia - Cupola (geometry)
Wikipedia - Cupola -- Dome-like architectural structure
Wikipedia - Cuppers
Wikipedia - Cupples & Leon -- US publisher
Wikipedia - Cupra Marittima -- municipality in Marche, Italy
Wikipedia - Cupramontana -- municipality in Marche, Italy
Wikipedia - Cupressus dupreziana -- Species of conifer in the family Cupressaceae
Wikipedia - Cupressus lusitanica -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Cuprian Macarencu -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Cupriavidus-1 RNA motif -- Conserved non-coding RNA structure
Wikipedia - Cupriscobina -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cupronickel -- Alloy of copper that contains nickel
Wikipedia - Cups and balls -- Magic illusion trick
Wikipedia - Cups (song) -- 2013 single by Anna Kendrick
Wikipedia - Cupstone -- Lithic artifact
Wikipedia - Cupuliferoidaepollenites -- Genus of cretaceous angiosperms (fossil)
Wikipedia - Cup -- Vessel for liquids
Wikipedia - Currie Cup -- South Africa's premier domestic rugby union competition
Wikipedia - CzM-DM-^Ystochowa Ghetto uprising -- Insurrection against German occupational forces
Wikipedia - Dacrydium cupressinum -- Species of evergreen tree
Wikipedia - Dan Vickerman Cup -- Rugby Union match between ACT Brumbies and NSW Waratahs
Wikipedia - Davis Cup -- Annual international team competition in men's tennis
Wikipedia - DCUP -- Australian electronic music producer
Wikipedia - Dead mall -- Shopping center with low occupancy
Wikipedia - Deadwing -- 2005 album by Porcupine Tree
Wikipedia - Deans' Cup
Wikipedia - December Gold Cup -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Declarations of State Land in the West Bank -- Designating occupied territory as "state land"
Wikipedia - Decompression chamber -- Hyperbaric pressure vessel for human occupation used in diving operations to decompress divers
Wikipedia - Defeat of Boudica -- Battle that took place in Roman-occupied Britain in AD 60 or 61
Wikipedia - Defence of the Reich -- Strategic defensive aerial campaign fought by the Luftwaffe over German-occupied Europe and Germany itself during World War II
Wikipedia - Del cuple al tango -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Delphinium -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - De Morbis Artificum Diatriba -- The first book written specifically about occupational illness
Wikipedia - Denmark Davis Cup team -- Danish national tennis team
Wikipedia - Denmark in World War II -- German military occupation of Denmark during World War II
Wikipedia - Density of states -- Describes the number of states per interval of energy at each energy level available to be occupied in a system
Wikipedia - Dentist -- Healthcare occupations caring for the mouth and teeth
Wikipedia - Diabolo -- Juggling prop consisting of an axle and two cups or discs
Wikipedia - Diamella cupreomicans -- Species of Asian beetle
Wikipedia - Dictionary of Occupational Titles
Wikipedia - Dionysus Cup -- Kylix made by potter-painter Exekias; one of the most famous pieces of ancient Greek vase painting
Wikipedia - Discounts (song) -- 2020 single by Cupcakke
Wikipedia - Disposable cup -- Drinking cup intended for a single use
Wikipedia - Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire -- 1908-1922 breakup, occupation and replacement of the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Distocupes -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Diving chamber -- Hyperbaric pressure vessel for human occupation used in diving operations
Wikipedia - DJ Cuppy -- Nigerian Disc Jockey and Record Producer
Wikipedia - Doina Precup -- Romanian researcher of artificial intelligence
Wikipedia - Doncaster Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Don Cupitt
Wikipedia - Doonside Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Draft:2021 WAFU Cup of Nations -- WAFU Cup of Nations 2021
Wikipedia - Draft:2022 OFC Nations Cup -- The 9th edition of the OFC
Wikipedia - Draft:Insulosity -- The percentage of a lake's surface area that is occupied by islands
Wikipedia - Draft:List of 2020 Mitre 10 Cup transfers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Draft:List of OFC Nations Cup goalscorers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Drancy internment camp -- Internment camp for Jews in occupied France during World War II
Wikipedia - Dubai Duty Free Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Eccup Reservoir -- Reservoir in West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Eccup -- Village in West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - ECupid -- American romantic comedy film directed by J.C. Calciano
Wikipedia - Edwin Clayton Link -- Occupant of manned sumersible who died in the Johnson Sea Link accident
Wikipedia - Egypt Davis Cup team -- Egyptian national tennis team
Wikipedia - Eight Immortals of the Wine Cup
Wikipedia - Eight of Cups
Wikipedia - Electroacupuncture -- Form of acupuncture
Wikipedia - Electronic entropy -- The entropy of a system attributable to electrons' probabilistic occupation of states
Wikipedia - Electronics technician (armed forces) -- An occupation in the armed forces of various countries
Wikipedia - Ellipsoidal dome -- Has a bottom cross-section which is a circle, but has a cupola whose curve is an ellipse
Wikipedia - El Monte Busway -- Shared-use express bus corridor and high occupancy toll lanes running along Interstate 10 in the Los Angeles area.
Wikipedia - Emek Tzurim National Park -- Israeli national park located in occupied East Jerusalem
Wikipedia - Empire City Gold Cup -- Defunct American Thoroughbred horse race
Wikipedia - Eochrois cuphosema -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Episcia cupreata -- Species of perennial plant in the family Gesneriaceae that is found in Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela
Wikipedia - Eranthis -- genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Eriocapitella hupehensis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Eriocapitella rupicola -- Species of flowering plant in buttercup family
Wikipedia - Ernest Cupidon -- Jamaican comedian and actor
Wikipedia - Esher Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Ethmia cupreonivella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euphorbia cupularis -- species of plant in the family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Eupithecia cupreata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia cupressata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology
Wikipedia - European Champions' Cup (bridge) -- European bridge card competition
Wikipedia - European Cup and UEFA Champions League records and statistics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Exocarpos cupressiformis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Exposure assessment -- A branch of environmental science and occupational hygiene
Wikipedia - Factory occupations
Wikipedia - FA Cup semi-finals -- Phase in the FA Cup
Wikipedia - Fairy cup legend -- Folk tales
Wikipedia - Fear of a Blank Planet -- 2007 album by Porcupine Tree
Wikipedia - Felix Mann -- German-born acupuncturist (1931-2014)
Wikipedia - Fermi energy -- Concept in quantum mechanics referring to the energy difference between the highest and lowest occupied single-particle states in a quantum system of non-interacting fermions at absolute zero temperature
Wikipedia - Fernando Carcupino -- Italian artist
Wikipedia - Ficaria verna -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Ficaria -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - FIFA World Cup
Wikipedia - First Intifada -- 1987-1993 Palestinian protests against Israeli occupation
Wikipedia - FIS Cross-Country Balkan Cup -- Series of cross-country skiing event in Europe
Wikipedia - FIS Cross-Country Eastern Europe Cup -- Series of cross-country skiing event in Eastern Europe
Wikipedia - FIS Cross-Country Far East Cup -- Series of cross-country skiing event in Asia
Wikipedia - FIS Cross-Country Nor-Am Cup -- Series of cross-country skiing event in Canada
Wikipedia - FIS Cross-Country Slavic Cup -- Series of cross-country skiing event in Europe
Wikipedia - FIS Ski Jumping Alpen Cup -- Annual ski jumping competition in the Alps
Wikipedia - Five of Cups
Wikipedia - Five years plan to governing aborigines -- Military plan to submit the Taiwanese aboriginals to Japanese occupation
Wikipedia - Food in occupied Germany -- Overview of the food supply policies in occupied Germany
Wikipedia - Forced labour under German rule during World War II -- use of unfree labour in Nazi Germany and throughout German-occupied Europe during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Four Chords That Made a Million -- 2000 single by Porcupine Tree
Wikipedia - Four occupations
Wikipedia - Four of Cups
Wikipedia - Francois Cupis de Renoussard -- French musician and composer
Wikipedia - French Resistance -- Collection of French resistance movements that fought against the Nazi German occupation of France and against the collaborationist Vichy regime
Wikipedia - Fujitsu Cup
Wikipedia - Fulke Walwyn Kim Muir Challenge Cup -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Fuscicupes -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Gael Linn Cup 1966 -- 1966 Camogie competition
Wikipedia - Gael Linn Cup -- Biennial inter-provincial camogie competition in Ireland
Wikipedia - Gary Kielhofner -- occupational therapy theorist
Wikipedia - General Government -- German-occupied zone in Poland in World War II
Wikipedia - Geography Cup -- An online, international competition between the United States and the United Kingdom, with the aim of determining which nation collectively knows more about geography
Wikipedia - Georgia Davis Cup team -- Georgian national tennis team
Wikipedia - Georgia Winkcup -- Australian athlete
Wikipedia - Geraldton Gold Cup -- Unlisted Thoroughbred horse race
Wikipedia - German evacuation from Central and Eastern Europe -- Population transfer from Nazi-occupied areas
Wikipedia - German military administration in occupied France during World War II -- Interim occupation authority established by Nazi Germany during World War II
Wikipedia - German occupation of Belgium during World War II -- Occupation of Belgium during World War II
Wikipedia - German occupation of Czechoslovakia
Wikipedia - German occupation of France during World War II
Wikipedia - German occupation of Luxembourg during World War I -- Military occupation, 1914-1918
Wikipedia - German occupation of Norway -- Nazi occupation of Norway during World War II
Wikipedia - Getabako -- Japanese shoe cupboard
Wikipedia - Gibraltar Intermediate Cup -- knock-out soccer cup for under-23 sides in Gibraltar
Wikipedia - Glassblower's cataract -- Form of cataract due to an occupational exposure
Wikipedia - Glencairn whisky glass -- Style of drinking cup
Wikipedia - Goguryeo -- Ancient Korean kingdom that occupies land in present-day North Korea, China, Mongolia and Russia.
Wikipedia - Goodwill ambassador -- Occupation (position) and/or honorific title of a person who advocates for a specific cause or global issue on the basis of their notability or social status as a public figure or delegated representative
Wikipedia - Goodwood Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Gordon Bennett Cup (ballooning)
Wikipedia - Grand Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Grand Military Gold Cup -- Steeplechase horse race for amateur riders in Britain
Wikipedia - Greatwood Gold Cup -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Guksi -- Traditional drinking cup
Wikipedia - Guy Hartcup
Wikipedia - H-1B visa -- Visa category applies to people who wish to perform services in a specialty occupation, services of exceptional merit and ability
Wikipedia - Haenyeo -- Female occupational divers in the Korean province of Jeju
Wikipedia - Haldon Gold Cup -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Hamat Gader -- Human settlement in Israeli-occupied territory
Wikipedia - Hans Frank -- German war criminal in Nazi-occupied Poland
Wikipedia - Harbor Transitway -- Shared-use express bus corridor and high occupancy toll lanes running along Interstate 110 in the Los Angeles area.
Wikipedia - Hatim al-Tai -- Altaie name comes from an Arab trib TAYY which means sets a foot or occupy,Hatim Altaie.
Wikipedia - Haydock Sprint Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Heimatvertriebene -- Germans who fled or were expelled from territory annexed or occupied by the Soviet Union after World War II
Wikipedia - Hellebore -- genus of flowering plants belonging to the buttercup family and comprising poisonous species and members popular for horticulture
Wikipedia - Hepatica -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Her Bitter Cup -- 1916 film by Cleo Madison
Wikipedia - Hermunduri -- Germanic tribe, who occupied an inland area near the Elbe river (first to third centuries AD)
Wikipedia - Hiccup -- Involuntary contraction of the diaphragm
Wikipedia - High-occupancy toll lane -- Traffic lane or roadway on which high-occupancy vehicles are exempt from tolls
Wikipedia - High-occupancy vehicle lane -- Restricted traffic lane
Wikipedia - Highways England traffic officers -- UK road transport occupation
Wikipedia - Hillsborough disaster -- Human crush during the 1989 FA Cup semi-final
Wikipedia - HMS Porcupine (1895) -- Janus-class destroyer
Wikipedia - Hole in one -- In golf, the occasion when a ball hit from a tee finishes in the cup
Wikipedia - Holy Grail -- Cup, dish or stone with miraculous powers, important motif in Arthurian literature
Wikipedia - Home invasion -- Illegal and forceful entry to an occupied, private dwelling intending to commit a violent crime against the occupants
Wikipedia - Homestead High School (Cupertino, California)
Wikipedia - Honduras Davis Cup team -- National tennis team
Wikipedia - Hostess CupCake -- American snack cake brand
Wikipedia - Housewife -- Married family member whose main occupation is running or managing the family's home
Wikipedia - Iaso -- Greek goddess of recuperation from illness
Wikipedia - Iceland Fed Cup team -- National tennis team
Wikipedia - Icupima -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Idee fixe (psychology) -- An idea that preoccupies an individual and that he is unwilling to give up despite evidence to the contrary
Wikipedia - Imagine Cup
Wikipedia - Imperial Cup -- Hurdle horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Indonesian occupation of East Timor -- Military occupation
Wikipedia - Industrial change in occupied Japan
Wikipedia - Information technology specialist (military) -- Military occupation and Information Technology Specialists
Wikipedia - Institute of Occupational Medicine
Wikipedia - Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, Metropolitan Campus -- University in Cupey, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - International America's Cup Class -- Class of racing yacht that was developed for the America's Cup between 1992 and 2007
Wikipedia - International Commission on Occupational Health
Wikipedia - International Standard Classification of Occupations -- International Labour Organization standard for job names
Wikipedia - Iridomyrmex cupreus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Irish Senior Cup (cricket) -- Fifty-over cricket competition
Wikipedia - Isa Khan Safavi -- 17th century Safavid prince who occupied high offices under Shah Abbas I
Wikipedia - Isopsestis cuprina -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Israeli expropriation of Palestinian springs in the West Bank -- The expropriation of springs in the Israeli-occupied West Bank
Wikipedia - Israeli occupation of Sinai -- 1967-1982 military occupation of part of eastern Egypt
Wikipedia - Israeli occupation of Southern Lebanon -- Military occupation
Wikipedia - Israeli occupation of the West Bank -- 1967-present military occupation of the West Bank by Israel
Wikipedia - Israeli-occupied territories -- Territories occupied by Israel in 1967 and 1982 wars
Wikipedia - Israeli permit system in the West Bank -- Regime of permits for Palestinian residents in the Israeli-occupied West Bank
Wikipedia - Israeli settlement -- Jewish civilian community built by Israel on lands occupied since the 1967 Six-Day War
Wikipedia - Italian occupation of France -- Occupation of France by Italian Fascist Regime
Wikipedia - Italian occupation of Majorca -- Fascist Italian control of the island of Majorca during the Spanish Civil War.
Wikipedia - Jacky Cupit -- American professional golfer
Wikipedia - Jamaica Davis Cup team -- National tennis team
Wikipedia - James Tin Yau So -- Acupuncturist
Wikipedia - January Uprising -- Polish uprising against occupying Russian Empire in the 19th century
Wikipedia - Japanese occupation of Cambodia -- Military occupation of Cambodia by the Empire of Japan
Wikipedia - Japanese occupation of Hong Kong -- 3.7-year occupation of Hong Kong during World War II by the Japanese Empire
Wikipedia - Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies -- Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies during World War II, 1942-1945
Wikipedia - Japanese occupation of the Gilbert Islands -- Period in the history of Kiribati
Wikipedia - Japanese occupation of the Philippines -- 1942-1945 Japanese occupation of the Philippines during WWII
Wikipedia - Japanese occupation of the Solomon Islands -- Period in the history of the Solomon Islands
Wikipedia - Jazz (design) -- 1990s design featured on disposable cups
Wikipedia - Jennifer Mee -- Hiccup girl
Wikipedia - Jerusalem Walls-City of David National Park -- Israeli national park located in occupied East Jerusalem
Wikipedia - Jewish ghettos in German-occupied Poland
Wikipedia - Jewish resistance in German-occupied Europe -- Various forms of resistance conducted by Jews against Nazi occupation regimes
Wikipedia - Joey Cupido -- Canadian professional lacrosse player
Wikipedia - John Seddon -- British occupational psychologist
Wikipedia - John Smith's Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - John Smith's Silver Cup Stakes -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Joseph of Cupertino -- Christian saint
Wikipedia - Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Wikipedia - Judenrat -- "Jewish councils" in Nazi-occupied territories
Wikipedia - July Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Juniperus communis -- species of conifer in the cypress family Cupressaceae
Wikipedia - Juniperus virginiana -- Species of conifer in the cypress family Cupressaceae
Wikipedia - Juukan Gorge -- Gorge in Western Australia, known as a site of continuous human occupation for 46,000 years.
Wikipedia - Kalahari Craton -- old and stable part of the continental lithosphere, that occupies large portions of South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe
Wikipedia - Kapala -- Cup made from a human skull used as a ritual implement
Wikipedia - KCA President's Cup T20 -- Twenty20 cricket league in India
Wikipedia - Kendama -- Japanese cup and ball game
Wikipedia - KILI -- Lakota radio station in Porcupine, South Dakota
Wikipedia - Kingdom of Navarre -- Medieval Basque kingdom that occupied the lands around the western Pyrenees
Wikipedia - King George V Cup -- Flat horse race in Ireland
Wikipedia - King of Cups
Wikipedia - King of Europe Cup -- European professional wrestling event
Wikipedia - Kissing Cup's Race (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Kissing Cup's Race (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - KKUP -- Community radio station in Cupertino, California
Wikipedia - Knight of Cups (film) -- 2015 film by Terrence Malick
Wikipedia - Knight of Cups
Wikipedia - Knowledge of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe -- To what extent the Holocaust was known contemporaneously
Wikipedia - Kolkata Police Friendship Cup Football Tournament
Wikipedia - Korea under Japanese rule -- Japanese occupation of Korea from 1910-1945
Wikipedia - Kris Cuppens -- Belgian actor
Wikipedia - Kylix (drinking cup)
Wikipedia - Kylix -- Ancient Greek or Etruscan drinking cup
Wikipedia - Leagues Cup -- Eight-team soccer competition between MLS and Liga MX teams
Wikipedia - Lebanese Women's FA Cup -- Lebanese women's top cup competition
Wikipedia - Lebanon Davis Cup team -- Lebanese national tennis team
Wikipedia - Leeanne Carey -- Australian occupational therapist and neuroscientist
Wikipedia - Legacy Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Le Juif et la France -- Anti-Semitic propaganda exhibition in German-occupied France
Wikipedia - LinkedIn -- Social networking website for people in professional occupations
Wikipedia - Lipton Invitational Cup -- high school sports league
Wikipedia - List of acupuncture points -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of administrators of Allied-occupied Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of administrators of Allied-occupied Germany -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Africa Cup of Nations hat-tricks -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of African Cup and CAF Champions League finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of African Cup Winners' Cup finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Africa Women Cup of Nations hat-tricks -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Algerian Cup winning managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American Arnold Palmer Cup golfers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American Curtis Cup golfers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American Presidents Cup golfers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American Ryder Cup golfers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American Solheim Cup golfers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American Stanley Cup Finals television announcers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American Walker Cup golfers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arab Club Champions Cup finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Argentina Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Argentina Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of artistic occupations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asia Cup centuries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asia Cup five-wicket hauls -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asia Cup Twenty20 International cricket records -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Australia Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Australia Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Austria Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Austria Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Belarus Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Belgian Cup winning managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Belgium Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bianchi Cup champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of blues musicians -- Wikipedia list of persons by occupation
Wikipedia - List of Brazil Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Breeders' Cup broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bulgarian Cup finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of CAF Confederation Cup finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of CAF Cup finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Calder Cup champions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Canada Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Canada Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Canadian Stanley Cup Finals television announcers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Can-Am Challenge Cup circuits -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Challenge Cup finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chile Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of China Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of clarinetists -- Wikipedia list of persons by occupation
Wikipedia - List of Colombia Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of computer occupations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of CONCACAF Champions' Cup and Champions League finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cricket World Cup finals
Wikipedia - List of Croatia Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cupcake Wars episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Czech Republic Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of dance occupations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Davis Cup champions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Denmark Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ecuador Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of EFL Cup broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of EFL Cup finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of EuroCup broadcasters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of European Cup and EHF Champions League top scorers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of European Cup and EHF Champions League winning players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of European Cup and UEFA Champions League finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of European Cup and UEFA Champions League winning managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of European Cup and UEFA Champions League winning players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of European Cup, Euroleague and LEN Champions League winning players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of European Rugby Champions Cup finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of European Ryder Cup golfers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of European Solheim Cup golfers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of European Touring Car Cup drivers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FA Amateur Cup finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FA Cup broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FA Cup Finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FA Cup winning managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FIFA Confederations Cup finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FIFA Confederations Cup hat-tricks -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of film and television occupations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of films about the Czech resistance to Nazi occupation -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Finland Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of France Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of France Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Germany Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Great Britain and Ireland Curtis Cup golfers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Great Britain and Ireland Walker Cup golfers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Great Britain Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Great Britain Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Grey Cup broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Grey Cup champions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Grey Cup halftime shows -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Grey Cup-winning head coaches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hazfi Cup winning managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of healthcare occupations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of hip hop musicians -- Wikipedia list of persons by occupation
Wikipedia - List of Hungary Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hungary Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ICC Cricket World Cup finals
Wikipedia - List of India Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Indonesia Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of industrial occupations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Intercontinental Cup winning managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of International Arnold Palmer Cup golfers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of International Presidents Cup golfers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ireland Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Israel Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Israel Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Israel State Cup winners -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Italy Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Italy Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Japan Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Japan Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of jazz bassists -- Wikipedia list of persons by occupation
Wikipedia - List of jazz guitarists -- Wikipedia list of persons by occupation
Wikipedia - List of jazz musicians -- Wikipedia list of persons by occupation
Wikipedia - List of jazz pianists -- Wikipedia list of persons by occupation
Wikipedia - List of jazz saxophonists -- Wikipedia list of persons by occupation
Wikipedia - List of jazz trombonists -- Wikipedia list of persons by occupation
Wikipedia - List of jazz trumpeters -- Wikipedia list of persons by occupation
Wikipedia - List of jazz vibraphonists -- Wikipedia list of persons by occupation
Wikipedia - List of jazz violinists -- Wikipedia list of persons by occupation
Wikipedia - List of jazz vocalists -- Wikipedia list of persons by occupation
Wikipedia - List of Kazakhstan Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kosovo Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of land occupations in South Africa -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of medalists at the UEG European Cup Final -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Memorial Cup champions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mental health occupations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of metalworking occupations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mexico Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of military occupations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MLS Cup broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MLS Cup referees -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MLS Cup winning head coaches -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Montenegro Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Morocco Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Netherlands Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Netherlands Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New Zealand Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of non-League clubs in the Fifth Round of the FA Cup since 1945 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of occupational health and safety awards -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of occupational safety and health agencies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Occupy movement protest locations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of patron saints by occupation and activity
Wikipedia - List of people by occupation
Wikipedia - List of Peru Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of photographers -- Wikipedia list of persons by occupation
Wikipedia - List of Poland Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Poland Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Portugal Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents Cup broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of prisoner-of-war camps in Allied-occupied Germany -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Queensland Cup records -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of railway industry occupations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Romania Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Russia Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Russia Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ryder Cup broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ryder Cup matches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ryder Cup records -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scientific occupations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scottish Cup finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scottish Cup winning managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scottish League Cup finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scottish League Cup winning managers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Serbia Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sewing occupations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovakia Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovakia Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenia Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of South Africa Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of South Africa Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of South Korea Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Spain Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Spain Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Stanley Cup challenge games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Stanley Cup champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Stanley Cup Finals officials -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Stanley Cup Finals overtime series winners -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Stanley Cup playoffs broadcasters (Original Six era) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sufi singers -- Wikipedia list of persons by occupation
Wikipedia - List of Svenska Cupen finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sweden Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sweden Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Switzerland Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Switzerland Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of territories occupied by Imperial Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tunisian Cup finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UEFA Cup and Europa League finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UEFA Cup and Europa League top scorers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UEFA Cup and Europa League winning managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UEFA Cup and Europa League winning players -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UEFA Cup Winners' Cup finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UEFA Cup Winners' Cup top scorers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UEFA Cup Winners' Cup winning managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UEFA Intertoto Cup winners -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UEFA Intertoto Cup winning managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UEFA Super Cup broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UEFA Super Cup matches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UEFA Super Cup winning managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UEFA Women's Cup and Women's Champions League finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UEFA Women's Cup and Women's Champions League winning managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wanderers F.C. FA Cup-winning players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Welsh Cup finals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of World Touring Car Cup drivers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of writing occupations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of yacht clubs that have competed for the America's Cup -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Yugoslav Cup winning managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Zimbabwe Davis Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of occupations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of people by occupation -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lithocupes -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Lithuania Davis Cup team -- Lithuanian national tennis team
Wikipedia - Liyuexing Cup -- Defunct Go competition
Wikipedia - Logan Cup -- Domestic first-class cricket competition in Zimbabwe
Wikipedia - Lonsdale Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Lorenzo Scupoli
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Times Women of the Year Silver Cup -- Defunct newspaper award
Wikipedia - Loving cup -- Shared drinking container traditionally used at weddings and banquets
Wikipedia - Luxembourg Fed Cup team -- Luxembourgisch national women's tennis team
Wikipedia - MacUpdate
Wikipedia - Manual scavenging -- A term used mainly in India for an occupation involving the manual removal of excreta from bucket toilets and the like
Wikipedia - Marine chemist -- Environmental, occupational safety and health professional
Wikipedia - Mars and Venus with Cupid and a Dog -- Painting by Paolo Veronese
Wikipedia - Mary Ellen Cuper -- Australian telegraphist
Wikipedia - Master builder (occupation)
Wikipedia - McCalmont Cup -- Irish greyhound race
Wikipedia - Measuring cup
Wikipedia - Megachile cupreohirta -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - M-EM-;agiew -- Jewish group collaborating with the German occupation of Poland
Wikipedia - M-EM-^AodM-EM-: Ghetto -- Second-largest ghetto in German-occupied Europe during World War II
Wikipedia - Memorial for Victims of the German Occupation -- Monument in Budapest, Hungary
Wikipedia - Menstrual cup -- feminine hygiene device worn inside the vagina during menstruation
Wikipedia - Metricup, Western Australia -- place in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Michel Pietracupa -- Canadian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Microblepsis cupreogrisea -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Mikolaj Zlotnicki -- King's Cup-Bearer of the Crown
Wikipedia - Military occupation
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 1996 -- Inaugural edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 1997 -- 1997 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 1998 -- 1998 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 1999 -- 1999 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2000 -- 2000 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2001 -- 2001 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2002 -- 2002 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2003 -- 2003 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2004 -- 2004 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2005 -- 2005 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2006 -- 2006 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2007 -- 2007 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2008 -- 2008 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2009 -- 2009 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2010 -- 2010 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2011 -- 2011 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2012 -- 2012 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2013 -- 2013 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2014 -- 2014 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2015 -- 2015 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2016 -- 2016 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2017 -- 2017 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2018 -- 2018 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2019 -- 2019 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - MLS Cup 2020 -- 2020 edition of the MLS Cup
Wikipedia - Molar volume -- Volume occupied by a given amount of particles of a substance
Wikipedia - Mompha locupletella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Monika Puskeppeleit -- German occupational heath physician
Wikipedia - Monospaced font -- Font whose characters occupy the same amount of horizontal space
Wikipedia - Moonee Valley Gold Cup -- Moonee Valley Racing Club Group 2 Thoroughbred horse race
Wikipedia - Moroccan settlers -- Settler population in the occupied portion of Western Sahara
Wikipedia - Morocco Davis Cup team -- Moroccan national tennis team
Wikipedia - MTN 8 -- South African soccer cup competition
Wikipedia - Mug -- Type of cup
Wikipedia - N95 respirator -- Particulate respirator that meets the N95 standard of the United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Wikipedia - NACDA Directors' Cup -- Athletics award for collegiate teams
Wikipedia - Narcissistic personality disorder -- Personality disorder that involves an excessive preoccupation with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity.
Wikipedia - National Hunt Chase Challenge Cup -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health -- US federal government agency for preventing work-related health and safety problems
Wikipedia - Nazi occupation of Poland
Wikipedia - NCU Challenge Cup -- Provincial cricket competition on the island of Ireland
Wikipedia - NCU Junior Cup -- Provincial cricket competition on the island of Ireland
Wikipedia - Nemophora cupriacella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Nestor's Cup (Pithekoussai) -- Eighth century BC wine cup
Wikipedia - Newbury Spring Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - New Zealand Davis Cup team -- Tennis team representing New Zealand
Wikipedia - NHK Cup (shogi)
Wikipedia - Nicky Rackard Cup -- Hurling cup competition
Wikipedia - Nigella -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Nine of Cups
Wikipedia - Normandy landings -- First day of the Allied invasion of France in Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II
Wikipedia - North American porcupine -- Species of rodent
Wikipedia - North West Senior Cup (cricket) -- Provincial cricket competition in Ireland
Wikipedia - Norway Davis Cup team -- Norwegian national tennis team
Wikipedia - Norwegian resistance movement -- Resistance to German occupation in WWII
Wikipedia - Notocupoides -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - November Uprising -- Polish-Lithuanian uprising against occupying Russian Empire in 1830-1831
Wikipedia - Nursing in Hong Kong -- Details on the licensed professional occupation
Wikipedia - Oberstdorf International Mixed Doubles Cup -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - Occupancy-abundance relationship -- Ecological relationship between species' range sizes and abundance
Wikipedia - Occupational accident
Wikipedia - Occupational apartheid
Wikipedia - Occupational asthma
Wikipedia - Occupational burnout -- Type of psychological stress
Wikipedia - Occupational closure
Wikipedia - Occupational crime
Wikipedia - Occupational disease -- Any chronic disorder that occurs as a result of work or occupational activity
Wikipedia - Occupational epidemiology
Wikipedia - Occupational exposure banding -- Process to assign chemicals into categories corresponding to permissible exposure concentrations
Wikipedia - Occupational exposure limit -- Upper limit on the acceptable concentration of a hazardous substance
Wikipedia - Occupational fatality -- Death while performing a task
Wikipedia - Occupational hazards associated with exposure to human nail dust
Wikipedia - Occupational hazards of fire debris cleanup -- Conditions caused by fire presenting health and safety hazards to cleanup crews
Wikipedia - Occupational hazard -- Hazard experienced in the workplace
Wikipedia - Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 -- A South African statutory law administered by the Department of Labour
Wikipedia - Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 -- A repealed statute of New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Occupational health and safety
Wikipedia - Occupational health nursing
Wikipedia - Occupational health psychology
Wikipedia - Occupational Health Science
Wikipedia - Occupational health -- Field concerning the health of people at work
Wikipedia - Occupational hygiene -- Management of workplace health hazards
Wikipedia - Occupational inequality
Wikipedia - Occupational injuries
Wikipedia - Occupational injury
Wikipedia - Occupational injustice
Wikipedia - Occupational medicine
Wikipedia - Occupational name
Wikipedia - Occupational noise
Wikipedia - Occupational Outlook Handbook
Wikipedia - Occupational Personality Questionnaires
Wikipedia - Occupational prestige
Wikipedia - Occupational psychology
Wikipedia - Occupational psychosis
Wikipedia - Occupational rehabilitation
Wikipedia - Occupational Safety and Health Act (United States)
Wikipedia - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Wikipedia - Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981
Wikipedia - Occupational safety and health -- Field concerned with the safety, health and welfare of people at work
Wikipedia - Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020 -- Act of Indian Parliament
Wikipedia - Occupational science
Wikipedia - Occupational segregation
Wikipedia - Occupational stress -- Tensions related to work
Wikipedia - Occupational therapists
Wikipedia - Occupational Therapist
Wikipedia - Occupational therapist -- Health care profession
Wikipedia - Occupational therapy in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Occupational therapy
Wikipedia - Occupational toxicology
Wikipedia - Occupational training -- Training relevant to a specific occupation
Wikipedia - Occupation crossing -- Land law
Wikipedia - Occupation in 26 Pictures -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Occupation of Alcatraz
Wikipedia - Occupation of Balkh (1447) -- Battle of the Timurid Civil Wars
Wikipedia - Occupation of Constantinople -- Allied occupation of Constantinople after WWI
Wikipedia - Occupation of Germany
Wikipedia - Occupation of Iceland -- World War II Allied Occupation
Wikipedia - Occupation of Japan -- Allied occupation of Japan following WWII
Wikipedia - Occupation of Ma'an -- Territorial dispute between Saudi Arabia and Jordan
Wikipedia - Occupation of Poland (1939-1945) -- Occupation of Poland during WWII
Wikipedia - Occupation of Smyrna -- Greek administration of the area around Smyrna/M-DM-0zmir (1919-1922)
Wikipedia - Occupation of the Baltic states -- Soviet takeover of the Baltic, 1940
Wikipedia - Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge -- armed occupation of a US federal protected area in Oregon in 2016
Wikipedia - Occupation of the Ruhr -- Occupation of a German region by France and Belgium from 1923 to 1925
Wikipedia - Occupation order -- An injunction that regulates who may reside in a home
Wikipedia - Occupation (protest)
Wikipedia - Occupation: Rainfall -- Science fiction action film
Wikipedia - Occupation statute -- Treaty defining the relationship between West Germany and the Allied High Commission
Wikipedia - Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (Ethiopia) -- British WWII military occupation administration
Wikipedia - Occupied Territories Bill -- Proposed Irish law
Wikipedia - Occupied -- Norwegian TV thriller series
Wikipedia - Occupy (book)
Wikipedia - Occupy Central with Love and Peace -- Peaceful protest fighting for a democratic electoral system in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Occupy Charlotte -- Protesters in the U.S. state of North Carolina
Wikipedia - Occupy (Chomsky book)
Wikipedia - Occupy Democrats -- Left-wing political Facebook page and website
Wikipedia - Occupy Harvard -- Student demonstration
Wikipedia - Occupy Homes -- Housing activist movement in 2010s United States
Wikipedia - Occupy Movement
Wikipedia - Occupy movement
Wikipedia - Occupy South Africa
Wikipedia - Occupy the Farm
Wikipedia - Occupy Wall Street
Wikipedia - Oireachtas Cup -- Former hurling competition
Wikipedia - OkCupid -- American online dating service launched in 2004
Wikipedia - Old fashioned glass -- Type of cup
Wikipedia - OneAustralia -- IACC racing yacht built for the 1995 America's Cup
Wikipedia - Opera Cup (2019) -- Professional wrestling event
Wikipedia - Optic cup (embryology)
Wikipedia - Oslo Cup (horserace) -- Flat horse race in Norway
Wikipedia - Paddy Power Gold Cup -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Page (occupation)
Wikipedia - Page of Cups -- Playing card
Wikipedia - Panama Davis Cup team -- National tennis team
Wikipedia - Paracupes -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Paracupta -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Paralympic World Cup
Wikipedia - Parking -- Act of stopping and disengaging a vehicle and usually leaving it unoccupied
Wikipedia - Pato no tucupi -- Brazilian duck dish
Wikipedia - Patron saints of occupations and activities
Wikipedia - Patternmaker -- Occupation
Wikipedia - Paulet affair -- Occupation of the Hawaiian Islands
Wikipedia - People's Republic of Kampuchea -- Cambodian occupation by Vietnam, 1979-1989
Wikipedia - Percussion cap -- A gunlock mechanism that uses a small metallic cap or cup, usually of copper or brass, containing a shock-sensitive explosive compound that is struck by a hammer to initiate the ignition process of a caplock firearm
Wikipedia - Permocupedidae -- Extinct family of beetles
Wikipedia - Permocupedoidea -- Extinct superfamily of beetles
Wikipedia - Petar Cupac -- Croatian sailor
Wikipedia - Peter de Cupere -- Belgian artist
Wikipedia - Philippe Cuper -- French clarinetist
Wikipedia - Philistia -- Geo-political region occupied by the Philistines
Wikipedia - Physical fitness -- State of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities
Wikipedia - Pimm's -- Gin-based fruit cup or liqueur popularly drunk during the summer in England
Wikipedia - Pithiviers internment camp -- Transit camp for Jewish deportees in Occupied France
Wikipedia - Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding -- Faraday cup instrument for Europa Clipper
Wikipedia - Polar Cup -- Flat horse race in Norway
Wikipedia - Porcupine (comics)
Wikipedia - Porcupine Lake -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Porcupine (Marvel Comics)
Wikipedia - Porcupine meatballs -- American rice meatballs
Wikipedia - Porcupine Mountains -- Park in Michigan, US
Wikipedia - Porcupines Are Born Without Bristles -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Porcupine Seabight -- A deep-water oceanic basin on the continental margin of the northeastern Atlantic
Wikipedia - Porcupine Tree -- | English progressive rock band
Wikipedia - Porcupine -- Rodent with a coat of sharp and pointy spines
Wikipedia - Post-occupation Japan
Wikipedia - Prehistoric Britain -- Prehistoric human occupation of Britain
Wikipedia - Pressure vessel for human occupancy -- A container that is intended to be occupied by one or more persons at a pressure different to the surroundings
Wikipedia - Prevention through design -- Reduction of occupational hazards by early planning in the design process
Wikipedia - Prolixocupes -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Proposed Israeli annexation of the West Bank -- Proposals to assume sovereignty over occupied Palestinian territory
Wikipedia - Psychosocial hazard -- Occupational hazard to one's psychological well-being
Wikipedia - Punchestown Gold Cup -- Steeplechase horse race in Ireland
Wikipedia - Pythagorean cup -- Cup with a central siphon drain
Wikipedia - Queen Elizabeth II Cup -- Flat horse race in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Queen of Cups
Wikipedia - Quillwork -- Works decorated with overlays of porcupine quills or feathers
Wikipedia - Radisson Blu Oslo Cup -- Former World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - Radix malorum est cupiditas
Wikipedia - Radon mitigation -- Any process used to reduce radon gas concentrations in the breathing zones of occupied buildings, or radon from water supplies
Wikipedia - Ramadan T20 Cup -- Cricket league in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Ranunculus bulbosus -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Ranunculus repens -- Species of plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Ranunculus -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Reading Clerk -- Government occupation
Wikipedia - Real gas -- Non-hypothetical gases whose molecules occupy space and have interactions
Wikipedia - Reconstruction era -- |Era of military occupation (1865-1877) in the Southern United States after the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Recuperation (politics)
Wikipedia - Recuperator
Wikipedia - Reese's Xtreme Cup Challenge -- Former amusement park attraction
Wikipedia - Reichskommissariat Ostland -- Belarus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as occupied by Germany during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Resistance movement -- Refusal of obedience toward the government or an occupying power
Wikipedia - Restroom Occupied -- 2019 single by Yella Beezy featuring Chris Brown
Wikipedia - Rhabdocupes -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Rhescuporis II (Astaean) -- 1st century BC king of the Odrysian kingdom of Thrace
Wikipedia - Rhescuporis II -- King of the Odrysian kingdom of Thrace (ruled c.12-c.18 AD)
Wikipedia - Rhyton -- Drinking horn or cup
Wikipedia - Richard Cupper -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Ringlemere Cup -- Bronze age vessel
Wikipedia - RoboCup
Wikipedia - Rock cupule
Wikipedia - Rod Macqueen Cup -- Rugby Union competition between ACT Brumbies and Queensland Reds
Wikipedia - Roller Hockey Women's Intercontinental Cup -- roller hockey club competition
Wikipedia - Romania Davis Cup team -- Romanian national tennis team
Wikipedia - Roman occupation of Britain
Wikipedia - Ron Massey Cup -- Australian semi-professional rugby league competition
Wikipedia - Royal Artillery Gold Cup -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Royal Gold Cup -- Gold cup decorated with enamel and pearls made for the French royal family at the end of the 14th century
Wikipedia - Royal Hunt Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Royal London One-Day Cup -- British limited overs cricket competition
Wikipedia - RSI Police Order No. 5 -- 1943 order for the Italian police to arrest Jews in German-occupied Italy
Wikipedia - Russian occupations of Beirut -- Part of the Russo-Turkish War, 1772-1774
Wikipedia - Rustling for Cupid -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Ruth Williams Cupp -- American judge and politician (1928-2016)
Wikipedia - Ryanair Gold Cup -- Steeplechase horse race in Ireland
Wikipedia - Saharat Thai Doem -- Thai-occupied territories of the British colony of Burma (1943-45)
Wikipedia - Salix cupularis -- Salix cupularis common name
Wikipedia - Salvator Cupcea -- Romanian psychiatrist, psychologist, and political figure
Wikipedia - Sarny massacre -- Execution of between 14,000 and 18,000 persons, mostly Jews, in the Nazi-occupied city of Sarny
Wikipedia - Scandinavian Cup -- Series of cross-country skiing event in Northern Europe
Wikipedia - Scramble for Africa -- Invasion, occupation, colonization and annexation of Africa by European powers
Wikipedia - Scuppernong River (Wisconsin) -- River in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Scuppernong -- Variety of muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia) grape
Wikipedia - SEAT Cupra -- Auto racing factory team by SEAT
Wikipedia - Second Occupation of Cuba -- US occupation of Cuba in the 1900s
Wikipedia - S. E. Cupp -- American conservative political commentator and writer
Wikipedia - Self-consciousness -- An acute sense of self-awareness, a preoccupation with oneself
Wikipedia - Sequoiadendron -- Genus of conifers in the cypress family Cupressaceae
Wikipedia - Sequoia (genus) -- Genus of conifers in the cypress family Cupressaceae
Wikipedia - Sequoia sempervirens -- Species of plant of the monotypic genus Sequoia in the cypress family (Cupressaceae)
Wikipedia - Seven of Cups
Wikipedia - S. G. Ball Cup -- Australian junior rugby competition
Wikipedia - Shelbourne Gold Cup -- Annual greyhound racing competition
Wikipedia - Sicarii -- Splinter group of Jewish Zealots who strongly opposed the Roman occupation of Judea
Wikipedia - Siege of Los Angeles -- Response by armed Mexican civilians to the occupation in 1846 by the United States Marines
Wikipedia - Sierra cup -- Cup used in backpacking and camping
Wikipedia - Silver Goblets & Nickalls' Challenge Cup -- Event at the Henley Royal Regatta
Wikipedia - Sippy Cup (song) -- 2015 single by Melanie Martinez
Wikipedia - Six of Cups
Wikipedia - Skull cup
Wikipedia - Slaves of Cupid -- 2015 Burmese film
Wikipedia - Sleeping Venus with Cupid (Poussin) -- Painting by Nicolas Poussin
Wikipedia - Slovenia Davis Cup team -- Slovenian national tennis team
Wikipedia - Society for Occupational Health Psychology
Wikipedia - Sodexo Gold Cup -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Solahutte -- Recuperation resort for Auschwitz personnel
Wikipedia - Son of Kissing Cup -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Sorbus aucuparia -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - South Africa Davis Cup team -- South African national tennis team
Wikipedia - Soviet occupation of Latvia in 1940 -- Military occupation of the Republic of Latvia by the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Soviet occupation of Romania
Wikipedia - Spatial ecology -- Study of the distribution or space occupied by species
Wikipedia - Special pleader -- Historical legal occupation
Wikipedia - Spring Cup (horse race) -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Squatting in Spain -- Occupation of unused land or derelict buildings in Spain
Wikipedia - Squatting in the Netherlands -- Occupation of unused land or derelict buildings in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Squatting in the United States -- Illegal occupation of land in the United States
Wikipedia - Squatting -- Occupation of derelict land or an empty building without the permission of the owner
Wikipedia - Squidward Nose -- 2019 single by CupcakKe
Wikipedia - Stand Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Steele Cup Cash -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - Stefano Cupilli -- Roman Catholic Archbishop of Split
Wikipedia - Stevedore -- Occupation of loading and unloading ships
Wikipedia - Stewards' Cup (Great Britain) -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - St. James Infirmary Clinic -- Peer-based occupational health and safety clinic for sex workers in San Francisco, CA
Wikipedia - Storm in a Teacup (company) -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Storm in a Teacup (film) -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Subroto Cup
Wikipedia - Suit of cups
Wikipedia - Summer Cup (Uttoxeter) -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Super J-Cup (2004) -- 2004 Osaka Pro Wrestling event
Wikipedia - Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers -- Title held by General Douglas MacArthur during the Allied occupation of Japan
Wikipedia - Swiss Cup Basel -- Annual curling competition in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Switchboard operator -- Former telephony occupation
Wikipedia - Switzerland Fed Cup team -- Fed Cup team representing Switzerland
Wikipedia - Tanner (occupation)
Wikipedia - Tapas Acupressure Technique -- Alternative medicine therapy
Wikipedia - Tarnopol Ghetto -- Nazi German concentration camp in occupied Poland during World War II
Wikipedia - Tattersalls Gold Cup -- Flat horse race in Ireland
Wikipedia - Taxodiomyia cupressiananassa -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - TD Bank Mayor's Cup -- Former American cycling criterium race
Wikipedia - Teacup galaxy
Wikipedia - Teacup in a Storm -- Hong Kong radio show
Wikipedia - Teacups -- Type of amusement park ride
Wikipedia - Template talk:Aspects of occupations
Wikipedia - Template talk:Occupational safety and health
Wikipedia - Ten of Cups
Wikipedia - Territorial Cup Series -- Yearlong rivalry competition between the University of Arizona and Arizona State University
Wikipedia - Thalictrum alpinum -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Thalictrum -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - The Ace of Cups -- Rock band
Wikipedia - The Buttercup Chain -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - The Crystal Cup -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Cup (1999 film) -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - The Cup of Fury (film) -- 1920 film by T. Hayes Hunter
Wikipedia - The Cup of Life (film) -- 1921 film by Rowland V. Lee
Wikipedia - The Custard Cup -- 1923 film directed by Herbert Brenon
Wikipedia - The Duke and Duchess of Urbino -- 4-part large, free standing marriage portrait dyptich set in scupted frame, with two landscape paintings on the back, by Piero della Francesca
Wikipedia - The Girl at the Cupola -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - The Hemlock Cup: Socrates, Athens and the Search for the Good Life
Wikipedia - The Hemlock Cup -- 2011 book by Bettany Hughes
Wikipedia - The Holocaust in German-occupied Serbia
Wikipedia - The Holocaust in occupied Poland
Wikipedia - The Hue and Cry After Cupid -- Play
Wikipedia - The Indian in the Cupboard (film) -- 1995 film by Frank Oz
Wikipedia - The Inside of the Cup (film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Magic Cup -- 1921 film by John S. Robertson
Wikipedia - Thera cupressata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - The Red-Haired Cupid -- 1918 American silent western comedy film
Wikipedia - The Second of May 1808 -- 1814 painting by Francisco de Goya depicting rebellion against the French occupation of Spain
Wikipedia - The Sorrow and the Pity -- 1969 documentary film about life in Nazi-occupied France
Wikipedia - The Stirrup Cup Sensation -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - The Woman in the Cupboard -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Thimble -- Protective cup used during sewing
Wikipedia - Three Cups, Harwich -- Former historic public house in Harwich, Essex, England
Wikipedia - Three of Cups
Wikipedia - Thuja plicata -- Species of conifer in the family Cupressaceae
Wikipedia - Tin Cup -- 1996 US romantic comedy/sports film by Ron Shelton
Wikipedia - Tokapcup-kamuy -- Ainu people's solar goddess
Wikipedia - Trade (occupation)
Wikipedia - Transportation engineering -- Academic discipline and occupational field
Wikipedia - Treaty of San Francisco -- Peace treaty between Japan and the Allied Powers of World War II, officially ending the American-led Allied Occupation of Japan.
Wikipedia - Trinidad and Tobago Davis Cup team -- National tennis team
Wikipedia - Trollius -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Tung Ching Chang -- Chinese acupuncturist
Wikipedia - Tunisia Davis Cup team -- Davis Cup team representing Tunisia
Wikipedia - Turkey Davis Cup team -- Turkish national tennis team
Wikipedia - Turkish occupation of northern Syria
Wikipedia - Turner Cup -- Ice hockey award
Wikipedia - Two layer hypothesis -- Archaeological theory suggesting that human occupation of mainland Southeast Asia occurred over two distinct periods by two separate racial groups
Wikipedia - Two of Cups
Wikipedia - Underground media in German-occupied France -- French history of the Second World War
Wikipedia - United States Marine Corps Scout Sniper -- Occupational field and specialty within the USMC
Wikipedia - United States occupation of Haiti -- Overview of the occupation of Haiti by the United States of America
Wikipedia - United States occupation of Nicaragua -- Part of the Banana Wars
Wikipedia - United States occupation of the Dominican Republic (1916-1924) -- Occupation of the Dominican Republic by the United States from 1916-1924
Wikipedia - Up for the Cup (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Urban acupuncture
Wikipedia - Utility sound technician -- Filmmaking occupation
Wikipedia - Vacation -- Leave of absence from a regular occupation, or a specific trip or journey, usually for the purpose of recreation or tourism
Wikipedia - Valentina Cuppi -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Venus, Adonis and Cupid -- Painting by Annibale Carracci
Wikipedia - Venus and Cupid (Titian) -- Painting by Titian in the Wallace Collection
Wikipedia - Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time -- Painting by Agnolo Bronzino
Wikipedia - Venus, Mars and Cupid -- Painting by Piero di Cosimo
Wikipedia - Victoria Cup (horse race) -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Victoria Cup (ice hockey) -- Series of ice hockey games
Wikipedia - Viking Brittany -- Viking occupation of Britanny (c. 800s-1000s)
Wikipedia - Virtual assistant (occupation)
Wikipedia - Vocal hiccup -- Singing technique
Wikipedia - Vocational education -- studies that prepares a person for a specific occupation
Wikipedia - Vocational school -- Higher-level learning institution providing education needed for specific occupations
Wikipedia - Voice acting in Japan -- Occupation in Japan
Wikipedia - Voyageurs Cup -- National soccer trophy for Canada
Wikipedia - War crimes in occupied Poland during World War II -- Nazi and Soviet WW II war crimes in Poland
Wikipedia - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising -- Jewish insurgency against Nazi Germany in German-occupied Poland during World War II
Wikipedia - Warsaw Ghetto -- Nazi ghetto in occupied Poland
Wikipedia - Washerwoman -- Service occupation, generally of women
Wikipedia - Watchman (law enforcement) -- Law enforcement occupation
Wikipedia - WCT Arctic Cup -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - WCT Latvian Mixed Doubles Curling Cup -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - WCT Uiseong International Curling Cup -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - Weaver (occupation)
Wikipedia - Weber Cup -- Men's bowling competition between Europe and the United States
Wikipedia - Wellington Cup -- Horse race
Wikipedia - What Price Loving Cup? -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Wheelchair lift -- A powered device to raise a wheelchair and its occupant over a vertical barrier
Wikipedia - Whiskey in a Teacup -- 2019 song by Dean Brody
Wikipedia - Whitsun Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Wieslaw Cupala -- Polish thespian
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Occupational Safety and Health -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/Missing articles by occupation/Actresses - China -- Listeria redlist concerned with actresses from China
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/Missing articles by occupation/Actresses - Hong Kong -- Listeria redlist concerned with actresses from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/Missing articles by occupation/Actresses - Japan -- Listeria redlist concerned with actresses from Japan
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/Missing articles by occupation/Actresses - South Korea -- Listeria redlist concerned with actresses from South Korea
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/Missing articles by occupation/Librarians -- Listeria redlist concerned with librarians
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/Missing articles by occupation/Politicians - United States -- Listeria redlist concerned with politicians from United States
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/Missing articles by occupation/Writers -- Listeria redlist concerned with writers
Wikipedia - Wildcatter -- Term for petroleum industry occupation
Wikipedia - Will Cuppy -- American writer
Wikipedia - Willingdon Cup -- annual amateur golf team competition
Wikipedia - Wimbledon Cup -- Rifle marksmanship trophy
Wikipedia - Windermere Cup -- Series of annual rowing races
Wikipedia - Work and Occupations -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Working time -- Period of time that an individual spends at paid occupational labor
Wikipedia - World Professional Jiu-Jitsu Cup 2011 -- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitions
Wikipedia - World Professional Jiu-Jitsu Cup -- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitions
Wikipedia - World Scholar's Cup -- International team academic program
Wikipedia - Wounded Knee Occupation -- 1973 American Indian occupation protest
Wikipedia - Woz Cup
Wikipedia - WWFA Intermediate Cup -- Regional knock-out competition for clubs
Wikipedia - XGRS -- Radio station owned by the German government in Japanese-occupied China during World War II
Wikipedia - XMII -- live album by Porcupine Tree
Wikipedia - Yekatit 12 -- Massacre in Italian-occupied Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Yolcupinari, SavaM-EM-^_tepe -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Yorkshire Cup (horse race) -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Zawawi Cup -- Flat horse race in Sweden
Wikipedia - Zetland Gold Cup -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Zimbabwe Davis Cup team -- Zimbabwean national tennis team
Wikipedia - Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory -- Antisemitic conspiracy theory
Wikipedia - Zone to Defend -- French sites occupied by citizens to resist development projects
Paul Merton ::: Born: July 9, 1957; Occupation: Writer;
Thomas Merton ::: Born: January 31, 1915; Died: December 10, 1968; Occupation: Writer;
Barbara Mertz ::: Born: September 29, 1927; Died: August 8, 2013; Occupation: Author;
W. S. Merwin ::: Born: September 30, 1927; Occupation: Poet;
Lionel Messi ::: Born: June 24, 1987; Occupation: Soccer player;
Olivier Messiaen ::: Born: December 10, 1908; Died: April 27, 1992; Occupation: Composer;
Debra Messing ::: Born: August 15, 1968; Occupation: Actress;
Claire Messud ::: Born: October 8, 1966; Occupation: Novelist;
Joe Barton ::: Born: September 15, 1949; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Pat Metheny ::: Born: August 12, 1954; Occupation: Guitarist;
Tom Metzger ::: Born: April 9, 1938; Occupation: White supremacist;
Joyce Meyer ::: Born: June 4, 1943; Occupation: Author;
Stephenie Meyer ::: Born: December 24, 1973; Occupation: Writer;
Jonathan Rhys Meyers ::: Born: July 27, 1977; Occupation: Actor;
John Mica ::: Born: January 27, 1943; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
George Michael ::: Born: June 25, 1963; Died: December 25, 2016; Occupation: Musician;
Anne Michaels ::: Born: April 15, 1958; Occupation: Poet;
Bret Michaels ::: Born: March 15, 1963; Occupation: Singer;
Aly Michalka ::: Born: March 25, 1989; Occupation: Actress;
Duane Michals ::: Born: February 18, 1932; Occupation: Photographer;
Michelangelo ::: Born: March 6, 1475; Died: February 18, 1564; Occupation: Sculptor;
Chrisette Michele ::: Born: December 8, 1982; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Lea Michele ::: Born: August 29, 1986; Occupation: Actress;
Michael Michele ::: Born: August 30, 1966; Occupation: Film actress;
James A. Michener ::: Born: February 3, 1907; Died: October 16, 1997; Occupation: Author;
Bette Midler ::: Born: December 1, 1945; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
China Mieville ::: Born: September 6, 1972; Occupation: Author;
Bernard Baruch ::: Born: August 19, 1870; Died: June 20, 1965; Occupation: Financier;
Barbara Mikulski ::: Born: July 20, 1936; Occupation: United States Senator;
Alyssa Milano ::: Born: December 19, 1972; Occupation: Actress;
Nelson A. Miles ::: Born: August 8, 1839; Died: May 15, 1925; Occupation: Soldier;
Stanley Milgram ::: Born: August 15, 1933; Died: December 20, 1984; Occupation: Psychologist;
Christina Milian ::: Born: September 26, 1981; Occupation: Actress;
David Miliband ::: Born: July 15, 1965; Occupation: British Politician;
Ed Miliband ::: Born: December 24, 1969; Occupation: British Politician;
John Milius ::: Born: April 11, 1944; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Harvey Milk ::: Born: May 22, 1930; Died: November 27, 1978; Occupation: Former San Francisco Supervisor;
John Stuart Mill ::: Born: May 20, 1806; Died: May 8, 1873; Occupation: Philosopher;
Cesar Millan ::: Born: August 27, 1969; Occupation: Dog trainer;
Mark Millar ::: Born: December 24, 1969; Occupation: Comic Book Writer;
Mikhail Baryshnikov ::: Born: January 27, 1948; Occupation: Choreographer;
Edna St. Vincent Millay ::: Born: February 22, 1892; Died: October 19, 1950; Occupation: Poet;
Agnes de Mille ::: Born: September 18, 1905; Died: October 7, 1993; Occupation: Choreographer;
Alice Miller ::: Born: January 12, 1923; Died: April 12, 2010; Occupation: Psychologist;
Arthur Miller ::: Born: October 17, 1915; Died: February 10, 2005; Occupation: Playwright;
Candice S. Miller ::: Born: May 7, 1954; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Dennis Miller ::: Born: November 3, 1953; Occupation: Comedian;
Donald Miller ::: Born: August 12, 1971; Occupation: Author;
Ezra Miller ::: Born: September 30, 1992; Occupation: Actor;
Frank Miller ::: Born: January 27, 1957; Occupation: Writer;
Gary Miller ::: Born: October 16, 1948; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Henry Miller ::: Born: December 26, 1891; Died: June 7, 1980; Occupation: Writer;
Jacques Barzun ::: Born: November 30, 1907; Died: October 25, 2012; Occupation: Historian;
Jeff Miller ::: Born: June 27, 1959; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Judith Miller ::: Born: January 2, 1948; Occupation: Journalist;
Kelly Miller ::: Born: July 23, 1863; Died: December 29, 1939; Occupation: Mathematician;
Kenneth R. Miller ::: Born: July 14, 1948; Occupation: Biologist;
Mac Miller ::: Born: January 19, 1992; Occupation: Rapper;
Marisa Miller ::: Born: August 6, 1978; Occupation: Model;
Roger Miller ::: Born: January 2, 1936; Died: October 25, 1992; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Sienna Miller ::: Born: December 28, 1981; Occupation: Actress;
Walter M. Miller, Jr. ::: Born: January 23, 1923; Died: January 9, 1996; Occupation: Author;
Wentworth Miller ::: Born: June 2, 1972; Occupation: Actor;
Kate Millett ::: Born: September 14, 1934; Occupation: Writer;
Spike Milligan ::: Born: April 16, 1918; Died: February 27, 2002; Occupation: Comedian;
Dan Millman ::: Born: February 22, 1946; Occupation: Author;
C. Wright Mills ::: Born: August 28, 1916; Died: March 20, 1962; Occupation: Sociologist;
Donna Mills ::: Born: December 11, 1940; Occupation: Actress;
Heather Mills ::: Born: January 12, 1968; Occupation: Model;
Mike Mills ::: Born: December 17, 1958; Occupation: Composer;
A. A. Milne ::: Born: January 18, 1882; Died: January 31, 1956; Occupation: Author;
Yuri Milner ::: Born: November 11, 1961; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
Andy Milonakis ::: Born: January 30, 1976; Occupation: Actor;
Czeslaw Milosz ::: Born: June 30, 1911; Died: August 14, 2004; Occupation: Poet;
John Milton ::: Born: December 9, 1608; Died: November 8, 1674; Occupation: Poet;
Denise Mina ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Crime writer;
Nicki Minaj ::: Born: December 8, 1982; Occupation: Rapper;
Matsuo Basho ::: Born: 1644; Died: November 28, 1694; Occupation: Poet;
Anthony Minghella ::: Born: January 6, 1954; Died: March 18, 2008; Occupation: Film director;
Charles Mingus ::: Born: April 22, 1922; Died: January 5, 1979; Occupation: Bassist;
Ho Chi Minh ::: Born: May 19, 1890; Died: September 2, 1969; Occupation: Political leader;
Liza Minnelli ::: Born: March 12, 1946; Occupation: Actress;
Count Basie ::: Born: August 21, 1904; Died: April 26, 1984; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
Kylie Minogue ::: Born: May 28, 1968; Occupation: Singer;
Henry Mintzberg ::: Born: September 2, 1939; Occupation: Author;
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola ::: Born: February 24, 1463; Died: November 17, 1494; Occupation: Philosopher;
Octave Mirbeau ::: Born: February 16, 1848; Died: February 16, 1917; Occupation: Journalist;
Joan Miro ::: Born: April 20, 1893; Died: December 25, 1983; Occupation: Painter;
Helen Mirren ::: Born: July 26, 1945; Occupation: Actor;
Saint Basil ::: Born: 330; Died: January 1, 379; Occupation: Saint;
Ludwig von Mises ::: Born: September 29, 1881; Died: October 10, 1973; Occupation: Philosopher;
Yukio Mishima ::: Born: January 14, 1925; Died: November 25, 1970; Occupation: Author;
Gabriela Mistral ::: Born: April 7, 1889; Died: January 10, 1957; Occupation: Poet;
Rohinton Mistry ::: Born: July 3, 1952; Occupation: Writer;
Beverley Mitchell ::: Born: January 22, 1981; Occupation: Actress;
David Mitchell ::: Born: January 12, 1969; Occupation: Novelist;
Kim Basinger ::: Born: December 8, 1953; Occupation: Actress;
Scott Adams ::: Born: June 8, 1957; Occupation: Comic Strip Creator;
John N. Mitchell ::: Born: September 15, 1913; Died: November 9, 1988; Occupation: Attorney;
Joni Mitchell ::: Born: November 7, 1943; Occupation: Musician;
Joseph Mitchell ::: Born: July 27, 1908; Died: May 24, 1996; Occupation: Writer;
Margaret Mitchell ::: Born: November 8, 1900; Died: August 16, 1949; Occupation: Author;
Radha Mitchell ::: Born: November 12, 1973; Occupation: Actress;
Shay Mitchell ::: Born: April 10, 1987; Occupation: Actress;
Robert Mitchum ::: Born: August 6, 1917; Died: July 1, 1997; Occupation: Film actor;
Jessica Mitford ::: Born: September 11, 1917; Died: July 22, 1996; Occupation: Author;
Nancy Mitford ::: Born: November 28, 1904; Died: June 30, 1973; Occupation: Novelist;
Kevin Mitnick ::: Born: August 6, 1963; Occupation: Consultant;
Jean-Michel Basquiat ::: Born: December 22, 1960; Died: August 12, 1988; Occupation: Artist;
David Mixner ::: Born: August 16, 1946; Died: 2012; Occupation: Author;
Issey Miyake ::: Born: April 22, 1938; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Hayao Miyazaki ::: Born: January 5, 1941; Occupation: Film director;
Isaac Mizrahi ::: Born: October 14, 1961; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Leonard Mlodinow ::: Born: 1954; Occupation: Physicist;
Moby ::: Born: September 11, 1965; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Colin Mochrie ::: Born: November 30, 1957; Occupation: Actor;
Art Modell ::: Born: June 23, 1925; Died: September 6, 2012; Occupation: Businessman;
Matthew Modine ::: Born: March 22, 1959; Occupation: Film actor;
Steven Moffat ::: Born: November 18, 1961; Occupation: Television writer;
Moliere ::: Born: January 15, 1622; Died: February 17, 1673; Occupation: Playwright;
Alfred Molina ::: Born: May 24, 1953; Occupation: Actor;
Brian Molko ::: Born: December 10, 1972; Occupation: Musician;
Ellen Bass ::: Born: 1947; Occupation: Poet;
N. Scott Momaday ::: Born: February 27, 1934; Occupation: Author;
Taylor Momsen ::: Born: July 26, 1993; Occupation: Actress;
Janelle Monae ::: Born: December 1, 1985; Occupation: Musician;
Dominic Monaghan ::: Born: December 8, 1976; Occupation: Actor;
Eleanor Mondale ::: Born: January 19, 1960; Died: September 17, 2011; Occupation: Radio personality;
Walter F. Mondale ::: Born: January 5, 1928; Occupation: Former Vice President of the United States;
Claude Monet ::: Born: November 14, 1840; Died: December 5, 1926; Occupation: Painter;
Maria Monk ::: Born: June 27, 1816; Died: 1849; Occupation: Writer;
Meredith Monk ::: Born: November 20, 1942; Occupation: Composer;
Lance Bass ::: Born: May 4, 1979; Occupation: Singer;
Bill Monroe ::: Born: September 13, 1911; Died: September 9, 1996; Occupation: Singer;
James Monroe ::: Born: April 28, 1758; Died: July 4, 1831; Occupation: 5th U.S. President;
Marilyn Monroe ::: Born: June 1, 1926; Died: August 5, 1962; Occupation: Actress;
Thomas S. Monson ::: Born: August 21, 1927; Occupation: Author;
Luc Montagnier ::: Born: August 18, 1932; Occupation: Researcher;
Rick Bass ::: Born: March 7, 1958; Occupation: Writer;
Ashley Montagu ::: Born: June 28, 1905; Died: November 26, 1999; Occupation: Anthropologist;
Elizabeth Montagu ::: Born: October 2, 1718; Died: August 25, 1800; Occupation: Writer;
Mary Wortley Montagu ::: Born: May 15, 1689; Died: August 21, 1762; Occupation: Writer;
Michel de Montaigne ::: Born: February 28, 1533; Died: September 13, 1592; Occupation: Writer;
Ricardo Montalban ::: Born: November 25, 1920; Died: January 14, 2009; Occupation: Film actor;
Eugenio Montale ::: Born: October 12, 1896; Died: September 12, 1981; Occupation: Poet;
Joe Montana ::: Born: June 11, 1956; Occupation: Football player;
Cory Monteith ::: Born: May 11, 1982; Died: July 13, 2013; Occupation: Actor;
Angela Bassett ::: Born: August 16, 1958; Occupation: Actress;
Baron de Montesquieu ::: Born: January 18, 1689; Died: February 10, 1755; Occupation: Author;
Maria Montessori ::: Born: August 31, 1870; Died: May 6, 1952; Occupation: Physician;
Lucy Maud Montgomery ::: Born: November 30, 1874; Died: April 24, 1942; Occupation: Author;
Mario Monti ::: Born: March 19, 1943; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Italy;
Shirley Bassey ::: Born: January 8, 1937; Occupation: Singer;
Susanna Moodie ::: Born: December 6, 1803; Died: April 8, 1885; Occupation: Author;
Dwight L. Moody ::: Born: February 5, 1837; Died: December 22, 1899; Occupation: Evangelist;
Rick Moody ::: Born: October 18, 1961; Occupation: Novelist;
Robert Moog ::: Born: May 23, 1934; Died: August 21, 2005; Occupation: Inventor;
Elizabeth Moon ::: Born: March 7, 1945; Occupation: Writer;
Keith Moon ::: Born: August 23, 1946; Died: September 7, 1978; Occupation: Musician;
Sun Myung Moon ::: Born: February 25, 1920; Died: September 3, 2012; Occupation: Religious Leader;
William Least Heat-Moon ::: Born: August 27, 1939; Occupation: Writer;
Alan Moore ::: Born: November 18, 1953; Occupation: Writer;
Frederic Bastiat ::: Born: June 30, 1801; Died: December 24, 1850; Occupation: Economist;
Beth Moore ::: Born: June 16, 1957; Occupation: Evangelist;
Christopher Moore ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Writer;
Demi Moore ::: Born: November 11, 1962; Occupation: Actress;
Dudley Moore ::: Born: April 19, 1935; Died: March 27, 2002; Occupation: Actor;
Augusto Roa Bastos ::: Born: June 13, 1917; Died: April 26, 2005; Occupation: Novelist;
George A. Moore ::: Born: February 24, 1852; Died: January 21, 1933; Occupation: Novelist;
George Edward Moore ::: Born: November 4, 1873; Died: October 24, 1958; Occupation: Philosopher;
Gwen Moore ::: Born: April 18, 1951; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Henry Moore ::: Born: July 30, 1898; Died: August 31, 1986; Occupation: Sculptor;
Lorrie Moore ::: Born: January 13, 1957; Occupation: Writer;
Mandy Moore ::: Born: April 10, 1984; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Georges Bataille ::: Born: September 10, 1897; Died: July 9, 1962; Occupation: Author;
Marianne Moore ::: Born: November 15, 1887; Died: February 5, 1972; Occupation: Poet;
Mary Tyler Moore ::: Born: December 29, 1936; Died: January 25, 2017; Occupation: Actress;
Michael Moore ::: Born: April 23, 1954; Occupation: Filmmaker;
Roger Moore ::: Born: October 14, 1927; Died: May 23, 2017; Occupation: Actor;
Roy Moore ::: Born: February 11, 1947; Occupation: Jurist;
Shemar Moore ::: Born: April 20, 1970; Occupation: Actor;
Thomas Moore ::: Born: May 28, 1779; Died: February 25, 1852; Occupation: Poet;
Mario Batali ::: Born: September 19, 1960; Occupation: Chef;
Evo Morales ::: Born: October 26, 1959; Occupation: President of Bolivia;
Jerry Moran ::: Born: May 29, 1954; Occupation: United States Senator;
Jason Bateman ::: Born: January 14, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
Alberto Moravia ::: Born: November 28, 1907; Died: September 26, 1990; Occupation: Novelist;
Hannah More ::: Born: February 2, 1745; Died: September 7, 1833; Occupation: Writer;
Thomas More ::: Born: February 7, 1478; Died: July 6, 1535; Occupation: Saint;
Jeanne Moreau ::: Born: January 23, 1928; Occupation: Actress;
Eric Morecambe ::: Born: May 14, 1926; Died: May 28, 1984; Occupation: Comedian;
Tom Morello ::: Born: May 30, 1964; Occupation: Guitarist;
Chloe Grace Moretz ::: Born: February 10, 1997; Occupation: Film actress;
Daniel Morgan ::: Born: July 6, 1736; Died: July 6, 1802; Occupation: Former United States Representative;
Edwin Morgan ::: Born: April 27, 1920; Died: August 17, 2010; Occupation: Poet;
J. P. Morgan ::: Born: April 17, 1837; Died: March 31, 1913; Occupation: Financier;
Richard K. Morgan ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Author;
Robin Morgan ::: Born: January 29, 1941; Occupation: Poet;
Erin Morgenstern ::: Born: July 8, 1978; Occupation: Writer;
Marc Morial ::: Born: January 3, 1958; Occupation: American Political leader;
Masaharu Morimoto ::: Born: May 26, 1955; Occupation: Chef;
Alanis Morissette ::: Born: June 1, 1974; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Pat Morita ::: Born: June 28, 1932; Died: November 24, 2005; Occupation: Film actor;
Christopher Morley ::: Born: May 5, 1890; Died: March 28, 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
Gregory Bateson ::: Born: May 9, 1904; Died: July 4, 1980; Occupation: Anthropologist;
Giorgio Moroder ::: Born: April 26, 1940; Occupation: Record producer;
Michael Morpurgo ::: Born: October 5, 1943; Occupation: Author;
Desmond Morris ::: Born: January 24, 1928; Occupation: Zoologist;
Errol Morris ::: Born: February 5, 1948; Occupation: Film director;
Mary Catherine Bateson ::: Born: December 8, 1939; Occupation: Writer;
Gouverneur Morris ::: Born: January 31, 1752; Died: November 6, 1816; Occupation: Founding Father of the United States;
Heather Morris ::: Born: February 1, 1987; Occupation: Actress;
Mark Morris ::: Born: August 29, 1956; Occupation: Dancer;
William Morris ::: Born: March 24, 1834; Died: October 3, 1896; Occupation: Artist;
Grant Morrison ::: Born: January 31, 1960; Occupation: Comic Book Writer;
Jennifer Morrison ::: Born: April 12, 1979; Occupation: Actress;
Jim Morrison ::: Born: December 8, 1943; Died: July 3, 1971; Occupation: Singer;
Matthew Morrison ::: Born: October 30, 1978; Occupation: Actor;
Shelley Morrison ::: Born: October 26, 1936; Occupation: Actress;
Toni Morrison ::: Born: February 18, 1931; Occupation: Novelist;
Van Morrison ::: Born: August 31, 1945; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Steven Morrissey ::: Born: May 22, 1959; Occupation: Singer;
Mohammed Morsi ::: Born: August 8, 1951; Occupation: Former President of Egypt;
Viggo Mortensen ::: Born: October 20, 1958; Occupation: Actor;
Emily Mortimer ::: Born: December 1, 1971; Occupation: Actress;
Orlando Aloysius Battista ::: Born: June 20, 1917; Died: October 3, 1995; Occupation: Chemist;
Kate Morton ::: Born: 1976; Occupation: Author;
Samantha Morton ::: Born: May 13, 1977; Occupation: Actress;
Kathleen Battle ::: Born: August 13, 1948; Occupation: Opera singer;
Oswald Mosley ::: Born: November 16, 1896; Died: December 3, 1980; Occupation: British Politician;
Walter Mosley ::: Born: January 12, 1952; Occupation: Novelist;
Carrie-Anne Moss ::: Born: August 21, 1967; Occupation: Actress;
Kate Moss ::: Born: January 16, 1974; Occupation: Fashion model;
Kate Mosse ::: Born: October 20, 1961; Occupation: Novelist;
Johann Most ::: Born: February 5, 1846; Died: March 17, 1906; Occupation: Politician;
Josefina Vazquez Mota ::: Born: January 20, 1961; Occupation: Politician;
Robert Motherwell ::: Born: January 24, 1915; Died: July 16, 1991; Occupation: Painter;
Andrew Motion ::: Born: October 26, 1952; Occupation: Poet;
Constance Baker Motley ::: Born: September 14, 1921; Died: September 28, 2005; Occupation: Former New York State Senator;
John Lothrop Motley ::: Born: April 15, 1814; Died: May 29, 1877; Occupation: Historian;
Charles Baudelaire ::: Born: April 9, 1821; Died: August 31, 1867; Occupation: Poet;
John Motson ::: Born: July 10, 1945; Occupation: Commentator;
Tommy Mottola ::: Born: July 14, 1949; Occupation: Music executive;
Lord Mountbatten ::: Born: June 25, 1900; Died: August 27, 1979; Occupation: Former Viceroy of India;
Jean Baudrillard ::: Born: July 27, 1929; Died: March 6, 2007; Occupation: Philosopher;
Jane Addams ::: Born: September 6, 1860; Died: May 21, 1935; Occupation: Sociologist;
Jose Mourinho ::: Born: January 26, 1963; Occupation: Football team manager;
Nana Mouskouri ::: Born: October 13, 1934; Occupation: Singer;
Farley Mowat ::: Born: May 12, 1921; Died: May 6, 2014; Occupation: Author;
Tia Mowry ::: Born: July 6, 1978; Occupation: Actress;
Stephen Moyer ::: Born: October 11, 1969; Occupation: Film actor;
Bill Moyers ::: Born: June 5, 1934; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Bridget Moynahan ::: Born: April 28, 1970; Occupation: Model;
Daniel Patrick Moynihan ::: Born: March 16, 1927; Died: March 26, 2003; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ::: Born: January 27, 1756; Died: December 5, 1791; Occupation: Composer;
Jason Mraz ::: Born: June 23, 1977; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Hosni Mubarak ::: Born: May 4, 1928; Occupation: Former President of Egypt;
Gary Bauer ::: Born: May 4, 1946; Occupation: Activist;
Robert Mugabe ::: Born: February 21, 1924; Occupation: President of Zimbabwe;
Malcolm Muggeridge ::: Born: March 24, 1903; Died: November 14, 1990; Occupation: Journalist;
John Muir ::: Born: April 21, 1838; Died: December 24, 1914; Occupation: Author;
Bharati Mukherjee ::: Born: July 27, 1940; Died: January 28, 2017; Occupation: Writer;
Siddhartha Mukherjee ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Physician;
Paul Muldoon ::: Born: June 20, 1951; Occupation: Poet;
L. Frank Baum ::: Born: May 15, 1856; Died: May 6, 1919; Occupation: Author;
Martin Mull ::: Born: August 18, 1943; Occupation: Actor;
Megan Mullally ::: Born: November 12, 1958; Occupation: Actress;
Peter Mullan ::: Born: November 2, 1959; Occupation: Actor;
Matt Mullenweg ::: Born: January 11, 1984; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
George Muller ::: Born: September 27, 1805; Died: March 10, 1898; Occupation: Evangelist;
Max Muller ::: Born: December 6, 1823; Died: October 28, 1900; Occupation: Philologist;
Carey Mulligan ::: Born: May 28, 1985; Occupation: Actress;
Gerry Mulligan ::: Born: April 6, 1927; Died: January 20, 1996; Occupation: Saxophonist;
Aimee Mullins ::: Born: July 20, 1976; Occupation: Athlete;
Kary Mullis ::: Born: December 28, 1944; Occupation: Author;
Brian Mulroney ::: Born: March 20, 1939; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Canada;
Samantha Mumba ::: Born: January 18, 1983; Occupation: Singer;
Zygmunt Bauman ::: Born: November 19, 1925; Died: January 9, 2017; Occupation: Sociologist;
Lewis Mumford ::: Born: October 19, 1895; Died: January 26, 1990; Occupation: Historian;
Edvard Munch ::: Born: December 12, 1863; Died: January 23, 1944; Occupation: Painter;
Olivia Munn ::: Born: July 3, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
Alice Munro ::: Born: July 10, 1931; Occupation: Author;
Hector Hugh Munro ::: Born: December 18, 1870; Died: November 13, 1916; Occupation: Writer;
Haruki Murakami ::: Born: January 12, 1949; Occupation: Writer;
Walter Murch ::: Born: July 12, 1943; Occupation: Film Editor;
Iris Murdoch ::: Born: July 15, 1919; Died: February 8, 1999; Occupation: Author;
Rupert Murdoch ::: Born: March 11, 1931; Occupation: Business person;
Mike Murdock ::: Born: April 18, 1946; Occupation: Televangelist;
Audie Murphy ::: Born: June 20, 1925; Died: May 28, 1971; Occupation: Soldier;
Brittany Murphy ::: Born: November 10, 1977; Died: December 20, 2009; Occupation: Film actress;
Eddie Murphy ::: Born: April 3, 1961; Occupation: Stand-up comedian;
Ryan Murphy ::: Born: November 30, 1965; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Andy Murray ::: Born: May 15, 1987; Occupation: Tennis player;
Bill Murray ::: Born: September 21, 1950; Occupation: Actor;
Chad Michael Murray ::: Born: August 24, 1981; Occupation: Actor;
Gilbert Murray ::: Born: January 2, 1866; Died: May 20, 1957; Occupation: Author;
Joseph Addison ::: Born: May 1, 1672; Died: June 17, 1719; Occupation: Essayist;
Patty Murray ::: Born: October 11, 1950; Occupation: United States Senator;
Edward R. Murrow ::: Born: April 25, 1908; Died: April 27, 1965; Occupation: Journalist;
Miyamoto Musashi ::: Born: 1584; Died: June 13, 1645; Occupation: Author;
Inga Muscio ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Writer;
Pervez Musharraf ::: Born: August 11, 1943; Occupation: Former President of Pakistan;
Robert Musil ::: Born: November 6, 1880; Died: April 15, 1942; Occupation: Writer;
Elon Musk ::: Born: June 28, 1971; Occupation: Investor;
Alfred de Musset ::: Born: December 11, 1810; Died: May 2, 1857; Occupation: Dramatist;
Benito Mussolini ::: Born: July 29, 1883; Died: April 28, 1945; Occupation: Former Duce;
Dave Mustaine ::: Born: September 13, 1961; Occupation: Musician;
Michael Musto ::: Born: December 3, 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Dee Dee Myers ::: Born: September 1, 1961; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Mike Myers ::: Born: May 25, 1963; Occupation: Actor;
Walter Dean Myers ::: Born: August 12, 1937; Died: July 1, 2014; Occupation: Writer;
Lauren Myracle ::: Born: May 15, 1969; Occupation: Writer;
Lee Myung-bak ::: Born: December 19, 1941; Occupation: Former President of South Korea;
Roh Moo-hyun ::: Born: August 6, 1946; Died: May 23, 2009; Occupation: South Korean Politician;
Youssou N'Dour ::: Born: October 1, 1959; Occupation: Singer;
Li Na ::: Born: February 26, 1982; Occupation: Tennis player;
Vladimir Nabokov ::: Born: April 22, 1899; Died: July 2, 1977; Occupation: Novelist;
James Nachtwey ::: Born: March 14, 1948; Occupation: Photojournalist;
Rafael Nadal ::: Born: June 3, 1986; Occupation: Tennis player;
Ralph Nader ::: Born: February 27, 1934; Occupation: Activist;
Azar Nafisi ::: Born: December 1, 1955; Occupation: Writer;
Thomas Nagel ::: Born: July 4, 1937; Occupation: Philosopher;
Anne Baxter ::: Born: May 7, 1923; Died: December 12, 1985; Occupation: Actress;
Ajay Naidu ::: Born: February 12, 1972; Occupation: Actor;
Sarojini Naidu ::: Born: February 13, 1879; Died: March 2, 1949; Occupation: Poet;
V. S. Naipaul ::: Born: August 17, 1932; Occupation: Writer;
Mira Nair ::: Born: October 15, 1957; Occupation: Film director;
John Naisbitt ::: Born: January 15, 1929; Occupation: Author;
Kathy Najimy ::: Born: February 6, 1957; Occupation: Actress;
Joe Namath ::: Born: May 31, 1943; Occupation: Football player;
Guru Nanak ::: Born: April 15, 1469; Died: September 22, 1539; Occupation: Sikh guru;
Fridtjof Nansen ::: Born: October 10, 1861; Died: May 13, 1930; Occupation: Explorer;
Janet Napolitano ::: Born: November 29, 1957; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security;
Nas ::: Born: September 14, 1973; Occupation: Rapper;
Graham Nash ::: Born: February 2, 1942; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
John Forbes Nash ::: Born: June 13, 1928; Died: May 23, 2015; Occupation: Mathematician;
Richard Baxter ::: Born: November 12, 1615; Died: December 8, 1691; Occupation: Poet;
Taslima Nasrin ::: Born: August 25, 1962; Occupation: Author;
Gamal Abdel Nasser ::: Born: January 15, 1918; Died: September 28, 1970; Occupation: Former President of Egypt;
George Jean Nathan ::: Born: March 14, 1882; Died: April 8, 1958; Occupation: Critic;
Bruce Nauman ::: Born: December 6, 1941; Occupation: Artist;
Alexei Navalny ::: Born: June 4, 1976; Occupation: Lawyer;
Michael Bay ::: Born: February 17, 1965; Occupation: Film director;
Dave Navarro ::: Born: June 7, 1967; Occupation: Guitarist;
Gloria Naylor ::: Born: January 25, 1950; Died: September 28, 2016; Occupation: Novelist;
Nursultan Nazarbayev ::: Born: July 6, 1940; Occupation: President of Kazakhstan;
Meshell Ndegeocello ::: Born: August 29, 1968; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Anna Neagle ::: Born: October 20, 1904; Died: June 3, 1986; Occupation: Film actress;
Patricia Neal ::: Born: January 20, 1926; Died: August 8, 2010; Occupation: Actress;
Mark Addy ::: Born: January 14, 1964; Occupation: Actor;
Kevin Nealon ::: Born: November 18, 1953; Occupation: Actor;
Holly Near ::: Born: June 6, 1949; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Liam Neeson ::: Born: June 7, 1952; Occupation: Actor;
Navid Negahban ::: Born: June 2, 1968; Occupation: Actor;
Nicholas Negroponte ::: Born: December 1, 1943; Occupation: Author;
Jawaharlal Nehru ::: Born: November 14, 1889; Died: May 27, 1964; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of India;
Craig T. Nelson ::: Born: April 4, 1944; Occupation: Actor;
Horatio Nelson ::: Born: September 29, 1758; Died: October 21, 1805; Occupation: Military Commander;
Birch Bayh ::: Born: January 22, 1928; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Ricky Nelson ::: Born: May 8, 1940; Died: December 31, 1985; Occupation: Actor;
Russell M. Nelson ::: Born: September 9, 1924; Occupation: Surgeon;
Ted Nelson ::: Born: June 17, 1937; Occupation: Philosopher;
Willie Nelson ::: Born: April 29, 1933; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Petra Nemcova ::: Born: June 24, 1979; Occupation: Model;
Corin Nemec ::: Born: November 5, 1971; Occupation: Actor;
Howard Nemerov ::: Born: February 29, 1920; Died: July 5, 1991; Occupation: Poet;
Pablo Neruda ::: Born: July 12, 1904; Died: September 23, 1973; Occupation: Senator of Chile;
Gerard De Nerval ::: Born: May 22, 1808; Died: January 26, 1855; Occupation: Writer;
Jo Nesbo ::: Born: March 29, 1960; Occupation: Author;
Michael Nesmith ::: Born: December 30, 1942; Occupation: Musician;
Benjamin Netanyahu ::: Born: October 21, 1949; Occupation: Prime Minister of Israel;
Pierre Bayle ::: Born: November 18, 1647; Died: December 28, 1706; Occupation: Philosopher;
Randy Neugebauer ::: Born: December 24, 1949; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Richard John Neuhaus ::: Born: May 14, 1936; Died: January 8, 2009; Occupation: Writer;
John von Neumann ::: Born: December 28, 1903; Died: February 8, 1957; Occupation: Mathematician;
Bebe Neuwirth ::: Born: December 31, 1958; Occupation: Actress;
Louise Berliawsky Nevelson ::: Born: September 23, 1899; Died: April 17, 1988; Occupation: Artist;
Aaron Neville ::: Born: January 24, 1941; Occupation: Singer;
Gary Neville ::: Born: February 18, 1975; Occupation: Soccer player;
Simon Newcomb ::: Born: March 12, 1835; Died: July 11, 1909; Occupation: Astronomer;
Bob Newhart ::: Born: September 5, 1929; Occupation: Stand-up comedian;
Ingrid Newkirk ::: Born: June 11, 1949; Occupation: Activist;
John Henry Newman ::: Born: February 21, 1801; Died: August 11, 1890; Occupation: Priest;
Paul Newman ::: Born: January 26, 1925; Died: September 26, 2008; Occupation: Actor;
Gavin Newsom ::: Born: October 10, 1967; Occupation: Lieutenant Governor of California;
Joanna Newsom ::: Born: January 18, 1982; Occupation: Pianist;
Marc Newson ::: Born: October 20, 1963; Occupation: Industrial designer;
Jason Newsted ::: Born: March 4, 1963; Occupation: Musician;
Helmut Newton ::: Born: October 31, 1920; Died: January 23, 2004; Occupation: Photographer;
Huey Newton ::: Born: February 17, 1942; Died: August 22, 1989; Occupation: Political Activist;
Isaac Newton ::: Born: January 4, 1643; Died: March 31, 1727; Occupation: Physicist;
John Newton ::: Born: July 24, 1725; Died: December 21, 1807; Occupation: Writer;
Thandie Newton ::: Born: November 6, 1972; Occupation: Actress;
Wayne Newton ::: Born: April 3, 1942; Occupation: Singer;
Olivia Newton-John ::: Born: September 26, 1948; Occupation: Singer;
Bob Ney ::: Born: July 5, 1954; Occupation: Ohio State Senator;
David Nicholls ::: Born: November 30, 1966; Occupation: Novelist;
Dudley Nichols ::: Born: April 6, 1895; Died: January 4, 1960; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Joe Nichols ::: Born: November 26, 1976; Occupation: Musical Artist;
Mike Nichols ::: Born: November 6, 1931; Died: November 19, 2014; Occupation: Film director;
George Ade ::: Born: February 9, 1866; Died: May 16, 1944; Occupation: Writer;
Rachel Nichols ::: Born: January 8, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
Ben Nicholson ::: Born: April 12, 1894; Died: February 6, 1982; Occupation: Artist;
Jack Nicholson ::: Born: April 22, 1937; Occupation: Actor;
William Nicholson ::: Born: January 12, 1948; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Stevie Nicks ::: Born: May 26, 1948; Occupation: Singer;
Ishmael Beah ::: Born: November 23, 1980; Occupation: Soldier;
Harold Nicolson ::: Born: November 21, 1886; Died: May 1, 1968; Occupation: Diplomat;
Reinhold Niebuhr ::: Born: June 21, 1892; Died: June 1, 1971; Occupation: Theologian;
Brigitte Nielsen ::: Born: July 15, 1963; Occupation: Actress;
Leslie Nielsen ::: Born: February 11, 1926; Died: November 28, 2010; Occupation: Actor;
Oscar Niemeyer ::: Born: December 15, 1907; Died: December 5, 2012; Occupation: Architect;
Friedrich Nietzsche ::: Born: October 15, 1844; Died: August 25, 1900; Occupation: Philologist;
Earl Nightingale ::: Born: December 3, 1921; Died: March 25, 1989; Occupation: Author;
Florence Nightingale ::: Born: May 12, 1820; Died: August 13, 1910; Occupation: Statistician;
Bill Nighy ::: Born: December 12, 1949; Occupation: Actor;
Harry Nilsson ::: Born: June 15, 1941; Died: January 15, 1994; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Chester W. Nimitz ::: Born: February 24, 1885; Died: February 20, 1966; Occupation: Author;
Leonard Nimoy ::: Born: March 26, 1931; Died: February 27, 2015; Occupation: Actor;
Anais Nin ::: Born: February 21, 1903; Died: January 14, 1977; Occupation: Author;
Robert De Niro ::: Born: August 17, 1943; Occupation: Actor;
David Niven ::: Born: March 1, 1910; Died: July 29, 1983; Occupation: Actor;
Larry Niven ::: Born: April 30, 1938; Occupation: Author;
Cynthia Nixon ::: Born: April 9, 1966; Occupation: Actress;
Richard M. Nixon ::: Born: January 9, 1913; Died: April 22, 1994; Occupation: 37th U.S. President;
Kwame Nkrumah ::: Born: September 21, 1909; Died: April 27, 1972; Occupation: Former President for Life;
Yannick Noah ::: Born: May 18, 1960; Occupation: Tennis player;
Alfred Nobel ::: Born: October 21, 1833; Died: December 10, 1896; Occupation: Chemist;
John Noble ::: Born: August 20, 1948; Occupation: Film actor;
Albert J. Nock ::: Born: October 13, 1870; Died: August 19, 1945; Occupation: Author;
Yoshihiko Noda ::: Born: May 20, 1957; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Japan;
Lyn Nofziger ::: Born: June 8, 1924; Died: March 27, 2006; Occupation: Journalist;
Christopher Nolan ::: Born: July 30, 1970; Occupation: Film director;
Kenneth Noland ::: Born: April 10, 1924; Died: January 5, 2010; Occupation: Painter;
Amaury Nolasco ::: Born: December 24, 1970; Occupation: Actor;
Chuck Noll ::: Born: January 5, 1932; Died: June 13, 2014; Occupation: Football player;
Peggy Noonan ::: Born: September 7, 1950; Occupation: Author;
Indra Nooyi ::: Born: October 28, 1955; Occupation: Business person;
Marsha Norman ::: Born: September 21, 1947; Occupation: Playwright;
Chuck Norris ::: Born: March 10, 1940; Occupation: Martial Artist;
Oliver North ::: Born: October 7, 1943; Occupation: Host;
Andre Norton ::: Born: February 17, 1912; Died: March 17, 2005; Occupation: Writer;
Edward Norton ::: Born: August 18, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
Graham Norton ::: Born: April 4, 1963; Occupation: Presenter;
Deborah Norville ::: Born: August 8, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Brandy Norwood ::: Born: February 11, 1979; Occupation: Entertainer;
Chris Noth ::: Born: November 13, 1954; Occupation: Actor;
Amelie Nothomb ::: Born: August 13, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
Henri Nouwen ::: Born: January 24, 1932; Died: September 21, 1996; Occupation: Priest;
Kim Novak ::: Born: February 13, 1933; Occupation: Actress;
Michael Novak ::: Born: September 9, 1933; Died: February 17, 2017; Occupation: Philosopher;
Charles A. Beard ::: Born: November 27, 1874; Died: September 1, 1948; Occupation: Historian;
Novalis ::: Born: May 2, 1772; Died: March 25, 1801; Occupation: Poet;
Ivor Novello ::: Born: January 15, 1893; Died: March 6, 1951; Occupation: Film Score Composer;
Krist Novoselic ::: Born: May 16, 1965; Occupation: Musician;
Alden Nowlan ::: Born: January 25, 1933; Died: June 27, 1983; Occupation: Poet;
Phillip Noyce ::: Born: April 29, 1950; Occupation: Film director;
Alfred Noyes ::: Born: September 16, 1880; Died: June 28, 1958; Occupation: Poet;
Robert Nozick ::: Born: November 16, 1938; Died: January 23, 2002; Occupation: Philosopher;
James Beard ::: Born: May 5, 1903; Died: January 21, 1985; Occupation: Chef;
Ted Nugent ::: Born: December 13, 1948; Occupation: Musician;
Gary Numan ::: Born: March 8, 1958; Occupation: Singer;
Rudolf Nureyev ::: Born: March 17, 1938; Died: January 6, 1993; Occupation: Ballet Dancer;
Bill Nye ::: Born: November 27, 1955; Occupation: Educator;
Naomi Shihab Nye ::: Born: March 12, 1952; Occupation: Poet;
Karen O ::: Born: November 22, 1978; Occupation: Singer;
Conan O'Brien ::: Born: April 18, 1963; Occupation: Talk show host;
Emmanuelle Beart ::: Born: August 14, 1963; Occupation: Film actress;
Dylan O'Brien ::: Born: August 26, 1991; Occupation: Actor;
Ed O'Brien ::: Born: April 15, 1968; Died: October 13, 2015; Occupation: Musician;
Edna O'Brien ::: Born: December 15, 1930; Occupation: Novelist;
Flann O'Brien ::: Born: October 5, 1911; Died: April 1, 1966; Occupation: Novelist;
Keith O'Brien ::: Born: March 17, 1938; Occupation: Cardinal;
Cecil Beaton ::: Born: January 14, 1904; Died: January 18, 1980; Occupation: Photographer;
Tim O'Brien ::: Born: October 1, 1946; Occupation: Novelist;
Sean O'Casey ::: Born: March 30, 1880; Died: September 18, 1964; Occupation: Dramatist;
Carroll O'Connor ::: Born: August 2, 1924; Died: June 21, 2001; Occupation: Actor;
Donald O'Connor ::: Born: August 28, 1925; Died: September 27, 2003; Occupation: Dancer;
Flannery O'Connor ::: Born: March 25, 1925; Died: August 3, 1964; Occupation: Writer;
Sandra Day O'Connor ::: Born: March 26, 1930; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
Ann Beattie ::: Born: September 8, 1947; Occupation: Writer;
Sinead O'Connor ::: Born: December 8, 1966; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Aubrey O'Day ::: Born: February 11, 1984; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Chris O'Donnell ::: Born: June 26, 1970; Occupation: Actor;
Rosie O'Donnell ::: Born: March 21, 1962; Occupation: Comedian;
Chris O'Dowd ::: Born: October 9, 1979; Occupation: Actor;
Paul O'Grady ::: Born: June 14, 1955; Occupation: Comedian;
Andrew O'Hagan ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Novelist;
Catherine O'Hara ::: Born: March 4, 1954; Occupation: Actress;
Frank O'Hara ::: Born: March 27, 1926; Died: July 25, 1966; Occupation: Writer;
John O'Hara ::: Born: January 31, 1905; Died: April 11, 1970; Occupation: Writer;
Maureen O'Hara ::: Born: August 17, 1920; Died: October 24, 2015; Occupation: Film actress;
Melody Beattie ::: Born: 1948; Occupation: Author;
Denis O'Hare ::: Born: January 16, 1962; Occupation: Actor;
Georgia O'Keeffe ::: Born: November 15, 1887; Died: March 6, 1986; Occupation: Artist;
Kevin O'Leary ::: Born: July 9, 1954; Occupation: Television personality;
Stewart O'Nan ::: Born: February 4, 1961; Occupation: Novelist;
Patrice O'Neal ::: Born: December 7, 1969; Died: November 29, 2011; Occupation: Stand-up comedian;
Shaquille O'Neal ::: Born: March 6, 1972; Occupation: Basketball player;
Tatum O'Neal ::: Born: November 5, 1963; Occupation: Actress;
Ed O'Neill ::: Born: April 12, 1946; Occupation: Actor;
Eugene O'Neill ::: Born: October 16, 1888; Died: November 27, 1953; Occupation: Playwright;
Warren Beatty ::: Born: March 30, 1937; Occupation: Actor;
Edward Abbey ::: Born: January 29, 1927; Died: March 14, 1989; Occupation: Author;
Jennifer O'Neill ::: Born: February 20, 1948; Occupation: Actress;
Bill O'Reilly ::: Born: September 10, 1949; Occupation: Host;
Meghan O'Rourke ::: Born: 1976; Occupation: Poet;
P. J. O'Rourke ::: Born: November 14, 1947; Occupation: Satirist;
Peter O'Toole ::: Born: August 2, 1932; Died: December 14, 2013; Occupation: Film actor;
John Oates ::: Born: April 7, 1949; Occupation: Guitarist;
Joyce Carol Oates ::: Born: June 16, 1938; Occupation: Author;
Barack Obama ::: Born: August 4, 1961; Occupation: 44th U.S. President;
Michelle Obama ::: Born: January 17, 1964; Occupation: Former First Lady of the United States;
Olusegun Obasanjo ::: Born: March 5, 1937; Occupation: Former President of Nigeria;
Conor Oberst ::: Born: February 15, 1980; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Pierre Beaumarchais ::: Born: January 24, 1732; Died: May 18, 1799; Occupation: Playwright;
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador ::: Born: November 13, 1953; Occupation: Head of Government of the Federal District;
Tea Obreht ::: Born: September 30, 1985; Occupation: Novelist;
Ric Ocasek ::: Born: March 23, 1949; Occupation: Musician;
Frank Ocean ::: Born: October 28, 1987; Occupation: Singer;
Ellen Ochoa ::: Born: May 10, 1958; Occupation: Astronaut;
Phil Ochs ::: Born: December 19, 1940; Died: April 9, 1976; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Francis Beaumont ::: Born: 1584; Died: March 6, 1616; Occupation: Dramatist;
Kenzaburo Oe ::: Born: January 31, 1935; Occupation: Author;
Nick Offerman ::: Born: June 26, 1970; Occupation: Actor;
David Ogilvy ::: Born: June 23, 1911; Died: July 21, 1999; Occupation: Businessman;
Sandra Oh ::: Born: July 20, 1971; Occupation: Actress;
Ben Okri ::: Born: March 15, 1959; Occupation: Poet;
Simone de Beauvoir ::: Born: January 9, 1908; Died: April 14, 1986; Occupation: Writer;
Hakeem Olajuwon ::: Born: January 21, 1963; Occupation: Basketball player;
Marvin Olasky ::: Born: June 12, 1950; Occupation: Editor;
Will Oldham ::: Born: January 15, 1970; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Gary Oldman ::: Born: March 21, 1958; Occupation: Actor;
Sharon Olds ::: Born: November 19, 1942; Occupation: Poet;
Xavier Becerra ::: Born: January 26, 1958; Occupation: United States Representative;
Jamie Oliver ::: Born: May 27, 1975; Occupation: Chef;
Alison Bechdel ::: Born: September 10, 1960; Occupation: Cartoonist;
Lauren Oliver ::: Born: 1982; Occupation: Author;
Mary Oliver ::: Born: September 10, 1935; Occupation: Poet;
Laurence Olivier ::: Born: May 22, 1907; Died: July 11, 1989; Occupation: Actor;
Ehud Olmert ::: Born: September 30, 1945; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Israel;
Edward James Olmos ::: Born: February 24, 1947; Occupation: Actor;
Frederick Law Olmsted ::: Born: April 26, 1822; Died: August 28, 1903; Occupation: Landscape architect;
Ashley Olsen ::: Born: June 13, 1986; Occupation: Actress;
Beck ::: Born: July 8, 1970; Occupation: Musician;
Elizabeth Olsen ::: Born: February 16, 1989; Occupation: Actress;
Mary-Kate Olsen ::: Born: June 13, 1986; Occupation: Actress;
Merlin Olsen ::: Born: September 15, 1940; Died: March 11, 2010; Occupation: Football player;
Tillie Olsen ::: Born: January 14, 1912; Died: January 1, 2007; Occupation: Writer;
Charles Olson ::: Born: December 27, 1910; Died: January 10, 1970; Occupation: Poet;
Glenn Beck ::: Born: February 10, 1964; Occupation: Radio host;
Adele ::: Born: May 5, 1988; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Ted Olson ::: Born: September 11, 1940; Occupation: Former United States Solicitor General;
Renee Olstead ::: Born: June 18, 1989; Occupation: Actress;
Timothy Olyphant ::: Born: May 20, 1968; Occupation: Actor;
Aristotle Onassis ::: Born: January 20, 1906; Died: March 15, 1975; Occupation: Business magnate;
Michael Ondaatje ::: Born: September 12, 1943; Occupation: Novelist;
Michel Onfray ::: Born: January 1, 1959; Occupation: Philosopher;
Yoko Ono ::: Born: February 18, 1933; Occupation: Artist;
Kenneth Oppel ::: Born: August 31, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
J. Robert Oppenheimer ::: Born: April 22, 1904; Died: February 18, 1967; Occupation: Theoretical Physicist;
Joko Beck ::: Born: March 27, 1917; Died: June 15, 2011; Occupation: Author;
Susie Orbach ::: Born: November 6, 1946; Occupation: Psychotherapist;
Roy Orbison ::: Born: April 23, 1936; Died: December 6, 1988; Occupation: Singer;
Baroness Orczy ::: Born: September 23, 1865; Died: November 12, 1947; Occupation: Novelist;
Susan Orlean ::: Born: October 31, 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Suze Orman ::: Born: June 5, 1951; Occupation: Author;
Martha Beck ::: Born: November 29, 1962; Occupation: Author;
Bobby Orr ::: Born: March 20, 1948; Occupation: Ice hockey player;
John Boyd Orr ::: Born: September 23, 1880; Died: June 25, 1971; Occupation: Doctor;
John Ortberg ::: Born: May 5, 1957; Occupation: Author;
Ulrich Beck ::: Born: 1944; Died: January 1, 2015; Occupation: Sociologist;
David Ortiz ::: Born: November 18, 1975; Occupation: Baseball player;
Victor Ortiz ::: Born: January 31, 1987; Occupation: Boxer;
Joe Orton ::: Born: January 1, 1933; Died: August 9, 1967; Occupation: Playwright;
George Orwell ::: Born: June 25, 1903; Died: January 21, 1950; Occupation: Novelist;
George Osborne ::: Born: May 23, 1971; Occupation: British Politician;
Kelly Osbourne ::: Born: October 27, 1984; Occupation: Singer;
Ozzy Osbourne ::: Born: December 3, 1948; Occupation: Vocalist;
Sharon Osbourne ::: Born: October 9, 1952; Occupation: Host;
Charles Osgood ::: Born: January 8, 1933; Occupation: Television Writer;
Boris Becker ::: Born: November 22, 1967; Occupation: Tennis player;
William Osler ::: Born: July 12, 1849; Died: December 29, 1919; Occupation: Physician;
Haley Joel Osment ::: Born: April 10, 1988; Occupation: Actor;
Donny Osmond ::: Born: December 9, 1957; Occupation: Singer;
Marie Osmond ::: Born: October 13, 1959; Occupation: Singer;
Joel Osteen ::: Born: March 5, 1963; Occupation: Preacher;
Gary Becker ::: Born: December 2, 1930; Died: May 3, 2014; Occupation: Economist;
Wilhelm Ostwald ::: Born: September 2, 1853; Died: April 4, 1932; Occupation: Chemist;
Patton Oswalt ::: Born: January 27, 1969; Occupation: Comedian;
James Otis ::: Born: February 5, 1725; Died: May 23, 1783; Occupation: Lawyer;
Ouida ::: Born: January 1, 1839; Died: January 25, 1908; Occupation: Novelist;
Denise Van Outen ::: Born: May 27, 1974; Occupation: Actress;
Samuel Beckett ::: Born: April 13, 1906; Died: December 22, 1989; Occupation: Novelist;
Clive Owen ::: Born: October 3, 1964; Occupation: Actor;
John Owen ::: Born: 1616; Died: August 24, 1683; Occupation: Author;
Michael Owen ::: Born: December 14, 1979; Occupation: Soccer player;
David Beckham ::: Born: May 2, 1975; Occupation: Soccer player;
Wilfred Owen ::: Born: March 18, 1893; Died: November 4, 1918; Occupation: Poet;
Buck Owens ::: Born: August 12, 1929; Died: March 25, 2006; Occupation: Musician;
Jesse Owens ::: Born: September 12, 1913; Died: March 31, 1980; Occupation: Olympic athlete;
Major Owens ::: Born: June 28, 1936; Died: October 21, 2013; Occupation: New York State Senator;
Terrell Owens ::: Born: December 7, 1973; Occupation: Football player;
Michael Oxley ::: Born: February 11, 1944; Died: January 1, 2016; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
David Oyelowo ::: Born: April 1, 1976; Occupation: Actor;
Victoria Beckham ::: Born: April 17, 1974; Occupation: Businesswoman;
Amos Oz ::: Born: May 4, 1939; Occupation: Writer;
Mehmet Oz ::: Born: June 11, 1960; Occupation: Surgeon;
Cynthia Ozick ::: Born: April 17, 1928; Occupation: Writer;
Kamla Persad-Bissessar ::: Born: April 22, 1952; Occupation: Former Leader of the Opposition;
Miguel ::: Born: October 23, 1985; Occupation: Songwriter;
Master P ::: Born: April 29, 1970; Occupation: Rapper;
PSY ::: Born: December 31, 1977; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Kate Beckinsale ::: Born: July 26, 1973; Occupation: Actress;
Jack Paar ::: Born: May 1, 1918; Died: January 27, 2004; Occupation: Author;
Adnan Pachachi ::: Born: May 14, 1922; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Iraq;
Al Pacino ::: Born: April 25, 1940; Occupation: Film actor;
Manny Pacquiao ::: Born: December 17, 1978; Occupation: Professional Boxer;
Jared Padalecki ::: Born: July 19, 1982; Occupation: Actor;
Ellen Page ::: Born: February 21, 1987; Occupation: Actress;
Jimmy Page ::: Born: January 9, 1944; Occupation: Musician;
Larry Page ::: Born: March 26, 1973; Occupation: Business magnate;
Max Beckmann ::: Born: February 12, 1884; Died: December 28, 1950; Occupation: Writer;
Camille Paglia ::: Born: April 2, 1947; Occupation: Teacher;
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi ::: Born: October 26, 1919; Died: July 27, 1980; Occupation: Monarch;
Satchel Paige ::: Born: July 7, 1906; Died: June 8, 1982; Occupation: Baseball player;
Thomas Paine ::: Born: February 9, 1737; Died: June 8, 1809; Occupation: Author;
Venerable Bede ::: Born: 672; Died: May 25, 735; Occupation: Saint;
Brad Paisley ::: Born: October 28, 1972; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Chuck Palahniuk ::: Born: February 21, 1962; Occupation: Novelist;
Luis Palau ::: Born: November 27, 1934; Occupation: Evangelist;
Grace Paley ::: Born: December 11, 1922; Died: August 22, 2007; Occupation: Writer;
William S. Paley ::: Born: September 28, 1901; Died: October 26, 1990; Occupation: Executive;
Kabir Bedi ::: Born: January 16, 1946; Occupation: Film actor;
Michael Palin ::: Born: May 5, 1943; Occupation: Comedian;
Sarah Palin ::: Born: February 11, 1964; Occupation: Former Governor of Alaska;
Brian De Palma ::: Born: September 11, 1940; Occupation: Film director;
Amanda Palmer ::: Born: April 30, 1976; Occupation: Singer;
Teresa Palmer ::: Born: February 26, 1986; Occupation: Actress;
Samantha Bee ::: Born: October 25, 1969; Occupation: Actress;
Gwyneth Paltrow ::: Born: September 27, 1972; Occupation: Actress;
Orhan Pamuk ::: Born: June 7, 1952; Occupation: Novelist;
Leon Panetta ::: Born: June 28, 1938; Occupation: Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency;
Hayden Panettiere ::: Born: August 21, 1989; Occupation: Actress;
Archie Panjabi ::: Born: May 31, 1972; Occupation: Actress;
Emmeline Pankhurst ::: Born: July 15, 1858; Died: June 14, 1928; Occupation: Activist;
Joe Pantoliano ::: Born: September 12, 1951; Occupation: Film actor;
Christopher Paolini ::: Born: November 17, 1983; Occupation: Author;
Thomas Beecham ::: Born: April 29, 1879; Died: March 8, 1961; Occupation: Conductor;
Lucas Papademos ::: Born: October 11, 1947; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Greece;
George Papandreou ::: Born: June 16, 1952; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Greece;
Anna Paquin ::: Born: July 24, 1982; Occupation: Actress;
Paracelsus ::: Born: December 17, 1493; Died: September 24, 1541; Occupation: Physician;
Vanessa Paradis ::: Born: December 22, 1972; Occupation: Singer;
Jessica Pare ::: Born: December 5, 1980; Occupation: Film actress;
Konrad Adenauer ::: Born: January 5, 1876; Died: April 19, 1967; Occupation: Former Chancellor of Germany;
Sara Paretsky ::: Born: June 8, 1947; Occupation: Author;
Anne Parillaud ::: Born: May 6, 1960; Occupation: Actress;
Linda Sue Park ::: Born: March 25, 1960; Occupation: Author;
Henry Ward Beecher ::: Born: June 24, 1813; Died: March 8, 1887; Occupation: Minister;
Charlie Parker ::: Born: August 29, 1920; Died: March 12, 1955; Occupation: Saxophonist;
Gilbert Parker ::: Born: November 23, 1862; Died: September 6, 1932; Occupation: Novelist;
James Van Der Beek ::: Born: March 8, 1977; Occupation: Film actor;
Mary-Louise Parker ::: Born: August 2, 1964; Occupation: Actress;
Molly Parker ::: Born: June 14, 1972; Occupation: Actress;
Robert B. Parker ::: Born: September 17, 1932; Died: January 18, 2010; Occupation: Crime writer;
Sarah Jessica Parker ::: Born: March 25, 1965; Occupation: Actress;
Sean Parker ::: Born: December 3, 1979; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
C. Northcote Parkinson ::: Born: July 30, 1909; Died: March 9, 1993; Occupation: Naval historian;
Norman Parkinson ::: Born: April 21, 1913; Died: February 15, 1990; Occupation: Photographer;
Francis Parkman ::: Born: September 16, 1823; Died: November 8, 1893; Occupation: Historian;
Gordon Parks ::: Born: November 30, 1912; Died: March 7, 2006; Occupation: Photographer;
Rosa Parks ::: Born: February 4, 1913; Died: October 24, 2005; Occupation: Activist;
Max Beerbohm ::: Born: August 24, 1872; Died: May 20, 1956; Occupation: Essayist;
Lana Parrilla ::: Born: July 15, 1977; Occupation: Actress;
Estelle Parsons ::: Born: November 20, 1927; Occupation: Theatre actress;
Jim Parsons ::: Born: March 24, 1973; Occupation: Actor;
Talcott Parsons ::: Born: December 13, 1902; Died: May 8, 1979; Occupation: Sociologist;
Tony Parsons ::: Born: November 6, 1953; Occupation: British journalist;
Dolly Parton ::: Born: January 19, 1946; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Andy Partridge ::: Born: November 11, 1953; Occupation: Singer;
Ludwig van Beethoven ::: Born: 1770; Died: March 26, 1827; Occupation: Composer;
Blaise Pascal ::: Born: June 19, 1623; Died: August 19, 1662; Occupation: Mathematician;
Bill Pascrell ::: Born: January 25, 1937; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
John Dos Passos ::: Born: January 14, 1896; Died: September 28, 1970; Occupation: Novelist;
Boris Pasternak ::: Born: February 10, 1890; Died: May 30, 1960; Occupation: Poet;
Louis Pasteur ::: Born: December 27, 1822; Died: September 28, 1895; Occupation: Chemist;
George Pataki ::: Born: June 24, 1945; Occupation: Former Governor of New York;
Ann Patchett ::: Born: December 2, 1963; Occupation: Author;
Walter Pater ::: Born: August 4, 1839; Died: July 30, 1894; Occupation: Critic;
Katherine Paterson ::: Born: October 31, 1932; Occupation: Author;
Pratibha Patil ::: Born: December 19, 1934; Occupation: Former President of India;
Paul Begala ::: Born: May 12, 1961; Occupation: Consultant;
Michel Patini ::: Born: June 21, 1955; Occupation: Soccer player;
Mandy Patinkin ::: Born: November 30, 1952; Occupation: Actor;
Alan Paton ::: Born: January 11, 1903; Died: April 12, 1988; Occupation: Author;
Saint Patrick ::: Born: 387; Died: March 17, 461; Occupation: Missionary;
Ed Begley, Jr. ::: Born: September 16, 1949; Occupation: Actor;
Dick Van Patten ::: Born: December 9, 1928; Died: June 23, 2015; Occupation: Actor;
James Patterson ::: Born: March 22, 1947; Occupation: Author;
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie ::: Born: September 15, 1977; Occupation: Writer;
Robert Pattinson ::: Born: May 13, 1986; Occupation: Actor;
George S. Patton ::: Born: November 11, 1885; Died: December 21, 1945; Occupation: Military Commander;
Alexandra Paul ::: Born: July 29, 1963; Occupation: Actress;
Alice Paul ::: Born: January 11, 1885; Died: July 9, 1977; Occupation: Activist;
Brendan Behan ::: Born: February 9, 1923; Died: March 20, 1964; Occupation: Poet;
Chris Paul ::: Born: May 6, 1985; Occupation: Basketball player;
Jean Paul ::: Born: March 21, 1763; Died: November 14, 1825; Occupation: Writer;
Les Paul ::: Born: June 9, 1915; Died: August 13, 2009; Occupation: Guitarist;
Pope John Paul II ::: Born: May 18, 1920; Died: April 2, 2005; Occupation: Priest;
Rand Paul ::: Born: January 7, 1963; Occupation: United States Senator;
Ron Paul ::: Born: August 20, 1935; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
Sean Paul ::: Born: January 9, 1973; Occupation: Musical Artist;
Jane Pauley ::: Born: October 31, 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Joy Behar ::: Born: October 7, 1942; Occupation: Comedian;
Linus Pauling ::: Born: February 28, 1901; Died: August 19, 1994; Occupation: Chemist;
Gary Paulsen ::: Born: May 17, 1939; Occupation: Writer;
Pat Paulsen ::: Born: July 6, 1927; Died: April 24, 1997; Occupation: Comedian;
Henry Paulson ::: Born: March 28, 1946; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of the Treasury;
Sarah Paulson ::: Born: December 17, 1975; Occupation: Film actress;
Luciano Pavarotti ::: Born: October 12, 1935; Died: September 6, 2007; Occupation: Performer;
Cesare Pavese ::: Born: September 9, 1908; Died: August 27, 1950; Occupation: Poet;
Ivan Pavlov ::: Born: September 26, 1849; Died: February 27, 1936; Occupation: Physiologist;
Anna Pavlova ::: Born: February 12, 1881; Died: January 23, 1931; Occupation: Ballerina;
Sharad Pawar ::: Born: December 12, 1940; Occupation: Political figure;
Tim Pawlenty ::: Born: November 27, 1960; Occupation: Former Governor of Minnesota;
Sara Paxton ::: Born: April 25, 1988; Occupation: Actress;
Michael Behe ::: Born: January 18, 1952; Occupation: Biochemist;
Alexander Payne ::: Born: February 10, 1961; Occupation: Film director;
Octavio Paz ::: Born: March 31, 1914; Died: April 19, 1998; Occupation: Poet;
Thomas Love Peacock ::: Born: October 18, 1785; Died: January 23, 1866; Occupation: Novelist;
Mervyn Peake ::: Born: July 9, 1911; Died: November 17, 1968; Occupation: Writer;
Norman Vincent Peale ::: Born: May 31, 1898; Died: December 24, 1993; Occupation: Author;
Guy Pearce ::: Born: October 5, 1967; Occupation: Actor;
Russell Pearce ::: Born: June 23, 1947; Occupation: American Politician;
Nancy Pearcey ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Author;
Minnie Pearl ::: Born: October 25, 1912; Died: March 4, 1996; Occupation: Comedian;
Hesketh Pearson ::: Born: February 20, 1887; Died: April 9, 1964; Occupation: Actor;
Lester B. Pearson ::: Born: April 23, 1897; Died: December 27, 1972; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Canada;
Ridley Pearson ::: Born: March 13, 1953; Occupation: Author;
Aphra Behn ::: Born: July 10, 1640; Died: April 16, 1689; Occupation: Dramatist;
Neil Peart ::: Born: September 12, 1952; Occupation: Musician;
Gregory Peck ::: Born: April 5, 1916; Died: June 12, 2003; Occupation: Actor;
M. Scott Peck ::: Born: May 23, 1936; Died: September 25, 2005; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
Sam Peckinpah ::: Born: February 21, 1925; Died: December 28, 1984; Occupation: Film director;
Robert Peel ::: Born: February 5, 1788; Died: July 2, 1850; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
Amanda Peet ::: Born: January 11, 1972; Occupation: Actress;
Simon Pegg ::: Born: February 14, 1970; Occupation: Actor;
Charles Peguy ::: Born: January 7, 1873; Died: September 5, 1914; Occupation: Poet;
Leonard Peikoff ::: Born: October 15, 1933; Occupation: Philosopher;
Charles Sanders Peirce ::: Born: September 10, 1839; Died: April 19, 1914; Occupation: Philosopher;
Harvey Pekar ::: Born: October 8, 1939; Died: July 12, 2010; Occupation: Film writer;
Pele ::: Born: October 23, 1940; Occupation: Soccer player;
Christine Pelosi ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Author;
Nancy Pelosi ::: Born: March 26, 1940; Occupation: Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives;
Leonard Peltier ::: Born: September 12, 1944; Occupation: Activist;
Dave Pelzer ::: Born: December 29, 1960; Occupation: Author;
Jean-Marie Le Pen ::: Born: June 20, 1928; Occupation: French Politician;
Mike Pence ::: Born: June 7, 1959; Occupation: Governor of Indiana;
Sean Penn ::: Born: August 17, 1960; Occupation: Actor;
William Penn ::: Born: October 14, 1644; Died: July 30, 1718; Occupation: Author;
Daniel Pennac ::: Born: December 1, 1944; Occupation: Writer;
Louise Penny ::: Born: July 1, 1958; Occupation: Author;
Jacques Pepin ::: Born: December 18, 1935; Occupation: Chef;
Samuel Pepys ::: Born: February 23, 1633; Died: May 26, 1703; Occupation: Member of Parliament;
Piper Perabo ::: Born: October 31, 1976; Occupation: Film actress;
Walker Percy ::: Born: May 28, 1916; Died: May 10, 1990; Occupation: Author;
Shimon Peres ::: Born: August 2, 1923; Died: September 28, 2016; Occupation: President of Israel;
Rosie Perez ::: Born: September 6, 1964; Occupation: Actress;
Carl Perkins ::: Born: April 9, 1932; Died: January 19, 1998; Occupation: Musician;
Frances Perkins ::: Born: April 10, 1880; Died: May 14, 1965; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Labor;
Harry Belafonte ::: Born: March 1, 1927; Occupation: Singer;
Richard Perle ::: Born: September 16, 1941; Occupation: Political scientist;
Elliot Perlman ::: Born: May 7, 1964; Occupation: Author;
Itzhak Perlman ::: Born: August 31, 1945; Occupation: Violinist;
Ron Perlman ::: Born: April 13, 1950; Occupation: Voice Actor;
Evita Peron ::: Born: May 7, 1919; Died: July 26, 1952; Occupation: Film actress;
Ross Perot ::: Born: June 27, 1930; Occupation: Businessman;
Charles Perrault ::: Born: January 12, 1628; Died: May 16, 1703; Occupation: Author;
Christina Perri ::: Born: August 19, 1986; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Anne Perry ::: Born: October 28, 1938; Occupation: Author;
Joe Perry ::: Born: September 10, 1950; Occupation: Guitarist;
Katy Perry ::: Born: October 25, 1984; Occupation: Recording Artist;
Matthew Perry ::: Born: August 19, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
Rick Perry ::: Born: March 4, 1950; Occupation: Governor of Texas;
Steve Perry ::: Born: January 22, 1949; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Tyler Perry ::: Born: September 13, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
Marek Belka ::: Born: January 9, 1952; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Poland;
Fernando Pessoa ::: Born: June 13, 1888; Died: November 30, 1935; Occupation: Poet;
Bernadette Peters ::: Born: February 28, 1948; Occupation: Actress;
Alexander Graham Bell ::: Born: March 3, 1847; Died: August 2, 1922; Occupation: Scientist;
Ellis Peters ::: Born: September 28, 1913; Died: October 14, 1995; Occupation: Author;
Evan Peters ::: Born: January 20, 1987; Occupation: Actor;
Ralph Peters ::: Born: April 19, 1952; Occupation: Author;
Tom Peters ::: Born: November 7, 1942; Occupation: Writer;
William Petersen ::: Born: February 21, 1953; Occupation: Actor;
Eugene H. Peterson ::: Born: November 6, 1932; Occupation: Author;
Roger Tory Peterson ::: Born: August 28, 1908; Died: July 28, 1996; Occupation: Artist;
David Petraeus ::: Born: November 7, 1952; Occupation: Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency;
Petrarch ::: Born: July 20, 1304; Died: July 19, 1374; Occupation: Poet;
Catherine Bell ::: Born: August 14, 1968; Occupation: Actress;
Tom Petty ::: Born: October 20, 1950; Occupation: Musician;
William Petty ::: Born: May 26, 1623; Died: December 16, 1687; Occupation: Economist;
Alex Pettyfer ::: Born: April 10, 1990; Occupation: Actor;
Michelle Pfeiffer ::: Born: April 29, 1958; Occupation: Actress;
Aravind Adiga ::: Born: October 23, 1974; Occupation: Writer;
Liz Phair ::: Born: April 17, 1967; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Jay Pharoah ::: Born: October 14, 1987; Occupation: Actor;
Michael Phelps ::: Born: June 30, 1985; Occupation: Swimmer;
Regis Philbin ::: Born: August 25, 1931; Occupation: Actor;
Nathaniel Philbrick ::: Born: June 11, 1956; Occupation: Author;
Prince Philip ::: Born: June 10, 1921; Occupation: Royal Knight of the Garter;
Busy Philipps ::: Born: June 25, 1979; Occupation: Actress;
Emo Philips ::: Born: February 7, 1956; Occupation: Entertainer;
Arthur Phillips ::: Born: April 23, 1969; Occupation: Novelist;
Chynna Phillips ::: Born: February 12, 1968; Occupation: Singer;
Jeanne Phillips ::: Born: 1942; Occupation: Columnist;
John L. Phillips ::: Born: April 15, 1951; Occupation: Astronaut;
Clive Bell ::: Born: September 16, 1881; Died: September 18, 1964; Occupation: Art critic;
Todd Phillips ::: Born: December 20, 1970; Occupation: Film director;
Wendell Phillips ::: Born: November 29, 1811; Died: February 2, 1884; Occupation: Lawyer;
Eden Phillpotts ::: Born: November 4, 1862; Died: December 29, 1960; Occupation: Author;
Joaquin Phoenix ::: Born: October 28, 1974; Occupation: Actor;
River Phoenix ::: Born: August 23, 1970; Died: October 31, 1993; Occupation: Actor;
Edith Piaf ::: Born: December 19, 1915; Died: October 10, 1963; Occupation: Singer;
Jean Piaget ::: Born: August 9, 1896; Died: September 16, 1980; Occupation: Psychologist;
Renzo Piano ::: Born: September 14, 1937; Occupation: Architect;
Mike Piazza ::: Born: September 4, 1968; Occupation: Baseball player;
Francis Picabia ::: Born: January 22, 1879; Died: November 30, 1953; Occupation: Painter;
Derrick Bell ::: Born: November 6, 1930; Died: October 5, 2011; Occupation: Law professor;
Pablo Picasso ::: Born: October 25, 1881; Died: April 8, 1973; Occupation: Painter;
T. Boone Pickens ::: Born: May 22, 1928; Occupation: Financier;
Mary Pickford ::: Born: April 8, 1892; Died: May 29, 1979; Occupation: Actress;
Jodi Picoult ::: Born: May 19, 1966; Occupation: Author;
David Hyde Pierce ::: Born: April 3, 1959; Occupation: Actor;
Franklin Pierce ::: Born: November 23, 1804; Died: October 8, 1869; Occupation: 14th U.S. President;
Tamora Pierce ::: Born: December 13, 1953; Occupation: Writer;
Marge Piercy ::: Born: March 31, 1936; Occupation: Poet;
Abbe Pierre ::: Born: August 5, 1912; Died: 2007; Occupation: Priest;
Kevin Pietersen ::: Born: June 27, 1980; Occupation: Cricketer;
Albert Pike ::: Born: December 29, 1809; Died: April 2, 1891; Occupation: Attorney;
Emma Bell ::: Born: December 17, 1986; Occupation: Actress;
John Pilger ::: Born: October 9, 1939; Occupation: Journalist;
Karl Pilkington ::: Born: September 23, 1972; Occupation: Television personality;
Chris Pine ::: Born: August 26, 1980; Occupation: Actor;
Pink ::: Born: September 8, 1979; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Steven Pinker ::: Born: September 18, 1954; Occupation: Psychologist;
Jamie Bell ::: Born: March 14, 1986; Occupation: Actor;
Augusto Pinochet ::: Born: November 25, 1915; Died: December 10, 2006; Occupation: Former President of Chile;
Harold Pinter ::: Born: October 10, 1930; Died: December 24, 2008; Occupation: Playwright;
Freida Pinto ::: Born: October 18, 1984; Occupation: Actress;
Billie Piper ::: Born: September 22, 1982; Occupation: Singer;
John Piper ::: Born: January 11, 1946; Occupation: Author;
Daniel Pipes ::: Born: September 9, 1949; Occupation: Historian;
Mary Pipher ::: Born: October 21, 1947; Occupation: Psychologist;
Nelson Piquet ::: Born: August 17, 1952; Occupation: Businessman;
Luigi Pirandello ::: Born: June 28, 1867; Died: December 10, 1936; Occupation: Dramatist;
Joshua Bell ::: Born: December 9, 1967; Occupation: Violinist;
Isabelle Adjani ::: Born: June 27, 1955; Occupation: Film actress;
Robert M. Pirsig ::: Born: September 6, 1928; Died: April 24, 2017; Occupation: Writer;
Camille Pissarro ::: Born: July 10, 1830; Died: November 13, 1903; Occupation: Painter;
Oscar Pistorius ::: Born: November 22, 1986; Occupation: Athlete;
Pitbull ::: Born: January 15, 1981; Occupation: Rapper;
Brad Pitt ::: Born: December 18, 1963; Occupation: Actor;
Michael Pitt ::: Born: April 10, 1981; Occupation: Actor;
William Pitt ::: Born: May 28, 1759; Died: January 23, 1806; Occupation: Former Chancellor of the Exchequer;
Kristen Bell ::: Born: July 18, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
Max Planck ::: Born: April 23, 1858; Died: October 4, 1947; Occupation: Physicist;
Robert Plant ::: Born: August 20, 1948; Occupation: Musician;
Sylvia Plath ::: Born: October 27, 1932; Died: February 11, 1963; Occupation: Poet;
Dana Plato ::: Born: November 7, 1964; Died: May 8, 1999; Occupation: Actress;
Lake Bell ::: Born: March 24, 1979; Occupation: Actress;
Andrei Platonov ::: Born: August 28, 1899; Died: January 5, 1951; Occupation: Author;
Plautus ::: Born: 254 BC; Died: 184 BC; Occupation: Playwright;
Aubrey Plaza ::: Born: June 26, 1984; Occupation: Actress;
Donald Pleasence ::: Born: October 5, 1919; Died: February 2, 1995; Occupation: Film actor;
George Plimpton ::: Born: March 18, 1927; Died: September 25, 2003; Occupation: Journalist;
Rob Bell ::: Born: August 23, 1970; Occupation: Author;
Martha Plimpton ::: Born: November 16, 1970; Occupation: Film actress;
David Plouffe ::: Born: May 27, 1967; Occupation: Political strategist;
Plutarch ::: Born: 45; Died: 120; Occupation: Biographer;
John Podhoretz ::: Born: April 18, 1961; Occupation: Writer;
Edgar Allan Poe ::: Born: January 19, 1809; Died: October 7, 1849; Occupation: Author;
Amy Poehler ::: Born: September 16, 1971; Occupation: Actress;
Frederik Pohl ::: Born: November 26, 1919; Died: September 2, 2013; Occupation: Writer;
Henri Poincare ::: Born: April 29, 1854; Died: July 17, 1912; Occupation: Mathematician;
Sidney Poitier ::: Born: February 20, 1927; Occupation: Actor;
Roman Polanski ::: Born: August 18, 1933; Occupation: Film director;
John Charles Polanyi ::: Born: January 23, 1929; Occupation: Chemist;
Michael Polanyi ::: Born: March 11, 1891; Died: February 22, 1976; Occupation: Economic Consultant;
Nicole Polizzi ::: Born: November 23, 1987; Occupation: Television Personality;
James K. Polk ::: Born: November 2, 1795; Died: June 15, 1849; Occupation: 11th U.S. President;
John Polkinghorne ::: Born: October 16, 1930; Occupation: Physicist;
Sydney Pollack ::: Born: July 1, 1934; Died: May 26, 2008; Occupation: Film director;
Ahmed Ben Bella ::: Born: December 25, 1918; Died: April 11, 2012; Occupation: Soldier;
Jackson Pollock ::: Born: January 28, 1912; Died: August 11, 1956; Occupation: Artist;
Ellen Pompeo ::: Born: November 10, 1969; Occupation: Actress;
Georges Pompidou ::: Born: July 5, 1911; Died: April 2, 1974; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of France;
Iggy Pop ::: Born: April 21, 1947; Occupation: Singer;
Alexander Pope ::: Born: May 21, 1688; Died: May 30, 1744; Occupation: Poet;
Karl Popper ::: Born: July 28, 1902; Died: September 17, 1994; Occupation: Philosopher;
Antonio Porchia ::: Born: November 13, 1885; Died: November 9, 1968; Occupation: Poet;
Cole Porter ::: Born: June 9, 1891; Died: October 15, 1964; Occupation: Composer;
Eleanor Porter ::: Born: December 19, 1868; Died: May 21, 1920; Occupation: Novelist;
Katherine Anne Porter ::: Born: May 15, 1890; Died: September 18, 1980; Occupation: Journalist;
Michael Porter ::: Born: May 23, 1947; Occupation: Professor;
Natalie Portman ::: Born: June 9, 1981; Occupation: Actress;
Rob Portman ::: Born: December 19, 1955; Occupation: United States Senator;
Neil Postman ::: Born: March 8, 1931; Died: October 5, 2003; Occupation: Author;
Franka Potente ::: Born: July 22, 1974; Occupation: Film actress;
Chaim Potok ::: Born: February 17, 1929; Died: July 23, 2002; Occupation: Author;
Beatrix Potter ::: Born: July 28, 1866; Died: December 22, 1943; Occupation: Author;
Ezra Pound ::: Born: October 30, 1885; Died: November 1, 1972; Occupation: Poet;
Paula Poundstone ::: Born: December 29, 1959; Occupation: Comedian;
Anthony Powell ::: Born: December 21, 1905; Died: March 28, 2000; Occupation: Novelist;
Colin Powell ::: Born: April 5, 1937; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
Dawn Powell ::: Born: November 28, 1896; Died: November 14, 1965; Occupation: Writer;
Enoch Powell ::: Born: June 16, 1912; Died: February 8, 1998; Occupation: Former Financial Secretary to the Treasury;
Michael K. Powell ::: Born: March 23, 1963; Occupation: Politician;
Robert Powell ::: Born: June 1, 1944; Occupation: Film actor;
William Powell ::: Born: July 29, 1892; Died: March 5, 1984; Occupation: Actor;
Samantha Power ::: Born: September 21, 1970; Occupation: Director for Multilateral Affairs;
Kevin Powers ::: Born: July 11, 1980; Occupation: Writer;
Richard Powers ::: Born: June 18, 1957; Occupation: Novelist;
Stefanie Powers ::: Born: November 2, 1942; Occupation: Film actress;
Hilaire Belloc ::: Born: July 27, 1870; Died: July 16, 1953; Occupation: Writer;
Miuccia Prada ::: Born: May 10, 1949; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Dennis Prager ::: Born: August 2, 1948; Occupation: Radio host;
Terry Pratchett ::: Born: April 28, 1948; Died: March 12, 2015; Occupation: Author;
Hugh Prather ::: Born: January 23, 1938; Died: November 15, 2010; Occupation: Writer;
Chris Pratt ::: Born: June 21, 1979; Occupation: Actor;
Orson Pratt ::: Born: September 19, 1811; Died: October 3, 1881; Occupation: Apostle;
Saul Bellow ::: Born: June 10, 1915; Died: April 5, 2005; Occupation: Writer;
Jack Prelutsky ::: Born: September 8, 1940; Occupation: Writer;
Munshi Premchand ::: Born: July 31, 1880; Died: October 8, 1936; Occupation: Writer;
Azim Premji ::: Born: July 24, 1945; Occupation: Business person;
Laura Prepon ::: Born: March 7, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
John Prescott ::: Born: May 31, 1938; Occupation: British Politician;
Elvis Presley ::: Born: January 8, 1935; Died: August 16, 1977; Occupation: Singer;
Monica Bellucci ::: Born: September 30, 1964; Occupation: Actress;
Lisa Marie Presley ::: Born: February 1, 1968; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Priscilla Presley ::: Born: May 24, 1945; Occupation: Actress;
Steven Pressfield ::: Born: 1943; Occupation: Author;
Douglas Preston ::: Born: May 26, 1956; Occupation: Author;
Kelly Preston ::: Born: October 13, 1962; Occupation: Actress;
Jacques Prevert ::: Born: February 4, 1900; Died: April 11, 1977; Occupation: Poet;
James Belushi ::: Born: June 15, 1954; Occupation: Actor;
Alan Price ::: Born: April 19, 1942; Occupation: Musician;
David Price ::: Born: August 17, 1940; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Katie Price ::: Born: May 22, 1978; Occupation: TV Personality;
Reynolds Price ::: Born: February 1, 1933; Died: January 20, 2011; Occupation: Poet;
Vincent Price ::: Born: May 27, 1911; Died: October 25, 1993; Occupation: Actor;
John Belushi ::: Born: January 24, 1949; Died: March 5, 1982; Occupation: Comedian;
Charley Pride ::: Born: March 18, 1938; Occupation: Singer;
J. B. Priestley ::: Born: September 13, 1894; Died: August 14, 1984; Occupation: Novelist;
Ilya Prigogine ::: Born: January 25, 1917; Died: May 28, 2003; Occupation: Chemist;
Louis Prima ::: Born: December 7, 1910; Died: August 24, 1978; Occupation: Singer;
Harold Prince ::: Born: January 30, 1928; Occupation: Theatrical producer;
Joseph Prince ::: Born: May 15, 1963; Occupation: Pastor;
Prince ::: Born: June 7, 1958; Died: April 21, 2016; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Victoria Principal ::: Born: January 3, 1950; Occupation: Actress;
Matthew Prior ::: Born: July 21, 1664; Died: September 18, 1721; Occupation: Poet;
Emily Procter ::: Born: October 8, 1968; Occupation: Actress;
Francine Prose ::: Born: April 1, 1947; Occupation: Writer;
Alain Prost ::: Born: February 24, 1955; Occupation: Race car driver;
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon ::: Born: January 15, 1809; Died: January 19, 1865; Occupation: Author;
Annie Proulx ::: Born: August 22, 1935; Occupation: Journalist;
Marcel Proust ::: Born: July 10, 1871; Died: November 18, 1922; Occupation: Novelist;
Pat Benatar ::: Born: January 10, 1953; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Richard Pryor ::: Born: December 1, 1940; Died: December 10, 2005; Occupation: Comedian;
Wolfgang Puck ::: Born: July 8, 1949; Occupation: Chef;
Manuel Puig ::: Born: December 28, 1932; Died: July 22, 1990; Occupation: Author;
Joseph Pulitzer ::: Born: April 10, 1847; Died: October 29, 1911; Occupation: Publisher;
Philip Pullman ::: Born: October 19, 1946; Occupation: Film writer;
Richie Benaud ::: Born: October 6, 1930; Died: April 10, 2015; Occupation: Cricketer;
Alexander Pushkin ::: Born: June 6, 1799; Died: February 10, 1837; Occupation: Author;
Vladimir Putin ::: Born: October 7, 1952; Occupation: President of Russia;
David Puttnam ::: Born: February 25, 1941; Occupation: Film Producer;
Mario Puzo ::: Born: October 15, 1920; Died: July 2, 1999; Occupation: Author;
Barbara Pym ::: Born: June 2, 1913; Died: January 11, 1980; Occupation: Novelist;
Thomas Pynchon ::: Born: May 8, 1937; Occupation: Novelist;
Pythagoras ::: Born: 571 BC; Died: 495 BC; Occupation: Philosopher;
Robin Wright ::: Born: April 8, 1966; Occupation: Actress;
Pliny the Elder ::: Born: 23; Died: August 25, 79; Occupation: Author;
Quentin Bryce ::: Born: December 23, 1942; Occupation: Governor-General of Australia;
Maggie Q ::: Born: May 22, 1979; Occupation: Actress;
Nizar Qabbani ::: Born: March 21, 1923; Died: April 30, 1998; Occupation: Diplomat;
Hesham Qandil ::: Born: September 17, 1962; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Egypt;
Dennis Quaid ::: Born: April 9, 1954; Occupation: Actor;
Robert Benchley ::: Born: September 15, 1889; Died: November 21, 1945; Occupation: Humorist;
Mary Quant ::: Born: February 11, 1934; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Salvatore Quasimodo ::: Born: August 20, 1901; Died: June 14, 1968; Occupation: Author;
Suzi Quatro ::: Born: June 3, 1950; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Ben Quayle ::: Born: November 5, 1976; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
Dan Quayle ::: Born: February 4, 1947; Occupation: Former Vice President of the United States;
Raymond Queneau ::: Born: February 21, 1903; Died: October 25, 1976; Occupation: Novelist;
Questlove ::: Born: January 20, 1971; Occupation: Drummer;
Ludwig Quidde ::: Born: March 23, 1858; Died: March 4, 1941; Occupation: German Politician;
Carroll Quigley ::: Born: November 9, 1910; Died: January 3, 1977; Occupation: Historian;
Thomas de Quincey ::: Born: August 15, 1785; Died: December 8, 1859; Occupation: Essayist;
Anna Quindlen ::: Born: July 8, 1952; Occupation: Author;
Willard Van Orman Quine ::: Born: June 25, 1908; Died: December 25, 2000; Occupation: Philosopher;
Kathleen Quinlan ::: Born: November 19, 1954; Occupation: Actress;
Aidan Quinn ::: Born: March 8, 1959; Occupation: Actor;
Anthony Quinn ::: Born: April 21, 1915; Died: June 3, 2001; Occupation: Actor;
Colin Quinn ::: Born: June 6, 1959; Occupation: Stand-up comedian;
Jane Bryant Quinn ::: Born: February 5, 1939; Occupation: Journalist;
Julia Quinn ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Author;
Lawrence Bender ::: Born: October 17, 1957; Occupation: Film Producer;
Zachary Quinto ::: Born: June 2, 1977; Occupation: Actor;
Robin Quivers ::: Born: August 8, 1952; Occupation: Radio personality;
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan ::: Born: November 1, 1973; Occupation: Film actress;
Queen Rania of Jordan ::: Born: August 31, 1970; Occupation: Queen Consort of Jordan;
Alfred Adler ::: Born: February 7, 1870; Died: May 28, 1937; Occupation: Psychotherapist;
Lynn Abbey ::: Born: September 18, 1948; Occupation: Author;
Sun Ra ::: Born: May 22, 1914; Died: May 30, 1993; Occupation: Composer;
Jonathan Raban ::: Born: June 14, 1942; Occupation: Travel writer;
Lily Rabe ::: Born: June 29, 1982; Occupation: Actress;
Francois Rabelais ::: Born: February 4, 1494; Died: April 9, 1553; Occupation: Writer;
Yitzhak Rabin ::: Born: March 1, 1922; Died: November 4, 1995; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Israel;
Jean Racine ::: Born: December 22, 1639; Died: April 21, 1699; Occupation: Dramatist;
Daniel Radcliffe ::: Born: July 23, 1989; Occupation: Actor;
Dirk Benedict ::: Born: March 1, 1945; Occupation: Actor;
Timothy Radcliffe ::: Born: 1945; Occupation: Priest;
Karl Radek ::: Born: October 31, 1885; Died: May 19, 1939; Occupation: Political leader;
Gilda Radner ::: Born: June 28, 1946; Died: May 20, 1989; Occupation: Comedian;
Josh Radnor ::: Born: July 29, 1974; Occupation: Actor;
Henrique Capriles Radonski ::: Born: July 11, 1972; Occupation: Venezuelan Politician;
Agnieszka Radwanska ::: Born: March 6, 1989; Occupation: Tennis player;
Raekwon ::: Born: January 12, 1970; Occupation: Rapper;
Jean-Pierre Raffarin ::: Born: August 3, 1948; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of France;
Ruth Benedict ::: Born: June 5, 1887; Died: September 17, 1948; Occupation: Anthropologist;
Nick Rahall ::: Born: May 20, 1949; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Karl Rahner ::: Born: March 5, 1904; Died: March 30, 1984; Occupation: Theologian;
Sam Raimi ::: Born: October 23, 1959; Occupation: Film director;
Bonnie Raitt ::: Born: November 8, 1949; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
David Rakoff ::: Born: November 27, 1964; Died: August 9, 2012; Occupation: Writer;
Stephen Vincent Benet ::: Born: July 22, 1898; Died: March 13, 1943; Occupation: Author;
Ted Rall ::: Born: August 26, 1963; Occupation: Cartoonist;
Aron Ralston ::: Born: October 27, 1975; Occupation: Engineer;
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Neuroscientist;
Tariq Ramadan ::: Born: August 26, 1962; Occupation: Writer;
Sara Ramirez ::: Born: August 31, 1975; Occupation: Singer;
Harold Ramis ::: Born: November 21, 1944; Died: February 24, 2014; Occupation: Actor;
Joey Ramone ::: Born: May 19, 1951; Died: April 15, 2001; Occupation: Musician;
Gordon Ramsay ::: Born: November 8, 1966; Occupation: Chef;
Roberto Benigni ::: Born: October 27, 1952; Occupation: Actor;
Dave Ramsey ::: Born: September 3, 1960; Occupation: Author;
Jim Ramstad ::: Born: May 6, 1946; Occupation: Former United States Representative;
Bill Rancic ::: Born: May 16, 1971; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
Giuliana Rancic ::: Born: August 17, 1974; Occupation: Television Personality;
Ayn Rand ::: Born: February 2, 1905; Died: March 6, 1982; Occupation: Novelist;
Tony Randall ::: Born: February 26, 1920; Died: May 17, 2004; Occupation: Actor;
James Randi ::: Born: August 7, 1928; Occupation: Magician;
A. Philip Randolph ::: Born: April 15, 1889; Died: May 16, 1979; Occupation: American Political leader;
Annette Bening ::: Born: May 29, 1958; Occupation: Actress;
Charles Rangel ::: Born: June 11, 1930; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Otto Rank ::: Born: April 22, 1884; Died: October 31, 1939; Occupation: Psychoanalyst;
Ian Rankin ::: Born: April 28, 1960; Occupation: Crime writer;
David Benioff ::: Born: September 25, 1970; Occupation: Novelist;
Arthur Ransome ::: Born: January 18, 1884; Died: June 3, 1967; Occupation: Author;
Michael Rapaport ::: Born: March 20, 1970; Occupation: Actor;
Anthony Rapp ::: Born: October 26, 1971; Occupation: Film actor;
Phylicia Rashad ::: Born: June 19, 1948; Occupation: Actress;
Jef Raskin ::: Born: March 9, 1943; Died: February 26, 2005; Occupation: Computer Scientist;
Anders Fogh Rasmussen ::: Born: January 26, 1953; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Denmark;
Basil Rathbone ::: Born: June 13, 1892; Died: July 21, 1967; Occupation: Actor;
Felix Adler ::: Born: August 13, 1851; Died: April 24, 1933; Occupation: Professor;
Dan Rather ::: Born: October 31, 1931; Occupation: Journalist;
Brett Ratner ::: Born: March 28, 1969; Occupation: Film director;
John Ratzenberger ::: Born: April 6, 1947; Occupation: Actor;
Dan Benishek ::: Born: April 20, 1952; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Feisal Abdul Rauf ::: Born: 1948; Occupation: Imam;
Robert Rauschenberg ::: Born: October 22, 1925; Died: May 12, 2008; Occupation: Painter;
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings ::: Born: August 8, 1896; Died: December 14, 1953; Occupation: Author;
John Rawls ::: Born: February 21, 1921; Died: November 24, 2002; Occupation: Philosopher;
Andre Benjamin ::: Born: May 27, 1975; Occupation: Rapper;
Lou Rawls ::: Born: December 1, 1933; Died: January 6, 2006; Occupation: Voice artist;
John Ray ::: Born: November 29, 1627; Died: January 17, 1705; Occupation: Botanist;
Man Ray ::: Born: August 27, 1890; Died: November 18, 1976; Occupation: Artist;
Rachael Ray ::: Born: August 25, 1968; Occupation: Television Personality;
Satyajit Ray ::: Born: May 2, 1921; Died: April 23, 1992; Occupation: Filmmaker;
Walter Benjamin ::: Born: July 15, 1892; Died: September 26, 1940; Occupation: Literary critic;
Stephen Rea ::: Born: October 31, 1946; Occupation: Film actor;
Herbert Read ::: Born: December 4, 1893; Died: June 12, 1968; Occupation: Poet;
Michael Reagan ::: Born: March 18, 1945; Occupation: Radio host;
Nancy Reagan ::: Born: July 6, 1921; Died: March 6, 2016; Occupation: Former First Lady of the United States;
Ron Reagan ::: Born: May 20, 1958; Occupation: Radio host;
Tony Benn ::: Born: April 3, 1925; Died: March 14, 2014; Occupation: Former Member of the European Parliament;
Ronald Reagan ::: Born: February 6, 1911; Died: June 5, 2004; Occupation: 40th U.S. President;
Bernice Johnson Reagon ::: Born: October 4, 1942; Occupation: Singer;
Harry Reasoner ::: Born: April 17, 1923; Died: August 6, 1991; Occupation: Journalist;
Leon Redbone ::: Born: August 26, 1949; Occupation: Singer;
Lance Reddick ::: Born: June 7, 1962; Occupation: Theater Actor;
Helen Reddy ::: Born: October 25, 1941; Occupation: Singer;
James Redfield ::: Born: March 19, 1950; Occupation: Author;
Alan Bennett ::: Born: May 9, 1934; Occupation: Playwright;
Robert Redford ::: Born: August 18, 1936; Occupation: Actor;
Lynn Redgrave ::: Born: March 8, 1943; Died: May 2, 2010; Occupation: Actress;
Jamie Redknapp ::: Born: June 25, 1973; Occupation: Soccer player;
Eddie Redmayne ::: Born: January 6, 1982; Occupation: Actor;
Sumner Redstone ::: Born: May 27, 1923; Occupation: Magnate;
Arnold Bennett ::: Born: May 27, 1867; Died: March 27, 1931; Occupation: Film writer;
Ishmael Reed ::: Born: February 22, 1938; Occupation: Poet;
Lou Reed ::: Born: March 2, 1942; Died: October 27, 2013; Occupation: Musician;
Oliver Reed ::: Born: February 13, 1938; Died: May 2, 1999; Occupation: Actor;
Norman Reedus ::: Born: January 6, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
Nigel Rees ::: Born: June 5, 1944; Occupation: Writer;
Della Reese ::: Born: July 6, 1931; Occupation: Actress;
Christopher Reeve ::: Born: September 25, 1952; Died: October 10, 2004; Occupation: Actor;
Keanu Reeves ::: Born: September 2, 1964; Occupation: Actor;
Donald T. Regan ::: Born: December 21, 1918; Died: June 10, 2003; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of the Treasury;
Godfrey Reggio ::: Born: March 29, 1940; Occupation: Film director;
Robert Reich ::: Born: June 24, 1946; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Labor;
Wilhelm Reich ::: Born: March 24, 1897; Died: November 3, 1957; Occupation: Psychoanalyst;
Kathy Reichs ::: Born: 1950; Occupation: Crime writer;
Harry Reid ::: Born: December 2, 1939; Occupation: United States Senator;
Tara Reid ::: Born: November 8, 1975; Occupation: Model;
Thomas Reid ::: Born: April 26, 1710; Died: October 7, 1796; Occupation: Philosopher;
John C. Reilly ::: Born: May 24, 1965; Occupation: Actor;
Kelly Reilly ::: Born: July 18, 1977; Occupation: Actress;
Carl Reiner ::: Born: March 20, 1922; Occupation: Comedian;
Rob Reiner ::: Born: March 6, 1947; Occupation: Actor;
Frederick Reines ::: Born: March 16, 1918; Died: August 26, 1998; Occupation: Physicist;
Ad Reinhardt ::: Born: December 24, 1913; Died: August 30, 1967; Occupation: Artist;
Ivan Reitman ::: Born: October 27, 1946; Occupation: Film Producer;
Jason Reitman ::: Born: October 19, 1977; Occupation: Film director;
Jodi Rell ::: Born: June 16, 1946; Occupation: Former Governor of Connecticut;
Erich Maria Remarque ::: Born: June 22, 1898; Died: September 25, 1970; Occupation: Author;
David Remnick ::: Born: October 29, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Ernest Renan ::: Born: February 28, 1823; Died: October 12, 1892; Occupation: Philosopher;
Jules Renard ::: Born: January 22, 1864; Died: May 22, 1910; Occupation: Author;
Mary Renault ::: Born: September 4, 1905; Died: December 13, 1983; Occupation: Writer;
Ruth Rendell ::: Born: February 17, 1930; Died: May 2, 2015; Occupation: Baroness Rendell of Babergh;
Jeremy Renner ::: Born: January 7, 1971; Occupation: Actor;
Louise Rennison ::: Born: 1951; Died: February 29, 2016; Occupation: Author;
Janet Reno ::: Born: July 21, 1938; Died: November 7, 2016; Occupation: United States Attorney General;
Oscar de la Renta ::: Born: July 22, 1932; Died: October 20, 2014; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Rick Renzi ::: Born: June 11, 1958; Occupation: Former United States Representative;
Mary Lou Retton ::: Born: January 24, 1968; Occupation: Gymnast;
Gloria Reuben ::: Born: June 9, 1964; Occupation: Singer;
Kenneth Rexroth ::: Born: December 22, 1905; Died: June 6, 1982; Occupation: Poet;
Burt Reynolds ::: Born: February 11, 1936; Occupation: Actor;
Joshua Reynolds ::: Born: July 16, 1723; Died: February 23, 1792; Occupation: Painter;
Ryan Reynolds ::: Born: October 23, 1976; Occupation: Film actor;
Robert Foster Bennett ::: Born: September 18, 1933; Died: May 4, 2016; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Caroline Rhea ::: Born: April 13, 1964; Occupation: Comedian;
Shonda Rhimes ::: Born: January 13, 1970; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Cecil Rhodes ::: Born: July 5, 1853; Died: March 26, 1902; Occupation: Businessman;
Busta Rhymes ::: Born: May 20, 1972; Occupation: Rapper;
Jean Rhys ::: Born: August 24, 1890; Died: May 14, 1979; Occupation: Novelist;
Matthew Rhys ::: Born: November 8, 1974; Occupation: Actor;
Giovanni Ribisi ::: Born: December 17, 1974; Occupation: Actor;
David Ricardo ::: Born: April 18, 1772; Died: September 11, 1823; Occupation: Economist;
Christina Ricci ::: Born: February 12, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
Anne Rice ::: Born: October 4, 1941; Occupation: Author;
Boyd Rice ::: Born: December 16, 1956; Occupation: Musician;
Condoleezza Rice ::: Born: November 14, 1954; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
Grantland Rice ::: Born: November 1, 1880; Died: July 13, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
Susan Rice ::: Born: November 17, 1964; Occupation: United States Ambassador to the United Nations;
Adrienne Rich ::: Born: May 16, 1929; Died: March 27, 2012; Occupation: Poet;
Tony Bennett ::: Born: August 3, 1926; Occupation: Painter;
Buddy Rich ::: Born: September 30, 1917; Died: April 2, 1987; Occupation: Drummer;
Cliff Richard ::: Born: October 14, 1940; Occupation: Singer;
Little Richard ::: Born: December 5, 1932; Died: March 24, 2017; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Mortimer Adler ::: Born: December 28, 1902; Died: June 28, 2001; Occupation: Philosopher;
Ann Richards ::: Born: September 1, 1933; Died: September 13, 2006; Occupation: Former Governor of Texas;
Denise Richards ::: Born: February 17, 1971; Occupation: Actress;
Keith Richards ::: Born: December 18, 1943; Occupation: Musician;
William Bennett ::: Born: July 31, 1943; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Education;
Bill Richardson ::: Born: November 15, 1947; Occupation: Former Governor of New Mexico;
Joely Richardson ::: Born: January 9, 1965; Occupation: Actress;
Miranda Richardson ::: Born: March 3, 1958; Occupation: Film actress;
Chester Bennington ::: Born: March 20, 1976; Occupation: Musician;
Samuel Richardson ::: Born: August 19, 1689; Died: July 4, 1761; Occupation: Writer;
Lionel Richie ::: Born: June 20, 1949; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Nicole Richie ::: Born: September 21, 1981; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Mordecai Richler ::: Born: January 27, 1931; Died: July 3, 2001; Occupation: Author;
Warren G. Bennis ::: Born: March 8, 1925; Died: July 31, 2014; Occupation: Author;
Charles Francis Richter ::: Born: April 26, 1900; Died: September 30, 1985; Occupation: Seismologist;
Gerhard Richter ::: Born: February 9, 1932; Occupation: Visual Artist;
Manfred von Richthofen ::: Born: May 2, 1892; Died: April 21, 1918; Occupation: Freiherr;
Eddie Rickenbacker ::: Born: October 8, 1890; Died: July 27, 1973; Occupation: Race car driver;
Branch Rickey ::: Born: December 20, 1881; Died: December 9, 1965; Occupation: Baseball player;
Adam Rickitt ::: Born: May 29, 1978; Occupation: Actor;
Don Rickles ::: Born: May 8, 1926; Died: April 6, 2017; Occupation: Comedian;
Alan Rickman ::: Born: February 21, 1946; Died: January 14, 2016; Occupation: Actor;
Jack Benny ::: Born: February 14, 1894; Died: December 26, 1974; Occupation: Comedian;
Paul Ricoeur ::: Born: February 27, 1913; Died: May 20, 2005; Occupation: Philosopher;
Sally Ride ::: Born: May 26, 1951; Died: July 23, 2012; Occupation: Physicist;
Tom Ridge ::: Born: August 26, 1945; Occupation: Former Governor of Pennsylvania;
Laura Riding ::: Born: January 16, 1901; Died: September 2, 1991; Occupation: Poet;
David Riesman ::: Born: September 22, 1909; Died: May 10, 2002; Occupation: Attorney;
Andre Rieu ::: Born: October 1, 1949; Occupation: Violinist;
Jeremy Rifkin ::: Born: January 26, 1945; Occupation: Writer;
Rihanna ::: Born: February 20, 1988; Occupation: Recording Artist;
Jacob August Riis ::: Born: May 3, 1849; Died: May 26, 1914; Occupation: Journalist;
James Whitcomb Riley ::: Born: October 7, 1849; Died: July 22, 1916; Occupation: Writer;
Pat Riley ::: Born: March 20, 1945; Occupation: Basketball Coach;
Terry Riley ::: Born: June 24, 1935; Occupation: Composer;
Rainer Maria Rilke ::: Born: December 4, 1875; Died: December 29, 1926; Occupation: Poet;
Arthur Rimbaud ::: Born: October 20, 1854; Died: November 10, 1891; Occupation: Poet;
LeAnn Rimes ::: Born: August 28, 1982; Occupation: Singer;
Anna Benson ::: Born: February 12, 1976; Occupation: Model;
Rick Riordan ::: Born: June 5, 1964; Occupation: Author;
Eric Ripert ::: Born: March 2, 1965; Occupation: Chef;
Alexandra Ripley ::: Born: January 8, 1934; Died: January 10, 2004; Occupation: Writer;
Dennis Ritchie ::: Born: September 9, 1941; Died: October 12, 2011; Occupation: Computer Scientist;
Guy Ritchie ::: Born: September 10, 1968; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Jason Ritter ::: Born: February 17, 1980; Occupation: Actor;
John Ritter ::: Born: September 17, 1948; Died: September 11, 2003; Occupation: Actor;
Krysten Ritter ::: Born: December 16, 1981; Occupation: Actress;
Scott Ritter ::: Born: July 15, 1961; Occupation: Critic;
Herb Ritts ::: Born: August 13, 1952; Died: December 26, 2002; Occupation: Photographer;
Antoine Rivarol ::: Born: June 26, 1753; Died: April 11, 1801; Occupation: Writer;
Chita Rivera ::: Born: January 23, 1933; Occupation: Actress;
Diego Rivera ::: Born: December 8, 1886; Died: November 24, 1957; Occupation: Painter;
Ezra Taft Benson ::: Born: August 4, 1899; Died: May 30, 1994; Occupation: Farmer;
Renata Adler ::: Born: October 19, 1938; Occupation: Author;
Geraldo Rivera ::: Born: July 4, 1943; Occupation: Attorney;
Mariano Rivera ::: Born: November 29, 1969; Occupation: Baseball player;
Naya Rivera ::: Born: January 12, 1987; Occupation: Actress;
Francine Rivers ::: Born: 1947; Occupation: Author;
Joan Rivers ::: Born: June 8, 1933; Died: September 4, 2014; Occupation: Television Personality;
George Benson ::: Born: March 22, 1943; Occupation: Musician;
Jose Rizal ::: Born: June 19, 1861; Died: December 30, 1896; Occupation: Novelist;
Mary Roach ::: Born: March 20, 1959; Occupation: Author;
Marty Robbins ::: Born: September 26, 1925; Died: December 8, 1982; Occupation: Singer;
Tim Robbins ::: Born: October 16, 1958; Occupation: Actor;
Tom Robbins ::: Born: July 22, 1936; Occupation: Author;
Tony Robbins ::: Born: February 29, 1960; Occupation: Author;
Emma Roberts ::: Born: February 10, 1991; Occupation: Actress;
Gregory David Roberts ::: Born: June 1, 1952; Occupation: Author;
Jane Roberts ::: Born: May 8, 1929; Died: September 5, 1984; Occupation: Author;
John Roberts ::: Born: January 27, 1955; Occupation: Chief Justice of the United States;
Julia Roberts ::: Born: October 28, 1967; Occupation: Actress;
Nora Roberts ::: Born: October 10, 1950; Occupation: Author;
Oral Roberts ::: Born: January 24, 1918; Died: December 15, 2009; Occupation: Televangelist;
Jeremy Bentham ::: Born: February 15, 1748; Died: June 6, 1832; Occupation: Philosopher;
Pat Robertson ::: Born: March 22, 1930; Occupation: Author;
Paul Robeson ::: Born: April 9, 1898; Died: January 23, 1976; Occupation: Singer;
Maximilien Robespierre ::: Born: May 6, 1758; Died: July 28, 1794; Occupation: Lawyer;
Bruce Robinson ::: Born: May 2, 1946; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Chris Robinson ::: Born: December 20, 1966; Occupation: Singer;
Edwin Arlington Robinson ::: Born: December 22, 1869; Died: April 6, 1935; Occupation: Poet;
Jackie Robinson ::: Born: January 31, 1919; Died: October 24, 1972; Occupation: Baseball player;
Kim Stanley Robinson ::: Born: March 23, 1952; Occupation: Writer;
Marilynne Robinson ::: Born: November 26, 1943; Occupation: Novelist;
Smokey Robinson ::: Born: February 19, 1940; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Sugar Ray Robinson ::: Born: May 3, 1921; Died: April 12, 1989; Occupation: Professional Boxer;
Mo Rocca ::: Born: January 28, 1969; Occupation: Journalist;
Zack de la Rocha ::: Born: January 12, 1970; Occupation: Musician;
Francois de La Rochefoucauld ::: Born: September 15, 1613; Died: March 17, 1680; Occupation: Author;
Chris Rock ::: Born: February 7, 1965; Occupation: Comedian;
Stella Adler ::: Born: February 10, 1901; Died: December 21, 1992; Occupation: Actress;
Kid Rock ::: Born: January 17, 1971; Occupation: Multi-instrumentalist;
David Rockefeller ::: Born: June 12, 1915; Died: March 20, 2017; Occupation: Banker;
John D. Rockefeller ::: Born: July 8, 1839; Died: May 23, 1937; Occupation: Business person;
Laurance Rockefeller ::: Born: May 26, 1910; Died: July 11, 2004; Occupation: Financier;
Nelson Rockefeller ::: Born: July 8, 1908; Died: January 26, 1979; Occupation: Former Vice President of the United States;
   A leopard doesn't change his spots just because you bring him in from the jungle and try to housebreak him and turn him into a pet. He may learn to sheathe his claws in order to beg a few scraps off the dinner table, and you may teach him to be a beast of burden, but it doesn't pay to forget that he'll al ways be what he was born: a wild animal. -- George Lincoln Rockwell ::: Born: March 9, 1918; Died: August 25, 1967; Occupation: Political figure;
Julie Benz ::: Born: May 1, 1972; Occupation: Actress;
Norman Rockwell ::: Born: February 3, 1894; Died: November 8, 1978; Occupation: Writer;
Sam Rockwell ::: Born: November 5, 1968; Occupation: Actor;
ASAP Rocky ::: Born: October 3, 1988; Occupation: Rapper;
Gene Roddenberry ::: Born: August 19, 1921; Died: October 24, 1991; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Andy Roddick ::: Born: August 30, 1982; Occupation: Tennis player;
Cathy McMorris Rodgers ::: Born: May 22, 1969; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Nile Rodgers ::: Born: September 19, 1952; Occupation: Musician;
Auguste Rodin ::: Born: November 12, 1840; Died: November 17, 1917; Occupation: Sculptor;
Dennis Rodman ::: Born: May 13, 1961; Occupation: Basketball player;
Alex Rodriguez ::: Born: July 27, 1975; Occupation: Baseball player;
Michelle Rodriguez ::: Born: July 12, 1978; Occupation: Actress;
Robert Rodriguez ::: Born: June 20, 1968; Occupation: Film director;
Nicolas Roeg ::: Born: August 15, 1928; Occupation: Film director;
Richard Roeper ::: Born: October 17, 1959; Occupation: Columnist;
Theodore Roethke ::: Born: May 25, 1908; Died: August 1, 1963; Occupation: Poet;
Joe Rogan ::: Born: August 11, 1967; Occupation: Stand-up comedian;
Seth Rogen ::: Born: April 15, 1982; Occupation: Comedian;
Nikolai Berdyaev ::: Born: March 18, 1874; Died: March 23, 1948; Occupation: Philosopher;
Carl Rogers ::: Born: January 8, 1902; Died: February 4, 1987; Occupation: Psychologist;
Ginger Rogers ::: Born: July 16, 1911; Died: April 25, 1995; Occupation: Actress;
Kenny Rogers ::: Born: August 21, 1938; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Mike Rogers ::: Born: July 16, 1958; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Richard Rogers ::: Born: July 23, 1933; Occupation: Architect;
Roy Rogers ::: Born: November 5, 1911; Died: July 6, 1998; Occupation: Singer;
Will Rogers ::: Born: November 4, 1879; Died: August 15, 1935; Occupation: Actor;
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe ::: Born: March 27, 1886; Died: August 17, 1969; Occupation: Architect;
Elisabeth Rohm ::: Born: April 28, 1973; Occupation: Actress;
Jim Rohn ::: Born: September 17, 1930; Died: December 5, 2009; Occupation: Author;
John Berendt ::: Born: December 5, 1939; Occupation: Author;
Anne Roiphe ::: Born: December 25, 1935; Occupation: Film writer;
Al Roker ::: Born: August 20, 1954; Occupation: Actor;
Romain Rolland ::: Born: January 29, 1866; Died: December 30, 1944; Occupation: Dramatist;
Henry Rollins ::: Born: February 13, 1961; Occupation: Musician;
James Rollins ::: Born: August 20, 1961; Occupation: Veterinarian;
Ray Romano ::: Born: December 21, 1957; Occupation: Actor;
Cesar Romero ::: Born: February 15, 1907; Died: January 1, 1994; Occupation: Actor;
George A. Romero ::: Born: February 4, 1940; Occupation: Film director;
Rebecca Romijn ::: Born: November 6, 1972; Occupation: Actress;
Erwin Rommel ::: Born: November 15, 1891; Died: October 14, 1944; Occupation: Soldier;
Ann Romney ::: Born: April 16, 1949; Occupation: Author;
Mitt Romney ::: Born: March 12, 1947; Occupation: Former Governor of Massachusetts;
Cristiano Ronaldo ::: Born: February 5, 1985; Occupation: Soccer player;
Saoirse Ronan ::: Born: April 12, 1994; Occupation: Actress;
Bernard Berenson ::: Born: June 26, 1865; Died: October 6, 1959; Occupation: Art critic;
Zhu Rongji ::: Born: October 1, 1928; Occupation: Former Premier of the People's Republic of China;
Dave Van Ronk ::: Born: June 30, 1936; Died: February 10, 2002; Occupation: Singer;
Jon Ronson ::: Born: May 10, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Mark Ronson ::: Born: September 4, 1975; Occupation: Musician;
Linda Ronstadt ::: Born: July 15, 1946; Occupation: Singer;
Andy Rooney ::: Born: January 14, 1919; Died: November 4, 2011; Occupation: Writer;
Steven Adler ::: Born: January 22, 1965; Occupation: Musician;
Mickey Rooney ::: Born: September 23, 1920; Died: April 6, 2014; Occupation: Film actor;
Wayne Rooney ::: Born: October 24, 1985; Occupation: Soccer player;
Eleanor Roosevelt ::: Born: October 11, 1884; Died: November 7, 1962; Occupation: Former First Lady of the United States;
Franklin D. Roosevelt ::: Born: January 30, 1882; Died: April 12, 1945; Occupation: 32nd U.S. President;
Theodore Roosevelt ::: Born: October 27, 1858; Died: January 6, 1919; Occupation: 26th U.S. President;
Bruce Beresford ::: Born: August 16, 1940; Occupation: Film director;
Richard Rorty ::: Born: October 4, 1931; Died: June 8, 2007; Occupation: Philosopher;
Axl Rose ::: Born: February 6, 1962; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Michael Rosenbaum ::: Born: July 11, 1972; Occupation: Film actor;
Paul Berg ::: Born: June 30, 1926; Occupation: Scientist;
Melissa Rosenberg ::: Born: August 28, 1962; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Roger Rosenblatt ::: Born: 1940; Occupation: Journalist;
Hans Rosling ::: Born: July 27, 1948; Died: February 7, 2017; Occupation: Professor;
Meg Rosoff ::: Born: 1956; Occupation: Writer;
Charlotte Ross ::: Born: January 21, 1968; Occupation: Actress;
Peter Berg ::: Born: March 11, 1962; Occupation: Actor;
Diana Ross ::: Born: March 26, 1944; Occupation: Singer;
Gary Ross ::: Born: November 3, 1956; Occupation: Film director;
Jeff Ross ::: Born: September 13, 1965; Occupation: Stand-up comedian;
Marion Ross ::: Born: October 25, 1928; Occupation: Actress;
Tracee Ellis Ross ::: Born: October 29, 1972; Occupation: Actress;
Gavin Rossdale ::: Born: October 30, 1965; Occupation: Musician;
Christina Rossetti ::: Born: December 5, 1830; Died: December 29, 1894; Occupation: Poet;
Dante Gabriel Rossetti ::: Born: May 12, 1828; Died: April 9, 1882; Occupation: Poet;
Portia de Rossi ::: Born: January 31, 1973; Occupation: Actress;
Theo Rossi ::: Born: June 4, 1975; Occupation: Actor;
Gioachino Rossini ::: Born: February 29, 1792; Died: November 13, 1868; Occupation: Composer;
Edmond Rostand ::: Born: April 1, 1868; Died: December 2, 1918; Occupation: Poet;
Jean Rostand ::: Born: October 30, 1894; Died: September 4, 1977; Occupation: Biologist;
Leo Rosten ::: Born: April 11, 1908; Died: February 19, 1997; Occupation: Teacher;
Mstislav Rostropovich ::: Born: March 27, 1927; Died: April 27, 2007; Occupation: Cellist;
Joseph Rotblat ::: Born: November 4, 1908; Died: August 31, 2005; Occupation: Physicist;
David Lee Roth ::: Born: October 10, 1954; Occupation: Vocalist;
Eli Roth ::: Born: April 18, 1972; Occupation: Film director;
Philip Roth ::: Born: March 19, 1933; Occupation: Novelist;
Tim Roth ::: Born: May 14, 1961; Occupation: Actor;
Veronica Roth ::: Born: August 19, 1988; Occupation: Novelist;
Murray Rothbard ::: Born: March 2, 1926; Died: January 7, 1995; Occupation: Economist;
Patrick Rothfuss ::: Born: June 6, 1973; Occupation: Writer;
Mark Rothko ::: Born: September 25, 1903; Died: February 25, 1970; Occupation: Artist;
Candice Bergen ::: Born: May 9, 1946; Occupation: Actress;
Arnold Rothstein ::: Born: January 17, 1882; Died: November 4, 1928; Occupation: Businessman;
Nouriel Roubini ::: Born: March 29, 1958; Occupation: Economist;
Mike Rounds ::: Born: October 24, 1954; Occupation: Former Governor of South Dakota;
Mickey Rourke ::: Born: September 16, 1952; Occupation: Actor;
Ronda Rousey ::: Born: February 1, 1987; Occupation: Mixed Martial Artist;
Henri Rousseau ::: Born: May 21, 1844; Died: September 2, 1910; Occupation: Artist;
Jean-Jacques Rousseau ::: Born: June 28, 1712; Died: July 2, 1778; Occupation: Philosopher;
Theodor Adorno ::: Born: September 11, 1903; Died: August 6, 1969; Occupation: Sociologist;
Brandon Routh ::: Born: October 9, 1979; Occupation: Actor;
Karl Rove ::: Born: December 25, 1950; Occupation: Former White House Deputy Chief of Staff;
Mike Rowe ::: Born: March 18, 1962; Occupation: Actor;
Galen Rowell ::: Born: August 23, 1940; Died: August 11, 2002; Occupation: Photographer;
Helen Rowland ::: Born: 1875; Died: 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Kelly Rowland ::: Born: February 11, 1981; Occupation: Singer;
J. K. Rowling ::: Born: July 31, 1965; Occupation: Novelist;
Arundhati Roy ::: Born: November 24, 1961; Occupation: Author;
Gabrielle Roy ::: Born: March 22, 1909; Died: July 13, 1983; Occupation: Author;
Rachel Roy ::: Born: January 15, 1974; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Mike Royko ::: Born: September 19, 1932; Died: April 29, 1997; Occupation: Columnist;
Erno Rubik ::: Born: July 13, 1944; Occupation: Inventor;
Rick Rubin ::: Born: March 10, 1963; Occupation: Record producer;
Arthur Rubinstein ::: Born: January 28, 1887; Died: December 20, 1982; Occupation: Pianist;
Marco Rubio ::: Born: May 28, 1971; Occupation: United States Senator;
John Berger ::: Born: November 5, 1926; Died: January 2, 2017; Occupation: Art critic;
Darius Rucker ::: Born: May 13, 1966; Occupation: Musician;
Rudy Rucker ::: Born: March 22, 1946; Occupation: Computer Scientist;
Kevin Rudd ::: Born: September 21, 1957; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Australia;
Rita Rudner ::: Born: September 17, 1953; Occupation: Comedian;
Peter L. Berger ::: Born: March 17, 1929; Occupation: Sociologist;
Maya Rudolph ::: Born: July 27, 1972; Occupation: Actress;
Wilma Rudolph ::: Born: June 23, 1940; Died: November 12, 1994; Occupation: Athlete;
Mercedes Ruehl ::: Born: February 28, 1948; Occupation: Film actress;
Nate Ruess ::: Born: February 26, 1982; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Mark Ruffalo ::: Born: November 22, 1967; Occupation: Actor;
Ibrahim Rugova ::: Born: December 2, 1944; Died: January 21, 2006; Occupation: Political leader;
Miguel Angel Ruiz ::: Born: August 27, 1952; Occupation: Author;
Muriel Rukeyser ::: Born: December 15, 1913; Died: February 12, 1980; Occupation: Poet;
Ja Rule ::: Born: February 29, 1976; Occupation: Rapper;
Juan Rulfo ::: Born: May 16, 1917; Died: January 7, 1986; Occupation: Writer;
Rumi ::: Born: September 30, 1207; Died: December 17, 1273; Occupation: Poet;
Donald Rumsfeld ::: Born: July 9, 1932; Occupation: Former U.S. Secretary of Defense;
Cyrano de Bergerac ::: Born: March 6, 1619; Died: July 28, 1655; Occupation: Dramatist;
Todd Rundgren ::: Born: June 22, 1948; Occupation: Multi-instrumentalist;
Benjamin Rush ::: Born: December 24, 1745; Died: April 19, 1813; Occupation: In 1797, by appointment of President Adams, Rush was made treasurer of the U.S. Mint, a post he held;
Geoffrey Rush ::: Born: July 6, 1951; Occupation: Actor;
Ian Rush ::: Born: October 20, 1961; Occupation: Soccer player;
Salman Rushdie ::: Born: June 19, 1947; Occupation: Novelist;
John Ruskin ::: Born: February 8, 1819; Died: January 20, 1900; Occupation: Art critic;
Nicolas Berggruen ::: Born: August 10, 1961; Occupation: Investor;
Joanna Russ ::: Born: February 22, 1937; Died: April 29, 2011; Occupation: Writer;
Bertrand Russell ::: Born: May 18, 1872; Died: February 2, 1970; Occupation: Philosopher;
Bill Russell ::: Born: February 12, 1934; Died: August 9, 1992; Occupation: Basketball player;
David O. Russell ::: Born: August 20, 1958; Occupation: Film director;
Michael Bergin ::: Born: March 18, 1969; Occupation: Model;
Henry Norris Russell ::: Born: October 25, 1877; Died: February 18, 1957; Occupation: Astronomer;
Karen Russell ::: Born: July 10, 1981; Occupation: Novelist;
Keri Russell ::: Born: March 23, 1976; Occupation: Actress;
Rosalind Russell ::: Born: June 4, 1907; Died: November 28, 1976; Occupation: Actress;
Dennis Bergkamp ::: Born: May 10, 1969; Occupation: Soccer player;
Rene Russo ::: Born: February 17, 1954; Occupation: Actress;
Richard Russo ::: Born: July 15, 1949; Occupation: Novelist;
Bayard Rustin ::: Born: March 17, 1912; Died: August 24, 1987; Occupation: Activist;
Burt Rutan ::: Born: June 17, 1943; Occupation: Aerospace Engineering;
Babe Ruth ::: Born: February 6, 1895; Died: August 16, 1948; Occupation: Baseball player;
Ernest Rutherford ::: Born: August 30, 1871; Died: October 19, 1937; Occupation: Physicist;
Ingmar Bergman ::: Born: July 14, 1918; Died: July 30, 2007; Occupation: Writer;
Samuel Rutherford ::: Born: 1600; Died: 1661; Occupation: Author;
Meg Ryan ::: Born: November 19, 1961; Occupation: Actress;
Paul Ryan ::: Born: January 29, 1970; Occupation: United States Representative;
Ingrid Bergman ::: Born: August 29, 1915; Died: August 29, 1982; Occupation: Actress;
Shawn Ryan ::: Born: October 11, 1966; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Tim Ryan ::: Born: July 16, 1973; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Winona Ryder ::: Born: October 29, 1971; Occupation: Actress;
Usher ::: Born: October 14, 1978; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Gil Scott-Heron ::: Born: April 1, 1949; Died: May 27, 2011; Occupation: Poet;
James St. James ::: Born: August 1, 1966; Occupation: Television Personality;
Tina St. John ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Author;
Portia Simpson-Miller ::: Born: December 12, 1945; Occupation: Prime Minister of Jamaica;
Nawal El Saadawi ::: Born: October 27, 1931; Occupation: Writer;
Mikhail Saakashvili ::: Born: December 21, 1967; Occupation: Former President of Georgia;
Henri Bergson ::: Born: October 18, 1859; Died: January 4, 1941; Occupation: Philosopher;
Maurice Saatchi ::: Born: June 21, 1946; Occupation: British Politician;
Louis Sachar ::: Born: March 20, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
Jeffrey Sachs ::: Born: November 5, 1954; Occupation: Economist;
Nelly Sachs ::: Born: December 10, 1891; Died: May 12, 1970; Occupation: Poet;
George Berkeley ::: Born: March 12, 1685; Died: January 12, 1753; Occupation: Philosopher;
Jonathan Sacks ::: Born: March 8, 1948; Occupation: Rabbi;
Vita Sackville-West ::: Born: March 9, 1892; Died: June 2, 1962; Occupation: Author;
Anwar Sadat ::: Born: December 25, 1918; Died: October 6, 1981; Occupation: Former President of Egypt;
Marquis de Sade ::: Born: June 2, 1740; Died: December 2, 1814; Occupation: Philosopher;
Muqtada al Sadr ::: Born: August 12, 1973; Occupation: Iraqi Politician;
Elif Safak ::: Born: October 25, 1971; Occupation: Author;
Morley Safer ::: Born: November 8, 1931; Died: May 19, 2016; Occupation: TV Reporter;
Marat Safin ::: Born: January 27, 1980; Occupation: Tennis player;
William Safire ::: Born: December 17, 1929; Died: September 27, 2009; Occupation: Author;
Katey Sagal ::: Born: January 19, 1954; Occupation: Actress;
Carl Sagan ::: Born: November 9, 1934; Died: December 20, 1996; Occupation: Astronomer;
Francoise Sagan ::: Born: June 21, 1935; Died: September 24, 2004; Occupation: Playwright;
Bob Saget ::: Born: May 17, 1956; Occupation: Comedian;
Mort Sahl ::: Born: May 11, 1927; Occupation: Comedian;
Edward Said ::: Born: November 1, 1935; Died: September 24, 2003; Occupation: Professor;
Elizabeth Berkley ::: Born: July 28, 1972; Occupation: Film actress;
Antoine de Saint-Exupery ::: Born: June 29, 1900; Died: July 31, 1944; Occupation: Writer;
Ken Salazar ::: Born: March 2, 1955; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of the Interior;
Zoe Saldana ::: Born: June 19, 1978; Occupation: Actress;
Saint Francis de Sales ::: Born: August 16, 1567; Died: December 28, 1622; Occupation: Bishop of Geneva;
J. D. Salinger ::: Born: January 1, 1919; Died: January 27, 2010; Occupation: Writer;
Pierre Salinger ::: Born: June 14, 1925; Died: October 16, 2004; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Jonas Salk ::: Born: October 28, 1914; Died: June 23, 1995; Occupation: Medical researcher;
Esa-Pekka Salonen ::: Born: June 30, 1958; Occupation: Conductor;
James Salter ::: Born: June 10, 1925; Died: June 19, 2015; Occupation: Novelist;
Leverett Saltonstall ::: Born: September 1, 1892; Died: June 17, 1979; Occupation: Former Governor of Massachusetts;
Andy Samberg ::: Born: August 18, 1978; Occupation: Actor;
Pete Sampras ::: Born: August 12, 1971; Occupation: Tennis player;
Milton Berle ::: Born: July 12, 1908; Died: March 27, 2002; Occupation: Comedian;
Paul Samuelson ::: Born: May 15, 1915; Died: December 13, 2009; Occupation: Economist;
Aaron Sanchez ::: Born: February 12, 1976; Occupation: Chef;
Loretta Sanchez ::: Born: January 7, 1960; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Roselyn Sanchez ::: Born: April 2, 1973; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
George Sand ::: Born: July 1, 1804; Died: June 8, 1876; Occupation: Novelist;
Sheryl Sandberg ::: Born: August 28, 1969; Occupation: Businesswoman;
Carl Sandburg ::: Born: January 6, 1878; Died: July 22, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
Michael Sandel ::: Born: March 5, 1953; Occupation: Philosopher;
Jil Sander ::: Born: November 27, 1943; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Irving Berlin ::: Born: May 11, 1888; Died: September 22, 1989; Occupation: Composer;
Barry Sanders ::: Born: July 16, 1968; Occupation: Football player;
Bernie Sanders ::: Born: September 8, 1941; Occupation: United States Senator;
Colonel Sanders ::: Born: September 9, 1890; Died: December 16, 1980; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
George Sanders ::: Born: July 3, 1906; Died: April 25, 1972; Occupation: Film actor;
-- -- -- -- -- Brandon Sanderson ::: Born: December 19, 1975; Occupation: Writer;
John Sandford ::: Born: February 23, 1944; Occupation: Novelist;
Isaiah Berlin ::: Born: June 6, 1909; Died: November 5, 1997; Occupation: Philosopher;
Adam Sandler ::: Born: September 9, 1966; Occupation: Actor;
Brian Sandoval ::: Born: August 5, 1963; Occupation: Governor of Nevada;
Bobby Sands ::: Born: March 9, 1954; Died: May 5, 1981; Occupation: Political leader;
Julian Sands ::: Born: January 4, 1958; Occupation: Actor;
Frederick Sanger ::: Born: August 13, 1918; Died: November 19, 2013; Occupation: Biochemist;
Margaret Sanger ::: Born: September 14, 1879; Died: September 6, 1966; Occupation: Activist;
Hector Berlioz ::: Born: December 11, 1803; Died: March 8, 1869; Occupation: Composer;
Thomas Sankara ::: Born: December 21, 1949; Died: October 15, 1987; Occupation: Political figure;
Gus Van Sant ::: Born: July 24, 1952; Occupation: Film director;
Carlos Santana ::: Born: July 20, 1947; Occupation: Musician;
George Santayana ::: Born: December 16, 1863; Died: September 26, 1952; Occupation: Philosopher;
Rick Santelli ::: Born: January 12, 1953; Occupation: Editor;
Rick Santorum ::: Born: May 10, 1958; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Juan Manuel Santos ::: Born: August 10, 1951; Occupation: President of Colombia;
Edward Sapir ::: Born: January 26, 1884; Died: February 4, 1939; Occupation: Anthropologist;
Howard Berman ::: Born: April 15, 1941; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
Jose Saramago ::: Born: November 16, 1922; Died: June 18, 2010; Occupation: Writer;
Susan Sarandon ::: Born: October 4, 1946; Occupation: Actress;
John Singer Sargent ::: Born: January 12, 1856; Died: April 14, 1925; Occupation: Artist;
Nicolas Sarkozy ::: Born: January 28, 1955; Occupation: Former President of France;
David Sarnoff ::: Born: February 27, 1891; Died: December 12, 1971; Occupation: Businessman;
Nathalie Sarraute ::: Born: July 18, 1900; Died: October 19, 1999; Occupation: Writer;
Berenice Abbott ::: Born: July 17, 1898; Died: December 9, 1991; Occupation: Photographer;
May Sarton ::: Born: May 3, 1912; Died: July 16, 1995; Occupation: Poet;
Jean-Paul Sartre ::: Born: June 21, 1905; Died: April 15, 1980; Occupation: Philosopher;
Siegfried Sassoon ::: Born: September 8, 1886; Died: September 1, 1967; Occupation: Poet;
Vidal Sassoon ::: Born: January 17, 1928; Died: May 9, 2012; Occupation: Hairdresser;
Virginia Satir ::: Born: June 26, 1916; Died: September 10, 1988; Occupation: Author;
Gael Garcia Bernal ::: Born: November 30, 1978; Occupation: Film actor;
Marjane Satrapi ::: Born: November 22, 1969; Occupation: Novelist;
Fritz Sauckel ::: Born: October 27, 1894; Died: October 16, 1946; Occupation: German Politician;
Basmah bint Saud ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Businesswoman;
George Saunders ::: Born: December 2, 1958; Occupation: Writer;
John Desmond Bernal ::: Born: May 10, 1901; Died: September 15, 1971; Occupation: Physicist;
Jennifer Saunders ::: Born: July 6, 1958; Occupation: Comedian;
Dan Savage ::: Born: October 7, 1964; Occupation: Author;
Ben Bernanke ::: Born: December 13, 1953; Occupation: Economist;
Marilyn vos Savant ::: Born: August 11, 1946; Occupation: Columnist;
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin ::: Born: April 1, 1755; Died: February 2, 1826; Occupation: Writer;
Devon Sawa ::: Born: September 7, 1978; Occupation: Actor;
Diane Sawyer ::: Born: December 22, 1945; Occupation: News Anchor;
Georges Bernanos ::: Born: February 20, 1888; Died: July 5, 1948; Occupation: Author;
Dorothy L. Sayers ::: Born: June 13, 1893; Died: December 17, 1957; Occupation: Writer;
John Sayles ::: Born: September 28, 1950; Occupation: Film director;
Greta Scacchi ::: Born: February 18, 1960; Occupation: Actress;
Claude Bernard ::: Born: July 12, 1813; Died: February 10, 1878; Occupation: Physiologist;
Antonin Scalia ::: Born: March 11, 1936; Died: February 13, 2016; Occupation: Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
Arthur Scargill ::: Born: January 11, 1938; Occupation: Politician;
Richard Scarry ::: Born: June 5, 1919; Died: April 30, 1994; Occupation: Author;
Hjalmar Schacht ::: Born: January 22, 1877; Died: June 3, 1970; Occupation: Economist;
Edith Schaeffer ::: Born: November 3, 1914; Died: March 30, 2013; Occupation: Author;
Francis Schaeffer ::: Born: January 30, 1912; Died: May 15, 1984; Occupation: Theologian;
Pierre Schaeffer ::: Born: August 14, 1910; Died: August 19, 1995; Occupation: Composer;
Akiva Schaffer ::: Born: December 1, 1977; Occupation: Film writer;
Jan Schakowsky ::: Born: May 26, 1944; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Sydney Schanberg ::: Born: January 17, 1934; Died: July 9, 2016; Occupation: Journalist;
Edward Bernays ::: Born: November 22, 1891; Died: March 9, 1995; Occupation: Public Relations Consultant;
Robert Scheer ::: Born: April 4, 1936; Occupation: Journalist;
Maximilian Schell ::: Born: December 8, 1930; Died: February 1, 2014; Occupation: Film actor;
Nicole Scherzinger ::: Born: June 29, 1978; Occupation: Recording Artist;
Elsa Schiaparelli ::: Born: September 10, 1890; Died: November 13, 1973; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Vincent Schiavelli ::: Born: November 11, 1948; Died: December 26, 2005; Occupation: Actor;
Richard Schickel ::: Born: February 10, 1933; Died: February 18, 2017; Occupation: Author;
Bob Schieffer ::: Born: February 25, 1937; Occupation: Journalist;
Egon Schiele ::: Born: June 12, 1890; Died: October 31, 1918; Occupation: Painter;
Adam Schiff ::: Born: June 22, 1960; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Stacy Schiff ::: Born: October 26, 1961; Occupation: Author;
Claudia Schiffer ::: Born: August 25, 1970; Occupation: Model;
Friedrich Schiller ::: Born: November 10, 1759; Died: May 9, 1805; Occupation: Poet;
Eric Berne ::: Born: May 10, 1910; Died: July 15, 1970; Occupation: Author;
Curt Schilling ::: Born: November 14, 1966; Occupation: Baseball player;
Oskar Schindler ::: Born: April 28, 1908; Died: October 9, 1974; Occupation: Industrialist;
Phyllis Schlafly ::: Born: August 15, 1924; Died: September 5, 2016; Occupation: Lawyer;
Bhumibol Adulyadej ::: Born: December 5, 1927; Died: October 13, 2016; Occupation: King of Thailand;
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. ::: Born: October 15, 1917; Died: February 28, 2007; Occupation: Historian;
Laura Schlessinger ::: Born: January 16, 1947; Occupation: Radio host;
Bernhard Schlink ::: Born: July 6, 1944; Occupation: Writer;
Eric Schlosser ::: Born: August 17, 1959; Occupation: Journalist;
Thomas Bernhard ::: Born: February 9, 1931; Died: February 12, 1989; Occupation: Novelist;
Eric Schmidt ::: Born: April 27, 1955; Occupation: Software Engineer;
Sarah Bernhardt ::: Born: October 22, 1844; Died: March 26, 1923; Occupation: Film actress;
Menachem Mendel Schneerson ::: Born: April 18, 1902; Died: June 12, 1994; Occupation: Rabbi;
Rob Schneider ::: Born: October 31, 1963; Occupation: Actor;
Louis de Bernieres ::: Born: December 8, 1954; Occupation: Novelist;
Neal Schon ::: Born: February 27, 1954; Occupation: Guitarist;
Arthur Schopenhauer ::: Born: February 22, 1788; Died: September 21, 1860; Occupation: Philosopher;
Liev Schreiber ::: Born: October 4, 1967; Occupation: Actor;
Olive Schreiner ::: Born: March 24, 1855; Died: December 11, 1920; Occupation: Author;
Gerhard Schroder ::: Born: April 7, 1944; Occupation: Former Chancellor of Germany;
Erwin Schrodinger ::: Born: August 12, 1887; Died: January 4, 1961; Occupation: Physicist;
Franz Schubert ::: Born: January 31, 1797; Died: November 19, 1828; Occupation: Composer;
Robert H. Schuller ::: Born: September 16, 1926; Died: April 2, 2015; Occupation: Televangelist;
Debbie Wasserman Schultz ::: Born: September 27, 1966; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Dwight Schultz ::: Born: November 24, 1947; Occupation: Film actor;
Howard Schultz ::: Born: July 19, 1953; Occupation: Businessman;
Bruno Schulz ::: Born: July 12, 1892; Died: November 19, 1942; Occupation: Writer;
Klaus Schulze ::: Born: August 4, 1947; Occupation: Composer;
E. F. Schumacher ::: Born: August 16, 1911; Died: September 4, 1977; Occupation: Statistician;
Michael Schumacher ::: Born: January 3, 1969; Occupation: F1 Driver;
Clara Schumann ::: Born: September 13, 1819; Died: May 20, 1896; Occupation: Musician;
Robert Schumann ::: Born: June 8, 1810; Died: July 29, 1856; Occupation: Composer;
Charles Schumer ::: Born: November 23, 1950; Occupation: United States Senator;
Joseph A. Schumpeter ::: Born: February 8, 1883; Died: January 8, 1950; Occupation: Economist;
Carl Schurz ::: Born: March 2, 1829; Died: May 14, 1906; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
James Schuyler ::: Born: November 9, 1923; Died: April 12, 1991; Occupation: Poet;
Carl Bernstein ::: Born: February 14, 1944; Occupation: Journalist;
Delmore Schwartz ::: Born: December 8, 1913; Died: July 11, 1966; Occupation: Poet;
Morrie Schwartz ::: Born: December 20, 1916; Died: November 4, 1995; Occupation: Professor;
Jason Schwartzman ::: Born: June 26, 1980; Occupation: Actor;
Arnold Schwarzenegger ::: Born: July 30, 1947; Occupation: Former Governor of California;
Albert Schweitzer ::: Born: January 14, 1875; Died: September 4, 1965; Occupation: Theologian;
Brian Schweitzer ::: Born: September 4, 1955; Occupation: Former Governor of Montana;
David Schwimmer ::: Born: November 2, 1966; Occupation: Actor;
Jon Scieszka ::: Born: September 8, 1954; Occupation: Author;
Leonard Bernstein ::: Born: August 25, 1918; Died: October 14, 1990; Occupation: Composer;
Aeschylus ::: Born: 525 BC; Died: 456 BC; Occupation: Dramatist;
Martin Scorsese ::: Born: November 17, 1942; Occupation: Film director;
Ashley Scott ::: Born: July 13, 1977; Occupation: Actress;
Bobby Scott ::: Born: April 30, 1947; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Campbell Scott ::: Born: July 19, 1961; Occupation: Actor;
Jill Scott ::: Born: April 4, 1972; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
L'Wren Scott ::: Born: April 28, 1964; Died: March 17, 2014; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Rick Scott ::: Born: December 1, 1952; Occupation: Governor of Florida;
Ridley Scott ::: Born: November 30, 1937; Occupation: Film director;
Robert Falcon Scott ::: Born: June 6, 1868; Died: March 29, 1912; Occupation: Explorer;
Sean William Scott ::: Born: October 3, 1976; Occupation: Actor;
Tim Scott ::: Born: September 19, 1965; Occupation: United States Senator;
Daniel Berrigan ::: Born: May 9, 1921; Died: April 30, 2016; Occupation: Priest;
Walter Scott ::: Born: August 15, 1771; Died: September 21, 1832; Occupation: Baronet Scott;
Willard Scott ::: Born: March 7, 1934; Occupation: Actor;
Lisa Scottoline ::: Born: July 1, 1955; Occupation: Author;
Brent Scowcroft ::: Born: March 19, 1925; Occupation: Former National Security Advisor;
John Sculley ::: Born: April 6, 1939; Occupation: Businessman;
Ryan Seacrest ::: Born: December 24, 1974; Occupation: Radio personality;
Steven Seagal ::: Born: April 10, 1952; Occupation: Actor;
Bobby Seale ::: Born: October 22, 1936; Occupation: Activist;
Big Sean ::: Born: March 25, 1988; Occupation: Musical Artist;
John Searle ::: Born: July 31, 1932; Occupation: Philosopher;
Chuck Berry ::: Born: October 18, 1926; Died: March 18, 2017; Occupation: Guitarist;
W. G. Sebald ::: Born: May 18, 1944; Died: December 14, 2001; Occupation: Writer;
Halle Berry ::: Born: August 14, 1966; Occupation: Actress;
Kathleen Sebelius ::: Born: May 15, 1948; Occupation: United States Secretary of Health and Human Services;
Alice Sebold ::: Born: September 6, 1963; Occupation: Writer;
Amy Sedaris ::: Born: March 29, 1961; Occupation: Actress;
David Sedaris ::: Born: December 26, 1956; Occupation: Humorist;
Kyra Sedgwick ::: Born: August 19, 1965; Occupation: Actress;
Lisa See ::: Born: February 18, 1955; Occupation: Writer;
Pete Seeger ::: Born: May 3, 1919; Died: January 27, 2014; Occupation: Singer;
Giorgos Seferis ::: Born: March 13, 1900; Died: September 20, 1971; Occupation: Poet;
Erich Segal ::: Born: June 16, 1937; Died: January 17, 2010; Occupation: Author;
Bob Seger ::: Born: May 6, 1945; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Andres Segovia ::: Born: February 21, 1893; Died: June 2, 1987; Occupation: Guitarist;
Jerry Seinfeld ::: Born: April 29, 1954; Occupation: Comedian;
Haile Selassie ::: Born: July 23, 1892; Died: August 27, 1975; Occupation: Political figure;
Hubert Selby, Jr. ::: Born: July 23, 1928; Died: April 26, 2004; Occupation: Writer;
Aesop ::: Born: 620 BC; Died: 564 BC; Occupation: Author;
Will Self ::: Born: September 26, 1961; Occupation: Author;
Henry Selick ::: Born: November 30, 1952; Occupation: Producer;
Tom Selleck ::: Born: January 29, 1945; Occupation: Actor;
Peter Sellers ::: Born: September 8, 1925; Died: July 24, 1980; Occupation: Film actor;
Hans Selye ::: Born: January 26, 1907; Died: October 16, 1982; Occupation: Doctor;
Brian Selznick ::: Born: July 14, 1966; Occupation: Illustrator;
David O. Selznick ::: Born: May 10, 1902; Died: June 22, 1965; Occupation: Film Producer;
Amartya Sen ::: Born: November 3, 1933; Occupation: Economist;
Hun Sen ::: Born: August 5, 1952; Occupation: Prime Minister of Cambodia;
Maurice Sendak ::: Born: June 10, 1928; Died: May 8, 2012; Occupation: Illustrator;
Steve Berry ::: Born: 1955; Occupation: Author;
Ayrton Senna ::: Born: March 21, 1960; Died: May 1, 1994; Occupation: Formula 1 Driver;
Jim Sensenbrenner ::: Born: June 14, 1943; Occupation: United States Representative;
Ruta Sepetys ::: Born: November 19, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
Yahoo Serious ::: Born: July 27, 1953; Occupation: Film actor;
Wendell Berry ::: Born: August 5, 1934; Occupation: Novelist;
Andy Serkis ::: Born: April 20, 1964; Occupation: Film actor;
Rod Serling ::: Born: December 25, 1924; Died: June 28, 1975; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Frank Serpico ::: Born: April 14, 1936; Occupation: Police officer;
Jose Serrano ::: Born: October 24, 1943; Occupation: United States Representative;
Robert W. Service ::: Born: January 16, 1874; Died: September 11, 1958; Occupation: Poet;
Jeff Sessions ::: Born: December 24, 1946; Occupation: United States Senator;
Roger Sessions ::: Born: December 28, 1896; Died: March 16, 1985; Occupation: Composer;
Seth ::: Born: September 16, 1962; Occupation: Cartoonist;
Vikram Seth ::: Born: June 20, 1952; Occupation: Novelist;
Brian Setzer ::: Born: April 10, 1959; Occupation: Guitarist;
Dr. Seuss ::: Born: March 2, 1904; Died: September 24, 1991; Occupation: Writer;
John Berryman ::: Born: October 25, 1914; Died: January 7, 1972; Occupation: Poet;
Chloe Sevigny ::: Born: November 18, 1974; Occupation: Film actress;
Anna Sewell ::: Born: March 30, 1820; Died: April 25, 1878; Occupation: Novelist;
Rufus Sewell ::: Born: October 29, 1967; Occupation: Actor;
Anne Sexton ::: Born: November 9, 1928; Died: October 4, 1974; Occupation: Poet;
John Sexton ::: Born: September 29, 1942; Occupation: Professor;
Amanda Seyfried ::: Born: December 3, 1985; Occupation: Actress;
Jane Seymour ::: Born: February 15, 1951; Occupation: Actress;
Jeff Shaara ::: Born: February 21, 1952; Occupation: Novelist;
Ernest Shackleton ::: Born: February 15, 1874; Died: January 5, 1922; Occupation: Explorer;
John Shadegg ::: Born: October 22, 1949; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
Tom Shadyac ::: Born: December 11, 1958; Occupation: Comedian;
Idries Shah ::: Born: June 16, 1924; Died: November 23, 1996; Occupation: Author;
Sarah Shahi ::: Born: January 10, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
Valerie Bertinelli ::: Born: April 23, 1960; Occupation: Actress;
William Shakespeare ::: Born: 1564; Died: April 23, 1616; Occupation: Poet;
Shakira ::: Born: February 2, 1977; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Tupac Shakur ::: Born: June 16, 1971; Died: September 13, 1996; Occupation: Rapper;
Tom Shales ::: Born: November 3, 1944; Occupation: Critic;
Tony Shalhoub ::: Born: October 9, 1953; Occupation: Actor;
Bernardo Bertolucci ::: Born: March 16, 1940; Occupation: Film director;
Garry Shandling ::: Born: November 29, 1949; Died: March 24, 2016; Occupation: Comedian;
Ntozake Shange ::: Born: October 18, 1948; Occupation: Playwright;
Ravi Shankar ::: Born: April 7, 1920; Died: December 11, 2012; Occupation: Musician;
Bill Shankly ::: Born: September 2, 1913; Died: September 29, 1981; Occupation: Soccer player;
Michael Shannon ::: Born: August 7, 1974; Occupation: Actor;
Donald Berwick ::: Born: September 9, 1946; Occupation: M.D.;
Ben Affleck ::: Born: August 15, 1972; Occupation: Actor;
Natan Sharansky ::: Born: January 20, 1948; Occupation: Israeli Politician;
Maria Sharapova ::: Born: April 19, 1987; Occupation: Tennis player;
Moshe Sharett ::: Born: October 15, 1894; Died: July 7, 1965; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Israel;
Annie Besant ::: Born: October 1, 1847; Died: September 20, 1933; Occupation: Member of the London School Board;
Ariel Sharon ::: Born: February 26, 1928; Died: January 11, 2014; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Israel;
Al Sharpton ::: Born: October 3, 1954; Occupation: Minister;
William Shatner ::: Born: March 22, 1931; Occupation: Actor;
Fiona Shaw ::: Born: July 10, 1958; Occupation: Actress;
George Bernard Shaw ::: Born: July 26, 1856; Died: November 2, 1950; Occupation: Playwright;
Tommy Shaw ::: Born: September 11, 1953; Occupation: Guitarist;
Alia Shawkat ::: Born: April 18, 1989; Occupation: Actress;
Wallace Shawn ::: Born: November 12, 1943; Occupation: Actor;
Alan Shearer ::: Born: August 13, 1970; Occupation: Soccer player;
Harry Shearer ::: Born: December 23, 1943; Occupation: Actor;
Norma Shearer ::: Born: August 10, 1902; Died: June 12, 1983; Occupation: Actress;
Ryan Sheckler ::: Born: December 30, 1989; Occupation: Skateboarder;
Billy Sheehan ::: Born: March 19, 1953; Occupation: Bassist;
Gail Sheehy ::: Born: November 15, 1937; Occupation: Author;
Charlie Sheen ::: Born: September 3, 1965; Occupation: Actor;
Fulton J. Sheen ::: Born: May 8, 1895; Died: December 9, 1979; Occupation: Televangelist;
Martin Sheen ::: Born: August 3, 1940; Occupation: Actor;
Michael Sheen ::: Born: February 5, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
Luc Besson ::: Born: March 18, 1959; Occupation: Film director;
Ed Sheeran ::: Born: February 17, 1991; Occupation: Singer;
Duncan Sheik ::: Born: November 18, 1969; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Sidney Sheldon ::: Born: February 11, 1917; Died: January 30, 2007; Occupation: Writer;
Rupert Sheldrake ::: Born: June 28, 1942; Occupation: Author;
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley ::: Born: August 30, 1797; Died: February 1, 1851; Occupation: Novelist;
Percy Bysshe Shelley ::: Born: August 4, 1792; Died: July 8, 1822; Occupation: Poet;
Blake Shelton ::: Born: June 18, 1976; Occupation: Singer;
Alan Shepard ::: Born: November 18, 1923; Died: July 21, 1998; Occupation: United States Naval Aviator;
Dax Shepard ::: Born: January 2, 1975; Occupation: Actor;
Sam Shepard ::: Born: November 5, 1943; Occupation: Playwright;
Sara Shepard ::: Born: April 8, 1977; Occupation: Author;
Cybill Shepherd ::: Born: February 18, 1950; Occupation: Actress;
Sherri Shepherd ::: Born: April 22, 1967; Occupation: Comedian;
George Best ::: Born: May 22, 1946; Died: November 25, 2005; Occupation: Soccer player;
Richard Brinsley Sheridan ::: Born: October 30, 1751; Died: July 7, 1816; Occupation: Playwright;
Allan Sherman ::: Born: November 30, 1924; Died: November 20, 1973; Occupation: Writer;
Cindy Sherman ::: Born: January 19, 1954; Occupation: Photographer;
William Tecumseh Sherman ::: Born: February 8, 1820; Died: February 14, 1891; Occupation: U.S. General;
Michael Shermer ::: Born: September 8, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
Billy Sherwood ::: Born: March 14, 1965; Occupation: Musician;
Eduard Shevardnadze ::: Born: January 25, 1928; Died: July 7, 2014; Occupation: Georgian Statesman;
Alfred Bester ::: Born: December 18, 1913; Died: September 30, 1987; Occupation: Author;
Casey Affleck ::: Born: August 12, 1975; Occupation: Actor;
Brooke Shields ::: Born: May 31, 1965; Occupation: Actress;
Carol Shields ::: Born: June 2, 1935; Died: July 16, 2003; Occupation: Author;
Mark Shields ::: Born: May 25, 1937; Occupation: Columnist;
Willow Shields ::: Born: June 1, 2000; Occupation: Film actress;
Hu Shih ::: Born: December 17, 1891; Died: February 24, 1962; Occupation: Philosopher;
John Shimkus ::: Born: February 21, 1958; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Florence Scovel Shinn ::: Born: September 24, 1871; Died: October 17, 1940; Occupation: Writer;
Mike Shinoda ::: Born: February 11, 1977; Occupation: Musician;
Amity Shlaes ::: Born: September 10, 1960; Occupation: Author;
Pauly Shore ::: Born: February 1, 1968; Occupation: Comedian;
Mary McLeod Bethune ::: Born: July 10, 1875; Died: May 18, 1955; Occupation: Educator;
Clare Short ::: Born: February 15, 1946; Occupation: British Politician;
Martin Short ::: Born: March 26, 1950; Occupation: Actor;
Nigel Short ::: Born: June 1, 1965; Occupation: Chess Player;
Frank Shorter ::: Born: October 31, 1947; Occupation: Olympic athlete;
Maria Shriver ::: Born: November 6, 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Sargent Shriver ::: Born: November 9, 1915; Died: January 18, 2011; Occupation: American Statesman;
Gary Shteyngart ::: Born: July 5, 1972; Occupation: Writer;
Andrew Shue ::: Born: February 20, 1967; Occupation: Actor;
Elisabeth Shue ::: Born: October 6, 1963; Occupation: Actress;
George P. Shultz ::: Born: December 13, 1920; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
M. Night Shyamalan ::: Born: August 6, 1970; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Jane Siberry ::: Born: October 12, 1955; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Navjot Singh Sidhu ::: Born: October 20, 1963; Occupation: Cricketer;
Bruno Bettelheim ::: Born: August 28, 1903; Died: March 13, 1990; Occupation: Psychologist;
Algernon Sidney ::: Born: January 15, 1623; Died: December 7, 1683; Occupation: English Politician;
Philip Sidney ::: Born: November 30, 1554; Died: October 17, 1586; Occupation: Poet;
Bill Sienkiewicz ::: Born: May 3, 1958; Occupation: Artist;
Henryk Sienkiewicz ::: Born: May 5, 1846; Died: November 15, 1916; Occupation: Journalist;
Nuno Bettencourt ::: Born: September 20, 1966; Occupation: Guitarist;
Beanie Sigel ::: Born: March 6, 1974; Occupation: Rapper;
Simone Signoret ::: Born: March 25, 1921; Died: September 30, 1985; Occupation: Actress;
Norodom Sihanouk ::: Born: October 31, 1922; Died: October 15, 2012; Occupation: Monarch;
Leslie Marmon Silko ::: Born: March 5, 1948; Occupation: Writer;
Ignazio Silone ::: Born: May 1, 1900; Died: August 22, 1978; Occupation: Author;
Daniel Silva ::: Born: 1960; Occupation: Author;
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva ::: Born: October 27, 1945; Occupation: Former President of Brazil;
Nate Silver ::: Born: January 13, 1978; Occupation: Statistician;
Ron Silver ::: Born: July 2, 1946; Died: March 15, 2009; Occupation: Actor;
Sarah Silverman ::: Born: December 1, 1970; Occupation: Comedian;
Shel Silverstein ::: Born: September 25, 1930; Died: May 10, 1999; Occupation: Poet;
Alicia Silverstone ::: Born: October 4, 1976; Occupation: Actress;
Clifford D. Simak ::: Born: August 3, 1904; Died: April 25, 1988; Occupation: Writer;
Georges Simenon ::: Born: February 13, 1903; Died: September 4, 1989; Occupation: Writer;
Charles Simic ::: Born: May 9, 1938; Occupation: Poet;
Georg Simmel ::: Born: March 1, 1858; Died: September 28, 1918; Occupation: Philosopher;
Dan Simmons ::: Born: April 4, 1948; Occupation: Author;
Gail Simmons ::: Born: May 19, 1976; Occupation: Television personality;
Gene Simmons ::: Born: August 25, 1949; Occupation: Guitarist;
Scipio Africanus ::: Born: 236 BC; Died: 183 BC; Occupation: Statesman;
Kimora Lee Simmons ::: Born: May 4, 1975; Occupation: Model;
Richard Simmons ::: Born: July 12, 1948; Occupation: Television actor;
Russell Simmons ::: Born: October 4, 1957; Occupation: Business person;
William Gilmore Simms ::: Born: April 17, 1806; Died: June 11, 1870; Occupation: Poet;
Joseph Beuys ::: Born: May 12, 1921; Died: January 23, 1986; Occupation: Artist;
Carly Simon ::: Born: June 25, 1945; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
David Simon ::: Born: February 9, 1960; Occupation: Author;
Herbert Simon ::: Born: June 15, 1916; Died: February 9, 2001; Occupation: Scientist;
Neil Simon ::: Born: July 4, 1927; Occupation: Playwright;
Paul Simon ::: Born: October 13, 1941; Occupation: Musician;
Aneurin Bevan ::: Born: November 15, 1897; Died: July 6, 1960; Occupation: Secretary of State for Health;
Nina Simone ::: Born: February 21, 1933; Died: April 21, 2003; Occupation: Singer;
Alan K. Simpson ::: Born: September 2, 1931; Occupation: American Politician;
Ashlee Simpson ::: Born: October 3, 1984; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Jessica Simpson ::: Born: July 10, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
Michael K. Simpson ::: Born: September 8, 1950; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
O. J. Simpson ::: Born: July 9, 1947; Occupation: Football player;
William Beveridge ::: Born: March 5, 1879; Died: March 16, 1963; Occupation: Economist;
Wallis Simpson ::: Born: June 19, 1896; Died: April 24, 1986; Occupation: Socialite;
Molly Sims ::: Born: May 25, 1973; Occupation: Model;
Frank Sinatra ::: Born: December 12, 1915; Died: May 14, 1998; Occupation: Singer;
Upton Sinclair ::: Born: September 20, 1878; Died: November 25, 1968; Occupation: Author;
Simon Sinek ::: Born: October 9, 1973; Occupation: Author;
Isaac Bashevis Singer ::: Born: November 21, 1902; Died: July 24, 1991; Occupation: Author;
Peter Singer ::: Born: July 6, 1946; Occupation: Philosopher;
Manmohan Singh ::: Born: September 26, 1932; Occupation: Prime Minister of India;
Douglas Sirk ::: Born: April 26, 1897; Died: January 14, 1987; Occupation: Film director;
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf ::: Born: October 29, 1938; Occupation: President of Liberia;
Gene Siskel ::: Born: January 26, 1946; Died: February 20, 1999; Occupation: Film critic;
Alfred Sisley ::: Born: October 30, 1839; Died: January 29, 1899; Occupation: Artist;
Jeremy Sisto ::: Born: October 6, 1974; Occupation: Actor;
Curtis Sittenfeld ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Writer;
Sophie Ellis Bextor ::: Born: April 10, 1979; Occupation: Singer;
Edith Sitwell ::: Born: September 7, 1887; Died: December 9, 1964; Occupation: Poet;
Sivananda ::: Born: September 8, 1887; Died: July 14, 1963; Occupation: Author;
Nikki Sixx ::: Born: December 11, 1958; Occupation: Musician;
Tom Sizemore ::: Born: November 29, 1961; Occupation: Film actor;
Alexander Skarsgard ::: Born: August 25, 1976; Occupation: Actor;
Ike Skelton ::: Born: December 20, 1931; Died: October 28, 2013; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
Red Skelton ::: Born: July 18, 1913; Died: September 17, 1997; Occupation: Entertainer;
B. F. Skinner ::: Born: March 20, 1904; Died: August 18, 1990; Occupation: Psychologist;
Jeff Bezos ::: Born: January 12, 1964; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
Mark Skousen ::: Born: 1947; Occupation: Economist;
Skrillex ::: Born: January 15, 1988; Occupation: Electronic musician;
Slash ::: Born: July 23, 1965; Occupation: Musician;
Christian Slater ::: Born: August 18, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
Chetan Bhagat ::: Born: April 22, 1974; Occupation: Author;
Kelly Slater ::: Born: February 11, 1972; Occupation: Surfer;
Louise Slaughter ::: Born: August 14, 1929; Occupation: United States Representative;
Grace Slick ::: Born: October 30, 1939; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Hedi Slimane ::: Born: July 5, 1968; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Alfred P. Sloan ::: Born: May 23, 1875; Died: February 17, 1966; Occupation: Author;
Joshua Slocum ::: Born: February 20, 1844; Died: November 14, 1909; Occupation: Writer;
Joe Slovo ::: Born: May 23, 1926; Died: January 6, 1995; Occupation: South African Politician;
Vinoba Bhave ::: Born: September 11, 1895; Died: November 15, 1982; Occupation: Author;
Lewis B. Smedes ::: Born: 1921; Died: December 19, 2002; Occupation: Author;
Samuel Smiles ::: Born: December 23, 1812; Died: April 16, 1904; Occupation: Author;
Jane Smiley ::: Born: September 26, 1949; Occupation: Novelist;
Tavis Smiley ::: Born: September 13, 1964; Occupation: Talk show host;
Yakov Smirnoff ::: Born: January 24, 1951; Occupation: Comedian;
Adam Smith ::: Born: June 5, 1723; Died: July 17, 1790; Occupation: Philosopher;
Alexander Smith ::: Born: December 31, 1829; Died: January 5, 1867; Occupation: Poet;
Ali Smith ::: Born: 1962; Occupation: Writer;
Anna Deavere Smith ::: Born: September 18, 1950; Occupation: Actress;
Anna Nicole Smith ::: Born: November 28, 1967; Died: February 8, 2007; Occupation: Model;
Benazir Bhutto ::: Born: June 21, 1953; Died: December 27, 2007; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Pakistan;
Arthur Smith ::: Born: November 27, 1954; Occupation: Comedian;
Barbara Smith ::: Born: December 16, 1946; Died: September 13, 2010; Occupation: Author;
Bessie Smith ::: Born: April 15, 1894; Died: September 26, 1937; Occupation: Singer;
Betty Smith ::: Born: December 15, 1896; Died: January 17, 1972; Occupation: Author;
Chad Smith ::: Born: October 25, 1961; Occupation: Musician;
Courtney Thorne Smith ::: Born: November 8, 1967; Occupation: Actress;
Delia Smith ::: Born: June 18, 1941; Occupation: Author;
Dodie Smith ::: Born: May 3, 1896; Died: November 24, 1990; Occupation: Novelist;
Elliott Smith ::: Born: August 6, 1969; Died: October 21, 2003; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Mayim Bialik ::: Born: December 12, 1975; Occupation: Actress;
Gerrit Smith ::: Born: March 6, 1797; Died: December 28, 1874; Occupation: American Politician;
Gordon Smith ::: Born: May 25, 1952; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Huston Smith ::: Born: May 31, 1919; Died: December 30, 2016; Occupation: Professor;
Iain Duncan Smith ::: Born: April 9, 1954; Occupation: British Politician;
Jaclyn Smith ::: Born: October 26, 1945; Occupation: Actress;
Jada Pinkett Smith ::: Born: September 18, 1971; Occupation: Actress;
Joseph Smith, Jr. ::: Born: December 23, 1805; Died: June 27, 1844; Occupation: Translator;
Kate Smith ::: Born: May 1, 1907; Died: June 17, 1986; Occupation: Singer;
Kevin Smith ::: Born: August 2, 1970; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Kiki Smith ::: Born: January 18, 1954; Occupation: Artist;
Lamar S. Smith ::: Born: November 19, 1947; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Logan Pearsall Smith ::: Born: October 18, 1865; Died: March 2, 1946; Occupation: Author;
Maggie Smith ::: Born: December 28, 1934; Occupation: Actress;
Margaret Chase Smith ::: Born: December 14, 1897; Died: May 29, 1995; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Matt Smith ::: Born: October 28, 1982; Occupation: Actor;
Michael W. Smith ::: Born: October 7, 1957; Occupation: Musician;
Patti Smith ::: Born: December 30, 1946; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Elizabeth Bibesco ::: Born: February 26, 1897; Died: April 7, 1945; Occupation: Writer;
Robert Smith ::: Born: April 21, 1959; Occupation: Musician;
Stevie Smith ::: Born: September 20, 1902; Died: March 7, 1971; Occupation: Poet;
Sydney Smith ::: Born: June 3, 1771; Died: February 22, 1845; Occupation: Writer;
Vernon L. Smith ::: Born: January 1, 1927; Occupation: Professor;
W. Eugene Smith ::: Born: December 30, 1918; Died: October 15, 1978; Occupation: Photographer;
Wilbur Smith ::: Born: January 9, 1933; Occupation: Novelist;
Will Smith ::: Born: September 25, 1968; Occupation: Actor;
Yeardley Smith ::: Born: July 3, 1964; Occupation: Actress;
Zadie Smith ::: Born: October 25, 1975; Occupation: Novelist;
Robert Smithson ::: Born: January 2, 1938; Died: July 20, 1973; Occupation: Artist;
Jimmy Smits ::: Born: July 9, 1955; Occupation: Actor;
Tommy Smothers ::: Born: February 2, 1937; Occupation: Comedian;
Wesley Snipes ::: Born: July 31, 1962; Occupation: Actor;
Brittany Snow ::: Born: March 9, 1986; Occupation: Film actress;
Joe Biden ::: Born: November 20, 1942; Occupation: Vice President of the United States;
Phoebe Snow ::: Born: July 17, 1950; Died: April 26, 2011; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Tony Snow ::: Born: June 1, 1955; Died: July 12, 2008; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Edward Snowden ::: Born: June 21, 1983; Occupation: System Administrator;
Lisa Snowdon ::: Born: January 23, 1972; Occupation: Television personality;
Olympia Snowe ::: Born: February 21, 1947; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Gary Snyder ::: Born: May 8, 1930; Occupation: Poet;
Justin Bieber ::: Born: March 1, 1994; Occupation: Musician;
Zack Snyder ::: Born: March 1, 1966; Occupation: Film director;
Leelee Sobieski ::: Born: June 10, 1983; Occupation: Film actress;
Joseph Sobran ::: Born: February 23, 1946; Died: September 30, 2010; Occupation: Journalist;
Steven Soderbergh ::: Born: January 14, 1963; Occupation: Film Producer;
Michael Biehn ::: Born: July 31, 1956; Occupation: Actor;
Rebecca Solnit ::: Born: June 11, 1961; Occupation: Writer;
Hope Solo ::: Born: July 30, 1981; Occupation: Soccer player;
Solon ::: Born: 638 BC; Died: 558 BC; Occupation: Statesman;
Todd Solondz ::: Born: October 15, 1959; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Georg Solti ::: Born: October 21, 1912; Died: September 5, 1997; Occupation: Conductor;
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn ::: Born: December 11, 1918; Died: August 3, 2008; Occupation: Novelist;
Jessica Biel ::: Born: March 3, 1982; Occupation: Actress;
Ian Somerhalder ::: Born: December 8, 1978; Occupation: Actor;
Suzanne Somers ::: Born: October 16, 1946; Occupation: Actress;
Stephen Sondheim ::: Born: March 22, 1930; Occupation: Composer;
Barry Sonnenfeld ::: Born: April 1, 1953; Occupation: Filmmaker;
-- Susan Sontag ::: Born: January 16, 1933; Died: December 28, 2004; Occupation: Writer;
Ambrose Bierce ::: Born: June 24, 1842; Died: 1914; Occupation: Journalist;
Theodore C. Sorensen ::: Born: May 8, 1928; Died: October 31, 2010; Occupation: Former White House Counsel;
Aaron Sorkin ::: Born: June 9, 1961; Occupation: Screenwriter;
George Soros ::: Born: August 12, 1930; Occupation: Business magnate;
Abdolkarim Soroush ::: Born: December 16, 1945; Occupation: Critic;
Shannyn Sossamon ::: Born: October 3, 1978; Occupation: Actress;
Sonia Sotomayor ::: Born: June 25, 1954; Occupation: Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
David Soul ::: Born: August 28, 1943; Occupation: Actor;
Sister Souljah ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Author;
John Philip Sousa ::: Born: November 6, 1854; Died: March 6, 1932; Occupation: Composer;
Kathryn Bigelow ::: Born: November 27, 1951; Occupation: Film director;
Andre Agassi ::: Born: April 29, 1970; Occupation: Tennis player;
Robert Southey ::: Born: August 12, 1774; Died: March 21, 1843; Occupation: Poet;
Thomas Sowell ::: Born: June 30, 1930; Occupation: Economist;
Wole Soyinka ::: Born: July 13, 1934; Occupation: Writer;
Kevin Spacey ::: Born: July 26, 1959; Occupation: Actor;
David Spade ::: Born: July 22, 1964; Occupation: Actor;
Muriel Spark ::: Born: February 1, 1918; Died: April 13, 2006; Occupation: Novelist;
Jordin Sparks ::: Born: December 22, 1989; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Nicholas Sparks ::: Born: December 31, 1965; Occupation: Novelist;
Boris Spassky ::: Born: January 30, 1937; Occupation: Chess Player;
Judy Biggert ::: Born: August 15, 1937; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
Britney Spears ::: Born: December 2, 1981; Occupation: Artist;
Arlen Specter ::: Born: February 12, 1930; Died: October 14, 2012; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Regina Spektor ::: Born: February 18, 1980; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Tori Spelling ::: Born: May 16, 1973; Occupation: Actress;
Gerry Spence ::: Born: January 8, 1929; Occupation: Lawyer;
Ronald Biggs ::: Born: August 8, 1929; Died: December 18, 2013; Occupation: Actor;
Herbert Spencer ::: Born: April 27, 1820; Died: December 8, 1903; Occupation: Philosopher;
Octavia Spencer ::: Born: May 25, 1970; Occupation: Actress;
Oswald Spengler ::: Born: May 29, 1880; Died: May 8, 1936; Occupation: Philosopher;
Edmund Spenser ::: Born: 1552; Died: January 13, 1599; Occupation: Poet;
Penelope Spheeris ::: Born: December 2, 1945; Occupation: Film director;
Theodore Bikel ::: Born: May 2, 1924; Died: July 21, 2015; Occupation: Actor;
Art Spiegelman ::: Born: February 15, 1948; Occupation: Cartoonist;
Steven Spielberg ::: Born: December 18, 1946; Occupation: Film director;
Guy Spier ::: Born: February 4, 1966; Occupation: Author;
Mickey Spillane ::: Born: March 9, 1918; Died: July 17, 2006; Occupation: Author;
Jerry Spinelli ::: Born: February 1, 1941; Occupation: Writer;
Baruch Spinoza ::: Born: November 24, 1632; Died: February 21, 1677; Occupation: Philosopher;
Norman Spinrad ::: Born: September 15, 1940; Occupation: Author;
Steven Biko ::: Born: December 18, 1946; Died: September 12, 1977; Occupation: Activist;
Mark Spitz ::: Born: February 10, 1950; Occupation: Swimmer;
Eliot Spitzer ::: Born: June 10, 1959; Occupation: Former Governor of New York;
Benjamin Spock ::: Born: May 2, 1903; Died: March 15, 1998; Occupation: Pediatrician;
John Shelby Spong ::: Born: June 16, 1931; Occupation: Author;
Lysander Spooner ::: Born: January 19, 1808; Died: May 14, 1887; Occupation: Philosopher;
Buffalo Bill ::: Born: February 26, 1846; Died: January 10, 1917; Occupation: Hunter;
Jerry Springer ::: Born: February 13, 1944; Occupation: Former Mayor of Cincinnati;
Rick Springfield ::: Born: August 23, 1949; Occupation: Musician;
Bruce Springsteen ::: Born: September 23, 1949; Occupation: Musician;
Francis Spufford ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Author;
Charles Spurgeon ::: Born: June 19, 1834; Died: January 31, 1892; Occupation: Preacher;
Debbie Stabenow ::: Born: April 29, 1950; Occupation: United States Senator;
Robert Stack ::: Born: January 13, 1919; Died: May 14, 2003; Occupation: Actor;
Madame de Stael ::: Born: April 22, 1766; Died: July 14, 1817; Occupation: Writer;
William Stafford ::: Born: January 17, 1914; Died: August 28, 1993; Occupation: Poet;
Josh Billings ::: Born: April 21, 1818; Died: October 14, 1885; Occupation: Humorist;
Nick Stahl ::: Born: December 5, 1979; Occupation: Actor;
Layne Staley ::: Born: August 22, 1967; Died: April 5, 2002; Occupation: Musician;
Joseph Stalin ::: Born: December 18, 1878; Died: March 5, 1953; Occupation: Former Premier of the Soviet Union;
Richard Stallman ::: Born: March 16, 1953; Occupation: Activist;
Sylvester Stallone ::: Born: July 6, 1946; Occupation: Actor;
John Stamos ::: Born: August 19, 1963; Occupation: Actor;
Terence Stamp ::: Born: July 22, 1938; Occupation: Actor;
Bud Abbott ::: Born: October 2, 1895; Died: April 24, 1974; Occupation: Actor;
Leland Stanford ::: Born: March 9, 1824; Died: June 21, 1893; Occupation: Former Governor of California;
Patti Stanger ::: Born: May 31, 1961; Occupation: Television personality;
Constantin Stanislavski ::: Born: January 17, 1863; Died: August 7, 1938; Occupation: Actor;
Charles Stanley ::: Born: September 25, 1932; Occupation: Pastor;
Henry Morton Stanley ::: Born: January 28, 1841; Died: May 10, 1904; Occupation: Journalist;
Paul Stanley ::: Born: January 20, 1952; Occupation: Guitarist;
Vivian Stanshall ::: Born: March 21, 1943; Died: March 5, 1995; Occupation: Singer;
Elizabeth Cady Stanton ::: Born: November 12, 1815; Died: October 26, 1902; Occupation: Activist;
Harry Dean Stanton ::: Born: July 14, 1926; Occupation: Actor;
Scott Stapp ::: Born: August 8, 1973; Occupation: Musician;
Freya Stark ::: Born: January 31, 1893; Died: May 9, 1993; Occupation: Explorer;
Johannes Stark ::: Born: April 15, 1874; Died: June 21, 1957; Occupation: Physicist;
Pete Stark ::: Born: November 11, 1931; Occupation: Former United States Representative;
Ringo Starr ::: Born: July 7, 1940; Occupation: Musician;
Roger Staubach ::: Born: February 5, 1942; Occupation: Football player;
Imelda Staunton ::: Born: January 9, 1956; Occupation: Actress;
Ralph Steadman ::: Born: May 15, 1936; Occupation: Cartoonist;
Danielle Steel ::: Born: August 14, 1947; Occupation: Novelist;
Michael Steele ::: Born: October 19, 1958; Occupation: American Politician;
Rachel Bilson ::: Born: August 25, 1981; Occupation: Actress;
Gwen Stefani ::: Born: October 3, 1969; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Wallace Stegner ::: Born: February 18, 1909; Died: April 13, 1993; Occupation: Historian;
Edward Steichen ::: Born: March 27, 1879; Died: March 25, 1973; Occupation: Photographer;
William Steig ::: Born: November 14, 1907; Died: October 3, 2003; Occupation: Cartoonist;
Rod Steiger ::: Born: April 14, 1925; Died: July 9, 2002; Occupation: Actor;
Ben Stein ::: Born: November 25, 1944; Occupation: Actor;
Edith Stein ::: Born: October 12, 1891; Died: August 9, 1942; Occupation: Philosopher;
Garth Stein ::: Born: December 6, 1964; Occupation: Author;
Gertrude Stein ::: Born: February 3, 1874; Died: July 27, 1946; Occupation: Writer;
John Steinbeck ::: Born: February 27, 1902; Died: December 20, 1968; Occupation: Author;
Jack Steinberger ::: Born: May 25, 1921; Occupation: Physicist;
Maeve Binchy ::: Born: May 28, 1940; Died: July 30, 2012; Occupation: Novelist;
Gloria Steinem ::: Born: March 25, 1934; Occupation: Journalist;
George Steiner ::: Born: April 23, 1929; Occupation: Literary critic;
Rudolf Steiner ::: Born: February 27, 1861; Died: March 30, 1925; Occupation: Philosopher;
Stendhal ::: Born: January 23, 1783; Died: March 23, 1842; Occupation: Writer;
James Stephens ::: Born: February 9, 1882; Died: December 26, 1950; Occupation: Novelist;
Neal Stephenson ::: Born: October 31, 1959; Occupation: Author;
Bruce Sterling ::: Born: April 14, 1954; Occupation: Author;
Andy Stern ::: Born: November 22, 1950; Occupation: Business person;
Howard Stern ::: Born: January 12, 1954; Occupation: Radio personality;
Isaac Stern ::: Born: July 21, 1920; Died: September 22, 2001; Occupation: Violinist;
Jeff Bingaman ::: Born: October 3, 1943; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Robert Sternberg ::: Born: December 8, 1949; Occupation: Psychologist;
Laurence Sterne ::: Born: November 24, 1713; Died: March 18, 1768; Occupation: Novelist;
Cat Stevens ::: Born: July 21, 1948; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Connie Stevens ::: Born: August 8, 1938; Occupation: Actress;
Dan Stevens ::: Born: October 10, 1982; Occupation: Actor;
George Stevens ::: Born: December 18, 1904; Died: March 8, 1975; Occupation: Film director;
Rachel Stevens ::: Born: April 9, 1978; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Wallace Stevens ::: Born: October 2, 1879; Died: August 2, 1955; Occupation: Poet;
Adlai E. Stevenson ::: Born: February 5, 1900; Died: July 14, 1965; Occupation: Former Governor of Illinois;
Juliette Binoche ::: Born: March 9, 1964; Occupation: Actress;
Parker Stevenson ::: Born: June 4, 1952; Occupation: Film actor;
Robert Louis Stevenson ::: Born: November 13, 1850; Died: December 3, 1894; Occupation: Novelist;
Alana Stewart ::: Born: May 18, 1945; Occupation: Actress;
Jon Stewart ::: Born: November 28, 1962; Occupation: Satirist;
Kristen Stewart ::: Born: April 9, 1990; Occupation: Actress;
Martha Stewart ::: Born: August 3, 1941; Occupation: Writer;
Patrick Stewart ::: Born: July 13, 1940; Occupation: Film actor;
Potter Stewart ::: Born: January 23, 1915; Died: December 7, 1985; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
Rod Stewart ::: Born: January 10, 1945; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Brad Bird ::: Born: September 24, 1957; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Mark Steyn ::: Born: December 8, 1959; Occupation: Writer;
Maggie Stiefvater ::: Born: November 18, 1981; Occupation: Writer;
Alfred Stieglitz ::: Born: January 1, 1864; Died: July 13, 1946; Occupation: Photographer;
David Ogden Stiers ::: Born: October 31, 1942; Occupation: Actor;
Joseph Stiglitz ::: Born: February 9, 1943; Occupation: Economist;
Julia Stiles ::: Born: March 28, 1981; Occupation: Actress;
Ryan Stiles ::: Born: April 22, 1959; Occupation: Actor;
Larry Bird ::: Born: December 7, 1956; Occupation: Basketball Coach;
Ben Stiller ::: Born: November 30, 1965; Occupation: Actor;
Jerry Stiller ::: Born: June 8, 1927; Occupation: Comedian;
Henry L. Stimson ::: Born: September 21, 1867; Died: October 20, 1950; Occupation: Former Governor-General of the Philippines;
R. L. Stine ::: Born: October 8, 1943; Occupation: Writer;
Sting ::: Born: October 2, 1951; Occupation: Musician;
Michael Stipe ::: Born: January 4, 1960; Occupation: Singer;
Max Stirner ::: Born: October 25, 1806; Died: June 26, 1856; Occupation: Philosopher;
Kathryn Stockett ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Novelist;
Karlheinz Stockhausen ::: Born: August 22, 1928; Died: December 5, 2007; Occupation: Composer;
Bram Stoker ::: Born: November 8, 1847; Died: April 20, 1912; Occupation: Novelist;
Eric Stoltz ::: Born: September 30, 1961; Occupation: Actor;
Angie Stone ::: Born: December 19, 1961; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Curtis Stone ::: Born: November 4, 1975; Occupation: Chef;
Emma Stone ::: Born: November 6, 1988; Occupation: Actress;
Joss Stone ::: Born: April 11, 1987; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Lara Stone ::: Born: December 20, 1983; Occupation: Model;
Oliver Stone ::: Born: September 15, 1946; Occupation: Film director;
Robert Stone ::: Born: August 21, 1937; Died: January 10, 2015; Occupation: Novelist;
Roger Stone ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Political Consultant;
Sharon Stone ::: Born: March 10, 1958; Occupation: Actress;
Augustine Birrell ::: Born: January 19, 1850; Died: November 20, 1933; Occupation: Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland;
W. Clement Stone ::: Born: May 4, 1902; Died: September 3, 2002; Occupation: Author;
Tom Stoppard ::: Born: July 3, 1937; Occupation: Playwright;
Joseph Story ::: Born: September 18, 1779; Died: September 10, 1845; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
John Stossel ::: Born: March 6, 1947; Occupation: Reporter;
John Stott ::: Born: April 27, 1921; Died: July 27, 2011; Occupation: Author;
Rex Stout ::: Born: December 1, 1886; Died: October 27, 1975; Occupation: Writer;
Harriet Beecher Stowe ::: Born: June 14, 1811; Died: July 1, 1896; Occupation: Author;
Madeleine Stowe ::: Born: August 18, 1958; Occupation: Actress;
Gordon Strachan ::: Born: February 9, 1957; Occupation: Soccer player;
Elizabeth Bishop ::: Born: February 8, 1911; Died: October 6, 1979; Occupation: Poet;
Lytton Strachey ::: Born: March 1, 1880; Died: January 21, 1932; Occupation: Writer;
J. Michael Straczynski ::: Born: July 17, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
George Strait ::: Born: May 18, 1952; Occupation: Singer;
Mark Strand ::: Born: April 11, 1934; Died: November 29, 2014; Occupation: Poet;
Lee Strasberg ::: Born: November 17, 1901; Died: February 17, 1982; Occupation: Film actor;
Dorothy Stratten ::: Born: February 28, 1960; Died: August 14, 1980; Occupation: Playmate;
Peter Straub ::: Born: March 2, 1943; Occupation: Author;
David Friedrich Strauss ::: Born: January 27, 1808; Died: February 8, 1874; Occupation: Writer;
Julie Bishop ::: Born: July 17, 1956; Occupation: Member of the Australian House of Representatives;
Igor Stravinsky ::: Born: June 17, 1882; Died: April 6, 1971; Occupation: Composer;
Cheryl Strayed ::: Born: September 17, 1968; Occupation: Novelist;
Billy Strayhorn ::: Born: November 29, 1915; Died: May 31, 1967; Occupation: Composer;
Meryl Streep ::: Born: June 22, 1949; Occupation: Actress;
Barbra Streisand ::: Born: April 24, 1942; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Gustav Stresemann ::: Born: May 10, 1878; Died: October 3, 1929; Occupation: German Politician;
August Strindberg ::: Born: January 22, 1849; Died: May 14, 1912; Occupation: Playwright;
Elaine Stritch ::: Born: February 2, 1925; Died: July 17, 2014; Occupation: Actress;
Lee Strobel ::: Born: January 25, 1952; Occupation: Author;
Danny Strong ::: Born: June 6, 1974; Occupation: Actor;
Mark Strong ::: Born: August 5, 1963; Died: 1946; Occupation: Film actor;
Tara Strong ::: Born: February 12, 1973; Occupation: Actress;
Jonathan Stroud ::: Born: October 27, 1970; Occupation: Writer;
Bjarne Stroustrup ::: Born: December 30, 1950; Occupation: Scientist;
Elizabeth Strout ::: Born: January 6, 1956; Occupation: Author;
Joe Strummer ::: Born: August 21, 1952; Died: December 22, 2002; Occupation: Musician;
William Strunk, Jr. ::: Born: July 1, 1869; Died: September 26, 1946; Occupation: Professor;
Gloria Stuart ::: Born: July 4, 1910; Died: September 26, 2010; Occupation: Actress;
Otto von Bismarck ::: Born: April 1, 1815; Died: July 30, 1898; Occupation: Statesman;
Ruben Studdard ::: Born: September 12, 1978; Occupation: Singer;
Michael Stuhlbarg ::: Born: July 5, 1968; Occupation: Film actor;
Theodore Sturgeon ::: Born: February 26, 1918; Died: May 8, 1985; Occupation: Writer;
Peter Stuyvesant ::: Born: 1612; Occupation: Political figure;
Harry Styles ::: Born: February 1, 1994; Occupation: Singer;
William Styron ::: Born: June 11, 1925; Died: November 1, 2006; Occupation: Novelist;
Alan Sugar ::: Born: March 24, 1947; Occupation: Business person;
Anna Sui ::: Born: August 4, 1964; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Andrew Sullivan ::: Born: August 10, 1963; Occupation: Author;
Jacqueline Bisset ::: Born: September 13, 1944; Occupation: Actress;
Harry Stack Sullivan ::: Born: February 21, 1892; Died: January 14, 1949; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
J. Courtney Sullivan ::: Born: 1982; Occupation: Novelist;
Arthur Hays Sulzberger ::: Born: September 12, 1891; Died: December 11, 1968; Occupation: Newspaper publisher;
Donna Summer ::: Born: December 31, 1948; Died: May 17, 2012; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Andy Summers ::: Born: December 31, 1942; Occupation: Guitarist;
Lawrence Summers ::: Born: November 30, 1954; Occupation: Former Undersecretary for International Affairs;
William Graham Sumner ::: Born: October 30, 1840; Died: April 12, 1910; Occupation: Political scientist;
Jeremy Sumpter ::: Born: February 5, 1989; Occupation: Actor;
Billy Sunday ::: Born: November 19, 1862; Died: November 6, 1935; Occupation: Evangelist;
Cass Sunstein ::: Born: September 21, 1954; Occupation: Legal Scholar;
James Surowiecki ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Jacqueline Susann ::: Born: August 20, 1918; Died: September 21, 1974; Occupation: Novelist;
Mark Bittman ::: Born: 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Kiefer Sutherland ::: Born: December 21, 1966; Occupation: Actor;
Mena Suvari ::: Born: February 13, 1979; Occupation: Actress;
David Suzuki ::: Born: March 24, 1936; Occupation: Professor;
Italo Svevo ::: Born: December 19, 1861; Died: September 13, 1928; Occupation: Writer;
Jimmy Swaggart ::: Born: March 15, 1935; Occupation: Televangelist;
Radhanath Swami ::: Born: December 7, 1950; Occupation: Author;
Candice Swanepoel ::: Born: October 20, 1988; Occupation: Model;
Hilary Swank ::: Born: July 30, 1974; Occupation: Actress;
Gloria Swanson ::: Born: March 27, 1899; Died: April 4, 1983; Occupation: Actress;
Patrick Swayze ::: Born: August 18, 1952; Died: September 14, 2009; Occupation: Actor;
Keith Sweat ::: Born: July 22, 1961; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Emanuel Swedenborg ::: Born: January 29, 1688; Died: March 29, 1772; Occupation: Scientist;
Alison Sweeney ::: Born: September 19, 1976; Occupation: Actress;
Bjork ::: Born: November 21, 1965; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
John J. Sweeney ::: Born: May 5, 1934; Occupation: Labor leader;
Julia Sweeney ::: Born: October 10, 1959; Occupation: Actress;
Jodi Sweetin ::: Born: January 19, 1982; Occupation: Actress;
Graham Swift ::: Born: May 4, 1949; Occupation: Film writer;
Jonathan Swift ::: Born: November 30, 1667; Died: October 19, 1745; Occupation: Pamphleteer;
Taylor Swift ::: Born: December 13, 1989; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Algernon Charles Swinburne ::: Born: April 5, 1837; Died: April 10, 1909; Occupation: Poet;
Charles R. Swindoll ::: Born: October 18, 1934; Occupation: Pastor;
Sheryl Swoopes ::: Born: March 25, 1971; Occupation: Basketball player;
Herbert Bayard Swope ::: Born: January 5, 1882; Died: June 20, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Thomas Sydenham ::: Born: September 10, 1624; Died: December 29, 1689; Occupation: Physician;
Max von Sydow ::: Born: April 10, 1929; Occupation: Actor;
Wanda Sykes ::: Born: March 7, 1964; Occupation: Comedian;
Michael Symon ::: Born: September 19, 1969; Occupation: Chef;
John Millington Synge ::: Born: April 16, 1871; Died: March 24, 1909; Occupation: Playwright;
Thomas Szasz ::: Born: April 15, 1920; Died: September 8, 2012; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
Leo Szilard ::: Born: February 11, 1898; Died: May 30, 1964; Occupation: Physicist;
Jessica Szohr ::: Born: March 31, 1985; Occupation: Actress;
Wislawa Szymborska ::: Born: July 2, 1923; Died: February 1, 2012; Occupation: Poet;
Kim Il-sung ::: Born: April 15, 1912; Died: July 8, 1994; Occupation: Former President of North Korea;
Claudia Black ::: Born: October 11, 1972; Occupation: Actress;
James Agee ::: Born: November 27, 1909; Died: May 16, 1955; Occupation: Author;
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec ::: Born: November 24, 1864; Died: September 9, 1901; Occupation: Painter;
T-Pain ::: Born: September 30, 1985; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Ice T ::: Born: February 16, 1958; Occupation: Rapper;
Alex Tabarrok ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Economist;
Antonio Tabucchi ::: Born: September 24, 1943; Died: March 25, 2012; Occupation: Writer;
Tacitus ::: Born: 56; Died: 117; Occupation: Historian;
Joni Eareckson Tada ::: Born: October 15, 1949; Occupation: Author;
Bob Taft ::: Born: January 8, 1942; Occupation: Politician;
William Howard Taft ::: Born: September 15, 1857; Died: March 8, 1930; Occupation: 27th U.S. President;
Rabindranath Tagore ::: Born: May 7, 1861; Died: August 7, 1941; Occupation: Author;
George Takei ::: Born: April 20, 1937; Occupation: Actor;
Jalal Talabani ::: Born: November 12, 1933; Occupation: President of Iraq;
Al-Waleed bin Talal ::: Born: March 7, 1955; Occupation: Businessman;
Jim Talent ::: Born: October 18, 1956; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Gay Talese ::: Born: February 7, 1932; Occupation: Author;
Andre Leon Talley ::: Born: October 16, 1949; Occupation: Editor;
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand ::: Born: February 2, 1754; Died: May 17, 1838; Occupation: Former Minister of Foreign Affairs;
Amber Tamblyn ::: Born: May 14, 1983; Occupation: Actress;
Oliver Tambo ::: Born: October 27, 1917; Died: April 24, 1993; Occupation: South African Politician;
Daniel Tammet ::: Born: January 31, 1979; Occupation: Writer;
Amy Tan ::: Born: February 19, 1952; Occupation: Film writer;
Yoshio Taniguchi ::: Born: 1937; Occupation: Architect;
Junichiro Tanizaki ::: Born: July 24, 1886; Died: July 30, 1965; Occupation: Author;
Serj Tankian ::: Born: August 21, 1967; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Quentin Tarantino ::: Born: March 27, 1963; Occupation: Film director;
Booth Tarkington ::: Born: July 29, 1869; Died: May 19, 1946; Occupation: Novelist;
Donna Tartt ::: Born: December 23, 1963; Occupation: Writer;
Torquato Tasso ::: Born: March 11, 1544; Died: April 25, 1595; Occupation: Poet;
Ratan Tata ::: Born: December 28, 1937; Occupation: Businessman;
Allen Tate ::: Born: November 19, 1899; Died: February 9, 1979; Occupation: Poet;
Hugo Black ::: Born: February 27, 1886; Died: September 25, 1971; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
Sharon Tate ::: Born: January 24, 1943; Died: August 9, 1969; Occupation: Actress;
Johannes Tauler ::: Born: 1300; Died: June 15, 1361; Occupation: Preacher;
Audrey Tautou ::: Born: August 9, 1976; Occupation: Actress;
Jack Black ::: Born: August 28, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
A. J. P. Taylor ::: Born: March 25, 1906; Died: September 7, 1990; Occupation: Historian;
Christine Taylor ::: Born: July 30, 1971; Occupation: Actress;
Elizabeth Taylor ::: Born: February 27, 1932; Died: March 23, 2011; Occupation: Actress;
James Taylor ::: Born: March 12, 1948; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Laini Taylor ::: Born: December 11, 1971; Occupation: Author;
Lili Taylor ::: Born: February 20, 1967; Occupation: Actress;
Mick Taylor ::: Born: January 17, 1949; Occupation: Musician;
Paul Taylor ::: Born: July 29, 1930; Occupation: Ballet choreographer;
Rachael Taylor ::: Born: July 11, 1984; Occupation: Actress;
Rod Taylor ::: Born: January 11, 1930; Died: January 7, 2015; Occupation: Actor;
Susan L. Taylor ::: Born: January 23, 1946; Occupation: Editor;
Michelle Tea ::: Born: 1971; Occupation: Author;
Edwin Way Teale ::: Born: June 2, 1899; Died: October 18, 1980; Occupation: Naturalist;
Sara Teasdale ::: Born: August 8, 1884; Died: January 29, 1933; Occupation: Poet;
Tim Tebow ::: Born: August 14, 1987; Occupation: Football player;
Aimee Teegarden ::: Born: October 10, 1989; Occupation: Actress;
Edward Teller ::: Born: January 15, 1908; Died: September 9, 2003; Occupation: Physicist;
Lewis Black ::: Born: August 30, 1948; Occupation: Comedian;
Miles Teller ::: Born: February 20, 1987; Occupation: Film actor;
Tinie Tempah ::: Born: November 7, 1988; Occupation: Rapper;
Juno Temple ::: Born: July 21, 1989; Occupation: Actress;
Shirley Temple ::: Born: April 23, 1928; Died: February 10, 2014; Occupation: Film actress;
John Templeton ::: Born: November 29, 1912; Died: July 8, 2008; Occupation: Investor;
Sachin Tendulkar ::: Born: April 24, 1973; Occupation: Cricketer;
Neil Tennant ::: Born: July 10, 1954; Occupation: Musician;
Alfred Lord Tennyson ::: Born: August 5, 1809; Died: October 6, 1892; Occupation: Poet;
Sheri S. Tepper ::: Born: July 16, 1929; Died: October 22, 2016; Occupation: Author;
Michael Ian Black ::: Born: August 12, 1971; Occupation: Comedian;
Mother Teresa ::: Born: August 26, 1910; Died: September 5, 1997; Occupation: Saint;
Valentina Tereshkova ::: Born: March 6, 1937; Occupation: Cosmonaut;
Lee Tergesen ::: Born: July 8, 1965; Occupation: Actor;
Studs Terkel ::: Born: May 16, 1912; Died: October 31, 2008; Occupation: Author;
Sonny Terry ::: Born: October 24, 1911; Died: March 11, 1986; Occupation: Musician;
Tertullian ::: Born: 160; Died: 220; Occupation: Author;
John Tesh ::: Born: July 9, 1952; Occupation: Pianist;
Nikola Tesla ::: Born: July 10, 1856; Died: January 7, 1943; Occupation: Inventor;
William Makepeace Thackeray ::: Born: July 18, 1811; Died: December 24, 1863; Occupation: Novelist;
U Thant ::: Born: January 22, 1909; Died: November 25, 1974; Occupation: Diplomat;
Twyla Tharp ::: Born: July 1, 1941; Occupation: Dancer;
Margaret Thatcher ::: Born: October 13, 1925; Died: April 8, 2013; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
Charlize Theron ::: Born: August 7, 1975; Occupation: Actress;
Alexander Theroux ::: Born: August 17, 1939; Occupation: Novelist;
Paul Theroux ::: Born: April 10, 1941; Occupation: Film writer;
David Thewlis ::: Born: March 20, 1963; Occupation: Actor;
Alan Thicke ::: Born: March 1, 1947; Died: December 13, 2016; Occupation: Actor;
Olivia Thirlby ::: Born: October 6, 1986; Occupation: Actress;
Cal Thomas ::: Born: 1942; Occupation: Columnist;
Clarence Thomas ::: Born: June 23, 1948; Occupation: Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
Dylan Thomas ::: Born: October 27, 1914; Died: November 9, 1953; Occupation: Poet;
Helen Thomas ::: Born: August 4, 1920; Died: July 20, 2013; Occupation: Author;
Ritchie Blackmore ::: Born: April 14, 1945; Occupation: Guitarist;
Kristin Scott Thomas ::: Born: May 24, 1960; Occupation: Actress;
Lewis Thomas ::: Born: November 25, 1913; Died: December 3, 1993; Occupation: Physician;
Marlo Thomas ::: Born: November 21, 1937; Occupation: Actress;
Michael Tilson Thomas ::: Born: December 21, 1944; Occupation: Conductor;
Sean Patrick Thomas ::: Born: December 17, 1970; Occupation: Actor;
Andrea Thompson ::: Born: May 22, 1959; Occupation: Actress;
Harry A. Blackmun ::: Born: November 12, 1908; Died: March 4, 1999; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
Dorothy Thompson ::: Born: July 9, 1893; Died: January 30, 1961; Occupation: Journalist;
Emma Thompson ::: Born: April 15, 1959; Occupation: Actress;
Francis Thompson ::: Born: December 16, 1859; Died: November 13, 1907; Occupation: Poet;
Fred Thompson ::: Born: August 19, 1942; Died: November 1, 2015; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Hunter S. Thompson ::: Born: July 18, 1937; Died: February 20, 2005; Occupation: Journalist;
Kay Thompson ::: Born: November 9, 1909; Died: July 2, 1998; Occupation: Author;
William Blackstone ::: Born: July 10, 1723; Died: February 14, 1780; Occupation: Jurist;
Ken Thompson ::: Born: February 4, 1943; Occupation: Computer Designer;
Lea Thompson ::: Born: May 31, 1961; Occupation: Actress;
Mike Thompson ::: Born: January 24, 1951; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Richard Thompson ::: Born: April 3, 1949; Died: 1908; Occupation: Songwriter;
William Irwin Thompson ::: Born: July 16, 1938; Occupation: Critic;
Virgil Thomson ::: Born: November 25, 1896; Died: September 30, 1989; Occupation: Composer;
Brad Thor ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Novelist;
Henry David Thoreau ::: Born: July 12, 1817; Died: May 6, 1862; Occupation: Author;
Mac Thornberry ::: Born: July 15, 1958; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Dick Thornburgh ::: Born: July 16, 1932; Occupation: Former Governor of Pennsylvania;
Edward Thorndike ::: Born: August 31, 1874; Died: August 9, 1949; Occupation: Psychologist;
Kerry Thornley ::: Born: April 17, 1938; Died: November 28, 1998; Occupation: Author;
Billy Bob Thornton ::: Born: August 4, 1955; Occupation: Actor;
George Thorogood ::: Born: February 24, 1950; Occupation: Vocalist;
Ian Thorpe ::: Born: October 13, 1982; Occupation: Swimmer;
Johnny Thunders ::: Born: July 15, 1952; Died: April 23, 1991; Occupation: Guitarist;
John Thune ::: Born: January 7, 1961; Occupation: United States Senator;
Elizabeth Blackwell ::: Born: February 3, 1821; Died: May 31, 1910; Occupation: Medical Doctor;
James Thurber ::: Born: December 8, 1894; Died: November 2, 1961; Occupation: Cartoonist;
Howard Thurman ::: Born: 1899; Died: April 10, 1981; Occupation: Author;
Uma Thurman ::: Born: April 29, 1970; Occupation: Actress;
Strom Thurmond ::: Born: December 5, 1902; Died: June 26, 2003; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Todd Tiahrt ::: Born: June 15, 1951; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
Cheryl Tiegs ::: Born: September 25, 1947; Occupation: Model;
Gene Tierney ::: Born: November 19, 1920; Died: November 6, 1991; Occupation: Film actress;
Paul Tillich ::: Born: August 20, 1886; Died: October 22, 1965; Occupation: Philosopher;
Justin Timberlake ::: Born: January 31, 1981; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Michael Tippett ::: Born: January 2, 1905; Died: January 8, 1998; Occupation: Composer;
Ashley Tisdale ::: Born: July 2, 1985; Occupation: Actress;
TobyMac ::: Born: October 22, 1964; Occupation: Recording Artist;
Alexis de Tocqueville ::: Born: July 29, 1805; Died: April 16, 1859; Occupation: Historian;
Alvin Toffler ::: Born: October 4, 1928; Died: June 27, 2016; Occupation: Writer;
Spiro T. Agnew ::: Born: November 9, 1918; Died: September 17, 1996; Occupation: Former Vice President of the United States;
J. R. R. Tolkien ::: Born: January 3, 1892; Died: September 2, 1973; Occupation: Writer;
Eckhart Tolle ::: Born: February 16, 1948; Occupation: Author;
Leo Tolstoy ::: Born: September 9, 1828; Died: November 20, 1910; Occupation: Writer;
Clyde Tombaugh ::: Born: February 4, 1906; Died: January 17, 1997; Occupation: Astronomer;
Marisa Tomei ::: Born: December 4, 1964; Occupation: Film actress;
Lily Tomlin ::: Born: September 1, 1939; Occupation: Actress;
Louis Tomlinson ::: Born: December 24, 1991; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Rod Blagojevich ::: Born: December 10, 1956; Occupation: Former Governor of Illinois;
Robert Toombs ::: Born: July 2, 1810; Died: December 15, 1885; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Jean Toomer ::: Born: December 26, 1894; Died: March 30, 1967; Occupation: Poet;
Carrot Top ::: Born: February 25, 1965; Occupation: Comedian;
Peter Tork ::: Born: February 13, 1942; Occupation: Musician;
Mel Torme ::: Born: September 13, 1925; Died: June 5, 1999; Occupation: Musician;
Rip Torn ::: Born: February 6, 1931; Occupation: Actor;
Benicio Del Toro ::: Born: February 19, 1967; Occupation: Actor;
Manolo Blahnik ::: Born: November 28, 1942; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Guillermo del Toro ::: Born: October 9, 1964; Occupation: Film director;
Anna Torv ::: Born: June 7, 1979; Occupation: Actress;
Linus Torvalds ::: Born: December 28, 1969; Occupation: Software Engineer;
Arturo Toscanini ::: Born: March 25, 1867; Died: January 16, 1957; Occupation: Conductor;
Daniel Tosh ::: Born: May 29, 1975; Occupation: Comedian;
Peter Tosh ::: Born: October 19, 1944; Died: September 11, 1987; Occupation: Musician;
Pete Townshend ::: Born: May 19, 1945; Occupation: Musician;
Arnold J. Toynbee ::: Born: April 14, 1889; Died: October 22, 1975; Occupation: Historian;
Polly Toynbee ::: Born: December 27, 1946; Occupation: Journalist;
Aiden Wilson Tozer ::: Born: April 21, 1897; Died: May 12, 1963; Occupation: Author;
Michelle Trachtenberg ::: Born: October 11, 1985; Occupation: Actress;
Spencer Tracy ::: Born: April 5, 1900; Died: June 10, 1967; Occupation: Actor;
Georg Trakl ::: Born: February 3, 1887; Died: November 3, 1914; Occupation: Poet;
Tomas Transtromer ::: Born: April 15, 1931; Died: March 26, 2015; Occupation: Poet;
P. L. Travers ::: Born: August 9, 1899; Died: April 23, 1996; Occupation: Novelist;
Randy Travis ::: Born: May 4, 1959; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
John Travolta ::: Born: February 18, 1954; Occupation: Actor;
Luke Treadaway ::: Born: September 10, 1984; Occupation: Film actor;
Alex Trebek ::: Born: July 22, 1940; Occupation: Television personality;
Herbert Beerbohm Tree ::: Born: December 17, 1852; Died: July 2, 1917; Occupation: Actor;
Rose Tremain ::: Born: August 2, 1943; Occupation: Author;
G. M. Trevelyan ::: Born: February 16, 1876; Died: July 21, 1962; Occupation: Historian;
William Trevor ::: Born: May 24, 1928; Died: November 21, 2016; Occupation: Novelist;
Obie Trice ::: Born: November 14, 1977; Occupation: Rapper;
Jayson Blair ::: Born: March 23, 1976; Occupation: Journalist;
Lars von Trier ::: Born: April 30, 1956; Occupation: Film director;
Calvin Trillin ::: Born: December 5, 1935; Occupation: Journalist;
Lionel Trilling ::: Born: July 4, 1905; Died: November 5, 1975; Occupation: Literary critic;
Linda Tripp ::: Born: November 24, 1949; Occupation: Lawsuit;
Travis Tritt ::: Born: February 9, 1963; Occupation: Singer;
Anthony Trollope ::: Born: April 24, 1815; Died: December 6, 1882; Occupation: Novelist;
Leon Trotsky ::: Born: November 7, 1879; Died: August 21, 1940; Occupation: Revolutionary;
Mike Trout ::: Born: August 7, 1991; Occupation: Baseball Player;
Verne Troyer ::: Born: January 1, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
Linda Blair ::: Born: January 22, 1959; Occupation: Actress;
Garry Trudeau ::: Born: July 21, 1948; Occupation: Cartoonist;
Pierre Trudeau ::: Born: October 18, 1919; Died: September 28, 2000; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Canada;
Francois Truffaut ::: Born: February 6, 1932; Died: October 21, 1984; Occupation: Film director;
Bess Truman ::: Born: February 13, 1885; Died: October 18, 1982; Occupation: Former First Lady of the United States;
Harry S. Truman ::: Born: May 8, 1884; Died: December 26, 1972; Occupation: 33rd U.S. President;
Dalton Trumbo ::: Born: December 9, 1905; Died: September 10, 1976; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Donald Trump ::: Born: June 14, 1946; Occupation: 45th President of the United States;
Ivana Trump ::: Born: February 20, 1949; Occupation: Athlete;
Ivanka Trump ::: Born: October 30, 1981; Occupation: Businesswoman;
Chogyam Trungpa ::: Born: February 28, 1939; Died: April 4, 1987; Occupation: Teacher;
Selma Blair ::: Born: June 23, 1972; Occupation: Film actress;
Paul Tsongas ::: Born: February 14, 1941; Died: January 18, 1997; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Marina Tsvetaeva ::: Born: October 8, 1892; Died: August 31, 1941; Occupation: Poet;
Stanley Tucci ::: Born: November 11, 1960; Occupation: Actor;
Barbara Tuchman ::: Born: January 30, 1912; Died: February 6, 1989; Occupation: Historian;
Chris Tucker ::: Born: August 31, 1971; Occupation: Actor;
Tony Blair ::: Born: May 6, 1953; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
Sophie Tucker ::: Born: January 13, 1887; Died: February 9, 1966; Occupation: Singer;
Tanya Tucker ::: Born: October 10, 1958; Occupation: Musical Artist;
Edward Tufte ::: Born: March 14, 1942; Occupation: Statistician;
John Tukey ::: Born: June 16, 1915; Died: July 26, 2000; Occupation: Statistician;
Gene Tunney ::: Born: May 25, 1897; Died: November 7, 1978; Occupation: Professional Boxer;
Ivan Turgenev ::: Born: November 9, 1818; Died: September 3, 1883; Occupation: Novelist;
Alan Turing ::: Born: June 23, 1912; Died: June 7, 1954; Occupation: Mathematician;
Christy Turlington ::: Born: January 2, 1969; Occupation: Fashion model;
Malcolm Turnbull ::: Born: October 24, 1954; Occupation: Member of the Australian Parliament;
Ike Turner ::: Born: November 5, 1931; Died: December 12, 2007; Occupation: Musician;
Josh Turner ::: Born: November 20, 1977; Occupation: Singer;
Kathleen Turner ::: Born: June 19, 1954; Occupation: Film actress;
Lana Turner ::: Born: February 8, 1921; Died: June 29, 1995; Occupation: Film actress;
Ted Turner ::: Born: November 19, 1938; Occupation: Businessman;
Tina Turner ::: Born: November 26, 1939; Occupation: Singer;
Scott Turow ::: Born: April 12, 1949; Occupation: Author;
Aida Turturro ::: Born: September 25, 1962; Occupation: Actress;
Donald Tusk ::: Born: April 22, 1957; Occupation: Prime Minister of Poland;
Desmond Tutu ::: Born: October 7, 1931; Occupation: Activist;
Mark Twain ::: Born: November 30, 1835; Died: April 21, 1910; Occupation: Author;
Shania Twain ::: Born: August 28, 1965; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Boss Tweed ::: Born: April 3, 1823; Died: April 12, 1878; Occupation: New York State Senator;
Aisha Tyler ::: Born: September 18, 1970; Occupation: Actress;
Anne Tyler ::: Born: October 25, 1941; Occupation: Novelist;
John Tyler ::: Born: March 29, 1790; Died: January 18, 1862; Occupation: 10th U.S. President;
Liv Tyler ::: Born: July 1, 1977; Occupation: Actress;
Steven Tyler ::: Born: March 26, 1948; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Edward Burnett Tylor ::: Born: October 2, 1832; Died: January 2, 1917; Occupation: Anthropologist;
Yulia Tymoshenko ::: Born: November 27, 1960; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Ukraine;
Cicely Tyson ::: Born: December 19, 1933; Occupation: Actress;
Mike Tyson ::: Born: June 30, 1966; Occupation: Professional Boxer;
Neil deGrasse Tyson ::: Born: October 5, 1958; Occupation: Astrophysicist;
Tristan Tzara ::: Born: April 16, 1896; Died: December 25, 1963; Occupation: Poet;
Sam Taylor-Wood ::: Born: March 4, 1967; Occupation: Filmmaker;
William Blake ::: Born: November 28, 1757; Died: August 12, 1827; Occupation: Poet;
Mark Udall ::: Born: July 18, 1950; Occupation: United States Senator;
Tom Udall ::: Born: May 18, 1948; Occupation: United States Senator;
Morihei Ueshiba ::: Born: December 14, 1883; Died: April 26, 1969; Occupation: Martial Artist;
Walter Ulbricht ::: Born: June 30, 1893; Died: August 1, 1973; Occupation: German Politician;
Tracey Ullman ::: Born: December 30, 1959; Occupation: Actress;
Lars Ulrich ::: Born: December 26, 1963; Occupation: Drummer;
Skeet Ulrich ::: Born: January 20, 1970; Occupation: Actor;
Miguel de Unamuno ::: Born: September 29, 1864; Died: December 31, 1936; Occupation: Novelist;
Evelyn Underhill ::: Born: December 6, 1875; Died: June 15, 1941; Occupation: Writer;
Blair Underwood ::: Born: August 25, 1964; Occupation: Film actor;
Carrie Underwood ::: Born: March 10, 1983; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Sigrid Undset ::: Born: May 20, 1882; Died: June 10, 1949; Occupation: Novelist;
Roberto Unger ::: Born: March 24, 1947; Occupation: Philosopher;
Gabrielle Union ::: Born: October 29, 1972; Occupation: Actress;
John Updike ::: Born: March 18, 1932; Died: January 27, 2009; Occupation: Novelist;
Fred Upton ::: Born: April 23, 1953; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Karl Urban ::: Born: June 7, 1972; Occupation: Actor;
Keith Urban ::: Born: October 26, 1967; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Alvaro Uribe ::: Born: July 4, 1952; Occupation: Former President of Colombia;
Robert Urich ::: Born: December 19, 1946; Died: April 16, 2002; Occupation: Film actor;
Leon Uris ::: Born: August 3, 1924; Died: June 21, 2003; Occupation: Novelist;
Jenna Ushkowitz ::: Born: April 28, 1986; Occupation: Actress;
Peter Ustinov ::: Born: April 16, 1921; Died: March 28, 2004; Occupation: Actor;
Bernard DeVoto ::: Born: January 11, 1897; Died: November 13, 1955; Occupation: Historian;
Sharon Van Etten ::: Born: February 26, 1981; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Art Blakey ::: Born: October 11, 1919; Died: October 16, 1990; Occupation: Jazz Drummer;
Steve Vai ::: Born: June 6, 1960; Occupation: Guitarist;
Atal Bihari Vajpayee ::: Born: December 25, 1924; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of India;
Holly Valance ::: Born: May 11, 1983; Occupation: Actress;
Jolene Blalock ::: Born: March 5, 1975; Occupation: Film actress;
Buddy Valastro ::: Born: March 3, 1977; Occupation: Television personality;
Kathy Valentine ::: Born: January 7, 1959; Occupation: Bass guitarist;
Rudolph Valentino ::: Born: May 6, 1895; Died: August 23, 1926; Occupation: Actor;
Eamon de Valera ::: Born: October 14, 1882; Died: August 29, 1975; Occupation: Former President of Ireland;
Paul Valery ::: Born: October 30, 1871; Died: July 20, 1945; Occupation: Poet;
Ken Blanchard ::: Born: May 6, 1939; Occupation: Author;
Ville Valo ::: Born: November 22, 1976; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Ninette de Valois ::: Born: June 6, 1898; Died: March 8, 2001; Occupation: Ballet choreographer;
Emily VanCamp ::: Born: May 12, 1986; Occupation: Actress;
Jack Vance ::: Born: August 28, 1916; Died: May 26, 2013; Occupation: Writer;
Rachel Blanchard ::: Born: March 19, 1976; Occupation: Actress;
Cornelius Vanderbilt ::: Born: May 27, 1794; Died: January 4, 1877; Occupation: Businessman;
Gloria Vanderbilt ::: Born: February 20, 1924; Occupation: Artist;
Raoul Vaneigem ::: Born: 1934; Occupation: Writer;
Jean Vanier ::: Born: September 10, 1928; Occupation: Philosopher;
Cate Blanchett ::: Born: May 14, 1969; Occupation: Actress;
Diane Abbott ::: Born: September 27, 1953; Occupation: British Politician;
Iyanla Vanzant ::: Born: September 13, 1953; Occupation: Spiritual teacher;
Nia Vardalos ::: Born: September 24, 1962; Occupation: Actress;
Edgard Varese ::: Born: December 22, 1883; Died: November 6, 1965; Occupation: Composer;
Maurice Blanchot ::: Born: September 22, 1907; Died: February 20, 2003; Occupation: Writer;
Bill Vaughan ::: Born: October 8, 1915; Died: February 25, 1977; Occupation: Author;
Stevie Ray Vaughan ::: Born: October 3, 1954; Died: August 27, 1990; Occupation: Guitarist;
Matthew Vaughn ::: Born: March 7, 1971; Occupation: Film Producer;
Robert Vaughn ::: Born: November 22, 1932; Died: November 11, 2016; Occupation: Actor;
Vince Vaughn ::: Born: March 28, 1970; Occupation: Film actor;
Gary Vaynerchuk ::: Born: November 14, 1975; Occupation: Author;
Thorstein Veblen ::: Born: July 30, 1857; Died: August 3, 1929; Occupation: Economist;
Eddie Vedder ::: Born: December 23, 1964; Occupation: Musician;
Lope de Vega ::: Born: November 25, 1562; Died: August 27, 1635; Occupation: Playwright;
Paz Vega ::: Born: January 2, 1976; Occupation: Actress;
Suzanne Vega ::: Born: July 11, 1959; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Simone Veil ::: Born: July 13, 1927; Occupation: Lawyer;
Patricia Velasquez ::: Born: January 31, 1971; Occupation: Actress;
Nadine Velazquez ::: Born: November 20, 1978; Occupation: Actress;
Milo Ventimiglia ::: Born: July 8, 1977; Occupation: Actor;
Jesse Ventura ::: Born: July 15, 1951; Occupation: Politician;
Gwen Verdon ::: Born: January 13, 1925; Died: October 18, 2000; Occupation: Actress;
Ben Vereen ::: Born: October 10, 1946; Occupation: Actor;
Sofia Vergara ::: Born: July 10, 1972; Occupation: Actress;
Jacques Verges ::: Born: March 5, 1925; Died: August 15, 2013; Occupation: Lawyer;
Abraham Verghese ::: Born: 1955; Occupation: Physician;
Paul Verlaine ::: Born: March 30, 1844; Died: January 8, 1896; Occupation: Poet;
Jules Verne ::: Born: February 8, 1828; Died: March 24, 1905; Occupation: Novelist;
Donatella Versace ::: Born: May 2, 1955; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Gianni Versace ::: Born: December 2, 1946; Died: July 15, 1997; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Sebastian Vettel ::: Born: July 3, 1987; Occupation: F1 Driver;
Sid Vicious ::: Born: May 10, 1957; Died: February 2, 1979; Occupation: Bass guitarist;
Giambattista Vico ::: Born: June 23, 1668; Died: January 21, 1744; Occupation: Philosopher;
Queen Victoria ::: Born: May 24, 1819; Died: January 22, 1901; Occupation: Former Queen regnant;
Gore Vidal ::: Born: October 3, 1925; Died: July 31, 2012; Occupation: Writer;
Mark Viduka ::: Born: October 9, 1975; Occupation: Soccer player;
Meredith Vieira ::: Born: December 30, 1953; Occupation: Journalist;
Alfred de Vigny ::: Born: March 27, 1797; Died: September 17, 1863; Occupation: Poet;
Pancho Villa ::: Born: June 5, 1878; Died: July 20, 1923; Occupation: Soldier;
Antonio Villaraigosa ::: Born: January 23, 1953; Occupation: Former Mayor of Los Angeles;
William Peter Blatty ::: Born: January 7, 1928; Died: January 12, 2017; Occupation: Writer;
Tom Vilsack ::: Born: December 13, 1950; Occupation: United States Secretary of Agriculture;
St. Vincent ::: Born: September 28, 1982; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
H. P. Blavatsky ::: Born: August 12, 1831; Died: May 8, 1891; Occupation: Author;
Leonardo da Vinci ::: Born: April 15, 1452; Died: May 2, 1519; Occupation: Painter;
Tim Vine ::: Born: March 4, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
Vernor Vinge ::: Born: October 2, 1944; Occupation: Computer Scientist;
Bobby Vinton ::: Born: April 16, 1935; Occupation: Singer;
Judith Viorst ::: Born: February 2, 1931; Occupation: Author;
Alan Bleasdale ::: Born: March 23, 1946; Occupation: Writer;
Swami Vivekananda ::: Born: January 12, 1863; Died: July 4, 1902; Occupation: Author;
Stephen Vizinczey ::: Born: May 12, 1933; Occupation: Author;
Ned Vizzini ::: Born: April 4, 1981; Died: December 19, 2013; Occupation: Writer;
Don Van Vliet ::: Born: January 15, 1941; Died: December 17, 2010; Occupation: Musician;
Natalia Vodianova ::: Born: February 28, 1982; Occupation: Model;
Alexis Bledel ::: Born: September 16, 1981; Occupation: Actress;
Jon Voight ::: Born: December 29, 1938; Occupation: Actor;
Miroslav Volf ::: Born: September 25, 1956; Occupation: Theologian;
Voltaire ::: Born: November 21, 1694; Died: May 30, 1778; Occupation: Writer;
Kurt Vonnegut ::: Born: November 11, 1922; Died: April 11, 2007; Occupation: Writer;
Carol Vorderman ::: Born: December 24, 1960; Occupation: Host;
Sarah Vowell ::: Born: December 27, 1969; Occupation: Author;
Diana Vreeland ::: Born: September 29, 1903; Died: August 22, 1989; Occupation: Editor;
Steven Van Zandt ::: Born: November 22, 1950; Occupation: Musician;
Dwyane Wade ::: Born: January 17, 1982; Occupation: Basketball player;
Brenda Blethyn ::: Born: February 20, 1946; Occupation: Actress;
Jane Wagner ::: Born: February 26, 1935; Occupation: Writer;
Lindsay Wagner ::: Born: June 22, 1949; Occupation: Actress;
Richard Wagner ::: Born: May 22, 1813; Died: February 13, 1883; Occupation: Composer;
Robert Wagner ::: Born: February 10, 1930; Occupation: Actor;
Abdurrahman Wahid ::: Born: September 7, 1940; Died: December 30, 2009; Occupation: Former President of Indonesia;
Donnie Wahlberg ::: Born: August 17, 1969; Occupation: Singer;
Mark Wahlberg ::: Born: June 5, 1971; Occupation: Actor;
Corbin Bleu ::: Born: February 21, 1989; Occupation: Actor;
Rufus Wainwright ::: Born: July 22, 1973; Occupation: Singer;
Terry Waite ::: Born: May 31, 1939; Occupation: Author;
Tom Waits ::: Born: December 7, 1949; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Andrzej Wajda ::: Born: March 6, 1926; Died: October 9, 2016; Occupation: Film director;
Rick Wakeman ::: Born: May 18, 1949; Occupation: Keyboard Player;
Derek Walcott ::: Born: January 23, 1930; Died: March 17, 2017; Occupation: Poet;
George Wald ::: Born: November 18, 1906; Died: April 12, 1997; Occupation: Scientist;
Greg Walden ::: Born: January 10, 1957; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Amy Waldman ::: Born: May 21, 1969; Occupation: Author;
Ayelet Waldman ::: Born: December 11, 1964; Occupation: Novelist;
Mary J. Blige ::: Born: January 11, 1971; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Jimmy Wales ::: Born: August 7, 1966; Occupation: Internet Entrepreneur;
Lech Walesa ::: Born: September 29, 1943; Occupation: Former President of Poland;
Christopher Walken ::: Born: March 31, 1943; Occupation: Actor;
Alice Walker ::: Born: February 9, 1944; Occupation: Author;
Benjamin Walker ::: Born: June 21, 1982; Occupation: Actor;
Dianna Agron ::: Born: April 30, 1986; Occupation: Actress;
Margaret Walker ::: Born: July 6, 1915; Died: November 30, 1998; Occupation: Poet;
Paul Walker ::: Born: September 12, 1973; Died: November 30, 2013; Occupation: Actor;
Scott Walker ::: Born: November 2, 1967; Occupation: Governor of Wisconsin;
Alfred Russel Wallace ::: Born: January 8, 1823; Died: November 7, 1913; Occupation: Naturalist;
David Foster Wallace ::: Born: February 21, 1962; Died: September 12, 2008; Occupation: Novelist;
George C. Wallace ::: Born: August 25, 1919; Died: September 13, 1998; Occupation: Former Governor of Alabama;
Henry A. Wallace ::: Born: October 7, 1888; Died: November 18, 1965; Occupation: Former Vice President of the United States;
Lew Wallace ::: Born: April 10, 1827; Died: February 15, 1905; Occupation: American Statesman;
Marcia Wallace ::: Born: November 1, 1942; Died: October 25, 2013; Occupation: Actress;
Mike Wallace ::: Born: May 9, 1918; Died: April 7, 2012; Occupation: Journalist;
Eli Wallach ::: Born: December 7, 1915; Died: June 24, 2014; Occupation: Film actor;
Nik Wallenda ::: Born: January 24, 1979; Occupation: Acrobat;
Robert James Waller ::: Born: August 1, 1939; Died: March 10, 2017; Occupation: Author;
David Walliams ::: Born: August 20, 1971; Occupation: Comedian;
Jim Wallis ::: Born: June 4, 1948; Occupation: Writer;
Malcolm Wallop ::: Born: February 27, 1933; Died: September 14, 2011; Occupation: Politician;
Jeannette Walls ::: Born: April 21, 1960; Occupation: Writer;
Horace Walpole ::: Born: September 24, 1717; Died: March 2, 1797; Occupation: Politician;
Hugh Walpole ::: Born: March 13, 1884; Died: June 1, 1941; Occupation: Novelist;
Robert Walpole ::: Born: August 26, 1676; Died: March 18, 1745; Occupation: Former Great Britain. Prime Minister.;
Neale Donald Walsch ::: Born: September 10, 1943; Occupation: Author;
Arthur Bloch ::: Born: 1948; Occupation: Writer;
Kate Walsh ::: Born: October 13, 1967; Occupation: Film actress;
M. Emmet Walsh ::: Born: March 22, 1935; Occupation: Actor;
Jess Walter ::: Born: July 20, 1965; Occupation: Author;
Barbara Walters ::: Born: September 25, 1929; Occupation: Journalist;
Julie Walters ::: Born: February 22, 1950; Occupation: Actress;
Sam Walton ::: Born: March 29, 1918; Died: April 5, 1992; Occupation: Businessman;
Robert Bloch ::: Born: April 5, 1917; Died: September 23, 1994; Occupation: Writer;
Christoph Waltz ::: Born: October 4, 1956; Occupation: Actor;
Alexander Wang ::: Born: December 26, 1983; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Vera Wang ::: Born: June 27, 1949; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Patrick Warburton ::: Born: November 14, 1964; Occupation: Actor;
Lalla Ward ::: Born: June 28, 1951; Occupation: Actress;
M. Ward ::: Born: October 4, 1973; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Sela Ward ::: Born: July 11, 1956; Occupation: Actress;
Francesca Lia Block ::: Born: December 3, 1962; Occupation: Writer;
William Arthur Ward ::: Born: 1921; Died: March 30, 1994; Occupation: Author;
Chris Ware ::: Born: December 28, 1967; Occupation: Artist;
Jessie Ware ::: Born: October 15, 1984; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Andy Warhol ::: Born: August 6, 1928; Died: February 22, 1987; Occupation: Artist;
Shane Warne ::: Born: September 13, 1969; Occupation: Cricketer;
Charles Dudley Warner ::: Born: September 12, 1829; Died: October 20, 1900; Occupation: Novelist;
Lawrence Block ::: Born: June 24, 1938; Occupation: Writer;
Christina Aguilera ::: Born: December 18, 1980; Occupation: Singer;
Marina Warner ::: Born: November 9, 1946; Occupation: Novelist;
Earl Warren ::: Born: March 19, 1891; Died: July 9, 1974; Occupation: Former Chief Justice of the United States;
Elizabeth Warren ::: Born: June 22, 1949; Occupation: United States Senator;
Josiah Warren ::: Born: 1798; Died: April 14, 1874; Occupation: Author;
Mercy Otis Warren ::: Born: September 14, 1728; Died: October 19, 1814; Occupation: Writer;
Rick Warren ::: Born: January 28, 1954; Occupation: Pastor;
Robert Penn Warren ::: Born: April 24, 1905; Died: September 15, 1989; Occupation: Poet;
Dionne Warwick ::: Born: December 12, 1940; Occupation: Singer;
Booker T. Washington ::: Born: April 5, 1856; Died: November 14, 1915; Occupation: Educator;
Denzel Washington ::: Born: December 28, 1954; Occupation: Actor;
George Washington ::: Born: February 22, 1732; Died: December 14, 1799; Occupation: 1st U.S. President;
Harold Washington ::: Born: April 15, 1922; Died: November 25, 1987; Occupation: Former Mayor of Chicago;
Kerry Washington ::: Born: January 31, 1977; Occupation: Actress;
Martha Washington ::: Born: June 2, 1731; Died: May 22, 1802; Occupation: Former First Lady of the United States;
Mia Wasikowska ::: Born: October 14, 1989; Occupation: Actress;
Allan Bloom ::: Born: September 14, 1930; Died: October 7, 1992; Occupation: Philosopher;
Wendy Wasserstein ::: Born: October 18, 1950; Died: January 30, 2006; Occupation: Playwright;
Crystal Waters ::: Born: October 10, 1964; Occupation: Singer;
Ethel Waters ::: Born: October 31, 1896; Died: September 1, 1977; Occupation: Vocalist;
John Waters ::: Born: April 22, 1946; Occupation: Film director;
Muddy Waters ::: Born: April 4, 1913; Died: April 30, 1983; Occupation: Musician;
Roger Waters ::: Born: September 6, 1943; Occupation: Musician;
Jody Watley ::: Born: January 30, 1959; Occupation: Singer;
Emily Watson ::: Born: January 14, 1967; Occupation: Actress;
Harold Bloom ::: Born: July 11, 1930; Occupation: Literary critic;
Emma Watson ::: Born: April 15, 1990; Occupation: Actress;
James D. Watson ::: Born: April 6, 1928; Occupation: Molecular Biologist;
Lyall Watson ::: Born: April 12, 1939; Died: June 25, 2008; Occupation: Author;
Thomas J. Watson ::: Born: February 17, 1874; Died: June 19, 1956; Occupation: Business person;
Tom Watson ::: Born: September 4, 1949; Occupation: Golfer;
Orlando Bloom ::: Born: January 13, 1977; Occupation: Actor;
Alan Watts ::: Born: January 6, 1915; Died: November 16, 1973; Occupation: Philosopher;
Charlie Watts ::: Born: June 2, 1941; Occupation: Drummer;
Isaac Watts ::: Born: July 17, 1674; Died: November 25, 1748; Occupation: Writer;
J. C. Watts ::: Born: November 18, 1957; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
Naomi Watts ::: Born: September 28, 1968; Occupation: Actress;
Paul Watzlawick ::: Born: July 25, 1921; Died: March 31, 2007; Occupation: Psychologist;
Michael Bloomberg ::: Born: February 14, 1942; Occupation: Former Mayor of New York City;
Evelyn Waugh ::: Born: October 28, 1903; Died: April 10, 1966; Occupation: Writer;
Steve Waugh ::: Born: June 2, 1965; Occupation: Cricketer;
Keenen Ivory Wayans ::: Born: June 8, 1958; Occupation: Actor;
Marlon Wayans ::: Born: July 23, 1972; Occupation: Actor;
Anthony Wayne ::: Born: January 1, 1745; Died: December 15, 1796; Occupation: Former United States Representative;
John Wayne ::: Born: May 26, 1907; Died: June 11, 1979; Occupation: Film actor;
Lil Wayne ::: Born: September 27, 1982; Occupation: Rapper;
George Weah ::: Born: October 1, 1966; Occupation: Liberian Politician;
Michael Weatherly ::: Born: July 8, 1968; Occupation: Actor;
Dennis Weaver ::: Born: June 4, 1924; Died: February 24, 2006; Occupation: Actor;
Jacki Weaver ::: Born: May 25, 1947; Occupation: Theatre actress;
Sigourney Weaver ::: Born: October 8, 1949; Occupation: Actress;
Roy Blount, Jr. ::: Born: October 4, 1941; Occupation: Writer;
Hugo Weaving ::: Born: April 4, 1960; Occupation: Film actor;
Mary Webb ::: Born: March 25, 1881; Died: October 8, 1927; Occupation: Novelist;
Andrew Lloyd Webber ::: Born: March 22, 1948; Occupation: Composer;
Kurtis Blow ::: Born: August 9, 1959; Occupation: Rapper;
Mark Webber ::: Born: August 27, 1976; Occupation: F1 Driver;
David Weber ::: Born: October 24, 1952; Occupation: Author;
Eberhard Weber ::: Born: January 22, 1940; Occupation: Bassist;
Max Weber ::: Born: April 21, 1864; Died: June 14, 1920; Occupation: Sociologist;
Steven Weber ::: Born: March 4, 1961; Occupation: Actor;
Daniel Webster ::: Born: January 18, 1782; Died: October 24, 1852; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
John Webster ::: Born: 1580; Died: 1634; Occupation: Dramatist;
Noah Webster ::: Born: October 16, 1758; Died: May 28, 1843; Occupation: Lexicographer;
Frank Wedekind ::: Born: July 24, 1864; Died: March 9, 1918; Occupation: Playwright;
Andre Weil ::: Born: May 6, 1906; Died: August 6, 1998; Occupation: Mathematician;
Andrew Weil ::: Born: June 8, 1942; Occupation: Medical Doctor;
Cynthia Weil ::: Born: October 18, 1940; Occupation: Songwriter;
Simone Weil ::: Born: February 3, 1909; Died: August 24, 1943; Occupation: Philosopher;
Scott Weiland ::: Born: October 27, 1967; Died: December 3, 2015; Occupation: Musician;
Len Wein ::: Born: June 12, 1948; Occupation: Writer;
Steven Weinberg ::: Born: May 3, 1933; Occupation: Theoretical Physicist;
Anthony Weiner ::: Born: September 4, 1964; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
Jennifer Weiner ::: Born: March 28, 1970; Occupation: Writer;
Harvey Weinstein ::: Born: March 19, 1952; Occupation: Film Producer;
Johnny Weir ::: Born: July 2, 1984; Occupation: Figure Skater;
Peter Weir ::: Born: August 21, 1944; Occupation: Film director;
Adam Weishaupt ::: Born: February 6, 1748; Died: November 18, 1830; Occupation: Philosopher;
Brian Weiss ::: Born: November 6, 1944; Occupation: Author;
Peter Weiss ::: Born: November 8, 1916; Died: May 10, 1982; Occupation: Writer;
William Blum ::: Born: 1933; Occupation: Author;
Rachel Weisz ::: Born: March 7, 1970; Occupation: Theatre actress;
Ai Weiwei ::: Born: August 28, 1957; Occupation: Contemporary artist;
Richard von Weizsaecker ::: Born: April 15, 1920; Died: January 31, 2015; Occupation: Former President of Germany;
Judy Blume ::: Born: February 12, 1938; Occupation: Film writer;
Jack Welch ::: Born: November 19, 1935; Occupation: Author;
Earl Blumenauer ::: Born: August 16, 1948; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Fay Weldon ::: Born: September 22, 1931; Occupation: Author;
Lawrence Welk ::: Born: March 11, 1903; Died: May 17, 1992; Occupation: Musician;
Paul Weller ::: Born: May 25, 1958; Occupation: Musician;
Orson Welles ::: Born: May 6, 1915; Died: October 10, 1985; Occupation: Actor;
Heston Blumenthal ::: Born: May 27, 1966; Occupation: Chef;
Tom Welling ::: Born: April 26, 1977; Occupation: Actor;
Duke of Wellington ::: Born: May 1, 1769; Died: September 14, 1852; Occupation: Former First Lord of the Treasury;
H. G. Wells ::: Born: September 21, 1866; Died: August 13, 1946; Occupation: Writer;
Ida B. Wells ::: Born: July 16, 1862; Died: March 25, 1931; Occupation: Journalist;
Paul Wellstone ::: Born: July 21, 1944; Died: October 25, 2002; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Irvine Welsh ::: Born: September 27, 1958; Occupation: Novelist;
Eudora Welty ::: Born: April 13, 1909; Died: July 23, 2001; Occupation: Author;
Wim Wenders ::: Born: August 14, 1945; Occupation: Filmmaker;
Arsene Wenger ::: Born: October 22, 1949; Occupation: Football team manager;
Sidney Blumenthal ::: Born: November 6, 1948; Occupation: Journalist;
Daria Werbowy ::: Born: November 19, 1983; Occupation: Model;
Charles Wesley ::: Born: December 18, 1707; Died: March 29, 1788; Occupation: Poet;
John Wesley ::: Born: June 17, 1703; Died: March 2, 1791; Occupation: Theologian;
Mary Wesley ::: Born: June 24, 1912; Died: December 30, 2002; Occupation: Novelist;
Paul Wesley ::: Born: July 23, 1982; Occupation: Actor;
Allen West ::: Born: February 7, 1961; Occupation: Former United States Representative;
Cornel West ::: Born: June 2, 1953; Occupation: Philosopher;
Jerry West ::: Born: May 28, 1938; Occupation: Basketball player;
Kanye West ::: Born: June 8, 1977; Died: June 4, 2015; Occupation: Songwriter;
Mae West ::: Born: August 17, 1893; Died: November 22, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
Morris West ::: Born: April 26, 1916; Died: October 9, 1999; Occupation: Novelist;
Emily Blunt ::: Born: February 23, 1983; Occupation: Actress;
Nathanael West ::: Born: October 17, 1903; Died: December 22, 1940; Occupation: Author;
Rebecca West ::: Born: December 21, 1892; Died: March 15, 1983; Occupation: Author;
Scott Westerfeld ::: Born: May 5, 1963; Occupation: Writer;
James Blunt ::: Born: February 22, 1974; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Donald E. Westlake ::: Born: July 12, 1933; Died: December 31, 2008; Occupation: Writer;
William Westmoreland ::: Born: March 26, 1914; Died: July 18, 2005; Occupation: Military Commander;
Edward Weston ::: Born: March 24, 1886; Died: January 1, 1958; Occupation: Photographer;
Ed Westwick ::: Born: June 27, 1987; Occupation: Actor;
Vivienne Westwood ::: Born: April 8, 1941; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Tina Weymouth ::: Born: November 22, 1950; Occupation: Musician;
Paul Weyrich ::: Born: October 7, 1942; Died: December 18, 2008; Occupation: Protodeacon;
Edith Wharton ::: Born: January 24, 1862; Died: August 11, 1937; Occupation: Novelist;
Kevin Whately ::: Born: February 6, 1951; Occupation: Actor;
Wil Wheaton ::: Born: July 29, 1972; Occupation: Actor;
Joss Whedon ::: Born: June 23, 1964; Occupation: Screenwriter;
John Archibald Wheeler ::: Born: July 9, 1911; Died: April 13, 2008; Occupation: Physicist;
William Whewell ::: Born: May 24, 1794; Died: March 6, 1866; Occupation: Polymath;
Ben Whishaw ::: Born: October 14, 1980; Occupation: Actor;
James Whistler ::: Born: July 10, 1834; Died: July 17, 1903; Occupation: Artist;
Barry White ::: Born: September 12, 1944; Died: July 4, 2003; Occupation: Composer;
Betty White ::: Born: January 17, 1922; Occupation: Actress;
E. B. White ::: Born: July 11, 1899; Died: October 1, 1985; Occupation: Writer;
Edmund White ::: Born: January 13, 1940; Occupation: Novelist;
Ellen G. White ::: Born: November 26, 1827; Died: July 16, 1915; Occupation: Author;
Nellie Bly ::: Born: May 5, 1864; Died: January 27, 1922; Occupation: Journalist;
Minor White ::: Born: July 9, 1908; Died: June 24, 1976; Occupation: Photographer;
Patrick White ::: Born: May 28, 1912; Died: September 30, 1990; Occupation: Writer;
Robert Bly ::: Born: December 23, 1926; Occupation: Poet;
Ron White ::: Born: December 18, 1956; Occupation: Stand-up comedian;
T. H. White ::: Born: May 29, 1906; Died: January 17, 1964; Occupation: Author;
Theodore White ::: Born: May 6, 1915; Died: May 15, 1986; Occupation: Journalist;
Vanna White ::: Born: February 18, 1957; Occupation: Television personality;
William Allen White ::: Born: February 10, 1868; Died: January 29, 1944; Occupation: Editor;
George Whitefield ::: Born: December 16, 1714; Died: September 30, 1770; Occupation: Preacher;
Alfred North Whitehead ::: Born: February 15, 1861; Died: December 30, 1947; Occupation: Mathematician;
Katharine Whitehorn ::: Born: 1928; Occupation: Journalist;
Sheldon Whitehouse ::: Born: October 20, 1955; Occupation: United States Senator;
Enid Blyton ::: Born: August 11, 1897; Died: November 28, 1968; Occupation: Writer;
Cecelia Ahern ::: Born: September 30, 1981; Occupation: Novelist;
Bradley Whitford ::: Born: October 10, 1959; Occupation: Film actor;
Meg Whitman ::: Born: August 4, 1956; Occupation: Business person;
Walt Whitman ::: Born: May 31, 1819; Died: March 26, 1892; Occupation: Poet;
Eli Whitney ::: Born: December 8, 1765; Died: January 8, 1825; Occupation: Inventor;
John Greenleaf Whittier ::: Born: December 17, 1807; Died: September 7, 1892; Occupation: Poet;
Franz Boas ::: Born: July 9, 1858; Died: December 21, 1942; Occupation: Anthropologist;
Jane Wiedlin ::: Born: May 20, 1958; Occupation: Musician;
Norbert Wiener ::: Born: November 26, 1894; Died: March 18, 1964; Occupation: Mathematician;
Elie Wiesel ::: Born: September 30, 1928; Died: July 2, 2016; Occupation: Professor;
Simon Wiesenthal ::: Born: December 31, 1908; Died: September 20, 2005; Occupation: Nazi hunter;
Marianne Wiggins ::: Born: September 8, 1947; Occupation: Author;
Kristen Wiig ::: Born: August 22, 1973; Occupation: Actress;
Ken Wilber ::: Born: January 31, 1949; Occupation: Writer;
William Wilberforce ::: Born: August 24, 1759; Died: July 29, 1833; Occupation: British Politician;
Richard Wilbur ::: Born: March 1, 1921; Occupation: Poet;
Ella Wheeler Wilcox ::: Born: November 5, 1850; Died: October 30, 1919; Occupation: Author;
Larry Wilcox ::: Born: August 8, 1947; Occupation: Actor;
Giovanni Boccaccio ::: Born: June 16, 1313; Died: December 21, 1375; Occupation: Author;
Kim Wilde ::: Born: November 18, 1960; Occupation: Singer;
Olivia Wilde ::: Born: March 10, 1984; Occupation: Actress;
Oscar Wilde ::: Born: October 16, 1854; Died: November 30, 1900; Occupation: Writer;
Billy Wilder ::: Born: June 22, 1906; Died: March 27, 2002; Occupation: Filmmaker;
Gene Wilder ::: Born: June 11, 1933; Died: August 29, 2016; Occupation: Actor;
Laura Ingalls Wilder ::: Born: February 7, 1867; Died: February 10, 1957; Occupation: Writer;
Andrea Bocelli ::: Born: September 22, 1958; Occupation: Tenor;
Thornton Wilder ::: Born: April 17, 1897; Died: December 7, 1975; Occupation: Playwright;
Andrew Wiles ::: Born: April 11, 1953; Occupation: Mathematician;
David Wilkerson ::: Born: May 19, 1931; Died: April 27, 2011; Occupation: Pastor;
Howard Wilkinson ::: Born: November 13, 1943; Occupation: Soccer player;
George Will ::: Born: May 4, 1941; Occupation: Columnist;
Dallas Willard ::: Born: September 4, 1935; Died: May 8, 2013; Occupation: Philosopher;
Frances E. Willard ::: Born: September 28, 1839; Died: February 17, 1898; Occupation: Suffragist;
Prince William ::: Born: June 21, 1982; Occupation: Lieutenant;
Armstrong Williams ::: Born: February 5, 1959; Occupation: Author;
Barry Williams ::: Born: September 30, 1954; Occupation: Actor;
Bernard Williams ::: Born: September 21, 1929; Died: June 10, 2003; Occupation: Philosopher;
Bert Williams ::: Born: November 12, 1874; Died: March 4, 1922; Occupation: Comedian;
Tom Bodett ::: Born: February 23, 1955; Occupation: Author;
Charles Williams ::: Born: September 20, 1886; Died: May 15, 1945; Occupation: Poet;
Esther Williams ::: Born: August 8, 1921; Died: June 6, 2013; Occupation: Swimmer;
John Towner Williams ::: Born: February 8, 1932; Occupation: Film Score Composer;
Juan Williams ::: Born: April 10, 1954; Occupation: Journalist;
Lucinda Williams ::: Born: January 26, 1953; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Michelle Williams ::: Born: September 9, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
Montel Williams ::: Born: July 3, 1956; Occupation: Television Personality;
Otis Williams ::: Born: October 30, 1941; Occupation: Singer;
John Boehner ::: Born: November 17, 1949; Occupation: Speaker of the United States House of Representatives;
Pharrell Williams ::: Born: April 5, 1973; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Robbie Williams ::: Born: February 13, 1974; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Robin Williams ::: Born: July 21, 1951; Died: August 11, 2014; Occupation: Actor;
Rowan Williams ::: Born: June 14, 1950; Occupation: Poet;
Saul Williams ::: Born: February 29, 1972; Occupation: Singer;
Serena Williams ::: Born: September 26, 1981; Occupation: Tennis player;
Tad Williams ::: Born: March 14, 1957; Occupation: Author;
Ted Williams ::: Born: August 30, 1918; Died: July 5, 2002; Occupation: Baseball player;
Tennessee Williams ::: Born: March 26, 1911; Died: February 25, 1983; Occupation: Playwright;
Terry Tempest Williams ::: Born: September 8, 1955; Occupation: Author;
Boethius ::: Born: 480; Died: 524; Occupation: Philosopher;
Venus Williams ::: Born: June 17, 1980; Occupation: Tennis player;
Walter Jon Williams ::: Born: October 15, 1953; Occupation: Writer;
Kevin Williamson ::: Born: March 14, 1965; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Marianne Williamson ::: Born: July 8, 1952; Occupation: Author;
Bruce Willis ::: Born: March 19, 1955; Occupation: Actor;
Connie Willis ::: Born: December 31, 1945; Occupation: Writer;
Nathaniel Parker Willis ::: Born: January 20, 1806; Died: January 20, 1867; Occupation: Author;
Rumer Willis ::: Born: August 16, 1988; Occupation: Actress;
Wendell Willkie ::: Born: February 18, 1892; Died: October 8, 1944; Occupation: Lawyer;
Louise Bogan ::: Born: August 11, 1897; Died: February 4, 1970; Occupation: Poet;
John Wilmot ::: Born: April 1, 1647; Died: July 26, 1680; Occupation: Poet;
A. N. Wilson ::: Born: October 27, 1950; Occupation: Writer;
Ann Wilson ::: Born: June 19, 1950; Occupation: Musician;
August Wilson ::: Born: April 27, 1945; Died: October 2, 2005; Occupation: Playwright;
Brian Wilson ::: Born: June 20, 1942; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Carnie Wilson ::: Born: April 29, 1968; Occupation: Singer;
Cassandra Wilson ::: Born: December 4, 1955; Occupation: Musician;
Colin Wilson ::: Born: June 26, 1931; Died: December 5, 2013; Occupation: Writer;
Dennis Wilson ::: Born: December 4, 1944; Died: December 28, 1983; Occupation: Drummer;
Humphrey Bogart ::: Born: December 25, 1899; Died: January 14, 1957; Occupation: Actor;
E. O. Wilson ::: Born: June 10, 1929; Occupation: Biologist;
Edmund Wilson ::: Born: May 8, 1895; Died: June 12, 1972; Occupation: Writer;
Flip Wilson ::: Born: December 8, 1933; Died: November 25, 1998; Occupation: Comedian;
Harold Wilson ::: Born: March 11, 1916; Died: May 24, 1995; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
Heather Wilson ::: Born: December 30, 1960; Occupation: U.S. Congressperson;
Patrick Wilson ::: Born: July 3, 1973; Occupation: Actor;
Rainn Wilson ::: Born: January 20, 1966; Occupation: Actor;
Rebel Wilson ::: Born: February 3, 1986; Occupation: Actress;
Rita Wilson ::: Born: October 26, 1956; Occupation: Actress;
Robert Anton Wilson ::: Born: January 18, 1932; Died: January 11, 2007; Occupation: Author;
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ::: Born: October 28, 1956; Occupation: Former President of Iran;
Teddy Wilson ::: Born: November 24, 1912; Died: July 31, 1986; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
William Julius Wilson ::: Born: December 20, 1935; Died: 1801; Occupation: Sociologist;
Woodrow Wilson ::: Born: December 28, 1856; Died: February 3, 1924; Occupation: 28th U.S. President;
Walter Winchell ::: Born: April 7, 1897; Died: February 20, 1972; Occupation: Commentator;
Amy Winehouse ::: Born: September 14, 1983; Died: July 23, 2011; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Oprah Winfrey ::: Born: January 29, 1954; Occupation: Media proprietor;
Debra Winger ::: Born: May 16, 1955; Occupation: Actress;
Kip Winger ::: Born: June 21, 1961; Occupation: Musician;
Henry Winkler ::: Born: October 30, 1945; Occupation: Actor;
Kate Winslet ::: Born: October 5, 1975; Occupation: Actress;
Don Winslow ::: Born: October 31, 1953; Occupation: Author;
Kathleen Winsor ::: Born: October 16, 1919; Died: May 26, 2003; Occupation: Author;
Mary Elizabeth Winstead ::: Born: November 28, 1984; Occupation: Actress;
Robert Winston ::: Born: July 15, 1940; Occupation: Professor;
Ray Winstone ::: Born: February 19, 1957; Occupation: Film actor;
Alex Winter ::: Born: July 17, 1965; Occupation: Actor;
Edgar Winter ::: Born: December 28, 1946; Occupation: Musician;
Jonathan Winters ::: Born: November 11, 1925; Died: April 11, 2013; Occupation: Comedian;
Shelley Winters ::: Born: August 18, 1920; Died: January 14, 2006; Occupation: Actress;
Jeanette Winterson ::: Born: August 27, 1959; Occupation: Writer;
Anna Wintour ::: Born: November 3, 1949; Occupation: Magazine editor;
David Bohm ::: Born: December 20, 1917; Died: October 27, 1992; Occupation: Physicist;
Norman Wisdom ::: Born: February 4, 1915; Died: October 4, 2010; Occupation: Actor;
Tim Wise ::: Born: October 4, 1968; Occupation: Activist;
Owen Wister ::: Born: July 14, 1860; Died: July 21, 1938; Occupation: Writer;
Reese Witherspoon ::: Born: March 22, 1976; Occupation: Actress;
Katarina Witt ::: Born: December 3, 1965; Occupation: Figure Skater;
Edward Witten ::: Born: August 26, 1951; Occupation: Physicist;
Ludwig Wittgenstein ::: Born: April 26, 1889; Died: April 29, 1951; Occupation: Philosopher;
Niels Bohr ::: Born: October 7, 1885; Died: November 18, 1962; Occupation: Physicist;
Samuel Witwer ::: Born: October 20, 1977; Occupation: Actor;
P. G. Wodehouse ::: Born: October 15, 1881; Died: February 14, 1975; Occupation: Writer;
Susan Wojcicki ::: Born: July 5, 1968; Occupation: Businesswoman;
James Wolcott ::: Born: December 10, 1952; Occupation: Journalist;
Dick Wolf ::: Born: December 20, 1946; Occupation: Producer;
Frank R. Wolf ::: Born: January 30, 1939; Occupation: United States Representative;
Naomi Wolf ::: Born: November 12, 1962; Occupation: Author;
Big Boi ::: Born: February 1, 1975; Occupation: Rapper;
Gene Wolfe ::: Born: May 7, 1931; Occupation: Writer;
Thomas Wolfe ::: Born: October 3, 1900; Died: September 15, 1938; Occupation: Novelist;
Tom Wolfe ::: Born: March 2, 1931; Occupation: Author;
Tobias Wolff ::: Born: June 19, 1945; Occupation: Author;
David Boies ::: Born: March 11, 1941; Occupation: Lawyer;
Paul Wolfowitz ::: Born: December 22, 1943; Occupation: Ambassador;
Meg Wolitzer ::: Born: May 28, 1959; Occupation: Writer;
Mary Wollstonecraft ::: Born: April 27, 1759; Died: September 10, 1797; Occupation: Writer;
Lee Ann Womack ::: Born: August 19, 1966; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Stevie Wonder ::: Born: May 13, 1950; Occupation: Musician;
Beatrice Wood ::: Born: March 3, 1893; Died: March 12, 1998; Occupation: Artist;
Ed Wood ::: Born: October 10, 1924; Died: December 10, 1978; Occupation: Screenwriter;
W. E. B. Du Bois ::: Born: February 23, 1868; Died: August 27, 1963; Occupation: Historian;
Elijah Wood ::: Born: January 28, 1981; Occupation: Actor;
Evan Rachel Wood ::: Born: September 7, 1987; Occupation: Actress;
Natalie Wood ::: Born: July 20, 1938; Died: November 29, 1981; Occupation: Film actress;
Victoria Wood ::: Born: May 19, 1953; Died: April 20, 2016; Occupation: Comedian;
Alfre Woodard ::: Born: November 8, 1952; Occupation: Film actress;
George Edward Woodberry ::: Born: May 12, 1855; Died: January 2, 1930; Occupation: Literary critic;
Victoria Woodhull ::: Born: September 23, 1838; Died: June 9, 1927; Occupation: Political leader;
Shailene Woodley ::: Born: November 15, 1991; Occupation: Actress;
James Woods ::: Born: April 18, 1947; Occupation: Film actor;
Carter G. Woodson ::: Born: December 19, 1875; Died: April 3, 1950; Occupation: Historian;
Bob Woodward ::: Born: March 26, 1943; Occupation: Journalist;
Joanne Woodward ::: Born: February 27, 1930; Occupation: Actress;
Virginia Woolf ::: Born: January 25, 1882; Died: March 28, 1941; Occupation: Writer;
Alexander Woollcott ::: Born: January 19, 1887; Died: January 23, 1943; Occupation: Critic;
Derek Bok ::: Born: March 22, 1930; Occupation: Lawyer;
John Woolman ::: Born: October 19, 1720; Died: October 7, 1772; Occupation: Merchant;
William Wordsworth ::: Born: April 7, 1770; Died: April 23, 1850; Occupation: Poet;
Kenny Wormald ::: Born: July 27, 1984; Occupation: Dancer;
Herman Wouk ::: Born: May 27, 1915; Occupation: Author;
Caroline Wozniacki ::: Born: July 11, 1990; Occupation: Tennis player;
Steve Wozniak ::: Born: August 11, 1950; Occupation: Inventor;
Fay Wray ::: Born: September 15, 1907; Died: August 8, 2004; Occupation: Actress;
Sissela Bok ::: Born: December 2, 1934; Occupation: Philosopher;
Frances Wright ::: Born: September 6, 1795; Died: December 13, 1852; Occupation: Writer;
Frank Lloyd Wright ::: Born: June 8, 1867; Died: April 9, 1959; Occupation: Architect;
Jeremiah Wright ::: Born: September 22, 1941; Occupation: Pastor;
Joe Wright ::: Born: August 25, 1972; Occupation: Film director;
Judith Wright ::: Born: May 31, 1915; Died: June 26, 2000; Occupation: Poet;
N. T. Wright ::: Born: December 1, 1948; Occupation: Bishop of Durham;
Richard Wright ::: Born: September 4, 1908; Died: November 28, 1960; Occupation: Author;
Rick Wright ::: Born: July 28, 1943; Died: September 15, 2008; Occupation: Musician;
Steven Wright ::: Born: December 6, 1955; Occupation: Comedian;
Marc Bolan ::: Born: September 30, 1947; Died: September 16, 1977; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Wilhelm Wundt ::: Born: August 16, 1832; Died: August 31, 1920; Occupation: Psychologist;
Elizabeth Wurtzel ::: Born: July 31, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
Robert Wyatt ::: Born: January 28, 1945; Occupation: Musician;
William Wycherley ::: Born: 1640; Died: December 31, 1715; Occupation: Dramatist;
John Wycliffe ::: Born: 1320; Died: December 30, 1384; Occupation: Philosopher;
Ron Wyden ::: Born: May 3, 1949; Occupation: United States Senator;
Roberto Bolano ::: Born: April 28, 1953; Died: July 15, 2003; Occupation: Writer;
Andrew Wyeth ::: Born: July 12, 1917; Died: January 16, 2009; Occupation: Visual Artist;
Zakk Wylde ::: Born: January 14, 1967; Occupation: Musician;
Elinor Wylie ::: Born: September 7, 1885; Died: December 16, 1928; Occupation: Poet;
Jane Wyman ::: Born: January 5, 1917; Died: September 10, 2007; Occupation: Singer;
Lois Wyse ::: Born: October 30, 1926; Died: July 6, 2007; Occupation: Author; ::: Born: March 15, 1975; Occupation: Rapper;
Liu Xiaobo ::: Born: December 28, 1955; Occupation: Literary critic;
Deng Xiaoping ::: Born: August 22, 1904; Died: February 19, 1997; Occupation: Politician;
Gao Xingjian ::: Born: January 4, 1940; Occupation: Novelist;
Lu Xun ::: Born: September 25, 1881; Died: October 19, 1936; Occupation: Novelist;
Lalu Prasad Yadav ::: Born: June 11, 1947; Occupation: Politician;
Kristi Yamaguchi ::: Born: July 12, 1971; Occupation: Figure Skater;
Isoroku Yamamoto ::: Born: April 4, 1884; Died: April 18, 1943; Occupation: Military Commander;
Anne Boleyn ::: Born: 1501; Died: May 19, 1536; Occupation: Marquess of Pembroke;
Minoru Yamasaki ::: Born: December 1, 1912; Died: February 6, 1986; Occupation: Architect;
Martin Yan ::: Born: December 22, 1948; Occupation: Chef;
Philip Yancey ::: Born: 1949; Occupation: Author;
Jim Bolger ::: Born: May 31, 1935; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of New Zealand;
Yanni ::: Born: November 14, 1954; Occupation: Pianist;
Ahmed Yassin ::: Born: January 1, 1937; Died: March 22, 2004; Occupation: Palestinian Political leader;
Paula Yates ::: Born: April 24, 1959; Died: September 17, 2000; Occupation: Presenter;
Adam Yauch ::: Born: August 5, 1964; Died: May 4, 2012; Occupation: Rapper;
Chuck Yeager ::: Born: February 13, 1923; Occupation: Test pilot;
Trisha Yearwood ::: Born: September 19, 1964; Occupation: Singer;
William Butler Yeats ::: Born: June 13, 1865; Died: January 28, 1939; Occupation: Poet;
A. B. Yehoshua ::: Born: December 19, 1936; Occupation: Novelist;
Yelawolf ::: Born: December 30, 1979; Occupation: Rapper;
Anton Yelchin ::: Born: March 11, 1989; Died: June 19, 2016; Occupation: Film actor;
Janet Yellen ::: Born: August 13, 1946; Occupation: Economist;
Henry Bolingbroke ::: Born: April 3, 1366; Died: March 20, 1413; Occupation: King of England;
Boris Yeltsin ::: Born: February 1, 1931; Died: April 23, 2007; Occupation: Former Russian President;
Donnie Yen ::: Born: July 27, 1963; Occupation: Actor;
Daniel Yergin ::: Born: February 6, 1947; Occupation: Author;
Steven Yeun ::: Born: December 21, 1983; Occupation: Actor;
Yevgeny Yevtushenko ::: Born: July 18, 1932; Died: April 1, 2017; Occupation: Poet;
Zhang Yimou ::: Born: November 14, 1951; Occupation: Film director;
Dwight Yoakam ::: Born: October 23, 1956; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Francis Parker Yockey ::: Born: September 18, 1917; Died: June 16, 1960; Occupation: Philosopher;
Paramahansa Yogananda ::: Born: January 5, 1893; Died: March 7, 1952; Occupation: Guru;
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ::: Born: January 12, 1918; Died: February 5, 2008; Occupation: Guru;
John Yoo ::: Born: July 10, 1967; Occupation: Attorney;
Michael York ::: Born: March 27, 1942; Occupation: Actor;
Susannah York ::: Born: January 9, 1939; Died: January 15, 2011; Occupation: Film actress;
Thom Yorke ::: Born: October 7, 1968; Occupation: Musician;
Tina Yothers ::: Born: May 5, 1973; Occupation: Actress;
Andrew Young ::: Born: March 12, 1932; Occupation: Former Mayor of Atlanta;
Angus Young ::: Born: March 31, 1955; Occupation: Guitarist;
Brigham Young ::: Born: June 1, 1801; Died: August 29, 1877; Occupation: Founding Figure;
Uwe Boll ::: Born: June 22, 1965; Occupation: Film producer;
Don Young ::: Born: June 9, 1933; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Loretta Young ::: Born: January 6, 1913; Died: August 12, 2000; Occupation: Actress;
Neil Young ::: Born: November 12, 1945; Occupation: Songwriter;
Sean Young ::: Born: November 20, 1959; Occupation: Actress;
Richard Nelson Bolles ::: Born: March 19, 1927; Died: March 31, 2017; Occupation: Author;
Toby Young ::: Born: October 17, 1963; Occupation: Journalist;
William P. Young ::: Born: May 11, 1955; Occupation: Author;
Jack Youngblood ::: Born: January 26, 1950; Occupation: Football player;
Henny Youngman ::: Born: March 16, 1906; Died: February 24, 1998; Occupation: Comedian;
Marguerite Yourcenar ::: Born: June 8, 1903; Died: December 17, 1987; Occupation: Novelist;
Muhammad Yunus ::: Born: June 28, 1940; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
Lin Yutang ::: Born: October 10, 1895; Died: March 26, 1976; Occupation: Writer;
Ravi Zacharias ::: Born: 1946; Occupation: Author;
Robert Bolt ::: Born: August 15, 1924; Died: February 21, 1995; Occupation: Playwright;
Pia Zadora ::: Born: May 4, 1954; Occupation: Actress;
Carlos Ruiz Zafon ::: Born: September 25, 1964; Occupation: Novelist;
Fareed Zakaria ::: Born: January 20, 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
Usain Bolt ::: Born: August 21, 1986; Occupation: Olympic athlete;
Yevgeny Zamyatin ::: Born: February 1, 1884; Died: March 10, 1937; Occupation: Author;
Israel Zangwill ::: Born: January 21, 1864; Died: August 1, 1926; Occupation: Humorist;
Emiliano Zapata ::: Born: August 8, 1879; Died: April 10, 1919; Occupation: Mexican Political figure;
John Bolton ::: Born: November 20, 1948; Occupation: Lawyer;
Dweezil Zappa ::: Born: September 5, 1969; Occupation: Guitarist;
Frank Zappa ::: Born: December 21, 1940; Died: December 4, 1993; Occupation: Musician;
Moon Unit Zappa ::: Born: September 28, 1967; Occupation: Actress;
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari ::: Born: September 21, 1988; Occupation: Political figure;
Sara Zarr ::: Born: October 3, 1970; Occupation: Writer;
Michael Zaslow ::: Born: November 1, 1942; Died: December 6, 1998; Occupation: Actor;
Emil Zatopek ::: Born: September 19, 1922; Died: November 22, 2000; Occupation: Olympic athlete;
Michael Bolton ::: Born: February 26, 1953; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Mao Zedong ::: Born: December 26, 1893; Died: September 9, 1976; Occupation: Former Chairman of the Communist Party of China;
Roger Zelazny ::: Born: May 13, 1937; Died: June 14, 1995; Occupation: Writer;
Niklas Zennstrom ::: Born: February 16, 1966; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
Catherine Zeta-Jones ::: Born: September 25, 1969; Occupation: Actress;
Clara Zetkin ::: Born: July 5, 1857; Died: June 20, 1933; Occupation: Activist;
Erma Bombeck ::: Born: February 21, 1927; Died: April 22, 1996; Occupation: Column Author;
   They should tell you when you’re born: have a suitcase heart, be ready to travel. -- --> 9 Copy quote -- Gabrielle Zevin ::: Born: October 24, 1977; Occupation: Author;
Warren Zevon ::: Born: January 24, 1947; Died: September 7, 2003; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Vladimir Zhirinovsky ::: Born: April 25, 1946; Occupation: Russian Politician;
Zinedine Zidane ::: Born: June 23, 1972; Occupation: Soccer player;
Cecily von Ziegesar ::: Born: June 27, 1970; Occupation: Author;
Matt Bomer ::: Born: October 11, 1977; Occupation: Actor;
Florenz Ziegfeld ::: Born: March 21, 1867; Died: July 22, 1932; Occupation: Impresario;
Ron Ziegler ::: Born: May 12, 1939; Died: February 10, 2003; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Zig Ziglar ::: Born: November 6, 1926; Died: November 28, 2012; Occupation: Author;
Philip Zimbardo ::: Born: March 23, 1933; Occupation: Psychologist;
Simon Le Bon ::: Born: October 27, 1958; Occupation: Musician;
Howard Zinn ::: Born: August 24, 1922; Died: January 27, 2010; Occupation: Historian;
Zhang Ziyi ::: Born: February 9, 1979; Occupation: Film actress;
Rachel Zoe ::: Born: September 1, 1971; Occupation: Designer;
Emile Zola ::: Born: April 2, 1840; Died: September 29, 1902; Occupation: Writer;
Rob Zombie ::: Born: January 12, 1965; Occupation: Musician;
John Zorn ::: Born: September 2, 1953; Occupation: Composer;
David Zucker ::: Born: October 16, 1947; Occupation: Film director;
Jeff Zucker ::: Born: April 9, 1965; Occupation: Business person;
Mark Zuckerberg ::: Born: May 14, 1984; Occupation: Programmer;
Gary Zukav ::: Born: October 17, 1942; Occupation: Author;
Jacob Zuma ::: Born: April 12, 1942; Occupation: President of South Africa;
Daphne Zuniga ::: Born: October 28, 1962; Occupation: Actress;
Markus Zusak ::: Born: June 23, 1975; Occupation: Writer;
Stefan Zweig ::: Born: November 28, 1881; Died: February 22, 1942; Occupation: Novelist;
Napoleon Bonaparte ::: Born: August 15, 1769; Died: May 5, 1821; Occupation: Military Commander;
Edward Zwick ::: Born: October 8, 1952; Occupation: Filmmaker;
Chris Zylka ::: Born: May 9, 1985; Occupation: Actor;
Christopher Bond ::: Born: March 6, 1939; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Sal Albanese ::: Born: August 29, 1949; Occupation: Politician;
Edward Bond ::: Born: July 18, 1934; Occupation: Playwright;
Randy Alcorn ::: Born: June 23, 1954; Occupation: Author;
Eva Amurri ::: Born: March 15, 1985; Occupation: Actress;
Viswanathan Anand ::: Born: December 11, 1969; Occupation: Chess Player;
David Archuleta ::: Born: December 28, 1990; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Julian Bond ::: Born: January 14, 1940; Died: August 15, 2015; Occupation: American Politician;
Reza Aslan ::: Born: May 3, 1972; Occupation: Writer;
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk ::: Born: May 19, 1881; Died: November 10, 1938; Occupation: Former President of Turkey;
James Avery ::: Born: November 27, 1945; Died: December 31, 2013; Occupation: Actor;
George Ayittey ::: Born: 1945; Occupation: Economist;
Kjell Magne Bondevik ::: Born: September 3, 1947; Occupation: Norwegian Politician;
Jamie Bamber ::: Born: April 3, 1973; Occupation: Actor;
Pat Barker ::: Born: May 8, 1943; Occupation: Writer;
Clay Aiken ::: Born: November 30, 1978; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Kevin Barry ::: Born: 1969; Died: November 1, 1920; Occupation: Writer;
Bryan Batt ::: Born: March 1, 1963; Occupation: Actor;
Barry Bonds ::: Born: July 24, 1964; Occupation: Baseball player;
Harsha Bhogle ::: Born: July 19, 1961; Occupation: Commentator;
Lisa Bonet ::: Born: November 16, 1967; Occupation: Actress;
Neill Blomkamp ::: Born: September 17, 1979; Occupation: Film director;
Diego Boneta ::: Born: November 29, 1990; Occupation: Singer;
Devon Bostick ::: Born: November 13, 1991; Occupation: Actor;
Omar Bongo ::: Born: December 30, 1935; Died: June 8, 2009; Occupation: Gabonese Politician;
John Bonham ::: Born: May 31, 1948; Died: September 25, 1980; Occupation: Musician;
Dietrich Bonhoeffer ::: Born: February 4, 1906; Died: April 9, 1945; Occupation: Pastor;
Bill Burr ::: Born: June 10, 1968; Occupation: Comedian;
Conrad Aiken ::: Born: August 5, 1889; Died: August 17, 1973; Occupation: Novelist;
Emma Bonino ::: Born: March 9, 1948; Occupation: Politician;
Mithun Chakraborty ::: Born: July 16, 1952; Occupation: Film actor;
Tracy Chevalier ::: Born: October 19, 1962; Occupation: Novelist;
Pierre Bonnard ::: Born: October 3, 1867; Died: January 23, 1947; Occupation: Artist;
Noel Clarke ::: Born: December 6, 1975; Occupation: Actor;
Ernest Cline ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Novelist;
Jo Bonner ::: Born: November 19, 1959; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
Francis Collins ::: Born: April 14, 1950; Occupation: Physician;
Hugh Bonneville ::: Born: November 10, 1963; Occupation: Film actor;
Douglas Coupland ::: Born: December 30, 1961; Occupation: Novelist;
Bono ::: Born: May 10, 1960; Occupation: Singer;
Chaz Bono ::: Born: March 4, 1969; Occupation: Writer;
Larry the Cable Guy ::: Born: February 17, 1963; Occupation: Comedian;
Matt Dallas ::: Born: October 21, 1982; Occupation: Actor;
Mary Bono ::: Born: October 24, 1961; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
Felicia Day ::: Born: June 28, 1979; Occupation: Actress;
Sonny Bono ::: Born: February 16, 1935; Died: January 5, 1998; Occupation: Record producer;
Noureen DeWulf ::: Born: February 28, 1984; Occupation: Actress;
Kevin DeYoung ::: Born: 1977; Occupation: Author;
Jenny Downham ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Novelist;
Rahul Dravid ::: Born: January 11, 1973; Occupation: Cricketer;
Arna Bontemps ::: Born: October 13, 1902; Died: June 4, 1973; Occupation: Poet;
Michael Eric Dyson ::: Born: October 23, 1958; Occupation: Author;
Katherine Boo ::: Born: August 12, 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
Frans de Waal ::: Born: October 29, 1948; Occupation: Primatologist;
Tamsin Egerton ::: Born: November 26, 1988; Occupation: Actress;
Alber Elbaz ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Kimberly Elise ::: Born: April 17, 1967; Occupation: Film actress;
Cory Booker ::: Born: April 27, 1969; Occupation: United States Senator;
Henry B. Eyring ::: Born: May 31, 1933; Occupation: Author;
George Boole ::: Born: November 2, 1815; Died: December 8, 1864; Occupation: Mathematician;
Corrie Ten Boom ::: Born: April 15, 1892; Died: April 15, 1983; Occupation: Author;
Howard Aiken ::: Born: March 8, 1900; Died: March 14, 1973; Occupation: Designer;
Daniel Boone ::: Born: October 22, 1734; Died: September 26, 1820; Occupation: Author;
Laura Fraser ::: Born: July 24, 1976; Occupation: Actress;
Debby Boone ::: Born: September 22, 1956; Occupation: Singer;
Nick Frost ::: Born: March 28, 1972; Occupation: Actor;
Athol Fugard ::: Born: June 11, 1932; Occupation: Playwright;
Pat Boone ::: Born: June 1, 1934; Occupation: Singer;
Jostein Gaarder ::: Born: August 8, 1952; Occupation: Author;
Romola Garai ::: Born: August 6, 1982; Occupation: Actress;
John Boorman ::: Born: January 18, 1933; Occupation: Filmmaker;
Erle Stanley Gardner ::: Born: July 17, 1889; Died: March 11, 1970; Occupation: Lawyer;
Mark Gatiss ::: Born: October 17, 1966; Occupation: Actor;
Daniel J. Boorstin ::: Born: October 1, 1914; Died: February 28, 2004; Occupation: Historian;
Leymah Gbowee ::: Born: February 1, 1972; Occupation: Peace activist;
Neal Boortz ::: Born: April 6, 1945; Occupation: Author;
Elayne Boosler ::: Born: August 18, 1952; Occupation: Comedian;
Arne Glimcher ::: Born: March 12, 1938; Occupation: Art dealer;
Edwin Booth ::: Born: November 13, 1833; Died: June 7, 1893; Occupation: Actor;
LZ Granderson ::: Born: March 11, 1972; Occupation: Journalist;
Jonathan Groff ::: Born: March 26, 1985; Occupation: Actor;
Jonathan Haidt ::: Born: October 19, 1963; Occupation: Psychologist;
William Booth ::: Born: April 10, 1829; Died: August 20, 1912; Occupation: Preacher;
Suheir Hammad ::: Born: October 25, 1973; Occupation: Poet;
Chris Hardwick ::: Born: November 23, 1971; Occupation: Comedian;
Keeley Hawes ::: Born: February 10, 1976; Occupation: Actress;
David Boreanaz ::: Born: May 16, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
Catherine Hicks ::: Born: August 6, 1951; Occupation: Film actress;
Ellen Hopkins ::: Born: March 26, 1955; Occupation: Novelist;
Jack Horner ::: Born: June 15, 1946; Occupation: Paleontologist;
Bjorn Borg ::: Born: June 6, 1956; Occupation: Tennis player;
Immaculee Ilibagiza ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Author;
Boman Irani ::: Born: December 2, 1959; Occupation: Film actor;
Emmanuel Jal ::: Born: 1980; Occupation: Musician;
Charles Jencks ::: Born: June 21, 1939; Occupation: Landscape architect;
Ashley Jensen ::: Born: August 11, 1969; Occupation: Actress;
Karan Johar ::: Born: May 25, 1972; Occupation: Film director;
Jorge Luis Borges ::: Born: August 24, 1899; Died: June 14, 1986; Occupation: Writer;
Vinnie Jones ::: Born: January 5, 1965; Occupation: Actor;
Ernst Junger ::: Born: March 29, 1895; Died: February 17, 1998; Occupation: Writer;
Ernest Borgnine ::: Born: January 24, 1917; Died: July 8, 2012; Occupation: Film actor;
Karisma Kapoor ::: Born: June 25, 1974; Occupation: Actress;
Anurag Kashyap ::: Born: September 10, 1972; Occupation: Film director;
Robert Bork ::: Born: March 1, 1927; Died: December 19, 2012; Occupation: Former United States Solicitor General;
Hal Borland ::: Born: May 14, 1900; Died: February 22, 1978; Occupation: Author;
Kailash Kher ::: Born: July 7, 1973; Occupation: Singer;
Norman Borlaug ::: Born: March 25, 1914; Died: September 12, 2009; Occupation: Agricultural Scientist;
Stephen Lang ::: Born: July 11, 1952; Occupation: Actor;
Natasha Leggero ::: Born: March 26, 1974; Occupation: Actress;
--> 81 Copy quote -- --> 81 Copy quote -- --> 47 Copy quote -- --> 42 Copy quote -- --> 53 Copy quote -- --> 35 Copy quote -- --> 29 Copy quote -- --> 28 Copy quote -- --> 29 Copy quote -- --> 20 Copy quote -- --> 13 Copy quote -- --> 28 Copy quote -- --> The deeper we penetrate, the...@@" data-id="712132" data-place="13"> 16 Copy quote -- --> 20 Copy quote -- --> 17 Copy quote -- --> 20 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 16 Copy quote -- --> 23 Copy quote -- --> 5 Copy quote -- --> 17 Copy quote -- --> 12 Copy quote -- --> 14 Copy quote -- --> 11 Copy quote -- --> 15 Copy quote -- Max Born ::: Born: December 11, 1882; Died: January 5, 1970; Occupation: Physicist;
Ludwig Borne ::: Born: May 6, 1786; Died: February 12, 1837; Occupation: Writer;
Tracy Letts ::: Born: July 4, 1965; Occupation: Playwright;
Steven Levitt ::: Born: May 29, 1967; Occupation: Economist;
Joe Lhota ::: Born: October 7, 1954; Occupation: American Politician;
Lisa Ling ::: Born: August 30, 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
Anne Graham Lotz ::: Born: May 21, 1948; Occupation: Evangelist;
Cherie Lunghi ::: Born: April 4, 1952; Occupation: Theatre actress;
Gregory Maguire ::: Born: June 9, 1954; Occupation: Novelist;
Alvin Ailey ::: Born: January 5, 1931; Died: December 1, 1989; Occupation: Choreographer;
Helen McCrory ::: Born: August 17, 1968; Occupation: Actress;
Kate Bosworth ::: Born: January 2, 1983; Occupation: Actress;
Sugata Mitra ::: Born: February 12, 1952; Occupation: Professor;
Deborah Moggach ::: Born: June 28, 1948; Occupation: Film writer;
Ian Botham ::: Born: November 24, 1955; Occupation: Cricketer;
Caitlin Moran ::: Born: April 5, 1975; Occupation: Columnist;
Evgeny Morozov ::: Born: 1984; Occupation: Writer;
Walther Bothe ::: Born: January 8, 1891; Died: February 8, 1957; Occupation: Physicist;
Herta Muller ::: Born: August 17, 1953; Occupation: Novelist;
Phyllis Bottome ::: Born: May 31, 1884; Died: August 22, 1963; Occupation: Novelist;
Niecy Nash ::: Born: February 23, 1970; Occupation: Comedian;
Saina Nehwal ::: Born: March 17, 1990; Occupation: Olympic athlete;
Alain de Botton ::: Born: December 20, 1969; Occupation: Writer;
Anouk Aimee ::: Born: April 27, 1932; Occupation: Film actress;
Sonu Nigam ::: Born: July 30, 1973; Occupation: Singer;
Michael O'Brien ::: Born: 1948; Died: May 6, 2015; Occupation: Author;
John Oliver ::: Born: April 23, 1977; Occupation: Comedian;
Dean Ornish ::: Born: July 16, 1953; Occupation: Physician;
J. I. Packer ::: Born: July 22, 1926; Occupation: Christian Theologian;
Deepika Padukone ::: Born: January 5, 1986; Occupation: Film actress;
Anatoli Boukreev ::: Born: January 16, 1958; Died: December 25, 1997; Occupation: Mountaineer;
Randy Pausch ::: Born: October 23, 1960; Died: July 25, 2008; Occupation: Professor;
Holly Robinson Peete ::: Born: September 18, 1964; Occupation: Actress;
Nadia Boulanger ::: Born: September 16, 1887; Died: October 22, 1979; Occupation: Composer;
Anthony Bourdain ::: Born: June 25, 1956; Occupation: Chef;
Pierre Bourdieu ::: Born: August 1, 1930; Died: January 23, 2002; Occupation: Sociologist;
Matthew Bourne ::: Born: January 13, 1960; Occupation: Choreographer;
Christine Quinn ::: Born: July 25, 1966; Occupation: American Politician;
Suresh Raina ::: Born: November 27, 1986; Occupation: Cricket Player;
Rajneesh ::: Born: December 11, 1931; Died: January 19, 1990; Occupation: Guru;
Arjun Rampal ::: Born: November 26, 1972; Occupation: Film actor;
Callum Keith Rennie ::: Born: September 14, 1960; Occupation: Film actor;
Jim Bouton ::: Born: March 8, 1939; Occupation: Baseball player;
Howard Rheingold ::: Born: July 7, 1947; Occupation: Writer;
James Bovard ::: Born: 1956; Occupation: Author;
Matt Ridley ::: Born: February 7, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Cal Ripken, Jr. ::: Born: August 24, 1960; Occupation: Baseball player;
Phil Robertson ::: Born: April 24, 1946; Occupation: Television personality;
Hanna Rosin ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Author;
Douglas Rushkoff ::: Born: February 18, 1961; Occupation: Writer;
J. C. Ryle ::: Born: May 10, 1816; Died: June 10, 1900; Occupation: Bishop of Liverpool;
Katee Sackhoff ::: Born: April 8, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
Oliver Sacks ::: Born: July 9, 1933; Died: August 30, 2015; Occupation: Neurologist;
Moshe Safdie ::: Born: July 14, 1938; Occupation: Architect;
Ashwin Sanghi ::: Born: January 25, 1969; Occupation: Author;
Elizabeth Bowen ::: Born: June 7, 1899; Died: February 22, 1973; Occupation: Novelist;
Julie Bowen ::: Born: March 3, 1970; Occupation: Actress;
Jake Shimabukuro ::: Born: November 3, 1976; Occupation: Composer;
Nevil Shute ::: Born: January 17, 1899; Died: January 12, 1960; Occupation: Novelist;
David Bowie ::: Born: January 8, 1947; Died: January 10, 2016; Occupation: Musician;
Sheridan Smith ::: Born: June 25, 1981; Occupation: Actress;
Rich Sommer ::: Born: February 2, 1978; Occupation: Actor;
R. C. Sproul ::: Born: February 13, 1939; Occupation: Author;
Paul Stamets ::: Born: July 17, 1955; Occupation: Author;
Doug Stanhope ::: Born: March 25, 1967; Occupation: Stand-up comedian;
Andy Stanley ::: Born: May 16, 1958; Occupation: Pastor;
Erskine Bowles ::: Born: August 8, 1945; Occupation: Former White House Chief of Staff;
Paul Bowles ::: Born: December 30, 1910; Died: November 18, 1999; Occupation: Composer;
Charles Studd ::: Born: December 2, 1860; Died: 1931; Occupation: Missionary;
Therese of Lisieux ::: Born: January 2, 1873; Died: September 30, 1897; Occupation: Saint;
Hudson Taylor ::: Born: May 21, 1832; Died: June 3, 1905; Occupation: Missionary;
Tullian Tchividjian ::: Born: July 13, 1972; Occupation: Pastor;
T. J. Thyne ::: Born: March 7, 1975; Occupation: Film actor;
Colm Toibin ::: Born: May 30, 1955; Occupation: Novelist;
Barbara Boxer ::: Born: November 11, 1940; Occupation: United States Senator;
Geoffrey Boycott ::: Born: October 21, 1940; Occupation: Cricketer;
Ralph Waite ::: Born: June 22, 1928; Died: February 13, 2014; Occupation: Actor;
Erin Wasson ::: Born: January 20, 1982; Occupation: Model;
Lauren Weisberger ::: Born: March 28, 1977; Occupation: Novelist;
Belle Boyd ::: Born: May 13, 1843; Died: June 11, 1900; Occupation: Actress;
Willard Wigan ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Artist;
Billy Boyd ::: Born: August 28, 1968; Occupation: Actor;
Sheryl WuDunn ::: Born: November 16, 1959; Occupation: Writer;
Malala Yousafzai ::: Born: July 12, 1997; Occupation: Journalist;
Eva Zeisel ::: Born: November 13, 1906; Died: December 30, 2011; Occupation: Industrial designer;
Malin Akerman ::: Born: May 12, 1978; Occupation: Actress;
Gosho Aoyama ::: Born: June 21, 1963; Occupation: Artist;
Abigail Van Buren ::: Born: July 4, 1918; Died: January 16, 2013; Occupation: Columnist;
François-René de Chateaubriand ::: Born: September 4, 1768; Died: July 4, 1848; Occupation: Writer;
Mark Andrus ::: Born: December 13, 1955; Occupation: Screenwriter;
William Faulkner ::: Born: September 25, 1897; Died: July 6, 1962; Occupation: Writer;
Paul D. Boyer ::: Born: July 31, 1918; Occupation: Chemist;
Darren Shan ::: Born: July 2, 1972; Occupation: Author;
Sarah Rees Brennan ::: Born: September 21, 1983; Occupation: Writer;
Alasdair Gray ::: Born: December 28, 1934; Occupation: Writer;
Nellie L. McClung ::: Born: October 20, 1873; Died: September 1, 1951; Occupation: Canadian Politician;
John Dufresne ::: Born: January 30, 1948; Occupation: Author;
Alister E. McGrath ::: Born: January 23, 1953; Occupation: Theologian;
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch ::: Born: January 27, 1836; Died: March 9, 1895; Occupation: Writer;
Jane Hamilton ::: Born: July 13, 1957; Occupation: Novelist;
Katie MacAlister ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Author;
Derek Landy ::: Born: October 23, 1974; Occupation: Author;
John Swartzwelder ::: Born: November 16, 1950; Occupation: Writer;
William Carlos Williams ::: Born: September 17, 1883; Died: March 4, 1963; Occupation: Poet;
Lucy Grealy ::: Born: June 3, 1963; Died: December 18, 2002; Occupation: Poet;
Max Brooks ::: Born: May 22, 1972; Occupation: Author;
Kelly Link ::: Born: July 19, 1969; Occupation: Editor;
Diane Setterfield ::: Born: August 22, 1964; Occupation: Author;
Danny Boyle ::: Born: October 20, 1956; Occupation: Film director;
Steven Millhauser ::: Born: August 3, 1943; Occupation: Novelist;
Dorothy Parker ::: Born: August 22, 1893; Died: June 7, 1967; Occupation: Poet;
Arturo Pérez-Reverte ::: Born: November 25, 1951; Occupation: Novelist;
Virginia Euwer Wolff ::: Born: August 25, 1937; Occupation: Author;
Anton Szandor LaVey ::: Born: April 11, 1930; Died: October 29, 1997; Occupation: Author;
Luce Irigaray ::: Born: May 3, 1930; Occupation: Philosopher;
Donna J. Haraway ::: Born: September 6, 1944; Occupation: Professor;
Gary Soto ::: Born: April 12, 1952; Occupation: Author;
Audrey Niffenegger ::: Born: June 13, 1963; Occupation: Writer;
Jane Kenyon ::: Born: May 23, 1947; Died: April 22, 1995; Occupation: Poet;
Thomas Ligotti ::: Born: July 9, 1953; Occupation: Author;
John Fante ::: Born: April 8, 1909; Died: May 8, 1983; Occupation: Novelist;
Rachel Carson ::: Born: May 27, 1907; Died: April 14, 1964; Occupation: Marine biologist;
John Kennedy Toole ::: Born: December 17, 1937; Died: March 26, 1969; Occupation: Novelist;
Stella Gibbons ::: Born: January 5, 1902; Died: December 19, 1989; Occupation: Author;
Walter Kirn ::: Born: 1962; Occupation: Novelist;
Lara Flynn Boyle ::: Born: March 24, 1970; Occupation: Actress;
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj ::: Born: April 17, 1897; Died: September 8, 1981; Occupation: Philosopher;
Charles Baxter ::: Born: May 13, 1947; Occupation: Author;
Pam Houston ::: Born: January 9, 1962; Occupation: Author;
Hakim Bey ::: Born: 1945; Occupation: Author;
Lloyd Jones ::: Born: March 23, 1955; Occupation: New Zealand author;
Os Guinness ::: Born: September 30, 1941; Occupation: Author;
Beryl Markham ::: Born: October 26, 1902; Died: August 3, 1986; Occupation: Author;
Forrest Carter ::: Born: September 4, 1925; Died: June 7, 1979; Occupation: Writer;
André Aciman ::: Born: January 2, 1951; Occupation: Writer;
Kobayashi Issa ::: Born: June 15, 1763; Died: January 5, 1828; Occupation: Poet;
Craig Clevenger ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Author;
Fritjof Capra ::: Born: February 1, 1939; Occupation: Physicist;
Susan Boyle ::: Born: April 1, 1961; Occupation: Singer;
Laurie R. King ::: Born: September 19, 1952; Occupation: Author;
Nick Drake ::: Born: June 19, 1948; Died: November 25, 1974; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Arnold Lobel ::: Born: May 22, 1933; Died: December 4, 1987; Occupation: Author;
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ::: Born: May 13, 1956; Occupation: Spiritual leader;
Oliver James ::: Born: 1953; Occupation: Clinical psychologist;
Edith Södergran ::: Born: April 4, 1892; Died: June 24, 1923; Occupation: Poet;
Michel Faber ::: Born: April 13, 1960; Occupation: Writer;
John Boyne ::: Born: April 30, 1971; Occupation: Novelist;
Stephen Schwartz ::: Born: March 6, 1948; Occupation: Lyricist;
Betty MacDonald ::: Born: March 26, 1908; Died: February 7, 1958; Occupation: Author;
Maud Hart Lovelace ::: Born: April 25, 1892; Died: March 11, 1980; Occupation: Author;
James K. Morrow ::: Born: March 17, 1947; Occupation: Author;
A.C. Grayling ::: Born: April 3, 1949; Occupation: Philosopher;
Richard Peck ::: Born: April 10, 1934; Occupation: Novelist;
Howard Pyle ::: Born: March 5, 1853; Died: November 9, 1911; Occupation: Illustrator;
Robert Walser ::: Born: April 15, 1878; Died: December 25, 1956; Occupation: Writer;
Peter Kreeft ::: Born: 1937; Occupation: Professor;
Peter Cameron ::: Born: November 29, 1959; Occupation: Novelist;
Robert M. Sapolsky ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Neuroendocrinologist;
Andrei Codrescu ::: Born: December 20, 1946; Occupation: Poet;
Tara Brach ::: Born: May 17, 1953; Occupation: Psychologist;
Eloisa James ::: Born: 1962; Occupation: Professor;
Sarah Weeks ::: Born: March 18, 1955; Occupation: Writer;
Mark Doty ::: Born: August 10, 1953; Occupation: Poet;
Julius Lester ::: Born: January 27, 1939; Occupation: Author;
B.K.S. Iyengar ::: Born: December 14, 1918; Died: August 20, 2014; Occupation: Teacher;
Patrick O'Brian ::: Born: December 12, 1914; Died: January 2, 2000; Occupation: Novelist;
Jack Spicer ::: Born: January 30, 1925; Died: August 17, 1965; Occupation: Poet;
Louise Glück ::: Born: April 22, 1943; Occupation: Poet;
Emily Saliers ::: Born: July 22, 1963; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Jeffrey McDaniel ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Poet;
Margery Williams ::: Born: July 22, 1881; Died: September 4, 1944; Occupation: Author;
Joan Bauer ::: Born: July 12, 1951; Occupation: Writer;
Helen Steiner Rice ::: Born: May 19, 1900; Died: April 23, 1981; Occupation: Writer;
Jeff Smith ::: Born: February 27, 1960; Occupation: Cartoonist;
Kathleen Norris ::: Born: July 27, 1947; Occupation: Poet;
C.P. Snow ::: Born: October 15, 1905; Died: July 1, 1980; Occupation: Chemist;
Lou Andreas-Salomé ::: Born: February 12, 1861; Died: February 5, 1937; Occupation: Author;
Jim Carroll ::: Born: August 1, 1949; Died: September 11, 2009; Occupation: Author;
Georges Perec ::: Born: March 7, 1936; Died: March 3, 1982; Occupation: Novelist;
Terence ::: Born: 186 BC; Died: 159 BC; Occupation: Playwright;
Gloria E. Anzaldúa ::: Born: September 26, 1942; Died: May 15, 2004; Occupation: Scholar;
J. Oswald Sanders ::: Born: October 17, 1902; Died: October 24, 1992; Occupation: Author;
Nuala O'Faolain ::: Born: March 1, 1940; Died: May 9, 2008; Occupation: Journalist;
T.C. Boyle ::: Born: December 2, 1948; Occupation: Novelist;
Jane Hirshfield ::: Born: February 24, 1953; Occupation: Poet;
David Lubar ::: Born: March 16, 1954; Occupation: Author;
Andrew Sean Greer ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Novelist;
Bill McKibben ::: Born: December 8, 1960; Occupation: Environmentalist;
Larry Wall ::: Born: September 27, 1954; Occupation: Programmer;
Malcolm Bradbury ::: Born: September 7, 1932; Died: November 27, 2000; Occupation: Author;
Alain Robbe-Grillet ::: Born: August 18, 1922; Died: February 18, 2008; Occupation: Writer;
William T. Vollmann ::: Born: July 28, 1959; Occupation: Novelist;
Robert Wright ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
Carl Schmitt ::: Born: July 11, 1888; Died: April 7, 1985; Occupation: Philosopher;
James Tiptree Jr. ::: Born: August 24, 1915; Died: May 19, 1987; Occupation: Author;
Joris-Karl Huysmans ::: Born: February 5, 1848; Died: May 12, 1907; Occupation: Novelist;
Natasha Trethewey ::: Born: April 26, 1966; Occupation: Poet;
Lionel Shriver ::: Born: May 18, 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
Julia Kristeva ::: Born: June 24, 1941; Occupation: Philosopher;
Ray Bradbury ::: Born: August 22, 1920; Died: June 5, 2012; Occupation: Writer;
Osip Mandelstam ::: Born: January 15, 1891; Died: December 27, 1938; Occupation: Poet;
Zbigniew Herbert ::: Born: October 29, 1924; Died: July 28, 1998; Occupation: Poet;
Sarah Dunant ::: Born: August 8, 1950; Occupation: Writer;
Sharon G. Flake ::: Born: December 24, 1955; Occupation: Author;
Myla Goldberg ::: Born: November 19, 1971; Occupation: Novelist;
Patrick Lencioni ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Writer;
Beverly Lewis ::: Born: 1949; Occupation: Novelist;
Barbara Taylor Bradford ::: Born: May 10, 1933; Occupation: Novelist;
Stephen Elliott ::: Born: December 3, 1971; Occupation: Author;
Mo Willems ::: Born: February 11, 1968; Occupation: Writer;
Richard Carlson ::: Born: May 16, 1961; Died: December 13, 2006; Occupation: Author;
Donald Hall ::: Born: September 20, 1928; Occupation: Poet;
Franz Wright ::: Born: March 18, 1953; Died: May 14, 2015; Occupation: Poet;
Charles Bradlaugh ::: Born: September 26, 1833; Died: January 30, 1891; Occupation: Political figure;
Karen Joy Fowler ::: Born: February 7, 1950; Occupation: Author;
Julia Glass ::: Born: March 23, 1956; Occupation: Novelist;
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich ::: Born: July 11, 1938; Occupation: Historian;
Jim Butcher ::: Born: October 26, 1971; Occupation: Author;
Banksy ::: Born: 1974; Occupation: Artist;
Joanna Macy ::: Born: May 2, 1929; Occupation: Author;
Gene Luen Yang ::: Born: August 9, 1973; Occupation: Writer;
Michael Pollan ::: Born: February 6, 1955; Occupation: Author;
Brad Warner ::: Born: March 5, 1964; Occupation: Author;
Daphne Gottlieb ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Poet;
David Wojnarowicz ::: Born: September 14, 1954; Died: July 22, 1992; Occupation: Writer;
Steve Almond ::: Born: October 27, 1966; Occupation: Writer;
Susan Cooper ::: Born: May 23, 1935; Occupation: Author;
Saigyō ::: Born: 1118; Died: 1190; Occupation: Poet;
Andreï Makine ::: Born: September 10, 1957; Occupation: Author;
Vandana Shiva ::: Born: November 5, 1952; Occupation: Author;
David Drake ::: Born: September 24, 1945; Occupation: Author;
Susan Kay ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Writer;
Anna Akhmatova ::: Born: June 23, 1889; Died: March 5, 1966; Occupation: Poet;
Sonya Hartnett ::: Born: February 23, 1968; Occupation: Author;
Pete Wentz ::: Born: June 5, 1979; Occupation: Musician;
Tite Kubo ::: Born: June 26, 1977; Occupation: Artist;
Ford Madox Ford ::: Born: December 17, 1873; Died: June 26, 1939; Occupation: Novelist;
Glen Cook ::: Born: July 9, 1944; Occupation: Author;
Max Barry ::: Born: March 18, 1973; Occupation: Author;
Cathy Hopkins ::: Born: January 23, 1953; Occupation: Novelist;
Mike Mignola ::: Born: September 16, 1960; Occupation: Artist;
Utah Phillips ::: Born: May 15, 1935; Died: May 23, 2008; Occupation: Singer;
Bill Bradley ::: Born: July 28, 1943; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Charles Wright ::: Born: August 25, 1935; Occupation: Poet;
R. Scott Bakker ::: Born: February 2, 1967; Occupation: Author;
Frederica Mathewes-Green ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Author;
Gay Hendricks ::: Born: 1945; Occupation: Writer;
Rumiko Takahashi ::: Born: October 10, 1957; Occupation: Artist;
Tiffanie DeBartolo ::: Born: November 27, 1970; Occupation: Novelist;
Gaston Leroux ::: Born: May 6, 1868; Died: April 15, 1927; Occupation: Journalist;
Ed Bradley ::: Born: June 22, 1941; Died: November 9, 2006; Occupation: Journalist;
Louis Bromfield ::: Born: December 27, 1896; Died: March 18, 1956; Occupation: Author;
Sharon Shinn ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Novelist;
Torey L. Hayden ::: Born: May 21, 1951; Occupation: Writer;
Ann Rinaldi ::: Born: August 27, 1934; Occupation: Author;
Rodman Philbrick ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Writer;
F. H. Bradley ::: Born: January 30, 1846; Died: September 18, 1924; Occupation: Philosopher;
Aimee Bender ::: Born: June 28, 1969; Occupation: Novelist;
Herman E. Daly ::: Born: 1938; Occupation: Economist;
Shannon Hale ::: Born: January 26, 1974; Occupation: Author;
Geoffrey Wolff ::: Born: 1937; Occupation: Novelist;
Susanna Clarke ::: Born: November 1, 1959; Occupation: Author;
Gordon Korman ::: Born: October 23, 1963; Occupation: Author;
Daniel Quinn ::: Born: October 11, 1935; Occupation: Novelist;
Hiromu Arakawa ::: Born: May 8, 1973; Occupation: Artist;
Nancy Farmer ::: Born: July 7, 1941; Occupation: Author;
Lisa McMann ::: Born: February 27, 1968; Occupation: Author;
Jim Thompson ::: Born: September 27, 1906; Died: April 7, 1977; Occupation: Author;
Sapphire ::: Born: August 4, 1950; Occupation: Author;
Charles F. Haanel ::: Born: May 22, 1866; Died: November 27, 1949; Occupation: Author;
Gail Carson Levine ::: Born: September 17, 1947; Occupation: Author;
U.G. Krishnamurti ::: Born: July 9, 1918; Died: March 22, 2007; Occupation: Writer;
Marion Zimmer Bradley ::: Born: June 3, 1930; Died: September 25, 1999; Occupation: Author;
-- -- J.R. Ward ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Novelist;
Cheri Huber ::: Born: 1944; Occupation: Author;
Li-Young Lee ::: Born: August 19, 1957; Occupation: Poet;
Lynne Truss ::: Born: 1955; Occupation: Writer;
Lisa St. Aubin de Terán ::: Born: October 2, 1953; Occupation: Novelist;
James Crumley ::: Born: October 12, 1939; Died: September 17, 2008; Occupation: Author;
C.D. Wright ::: Born: January 6, 1949; Died: January 12, 2016; Occupation: Poet;
Andrew Harvey ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Author;
Thomas McGuane ::: Born: December 11, 1939; Occupation: Author;
Hugh Nibley ::: Born: March 27, 1910; Died: February 24, 2005; Occupation: Author;
Rachel Naomi Remen ::: Born: February 8, 1938; Occupation: Author;
Martha Grimes ::: Born: May 2, 1931; Occupation: Author;
James Wright ::: Born: December 13, 1927; Died: March 25, 1980; Occupation: Poet;
Omar N. Bradley ::: Born: February 12, 1893; Died: April 8, 1981; Occupation: Soldier;
Banana Yoshimoto ::: Born: July 24, 1964; Occupation: Writer;
Patricia A. McKillip ::: Born: February 29, 1948; Occupation: Author;
Alan Weisman ::: Born: March 24, 1947; Occupation: Author;
Susanna Kaysen ::: Born: November 11, 1948; Occupation: Author;
Jeaniene Frost ::: Born: June 13, 1974; Occupation: Author;
Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas ::: Born: September 5, 1931; Occupation: Author;
John Bradshaw ::: Born: June 29, 1933; Died: May 8, 2016; Occupation: Educator;
Laura Moriarty ::: Born: December 24, 1970; Occupation: Novelist;
St. Catherine of Siena ::: Born: March 17, 1347; Died: April 29, 1380; Occupation: Saint;
Elizabeth Berg ::: Born: December 2, 1948; Occupation: Writer;
Clarence Jordan ::: Born: July 29, 1912; Died: October 29, 1969; Occupation: Farmer;
Stephen Batchelor ::: Born: April 7, 1953; Occupation: Author;
Sarah Addison Allen ::: Born: 1971; Occupation: Author;
Adam Rex ::: Born: May 16, 1973; Occupation: Illustrator;
Patrick Carman ::: Born: February 27, 1966; Occupation: Writer;
Terry Bradshaw ::: Born: September 2, 1948; Occupation: Football player;
Starhawk ::: Born: June 17, 1951; Occupation: Writer;
Alexander von Humboldt ::: Born: September 14, 1769; Died: May 6, 1859; Occupation: Naturalist;
Leslie Feinberg ::: Born: September 1, 1949; Died: November 15, 2014; Occupation: Activist;
Joel Fuhrman ::: Born: December 2, 1953; Occupation: M.D.;
Per Petterson ::: Born: July 18, 1952; Occupation: Novelist;
Joseph Fielding Smith ::: Born: July 19, 1876; Died: July 2, 1972; Occupation: Writer;
Edward Bloor ::: Born: October 12, 1950; Occupation: Writer;
Anne Bradstreet ::: Born: March 20, 1612; Died: September 16, 1672; Occupation: Poet;
Xiaolu Guo ::: Born: 1973; Occupation: Novelist;
Neil Strauss ::: Born: October 13, 1973; Occupation: Author;
Mem Fox ::: Born: March 5, 1946; Occupation: Writer;
Robin Hobb ::: Born: March 5, 1952; Occupation: Novelist;
Sandra Boynton ::: Born: April 3, 1953; Occupation: Songwriter;
Richard Yates ::: Born: February 3, 1926; Died: November 7, 1992; Occupation: Novelist;
Sabrina Ward Harrison ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Author;
Ellen Kushner ::: Born: October 6, 1955; Occupation: Writer;
James Brady ::: Born: August 29, 1940; Died: August 4, 2014; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Lauren Slater ::: Born: March 21, 1963; Occupation: Psychologist;
Lydia Millet ::: Born: December 5, 1968; Occupation: Novelist;
Marilyn Ferguson ::: Born: April 5, 1938; Died: October 19, 2008; Occupation: Author;
Ann M. Martin ::: Born: August 12, 1955; Occupation: Author;
John Andreas Widtsoe ::: Born: January 31, 1872; Died: November 29, 1952; Occupation: Author;
Gretel Ehrlich ::: Born: January 21, 1946; Occupation: Writer;
Halldór Laxness ::: Born: April 23, 1902; Died: February 8, 1998; Occupation: Writer;
Patricia Marx ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Writer;
Mary Gaitskill ::: Born: November 11, 1954; Occupation: Author;
Wendy Mass ::: Born: April 22, 1967; Occupation: Author;
Jim Crace ::: Born: March 1, 1946; Occupation: Writer;
Sharon Salzberg ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Author;
Matt Taibbi ::: Born: March 2, 1970; Occupation: Author;
Garth Nix ::: Born: July 19, 1963; Occupation: Writer;
John Derbyshire ::: Born: June 3, 1945; Occupation: Writer;
Linda Howard ::: Born: August 3, 1950; Occupation: Author;
Bohumil Hrabal ::: Born: March 28, 1914; Died: February 3, 1997; Occupation: Writer;
Lauren F. Winner ::: Born: October 13, 1976; Occupation: Author;
Anchee Min ::: Born: January 14, 1957; Occupation: Author;
Tadeusz Borowski ::: Born: November 12, 1922; Died: July 3, 1951; Occupation: Writer;
Ruskin Bond ::: Born: May 19, 1934; Occupation: Author;
Elisabeth Elliot ::: Born: December 21, 1926; Died: June 15, 2015; Occupation: Author;
A.L. Kennedy ::: Born: October 22, 1965; Occupation: Writer;
RuPaul ::: Born: November 17, 1960; Occupation: Actor;
Susan Elizabeth Phillips ::: Born: December 11, 1948; Occupation: Writer;
Dallin H. Oaks ::: Born: August 12, 1932; Occupation: Author;
Janette Oke ::: Born: February 18, 1935; Occupation: Author;
Philip Reeve ::: Born: February 28, 1966; Occupation: Author;
John H. McWhorter ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Linguist;
Jane Yolen ::: Born: February 11, 1939; Occupation: Writer;
William Bradford ::: Born: March 19, 1590; Died: May 9, 1657; Occupation: Political leader;
Herbie Brennan ::: Born: July 5, 1940; Occupation: Author;
Margaret J. Wheatley ::: Born: August 17, 1944; Occupation: Writer;
Richard Fortey ::: Born: 1946; Occupation: Writer;
A. Lee Martinez ::: Born: January 12, 1973; Occupation: Author;
Sandra Gulland ::: Born: November 3, 1944; Occupation: Novelist;
Matthew Scully ::: Born: March 20, 1959; Occupation: Author;
Lisa Jewell ::: Born: July 19, 1968; Occupation: Author;
Stanley Hauerwas ::: Born: July 24, 1940; Occupation: Theologian;
Denise Levertov ::: Born: October 24, 1923; Died: December 20, 1997; Occupation: Poet;
Tom Brady ::: Born: August 3, 1977; Occupation: Football player;
Pindar ::: Born: 522 BC; Died: 443 BC; Occupation: Poet;
Leif Enger ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Author;
Peter F. Hamilton ::: Born: March 2, 1960; Occupation: Author;
Ken Keyes Jr. ::: Born: January 19, 1921; Died: December 20, 1995; Occupation: Author;
Jeffrey R. Holland ::: Born: December 3, 1940; Occupation: Educator;
Jennifer Crusie ::: Born: 1949; Occupation: Author;
Billie Letts ::: Born: May 30, 1938; Died: August 2, 2014; Occupation: Novelist;
Wayne Brady ::: Born: June 2, 1972; Occupation: Actor;
Karen Hesse ::: Born: August 29, 1952; Occupation: Author;
Ian Caldwell ::: Born: 1976; Occupation: Novelist;
Anita Shreve ::: Born: October 7, 1946; Occupation: Writer;
M. John Harrison ::: Born: July 26, 1945; Occupation: Author;
Anna Maxted ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Author;
Juana Inés de la Cruz ::: Born: November 12, 1651; Died: April 17, 1695; Occupation: Poet;
Nancy Pearl ::: Born: January 12, 1945; Occupation: Librarian;
Stephen R. Lawhead ::: Born: July 2, 1950; Occupation: Writer;
J. Maarten Troost ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Writer;
Selma Lagerlöf ::: Born: November 20, 1858; Died: March 16, 1940; Occupation: Author;
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky ::: Born: May 7, 1840; Died: November 6, 1893; Occupation: Composer;
Zach Braff ::: Born: April 6, 1975; Occupation: Actor;
Todd Akin ::: Born: July 5, 1947; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
Pascal Mercier ::: Born: June 23, 1944; Occupation: Writer;
Greg Mortenson ::: Born: December 27, 1957; Occupation: Humanitarian;
Joe Meno ::: Born: 1974; Occupation: Novelist;
Monique Wittig ::: Born: July 13, 1935; Died: January 3, 2003; Occupation: Author;
Robin Jones Gunn ::: Born: April 18, 1955; Occupation: Author;
Boyd K. Packer ::: Born: September 10, 1924; Died: July 3, 2015; Occupation: Author;
Zane ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Author;
Javier Marías ::: Born: September 20, 1951; Occupation: Novelist;
Dara Horn ::: Born: 1977; Occupation: Novelist;
Gary D. Schmidt ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Writer;
Tony Hoagland ::: Born: November 19, 1953; Occupation: Poet;
Daniel Keyes ::: Born: August 9, 1927; Died: June 15, 2014; Occupation: Author;
Holly Black ::: Born: November 10, 1971; Occupation: Writer;
Nella Larsen ::: Born: April 13, 1891; Died: March 30, 1964; Occupation: Novelist;
Billy Bragg ::: Born: December 20, 1957; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Plotinus ::: Born: 204; Died: 270; Occupation: Philosopher;
Maria von Trapp ::: Born: January 26, 1905; Died: March 28, 1987; Occupation: Singer;
Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson ::: Born: March 28, 1941; Occupation: Author;
Harold S. Kushner ::: Born: 1935; Occupation: Rabbi;
Douglas Malloch ::: Born: May 5, 1877; Died: July 2, 1938; Occupation: Poet;
Rick Bragg ::: Born: July 26, 1959; Occupation: Journalist;
Andrew Peterson ::: Born: June 4, 1974; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Robert Munsch ::: Born: June 11, 1945; Occupation: Author;
Neal Shusterman ::: Born: November 12, 1962; Occupation: Author;
Farrah Gray ::: Born: September 9, 1984; Occupation: Businessman;
Ammon Hennacy ::: Born: July 24, 1893; Died: January 14, 1970; Occupation: Activist;
Eric Weiner ::: Born: 1963; Occupation: Author;
David Deida ::: Born: March 18, 1958; Occupation: Author;
Rachel Caine ::: Born: April 27, 1962; Occupation: Writer;
Mary Ruefle ::: Born: April 16, 1952; Occupation: Poet;
Dieter F. Uchtdorf ::: Born: November 6, 1940; Occupation: Aviator;
Frank Peretti ::: Born: January 13, 1951; Occupation: Author;
Ian Stewart ::: Born: September 24, 1945; Died: December 12, 1985; Occupation: Professor;
Angela Johnson ::: Born: June 18, 1961; Occupation: Poet;
T.A. Barron ::: Born: March 26, 1952; Occupation: Writer;
Lakhdar Brahimi ::: Born: January 1, 1934; Occupation: Political leader;
Joel Salatin ::: Born: February 24, 1957; Occupation: American farmer;
Jean-Dominique Bauby ::: Born: April 23, 1952; Died: March 9, 1997; Occupation: Journalist;
Thomas Watson ::: Born: 1620; Died: 1686; Occupation: Author;
Lilian Jackson Braun ::: Born: June 20, 1913; Died: June 4, 2011; Occupation: Writer;
Anne Stuart ::: Born: May 2, 1948; Occupation: Novelist;
Catherynne M. Valente ::: Born: May 5, 1979; Occupation: Novelist;
Milorad Pavić ::: Born: October 15, 1929; Died: November 30, 2009; Occupation: Novelist;
Stefan Molyneux ::: Born: September 24, 1966; Occupation: Author;
Johannes Brahms ::: Born: May 7, 1833; Died: April 3, 1897; Occupation: Composer;
Sherwood Smith ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Author;
Roméo Dallaire ::: Born: June 25, 1946; Occupation: Canadian Senator;
Zlata Filipović ::: Born: December 3, 1980; Occupation: Writer;
Sheldon B. Kopp ::: Born: March 29, 1929; Died: March 29, 1999; Occupation: Author;
Craig Thompson ::: Born: September 21, 1975; Occupation: Novelist;
Judith McNaught ::: Born: May 10, 1944; Occupation: Author;
Tao Lin ::: Born: July 2, 1983; Occupation: Novelist;
David Brainerd ::: Born: April 20, 1718; Died: October 9, 1747; Occupation: Missionary;
Maureen Corrigan ::: Born: July 30, 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Jillian Michaels ::: Born: February 18, 1974; Occupation: Personal trainer;
David Markson ::: Born: December 20, 1927; Died: June 4, 2010; Occupation: Novelist;
Francis Chan ::: Born: August 31, 1967; Occupation: Pastor;
Anne Bishop ::: Born: 1955; Occupation: Writer;
Gena Showalter ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Author;
Rachel Vincent ::: Born: 1978; Occupation: Author;
Jeanne Marie Laskas ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Writer;
Sarah Waters ::: Born: July 21, 1966; Occupation: Novelist;
Michael Marshall Smith ::: Born: May 3, 1965; Occupation: Novelist;
Trinh T. Minh-ha ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Filmmaking;
Amy Bloom ::: Born: 1953; Occupation: Writer;
Mark Epstein ::: Born: 1953; Occupation: Author;
Tom Spanbauer ::: Born: 1946; Occupation: Writer;
Mark Vonnegut ::: Born: May 11, 1947; Occupation: Memoirist;
Eric Foner ::: Born: February 7, 1943; Occupation: Historian;
Brandon Mull ::: Born: November 8, 1974; Occupation: Writer;
Nobuhiro Watsuki ::: Born: May 26, 1970; Occupation: Artist;
Kenneth Branagh ::: Born: December 10, 1960; Occupation: Actor;
Jennifer Baumgardner ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Writer;
Kevin Brockmeier ::: Born: December 6, 1972; Occupation: Writer;
Kurt Gödel ::: Born: April 28, 1906; Died: January 14, 1978; Occupation: Logician;
Pierre Choderlos de Laclos ::: Born: October 18, 1741; Died: September 5, 1803; Occupation: Novelist;
Jennifer Donnelly ::: Born: August 16, 1963; Occupation: Writer;
Timothy Keller ::: Born: 1950; Occupation: Author;
Kevin Brooks ::: Born: March 30, 1959; Occupation: Author;
Susanna Tamaro ::: Born: December 12, 1957; Occupation: Novelist;
Michelle Branch ::: Born: July 2, 1983; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
E. Lockhart ::: Born: September 13, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
Barry Lyga ::: Born: September 11, 1971; Occupation: Novelist;
Terri Windling ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Editor;
Ludwig Feuerbach ::: Born: July 28, 1804; Died: September 13, 1872; Occupation: Philosopher;
Nicholas A. Basbanes ::: Born: May 25, 1943; Occupation: Author;
Koren Zailckas ::: Born: 1980; Occupation: Writer;
Marcus Buckingham ::: Born: January 11, 1966; Occupation: Author;
George S. Clason ::: Born: November 7, 1874; Died: April 7, 1957; Occupation: Writer;
Parker J. Palmer ::: Born: 1939; Occupation: Author;
David Morrell ::: Born: April 24, 1943; Occupation: Novelist;
Pam Muñoz Ryan ::: Born: December 11, 1951; Occupation: Writer;
Keri Smith ::: Born: 1973; Occupation: Author;
Constantin Brancusi ::: Born: February 19, 1876; Died: March 16, 1957; Occupation: Sculptor;
Ann Radcliffe ::: Born: July 9, 1764; Died: February 7, 1823; Occupation: Author;
Bruce Chatwin ::: Born: May 13, 1940; Died: January 18, 1989; Occupation: Novelist;
Yasmina Khadra ::: Born: January 10, 1955; Occupation: Author;
Diane di Prima ::: Born: August 6, 1934; Occupation: Poet;
Alan Hollinghurst ::: Born: May 26, 1954; Occupation: Novelist;
Sebastian Barry ::: Born: July 5, 1955; Occupation: Playwright;
Frederick Salomon Perls ::: Born: July 8, 1893; Died: March 14, 1970; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
Jo Brand ::: Born: July 23, 1957; Occupation: Actress;
Dan Gutman ::: Born: October 19, 1955; Occupation: Author;
Esther Hicks ::: Born: March 5, 1948; Occupation: Author;
Avi ::: Born: December 23, 1937; Occupation: Author;
Geraldine McCaughrean ::: Born: June 6, 1951; Occupation: Novelist;
Peter Høeg ::: Born: May 17, 1957; Occupation: Writer;
Peter Høeg ::: Born: May 17, 1957; Occupation: Writer;
Ruth Reichl ::: Born: January 16, 1948; Occupation: Writer;
Russell Brand ::: Born: June 4, 1975; Occupation: Comedian;
Megan Whalen Turner ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Writer;
Hilari Bell ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Author;
Katherine Applegate ::: Born: July 19, 1956; Occupation: Writer;
Jeff Kinney ::: Born: February 19, 1971; Occupation: Game designer;
Angie Sage ::: Born: June 19, 1952; Occupation: Author;
Osamu Dazai ::: Born: June 19, 1909; Died: June 13, 1948; Occupation: Author;
Lynn Austin ::: Born: 1949; Occupation: Author;
Benjamin Constant ::: Born: October 25, 1767; Died: December 8, 1830; Occupation: Politician;
Edward Eager ::: Born: June 20, 1911; Died: October 23, 1964; Occupation: Dramatist;
Isobelle Carmody ::: Born: June 16, 1958; Occupation: Writer;
Linda Hogan ::: Born: July 16, 1947; Occupation: Poet;
Elizabeth McCracken ::: Born: September 16, 1966; Occupation: Author;
Ruth Ozeki ::: Born: March 12, 1956; Occupation: Novelist;
Percival Everett ::: Born: 1956; Occupation: Writer;
Thomas Moore ::: Born: October 8, 1940; Occupation: Writer;
Daniil Kharms ::: Born: December 30, 1905; Died: February 2, 1942; Occupation: Poet;
Eavan Boland ::: Born: September 24, 1944; Occupation: Poet;
Kate Klise ::: Born: 1963; Occupation: Author;
Dorothea Brande ::: Born: 1893; Died: 1948; Occupation: Writer;
John Taylor ::: Born: June 20, 1960; Occupation: Musician;
Mark Nepo ::: Born: February 23, 1951; Occupation: Poet;
William Boyd ::: Born: March 7, 1952; Died: September 12, 1972; Occupation: Novelist;
Alessandro Baricco ::: Born: January 25, 1958; Occupation: Writer;
Andrew Klavan ::: Born: July 13, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
Sam Lipsyte ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Novelist;
Mother Angelica ::: Born: April 20, 1923; Died: March 27, 2016; Occupation: Nun;
Jeanne Birdsall ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Writer;
Miller Williams ::: Born: April 8, 1930; Died: January 1, 2015; Occupation: Poet;
Blaise Cendrars ::: Born: September 1, 1887; Died: January 21, 1961; Occupation: Novelist;
Louis D. Brandeis ::: Born: November 13, 1856; Died: October 5, 1941; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
E. Nesbit ::: Born: August 15, 1858; Died: May 4, 1924; Occupation: Author;
Dan Barker ::: Born: June 25, 1949; Occupation: Musician;
Jeff Noon ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Novelist;
Dean Young ::: Born: July 18, 1955; Occupation: Poet;
Fatema Mernissi ::: Born: 1940; Died: November 30, 2015; Occupation: Writer;
Nathaniel Branden ::: Born: April 9, 1930; Died: December 3, 2014; Occupation: Psychotherapist;
Moustapha Akkad ::: Born: July 1, 1930; Died: November 11, 2005; Occupation: Film Producer;
Watchman Nee ::: Born: November 4, 1903; Died: June 1, 1972; Occupation: Author;
Jacob Grimm ::: Born: January 4, 1785; Died: September 20, 1863; Occupation: Author;
Keith Ablow ::: Born: November 23, 1961; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
Bruce R. McConkie ::: Born: July 29, 1915; Died: April 19, 1985; Occupation: Author;
Abolqasem Ferdowsi ::: Born: 940; Died: 1020; Occupation: Poet;
Edward P. Jones ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Novelist;
Helen Humphreys ::: Born: June 13, 1961; Occupation: Poet;
Swami Satchidananda ::: Born: December 22, 1914; Died: August 19, 2002; Occupation: Author;
John Scalzi ::: Born: May 10, 1969; Occupation: Author;
Rebecca Walker ::: Born: November 17, 1969; Occupation: Writer;
Daniel Pinchbeck ::: Born: June 15, 1966; Occupation: Author;
Louise Bourgeois ::: Born: December 25, 1911; Died: May 31, 2010; Occupation: Artist;
Martha C. Nussbaum ::: Born: May 6, 1947; Occupation: Philosopher;
Christopher Barzak ::: Born: July 21, 1975; Occupation: Author;
Jonathan Brandis ::: Born: April 13, 1976; Died: November 12, 2003; Occupation: Actor;
Marcus Sedgwick ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Writer;
Rick Steves ::: Born: May 10, 1955; Occupation: Author;
Stuart Wilde ::: Born: September 24, 1946; Died: May 1, 2013; Occupation: Writer;
Ernest Becker ::: Born: September 27, 1924; Died: March 6, 1974; Occupation: Anthropologist;
Jane Urquhart ::: Born: June 21, 1949; Occupation: Novelist;
John Ringo ::: Born: March 22, 1963; Occupation: Author;
  • Born: 1956; Occupation: Author;
  • Marlon Brando ::: Born: April 3, 1924; Died: July 1, 2004; Occupation: Actor;
    Kim Addonizio ::: Born: July 31, 1954; Occupation: Poet;
    Steve Erickson ::: Born: April 20, 1950; Occupation: Novelist;
    John Patrick Shanley ::: Born: October 3, 1950; Occupation: Playwright;
    MaryJanice Davidson ::: Born: August 1, 1969; Occupation: Author;
    Dorianne Laux ::: Born: January 10, 1952; Occupation: Poet;
    Gary Jennings ::: Born: September 20, 1928; Died: February 13, 1999; Occupation: Author;
    Bill Brandt ::: Born: May 3, 1904; Died: December 20, 1983; Occupation: Photographer;
    Marc Bekoff ::: Born: September 6, 1945; Occupation: Professor;
    Kenneth Patchen ::: Born: December 13, 1911; Died: January 8, 1972; Occupation: Poet;
    Karen Marie Moning ::: Born: November 1, 1964; Occupation: Author;
    Linda Pastan ::: Born: May 27, 1932; Occupation: Poet;
    Peter David ::: Born: September 23, 1956; Occupation: Writer;
    Amelia Atwater-Rhodes ::: Born: April 16, 1984; Occupation: Author;
    Marie Howe ::: Born: 1950; Occupation: Poet;
    John Brunner ::: Born: September 24, 1934; Died: August 25, 1995; Occupation: Author;
    Henri Michaux ::: Born: May 24, 1899; Died: October 19, 1984; Occupation: Poet;
    Patricia Polacco ::: Born: July 11, 1944; Occupation: Author;
    Richard Branson ::: Born: July 18, 1950; Occupation: Business magnate;
    Eileen Wilks ::: Born: November 3, 1952; Occupation: Writer;
    Sergei Lukyanenko ::: Born: April 11, 1968; Occupation: Author;
    George MacDonald Fraser ::: Born: April 2, 1925; Died: January 2, 2008; Occupation: Author;
    Christopher Paul Curtis ::: Born: May 10, 1953; Occupation: Writer;
    Ellen Raskin ::: Born: March 13, 1928; Died: August 8, 1984; Occupation: Writer;
    Mildred D. Taylor ::: Born: September 13, 1943; Occupation: Writer;
    Brian Friel ::: Born: January 9, 1929; Died: October 2, 2015; Occupation: Dramatist;
    Buddy Wakefield ::: Born: June 4, 1974; Occupation: Poet;
    Nancy Willard ::: Born: June 26, 1936; Died: February 19, 2017; Occupation: Writer;
    Stef Penney ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Writer;
    Kamila Shamsie ::: Born: 1973; Occupation: Novelist;
    Donita K. Paul ::: Born: November 20, 1950; Occupation: Novelist;
    Jeanne DuPrau ::: Born: 1944; Occupation: Writer;
    Mike Yaconelli ::: Born: July 24, 1942; Died: October 30, 2003; Occupation: Writer;
    Lyn Hejinian ::: Born: May 17, 1941; Occupation: Poet;
    Patricia C. Wrede ::: Born: March 27, 1953; Occupation: Writer;
    Vikram Chandra ::: Born: July 23, 1961; Occupation: Writer;
    Patricia McCormick ::: Born: May 23, 1956; Occupation: Journalist;
    Trudi Canavan ::: Born: October 23, 1969; Occupation: Writer;
    Cinda Williams Chima ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Author;
    Tommy Tenney ::: Born: 1956; Occupation: Author;
    Hjalmar Branting ::: Born: November 23, 1860; Died: February 24, 1925; Occupation: Swedish Politician;
    Lev S. Vygotsky ::: Born: November 17, 1896; Died: June 11, 1934; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Gretchen Rubin ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Author;
    A.M. Homes ::: Born: December 18, 1961; Occupation: Writer;
    Muriel Barbery ::: Born: May 28, 1969; Occupation: Novelist;
    Emmanuel Levinas ::: Born: January 12, 1906; Died: December 25, 1995; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Richard Rohr ::: Born: 1943; Occupation: Priest;
    Michael Moorcock ::: Born: December 18, 1939; Occupation: Writer;
    Mary Ann Shaffer ::: Born: January 1, 1934; Died: February 1, 2008; Occupation: Writer;
    Thrity Umrigar ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Journalist;
    Joseph Bruchac ::: Born: October 16, 1942; Occupation: Writer;
    Melissa Marr ::: Born: July 25, 1972; Occupation: Author;
    Irenaeus of Lyons ::: Born: 130; Died: 202; Occupation: Saint;
    Peter Watts ::: Born: January 25, 1958; Occupation: Author;
    Georges Braque ::: Born: May 13, 1882; Died: August 31, 1963; Occupation: Painter;
    Lori Foster ::: Born: November 14, 1958; Occupation: Writer;
    Joanne Fluke ::: Born: 1943; Occupation: Writer;
    J.V. Hart ::: Born: 1960; Died: 1959; Occupation: Screenwriter;
    Jim Fergus ::: Born: 1950; Occupation: Author;
    Jenna Blum ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Writer;
    Natsuo Kirino ::: Born: October 7, 1951; Occupation: Novelist;
    Bill Johnson ::: Born: January 1, 1951; Occupation: Author;
    Paul Hawken ::: Born: February 8, 1946; Occupation: Environmentalist;
    Wendy Shalit ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Writer;
    Kelly Corrigan ::: Born: August 16, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
    Mark Victor Hansen ::: Born: January 8, 1948; Occupation: Author;
    Steven Galloway ::: Born: July 13, 1975; Occupation: Novelist;
    Elizabeth Haydon ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Author;
    Kevin Henkes ::: Born: November 27, 1960; Occupation: Writer;
    Walter E. Williams ::: Born: June 30, 1936; Occupation: Economist;
    Sabrina Jeffries ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Author;
    J. Patrick Lewis ::: Born: May 5, 1942; Occupation: Poet;
    Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry ::: Born: April 10, 1901; Died: May 28, 1979; Occupation: Writer;
    Mariama Bâ ::: Born: April 17, 1929; Died: August 17, 1981; Occupation: Author;
    Stephen Levine ::: Born: July 17, 1937; Died: January 17, 2016; Occupation: Poet;
    Henry Jenkins ::: Born: June 4, 1958; Occupation: Professor;
    Jim Cymbala ::: Born: 1949; Occupation: Author;
    Chris Adrian ::: Born: November 7, 1970; Occupation: Author;
    Kent Nerburn ::: Born: 1946; Occupation: Author;
    Jaclyn Moriarty ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Novelist;
    Andrea Gibson ::: Born: August 13, 1975; Occupation: Poet;
    Monique Truong ::: Born: May 13, 1968; Occupation: Writer;
    Martha Stout ::: Born: 1953; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Catherine Jinks ::: Born: 1963; Occupation: Writer;
    Nancy Werlin ::: Born: October 29, 1961; Occupation: Writer;
    Maira Kalman ::: Born: 1949; Occupation: Illustrator;
    Charlie Brooker ::: Born: March 3, 1971; Occupation: Broadcaster;
    Terri Blackstock ::: Born: December 7, 1957; Occupation: Writer;
    Matthew Kelly ::: Born: July 12, 1973; Occupation: Speaker;
    Cate Tiernan ::: Born: July 24, 1961; Occupation: Author;
    Keri Hulme ::: Born: March 9, 1947; Occupation: Writer;
    Norah Vincent ::: Born: September 20, 1968; Occupation: Writer;
    Matthew Dickman ::: Born: August 20, 1975; Occupation: Poet;
    Lynne Sharon Schwartz ::: Born: March 19, 1939; Occupation: Writer;
    Christina Dodd ::: Born: July 14, 1957; Occupation: Author;
    Tsitsi Dangarembga ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Author;
    Meredith Ann Pierce ::: Born: July 5, 1958; Occupation: Writer;
    Deena Metzger ::: Born: September 17, 1936; Occupation: Writer;
    Doreen Virtue ::: Born: April 29, 1958; Occupation: Author;
    Charlie Huston ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Author;
    Mark Kurlansky ::: Born: December 7, 1948; Occupation: Journalist;
    Susan Vreeland ::: Born: January 20, 1946; Occupation: Author;
    Charles Stross ::: Born: October 18, 1964; Occupation: Writer;
    Thomas Cahill ::: Born: 1940; Occupation: Writer;
    Anna Gavalda ::: Born: December 9, 1970; Occupation: Novelist;
    David Wellington ::: Born: 1971; Occupation: Author;
    Claudia Gray ::: Born: June 12, 1970; Occupation: Author;
    Carol Moseley Braun ::: Born: August 16, 1947; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Mohamed Al-Fayed ::: Born: January 27, 1929; Occupation: Business person;
    Saadi ::: Born: 1210; Died: 1291; Occupation: Poet;
    Warren W. Wiersbe ::: Born: May 16, 1929; Occupation: Writer;
    John Edward Williams ::: Born: August 29, 1922; Died: March 3, 1994; Occupation: Author;
    Naoko Takeuchi ::: Born: March 15, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
    Mary Balogh ::: Born: March 24, 1944; Occupation: Novelist;
    Lora Leigh ::: Born: March 6, 1965; Occupation: Author;
    Eva Braun ::: Born: February 6, 1912; Died: April 30, 1945; Occupation: Photographer;
    Bruce Coville ::: Born: May 16, 1950; Occupation: Author;
    Morgan Llywelyn ::: Born: December 3, 1937; Occupation: Author;
    Rosalind Miles ::: Born: January 6, 1943; Occupation: Author;
    Sharon Kay Penman ::: Born: August 13, 1945; Occupation: Novelist;
    Olive Ann Burns ::: Born: July 17, 1924; Died: July 4, 1990; Occupation: Writer;
    Jayne Ann Krentz ::: Born: March 28, 1948; Occupation: Writer;
    Wernher von Braun ::: Born: March 23, 1912; Died: June 16, 1977; Occupation: Rocket scientist;
    Marshall B. Rosenberg ::: Born: October 6, 1934; Died: February 7, 2015; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Bruce H. Lipton ::: Born: October 21, 1944; Occupation: Author;
    Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer ::: Born: February 17, 1836; Died: December 22, 1870; Occupation: Poet;
    Melina Marchetta ::: Born: March 25, 1965; Occupation: Writer;
    Matthew Gregory Lewis ::: Born: July 9, 1775; Died: May 14, 1818; Occupation: Novelist;
    Will Christopher Baer ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Author;
    Richard Brautigan ::: Born: January 30, 1935; Died: September 14, 1984; Occupation: Novelist;
    Raymond Khoury ::: Born: 1960; Occupation: Screenwriter;
    Kathy Lette ::: Born: November 11, 1958; Occupation: Author;
    Greg L. Bahnsen ::: Born: September 17, 1948; Died: December 11, 1995; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Hendrik Hertzberg ::: Born: 1943; Occupation: Journalist;
    Lois Duncan ::: Born: April 28, 1934; Died: June 15, 2016; Occupation: Writer;
    Lauren Child ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Writer;
    Kristin Cashore ::: Born: 1976; Occupation: Writer;
    Kate Braverman ::: Born: 1950; Occupation: Novelist;
    Rudolfo Anaya ::: Born: October 30, 1937; Occupation: Author;
    Osamu Tezuka ::: Born: November 3, 1928; Died: February 9, 1989; Occupation: Writer;
    Rhys Bowen ::: Born: September 24, 1941; Occupation: Author;
    Bruce Wilkinson ::: Born: 1940; Occupation: Author;
    Richard Siken ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Poet;
    John Flanagan ::: Born: May 22, 1944; Occupation: Author;
    Craig Johnson ::: Born: January 16, 1961; Occupation: Novelist;
    Jonathan Goldstein ::: Born: August 22, 1969; Occupation: Author;
    Gaelen Foley ::: Born: November 16, 1973; Occupation: Writer;
    -- David Farland ::: Born: May 15, 1957; Occupation: Author;
    James Finn Garner ::: Born: 1960; Occupation: Writer;
    Bo Schembechler ::: Born: April 1, 1929; Died: November 17, 2006; Occupation: Football player;
    Carrie Vaughn ::: Born: January 28, 1973; Occupation: Author;
    Mary Pope Osborne ::: Born: May 20, 1949; Occupation: Author;
    Jennifer Armintrout ::: Born: July 15, 1980; Occupation: Author;
    Cristina Garcia ::: Born: July 4, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
    Jacques Rigaut ::: Born: December 30, 1898; Died: November 9, 1929; Occupation: Poet;
    Sándor Márai ::: Born: April 11, 1900; Died: February 21, 1989; Occupation: Writer;
    David Grossman ::: Born: January 25, 1954; Occupation: Author;
    Carole Wilkinson ::: Born: 1950; Occupation: Writer;
    Toni Braxton ::: Born: October 7, 1967; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Jeremy Narby ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Writer;
    Creflo A. Dollar ::: Born: January 28, 1962; Occupation: Televangelist;
    Mary Jo Putney ::: Born: 1946; Occupation: Author;
    G. Edward Griffin ::: Born: November 7, 1931; Occupation: Film Producer;
    Libba Bray ::: Born: March 11, 1964; Occupation: Writer;
    Sonia Sanchez ::: Born: September 9, 1934; Occupation: Poet;
    Scott O'Dell ::: Born: May 23, 1898; Died: October 15, 1989; Occupation: Author;
    Christopher Buckley ::: Born: September 28, 1952; Occupation: Author;
    John Robbins ::: Born: October 26, 1947; Occupation: Author;
    Marie Phillips ::: Born: April 22, 1976; Occupation: Writer;
    D.T. Suzuki ::: Born: October 18, 1870; Died: July 12, 1966; Occupation: Author;
    N.D. Wilson ::: Born: 1978; Occupation: Author;
    Eiichiro Oda ::: Born: January 1, 1975; Occupation: Artist;
    Gilbert Sorrentino ::: Born: April 27, 1929; Died: May 18, 2006; Occupation: Novelist;
    Katherine Neville ::: Born: April 4, 1945; Occupation: Author;
    Roland Smith ::: Born: November 30, 1951; Occupation: Author;
    T. Berry Brazelton ::: Born: May 10, 1918; Occupation: Pediatrician;
    Joan D. Chittister ::: Born: 1936; Occupation: Nun;
    Ralph Keyes ::: Born: 1945; Occupation: Author;
    Irving Stone ::: Born: July 14, 1903; Died: August 26, 1989; Occupation: Writer;
    Craig Groeschel ::: Born: December 2, 1967; Occupation: Pastor;
    Takehiko Inoue ::: Born: January 12, 1967; Occupation: Artist;
    Alexander Shulgin ::: Born: June 17, 1925; Died: June 2, 2014; Occupation: Chemist;
    Frances Moore Lappé ::: Born: February 10, 1944; Occupation: Author;
    Donna Brazile ::: Born: December 15, 1959; Occupation: Author;
    Shashi Tharoor ::: Born: March 9, 1956; Occupation: Author;
    Robin Wasserman ::: Born: May 31, 1978; Occupation: Novelist;
    Jennifer Rardin ::: Born: April 28, 1965; Died: September 20, 2010; Occupation: Author;
    Dan Abnett ::: Born: October 12, 1965; Occupation: Writer;
    Louise Fitzhugh ::: Born: October 5, 1928; Died: November 19, 1974; Occupation: Author;
    Jill Bolte Taylor ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Author;
    Robert J. Sawyer ::: Born: April 29, 1960; Occupation: Writer;
    Charles Taylor ::: Born: November 5, 1931; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Kathi Appelt ::: Born: July 6, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
    Alejandra Pizarnik ::: Born: April 29, 1936; Died: September 25, 1972; Occupation: Poet;
    Kay Ryan ::: Born: September 21, 1945; Occupation: Poet;
    Jeff Mariotte ::: Born: 1955; Occupation: Author;
    Miriam Toews ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Writer;
    Wei Wu Wei ::: Born: September 14, 1895; Died: January 5, 1986; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Clay Shirky ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Writer;
    Surya Das ::: Born: 1950; Occupation: Poet;
    Stephen Kendrick ::: Born: 1973; Occupation: Film writer;
    Ivan Klíma ::: Born: September 14, 1931; Occupation: Novelist;
    Vera Nazarian ::: Born: May 25, 1966; Occupation: Writer;
    Ha Jin ::: Born: February 21, 1956; Occupation: Poet;
    Jimmy Santiago Baca ::: Born: January 2, 1952; Occupation: Poet;
    Robert Baer ::: Born: July 1, 1952; Occupation: Author;
    Barbara Park ::: Born: April 21, 1947; Died: November 15, 2013; Occupation: Author;
    James W. Loewen ::: Born: February 6, 1942; Occupation: Sociologist;
    Homer Hickam ::: Born: February 19, 1943; Occupation: Author;
    Ismail Kadaré ::: Born: January 28, 1936; Occupation: Writer;
    Robin Maxwell ::: Born: February 26, 1948; Occupation: Novelist;
    Richard J. Foster ::: Born: May 3, 1942; Occupation: Author;
    Pete Doherty ::: Born: March 12, 1979; Occupation: Musician;
    David Wroblewski ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Novelist;
    Joe R. Lansdale ::: Born: October 28, 1951; Occupation: Author;
    Jamie O'Neill ::: Born: 1962; Occupation: Author;
    Andrea Camilleri ::: Born: September 6, 1925; Occupation: Writer;
    Bertolt Brecht ::: Born: February 10, 1898; Died: August 14, 1956; Occupation: Poet;
    Maggie O'Farrell ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Author;
    Ted Kooser ::: Born: April 25, 1939; Occupation: Poet;
    Darin Strauss ::: Born: March 1, 1970; Occupation: Writer;
    James Gleick ::: Born: August 1, 1954; Occupation: Author;
    Timothy Egan ::: Born: November 8, 1954; Occupation: Author;
    Seraphim Rose ::: Born: August 13, 1934; Died: September 2, 1982; Occupation: Author;
    Catherine Ryan Hyde ::: Born: 1955; Occupation: Novelist;
    Nick Harkaway ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Novelist;
    Tibor Kalman ::: Born: July 6, 1949; Died: May 2, 1999; Occupation: Graphic Designer;
    Bart D. Ehrman ::: Born: October 5, 1955; Occupation: Professor;
    Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont ::: Born: April 26, 1711; Died: September 8, 1780; Occupation: Novelist;
    Margo Lanagan ::: Born: June 5, 1960; Occupation: Writer;
    Vine Deloria Jr. ::: Born: March 26, 1933; Died: November 13, 2005; Occupation: Author;
    Rolf Potts ::: Born: October 13, 1970; Occupation: Writer;
    Josip Broz Tito ::: Born: May 7, 1892; Died: May 4, 1980; Occupation: Former President of Yugoslavia;
    Ivan Doig ::: Born: June 27, 1939; Died: April 9, 2015; Occupation: Novelist;
    Kij Johnson ::: Born: January 20, 1960; Occupation: Writer;
    Masaru Emoto ::: Born: July 22, 1943; Died: October 17, 2014; Occupation: Author;
    Eric Roth ::: Born: March 22, 1945; Occupation: Screenwriter;
    Sharon M. Draper ::: Born: August 21, 1952; Occupation: Educator;
    Karen Cushman ::: Born: October 4, 1941; Occupation: Writer;
    Charles Robert Maturin ::: Born: September 25, 1782; Died: October 30, 1824; Occupation: Writer;
    Nancy Holder ::: Born: August 29, 1953; Occupation: Writer;
    Lemmy Kilmister ::: Born: December 24, 1945; Died: December 28, 2015; Occupation: Musician;
    Frederick Exley ::: Born: March 28, 1929; Died: June 17, 1992; Occupation: Writer;
    James Howe ::: Born: August 2, 1946; Occupation: Author;
    Nalini Singh ::: Born: 1977; Occupation: Author;
    Luis Sepúlveda ::: Born: October 4, 1949; Occupation: Writer;
    Kent Haruf ::: Born: February 24, 1943; Died: November 30, 2014; Occupation: Novelist;
    Holly Lisle ::: Born: October 8, 1960; Occupation: Writer;
    Erlend Loe ::: Born: May 24, 1969; Occupation: Novelist;
    Scott Lynch ::: Born: April 2, 1978; Occupation: Author;
    D.E. Stevenson ::: Born: 1892; Died: December 30, 1973; Occupation: Author;
    Wess Stafford ::: Born: June 26, 1949; Occupation: Author;
    Margaret George ::: Born: January 19, 1943; Occupation: Historian;
    Gerald Brenan ::: Born: April 7, 1894; Died: January 19, 1987; Occupation: Writer;
    George Sterling ::: Born: December 1, 1869; Died: November 17, 1926; Occupation: Poet;
    Lawrence Hill ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Novelist;
    Gustavo Gutiérrez ::: Born: June 8, 1928; Occupation: Priest;
    Loung Ung ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Activist;
    Cherie Priest ::: Born: July 30, 1975; Occupation: Novelist;
    Jan Neruda ::: Born: July 9, 1834; Died: August 22, 1891; Occupation: Journalist;
    Judith Lewis Herman ::: Born: March 31, 1942; Occupation: Author;
    Eric Metaxas ::: Born: 1963; Occupation: Author;
    Charles Nodier ::: Born: April 29, 1780; Died: January 27, 1844; Occupation: Author;
    Bernd Heinrich ::: Born: April 19, 1940; Occupation: Professor;
    Karen White ::: Born: May 30, 1964; Occupation: Author;
    Deborah Levy ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Playwright;
    Machado de Assis ::: Born: June 21, 1839; Died: September 29, 1908; Occupation: Novelist;
    Corey Taylor ::: Born: December 8, 1973; Occupation: Musician;
    Sijie Dai ::: Born: March 2, 1954; Occupation: Author;
    Edwin A. Abbott ::: Born: December 20, 1838; Died: October 12, 1926; Occupation: Author;
    Jean Sasson ::: Born: 1947; Occupation: Writer;
    Donald Woods Winnicott ::: Born: April 7, 1896; Died: January 28, 1971; Occupation: Psychoanalyst;
    Ann Voskamp ::: Born: August 10, 1973; Occupation: Author;
    Steve Toltz ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Novelist;
    Thomas Brooks ::: Born: 1608; Died: 1680; Occupation: Author;
    Harriet Lerner ::: Born: November 30, 1944; Occupation: Poet;
    Henry Cloud ::: Born: 1956; Occupation: Clinical psychologist;
    Jacqueline Woodson ::: Born: February 12, 1963; Occupation: Writer;
    Martine Leavitt ::: Born: 1953; Occupation: Author;
    Patrick Ness ::: Born: October 17, 1971; Occupation: Author;
    Brian Keene ::: Born: September 22, 1967; Occupation: Author;
    Donna Jo Napoli ::: Born: February 28, 1948; Occupation: Writer;
    Salvador Plascencia ::: Born: 1976; Occupation: Writer;
    Ryūnosuke Akutagawa ::: Born: March 1, 1892; Died: July 24, 1927; Occupation: Writer;
    William J. Brennan ::: Born: April 25, 1906; Died: July 24, 1997; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
    Christopher Fowler ::: Born: March 26, 1953; Occupation: Writer;
    Rosemary Sutcliff ::: Born: December 14, 1920; Died: July 23, 1992; Occupation: Novelist;
    Mark Oliver Everett ::: Born: April 10, 1963; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Andrew Clements ::: Born: May 29, 1949; Occupation: Author;
    Brian K. Vaughan ::: Born: 1976; Occupation: Writer;
    Gary L. Thomas ::: Born: October 24, 1961; Occupation: Author;
    Lauren Willig ::: Born: March 28, 1977; Occupation: Author;
    Merlin Stone ::: Born: September 27, 1931; Died: February 23, 2011; Occupation: Author;
    Jewell Parker Rhodes ::: Born: 1954; Occupation: Novelist;
    Blaize Clement ::: Born: August 18, 1932; Died: July 20, 2011; Occupation: Writer;
    Lisa Genova ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Author;
    Jessica Alba ::: Born: April 28, 1981; Occupation: Film actress;
    John Marsden ::: Born: September 27, 1950; Occupation: Writer;
    Ahdaf Soueif ::: Born: March 23, 1950; Occupation: Novelist;
    Charlotte Gray ::: Born: January 3, 1948; Occupation: Author;
    Scott Hahn ::: Born: October 28, 1957; Occupation: Author;
    Steve Pavlina ::: Born: April 14, 1971; Occupation: Author;
    Michael Joseph Oakeshott ::: Born: December 11, 1901; Died: December 19, 1990; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Tarun J. Tejpal ::: Born: March 15, 1963; Occupation: Journalist;
    Tracie Peterson ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Author;
    Sebastian Faulks ::: Born: April 20, 1953; Occupation: Novelist;
    Victoria Alexander ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Author;
    Nigel Slater ::: Born: April 9, 1958; Occupation: Writer;
    Eugene B. Sledge ::: Born: November 4, 1923; Died: March 3, 2001; Occupation: Author;
    P.B. Kerr ::: Born: February 22, 1956; Died: December 12, 1940; Occupation: Author;
    Elise Broach ::: Born: September 20, 1963; Occupation: Author;
    Alison Goodman ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Writer;
    John Cowper Powys ::: Born: October 8, 1872; Died: June 17, 1963; Occupation: Novelist;
    Katsura Hoshino ::: Born: April 21, 1980; Occupation: Writer;
    Victor Pelevin ::: Born: November 22, 1962; Occupation: Writer;
    Joseph Delaney ::: Born: July 25, 1945; Died: December 21, 1999; Occupation: Author;
    Tim Winton ::: Born: August 4, 1960; Occupation: Novelist;
    Peter V. Brett ::: Born: February 8, 1973; Occupation: Novelist;
    Paul Zindel ::: Born: May 15, 1936; Died: March 27, 2003; Occupation: Playwright;
    Ayi Kwei Armah ::: Born: October 28, 1939; Occupation: Writer;
    Laurie Faria Stolarz ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Author;
    Rabih Alameddine ::: Born: January 1, 1959; Occupation: Writer;
    Louis Zukofsky ::: Born: January 23, 1904; Died: May 12, 1978; Occupation: Poet;
    Cynthia Rylant ::: Born: June 6, 1954; Occupation: Author;
    Charles Willeford ::: Born: January 2, 1919; Died: March 27, 1988; Occupation: Film writer;
    Philip Gourevitch ::: Born: January 1, 1961; Occupation: Author;
    Dorothy Koomson ::: Born: 1971; Occupation: Novelist;
    Julian Gough ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Novelist;
    Matthew Pearl ::: Born: October 2, 1975; Occupation: Novelist;
    Heather Brewer ::: Born: September 21, 1973; Occupation: Writer;
    Phyllis Reynolds Naylor ::: Born: January 4, 1933; Occupation: Writer;
    Jimmy Breslin ::: Born: October 17, 1930; Died: March 19, 2017; Occupation: Journalist;
    Russell Kirk ::: Born: October 19, 1918; Died: April 29, 1994; Occupation: Historian;
    Kentaro Yabuki ::: Born: February 4, 1980; Occupation: Artist;
    Fritz Leiber ::: Born: December 24, 1910; Died: September 5, 1992; Occupation: Film writer;
    Val McDermid ::: Born: June 4, 1955; Occupation: Crime writer;
    Irvin D. Yalom ::: Born: June 13, 1931; Occupation: Author;
    J.M.G. Le Clézio ::: Born: April 13, 1940; Occupation: Writer;
    C.E. Murphy ::: Born: June 1, 1973; Occupation: Author;
    Robert Bresson ::: Born: September 25, 1901; Died: December 18, 1999; Occupation: Film director;
    Allan Frewin Jones ::: Born: April 30, 1954; Occupation: Author;
    Tim Pratt ::: Born: December 12, 1976; Occupation: Writer;
    Gayle Forman ::: Born: June 5, 1970; Occupation: Writer;
    Dani Shapiro ::: Born: April 10, 1962; Occupation: Author;
    Elizabeth Lowell ::: Born: April 5, 1944; Occupation: Author;
    Teresa Medeiros ::: Born: 1962; Occupation: Novelist;
    Siobhan Dowd ::: Born: February 4, 1960; Died: August 21, 2007; Occupation: Writer;
    Andre Breton ::: Born: February 19, 1896; Died: September 28, 1966; Occupation: Writer;
    Andrew Murray ::: Born: May 9, 1828; Died: January 18, 1917; Occupation: Writer;
    Hans Fallada ::: Born: July 21, 1893; Died: February 5, 1947; Occupation: Writer;
    Julia Spencer-Fleming ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Novelist;
    Brion Gysin ::: Born: January 19, 1916; Died: July 13, 1986; Occupation: Painter;
    George Pelecanos ::: Born: February 18, 1957; Occupation: Author;
    Jamie Ford ::: Born: July 9, 1968; Occupation: Author;
    Malorie Blackman ::: Born: February 8, 1962; Occupation: Writer;
    Charles J. Shields ::: Born: December 2, 1951; Occupation: Novelist;
    Heinrich Böll ::: Born: December 21, 1917; Died: July 16, 1985; Occupation: Writer;
    Bethany Hamilton ::: Born: February 8, 1990; Occupation: Surfer;
    Jean-Pierre de Caussade ::: Born: March 7, 1675; Died: December 8, 1751; Occupation: Writer;
    André Brink ::: Born: May 29, 1935; Died: February 6, 2015; Occupation: Novelist;
    Chad Kultgen ::: Born: June 16, 1976; Occupation: Author;
    Carol Ryrie Brink ::: Born: December 28, 1895; Died: August 15, 1981; Occupation: Author;
    C.J. Sansom ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Writer;
    Guillaume Musso ::: Born: June 6, 1974; Occupation: Author;
    Giorgio Agamben ::: Born: April 22, 1942; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Shan Sa ::: Born: October 26, 1972; Occupation: Author;
    David Henry Hwang ::: Born: August 11, 1957; Occupation: Playwright;
    Wilson Rawls ::: Born: September 24, 1913; Died: December 16, 1984; Occupation: Writer;
    Nick Vujicic ::: Born: December 4, 1982; Occupation: Preacher;
    Damon Albarn ::: Born: March 23, 1968; Occupation: Musician;
    Jonathan Littell ::: Born: October 10, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
    Cynthia Leitich Smith ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Author;
    Jennifer L. Holm ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Writer;
    Gilbert Adair ::: Born: December 29, 1944; Died: December 8, 2011; Occupation: Novelist;
    F. Sionil José ::: Born: December 3, 1924; Occupation: Writer;
    Adrian Rogers ::: Born: September 12, 1931; Died: November 15, 2005; Occupation: Pastor;
    Julie James ::: Born: November 5, 1974; Occupation: Author;
    Catherine Anderson ::: Born: December 22, 1948; Occupation: Writer;
    Jacqueline Wilson ::: Born: December 17, 1945; Occupation: Writer;
    William Kent Krueger ::: Born: November 16, 1950; Occupation: Author;
    Cheyenne McCray ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Author;
    Jan Brewer ::: Born: September 26, 1944; Occupation: Governor of Arizona;
    Ariana Franklin ::: Born: August 25, 1933; Died: January 27, 2011; Occupation: Author;
    Andrei Tarkovsky ::: Born: April 4, 1932; Died: December 29, 1986; Occupation: Film writer;
    Larry Crabb ::: Born: 1944; Occupation: Author;
    Mark Dunn ::: Born: October 22, 1956; Occupation: Author;
    Laura Kasischke ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Writer;
    Michael Scott ::: Born: September 28, 1959; Occupation: Irish author;
    Ken Bruen ::: Born: January 3, 1951; Occupation: Writer;
    Eiji Yoshikawa ::: Born: August 11, 1892; Died: September 7, 1962; Occupation: Novelist;
    Jordana Brewster ::: Born: April 26, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
    Paullina Simons ::: Born: 1963; Occupation: Writer;
    John Elder Robison ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Author;
    Elizabeth von Arnim ::: Born: August 31, 1866; Died: February 9, 1941; Occupation: Novelist;
    Annie Barrows ::: Born: 1962; Occupation: Author;
    Christopher Brookmyre ::: Born: September 6, 1968; Occupation: Novelist;
    Yuu Watase ::: Born: March 5, 1970; Occupation: Artist;
    Michael Grant ::: Born: July 26, 1954; Occupation: Young adult author;
    Nadeem Aslam ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Novelist;
    Christopher Golden ::: Born: July 15, 1967; Occupation: Author;
    Tess Gerritsen ::: Born: June 12, 1953; Occupation: MD;
    Hope Edelman ::: Born: June 17, 1964; Occupation: Author;
    Alexandre Dumas-fils ::: Born: July 27, 1824; Died: November 27, 1895; Occupation: Writer;
    Silas House ::: Born: 1971; Occupation: Writer;
    Joseph Roth ::: Born: September 2, 1894; Died: May 27, 1939; Occupation: Journalist;
    Charles Grandison Finney ::: Born: August 29, 1792; Died: August 16, 1875; Occupation: Minister;
    Stefano Benni ::: Born: August 12, 1947; Occupation: Writer;
    Tarjei Vesaas ::: Born: August 20, 1897; Died: March 15, 1970; Occupation: Poet;
    Meg Waite Clayton ::: Born: January 1, 1959; Occupation: Novelist;
    Reif Larsen ::: Born: 1980; Occupation: Author;
    Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu ::: Born: August 28, 1814; Died: February 7, 1873; Occupation: Writer;
    Nassim Nicholas Taleb ::: Born: January 1, 1960; Occupation: Author;
    Paul Cornell ::: Born: July 18, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
    Robert Silverberg ::: Born: January 15, 1935; Occupation: Author;
    Kathrine Switzer ::: Born: January 5, 1947; Occupation: Author;
    Gene Stratton-Porter ::: Born: August 17, 1863; Died: December 6, 1924; Occupation: Author;
    Loretta Chase ::: Born: 1949; Occupation: Writer;
    Jill Shalvis ::: Born: 1963; Occupation: Author;
    Sadegh Hedayat ::: Born: February 17, 1903; Died: April 9, 1951; Occupation: Writer;
    Stephen Breyer ::: Born: August 15, 1938; Occupation: Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
    Jaroslav Hašek ::: Born: April 30, 1883; Died: January 3, 1923; Occupation: Writer;
    Jack D. Forbes ::: Born: January 7, 1934; Died: February 23, 2011; Occupation: Writer;
    John Gray ::: Born: December 28, 1951; Occupation: Author;
    Darcey Steinke ::: Born: April 25, 1962; Occupation: Author;
    Jack Gantos ::: Born: July 2, 1951; Occupation: Author;
    Clark Ashton Smith ::: Born: January 13, 1893; Died: August 14, 1961; Occupation: Poet;
    Marc Levy ::: Born: October 16, 1961; Occupation: Novelist;
    David Mazzucchelli ::: Born: September 21, 1960; Occupation: Writer;
    Eric S. Nylund ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Novelist;
    Jessica Valenti ::: Born: November 1, 1978; Occupation: Writer;
    David Allen ::: Born: December 28, 1945; Occupation: Consultant;
    Edward Albee ::: Born: March 12, 1928; Died: September 16, 2016; Occupation: Playwright;
    Siri Hustvedt ::: Born: February 19, 1955; Occupation: Novelist;
    M.C. Beaton ::: Born: 1936; Occupation: Writer;
    Christian D. Larson ::: Born: 1874; Died: 1954; Occupation: Author;
    E.F. Benson ::: Born: July 24, 1867; Died: February 29, 1940; Occupation: Novelist;
    Josephine Tey ::: Born: July 25, 1896; Died: February 13, 1952; Occupation: Author;
    Nancy Leigh DeMoss ::: Born: March 9, 1958; Occupation: Author;
    Willy Russell ::: Born: August 23, 1947; Occupation: Dramatist;
    Joe Haldeman ::: Born: June 9, 1943; Occupation: Author;
    Kate Douglas Wiggin ::: Born: September 28, 1856; Died: August 24, 1923; Occupation: Author;
    Marjorie M. Liu ::: Born: 1979; Occupation: Author;
    Dorothy B. Hughes ::: Born: August 10, 1904; Died: May 6, 1993; Occupation: Crime writer;
    Fanny Brice ::: Born: October 29, 1891; Died: May 29, 1951; Occupation: Model;
    Andrzej Sapkowski ::: Born: June 21, 1948; Occupation: Writer;
    William L. Shirer ::: Born: February 23, 1904; Died: December 28, 1993; Occupation: Journalist;
    Ivan E. Coyote ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Writer;
    Lilith Saintcrow ::: Born: 1976; Occupation: Author;
    John Burnside ::: Born: March 19, 1955; Occupation: Writer;
    Nicolas Bouvier ::: Born: March 6, 1929; Died: February 17, 1998; Occupation: Writer;
    Sandra Dallas ::: Born: 1939; Occupation: Author;
    Kami Garcia ::: Born: March 25, 1972; Occupation: Writer;
    Alfred Lansing ::: Born: July 21, 1921; Died: 1975; Occupation: Journalist;
    Gennifer Choldenko ::: Born: October 20, 1957; Occupation: Writer;
    Maile Meloy ::: Born: February 15, 1972; Occupation: Writer;
    Kerry Greenwood ::: Born: June 17, 1954; Occupation: Author;
    Richard Hugo ::: Born: December 21, 1923; Died: October 22, 1982; Occupation: Poet;
    David Bentley Hart ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Writer;
    Helen DeWitt ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Novelist;
    Edie Brickell ::: Born: March 10, 1966; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Ekaterina Sedia ::: Born: July 9, 1970; Occupation: Author;
    Gail Carriger ::: Born: May 4, 1976; Occupation: Archaeologist;
    Akira Toriyama ::: Born: April 5, 1955; Occupation: Artist;
    Pat Murphy ::: Born: March 9, 1955; Occupation: Writer;
    Linda Lael Miller ::: Born: 1949; Occupation: Author;
    Sathya Sai Baba ::: Born: November 23, 1926; Died: April 24, 2011; Occupation: Saint;
    Pete McCarthy ::: Born: November 9, 1951; Died: October 6, 2004; Occupation: Writer;
    Matthew Reilly ::: Born: July 2, 1974; Occupation: Writer;
    Dion Fortune ::: Born: December 6, 1890; Died: January 8, 1946; Occupation: Author;
    Jacquelyn Frank ::: Born: February 22, 1968; Occupation: Author;
    Stephen Baxter ::: Born: November 13, 1957; Occupation: Author;
    J.A. Konrath ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Writer;
    Amitav Ghosh ::: Born: July 11, 1956; Occupation: Author;
    Lori Handeland ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Author;
    Rebecca Stead ::: Born: January 16, 1968; Occupation: Writer;
    Lauren Kate ::: Born: March 21, 1981; Occupation: Author;
    Elizabeth Cunningham ::: Born: 1953; Occupation: Novelist;
    Herbert M. Shelton ::: Born: October 6, 1895; Died: January 1, 1985; Occupation: Author;
    John Perkins ::: Born: January 28, 1945; Occupation: Author;
    Adolfo Bioy Casares ::: Born: September 15, 1914; Died: March 8, 1999; Occupation: Writer;
    Xinran ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
    Lewis Hyde ::: Born: 1945; Occupation: Essayist;
    Beau Bridges ::: Born: December 9, 1941; Occupation: Actor;
    Michele Jaffe ::: Born: March 20, 1970; Occupation: Writer;
    Julius Evola ::: Born: May 19, 1898; Died: June 11, 1974; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Andy McDermott ::: Born: July 2, 1974; Occupation: Author;
    Elena Ferrante ::: Born: 1943; Occupation: Novelist;
    Elizabeth Hoyt ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Author;
    Rachilde ::: Born: February 11, 1860; Died: April 4, 1953; Occupation: Author;
    Jenny Colgan ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Writer;
    Francis Frangipane ::: Born: November 26, 1946; Occupation: Author;
    Josef Pieper ::: Born: May 4, 1904; Died: November 6, 1997; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Kate Bornstein ::: Born: March 15, 1948; Occupation: Author;
    Joë Bousquet ::: Born: March 19, 1897; Died: September 28, 1950; Occupation: Poet;
    Margaret Stohl ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Author;
    Jeff Bridges ::: Born: December 4, 1949; Occupation: Actor;
    Elizabeth George Speare ::: Born: November 21, 1908; Died: November 15, 1994; Occupation: Writer;
    Auguste de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam ::: Born: November 7, 1838; Died: August 19, 1889; Occupation: Writer;
    Sophie Hannah ::: Born: 1971; Occupation: Poet;
    Michael Thomas Ford ::: Born: October 1, 1968; Occupation: Author;
    Adam Zagajewski ::: Born: June 21, 1945; Occupation: Poet;
    Jerry Bridges ::: Born: December 4, 1929; Died: March 6, 2016; Occupation: Author;
    Josef Albers ::: Born: March 19, 1888; Died: March 25, 1976; Occupation: Artist;
    John Abbott ::: Born: March 12, 1821; Died: October 30, 1893; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Canada;
    Sarah MacLean ::: Born: December 17, 1978; Occupation: Author;
    Mary Kay Andrews ::: Born: July 27, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
    Algernon Blackwood ::: Born: March 14, 1869; Died: December 10, 1951; Occupation: Writer;
    W. Cleon Skousen ::: Born: January 20, 1913; Died: January 9, 2006; Occupation: Author;
    Arthur Japin ::: Born: July 26, 1956; Occupation: Novelist;
    Luke Davies ::: Born: 1962; Occupation: Writer;
    C.D. Payne ::: Born: July 5, 1949; Occupation: Writer;
    Laurence Yep ::: Born: June 14, 1948; Occupation: Writer;
    S.M. Stirling ::: Born: September 30, 1953; Occupation: Author;
    Alberto Villoldo ::: Born: May 28, 1949; Occupation: Author;
    C.P. Cavafy ::: Born: April 29, 1863; Died: April 29, 1933; Occupation: Poet;
    Dossie Easton ::: Born: February 26, 1944; Occupation: Author;
    Geoff Dyer ::: Born: June 5, 1958; Occupation: Writer;
    Helen Fisher ::: Born: 1947; Occupation: Researcher;
    Nami Mun ::: Born: 1981; Occupation: Novelist;
    Larissa Ione ::: Born: August 12, 1982; Occupation: Author;
    Jordan Belfort ::: Born: July 9, 1962; Occupation: Motivational speaker;
    Hiro Mashima ::: Born: May 3, 1977; Occupation: Artist;
    J.P. Moreland ::: Born: March 9, 1948; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Roger Lowenstein ::: Born: 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
    Richard Connell ::: Born: October 17, 1893; Died: November 22, 1949; Occupation: Author;
    Mary Lawson ::: Born: 1946; Occupation: Novelist;
    James Van Praagh ::: Born: August 23, 1958; Occupation: Author;
    Kate Forsyth ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Author;
    Plum Sykes ::: Born: December 4, 1969; Occupation: Journalist;
    Ann Aguirre ::: Born: August 27, 1970; Occupation: Author;
    Ted Chiang ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Writer;
    Todd Bridges ::: Born: May 27, 1965; Occupation: Actor;
    Sylvia Townsend Warner ::: Born: December 6, 1893; Died: May 1, 1978; Occupation: Novelist;
    Sukarno ::: Born: June 6, 1901; Died: June 21, 1970; Occupation: Former President of Indonesia;
    Aberjhani ::: Born: July 8, 1957; Occupation: Columnist;
    Robert Kirkman ::: Born: November 30, 1978; Occupation: Comic Book Writer;
    George Monbiot ::: Born: January 27, 1963; Occupation: Writer;
    William Throsby Bridges ::: Born: February 18, 1861; Died: May 18, 1915; Occupation: General;
    Ghassan Kanafani ::: Born: April 9, 1936; Died: July 8, 1972; Occupation: Writer;
    Álvaro Mutis ::: Born: August 25, 1923; Died: September 22, 2013; Occupation: Poet;
    Heidi W. Durrow ::: Born: June 21, 1969; Occupation: Writer;
    Alan Garner ::: Born: October 17, 1934; Occupation: Novelist;
    Yasutaka Tsutsui ::: Born: September 24, 1934; Occupation: Novelist;
    Catherine Fisher ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Writer;
    Alison Brie ::: Born: December 29, 1982; Occupation: Actress;
    N.K. Jemisin ::: Born: September 19, 1972; Occupation: Writer;
    James Sallis ::: Born: December 21, 1944; Occupation: Writer;
    Melanie Benjamin ::: Born: November 24, 1962; Occupation: Writer;
    David Malouf ::: Born: March 20, 1934; Occupation: Writer;
    M.J. Rose ::: Born: 1953; Occupation: Author;
    Max Allan Collins ::: Born: March 3, 1948; Occupation: Writer;
    Christina Baker Kline ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Novelist;
    Sully Erna ::: Born: February 7, 1968; Occupation: Vocalist;
    Brian D. McLaren ::: Born: 1956; Occupation: Pastor;
    Wasif Ali Wasif ::: Born: January 15, 1929; Died: January 18, 1993; Occupation: Writer;
    George Packer ::: Born: August 13, 1960; Occupation: Journalist;
    Erik Satie ::: Born: May 17, 1866; Died: July 1, 1925; Occupation: Composer;
    Richard Briers ::: Born: January 14, 1934; Died: February 17, 2013; Occupation: Actor;
    Tilly Bagshawe ::: Born: June 12, 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
    Paul Di Filippo ::: Born: October 29, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
    Marlon James ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Novelist;
    Sarah Mlynowski ::: Born: January 4, 1977; Occupation: Writer;
    Jaggi Vasudev ::: Born: September 3, 1957; Occupation: Philanthropist;
    Matt de la Pena ::: Born: September 9, 1951; Occupation: Writer;
    Ambeth R. Ocampo ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Historian;
    Mikhail Naimy ::: Born: October 17, 1889; Died: February 28, 1988; Occupation: Author;
    Hugo Hamilton ::: Born: 1953; Occupation: Writer;
    Nick Jonas ::: Born: September 16, 1992; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Tatiana de Rosnay ::: Born: September 28, 1961; Occupation: Journalist;
    Charles Eisenstein ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Author;
    Patricia Briggs ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Writer;
    Jandy Nelson ::: Born: June 24, 1985; Occupation: Writer;
    Chris Bohjalian ::: Born: August 12, 1960; Occupation: Novelist;
    Ruth Hurmence Green ::: Born: January 12, 1915; Died: July 7, 1981; Occupation: Author;
    Mario Benedetti ::: Born: September 14, 1920; Died: May 17, 2009; Occupation: Journalist;
    David Small ::: Born: February 12, 1945; Occupation: Writer;
    Yasmine Galenorn ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Novelist;
    Diana Palmer ::: Born: December 11, 1946; Occupation: Writer;
    David Platt ::: Born: July 11, 1979; Occupation: Pastor;
    Alexandra Bracken ::: Born: February 27, 1987; Occupation: Author;
    James Howard Kunstler ::: Born: October 19, 1948; Occupation: Author;
    Joyce Johnson ::: Born: September 27, 1935; Occupation: Author;
    Alastair Reynolds ::: Born: March 13, 1966; Occupation: Author;
    Annie Ernaux ::: Born: September 1, 1940; Occupation: Writer;
    D.B.C. Pierre ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Writer;
    Michael Parenti ::: Born: 1933; Occupation: Political scientist;
    Saadat Hasan Manto ::: Born: May 11, 1912; Died: January 18, 1955; Occupation: Film writer;
    Shaun Tan ::: Born: 1974; Occupation: Illustrator;
    Madeline Hunter ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Author;
    F.B. Meyer ::: Born: April 8, 1847; Died: March 28, 1929; Occupation: Author;
    Susie Bright ::: Born: March 25, 1958; Occupation: Writer;
    Kate Constable ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Author;
    Hillary Jordan ::: Born: 1963; Occupation: Novelist;
    Cecil Castellucci ::: Born: October 25, 1969; Occupation: Novelist;
    Peter Lerangis ::: Born: 1955; Occupation: Author;
    Jonathan Maberry ::: Born: May 18, 1958; Occupation: Author;
    Somaly Mam ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Author;
    Paolo Giordano ::: Born: December 19, 1982; Occupation: Writer;
    Sarah Brightman ::: Born: August 14, 1960; Occupation: Actress;
    Jed Rubenfeld ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Law professor;
    Tony DiTerlizzi ::: Born: September 6, 1969; Occupation: Artist;
    Mahbod Seraji ::: Born: October 18, 1956; Occupation: Author;
    Mira Grant ::: Born: January 5, 1978; Occupation: Author;
    Michael Robotham ::: Born: November 9, 1960; Occupation: Writer;
    Zakir Naik ::: Born: October 18, 1965; Occupation: Medical Doctor;
    Peter Brimelow ::: Born: October 13, 1947; Occupation: Writer;
    Ashok K. Banker ::: Born: February 7, 1964; Occupation: Author;
    Elizabeth Bear ::: Born: September 22, 1971; Occupation: Author;
    Helen Oyeyemi ::: Born: December 10, 1984; Occupation: Novelist;
    Hiroyuki Takei ::: Born: May 15, 1972; Occupation: Artist;
    Jenna Black ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Author;
    Wilford Brimley ::: Born: September 27, 1934; Occupation: Actor;
    Esmeralda Santiago ::: Born: May 17, 1948; Occupation: Author;
    Rachel Renée Russell ::: Born: March 13, 1959; Occupation: Author;
    Daniel J. Siegel ::: Born: September 2, 1957; Occupation: Author;
    Josephine Humphreys ::: Born: February 2, 1945; Occupation: Novelist;
    H. Beam Piper ::: Born: March 23, 1904; Died: November 6, 1964; Occupation: Author;
    John Howard Griffin ::: Born: June 16, 1920; Died: September 9, 1980; Occupation: Journalist;
    Tabitha Suzuma ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Writer;
    David Brin ::: Born: October 6, 1950; Occupation: Scientist;
    Suketu Mehta ::: Born: 1963; Occupation: Film writer;
    Charles L. Whitfield ::: Born: July 14, 1938; Occupation: Author;
    Michael Baisden ::: Born: June 26, 1963; Occupation: Radio personality;
    Edward Thomas ::: Born: March 3, 1878; Died: April 9, 1917; Occupation: Poet;
    Elizabeth Wein ::: Born: October 2, 1964; Occupation: Writer;
    Samuel Shem ::: Born: 1944; Occupation: Doctor;
    Rosie Thomas ::: Born: 1947; Occupation: Journalist;
    Craig Silvey ::: Born: 1982; Occupation: Novelist;
    Daniel H. Pink ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Author;
    Gail Caldwell ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Critic;
    Cynthia Kadohata ::: Born: July 2, 1956; Occupation: Writer;
    W. Bruce Cameron ::: Born: 1960; Occupation: Columnist;
    Delphine de Vigan ::: Born: March 1, 1966; Occupation: Novelist;
    Colleen Coble ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Author;
    Dan B. Allender ::: Born: August 23, 1952; Occupation: Author;
    Justine Larbalestier ::: Born: September 23, 1967; Occupation: Author;
    Thomas E. Sniegoski ::: Born: February 4, 1962; Occupation: Novelist;
    David Brinkley ::: Born: July 10, 1920; Died: June 11, 2003; Occupation: Journalist;
    Adam Phillips ::: Born: September 19, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
    Barbara Delinsky ::: Born: August 9, 1945; Occupation: Writer;
    Jean Plaidy ::: Born: September 1, 1906; Died: January 18, 1993; Occupation: Author;
    Connie Brockway ::: Born: December 16, 1954; Occupation: Author;
    Belle de Jour ::: Born: November 5, 1975; Occupation: Scientist;
    Ingrid Betancourt ::: Born: December 25, 1961; Occupation: Politician;
    Christopher Ryan ::: Born: February 13, 1962; Occupation: Author;
    Chris Bradford ::: Born: June 23, 1974; Occupation: Author;
    Noel Fielding ::: Born: May 21, 1973; Occupation: Comedian;
    LaVyrle Spencer ::: Born: July 17, 1943; Occupation: Author;
    Myles Munroe ::: Born: April 20, 1954; Died: November 9, 2014; Occupation: Author;
    Chris Guillebeau ::: Born: 1978; Occupation: Author;
    Caitlín R. Kiernan ::: Born: May 26, 1964; Occupation: Author;
    Tom Rath ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Author;
    Susan Wittig Albert ::: Born: January 2, 1940; Occupation: Writer;
    R.K. Narayan ::: Born: October 10, 1906; Died: May 13, 2001; Occupation: Film writer;
    Sarah Hall ::: Born: 1974; Occupation: Novelist;
    F. Paul Wilson ::: Born: May 17, 1946; Occupation: Author;
    Damon Galgut ::: Born: November 12, 1963; Occupation: Playwright;
    Elizabeth Hand ::: Born: March 29, 1957; Occupation: Writer;
    Sara Evans ::: Born: February 5, 1971; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Alison Weir ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Writer;
    Paula McLain ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Author;
    Michelle Moran ::: Born: August 11, 1980; Occupation: Novelist;
    Winona LaDuke ::: Born: August 18, 1959; Occupation: Activist;
    Erving Goffman ::: Born: June 11, 1922; Died: November 19, 1982; Occupation: Sociologist;
    Charlie Higson ::: Born: July 3, 1958; Occupation: Actor;
    David Lipsky ::: Born: July 20, 1965; Occupation: Author;
    Carol Berg ::: Born: 1948; Occupation: Author;
    Caryll Houselander ::: Born: September 29, 1901; Died: October 12, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
    Cathy Cassidy ::: Born: June 13, 1962; Occupation: Author;
    Scott Snyder ::: Born: 1976; Occupation: Writer;
    Poppy Z. Brite ::: Born: May 25, 1967; Occupation: Author;
    Leslie Ludy ::: Born: December 16, 1975; Occupation: Author;
    Jeff Lemire ::: Born: March 21, 1976; Occupation: Writer;
    Alistair Begg ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Pastor;
    Hjalmar Söderberg ::: Born: July 2, 1869; Died: October 14, 1941; Occupation: Novelist;
    Laura Anne Gilman ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Author;
    Susanna Kearsley ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Novelist;
    Harun Yahya ::: Born: February 2, 1956; Occupation: Author;
    Heinrich Harrer ::: Born: July 6, 1912; Died: January 7, 2006; Occupation: Mountaineer;
    Vera Brittain ::: Born: December 29, 1893; Died: March 29, 1970; Occupation: Writer;
    R.J. Rushdoony ::: Born: April 25, 1916; Died: February 8, 2001; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Robert Muchamore ::: Born: December 26, 1972; Occupation: Author;
    Pentti Linkola ::: Born: December 7, 1932; Occupation: Ecologist;
    Conn Iggulden ::: Born: 1971; Occupation: Author;
    T. Colin Campbell ::: Born: 1934; Occupation: Biochemist;
    Grace Lin ::: Born: May 17, 1974; Occupation: Writer;
    Helen Hollick ::: Born: 1953; Occupation: Author;
    Tosca Lee ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Author;
    Freya North ::: Born: November 21, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
    Mick Foley ::: Born: June 7, 1965; Occupation: Professional Wrestler;
    Matt Haig ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Novelist;
    Elizabeth Hay ::: Born: October 22, 1951; Occupation: Novelist;
    Karen Maitland ::: Born: January 1, 1956; Occupation: Author;
    Jennifer Haigh ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Novelist;
    Alaya Dawn Johnson ::: Born: March 31, 1982; Occupation: Writer;
    Benjamin Britten ::: Born: November 22, 1913; Died: December 4, 1976; Occupation: Composer;
    Johanna Spyri ::: Born: June 12, 1827; Died: July 7, 1901; Occupation: Author;
    Chris Claremont ::: Born: November 25, 1950; Occupation: Comic Book Writer;
    Martina Cole ::: Born: March 30, 1959; Occupation: Crime writer;
    Hideaki Sorachi ::: Born: May 25, 1979; Occupation: Artist;
    Jo Walton ::: Born: December 1, 1964; Occupation: Writer;
    Dan Buettner ::: Born: 1960; Occupation: Author;
    Mike Birbiglia ::: Born: June 20, 1978; Occupation: Comedian;
    Haki R. Madhubuti ::: Born: February 23, 1942; Occupation: Author;
    Maulana Wahiduddin Khan ::: Born: January 1, 1925; Occupation: Activist;
    Matthew Quick ::: Born: 1973; Occupation: Writer;
    Lori Wilde ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Author;
    Rainbow Rowell ::: Born: 1973; Occupation: Author;
    Jonathan Nolan ::: Born: June 6, 1976; Occupation: Television writer;
    Paul Murray ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Novelist;
    Tom Butler-Bowdon ::: Born: November 8, 1967; Occupation: Author;
    Mary Elizabeth Braddon ::: Born: October 4, 1835; Died: February 4, 1915; Occupation: Novelist;
    Mark Waid ::: Born: March 21, 1962; Occupation: Writer;
    Nnedi Okorafor ::: Born: April 8, 1974; Occupation: Writer;
    Liz Kessler ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Author;
    Galt Niederhoffer ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Film producer;
    Lauren DeStefano ::: Born: October 13, 1984; Occupation: Author;
    Brené Brown ::: Born: November 18, 1965; Occupation: Author;
    Eli Broad ::: Born: June 6, 1933; Occupation: Business person;
    Sarah Caudwell ::: Born: May 27, 1939; Died: 2000; Occupation: Barrister;
    Paolo Bacigalupi ::: Born: August 6, 1972; Occupation: Writer;
    Adam Gidwitz ::: Born: February 14, 1982; Occupation: Author;
    Hannah Hurnard ::: Born: 1905; Died: 1990; Occupation: Author;
    Edward Rutherfurd ::: Born: 1948; Occupation: Writer;
    Tahir Shah ::: Born: November 16, 1966; Occupation: Author;
    Ben Aaronovitch ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Author;
    Jacinto Benavente ::: Born: August 12, 1866; Died: July 14, 1954; Occupation: Dramatist;
    Hamza Yusuf ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Scholar;
    Diane Ravitch ::: Born: July 1, 1938; Occupation: Historian;
    Harry Turtledove ::: Born: June 14, 1949; Occupation: Novelist;
    Tariq Ali ::: Born: October 21, 1943; Occupation: Writer;
    Ravinder Singh ::: Born: February 4, 1982; Occupation: Author;
    Colleen Patrick-Goudreau ::: Born: March 8, 1970; Occupation: Writer;
    Charles Addams ::: Born: January 7, 1912; Died: September 29, 1988; Occupation: Cartoonist;
    Jonathan Evison ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Writer;
    Shin Kyung-sook ::: Born: January 12, 1963; Occupation: Writer;
    Félix J. Palma ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Writer;
    Kevin Hearne ::: Born: December 9, 1970; Occupation: Novelist;
    Allan Pease ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Author;
    Patrick deWitt ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Novelist;
    Kerstin Gier ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Author;
    Gene Sharp ::: Born: January 21, 1928; Occupation: Professor;
    Alaa Al Aswany ::: Born: May 26, 1957; Occupation: Writer;
    François Lelord ::: Born: June 22, 1953; Occupation: Author;
    Harry Mulisch ::: Born: July 29, 1927; Died: October 30, 2010; Occupation: Film writer;
    Alexander Gordon Smith ::: Born: February 27, 1979; Occupation: Author;
    Austin Osman Spare ::: Born: December 30, 1886; Died: May 15, 1956; Occupation: Artist;
    Paul Harding ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Musician;
    Meindert DeJong ::: Born: March 4, 1906; Died: July 16, 1991; Occupation: Writer;
    Elisabeth Eaves ::: Born: 1971; Occupation: Author;
    Nick Joaquín ::: Born: May 4, 1917; Died: April 29, 2004; Occupation: Writer;
    Eliezer Yudkowsky ::: Born: September 11, 1979; Occupation: Writer;
    S.J. Watson ::: Born: 1971; Died: June 12, 1986; Occupation: Writer;
    Suzanne Brockmann ::: Born: 1960; Occupation: Writer;
    Shawn Achor ::: Born: 1978; Occupation: Author;
    Stormie Omartian ::: Born: September 16, 1942; Occupation: Author;
    Assata Shakur ::: Born: July 16, 1947; Occupation: Activist;
    Karin Slaughter ::: Born: January 6, 1971; Occupation: Writer;
    Bill Mollison ::: Born: 1928; Died: September 24, 2016; Occupation: Author;
    Hope Mirrlees ::: Born: 1887; Died: 1978; Occupation: Poet;
    Leon Battista Alberti ::: Born: February 18, 1404; Died: April 20, 1472; Occupation: Author;
    William Dalrymple ::: Born: March 20, 1965; Died: January 28, 1814; Occupation: Historian;
    Jon Richardson ::: Born: September 26, 1982; Occupation: Comedian;
    Peter Grimwade ::: Born: June 8, 1942; Died: May 15, 1990; Occupation: Writer;
    Cornell Woolrich ::: Born: December 4, 1903; Died: September 25, 1968; Occupation: Novelist;
    Matthew Broderick ::: Born: March 21, 1962; Occupation: Voice Actor;
    Steve Rasnic Tem ::: Born: 1950; Occupation: Author;
    Amish Tripathi ::: Born: October 18, 1974; Occupation: Author;
    Ahmed H. Zewail ::: Born: February 26, 1946; Died: August 2, 2016; Occupation: Scientist;
    Glenn Greenwald ::: Born: March 6, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
    Umera Ahmed ::: Born: December 10, 1976; Occupation: Author;
    Sherry Turkle ::: Born: June 18, 1948; Occupation: Professor;
    Derek Raymond ::: Born: June 12, 1931; Died: July 30, 1994; Occupation: Writer;
    Tim Minchin ::: Born: October 7, 1975; Occupation: Comedian;
    Lili Wilkinson ::: Born: April 7, 1981; Occupation: Author;
    Mark Driscoll ::: Born: October 11, 1970; Occupation: Pastor;
    Alfie Kohn ::: Born: October 15, 1957; Occupation: Author;
    Weihui Zhou ::: Born: 1973; Occupation: Writer;
    Eric Greitens ::: Born: April 10, 1974; Occupation: Author;
    Michelle Alexander ::: Born: October 7, 1967; Occupation: Professor;
    Samael Aun Weor ::: Born: March 6, 1917; Died: December 24, 1977; Occupation: Author;
    Miranda Hart ::: Born: December 14, 1972; Occupation: Actor;
    Robin Sloan ::: Born: December 19, 1979; Occupation: Author;
    Yusuf al-Qaradawi ::: Born: September 9, 1926; Occupation: Theologian;
    Smith Wigglesworth ::: Born: June 8, 1859; Died: March 12, 1947; Occupation: Evangelist;
    Jack Ketchum ::: Born: November 10, 1946; Occupation: Author;
    Liane Moriarty ::: Born: November 15, 1966; Occupation: Author;
    Joseph Brodsky ::: Born: May 24, 1940; Died: January 28, 1996; Occupation: Poet;
    Ian Mortimer ::: Born: September 22, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
    David Abram ::: Born: June 24, 1957; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Wes Moore ::: Born: October 15, 1978; Occupation: Author;
    Erich von Däniken ::: Born: April 14, 1935; Occupation: Author;
    Brian Cox ::: Born: March 3, 1968; Occupation: Physicist;
    Leila Aboulela ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Writer;
    Janice Galloway ::: Born: 1955; Occupation: Writer;
    Adam Brody ::: Born: December 15, 1979; Occupation: Film actor;
    Caroline Myss ::: Born: December 2, 1952; Occupation: Author;
    Graham Masterton ::: Born: January 16, 1946; Occupation: Author;
    Erwin W. Lutzer ::: Born: October 3, 1941; Occupation: Pastor;
    Derren Brown ::: Born: February 27, 1971; Occupation: Illusionist;
    Ari Berk ::: Born: March 7, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
    Laird Barron ::: Born: 2013; Occupation: Author;
    Frank Lentricchia ::: Born: 1940; Occupation: Novelist;
    Lan Samantha Chang ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Writer;
    Fuyumi Ono ::: Born: December 24, 1960; Occupation: Novelist;
    Joseph Murphy ::: Born: May 20, 1898; Died: December 16, 1981; Occupation: Author;
    Anna Funder ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Author;
    Marissa Meyer ::: Born: February 19, 1984; Occupation: Novelist;
    Nicholas G. Carr ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Writer;
    Lauren Beukes ::: Born: June 5, 1976; Occupation: Novelist;
    Esi Edugyan ::: Born: 1977; Occupation: Novelist;
    Tom Brokaw ::: Born: February 6, 1940; Occupation: Journalist;
    Cornelius Van Til ::: Born: May 3, 1895; Died: April 17, 1987; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Susan Abulhawa ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Writer;
    Wilhelm Grimm ::: Born: February 24, 1786; Died: December 16, 1859; Occupation: Author;
    Madeline Miller ::: Born: July 24, 1978; Occupation: Novelist;
    John M. Gottman ::: Born: 1942; Occupation: Professor;
    Jojo Moyes ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Novelist;
    John Logan ::: Born: September 24, 1961; Occupation: Playwright;
    Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay ::: Born: September 15, 1876; Died: January 16, 1938; Occupation: Novelist;
    Buck Brannaman ::: Born: January 29, 1962; Occupation: Horse trainer;
    Julie Otsuka ::: Born: May 15, 1962; Occupation: Author;
    Josh Brolin ::: Born: February 12, 1968; Occupation: Actor;
    Phyllis Chesler ::: Born: October 1, 1940; Occupation: Writer;
    Kiera Cass ::: Born: 1981; Occupation: Author;
    Colin Meloy ::: Born: October 5, 1974; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Paul Torday ::: Born: 1946; Died: December 18, 2013; Occupation: Writer;
    David Benatar ::: Born: December 8, 1966; Occupation: Professor;
    Carol J. Adams ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Writer;
    Carol S. Dweck ::: Born: October 17, 1946; Occupation: Professor;
    Steve Albini ::: Born: July 22, 1962; Occupation: Singer;
    Alex Scarrow ::: Born: February 14, 1966; Occupation: Author;
    Khushwant Singh ::: Born: February 2, 1915; Died: March 20, 2014; Occupation: Novelist;
    Justin Torres ::: Born: 1980; Occupation: Novelist;
    Fábio Moon ::: Born: June 5, 1976; Occupation: Comic Book Creator;
    Colin Clark ::: Born: October 9, 1932; Died: December 17, 2002; Occupation: Writer;
    Walpola Rahula ::: Born: 1907; Died: 1997; Occupation: Writer;
    Gareth Roberts ::: Born: June 5, 1968; Occupation: Screenwriter;
    J. Lynn ::: Born: June 11, 1980; Occupation: Novelist;
    Jenny Lawson ::: Born: 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
    Roger Scruton ::: Born: February 27, 1944; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Jeet Thayil ::: Born: October 13, 1959; Occupation: Poet;
    Peter Rollins ::: Born: March 31, 1973; Occupation: Writer;
    Annabel Pitcher ::: Born: 1982; Occupation: Writer;
    Monica Drake ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Writer;
    Thomas J. Stanley ::: Born: 1944; Died: February 28, 2015; Occupation: Writer;
    David Foenkinos ::: Born: October 28, 1974; Occupation: Author;
    Matt Chandler ::: Born: June 20, 1974; Occupation: Pastor;
    Nick Dear ::: Born: June 11, 1955; Occupation: Writer;
    Rachel Joyce ::: Born: 1962; Occupation: Author;
    Brendon Burchard ::: Born: September 18, 1977; Occupation: Author;
    Lawrence Anthony ::: Born: September 17, 1950; Died: March 2, 2012; Occupation: Author;
    Jacob Bronowski ::: Born: January 18, 1908; Died: August 22, 1974; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Shalom Auslander ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Author;
    Tan Twan Eng ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Author;
    Kazuki Takahashi ::: Born: October 4, 1961; Occupation: Artist;
    Charles Bronson ::: Born: November 3, 1921; Died: August 30, 2003; Occupation: Film actor;
    Amilcar Cabral ::: Born: September 12, 1924; Died: January 20, 1973; Occupation: Writer;
    Louis Zamperini ::: Born: January 26, 1917; Died: July 2, 2014; Occupation: Motivational speaker;
    Sheila Heti ::: Born: December 25, 1976; Occupation: Writer;
    Eleanor Catton ::: Born: September 24, 1985; Occupation: Author;
    Anne Bronte ::: Born: January 17, 1820; Died: May 28, 1849; Occupation: Novelist;
    Chris Gardner ::: Born: February 9, 1954; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Steven Furtick ::: Born: February 19, 1980; Occupation: Pastor;
    Joe Queenan ::: Born: November 3, 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
    Maria Semple ::: Born: May 21, 1964; Occupation: Novelist;
    Seyyed Hossein Nasr ::: Born: April 7, 1933; Occupation: Professor;
    Charlotte Bronte ::: Born: April 21, 1816; Died: March 31, 1855; Occupation: Novelist;
    Marcus Samuelsson ::: Born: January 25, 1970; Occupation: Chef;
    Terryl L. Givens ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Professor;
    Holly Goldberg Sloan ::: Born: August 7, 1958; Occupation: Film director;
    Anthony Marra ::: Born: 1984; Occupation: Writer;
    Guy Adams ::: Born: January 6, 1976; Occupation: Author;
    Emily Bronte ::: Born: July 30, 1818; Died: December 19, 1848; Occupation: Novelist;
    Farid al-Din Attar ::: Born: 1145; Died: 1220; Occupation: Poet;
    Bernie Glassman ::: Born: January 18, 1939; Occupation: Author;
    Dillon Burroughs ::: Born: 1976; Occupation: Writer;
    Pattie Mallette ::: Born: April 2, 1976; Occupation: Author;
    Makoto Shinkai ::: Born: February 9, 1973; Occupation: Animator;
    Naoki Higashida ::: Born: 1992; Occupation: Author;
    Solomon Northup ::: Born: July 10, 1808; Died: 1863; Occupation: Author;
    Peter Brook ::: Born: March 21, 1925; Occupation: Theatre Director;
    Horace ::: Born: December 8, 65 BC; Died: November 27, 8 BC; Occupation: Poet;
    Cato the Elder ::: Born: 234 BC; Died: 149 BC; Occupation: Roman Statesman;
    Barbara De Angelis ::: Born: March 4, 1951; Occupation: Author;
    Lyman Abbott ::: Born: December 18, 1835; Died: October 22, 1922; Occupation: Author;
    Rupert Brooke ::: Born: August 3, 1887; Died: April 23, 1915; Occupation: Poet;
    Mitch Albom ::: Born: May 23, 1958; Occupation: Author;
    Louis IX of France ::: Born: April 25, 1214; Died: August 25, 1270; Occupation: Saint;
    Louise Hay ::: Born: October 8, 1926; Occupation: Author;
    Gabrielle Roth ::: Born: February 4, 1941; Died: October 22, 2012; Occupation: Musician;
    Lesley Stahl ::: Born: December 16, 1941; Occupation: Journalist;
    Iris Apfel ::: Born: August 29, 1921; Occupation: Interior designer;
    Anita Brookner ::: Born: July 16, 1928; Died: March 10, 2016; Occupation: Novelist;
    Bernie Siegel ::: Born: October 14, 1932; Occupation: Writer;
    Nicholas Murray Butler ::: Born: April 2, 1862; Died: December 7, 1947; Occupation: Diplomat;
    Christian Furchtegott Gellert ::: Born: July 4, 1715; Died: December 13, 1769; Occupation: Poet;
    Laozi ::: Born: 604 BC; Died: 531 BC; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Bob Packwood ::: Born: September 11, 1932; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Albert Brooks ::: Born: July 22, 1947; Occupation: Actor;
    Washington Gladden ::: Born: February 11, 1836; Died: July 2, 1918; Occupation: Writer;
    Seneca the Elder ::: Born: 54 BC; Died: 39; Occupation: Writer;
    Brooke Astor ::: Born: March 30, 1902; Died: August 13, 2007; Occupation: Writer;
    Arthur C. Brooks ::: Born: May 21, 1964; Occupation: Economic Consultant;
    Arthur Wing Pinero ::: Born: May 24, 1855; Died: November 23, 1934; Occupation: Actor;
    Lucan ::: Born: November 3, 39; Died: April 30, 65; Occupation: Poet;
    William Ernest Hocking ::: Born: August 10, 1873; Died: June 12, 1966; Occupation: Philosopher;
    William Herbert Sheldon ::: Born: November 19, 1898; Died: September 17, 1977; Occupation: Psychologist;
    E. F. L. Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax ::: Born: April 16, 1881; Died: December 23, 1959; Occupation: Former Viceroy of India;
    Rosalyn Drexler ::: Born: November 25, 1926; Occupation: Novelist;
    Robert Collier ::: Born: April 19, 1885; Died: 1950; Occupation: Author;
    Stedman Graham ::: Born: March 6, 1951; Occupation: Educator;
    David Brooks ::: Born: August 11, 1961; Occupation: Commentator;
    Baal Shem Tov ::: Born: 1698; Died: May 22, 1760; Occupation: Rabbi;
    Emile Coue ::: Born: February 26, 1857; Died: July 2, 1926; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Simon Bolivar ::: Born: July 24, 1783; Died: December 17, 1830; Occupation: Former President of Gran Colombia;
    Igor Sikorsky ::: Born: May 25, 1889; Died: October 26, 1972; Occupation: Aircraft designer;
    Francis Chichester ::: Born: September 17, 1901; Died: August 26, 1972; Occupation: Aviator;
    Tawakkol Karman ::: Born: February 7, 1979; Occupation: Journalist;
    Oswald Avery ::: Born: October 21, 1877; Died: February 20, 1955; Occupation: Physician;
    Garth Brooks ::: Born: February 7, 1962; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Kenji Miyazawa ::: Born: August 27, 1896; Died: September 21, 1933; Occupation: Poet;
    William Samuel Johnson ::: Born: October 7, 1727; Died: November 14, 1819; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Arthur Brisbane ::: Born: December 12, 1864; Died: December 25, 1936; Occupation: Author;
    Geraldine Brooks ::: Born: September 14, 1955; Died: June 19, 1977; Occupation: Journalist;
    William Walker Atkinson ::: Born: December 5, 1862; Died: November 22, 1932; Occupation: Author;
    Jons Jacob Berzelius ::: Born: August 20, 1779; Died: August 7, 1848; Occupation: Chemist;
    Mae Jemison ::: Born: October 17, 1956; Occupation: Physician;
    Sun Tzu ::: Born: 544 BC; Died: 496 BC; Occupation: Strategist;
    Gwendolyn Brooks ::: Born: June 7, 1917; Died: December 3, 2000; Occupation: Poet;
    Robert G. Allen ::: Born: May 20, 1948; Occupation: Businessman;
    Silvio Berlusconi ::: Born: September 29, 1936; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Italy;
    Carl Icahn ::: Born: February 16, 1936; Occupation: Businessman;
    Madeleine Albright ::: Born: May 15, 1937; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
    Jane Welsh Carlyle ::: Born: January 14, 1801; Died: April 21, 1866; Occupation: Writer;
    Hannibal Buress ::: Born: February 4, 1983; Occupation: Comedian;
    John Turner ::: Born: June 7, 1929; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Canada;
    Angelus Silesius ::: Born: December 25, 1624; Died: July 9, 1677; Occupation: Priest;
    James L. Brooks ::: Born: May 9, 1940; Occupation: Producer;
    Sean M. Carroll ::: Born: October 5, 1966; Occupation: Scientist;
    Susan Glaspell ::: Born: July 1, 1876; Died: July 27, 1948; Occupation: Playwright;
    Walter Raleigh ::: Born: January 22, 1552; Died: October 29, 1618; Occupation: Writer;
    Kobo Abe ::: Born: March 7, 1924; Died: January 22, 1993; Occupation: Writer;
    Louise Brooks ::: Born: November 14, 1906; Died: August 8, 1985; Occupation: Dancer;
    Dion Boucicault ::: Born: December 26, 1820; Died: September 18, 1890; Occupation: Actor;
    Andrew Jackson ::: Born: March 15, 1767; Died: June 8, 1845; Occupation: 7th U.S. President;
    Devendra Banhart ::: Born: May 30, 1981; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Mel Brooks ::: Born: June 28, 1926; Occupation: Film director;
    Earle Birney ::: Born: May 13, 1904; Died: September 3, 1995; Occupation: Poet;
    Ferruccio Busoni ::: Born: April 1, 1866; Died: July 27, 1924; Occupation: Composer;
    Samuel Daniel ::: Born: 1562; Died: October 14, 1619; Occupation: Poet;
    John Dean ::: Born: October 14, 1938; Occupation: Former White House Counsel;
    Porfirio Diaz ::: Born: September 15, 1830; Died: July 2, 1915; Occupation: Mexican Politician;
    Michael Drayton ::: Born: 1563; Died: December 23, 1631; Occupation: Poet;
    Julius J. Epstein ::: Born: August 22, 1909; Died: December 30, 2000; Occupation: Screenwriter;
    John Ford ::: Born: February 1, 1894; Died: August 31, 1973; Occupation: Film director;
    Thomas Gainsborough ::: Born: May 14, 1727; Died: August 2, 1788; Occupation: Painter;
    Robert Greene ::: Born: May 14, 1959; Occupation: American author;
    Thomas Heywood ::: Born: 1575; Died: August 16, 1641; Occupation: Playwright;
    Thomas Kyd ::: Born: November 6, 1558; Died: August 15, 1594; Occupation: Dramatist;
    Louise Labe ::: Born: 1525; Died: April 25, 1566; Occupation: Poet;
    Eric Linklater ::: Born: March 8, 1899; Died: November 7, 1974; Occupation: Writer;
    Dervla Murphy ::: Born: November 28, 1931; Occupation: Cyclist;
    Konstantin Pobedonostsev ::: Born: May 21, 1827; Died: March 23, 1907; Occupation: Russian Statesman;
    Isaac Rosenberg ::: Born: November 25, 1890; Died: April 1, 1918; Occupation: Poet;
    Tobias Smollett ::: Born: March 19, 1721; Died: September 17, 1771; Occupation: Poet;
    Edmund Waller ::: Born: March 3, 1606; Died: October 21, 1687; Occupation: Poet;
    Seneca the Younger ::: Born: 4 BC; Died: 65; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Ovid ::: Born: March 20, 43 BC; Died: 1 BC; Occupation: Poet;
    Mencius ::: Born: 372 BC; Died: 289 BC; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Dean Rusk ::: Born: February 9, 1909; Died: December 20, 1994; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
    Pericles ::: Born: 495 BC; Died: 429 BC; Occupation: Greek Statesman;
    Heraclitus ::: Born: 535 BC; Died: 475 BC; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Barry Long ::: Born: August 1, 1926; Died: December 6, 2003; Occupation: Writer;
    Martial ::: Born: March 1, 40; Died: 102; Occupation: Poet;
    Adelaide Anne Procter ::: Born: October 30, 1825; Died: February 2, 1864; Occupation: Poet;
    Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux ::: Born: November 1, 1636; Died: March 13, 1711; Occupation: Poet;
    Thomas Campion ::: Born: February 12, 1567; Died: March 1, 1620; Occupation: Composer;
    Bryan Procter ::: Born: November 21, 1787; Died: October 5, 1874; Occupation: Poet;
    John William Draper ::: Born: May 5, 1811; Died: January 4, 1882; Occupation: Chemist;
    William Jones ::: Born: September 28, 1746; Died: April 27, 1794; Occupation: Philologist;
    Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton ::: Born: November 8, 1831; Died: November 24, 1891; Occupation: Former Viceroy of India;
    George Peele ::: Born: July 25, 1556; Died: November 9, 1596; Occupation: Dramatist;
    Charles G.D. Roberts ::: Born: January 10, 1860; Died: November 26, 1943; Occupation: Poet;
    Samuel Rogers ::: Born: July 30, 1763; Died: December 18, 1855; Occupation: Poet;
    Terry Brooks ::: Born: January 8, 1944; Occupation: Writer;
    Alcaeus ::: Born: 621 BC; Died: 561 BC; Occupation: Poet;
    Abel Stevens ::: Born: 1815; Died: 1897; Occupation: Author;
    John Suckling ::: Born: February 10, 1609; Died: June 1, 1642; Occupation: Poet;
    Theodore Tilton ::: Born: October 2, 1835; Died: May 29, 1907; Occupation: Poet;
    Henry Kirke White ::: Born: March 21, 1785; Died: October 19, 1806; Occupation: Poet;
    Matthew Hale ::: Born: November 1, 1609; Died: December 25, 1676; Occupation: Barrister;
    Henry Allen Ironside ::: Born: October 14, 1876; Died: January 15, 1951; Occupation: Author;
    Arthur Tappan Pierson ::: Born: March 6, 1837; Died: June 3, 1911; Occupation: Writer;
    Henry Austin Dobson ::: Born: January 18, 1840; Died: September 2, 1921; Occupation: Poet;
    Jon Jones ::: Born: July 19, 1987; Died: 1832; Occupation: Mixed Martial Artist;
    Fernand Braudel ::: Born: August 24, 1902; Died: November 27, 1985; Occupation: Historian;
    Van Wyck Brooks ::: Born: February 16, 1886; Died: May 2, 1963; Occupation: Literary critic;
    Fanny Fern ::: Born: July 9, 1811; Died: October 10, 1872; Occupation: Columnist;
    Hartley Coleridge ::: Born: September 19, 1796; Died: January 6, 1849; Occupation: Poet;
    Agathon ::: Born: 448 BC; Died: 400 BC; Occupation: Poet;
    Mary Caroline Richards ::: Born: 1916; Died: 1999; Occupation: Poet;
    Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward ::: Born: January 28, 1844; Died: January 28, 1911; Occupation: Author;
    Mary Roberts Rinehart ::: Born: August 12, 1876; Died: September 22, 1958; Occupation: Writer;
    Katherine Cecil Thurston ::: Born: April 18, 1875; Died: September 5, 1911; Occupation: Novelist;
    Goswami Kriyananda ::: Born: May 19, 1926; Died: April 21, 2013; Occupation: Author;
    Joyce Brothers ::: Born: October 20, 1927; Died: May 13, 2013; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Daniel Dae Kim ::: Born: August 4, 1968; Occupation: Actor;
    Robert Olen Butler ::: Born: January 20, 1945; Occupation: Writer;
    Roger Ailes ::: Born: May 15, 1940; Died: May 18, 2017; Occupation: Television producer;
    Denholm Elliott ::: Born: May 31, 1922; Died: October 6, 1992; Occupation: Film actor;
    James Broughton ::: Born: November 10, 1913; Died: May 17, 1999; Occupation: Poet;
    Colin Davis ::: Born: September 25, 1927; Died: April 14, 2013; Occupation: Conductor;
    Gurbaksh Chahal ::: Born: July 17, 1982; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Anne McCaffrey ::: Born: April 1, 1926; Died: November 21, 2011; Occupation: Writer;
    Basil King ::: Born: February 26, 1859; Died: June 22, 1928; Occupation: Writer;
    Heywood Broun ::: Born: December 7, 1888; Died: December 18, 1939; Occupation: Journalist;
    John of the Cross ::: Born: June 24, 1542; Died: December 14, 1591; Occupation: Saint;
    Victoria Jackson ::: Born: August 2, 1959; Occupation: Comedian;
    Gary Smalley ::: Born: September 16, 1940; Died: March 6, 2016; Occupation: Author;
    Joseph Chilton Pearce ::: Born: January 14, 1926; Died: August 23, 2016; Occupation: Author;
    Harbhajan Singh Yogi ::: Born: August 26, 1929; Died: October 6, 2004; Occupation: Political leader;
    Laird Hamilton ::: Born: March 2, 1964; Occupation: Surfer;
    Teresa of Avila ::: Born: March 28, 1515; Died: October 4, 1582; Occupation: Saint;
    Sally Mann ::: Born: May 1, 1951; Occupation: Photographer;
    Marc Riboud ::: Born: June 24, 1923; Died: August 30, 2016; Occupation: Photographer;
    Steve McCurry ::: Born: April 23, 1950; Occupation: Photojournalist;
    Lewis Hine ::: Born: September 26, 1874; Died: November 3, 1940; Occupation: Photographer;
    David R. Brower ::: Born: July 1, 1912; Died: November 5, 2000; Occupation: Environmentalist;
    Imogen Cunningham ::: Born: April 12, 1883; Died: June 24, 1976; Occupation: Photographer;
    Victoria Osteen ::: Born: March 28, 1961; Occupation: Pastor;
    Amanda Michalka ::: Born: April 10, 1991; Occupation: Actress;
    Viola Davis ::: Born: August 11, 1965; Occupation: Actress;
    David Whyte ::: Born: November 2, 1955; Occupation: Poet;
    A. Whitney Brown ::: Born: July 8, 1952; Occupation: Writer;
    Amos Bronson Alcott ::: Born: November 29, 1799; Died: March 4, 1888; Occupation: Writer;
    Alice Bailey ::: Born: June 16, 1880; Died: December 15, 1949; Occupation: Writer;
    Pierre Omidyar ::: Born: June 21, 1967; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon ::: Born: September 7, 1707; Died: April 16, 1788; Occupation: Naturalist;
    Attila the Hun ::: Born: 406; Died: 453; Occupation: Political leader;
    Alton Brown ::: Born: July 30, 1962; Occupation: Television Personality;
    Nelson Bunker Hunt ::: Born: February 22, 1926; Died: October 21, 2014; Occupation: Thoroughbred racehorse breeder;
    Dee Wallace ::: Born: December 14, 1948; Occupation: Actress;
    Humberto Maturana ::: Born: September 14, 1928; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Richard E. Byrd ::: Born: October 25, 1888; Died: March 11, 1957; Occupation: Naval Officer;
    Bobbi Brown ::: Born: April 14, 1957; Occupation: Makeup Artist;
    Bernard Arnault ::: Born: March 5, 1949; Occupation: Businessman;
    Gerry Harvey ::: Born: September 18, 1939; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Jeffrey R. Immelt ::: Born: February 19, 1956; Occupation: Business person;
    Phil Knight ::: Born: February 24, 1938; Occupation: Business person;
    Amory Lovins ::: Born: November 13, 1947; Occupation: Physicist;
    Sam Zell ::: Born: September 28, 1941; Occupation: Businessman;
    Madam C. J. Walker ::: Born: December 23, 1867; Died: May 25, 1919; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Joseph LeConte ::: Born: February 26, 1823; Died: July 6, 1901; Occupation: Geologist;
    Lucretius ::: Born: 99 BC; Died: 55 BC; Occupation: Poet;
    Clement of Alexandria ::: Born: 150; Died: 215; Occupation: Theologian;
    Royce Gracie ::: Born: December 12, 1966; Occupation: Mixed Martial Artist;
    George Gilder ::: Born: November 29, 1939; Occupation: Writer;
    Helen Schucman ::: Born: July 14, 1909; Died: February 9, 1981; Occupation: Writer;
    Jessie Belle Rittenhouse ::: Born: December 8, 1869; Died: September 28, 1948; Occupation: Literary critic;
    Glenn T. Seaborg ::: Born: April 19, 1912; Died: February 25, 1999; Occupation: Chemist;
    Lewis Cass ::: Born: October 9, 1782; Died: June 17, 1866; Occupation: Former Governor of Michigan;
    Robert J. Shiller ::: Born: March 29, 1946; Occupation: Economist;
    Wang Yangming ::: Born: October 31, 1472; Died: January 9, 1529; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Doc Holliday ::: Born: August 14, 1851; Died: November 8, 1887; Occupation: Gunfighter;
    Chris Brown ::: Born: May 5, 1989; Occupation: Recording Artist;
    Carl Linnaeus ::: Born: May 23, 1707; Died: January 10, 1778; Occupation: Botanist;
    Arthur Penrhyn Stanley ::: Born: December 13, 1815; Died: July 18, 1881; Occupation: Author;
    Michael Leunig ::: Born: June 2, 1945; Occupation: Cartoonist;
    Gabourey Sidibe ::: Born: May 6, 1983; Occupation: Actress;
    Fergie ::: Born: March 27, 1975; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Keri Hilson ::: Born: December 5, 1982; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Carolyn Murphy ::: Born: August 11, 1975; Occupation: Model;
    Aaliyah ::: Born: January 16, 1979; Died: August 25, 2001; Occupation: Dancer;
    Celia Thaxter ::: Born: June 29, 1835; Died: August 25, 1894; Occupation: Writer;
    Eugene Ormandy ::: Born: November 18, 1899; Died: March 12, 1985; Occupation: Conductor;
    Laetitia Casta ::: Born: May 11, 1978; Occupation: Actress;
    Traci Bingham ::: Born: January 13, 1968; Occupation: Actress;
    H. R. Giger ::: Born: February 5, 1940; Died: May 12, 2014; Occupation: Painter;
    Amber Riley ::: Born: February 15, 1986; Occupation: Actress;
    Corrine Brown ::: Born: November 11, 1946; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Kate Upton ::: Born: June 10, 1992; Occupation: Model;
    Joseph Needham ::: Born: December 6, 1900; Died: March 24, 1995; Occupation: Scientist;
    Robert Burns Woodward ::: Born: April 10, 1917; Died: July 8, 1979; Occupation: Chemist;
    Raymond Loewy ::: Born: November 5, 1893; Died: July 14, 1986; Occupation: Industrial designer;
    Melvin Schwartz ::: Born: November 2, 1932; Died: August 28, 2006; Occupation: Physicist;
    Hermann Weyl ::: Born: November 9, 1885; Died: December 8, 1955; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Benjamin Peirce ::: Born: April 4, 1809; Died: October 6, 1880; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Dan Brown ::: Born: June 22, 1964; Occupation: Author;
    Max Perutz ::: Born: May 19, 1914; Died: February 6, 2002; Occupation: Scientist;
    Vicki Baum ::: Born: January 24, 1888; Died: August 29, 1960; Occupation: Writer;
    Liv Ullmann ::: Born: December 16, 1938; Occupation: Actress;
    Steven Berkoff ::: Born: August 2, 1937; Occupation: Actor;
    Abraham ibn Ezra ::: Born: 1089; Died: 1167; Occupation: Rabbi;
    Warsan Shire ::: Born: 1988; Occupation: Writer;
    Alfred Polgar ::: Born: October 17, 1873; Died: April 24, 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
    Douglas Davis ::: Born: April 11, 1933; Died: January 16, 2014; Occupation: Artist;
    Beverly Pepper ::: Born: December 20, 1922; Occupation: Sculptor;
    Peter Schjeldahl ::: Born: March 20, 1942; Occupation: Art critic;
    Mary, Queen of Scots ::: Born: December 8, 1542; Died: February 8, 1587; Occupation: Former Queen of Scotland;
    Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de Condorcet ::: Born: September 17, 1743; Died: March 28, 1794; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber ::: Born: February 13, 1924; Died: November 7, 2006; Occupation: Journalist;
    Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle ::: Born: February 11, 1657; Died: January 9, 1757; Occupation: Author;
    Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi ::: Born: January 12, 1746; Died: February 17, 1827; Occupation: Educator;
    Andrew Delbanco ::: Born: February 20, 1952; Occupation: Professor;
    Alice Meynell ::: Born: September 22, 1847; Died: November 27, 1922; Occupation: Writer;
    Dee Brown ::: Born: February 28, 1908; Died: December 12, 2002; Occupation: Novelist;
    Anne Meara ::: Born: September 20, 1929; Died: May 23, 2015; Occupation: Actress;
    Neil L. Andersen ::: Born: August 9, 1951; Occupation: Apostle;
    Tilda Swinton ::: Born: November 5, 1960; Occupation: Actress;
    Polybius ::: Born: 203 BC; Died: 120 BC; Occupation: Politician;
    John Peter Zenger ::: Born: October 26, 1697; Died: July 28, 1746; Occupation: Journalist;
    John J. Pershing ::: Born: September 13, 1860; Died: July 15, 1948; Occupation: Military officer;
    Sharon Needles ::: Born: November 28, 1981; Occupation: Drag queen;
    Jinkx Monsoon ::: Born: September 18, 1987; Occupation: Drag queen;
    Julia Alvarez ::: Born: March 27, 1950; Occupation: Poet;
    Dilma Rousseff ::: Born: December 14, 1947; Occupation: President of Brazil;
    Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner ::: Born: February 19, 1953; Occupation: President of Argentina;
    Jacques Delille ::: Born: June 22, 1738; Died: May 1, 1813; Occupation: Poet;
    Eustache Deschamps ::: Born: 1346; Died: 1406; Occupation: Poet;
    Marceline Desbordes-Valmore ::: Born: June 20, 1786; Died: July 23, 1859; Occupation: Poet;
    H. H. Asquith ::: Born: September 12, 1852; Died: February 15, 1928; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
    Foxy Brown ::: Born: September 6, 1978; Occupation: Rapper;
    Jean Renoir ::: Born: September 15, 1894; Died: February 12, 1979; Occupation: Film director;
    Violeta Parra ::: Born: October 4, 1917; Died: February 5, 1967; Occupation: Composer;
    Louisa May Alcott ::: Born: November 29, 1832; Died: March 6, 1888; Occupation: Novelist;
    Dinah Shore ::: Born: February 29, 1916; Died: February 24, 1994; Occupation: Singer;
    Coleman Barks ::: Born: April 23, 1937; Occupation: Poet;
    Hayim Nahman Bialik ::: Born: January 9, 1873; Died: July 4, 1934; Occupation: Poet;
    Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook ::: Born: May 25, 1879; Died: June 9, 1964; Occupation: Politician;
    Sergey Brin ::: Born: August 21, 1973; Occupation: Computer Scientist;
    Angelo Sotira ::: Born: February 14, 1981; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Tony Hsieh ::: Born: December 12, 1973; Occupation: Internet Entrepreneur;
    Mark Pincus ::: Born: February 13, 1966; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    David Karp ::: Born: July 6, 1986; Occupation: Web Developer;
    Jason Calacanis ::: Born: November 28, 1970; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Edgar Bergen ::: Born: February 16, 1903; Died: September 30, 1978; Occupation: Actor;
    James Dewar ::: Born: September 20, 1842; Died: March 27, 1923; Occupation: Chemist;
    George Nelson ::: Born: May 29, 1908; Died: March 5, 1986; Occupation: Designer;
    Jean-Baptiste Colbert ::: Born: August 29, 1619; Died: September 6, 1683; Occupation: French Politician;
    James Stewart ::: Born: May 20, 1908; Died: July 2, 1997; Occupation: Film actor;
    Kevin Roberts ::: Born: October 20, 1949; Occupation: Executive;
    Robert Noyce ::: Born: December 12, 1927; Died: June 3, 1990; Occupation: Business person;
    Helen Gurley Brown ::: Born: February 18, 1922; Died: August 13, 2012; Occupation: Author;
    John Woodward ::: Born: May 1, 1665; Died: April 25, 1728; Occupation: Geologist;
    Joe Tripodi ::: Born: November 25, 1967; Occupation: Australian Politician;
    James Murdoch ::: Born: December 13, 1972; Occupation: Mogul;
    James Brown ::: Born: May 3, 1933; Died: December 25, 2006; Occupation: Musical Artist;
    N. R. Narayana Murthy ::: Born: August 20, 1946; Occupation: Business person;
    Carlos Slim ::: Born: January 28, 1940; Occupation: Business person;
    Jerry Brown ::: Born: April 7, 1938; Occupation: Governor of California;
    Philip Kotler ::: Born: May 27, 1931; Occupation: Author;
    Francis Darwin ::: Born: August 16, 1848; Died: September 19, 1925; Occupation: Botany scientist;
    Jim Brown ::: Born: February 17, 1936; Occupation: Football player;
    William Wrigley, Jr. ::: Born: September 30, 1861; Died: January 26, 1932; Occupation: Industrialist;
    Jeffrey Katzenberg ::: Born: December 21, 1950; Occupation: Businessman;
    Dan Hill ::: Born: June 3, 1954; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    John Mason Brown ::: Born: July 3, 1900; Died: March 16, 1969; Occupation: Author;
    Alcuin ::: Born: 735; Died: May 19, 804; Occupation: Poet;
    Sarah Carter ::: Born: October 30, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
    Will Hutton ::: Born: May 21, 1950; Occupation: Economist;
    Chris Powell ::: Born: March 2, 1980; Occupation: Personal trainer;
    John Lahr ::: Born: July 12, 1941; Occupation: Critic;
    Alexandre Auguste Ledru-Rollin ::: Born: February 2, 1807; Died: December 31, 1874; Occupation: French Politician;
    Nathalia Crane ::: Born: August 11, 1913; Died: October 22, 1998; Occupation: Poet;
    Bikram Choudhury ::: Born: February 10, 1946; Occupation: Teacher;
    Tuli Kupferberg ::: Born: September 28, 1923; Died: July 12, 2010; Occupation: Poet;
    Les Brown ::: Born: February 17, 1945; Occupation: Author;
    Marshall Goldsmith ::: Born: March 20, 1949; Occupation: Coach;
    Hamilton Wright Mabie ::: Born: 1846; Died: 1916; Occupation: Essayist;
    Eric Sevareid ::: Born: November 26, 1912; Died: July 9, 1992; Occupation: Journalist;
    Bernard Manning ::: Born: August 13, 1930; Died: June 18, 2007; Occupation: Comedian;
    Jan Hus ::: Born: 1369; Died: July 6, 1415; Occupation: Priest;
    Margaret Wise Brown ::: Born: May 23, 1910; Died: November 13, 1952; Occupation: Writer;
    John F. MacArthur ::: Born: June 19, 1939; Occupation: Pastor;
    Dinah Maria Murlock Craik ::: Born: April 26, 1826; Died: October 12, 1887; Occupation: Novelist;
    Georges Danton ::: Born: October 26, 1759; Died: April 5, 1794; Occupation: Political figure;
    James Arthur Ray ::: Born: November 22, 1957; Occupation: Motivational speaker;
    Thaddeus Golas ::: Born: June 15, 1924; Died: April 16, 1997; Occupation: Author;
    Jean Sibelius ::: Born: December 8, 1865; Died: September 20, 1957; Occupation: Composer;
    Oscar Arias ::: Born: September 13, 1940; Occupation: Former President of Costa Rica;
    Antonio Guterres ::: Born: April 30, 1949; Occupation: Portuguese Politician;
    John Flavel ::: Born: 1627; Died: 1691; Occupation: Author;
    Felicia Hemans ::: Born: September 25, 1793; Died: May 16, 1835; Occupation: Poet;
    Bob Fosse ::: Born: June 23, 1927; Died: September 23, 1987; Occupation: Actor;
    Mata Hari ::: Born: August 7, 1876; Died: October 15, 1917; Occupation: Exotic dancer;
    Jacques d'Amboise ::: Born: July 28, 1934; Occupation: Choreographer;
    Julie Kagawa ::: Born: October 12, 1982; Occupation: Author;
    Margot Anand ::: Born: July 27, 1944; Occupation: Author;
    Jerome Robbins ::: Born: October 11, 1918; Died: July 29, 1998; Occupation: Theater Producer;
    Pierce Brosnan ::: Born: May 16, 1953; Occupation: Actor;
    George C. Wolfe ::: Born: September 23, 1954; Occupation: Playwright;
    Alan Alda ::: Born: January 28, 1936; Occupation: Actor;
    Max Nordau ::: Born: July 29, 1849; Died: January 23, 1923; Occupation: Author;
    L. J. Smith ::: Born: September 4, 1965; Occupation: Author;
    Natalia Makarova ::: Born: November 21, 1940; Occupation: Ballerina;
    Erik Bruhn ::: Born: October 3, 1928; Died: April 1, 1986; Occupation: Choreographer;
    Merce Cunningham ::: Born: April 16, 1919; Died: July 26, 2009; Occupation: Dancer;
    Jean Dubuffet ::: Born: July 31, 1901; Died: May 12, 1985; Occupation: Painter;
    Bill Irwin ::: Born: April 11, 1950; Occupation: Actor;
    Alicia Alonso ::: Born: December 21, 1921; Occupation: Ballerina;
    August Bournonville ::: Born: August 21, 1805; Died: November 30, 1879; Occupation: Ballet choreographer;
    Susanne Katherina Langer ::: Born: December 20, 1895; Died: July 17, 1985; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Alwin Nikolais ::: Born: November 25, 1910; Died: May 8, 1993; Occupation: Choreographer;
    Lincoln Kirstein ::: Born: May 4, 1907; Died: January 5, 1996; Occupation: Writer;
    Antony Tudor ::: Born: April 4, 1908; Died: April 19, 1987; Occupation: Ballet choreographer;
    Anna Halprin ::: Born: July 13, 1920; Occupation: Dancer;
    Rita Mae Brown ::: Born: November 28, 1944; Occupation: Writer;
    Maria Tallchief ::: Born: January 24, 1925; Died: April 11, 2013; Occupation: Ballerina;
    Wolfgang Borchert ::: Born: May 20, 1921; Died: November 20, 1947; Occupation: Author;
    Sidney Lanier ::: Born: February 3, 1842; Died: September 7, 1881; Occupation: Musician;
    Danny Elfman ::: Born: May 29, 1953; Occupation: Composer;
    Paul de Man ::: Born: December 6, 1919; Died: December 21, 1983; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Brian Williams ::: Born: May 5, 1959; Occupation: Editor;
    Leon Bloy ::: Born: July 11, 1846; Died: November 3, 1917; Occupation: Novelist;
    Giovanni Falcone ::: Born: May 18, 1939; Died: May 23, 1992; Occupation: Judge;
    Tom Bosley ::: Born: October 1, 1927; Died: October 19, 2010; Occupation: Actor;
    Andrew Solomon ::: Born: October 30, 1963; Occupation: Writer;
    Ruth Brown ::: Born: January 12, 1928; Died: November 17, 2006; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Winslow Homer ::: Born: February 24, 1836; Died: September 29, 1910; Occupation: Illustrator;
    Martin Seligman ::: Born: August 12, 1942; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Barbara Marx Hubbard ::: Born: December 22, 1929; Occupation: Futurist;
    Vilfredo Pareto ::: Born: July 15, 1848; Died: August 19, 1923; Occupation: Economist;
    Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux ::: Born: September 19, 1778; Died: May 7, 1868; Occupation: Former Lord Chancellor;
    Sandra Brown ::: Born: March 12, 1948; Occupation: Author;
    Wendy Kaminer ::: Born: December 28, 1949; Occupation: Lawyer;
    J. Willard Marriott ::: Born: September 17, 1900; Died: August 13, 1985; Occupation: Businessman;
    Alice Duer Miller ::: Born: July 28, 1874; Died: August 22, 1942; Occupation: Writer;
    Robert Andrews Millikan ::: Born: March 22, 1868; Died: December 19, 1953; Occupation: Physicist;
    Angelina Grimke ::: Born: February 20, 1805; Died: October 26, 1879; Occupation: Hall of fame inductee;
    Aristippus ::: Born: 435 BC; Died: 356 BC; Occupation: Philosopher;
    David Rumelhart ::: Born: June 12, 1942; Died: March 13, 2011; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Sherrod Brown ::: Born: November 9, 1952; Occupation: United States Senator;
    Irina Bokova ::: Born: July 12, 1952; Occupation: Bulgarian Politician;
    Hugh Miller ::: Born: October 10, 1802; Died: December 24, 1856; Occupation: Geologist;
    Zhuangzi ::: Born: 369 BC; Died: 286 BC; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Slobodan Milosević ::: Born: August 20, 1941; Died: March 11, 2006; Occupation: Former President of Serbia;
    Tarja Halonen ::: Born: December 24, 1943; Occupation: President of Finland;
    Charles Fourier ::: Born: April 7, 1772; Died: October 10, 1837; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Jenny Shipley ::: Born: February 4, 1952; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of New Zealand;
    Linda Grant ::: Born: February 15, 1951; Occupation: Novelist;
    Medea Benjamin ::: Born: September 10, 1952; Occupation: Activist;
    Jason Aldean ::: Born: February 28, 1977; Occupation: Singer;
    Alex Salmond ::: Born: December 31, 1954; Occupation: First Minister of Scotland;
    Giuseppe Mazzini ::: Born: June 22, 1805; Died: March 10, 1872; Occupation: Italian Politician;
    William Kristol ::: Born: December 23, 1952; Occupation: Commentator;
    Betty Grable ::: Born: December 18, 1916; Died: July 2, 1973; Occupation: Actress;
    Ray Lyman Wilbur ::: Born: April 13, 1875; Died: June 26, 1949; Occupation: Medical Doctor;
    Roger Ascham ::: Born: 1515; Died: December 23, 1568; Occupation: Writer;
    Chester Barnard ::: Born: November 7, 1886; Died: June 7, 1961; Occupation: Author;
    George Vithoulkas ::: Born: July 25, 1932; Occupation: Homeopath;
    Carrie Judd Montgomery ::: Born: April 8, 1858; Died: July 26, 1946; Occupation: Writer;
    Henrietta Mears ::: Born: October 23, 1890; Died: March 19, 1963; Occupation: Author;
    John Osteen ::: Born: August 21, 1921; Died: January 23, 1999; Occupation: Pastor;
    Kenneth Copeland ::: Born: December 6, 1936; Occupation: Author;
    James Gordon Lindsay ::: Born: June 18, 1906; Died: April 1, 1973; Occupation: Author;
    Sherwood Eddy ::: Born: January 19, 1871; Died: November 4, 1963; Occupation: Author;
    Colette Baron-Reid ::: Born: July 17, 1958; Occupation: Singer;
    Thomas E. Dewey ::: Born: March 24, 1902; Died: March 16, 1971; Occupation: Governor of New York;
    August Wilhelm von Schlegel ::: Born: September 8, 1767; Died: May 12, 1845; Occupation: Poet;
    A. B. Simpson ::: Born: December 15, 1843; Died: October 29, 1919; Occupation: Author;
    Michael Milken ::: Born: July 4, 1946; Occupation: Financier;
    Sun Yat-sen ::: Born: November 12, 1866; Died: March 12, 1925; Occupation: Politician;
    Benjamin Graham ::: Born: May 9, 1894; Died: September 21, 1976; Occupation: Investor;
    Susan Jeffers ::: Born: March 3, 1938; Died: October 27, 2012; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Yvette Nicole Brown ::: Born: August 12, 1971; Occupation: Actress;
    Eve Curie ::: Born: December 6, 1904; Died: October 22, 2007; Occupation: Writer;
    Frederik Willem de Klerk ::: Born: March 18, 1936; Occupation: Former State President of South Africa;
    Dorothea Dix ::: Born: April 4, 1802; Died: July 17, 1887; Occupation: Nurse;
    Elsa Pataky ::: Born: July 18, 1976; Occupation: Model;
    Joan Walsh Anglund ::: Born: September 18, 1958; Occupation: Editor;
    Erin Gray ::: Born: January 7, 1950; Occupation: Actress;
    Julien Offray de La Mettrie ::: Born: December 19, 1709; Died: November 11, 1751; Occupation: Physician;
    Edward Jenner ::: Born: May 17, 1749; Died: January 26, 1823; Occupation: Physician;
    Jay Rayner ::: Born: September 14, 1966; Occupation: Journalist;
    Alice B. Toklas ::: Born: April 30, 1877; Died: March 7, 1967; Occupation: Author;
    Judith Jones ::: Born: March 10, 1924; Died: 1996; Occupation: Book editor;
    Totie Fields ::: Born: May 7, 1930; Died: August 2, 1978; Occupation: Comedienne;
    Enrico Caruso ::: Born: February 25, 1873; Died: August 2, 1921; Occupation: Opera singer;
    Bobby Goldsboro ::: Born: January 18, 1941; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Alice Waters ::: Born: April 28, 1944; Occupation: Chef;
    Harry Browne ::: Born: June 17, 1933; Died: March 1, 2006; Occupation: Writer;
    Brian Aldiss ::: Born: August 18, 1925; Occupation: Film writer;
    Les Blank ::: Born: November 27, 1935; Died: April 7, 2013; Occupation: Filmmaker;
    Catherine Ponder ::: Born: February 14, 1927; Occupation: Author;
    Robert Muller ::: Born: March 11, 1923; Died: September 20, 2010; Occupation: Writer;
    Jackson Browne ::: Born: October 9, 1948; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    John of Kronstadt ::: Born: October 19, 1829; Died: December 20, 1908; Occupation: Saint;
    Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow ::: Born: January 31, 1865; Died: April 7, 1925; Occupation: Saint;
    Fethullah Gulen ::: Born: April 27, 1941; Died: April 13, 2017; Occupation: Preacher;
    Mary Faustina Kowalska ::: Born: August 25, 1905; Died: October 5, 1938; Occupation: Saint;
    Rene Char ::: Born: June 14, 1907; Died: February 19, 1988; Occupation: Poet;
    Ossie Davis ::: Born: December 18, 1917; Died: February 4, 2005; Occupation: Film actor;
    Xanana Gusmao ::: Born: June 20, 1946; Occupation: Former President of East Timor;
    Sylvia Browne ::: Born: October 19, 1936; Died: November 20, 2013; Occupation: Author;
    Abdoulaye Wade ::: Born: May 29, 1926; Occupation: Former President of Senegal;
    Andrei Sakharov ::: Born: May 21, 1921; Died: December 14, 1989; Occupation: Nuclear Physicist, Human Rights Activist;
    Axel Munthe ::: Born: October 31, 1857; Died: February 11, 1949; Occupation: Physician;
    Bruce Bartlett ::: Born: October 11, 1951; Occupation: Historian;
    Bulent Ecevit ::: Born: May 28, 1925; Died: November 5, 2006; Occupation: Turkish Politician;
    Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker ::: Born: June 28, 1912; Died: April 28, 2007; Occupation: Physicist;
    Chris Patten ::: Born: May 12, 1944; Occupation: Governor of Hong Kong;
    Clement Attlee ::: Born: January 3, 1883; Died: October 8, 1967; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
    Thomas Browne ::: Born: October 19, 1605; Died: October 19, 1682; Occupation: Author;
    Denis Fonvizin ::: Born: April 14, 1744; Died: December 1, 1792; Occupation: Playwright;
    Dmitry Pisarev ::: Born: 1840; Died: 1868; Occupation: Writer;
    Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn ::: Born: July 31, 1909; Died: May 26, 1999; Occupation: Columnist;
    Eugene McCarthy ::: Born: March 29, 1916; Died: December 10, 2005; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Georgi Plekhanov ::: Born: November 29, 1856; Died: May 30, 1918; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Hans F. Sennholz ::: Born: February 3, 1922; Died: June 23, 2007; Occupation: Economist;
    Elizabeth Barrett Browning ::: Born: March 6, 1806; Died: June 29, 1861; Occupation: Poet;
    Ivan Krylov ::: Born: February 13, 1769; Died: November 21, 1844; Occupation: Fabulist;
    Llewellyn Rockwell ::: Born: July 1, 1944; Occupation: Author;
    Mikhail Kalinin ::: Born: November 19, 1875; Died: June 3, 1946; Occupation: Political leader;
    Nikolay Chernyshevsky ::: Born: July 12, 1828; Died: October 17, 1889; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Vissarion Belinsky ::: Born: June 11, 1811; Died: June 7, 1848; Occupation: Literary critic;
    Martin Niemoller ::: Born: January 14, 1892; Died: March 6, 1984; Occupation: Pastor;
    Julius Nyerere ::: Born: April 13, 1922; Died: October 14, 1999; Occupation: Tanzanian Politician;
    Walter Block ::: Born: August 21, 1941; Occupation: Economist;
    Robert Browning ::: Born: May 7, 1812; Died: December 12, 1889; Occupation: Poet;
    Elbridge Gerry ::: Born: July 17, 1744; Died: November 23, 1814; Occupation: Former Vice President of the United States;
    Ibn Khaldun ::: Born: May 27, 1332; Died: March 19, 1406; Occupation: Historian;
    John Morley, 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn ::: Born: December 24, 1838; Died: September 23, 1923; Occupation: Lord President of the Council;
    Giannina Braschi ::: Born: February 5, 1953; Occupation: Writer;
    Charles Sumner ::: Born: January 6, 1811; Died: March 11, 1874; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Slavoj Žižek ::: Born: March 21, 1949; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Carrie Brownstein ::: Born: September 27, 1974; Occupation: Musician;
    Stephen Stills ::: Born: January 3, 1945; Occupation: Multi-instrumentalist;
    Allen Dulles ::: Born: April 7, 1893; Died: January 29, 1969; Occupation: Former Director of Central Intelligence;
    Herbert V. Prochnow ::: Born: May 19, 1897; Died: September 29, 1998; Occupation: Author;
    Anatole Broyard ::: Born: July 16, 1920; Died: October 11, 1990; Occupation: Writer;
    Raymond Aron ::: Born: March 14, 1905; Died: October 17, 1983; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Dave Brubeck ::: Born: December 6, 1920; Died: December 5, 2012; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
    Dorothee Solle ::: Born: September 30, 1929; Died: April 27, 2003; Occupation: Writer;
    Andre Glucksmann ::: Born: June 19, 1937; Died: November 10, 2015; Occupation: Philosopher;
    John Knox ::: Born: 1514; Died: November 24, 1572; Occupation: Writer;
    Eleanor Powell ::: Born: November 21, 1912; Died: February 11, 1982; Occupation: Film actress;
    Meera ::: Born: 1498; Died: 1557; Occupation: Poet;
    D. L. Hughley ::: Born: March 6, 1963; Occupation: Actor;
    Bobby McFerrin ::: Born: March 11, 1950; Occupation: Vocalist;
    Brassai ::: Born: September 9, 1899; Died: July 8, 1984; Occupation: Photographer;
    Josie Bissett ::: Born: October 5, 1970; Occupation: Actress;
    Elias Zerhouni ::: Born: April 12, 1951; Occupation: Medical Doctor;
    Terry Teachout ::: Born: February 6, 1956; Occupation: Critic;
    Orrin Hatch ::: Born: March 22, 1934; Occupation: United States Senator;
    Peter Farrelly ::: Born: December 17, 1956; Occupation: Film director;
    Tig Notaro ::: Born: March 24, 1971; Occupation: Film writer;
    Charlie Munger ::: Born: January 1, 1924; Occupation: Business person;
    Gabrielle Giffords ::: Born: June 8, 1970; Occupation: Former United States Representative;
    Peter Dinklage ::: Born: June 11, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
    Lenny Bruce ::: Born: October 13, 1925; Died: August 3, 1966; Occupation: Comedian;
    Anna Howard Shaw ::: Born: February 14, 1847; Died: July 2, 1919; Occupation: Physician;
    Madame de La Fayette ::: Born: March 18, 1634; Died: May 25, 1693; Occupation: Writer;
    Keith Douglas ::: Born: January 24, 1920; Died: June 9, 1944; Occupation: Poet;
    Virginia Lee Burton ::: Born: August 30, 1909; Died: October 15, 1968; Occupation: Illustrator;
    William Edward Hartpole Lecky ::: Born: March 26, 1838; Died: October 22, 1903; Occupation: Political figure;
    Emilie du Chatelet ::: Born: December 17, 1706; Died: September 10, 1749; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Paul Bourget ::: Born: September 2, 1852; Died: December 25, 1935; Occupation: Novelist;
    Stuart Cloete ::: Born: July 23, 1897; Died: March 19, 1976; Occupation: Novelist;
    Thomas Shadwell ::: Born: 1642; Died: November 19, 1692; Occupation: Poet;
    Tammy Bruce ::: Born: August 20, 1962; Occupation: Radio host;
    Theodor Fontane ::: Born: December 30, 1819; Died: September 20, 1898; Occupation: Novelist;
    Lucian ::: Born: 125; Died: 180; Occupation: Author;
    Johann Gottlieb Fichte ::: Born: May 19, 1762; Died: January 27, 1814; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Colley Cibber ::: Born: November 6, 1671; Died: December 11, 1757; Occupation: Actor;
    Dorothy Fuldheim ::: Born: June 26, 1893; Died: November 3, 1989; Occupation: Journalist;
    Jerry Bruckheimer ::: Born: September 21, 1943; Occupation: Television Producer;
    Alexander Fleming ::: Born: August 6, 1881; Died: March 11, 1955; Occupation: Biologist;
    Alex Karras ::: Born: July 15, 1935; Died: October 10, 2012; Occupation: Football player;
    Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland ::: Born: August 12, 1762; Died: August 25, 1836; Occupation: Physician;
    Vanessa L. Williams ::: Born: March 18, 1963; Occupation: Singer;
    Kristen Schaal ::: Born: January 24, 1978; Occupation: Actress;
    Adi Da ::: Born: November 3, 1939; Died: November 27, 2008; Occupation: Spiritual teacher;
    Whitney Cummings ::: Born: September 4, 1982; Occupation: Comedian;
    Vanessa Bayer ::: Born: November 14, 1981; Occupation: Actress;
    Rachel Dratch ::: Born: February 22, 1966; Occupation: Actress;
    Eliza Coupe ::: Born: April 6, 1981; Occupation: Actress;
    Angela Kinsey ::: Born: June 25, 1971; Occupation: Actress;
    Jane Lynch ::: Born: July 14, 1960; Occupation: Actress;
    Melissa McCarthy ::: Born: August 26, 1970; Occupation: Actress;
    Kate McKinnon ::: Born: January 6, 1984; Occupation: Actress;
    Frederic William Maitland ::: Born: May 28, 1850; Died: December 19, 1906; Occupation: Jurist;
    Jean Bodin ::: Born: 1530; Died: 1596; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Geoffrey Ward ::: Born: November 30, 1940; Occupation: Author;
    Edward Augustus Freeman ::: Born: August 2, 1823; Died: March 16, 1892; Occupation: Writer;
    Gordon S. Wood ::: Born: November 27, 1933; Occupation: Professor;
    J. B. Bury ::: Born: October 16, 1861; Died: June 1, 1927; Occupation: Historian;
    Alfred Kazin ::: Born: June 5, 1915; Died: June 5, 1998; Occupation: Writer;
    Carl L. Becker ::: Born: September 7, 1873; Died: April 10, 1945; Occupation: Historian;
    Norman O. Brown ::: Born: September 25, 1913; Died: October 2, 2002; Occupation: Writer;
    Francois Guizot ::: Born: October 4, 1787; Died: September 12, 1874; Occupation: French Statesman;
    Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke ::: Born: September 16, 1678; Died: December 12, 1751; Occupation: Politician;
    Jacob Burckhardt ::: Born: May 25, 1818; Died: August 8, 1897; Occupation: Historian;
    Leopold von Ranke ::: Born: December 21, 1795; Died: May 23, 1886; Occupation: Historian;
    Gottfried Benn ::: Born: May 2, 1886; Died: July 7, 1956; Occupation: Novelist;
    John Hope Franklin ::: Born: January 2, 1915; Died: March 25, 2009; Occupation: Historian;
    Marc Bloch ::: Born: July 6, 1886; Died: June 16, 1944; Occupation: Historian;
    Gaetano Salvemini ::: Born: November 8, 1873; Died: September 6, 1957; Occupation: Italian Politician;
    Harvey Cox ::: Born: May 19, 1929; Occupation: Professor;
    Lucien Febvre ::: Born: July 22, 1878; Died: September 11, 1956; Occupation: Historian;
    E. P. Thompson ::: Born: February 3, 1924; Died: August 28, 1993; Occupation: Historian;
    Edward Hallett Carr ::: Born: June 28, 1892; Died: November 3, 1982; Occupation: Journalist;
    Ernst Troeltsch ::: Born: February 17, 1865; Died: February 1, 1923; Occupation: Writer;
    Gro Harlem Brundtland ::: Born: April 20, 1939; Occupation: MD;
    John Lewis Gaddis ::: Born: April 2, 1941; Occupation: Historian;
    Joseph Nye ::: Born: January 19, 1937; Occupation: Political Scientist;
    Etienne Gilson ::: Born: June 13, 1884; Died: September 19, 1978; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Jerome Bruner ::: Born: October 1, 1915; Died: June 5, 2016; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Konstantin Tsiolkovsky ::: Born: September 17, 1857; Died: September 19, 1935; Occupation: Scientist;
    John Lukacs ::: Born: January 31, 1924; Occupation: Historian;
    Michel-Rolph Trouillot ::: Born: November 26, 1949; Died: July 5, 2012; Occupation: Novelist;
    Theodor Mommsen ::: Born: November 30, 1817; Died: November 1, 1903; Occupation: Historian;
    Edmund Morgan ::: Born: January 17, 1916; Died: July 8, 2013; Occupation: Author;
    Hilton Kramer ::: Born: March 25, 1928; Died: March 27, 2012; Occupation: Art critic;
    Nicholas Hawksmoor ::: Born: 1661; Died: March 25, 1736; Occupation: Architect;
    Wright Morris ::: Born: January 6, 1910; Died: April 25, 1998; Occupation: Novelist;
    Samuel Eliot Morison ::: Born: July 9, 1887; Died: May 15, 1976; Occupation: Historian;
    Frederick Jackson Turner ::: Born: November 14, 1861; Died: March 14, 1932; Occupation: Historian;
    John Nance Garner ::: Born: November 22, 1868; Died: November 7, 1967; Occupation: Former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives;
    Jeannette Rankin ::: Born: June 11, 1880; Died: May 18, 1973; Occupation: U.S. Congressperson;
    Frank Bruno ::: Born: November 16, 1961; Occupation: Professional Boxer;
    Sarah Winnemucca ::: Born: 1844; Died: October 17, 1891; Occupation: Native American activist;
    Inez Milholland ::: Born: August 6, 1886; Died: November 25, 1916; Occupation: Public speaker;
    Lillian Wald ::: Born: March 10, 1867; Died: September 1, 1940; Occupation: Nurse;
    Simon Schama ::: Born: February 13, 1945; Occupation: Art Historian;
    Michael Howard ::: Born: November 29, 1922; Occupation: Military Historian;
    Andrew Marr ::: Born: July 31, 1959; Occupation: Journalist;
    Giordano Bruno ::: Born: 1548; Died: February 17, 1600; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Adam Garfinkle ::: Born: June 1, 1951; Occupation: Speechwriter;
    Harold Urey ::: Born: April 29, 1893; Died: January 5, 1981; Occupation: Chemist;
    Gustave Le Bon ::: Born: May 7, 1841; Died: December 13, 1931; Occupation: Social Psychologist;
    John Harington ::: Born: August 4, 1561; Died: November 20, 1612; Occupation: Courtier;
    Thomas Bailey Aldrich ::: Born: November 11, 1836; Died: March 19, 1907; Occupation: Poet;
    Cotton Mather ::: Born: February 12, 1663; Died: February 13, 1728; Occupation: Author;
    Nadezhda Mandelstam ::: Born: October 30, 1899; Died: December 29, 1980; Occupation: Writer;
    Catherine Doherty ::: Born: August 15, 1896; Died: December 14, 1985; Occupation: Writer;
    Paul Brunton ::: Born: October 21, 1898; Died: July 27, 1981; Occupation: Journalist;
    Dane Rudhyar ::: Born: March 23, 1895; Died: September 13, 1985; Occupation: Author;
    William Sloane Coffin ::: Born: June 1, 1924; Died: April 12, 2006; Occupation: Activist;
    Robert Bridges ::: Born: October 23, 1844; Died: April 21, 1930; Occupation: Poet;
    Gerald Massey ::: Born: May 29, 1828; Died: October 29, 1907; Occupation: Poet;
    Harry Chapin ::: Born: December 7, 1942; Died: July 16, 1981; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Jon Sobrino ::: Born: December 27, 1938; Occupation: Priest;
    George Chakiris ::: Born: September 16, 1934; Occupation: Dancer;
    R. A. Lafferty ::: Born: November 7, 1914; Died: March 18, 2002; Occupation: Writer;
    Christian Morgenstern ::: Born: May 6, 1871; Died: March 31, 1914; Occupation: Author;
    George Saintsbury ::: Born: October 23, 1845; Died: January 28, 1933; Occupation: Writer;
    Heather Armstrong ::: Born: July 19, 1975; Occupation: Blogger;
    John Bruton ::: Born: May 18, 1947; Occupation: Former Taoiseach;
    Thomas Wentworth Higginson ::: Born: December 22, 1823; Died: May 9, 1911; Occupation: Author;
    Thelonious Monk ::: Born: October 10, 1917; Died: February 17, 1982; Occupation: Pianist;
    John French Sloan ::: Born: August 2, 1871; Died: September 7, 1951; Occupation: Artist;
    Henry VIII of England ::: Born: June 28, 1491; Died: January 28, 1547; Occupation: King of England;
    Sarah Josepha Hale ::: Born: October 24, 1788; Died: April 30, 1879; Occupation: Writer;
    Edward Elgar ::: Born: June 2, 1857; Died: February 23, 1934; Occupation: Composer;
    Joseph Haydn ::: Born: March 31, 1732; Died: May 31, 1809; Occupation: Composer;
    Georges Bizet ::: Born: October 25, 1838; Died: June 3, 1875; Occupation: Theatrical Composer;
    Luke Bryan ::: Born: July 17, 1976; Occupation: Singer;
    Dmitri Shostakovich ::: Born: September 25, 1906; Died: August 9, 1975; Occupation: Composer;
    Richard Strauss ::: Born: June 11, 1864; Died: September 8, 1949; Occupation: Composer;
    Giacomo Puccini ::: Born: December 22, 1858; Died: November 29, 1924; Occupation: Composer;
    Maurice Ravel ::: Born: March 7, 1875; Died: December 28, 1937; Occupation: Composer;
    Mary Steenburgen ::: Born: February 8, 1953; Occupation: Actress;
    Rosalyn Sussman Yalow ::: Born: July 19, 1921; Died: May 30, 2011; Occupation: Physicist;
    William Jennings Bryan ::: Born: March 19, 1860; Died: July 26, 1925; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
    Ernest Bevin ::: Born: March 9, 1881; Died: April 14, 1951; Occupation: British Statesman;
    Alexander Blok ::: Born: November 28, 1880; Died: August 7, 1921; Occupation: Poet;
    Fannie Hurst ::: Born: October 18, 1889; Died: February 23, 1968; Occupation: Novelist;
    Malvina Reynolds ::: Born: August 23, 1900; Died: March 17, 1978; Occupation: Singer;
    Mary Parker Follett ::: Born: September 3, 1868; Died: December 18, 1933; Occupation: Social Worker;
    Eric Temple Bell ::: Born: February 7, 1883; Died: December 21, 1960; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Amar Bose ::: Born: November 2, 1929; Died: July 12, 2013; Occupation: Electrical engineer;
    Christian Friedrich Hebbel ::: Born: March 18, 1813; Died: December 13, 1863; Occupation: Poet;
    Paul Eldridge ::: Born: May 5, 1888; Died: July 28, 1982; Occupation: Poet;
    Adrian Lyne ::: Born: March 4, 1941; Occupation: Film director;
    Pete Fountain ::: Born: July 3, 1930; Died: August 6, 2016; Occupation: Clarinetist;
    Janet Morris ::: Born: May 25, 1946; Occupation: Author;
    John Maurice Clark ::: Born: November 30, 1884; Died: June 27, 1963; Occupation: Economist;
    William Matthews ::: Born: November 11, 1942; Died: November 12, 1997; Occupation: Poet;
    Rembrandt ::: Born: July 15, 1606; Died: October 4, 1669; Occupation: Painter;
    Nicky Gumbel ::: Born: April 28, 1955; Occupation: Author;
    Yuri Kochiyama ::: Born: May 19, 1921; Died: June 1, 2014; Occupation: Activist;
    Mairead Corrigan ::: Born: January 27, 1944; Occupation: Activist;
    Michael N. Nagler ::: Born: January 20, 1937; Occupation: Peace activist;
    Johannes Scotus Eriugena ::: Born: 815; Died: 877; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Timothy Dwight IV ::: Born: May 14, 1752; Died: January 11, 1817; Occupation: Author;
    William Stanley Jevons ::: Born: September 1, 1835; Died: August 13, 1882; Occupation: Economist;
    Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling ::: Born: January 27, 1775; Died: August 20, 1854; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Henry Sidgwick ::: Born: May 31, 1838; Died: August 28, 1900; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Kobe Bryant ::: Born: August 23, 1978; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Witter Bynner ::: Born: August 10, 1881; Died: June 1, 1968; Occupation: Poet;
    Karl Mannheim ::: Born: March 27, 1893; Died: January 9, 1947; Occupation: Sociologist;
    Anatol Rapoport ::: Born: May 22, 1911; Died: January 20, 2007; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Liliʻuokalani ::: Born: September 2, 1838; Died: November 11, 1917; Occupation: Monarch;
    Arthur Adamov ::: Born: August 23, 1908; Died: March 15, 1970; Occupation: Playwright;
    William C. Bryant ::: Born: November 3, 1794; Died: June 12, 1878; Occupation: Poet;
    Garry Wills ::: Born: May 22, 1934; Occupation: Author;
    Liu Shaoqi ::: Born: November 24, 1898; Died: November 12, 1969; Occupation: Chinese Statesman;
    Johann Friedrich Herbart ::: Born: May 4, 1776; Died: August 14, 1841; Occupation: Philosopher;
    William Alexander Percy ::: Born: May 14, 1885; Died: January 21, 1942; Occupation: Poet;
    Vladimir K. Zworykin ::: Born: July 29, 1888; Died: July 29, 1982; Occupation: Inventor;
    Seymour Papert ::: Born: February 29, 1928; Died: July 31, 2016; Occupation: Mathematician;
    James Bryce ::: Born: May 10, 1838; Died: January 22, 1922; Occupation: British Politician;
    Al-Maʿarri ::: Born: 973; Died: 1058; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Bryan Magee ::: Born: April 12, 1930; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Archilochus ::: Born: 680 BC; Died: 645 BC; Occupation: Poet;
    Edwin Arnold ::: Born: June 10, 1832; Died: March 24, 1904; Occupation: Poet;
    Alice Cary ::: Born: April 26, 1820; Died: February 12, 1871; Occupation: Poet;
    Gabriele d'Annunzio ::: Born: March 12, 1863; Died: March 1, 1938; Occupation: Writer;
    William De Morgan ::: Born: November 16, 1839; Died: January 15, 1917; Occupation: Innovator;
    John Denham ::: Born: 1615; Died: March 19, 1669; Occupation: Poet;
    Yul Brynner ::: Born: July 11, 1920; Died: October 10, 1985; Occupation: Actor;
    Charles Godfrey Leland ::: Born: August 15, 1824; Died: March 20, 1903; Occupation: Author;
    Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Baron Houghton ::: Born: June 19, 1809; Died: August 11, 1885; Occupation: Poet;
    Alan Seeger ::: Born: June 22, 1888; Died: July 4, 1916; Occupation: Poet;
    Thomas Noon Talfourd ::: Born: May 26, 1795; Died: March 13, 1854; Occupation: Judge;
    Bill Bryson ::: Born: December 8, 1951; Occupation: Author;
    Richard Chenevix Trench ::: Born: September 9, 1807; Died: March 28, 1886; Occupation: Poet;
    Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey ::: Born: October 23, 1773; Died: January 26, 1850; Occupation: Judge;
    Ashanti ::: Born: October 13, 1980; Occupation: Record producer;
    Emile Chartier ::: Born: March 3, 1868; Died: June 2, 1951; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Eric Rucker Eddison ::: Born: November 24, 1882; Died: August 18, 1945; Occupation: Civil servant;
    Eleanor Farjeon ::: Born: February 13, 1881; Died: June 5, 1965; Occupation: Author;
    Peabo Bryson ::: Born: April 13, 1951; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Yip Harburg ::: Born: April 8, 1896; Died: March 5, 1981; Occupation: Lyricist;
    Melanie Klein ::: Born: March 30, 1882; Died: September 22, 1960; Occupation: Psychoanalyst;
    Bolesław Prus ::: Born: August 20, 1847; Died: May 19, 1912; Occupation: Journalist;
    Lawrence Eugene Williams ::: Born: May 10, 1935; Died: January 7, 1980; Occupation: Singer;
    Thomas Lovell Beddoes ::: Born: July 20, 1803; Died: January 26, 1849; Occupation: Poet;
    Mika Brzezinski ::: Born: May 2, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
    Nicholas Breton ::: Born: 1545; Died: 1626; Occupation: Poet;
    Sydney Thompson Dobell ::: Born: April 5, 1824; Died: August 22, 1874; Occupation: Poet;
    Frances Ridley Havergal ::: Born: December 14, 1836; Died: June 3, 1879; Occupation: Poet;
    James Hogg ::: Born: December 9, 1770; Died: November 21, 1835; Occupation: Poet;
    Zbigniew Brzezinski ::: Born: March 28, 1928; Occupation: Former National Security Advisor;
    Coventry Patmore ::: Born: July 23, 1823; Died: November 26, 1896; Occupation: Poet;
    Johann Ludwig Tieck ::: Born: May 31, 1773; Died: April 28, 1853; Occupation: Poet;
    Theresa Villiers ::: Born: March 5, 1968; Occupation: British Politician;
    Thomas Wyatt ::: Born: 1503; Died: October 11, 1542; Occupation: Poet;
    Martin Buber ::: Born: February 8, 1878; Died: June 13, 1965; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Cokie Roberts ::: Born: December 27, 1943; Occupation: Journalist;
    Laurence Housman ::: Born: July 18, 1865; Died: February 20, 1959; Occupation: Playwright;
    Philip Arthur Fisher ::: Born: September 8, 1907; Died: March 11, 2004; Occupation: Author;
    Mayer Amschel Rothschild ::: Born: February 23, 1744; Died: September 19, 1812; Occupation: Banker;
    Seth Klarman ::: Born: May 21, 1957; Occupation: Author;
    Michael Buble ::: Born: September 9, 1975; Occupation: Vocalist;
    Kara Goucher ::: Born: July 9, 1978; Occupation: Olympic athlete;
    Patty Smyth ::: Born: June 26, 1957; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Ambrose ::: Born: 337; Died: April 4, 397; Occupation: Saint;
    Leopold Stokowski ::: Born: April 18, 1882; Died: September 13, 1977; Occupation: Conductor;
    George Frideric Handel ::: Born: February 23, 1685; Died: April 14, 1759; Occupation: Composer;
    Giuseppe Verdi ::: Born: October 10, 1813; Died: January 27, 1901; Occupation: Composer;
    Gustav Holst ::: Born: September 21, 1874; Died: May 25, 1934; Occupation: Composer;
    Arnold Schoenberg ::: Born: September 13, 1874; Died: July 13, 1951; Occupation: Composer;
    Alexander Borodin ::: Born: November 12, 1833; Died: February 27, 1887; Occupation: Composer;
    Frederick Delius ::: Born: January 29, 1862; Died: June 10, 1934; Occupation: Composer;
    Ralph Vaughan Williams ::: Born: October 12, 1872; Died: August 26, 1958; Occupation: Composer;
    Sergei Prokofiev ::: Born: April 23, 1891; Died: March 5, 1953; Occupation: Ballet composer;
    John Buchan ::: Born: August 26, 1875; Died: February 11, 1940; Occupation: Former Governor General of Canada;
    Matthew Bellamy ::: Born: June 9, 1978; Occupation: Musician;
    Yngwie Malmsteen ::: Born: June 30, 1963; Occupation: Guitarist;
    PJ Harvey ::: Born: October 9, 1969; Occupation: Musician;
    Lily Allen ::: Born: May 2, 1985; Occupation: Recording Artist;
    Johnny Borrell ::: Born: April 4, 1980; Occupation: Guitarist;
    Joe Elliott ::: Born: August 1, 1959; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Joshua Homme ::: Born: May 17, 1973; Occupation: Musician;
    M.I.A. ::: Born: July 18, 1975; Occupation: Artist;
    Dizzee Rascal ::: Born: October 1, 1985; Occupation: Songwriter;
    Billy Taylor ::: Born: July 24, 1921; Died: December 28, 2010; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
    Bob Brookmeyer ::: Born: December 19, 1929; Died: December 15, 2011; Occupation: Trombonist;
    James Buchanan ::: Born: April 23, 1791; Died: June 1, 1868; Occupation: 15th U.S. President;
    Brian Blade ::: Born: July 25, 1970; Occupation: Drummer;
    Cannonball Adderley ::: Born: September 15, 1928; Died: August 8, 1975; Occupation: Saxophonist;
    Carla Bley ::: Born: May 11, 1936; Occupation: Composer;
    Cecil Taylor ::: Born: March 25, 1929; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
    Dexter Gordon ::: Born: February 27, 1923; Died: April 25, 1990; Occupation: Tenor Saxophonist;
    Ernst Gombrich ::: Born: March 30, 1909; Died: November 3, 2001; Occupation: Author;
    Pat Buchanan ::: Born: November 2, 1938; Occupation: Former Assistant to the President for Communications;
    Ed Thigpen ::: Born: December 28, 1930; Died: January 13, 2010; Occupation: Drummer;
    Elvin Jones ::: Born: September 9, 1927; Died: May 18, 2004; Occupation: Drummer;
    Gerald Early ::: Born: April 21, 1952; Occupation: Professor;
    Horace Silver ::: Born: September 2, 1928; Died: June 18, 2014; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
    Jaco Pastorius ::: Born: December 1, 1951; Died: September 21, 1987; Occupation: Musician;
    Sholom Aleichem ::: Born: March 2, 1859; Died: May 13, 1916; Occupation: Author;
    Jimmy Rushing ::: Born: August 26, 1901; Died: June 8, 1972; Occupation: Singer;
    Jo Jones ::: Born: October 7, 1911; Died: September 3, 1985; Occupation: Drummer;
    Johnny Griffin ::: Born: April 24, 1928; Died: July 25, 2008; Occupation: Tenor Saxophonist;
    Jon Hendricks ::: Born: September 16, 1921; Occupation: Lyricist;
    Lee Morgan ::: Born: July 10, 1938; Died: February 19, 1972; Occupation: Trumpeter;
    Georg Buchner ::: Born: October 17, 1813; Died: February 19, 1837; Occupation: Dramatist;
    Lester Young ::: Born: August 27, 1909; Died: March 15, 1959; Occupation: Saxophonist;
    Pietro Mascagni ::: Born: December 7, 1863; Died: August 2, 1945; Occupation: Composer;
    Robbie Robertson ::: Born: July 5, 1943; Died: December 28, 2015; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Sonny Rollins ::: Born: September 7, 1930; Occupation: Saxophonist;
    Stan Kenton ::: Born: December 15, 1911; Died: August 25, 1979; Occupation: Composer;
    Witold Lutosławski ::: Born: January 25, 1913; Died: February 7, 1994; Occupation: Composer;
    Zoot Sims ::: Born: October 29, 1925; Died: March 23, 1985; Occupation: Musician;
    Victor Frederick Weisskopf ::: Born: September 19, 1908; Died: April 22, 2002; Occupation: Physicist;
    Morton Feldman ::: Born: January 12, 1926; Died: September 3, 1987; Occupation: Composer;
    Eduard Hanslick ::: Born: September 11, 1825; Died: August 6, 1904; Occupation: Music critic;
    Mark Mothersbaugh ::: Born: May 18, 1950; Occupation: Musician;
    Harold Arlen ::: Born: February 15, 1905; Died: April 23, 1986; Occupation: Composer;
    Chet Baker ::: Born: December 23, 1929; Died: May 13, 1988; Occupation: Trumpeter;
    Ray Brown ::: Born: October 13, 1926; Died: July 2, 2002; Occupation: Bassist;
    Gary Burton ::: Born: January 23, 1943; Occupation: Musical Artist;
    Cab Calloway ::: Born: December 25, 1907; Died: November 18, 1994; Occupation: Singer;
    Paul Desmond ::: Born: November 25, 1924; Died: May 30, 1977; Occupation: Composer;
    Roy Eldridge ::: Born: January 30, 1911; Died: February 26, 1989; Occupation: Trumpeter;
    Erroll Garner ::: Born: June 15, 1923; Died: January 2, 1977; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
    Freddie Green ::: Born: March 31, 1911; Died: March 1, 1987; Occupation: Guitarist;
    Lionel Hampton ::: Born: April 20, 1908; Died: August 31, 2002; Occupation: Bandleader;
    Roy Hargrove ::: Born: October 16, 1969; Occupation: Trumpeter;
    Roy Haynes ::: Born: March 13, 1925; Occupation: Drummer;
    Skitch Henderson ::: Born: January 27, 1918; Died: November 1, 2005; Occupation: Pianist;
    Woody Herman ::: Born: May 16, 1913; Died: October 29, 1987; Occupation: Clarinetist;
    Keith Jarrett ::: Born: May 8, 1945; Occupation: Composer;
    Mary Kingsley ::: Born: October 13, 1862; Died: June 3, 1900; Occupation: Writer;
    Rahsaan Roland Kirk ::: Born: August 7, 1935; Died: December 5, 1977; Occupation: Multi-instrumentalist;
    Peggy Lee ::: Born: May 26, 1920; Died: January 21, 2002; Occupation: Singer;
    Pearl S. Buck ::: Born: June 26, 1892; Died: March 6, 1973; Occupation: Writer;
    Russell Malone ::: Born: November 8, 1963; Occupation: Guitarist;
    Branford Marsalis ::: Born: August 26, 1960; Occupation: Saxophonist;
    John Mayall ::: Born: November 29, 1933; Occupation: Singer;
    Jay McShann ::: Born: January 12, 1916; Died: December 7, 2006; Occupation: Bandleader;
    Johnny Mercer ::: Born: November 18, 1909; Died: June 25, 1976; Occupation: Lyricist;
    Jelly Roll Morton ::: Born: October 20, 1890; Died: July 10, 1941; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
    Joe Pass ::: Born: January 13, 1929; Died: May 23, 1994; Occupation: Guitarist;
    Madeleine Peyroux ::: Born: April 18, 1974; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Oscar Peterson ::: Born: August 15, 1925; Died: December 23, 2007; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
    --> 84 Copy quote -- --> 15 Copy quote -- --> 9 Copy quote -- --> 8 Copy quote -- --> 7 Copy quote -- --> 6 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 5 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 5 Copy quote -- --> 6 Copy quote -- --> 25 Copy quote -- --> 19 Copy quote -- --> 6 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 15 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 7 Copy quote -- --> 5 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- David Sanborn ::: Born: July 30, 1945; Occupation: Musician;
    Arturo Sandoval ::: Born: November 6, 1949; Occupation: Trumpeter;
    Jo Stafford ::: Born: November 12, 1917; Died: July 16, 2008; Occupation: Singer;
    Steve Swallow ::: Born: October 4, 1940; Occupation: Bassist;
    Young Buck ::: Born: March 15, 1981; Occupation: Rapper;
    Art Tatum ::: Born: October 13, 1909; Died: November 5, 1956; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
    Toots Thielemans ::: Born: April 29, 1922; Died: August 22, 2016; Occupation: Jazz Musician;
    Sarah Vaughan ::: Born: March 27, 1924; Died: April 3, 1990; Occupation: Singer;
    Fats Waller ::: Born: May 21, 1904; Died: December 15, 1943; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
    Paul Whiteman ::: Born: March 28, 1890; Died: December 29, 1967; Occupation: Bandleader;
    Mary Lou Williams ::: Born: May 8, 1910; Died: May 28, 1981; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
    Victor Wooten ::: Born: September 11, 1964; Occupation: Bass player;
    Nancy Newhall ::: Born: May 9, 1908; Died: July 7, 1974; Occupation: Writer;
    Virgil ::: Born: October 15, 70 BC; Died: September 21, 19 BC; Occupation: Poet;
    Louis Auchincloss ::: Born: September 27, 1917; Died: January 26, 2010; Occupation: Lawyer;
    Thomas Berry ::: Born: November 9, 1914; Died: June 1, 2009; Occupation: Author;
    Alexander Alekhine ::: Born: October 31, 1892; Died: March 24, 1946; Occupation: Chess Player;
    Baron d'Holbach ::: Born: December 8, 1723; Died: January 21, 1789; Occupation: Author;
    William Henry Hudson ::: Born: August 4, 1841; Died: August 18, 1922; Occupation: Author;
    John Herschel ::: Born: March 7, 1792; Died: May 11, 1871; Occupation: Baronet Herschel;
    Andre Kostelanetz ::: Born: December 22, 1901; Died: January 13, 1980; Occupation: Conductor;
    Lindsey Buckingham ::: Born: October 3, 1949; Occupation: Musician;
    Lydia Sigourney ::: Born: September 1, 1791; Died: June 10, 1865; Occupation: Poet;
    Marcia Cross ::: Born: March 25, 1962; Occupation: Actress;
    Ed Asner ::: Born: November 15, 1929; Occupation: Voice Actor;
    Mary Howitt ::: Born: March 12, 1799; Died: January 30, 1888; Occupation: Poet;
    Strickland Gillilan ::: Born: 1869; Died: 1954; Occupation: Poet;
    Khaleda Zia ::: Born: August 15, 1945; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Bangladesh;
    Elihu Root ::: Born: February 15, 1845; Died: February 7, 1937; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
    Philibert Joseph Roux ::: Born: April 26, 1780; Died: March 24, 1854; Occupation: Surgeon;
    Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour ::: Born: August 10, 1810; Died: June 6, 1861; Occupation: Italian Statesman;
    Betty Buckley ::: Born: July 3, 1947; Occupation: Film actress;
    Mark Hatfield ::: Born: July 12, 1922; Died: August 7, 2011; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Edward S. Herman ::: Born: April 7, 1925; Occupation: Writer;
    Ralph Barton Perry ::: Born: July 3, 1876; Died: January 22, 1957; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Edith Cavell ::: Born: December 4, 1865; Died: October 12, 1915; Occupation: Nurse;
    Rufus Choate ::: Born: October 1, 1799; Died: July 13, 1859; Occupation: Lawyer;
    James L. Buckley ::: Born: March 9, 1923; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Fitz-Greene Halleck ::: Born: July 8, 1790; Died: November 19, 1867; Occupation: Poet;
    Lee Greenwood ::: Born: October 27, 1942; Occupation: Musical Artist;
    Ward Churchill ::: Born: October 2, 1947; Occupation: Author;
    Natalie Maines ::: Born: October 14, 1974; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Julianne Malveaux ::: Born: September 22, 1953; Occupation: Economist;
    Jeff Buckley ::: Born: November 17, 1966; Died: May 29, 1997; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Katha Pollitt ::: Born: October 14, 1949; Occupation: Poet;
    Matthew Yglesias ::: Born: May 18, 1981; Occupation: Journalist;
    Paula Gunn Allen ::: Born: October 24, 1939; Died: May 29, 2008; Occupation: Poet;
    Elise M. Boulding ::: Born: July 6, 1920; Died: June 24, 2010; Occupation: Author;
    Aristide Briand ::: Born: March 28, 1862; Died: April 7, 1932; Occupation: French Statesman;
    Alexander Cockburn ::: Born: June 6, 1941; Died: July 21, 2012; Occupation: Journalist;
    David Dellinger ::: Born: August 22, 1915; Died: May 25, 2004; Occupation: Activist;
    Elizabeth Gurley Flynn ::: Born: August 7, 1890; Died: September 5, 1964; Occupation: Activist;
    Charles de Foucauld ::: Born: September 15, 1858; Died: December 1, 1916; Occupation: Saint;
    Gersonides ::: Born: 1288; Died: April 20, 1344; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Arthur Hertzberg ::: Born: June 9, 1921; Died: April 17, 2006; Occupation: Activist;
    Hildegard of Bingen ::: Born: September 16, 1098; Died: September 17, 1179; Occupation: Saint;
    Anna Brownell Jameson ::: Born: May 19, 1794; Died: March 17, 1860; Occupation: Writer;
    Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan ::: Born: February 6, 1890; Died: January 20, 1988; Occupation: Activist;
    William F. Buckley, Jr. ::: Born: November 24, 1925; Died: February 27, 2008; Occupation: Author;
    Ramsay MacDonald ::: Born: October 12, 1866; Died: November 9, 1937; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
    Spark Matsunaga ::: Born: October 8, 1916; Died: April 15, 1990; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Colman McCarthy ::: Born: March 24, 1938; Occupation: Journalist;
    Eve Merriam ::: Born: July 19, 1916; Died: April 11, 1992; Occupation: Poet;
    A. J. Muste ::: Born: January 8, 1885; Died: February 11, 1967; Occupation: Activist;
    Eleanor Holmes Norton ::: Born: June 13, 1937; Occupation: United States Representative;
    Jaroslav Pelikan ::: Born: December 17, 1923; Died: May 13, 2006; Occupation: Professor;
    Patricia Schroeder ::: Born: July 30, 1940; Occupation: Former United States Representative;
    Ida Tarbell ::: Born: November 5, 1857; Died: January 6, 1944; Occupation: Author;
    Fred M. Vinson ::: Born: January 22, 1890; Died: September 8, 1953; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of the Treasury;
    Walter Wink ::: Born: May 21, 1935; Died: May 19, 2012; Occupation: Activist;
    Johan Galtung ::: Born: October 24, 1930; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Ban Ki-moon ::: Born: June 13, 1944; Occupation: Diplomat;
    Menachem Begin ::: Born: August 16, 1913; Died: March 9, 1992; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Israel;
    Scilla Elworthy ::: Born: June 3, 1943; Occupation: Author;
    Adolfo Perez Esquivel ::: Born: November 26, 1931; Occupation: Writer;
    Arun Manilal Gandhi ::: Born: April 14, 1934; Occupation: Activist;
    Iccho Itoh ::: Born: August 23, 1945; Died: April 18, 2007; Occupation: Political figure;
    Kathe Kollwitz ::: Born: July 8, 1867; Died: April 22, 1945; Occupation: Artist;
    Sean MacBride ::: Born: January 26, 1904; Died: January 15, 1988; Occupation: Irish Politician;
    Rigoberta Menchu ::: Born: January 9, 1959; Occupation: Author;
    Javier Perez de Cuellar ::: Born: January 19, 1920; Occupation: Diplomat;
    Maria Schell ::: Born: January 15, 1926; Died: April 26, 2005; Occupation: Actress;
    Betty Williams ::: Born: May 22, 1943; Occupation: Nobel laureate;
    Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit ::: Born: August 18, 1900; Died: December 1, 1990; Occupation: Diplomat;
    Dennis Gabor ::: Born: June 5, 1900; Died: February 8, 1979; Occupation: Physicist;
    Maxine Kumin ::: Born: June 6, 1925; Died: February 6, 2014; Occupation: Poet;
    Fleur Adcock ::: Born: February 10, 1934; Occupation: Poet;
    Osbert Sitwell ::: Born: December 6, 1892; Died: May 4, 1969; Occupation: Writer;
    Roger McGough ::: Born: November 9, 1937; Occupation: Poet;
    Stephen Spender ::: Born: February 28, 1909; Died: July 16, 1995; Occupation: Poet;
    James K. Baxter ::: Born: June 29, 1926; Died: October 22, 1972; Occupation: Poet;
    T. E. Hulme ::: Born: September 16, 1883; Died: September 28, 1917; Occupation: Poet;
    Kofi Abrefa Busia ::: Born: July 11, 1913; Died: August 28, 1978; Occupation: Professor;
    Paul Claudel ::: Born: August 6, 1868; Died: February 23, 1955; Occupation: Poet;
    Bill Budge ::: Born: 1954; Occupation: Game programmer;
    Andrei Lankov ::: Born: July 26, 1963; Occupation: Professor;
    William H. Seward ::: Born: May 16, 1801; Died: October 10, 1872; Occupation: Former Governor of New York;
    John A. Macdonald ::: Born: January 11, 1815; Died: June 6, 1891; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Canada;
    Rab Butler ::: Born: December 9, 1902; Died: March 8, 1982; Occupation: Former Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs;
    Frederick Buechner ::: Born: July 11, 1926; Occupation: Writer;
    Robert Novak ::: Born: February 26, 1931; Died: August 18, 2009; Occupation: Columnist;
    Edward Heath ::: Born: July 9, 1916; Died: July 17, 2005; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
    Alec Douglas-Home ::: Born: July 2, 1903; Died: October 9, 1995; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
    Bonar Law ::: Born: September 16, 1858; Died: October 30, 1923; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
    William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham ::: Born: November 15, 1708; Died: May 11, 1778; Occupation: British statesman;
    Huey Long ::: Born: August 30, 1893; Died: September 10, 1935; Occupation: Former Governor of Louisiana;
    Bernard Crick ::: Born: December 16, 1929; Died: December 19, 2008; Occupation: Critic;
    Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston ::: Born: October 20, 1784; Died: October 8, 1865; Occupation: Former Foreign Secretary;
    John Diefenbaker ::: Born: September 18, 1895; Died: August 16, 1979; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Canada;
    Stephen Schneider ::: Born: February 11, 1945; Died: July 19, 2010; Occupation: Professor;
    Jimmy Buffett ::: Born: December 25, 1946; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Jacob Appelbaum ::: Born: 1983; Occupation: Researcher;
    Bruce Schneier ::: Born: January 15, 1963; Occupation: Cryptographer;
    Warren G ::: Born: November 10, 1970; Occupation: Rapper;
    Jody Williams ::: Born: October 9, 1950; Occupation: Political activist;
    Warren Buffett ::: Born: August 30, 1930; Occupation: Investor;
    Jose Raul Capablanca ::: Born: November 19, 1888; Died: March 8, 1942; Occupation: Chess Player;
    Viktor Korchnoi ::: Born: March 23, 1931; Died: June 6, 2016; Occupation: Chess Player;
    Charles Tilly ::: Born: May 27, 1929; Died: April 29, 2008; Occupation: Sociologist;
    Leonard Woolf ::: Born: November 25, 1880; Died: August 14, 1969; Occupation: Author;
    Petra Kelly ::: Born: November 29, 1947; Died: October 1, 1992; Occupation: German Politician;
    Henry Waxman ::: Born: September 12, 1939; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Miles Franklin ::: Born: October 14, 1879; Died: September 19, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
    Domenico Cieri ::: Born: April 18, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
    Chelsea Peretti ::: Born: February 20, 1978; Occupation: Comedian;
    George Fetherling ::: Born: January 1, 1949; Occupation: Poet;
    Alan Arkin ::: Born: March 26, 1934; Occupation: Actor;
    Jake Bugg ::: Born: February 28, 1994; Occupation: Musician;
    Vincent Cassel ::: Born: November 23, 1966; Occupation: Actor;
    Bertha von Suttner ::: Born: June 9, 1843; Died: June 21, 1914; Occupation: Novelist;
    John Hay ::: Born: October 8, 1838; Died: July 1, 1905; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
    Matilda Joslyn Gage ::: Born: March 24, 1826; Died: March 18, 1898; Occupation: Activist;
    Vincent Bugliosi ::: Born: August 18, 1934; Died: June 6, 2015; Occupation: Attorney;
    Joseph McCabe ::: Born: November 12, 1867; Died: January 10, 1955; Occupation: Writer;
    Hannah Whitall Smith ::: Born: February 7, 1832; Died: May 1, 1911; Occupation: Author;
    Edward McKendree Bounds ::: Born: August 15, 1835; Died: August 24, 1913; Occupation: Author;
    Ray Stedman ::: Born: October 5, 1917; Died: October 7, 1992; Occupation: Author;
    William J. Seymour ::: Born: May 2, 1870; Died: September 28, 1922; Occupation: Evangelist;
    Robert Neelly Bellah ::: Born: February 23, 1927; Died: July 30, 2013; Occupation: Sociologist;
    Ruhollah Khomeini ::: Born: September 24, 1902; Died: June 3, 1989; Occupation: Former Supreme Leader of Iran;
    Aimee Semple McPherson ::: Born: October 9, 1890; Died: September 27, 1944; Occupation: Evangelist;
    Ernestine Rose ::: Born: January 13, 1810; Died: August 4, 1892; Occupation: Abolitionist;
    Frank Schaeffer ::: Born: August 3, 1952; Occupation: Author;
    Victor J. Stenger ::: Born: January 29, 1935; Died: August 27, 2014; Occupation: Physicist;
    Charles Templeton ::: Born: October 7, 1915; Died: June 7, 2001; Occupation: Cartoonist;
    Robert Runcie ::: Born: October 2, 1921; Died: July 11, 2000; Occupation: Archbishop of Canterbury;
    Rosalind Franklin ::: Born: July 25, 1920; Died: April 16, 1958; Occupation: Scientist;
    William Henry Bragg ::: Born: July 2, 1862; Died: March 10, 1942; Occupation: Physicist;
    Nevill Francis Mott ::: Born: September 30, 1905; Died: August 8, 1996; Occupation: Physicist;
    Tip O'Neill ::: Born: December 9, 1912; Died: January 5, 1994; Occupation: Former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives;
    William Warburton ::: Born: December 24, 1698; Died: June 7, 1779; Occupation: Writer;
    Yolanda King ::: Born: November 17, 1955; Died: May 15, 2007; Occupation: Activist;
    Lois McMaster Bujold ::: Born: November 2, 1949; Occupation: Author;
    Jean Francois Paul de Gondi ::: Born: September 29, 1613; Died: August 24, 1679; Occupation: Writer;
    Preston Brooks ::: Born: August 5, 1819; Died: January 27, 1857; Occupation: Advocate;
    Jimmy Chamberlin ::: Born: June 10, 1964; Occupation: Drummer;
    Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington ::: Born: September 1, 1789; Died: June 4, 1849; Occupation: Novelist;
    Elizabeth Ashley ::: Born: August 30, 1939; Occupation: Actress;
    Charles Bukowski ::: Born: August 16, 1920; Died: March 9, 1994; Occupation: Poet;
    Wolfgang Pauli ::: Born: April 25, 1900; Died: December 15, 1958; Occupation: Physicist;
    Harlow Shapley ::: Born: November 2, 1885; Died: October 20, 1972; Occupation: Astronomer;
    Hugh Gaitskell ::: Born: April 9, 1906; Died: January 18, 1963; Occupation: British Politician;
    Isidor Isaac Rabi ::: Born: July 29, 1898; Died: January 11, 1988; Occupation: Physicist;
    Alan Sokal ::: Born: January 24, 1955; Occupation: Professor;
    Theodosius Dobzhansky ::: Born: January 24, 1900; Died: December 18, 1975; Occupation: Geneticist;
    August Bier ::: Born: November 24, 1861; Died: March 12, 1949; Occupation: Surgeon;
    Mikhail Bulgakov ::: Born: May 15, 1891; Died: March 10, 1940; Occupation: Writer;
    Simeon Denis Poisson ::: Born: June 21, 1781; Died: April 25, 1840; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Lord Randolph Churchill ::: Born: February 13, 1849; Died: January 24, 1895; Occupation: British Statesman;
    Srinivasa Ramanujan ::: Born: December 22, 1887; Died: April 26, 1920; Occupation: Mathematician;
    John Thomas Sladek ::: Born: December 15, 1937; Died: March 10, 2000; Occupation: Author;
    Juliana of the Netherlands ::: Born: April 30, 1909; Died: March 20, 2004; Occupation: Queen of the Netherlands;
    George Polya ::: Born: December 13, 1887; Died: September 7, 1985; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Paul Broca ::: Born: June 28, 1824; Died: July 9, 1880; Occupation: Physician;
    Patrick Blackett, Baron Blackett ::: Born: November 18, 1897; Died: July 13, 1974; Occupation: Physicist;
    Oliver Heaviside ::: Born: May 18, 1850; Died: February 3, 1925; Occupation: Electrical engineer;
    Percy Williams Bridgman ::: Born: April 21, 1882; Died: August 20, 1961; Occupation: Physicist;
    James Clerk Maxwell ::: Born: June 13, 1831; Died: November 5, 1879; Occupation: Physicist;
    Frank P. Ramsey ::: Born: February 22, 1903; Died: January 19, 1930; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Hermann Minkowski ::: Born: June 22, 1864; Died: January 12, 1909; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Benjamin Thompson ::: Born: March 26, 1753; Died: August 21, 1814; Occupation: Physicist;
    Walther Nernst ::: Born: June 25, 1864; Died: November 18, 1941; Occupation: Chemist;
    William Gilbert ::: Born: May 24, 1544; Died: November 30, 1603; Occupation: Physician;
    Peter Scott ::: Born: September 14, 1909; Died: August 29, 1989; Occupation: Conservationist;
    Abraham Flexner ::: Born: November 13, 1866; Died: September 21, 1959; Occupation: Reporter;
    Sitting Bull ::: Born: 1831; Occupation: Tribal chief;
    John Maynard Smith ::: Born: January 6, 1920; Died: April 19, 2004; Occupation: Geneticist;
    David Goodstein ::: Born: April 5, 1939; Occupation: Physicist;
    Heinz Pagels ::: Born: February 19, 1939; Died: July 23, 1988; Occupation: Physicist;
    Martin Rees ::: Born: June 23, 1942; Occupation: Astronomer;
    Jonathan Rauch ::: Born: April 26, 1960; Occupation: Author;
    Robert Bellarmine ::: Born: October 4, 1542; Died: September 17, 1621; Occupation: Saint;
    George Stigler ::: Born: January 17, 1911; Died: December 1, 1991; Occupation: Economist;
    Wilfred Trotter ::: Born: November 3, 1872; Died: November 25, 1939; Occupation: Surgeon;
    Joseph Henry ::: Born: December 17, 1797; Died: May 13, 1878; Occupation: Physicist;
    Breckin Meyer ::: Born: May 7, 1974; Occupation: Actor;
    Denise Austin ::: Born: February 13, 1957; Occupation: Author;
    Leonardo Boff ::: Born: December 14, 1938; Occupation: Theologian;
    Grace Lee Boggs ::: Born: June 27, 1915; Died: October 5, 2015; Occupation: Author;
    Fernando Henrique Cardoso ::: Born: June 18, 1931; Occupation: Former President of Brazil;
    Linda Gray ::: Born: September 12, 1940; Occupation: Film actress;
    Koichiro Matsuura ::: Born: September 29, 1937; Occupation: Diplomat;
    Sandra Bullock ::: Born: July 26, 1964; Occupation: Actress;
    Federico Mayor Zaragoza ::: Born: January 27, 1934; Occupation: Spanish Politician;
    Robert Owen ::: Born: May 14, 1771; Died: November 17, 1858; Occupation: Social activist;
    Sulak Sivaraksa ::: Born: March 27, 1933; Occupation: Author;
    Jeffrey Skoll ::: Born: January 16, 1965; Occupation: Engineer;
    Liberace ::: Born: May 16, 1919; Died: February 4, 1987; Occupation: Pianist;
    Bill Bailey ::: Born: January 13, 1964; Occupation: Comedian;
    Craig Kielburger ::: Born: December 17, 1982; Occupation: Activist;
    Aruna Roy ::: Born: June 26, 1946; Occupation: Political leader;
    Judith Orloff ::: Born: June 25, 1951; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
    Lowell Thomas ::: Born: April 6, 1892; Died: August 29, 1981; Occupation: Writer;
    Charlotte Bunch ::: Born: October 13, 1944; Occupation: Activist;
    Paul Gerhardt ::: Born: March 12, 1607; Died: May 27, 1676; Occupation: Writer;
    Isidore of Seville ::: Born: 560; Died: April 4, 636; Occupation: Saint;
    Rose of Lima ::: Born: April 20, 1586; Died: August 24, 1617; Occupation: Saint;
    Brownie McGhee ::: Born: November 30, 1915; Died: February 16, 1996; Occupation: Singer;
    Al Smith ::: Born: December 30, 1873; Died: October 4, 1944; Occupation: Former Governor of New York;
    Stafford Cripps ::: Born: April 24, 1889; Died: April 21, 1952; Occupation: Politician;
    Ralph Bunche ::: Born: August 7, 1903; Died: December 9, 1971; Occupation: Diplomat;
    George William Russell ::: Born: April 10, 1867; Died: July 17, 1935; Occupation: Writer;
    Julio Iglesias ::: Born: September 23, 1943; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Susan Olsen ::: Born: August 14, 1961; Occupation: Actress;
    Antonio Tarver ::: Born: November 21, 1968; Occupation: Professional Boxer;
    John Frederick Demartini ::: Born: November 25, 1954; Occupation: Author;
    Phillip Adams ::: Born: July 12, 1939; Occupation: Farmer;
    Irving Wallace ::: Born: March 19, 1916; Died: June 29, 1990; Occupation: Author;
    Gisele Bundchen ::: Born: July 20, 1980; Occupation: Fashion Model;
    David M. Brown ::: Born: April 16, 1956; Died: February 1, 2003; Occupation: Astronaut;
    Rob Dyrdek ::: Born: June 28, 1974; Occupation: Skateboarder;
    Carol Leifer ::: Born: July 27, 1956; Occupation: Comedian;
    Iain Sinclair ::: Born: June 11, 1943; Occupation: Writer;
    Margaret Oliphant ::: Born: April 4, 1828; Died: June 25, 1897; Occupation: Novelist;
    Vincent de Paul ::: Born: April 24, 1581; Died: September 27, 1660; Occupation: Priest;
    Norman Grubb ::: Born: August 2, 1895; Died: December 15, 1993; Occupation: Writer;
    Donald James ::: Born: August 22, 1931; Died: April 28, 2008; Occupation: Television writer;
    George Holyoake ::: Born: April 13, 1817; Died: January 22, 1906; Occupation: Political leader;
    Charles August Lindbergh ::: Born: January 20, 1859; Died: May 24, 1924; Occupation: Politician;
    Claude Adrien Helvetius ::: Born: January 26, 1715; Died: December 26, 1771; Occupation: Philosopher;
    August Kekule ::: Born: September 7, 1829; Died: July 13, 1896; Occupation: Chemist;
    Eliza Farnham ::: Born: November 17, 1815; Died: December 15, 1864; Occupation: Novelist;
    Susan Jacoby ::: Born: June 4, 1945; Occupation: Author;
    Lucy Stone ::: Born: August 13, 1818; Died: October 19, 1893; Occupation: Activist;
    Lucretia Mott ::: Born: January 3, 1793; Died: November 11, 1880; Occupation: Activist;
    Emma Bunton ::: Born: January 21, 1976; Occupation: Singer;
    Edgar Cayce ::: Born: March 18, 1877; Died: January 3, 1945; Occupation: Psychic;
    Jean-Francois de La Harpe ::: Born: November 20, 1739; Died: February 11, 1803; Occupation: Playwright;
    Josiah Wedgwood ::: Born: July 12, 1730; Died: January 3, 1795; Occupation: Potter;
    Bob Black ::: Born: January 4, 1951; Occupation: Author;
    Luis Bunuel ::: Born: February 22, 1900; Died: July 29, 1983; Occupation: Filmmaker;
    Honore Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau ::: Born: March 9, 1749; Died: April 2, 1791; Occupation: Historian;
    R. H. Tawney ::: Born: November 30, 1880; Died: January 16, 1962; Occupation: Professor;
    Compton Mackenzie ::: Born: January 17, 1883; Died: November 30, 1972; Occupation: Writer;
    Ashley Wagner ::: Born: May 16, 1991; Occupation: Figure Skater;
    Harry Winston ::: Born: March 1, 1896; Died: December 28, 1978; Occupation: Jeweler;
    John Bunyan ::: Born: November 28, 1628; Died: August 31, 1688; Occupation: Writer;
    Bo Sanchez ::: Born: July 11, 1966; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Pierre-Auguste Renoir ::: Born: February 25, 1841; Died: December 3, 1919; Occupation: Artist;
    Gillian Flynn ::: Born: February 24, 1971; Occupation: Author;
    Mark Schwahn ::: Born: June 5, 1966; Occupation: Screenwriter;
    Alexander McCall Smith ::: Born: August 24, 1948; Occupation: Writer;
    Ding Ling ::: Born: October 12, 1904; Died: March 4, 1986; Occupation: Author;
    Molly Keane ::: Born: July 20, 1904; Died: April 22, 1996; Occupation: Novelist;
    Collin Raye ::: Born: August 22, 1960; Occupation: Singer;
    Thomas Otway ::: Born: March 3, 1652; Died: April 14, 1685; Occupation: Dramatist;
    Robert J. Flaherty ::: Born: February 16, 1884; Died: July 23, 1951; Occupation: Filmmaker;
    Sherry Lansing ::: Born: July 31, 1944; Occupation: Actress;
    Barry Nalebuff ::: Born: July 11, 1958; Occupation: Professor;
    Paul Volcker ::: Born: September 5, 1927; Occupation: Economist;
    Dennis Hopper ::: Born: May 17, 1936; Died: May 29, 2010; Occupation: Actor;
    Nina Gordon ::: Born: November 14, 1967; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Berry Gordy ::: Born: November 28, 1929; Occupation: Record producer;
    Jerry Wexler ::: Born: January 10, 1917; Died: August 15, 2008; Occupation: Journalist;
    Anil Ambani ::: Born: June 4, 1959; Occupation: Billionaire;
    Mukesh Ambani ::: Born: April 19, 1957; Occupation: Business person;
    Ross Garnaut ::: Born: July 28, 1946; Occupation: Professor;
    John C. Malone ::: Born: March 7, 1941; Occupation: Businessman;
    Julie Burchill ::: Born: July 3, 1959; Occupation: Writer;
    Joan Wallach Scott ::: Born: December 18, 1941; Occupation: Historian;
    Peter Medawar ::: Born: February 28, 1915; Died: October 2, 1987; Occupation: Writer;
    Hannibal ::: Born: 247 BC; Died: 183 BC; Occupation: Military Commander;
    Sidney Webb, 1st Baron Passfield ::: Born: July 13, 1859; Died: October 13, 1947; Occupation: Political figure;
    Carly Pope ::: Born: August 28, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
    Harriet Harman ::: Born: July 30, 1950; Occupation: Leader of the House of Commons;
    Gates McFadden ::: Born: March 2, 1949; Occupation: Actress;
    Eric Burdon ::: Born: May 11, 1941; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Andrew Flintoff ::: Born: December 6, 1977; Occupation: Cricketer;
    Letty Cottin Pogrebin ::: Born: June 9, 1939; Occupation: Author;
    Carolyn Wells ::: Born: June 18, 1862; Died: March 26, 1942; Occupation: Author;
    Martin Van Buren ::: Born: December 5, 1782; Died: July 24, 1862; Occupation: 8th U.S. President;
    Sarah Chauncey Woolsey ::: Born: January 29, 1835; Died: April 9, 1905; Occupation: Author;
    Meredith Willson ::: Born: May 18, 1902; Died: June 15, 1984; Occupation: Composer;
    Nate Saint ::: Born: August 30, 1923; Died: January 8, 1956; Occupation: Missionary;
    Bob Phillips ::: Born: June 23, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
    Johnny Unitas ::: Born: May 7, 1933; Died: September 11, 2002; Occupation: Football player;
    Nikolaj Velimirovic ::: Born: January 4, 1881; Died: March 18, 1956; Occupation: Saint;
    Wen Jiabao ::: Born: September 15, 1942; Occupation: Former Premier of the People's Republic of China;
    E. H. Harriman ::: Born: February 20, 1848; Died: September 9, 1909; Occupation: Executive;
    John Powell ::: Born: September 18, 1963; Occupation: Film Score Composer;
    Warren E. Burger ::: Born: September 17, 1907; Died: June 25, 1995; Occupation: Former Chief Justice of the United States;
    Shawn Mullins ::: Born: March 8, 1968; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Diane de Poitiers ::: Born: September 3, 1499; Died: April 25, 1566; Occupation: Courtier;
    Walter Lord ::: Born: October 8, 1917; Died: May 19, 2002; Occupation: Author;
    J. M. W. Turner ::: Born: April 23, 1775; Died: December 19, 1851; Occupation: Painter;
    Anthony Burgess ::: Born: February 25, 1917; Died: November 22, 1993; Occupation: Writer;
    Coleman Young ::: Born: May 24, 1918; Died: November 29, 1997; Occupation: Former Mayor of Detroit;
    Kurt Warner ::: Born: June 22, 1971; Occupation: Football Analyst;
    Rick Dees ::: Born: March 14, 1950; Occupation: Radio personality;
    Murray Louis ::: Born: November 4, 1926; Died: February 1, 2016; Occupation: Dancer;
    Kate Seredy ::: Born: November 10, 1899; Died: March 7, 1975; Occupation: Writer;
    Cornelius Eady ::: Born: January 7, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
    Melvin Burgess ::: Born: April 25, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
    Ray Bolger ::: Born: January 10, 1904; Died: January 15, 1987; Occupation: Singer;
    Frederick Busch ::: Born: August 1, 1941; Died: February 23, 2006; Occupation: Writer;
    S. Janaki ::: Born: April 23, 1938; Occupation: Playback Singer;
    Bill T. Jones ::: Born: February 15, 1952; Occupation: Artistic Director;
    Jan Murray ::: Born: October 4, 1916; Died: July 2, 2006; Occupation: Comedian;
    Harold Nicholas ::: Born: March 27, 1921; Died: July 3, 2000; Occupation: Dancer;
    Vaslav Nijinsky ::: Born: March 12, 1890; Died: April 8, 1950; Occupation: Ballet Dancer;
    Sappho ::: Born: 625 BC; Died: 571 BC; Occupation: Lyric poet;
    Galina Ulanova ::: Born: January 8, 1910; Died: March 21, 1998; Occupation: Ballet Dancer;
    Sanford Meisner ::: Born: August 31, 1905; Died: February 2, 1997; Occupation: Actor;
    Michael Chekhov ::: Born: August 29, 1891; Died: September 30, 1955; Occupation: Actor;
    Augusto Boal ::: Born: March 16, 1931; Died: May 2, 2009; Occupation: Writer;
    Alec Guinness ::: Born: April 2, 1914; Died: August 5, 2000; Occupation: Actor;
    Ellen Terry ::: Born: February 27, 1847; Died: July 21, 1928; Occupation: Actress;
    John Gielgud ::: Born: April 14, 1904; Died: May 21, 2000; Occupation: Actor;
    Anne Bogart ::: Born: September 25, 1951; Occupation: Theatre Director;
    Viola Spolin ::: Born: November 7, 1906; Died: November 22, 1994; Occupation: Contributing writer;
    Cedric Hardwicke ::: Born: February 19, 1893; Died: August 6, 1964; Occupation: Film actor;
    Alla Nazimova ::: Born: June 3, 1879; Died: July 13, 1945; Occupation: Film actress;
    Clive Swift ::: Born: February 9, 1936; Occupation: Actor;
    Harold Clurman ::: Born: September 18, 1901; Died: September 9, 1980; Occupation: Theatre Director;
    Ralph Richardson ::: Born: December 19, 1902; Died: October 10, 1983; Occupation: Actor;
    Kathryn Budig ::: Born: June 2, 1982; Occupation: Author;
    K. Pattabhi Jois ::: Born: July 26, 1915; Died: May 18, 2009; Occupation: Teacher;
    Sharon Gannon ::: Born: July 4, 1951; Occupation: Teacher;
    Tirumalai Krishnamacharya ::: Born: November 18, 1888; Died: February 28, 1989; Occupation: Teacher;
    Milarepa ::: Born: 1052; Died: 1135; Occupation: Poet;
    Vishnudevananda Saraswati ::: Born: December 31, 1927; Died: November 9, 1993; Occupation: Author;
    Kyle MacLachlan ::: Born: February 22, 1959; Occupation: Actor;
    Sheryl Underwood ::: Born: October 28, 1963; Occupation: Comedian;
    Sara Gilbert ::: Born: January 29, 1975; Occupation: Actress;
    Beverly LaHaye ::: Born: April 30, 1929; Occupation: Author;
    Lee Marvin ::: Born: February 19, 1924; Died: August 29, 1987; Occupation: Film actor;
    Laurence Binyon ::: Born: August 10, 1869; Died: March 10, 1943; Occupation: Poet;
    William Holden ::: Born: April 17, 1918; Died: November 12, 1981; Occupation: Actor;
    Sandy Wilson ::: Born: May 19, 1924; Died: August 27, 2014; Occupation: Composer;
    Billie Burke ::: Born: August 7, 1884; Died: May 14, 1970; Occupation: Actress;
    Darlene Zschech ::: Born: September 8, 1965; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Jack W. Hayford ::: Born: June 25, 1934; Occupation: Author;
    Paul David Tripp ::: Born: November 12, 1950; Occupation: Author;
    Matt Papa ::: Born: July 3, 1983; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    R. A. Torrey ::: Born: January 28, 1856; Died: October 26, 1928; Occupation: Writer;
    Sadhu Sundar Singh ::: Born: September 3, 1889; Died: 1929; Occupation: Missionary;
    Christy Nockels ::: Born: November 17, 1973; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Laura Story ::: Born: September 5, 1978; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Vicky Beeching ::: Born: July 17, 1979; Occupation: Musician;
    James Montgomery Boice ::: Born: July 7, 1938; Died: June 15, 2000; Occupation: Author;
    Harold Bridgwood Walker ::: Born: April 26, 1862; Died: November 5, 1934; Occupation: Military Commander;
    Louis Bacon ::: Born: July 25, 1953; Occupation: Manager;
    Guillaume Canet ::: Born: April 10, 1973; Occupation: Actor;
    Alan Davies ::: Born: March 6, 1966; Occupation: Comedian;
    Brooke Burke ::: Born: September 8, 1971; Occupation: Actress;
    Peter Facinelli ::: Born: November 26, 1973; Occupation: Actor;
    Russ Feingold ::: Born: March 2, 1953; Occupation: Former U.S. Senate member;
    Terry Kath ::: Born: January 31, 1946; Died: January 23, 1978; Occupation: Musician;
    Juice Newton ::: Born: February 18, 1952; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    David Dinkins ::: Born: July 10, 1927; Occupation: Former Mayor of New York City;
    Scott Wolf ::: Born: June 4, 1968; Occupation: Actor;
    Abdullah of Saudi Arabia ::: Born: August 1, 1924; Died: January 23, 2015; Occupation: King of Saudi Arabia;
    Simon Winchester ::: Born: September 28, 1944; Occupation: Author;
    Richard Henry Lee ::: Born: January 20, 1732; Died: June 19, 1794; Occupation: Former President of the Continental Congress;
    John Dickinson ::: Born: November 2, 1732; Died: February 14, 1808; Occupation: Former Delegate to the Continental Congress;
    James G. Blaine ::: Born: January 31, 1830; Died: January 27, 1893; Occupation: Former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives;
    Ricardo Flores Magon ::: Born: September 16, 1874; Died: November 21, 1922; Occupation: Political figure;
    Alice Hegan Rice ::: Born: January 11, 1870; Died: February 10, 1942; Occupation: Novelist;
    Edmund Burke ::: Born: January 12, 1729; Died: July 9, 1797; Occupation: Statesman;
    Estelle Winwood ::: Born: January 24, 1883; Died: June 20, 1984; Occupation: Film actress;
    Charles Horace Mayo ::: Born: July 19, 1865; Died: May 26, 1939; Occupation: Medical practitioner;
    James Lee Burke ::: Born: December 5, 1936; Occupation: Author;
    Sheila Walsh ::: Born: July 5, 1956; Occupation: Vocalist;
    Paul Baloche ::: Born: June 4, 1962; Occupation: Musical Artist;
    Origen ::: Born: 182; Died: 254; Occupation: Scholar;
    Kenneth Burke ::: Born: May 5, 1897; Died: November 19, 1993; Occupation: Author;
    Edmund Blunden ::: Born: November 1, 1896; Died: January 20, 1974; Occupation: Poet;
    Dharma Mittra ::: Born: May 14, 1939; Occupation: Teacher;
    Fyodor Tyutchev ::: Born: December 5, 1803; Died: July 27, 1873; Occupation: Poet;
    Rod Stryker ::: Born: October 19, 1957; Occupation: Author;
    Bill Phillips ::: Born: September 23, 1964; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Solomon Burke ::: Born: March 21, 1940; Died: October 10, 2010; Occupation: Vocalist;
    John Fund ::: Born: April 8, 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
    William Barrett ::: Born: December 30, 1913; Died: September 8, 1992; Occupation: Poet;
    Gordon Brown ::: Born: February 20, 1951; Died: March 19, 2001; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
    Prentice Mulford ::: Born: April 5, 1834; Died: May 27, 1891; Occupation: Author;
    Heinz von Foerster ::: Born: November 13, 1911; Died: October 2, 2002; Occupation: Scientist;
    Isamu Noguchi ::: Born: November 17, 1904; Died: December 30, 1988; Occupation: Artist;
    Robert Hooke ::: Born: July 28, 1635; Died: March 3, 1703; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Reginald Horace Blyth ::: Born: December 3, 1898; Died: October 28, 1964; Occupation: Author;
    Murray Bookchin ::: Born: January 14, 1921; Died: July 30, 2006; Occupation: Author;
    Carol Burnett ::: Born: April 26, 1933; Occupation: Actress;
    Frederick Franck ::: Born: April 12, 1909; Died: June 5, 2006; Occupation: Author;
    George Spencer-Brown ::: Born: April 2, 1923; Died: August 25, 2016; Occupation: Author;
    Arthur Symons ::: Born: February 28, 1865; Died: January 22, 1945; Occupation: Poet;
    Andrew van der Bijl ::: Born: May 11, 1928; Occupation: Missionary;
    Caspar David Friedrich ::: Born: September 5, 1774; Died: May 7, 1840; Occupation: Landscaper;
    Charles Webster Leadbeater ::: Born: February 16, 1854; Died: March 1, 1934; Occupation: Author;
    Frances Hodgson Burnett ::: Born: November 24, 1849; Died: October 29, 1924; Occupation: Playwright;
    Frank Stella ::: Born: May 12, 1936; Occupation: Painter;
    Al-Ghazali ::: Born: 1058; Died: December 19, 1111; Occupation: Theologian;
    Jan Myrdal ::: Born: July 19, 1927; Occupation: Author;
    Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton ::: Born: May 25, 1803; Died: January 18, 1873; Occupation: Novelist;
    Maxine Waters ::: Born: August 15, 1938; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Saint John Chrysostom ::: Born: 347; Died: September 14, 407; Occupation: Author;
    Gary Barlow ::: Born: January 20, 1971; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    John Lyly ::: Born: 1553; Occupation: Writer;
    Brian Tracy ::: Born: January 5, 1944; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Robin Sharma ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Lawyer;
    Sean Stephenson ::: Born: May 5, 1979; Occupation: Author;
    Eric Thomas ::: Born: September 11, 1965; Occupation: Football player;
    Denis Waitley ::: Born: 1933; Occupation: Writer;
    Ronnie Milsap ::: Born: January 16, 1943; Occupation: Singer;
    Thucydides ::: Born: 460 BC; Died: 395 BC; Occupation: Historian;
    Kerry Packer ::: Born: December 17, 1937; Died: December 26, 2005; Occupation: Business person;
    Mary Cholmondeley ::: Born: June 8, 1859; Died: July 15, 1925; Occupation: Novelist;
    Lech Kaczynski ::: Born: June 18, 1949; Died: April 10, 2010; Occupation: Former President of Poland;
    Dick Morris ::: Born: November 28, 1948; Occupation: Author;
    Josephine Hart ::: Born: March 1, 1942; Died: June 2, 2011; Occupation: Film writer;
    Stephen L. Carter ::: Born: October 26, 1954; Occupation: Professor;
    Al Purdy ::: Born: December 30, 1918; Died: April 21, 2000; Occupation: Poet;
    Fanny Burney ::: Born: June 13, 1752; Died: January 6, 1840; Occupation: Novelist;
    Dudley Randall ::: Born: January 14, 1914; Died: August 5, 2000; Occupation: Poet;
    Subramanya Bharathi ::: Born: December 11, 1882; Died: September 11, 1921; Occupation: Writer;
    Abraham Cowley ::: Born: 1618; Died: July 28, 1667; Occupation: Poet;
    Kurt Lewin ::: Born: September 9, 1890; Died: February 12, 1947; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Daniel Burnham ::: Born: September 4, 1846; Died: June 1, 1912; Occupation: Architect;
    Richard Holloway ::: Born: November 26, 1933; Occupation: Writer;
    Paula White ::: Born: April 20, 1966; Occupation: TV Personality;
    Nancy Thayer ::: Born: 1943; Occupation: Novelist;
    Joseph Simmons ::: Born: November 14, 1964; Died: 1774; Occupation: DJ;
    Brooke Burns ::: Born: March 16, 1978; Occupation: Actress;
    Marshawn Lynch ::: Born: April 22, 1986; Occupation: Football player;
    Irving Penn ::: Born: June 16, 1917; Died: October 7, 2009; Occupation: Photographer;
    Bruce Gilden ::: Born: October 16, 1946; Occupation: Photographer;
    Susan Meiselas ::: Born: 1948; Occupation: Photographer;
    Ellen von Unwerth ::: Born: 1954; Occupation: Photographer;
    Tim Walker ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Photographer;
    Conrad Burns ::: Born: January 25, 1935; Died: April 28, 2016; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Tony Abbott ::: Born: November 4, 1957; Occupation: Prime Minister of Australia;
    Julianne Moore ::: Born: December 3, 1960; Occupation: Actress;
    Charles Handy ::: Born: 1932; Occupation: Author;
    Neil Kinnock ::: Born: March 28, 1942; Occupation: Former Leader of the Labour Party;
    Gilbert Highet ::: Born: June 22, 1906; Died: January 20, 1978; Occupation: Writer;
    Gary Sinise ::: Born: March 17, 1955; Occupation: Actor;
    David Filo ::: Born: April 20, 1966; Occupation: Businessman;
    Gina Rinehart ::: Born: February 9, 1954; Occupation: Business person;
    Virginia Postrel ::: Born: January 14, 1960; Occupation: Writer;
    Edward Burns ::: Born: January 29, 1968; Occupation: Actor;
    Mark McCormack ::: Born: November 6, 1930; Died: May 16, 2003; Occupation: Lawyer;
    Sam Keen ::: Born: 1931; Occupation: Author;
    Santiago Ramon y Cajal ::: Born: May 1, 1852; Died: October 18, 1934; Occupation: Pathologist;
    Eric Maisel ::: Born: 1947; Occupation: Teacher;
    Frank Pittman ::: Born: 1935; Died: November 24, 2012; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
    George Burns ::: Born: January 20, 1896; Died: March 9, 1996; Occupation: Comedian;
    Justin Johnson ::: Born: September 17, 1979; Occupation: Performer;
    Mary Catherwood ::: Born: 1847; Died: 1902; Occupation: Writer;
    Andy Borowitz ::: Born: January 4, 1958; Occupation: Writer;
    Drew Houston ::: Born: March 4, 1983; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Marc Benioff ::: Born: September 25, 1964; Occupation: Author;
    Sven-Goran Eriksson ::: Born: February 5, 1948; Occupation: Soccer player;
    Glenda Jackson ::: Born: May 9, 1936; Occupation: Politician;
    Martin Sorrell ::: Born: February 14, 1945; Occupation: Businessman;
    Ken Burns ::: Born: July 29, 1953; Occupation: Producer;
    Muhtar Kent ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Executive;
    Bob Garfield ::: Born: 1955; Occupation: Audio Program Host;
    Damian Thompson ::: Born: 1962; Occupation: Journalist;
    David Gates ::: Born: December 11, 1940; Occupation: Singer;
    D. James Kennedy ::: Born: November 3, 1930; Died: September 5, 2007; Occupation: Televangelist;
    Jim Rogers ::: Born: October 19, 1942; Occupation: Investor;
    Kenny Marchant ::: Born: February 23, 1951; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    John Eliot ::: Born: 1604; Died: May 21, 1690; Occupation: Missionary;
    Stuart Briscoe ::: Born: November 11, 1930; Occupation: Author;
    Martin Nowak ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Professor;
    Ellis Paul Torrance ::: Born: October 8, 1915; Died: July 12, 2003; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Robert Burns ::: Born: January 25, 1759; Died: July 21, 1796; Occupation: Poet;
    Marion Woodman ::: Born: August 15, 1928; Occupation: Author;
    Maurice Bejart ::: Born: January 1, 1927; Died: November 22, 2007; Occupation: Ballet choreographer;
    Ted Andrews ::: Born: July 16, 1952; Died: October 24, 2009; Occupation: Author;
    Sylvie Guillem ::: Born: February 25, 1965; Occupation: Ballet Dancer;
    Carmen Boullosa ::: Born: September 4, 1954; Occupation: Poet;
    Sogyal Rinpoche ::: Born: 1947; Occupation: Lama;
    Matt Lucas ::: Born: March 5, 1974; Occupation: Comedian;
    Aaron Burr ::: Born: February 6, 1756; Died: September 14, 1836; Occupation: Former Vice President of the United States;
    Glenn Gould ::: Born: September 25, 1932; Died: October 4, 1982; Occupation: Pianist;
    David St. John ::: Born: July 24, 1949; Occupation: Poet;
    Victoria Bond ::: Born: May 6, 1945; Occupation: Conductor;
    Ken Robinson ::: Born: March 4, 1950; Occupation: Author;
    Richard Burr ::: Born: November 30, 1955; Occupation: United States Senator;
    Robert Warshow ::: Born: 1917; Died: 1955; Occupation: Author;
    Wyndham Lewis ::: Born: November 18, 1882; Died: March 7, 1957; Occupation: Painter;
    Ronald Takaki ::: Born: April 12, 1939; Died: May 26, 2009; Occupation: Historian;
    Arthur Hugh Clough ::: Born: January 1, 1819; Died: November 13, 1861; Occupation: Poet;
    Peter Yarrow ::: Born: May 31, 1938; Occupation: Singer;
    Max Levchin ::: Born: July 11, 1975; Occupation: Computer Scientist;
    Peter Buffett ::: Born: May 4, 1958; Occupation: Musician;
    Anne Burrell ::: Born: September 21, 1969; Occupation: Chef;
    George Sewell ::: Born: August 31, 1924; Died: April 2, 2007; Occupation: Actor;
    Oscar Romero ::: Born: August 15, 1917; Died: March 24, 1980; Occupation: Biographer;
    Hippocrates ::: Born: 460 BC; Died: 370 BC; Occupation: Greek physician;
    Carlo Petrini ::: Born: June 22, 1949; Occupation: Journalist;
    Eliot Coleman ::: Born: 1938; Occupation: Farmer;
    Raj Patel ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Journalist;
    Dolores Huerta ::: Born: April 10, 1930; Occupation: Labor leader;
    Alain de Benoist ::: Born: December 11, 1943; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Adam Michnik ::: Born: October 17, 1946; Occupation: Editor;
    William Randolph Hearst ::: Born: April 29, 1863; Died: August 14, 1951; Occupation: Publisher;
    Augusten Burroughs ::: Born: October 23, 1965; Occupation: Writer;
    Brian Robertson ::: Born: February 12, 1956; Occupation: Guitarist;
    Charles Hart ::: Born: June 3, 1961; Occupation: Lyricist;
    Edgar Rice Burroughs ::: Born: September 1, 1875; Died: March 19, 1950; Occupation: Writer;
    Michael Flatley ::: Born: July 16, 1958; Occupation: Choreographer;
    Leonard Orr ::: Born: November 15, 1937; Occupation: Writer;
    Steve Blank ::: Born: 1953; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    William H. McRaven ::: Born: November 6, 1955; Occupation: Military Officer;
    John Burroughs ::: Born: April 3, 1837; Died: March 29, 1921; Occupation: Essayist;
    Jan Struther ::: Born: June 6, 1901; Died: July 20, 1953; Occupation: Film writer;
    Daniel Kahikina Akaka ::: Born: September 11, 1924; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Danny Hillis ::: Born: September 25, 1956; Occupation: Inventor;
    John Armstrong ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: British writer/philosopher;
    Casey Wilson ::: Born: October 24, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
    Lisa Lampanelli ::: Born: July 19, 1961; Occupation: Stand-up comedian;
    John Robert Seeley ::: Born: September 10, 1834; Died: January 13, 1895; Occupation: Essayist;
    David Shannon ::: Born: October 5, 1960; Occupation: Author;
    William S. Burroughs ::: Born: February 5, 1914; Died: August 2, 1997; Occupation: Novelist;
    Herbert Muschamp ::: Born: November 28, 1947; Died: October 2, 2007; Occupation: Architectural Critic;
    Simon Jenkins ::: Born: June 10, 1943; Occupation: Editor;
    David Cannadine ::: Born: September 7, 1950; Occupation: Historian;
    Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper ::: Born: January 15, 1914; Died: January 26, 2003; Occupation: Baron Dacre;
    Bettany Hughes ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Historian;
    Saffron Burrows ::: Born: October 22, 1972; Occupation: Actress;
    Kyle Schmid ::: Born: August 3, 1984; Occupation: Actor;
    Ellen Burstyn ::: Born: December 7, 1932; Occupation: Actress;
    Kay Yow ::: Born: March 14, 1942; Died: January 24, 2009; Occupation: Basketball Coach;
    Chapman Cohen ::: Born: September 1, 1868; Died: February 4, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
    Eric S. Raymond ::: Born: December 4, 1957; Occupation: Programmer;
    Robert Crawford ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Scottish poet;
    Mark Van Doren ::: Born: June 13, 1894; Died: December 10, 1972; Occupation: Poet;
    Ernst von Glasersfeld ::: Born: March 8, 1917; Died: November 12, 2010; Occupation: Writer;
    Richard Shweder ::: Born: February 17, 1945; Occupation: Anthropologist;
    Beverly Daniel Tatum ::: Born: September 27, 1954; Occupation: Professor;
    Cliff Burton ::: Born: February 10, 1962; Died: September 27, 1986; Occupation: Musician;
    Cherrie Moraga ::: Born: September 25, 1952; Occupation: Writer;
    Eric Shinseki ::: Born: November 28, 1942; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs;
    David Hood ::: Born: September 21, 1943; Occupation: Bassist;
    Peter Thiel ::: Born: October 11, 1967; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Mamie Van Doren ::: Born: February 6, 1931; Occupation: Actress;
    Ridgely Torrence ::: Born: November 27, 1874; Died: December 25, 1950; Occupation: Poet;
    Maggie Gallagher ::: Born: September 14, 1960; Occupation: Writer;
    Arlene Dahl ::: Born: August 11, 1925; Occupation: Actress;
    Michael Warner ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Professor;
    John C. Bogle ::: Born: May 8, 1929; Occupation: Investor;
    Paul Tergat ::: Born: June 17, 1969; Occupation: Runner;
    Angelique Kidjo ::: Born: July 14, 1960; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Bill Frisell ::: Born: March 18, 1951; Occupation: Guitarist;
    Bix Beiderbecke ::: Born: March 10, 1903; Died: August 6, 1931; Occupation: Composer;
    Clark Terry ::: Born: December 14, 1920; Died: February 21, 2015; Occupation: Trumpeter;
    Earl Hines ::: Born: December 28, 1903; Died: April 23, 1983; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
    Lester Bowie ::: Born: October 11, 1941; Died: November 8, 1999; Occupation: Trumpeter;
    Wes Montgomery ::: Born: March 6, 1923; Died: June 15, 1968; Occupation: Guitarist;
    Sammy Cahn ::: Born: June 18, 1913; Died: January 15, 1993; Occupation: Lyricist;
    Eric Dolphy ::: Born: June 20, 1928; Died: June 29, 1964; Occupation: Saxophonist;
    Richard Burton ::: Born: November 10, 1925; Died: August 5, 1984; Occupation: Actor;
    Tom Harrell ::: Born: June 16, 1946; Occupation: Trumpeter;
    Hubert Laws ::: Born: November 10, 1939; Occupation: Flutist;
    Joe Lovano ::: Born: December 29, 1952; Occupation: Saxophonist;
    Pat Martino ::: Born: August 25, 1944; Occupation: Guitarist;
    Max Roach ::: Born: January 10, 1924; Died: August 16, 2007; Occupation: Percussionist;
    Artie Shaw ::: Born: May 23, 1910; Died: December 30, 2004; Occupation: Clarinetist;
    Richard Francis Burton ::: Born: March 19, 1821; Died: October 20, 1890; Occupation: Translator;
    George Wein ::: Born: October 3, 1925; Occupation: Promoter;
    Jonathon Porritt ::: Born: July 6, 1950; Occupation: Environmentalist;
    Janine Benyus ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Science writer;
    Peter Coyote ::: Born: October 10, 1941; Occupation: Actor;
    David W. Orr ::: Born: 1944; Occupation: Professor;
    Robert Burton ::: Born: February 8, 1577; Died: January 25, 1640; Occupation: Scholar;
    Kelli Williams ::: Born: June 8, 1970; Occupation: Actress;
    Sheila Kitzinger ::: Born: March 29, 1929; Died: April 11, 2015; Occupation: Activist;
    Thomas Perry ::: Born: 1947; Died: 1928; Occupation: Novelist;
    Malik Zulu Shabazz ::: Born: September 7, 1966; Occupation: Attorney;
    Septima Poinsette Clark ::: Born: May 3, 1898; Died: December 15, 1987; Occupation: Educator;
    John Dear ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Priest;
    Lanza del Vasto ::: Born: September 29, 1901; Died: January 5, 1981; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Julia Hill ::: Born: February 18, 1974; Occupation: Activist;
    Chan Khong ::: Born: 1938; Occupation: Peace activist;
    Sophie Kerr ::: Born: 1880; Died: 1965; Occupation: Writer;
    Stockard Channing ::: Born: February 13, 1944; Occupation: Film actress;
    Anwarul Karim Chowdhury ::: Born: February 5, 1943; Occupation: Diplomat;
    James Tate ::: Born: December 8, 1943; Died: July 8, 2015; Occupation: Poet;
    Adrian Mitchell ::: Born: October 24, 1932; Died: December 20, 2008; Occupation: Poet;
    Ferdinand Marcos ::: Born: September 11, 1917; Died: September 28, 1989; Occupation: Former President of the Philippines;
    John Diamond ::: Born: May 10, 1953; Died: March 2, 2001; Occupation: Journalist;
    Tom C. Clark ::: Born: September 23, 1899; Died: June 13, 1977; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
    Wayne Smith ::: Born: 1932; Died: February 17, 2014; Occupation: Diplomat;
    Tim Burton ::: Born: August 25, 1958; Occupation: Film director;
    Geert Wilders ::: Born: September 6, 1963; Occupation: Dutch Politician;
    Michael Lerner ::: Born: 1943; Occupation: Political activist;
    Shmuley Boteach ::: Born: November 19, 1966; Occupation: Rabbi;
    Franklin Graham ::: Born: July 14, 1952; Occupation: Evangelist;
    Alvin Boyd Kuhn ::: Born: September 22, 1880; Died: September 14, 1963; Occupation: Author;
    Robert E. Ornstein ::: Born: 1942; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Frank Wilczek ::: Born: May 15, 1951; Occupation: Theoretical Physicist;
    Dominique Strauss-Kahn ::: Born: April 25, 1949; Occupation: Former Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Employment of France;
    Walter Kohn ::: Born: March 9, 1923; Died: April 19, 2016; Occupation: Physicist;
    Carter Burwell ::: Born: November 18, 1955; Occupation: Film Score Composer;
    Ralphie May ::: Born: February 17, 1972; Occupation: Comedian;
    Galen ::: Born: 130; Died: 200; Occupation: Physician;
    Poul Anderson ::: Born: November 25, 1926; Died: July 31, 2001; Occupation: Author;
    Sextus Empiricus ::: Born: 160; Died: 210; Occupation: Physician;
    Lancelot Hogben ::: Born: December 9, 1895; Died: August 22, 1975; Occupation: Statistician;
    Leo Buscaglia ::: Born: March 31, 1924; Died: June 12, 1998; Occupation: Author;
    Tenzin Palmo ::: Born: 1943; Occupation: Author;
    Steve Buscemi ::: Born: December 13, 1957; Occupation: Actor;
    Bob Riley ::: Born: October 3, 1944; Occupation: Former Governor of Alabama;
    Dhirubhai Ambani ::: Born: December 28, 1932; Died: July 6, 2002; Occupation: Business magnate;
    Les Aspin ::: Born: July 21, 1938; Died: May 21, 1995; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Defense;
    Andrew Zimmern ::: Born: July 4, 1961; Occupation: Television personality;
    Ellison Onizuka ::: Born: June 24, 1946; Died: January 28, 1986; Occupation: Astronaut;
    Gary Busey ::: Born: June 29, 1944; Occupation: Film actor;
    Marcel Conche ::: Born: 1922; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Percy Sledge ::: Born: November 25, 1940; Died: April 14, 2015; Occupation: Musician;
    Fats Domino ::: Born: February 26, 1928; Occupation: Pianist;
    Alan Ayckbourn ::: Born: April 12, 1939; Occupation: Playwright;
    Jane Powell ::: Born: April 1, 1929; Occupation: Singer;
    Barbara Bush ::: Born: June 8, 1925; Occupation: Former First Lady of the United States;
    Rob Estes ::: Born: July 22, 1963; Occupation: Actor;
    Tina Louise ::: Born: February 11, 1934; Occupation: Actress;
    Melanie Brown ::: Born: May 29, 1975; Occupation: Recording Artist;
    Billy Bush ::: Born: October 13, 1971; Occupation: Television Show Host;
    Clive Davis ::: Born: April 4, 1932; Occupation: Record producer;
    Erica Packer ::: Born: 1977; Occupation: Singer;
    Alex Jones ::: Born: February 11, 1974; Occupation: Radio host;
    Charles Koch ::: Born: November 1, 1935; Occupation: Businessman;
    Lachlan Murdoch ::: Born: September 8, 1971; Occupation: Businessman;
    Columba Bush ::: Born: August 17, 1953; Occupation: Philanthropist;
    Henry Vaughan ::: Born: 1621; Died: April 23, 1695; Occupation: Author;
    George H. W. Bush ::: Born: June 12, 1924; Occupation: 41st U.S. President;
    Jean Shinoda Bolen ::: Born: 1936; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
    Jan Smuts ::: Born: May 24, 1870; Died: September 11, 1950; Occupation: Statesman;
    Phil Mickelson ::: Born: June 16, 1970; Occupation: Golfer;
    Casey Robinson ::: Born: October 17, 1903; Died: December 6, 1979; Occupation: Film producer;
    George W. Bush ::: Born: July 6, 1946; Occupation: 43rd U.S. President;
    Prem Rawat ::: Born: December 10, 1957; Occupation: Public speaker;
    Mia Michaels ::: Born: February 22, 1966; Occupation: Choreographer;
    Hanya Holm ::: Born: March 3, 1893; Died: November 3, 1992; Occupation: Choreographer;
    Anandmurti Gurumaa ::: Born: April 8, 1966; Occupation: Spiritual leader;
    Jeb Bush ::: Born: February 11, 1953; Occupation: Former Governor of Florida;
    Darcey Bussell ::: Born: April 27, 1969; Occupation: Ballerina;
    Siobhan Davies ::: Born: September 18, 1950; Occupation: Dancer;
    Maya Plisetskaya ::: Born: November 20, 1925; Died: May 2, 2015; Occupation: Ballet Dancer;
    Jenna Bush ::: Born: November 25, 1981; Occupation: Author;
    Jeremy Brett ::: Born: November 3, 1933; Died: September 12, 1995; Occupation: Actor;
    Sasha Alexander ::: Born: May 17, 1973; Occupation: Actress;
    Barbara Windsor ::: Born: August 6, 1937; Died: October 27, 2016; Occupation: Actress;
    Rodney Yee ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Yoga Instructor;
    Mata Amritanandamayi ::: Born: September 27, 1953; Occupation: Spiritual leader;
    Shlomo Carlebach ::: Born: January 14, 1925; Died: October 20, 1994; Occupation: Rabbi;
    Matthieu Ricard ::: Born: February 15, 1946; Occupation: Monk;
    Julie Chen ::: Born: January 6, 1970; Occupation: Television Personality;
    John Wright ::: Born: July 5, 1954; Occupation: Cricketer;
    Kate Bush ::: Born: July 30, 1958; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Lloyd Alexander ::: Born: January 30, 1924; Died: May 17, 2007; Occupation: Author;
    Louie Giglio ::: Born: June 30, 1958; Occupation: Pastor;
    Graham Kendrick ::: Born: August 2, 1950; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Sam Storms ::: Born: February 6, 1951; Occupation: Author;
    Reuben Morgan ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Songwriter;
    Marva Dawn ::: Born: August 20, 1948; Occupation: Author;
    Stuart Townend ::: Born: 1963; Occupation: Music writer;
    Ray Nagin ::: Born: June 11, 1956; Occupation: Former Mayor of New Orleans;
    Christine O'Donnell ::: Born: August 27, 1969; Occupation: Political figure;
    Keith Olbermann ::: Born: January 27, 1959; Occupation: Sports commentator;
    Charles Saatchi ::: Born: June 9, 1943; Occupation: Art collector;
    Peter Sarsgaard ::: Born: March 7, 1971; Occupation: Film actor;
    Kurt Waldheim ::: Born: December 21, 1918; Died: June 14, 2007; Occupation: Austrian Politician;
    Laura Bush ::: Born: November 4, 1946; Occupation: Former First Lady of the United States;
    Mooji ::: Born: January 29, 1954; Occupation: Teacher;
    J. D. Greear ::: Born: 1973; Occupation: Author;
    R. T. Kendall ::: Born: July 13, 1935; Occupation: Writer;
    Michael Meade ::: Born: 1944; Occupation: Author;
    Jason Vale ::: Born: June 21, 1969; Occupation: Author;
    Akkineni Nagarjuna ::: Born: August 29, 1959; Occupation: Film actor;
    Martha Ostenso ::: Born: September 17, 1900; Died: November 24, 1963; Occupation: Novelist;
    Thaksin Shinawatra ::: Born: July 26, 1949; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Thailand;
    John Fire Lame Deer ::: Born: March 17, 1903; Died: December 14, 1976; Occupation: Rodeo clown;
    Nicholas Lore ::: Born: July 12, 1944; Occupation: Author;
    Douglas McGregor ::: Born: 1906; Died: October 1, 1964; Occupation: Professor;
    Sophia Bush ::: Born: July 8, 1982; Occupation: Actress;
    Dith Pran ::: Born: September 27, 1942; Died: March 30, 2008; Occupation: Photojournalist;
    Henry Taube ::: Born: November 30, 1915; Died: November 16, 2005; Occupation: Chemist;
    Robert Nardelli ::: Born: May 17, 1948; Occupation: Businessman;
    Timothy Gallwey ::: Born: 1938; Occupation: Author;
    Shelley Long ::: Born: August 23, 1949; Occupation: Film actress;
    Ron Brown ::: Born: August 1, 1941; Died: April 3, 1996; Occupation: United States Secretary of Commerce;
    Michael Winner ::: Born: October 30, 1935; Died: January 21, 2013; Occupation: Film director;
    Vannevar Bush ::: Born: March 11, 1890; Died: June 28, 1974; Occupation: Electrical engineer;
    John Olsen ::: Born: January 21, 1928; Occupation: Artist;
    Alice von Hildebrand ::: Born: March 11, 1923; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Wayne Grudem ::: Born: 1948; Occupation: Professor;
    Candace Bushnell ::: Born: December 1, 1958; Occupation: Novelist;
    Ryan Lewis ::: Born: March 25, 1988; Occupation: Musician;
    Johnnetta B. Cole ::: Born: October 19, 1936; Occupation: Anthropologist;
    Ray Anderson ::: Born: July 28, 1934; Died: August 8, 2011; Occupation: Business person;
    Bill Drayton ::: Born: 1943; Occupation: Social Entrepreneur;
    Nolan Bushnell ::: Born: February 5, 1943; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Dalia Mogahed ::: Born: 1974; Occupation: Executive;
    Neil MacGregor ::: Born: June 16, 1946; Occupation: Museum director;
    Stewart Brand ::: Born: December 14, 1938; Occupation: Writer;
    Rhonda Britten ::: Born: December 1, 1960; Occupation: Author;
    Rod Parsley ::: Born: January 13, 1957; Occupation: Television evangelist;
    Agnivesh ::: Born: September 21, 1939; Occupation: Social activist;
    Helen LaKelly Hunt ::: Born: 1949; Occupation: Hall of fame inductee;
    Queen Noor of Jordan ::: Born: August 23, 1951; Occupation: Advocate;
    Jerome Kagan ::: Born: 1929; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Sheldon Lee Glashow ::: Born: December 5, 1932; Occupation: Physicist;
    Woodrow M. Kroll ::: Born: October 21, 1944; Occupation: Writer;
    Jonathan Falwell ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Pastor;
    Judith Regan ::: Born: August 17, 1953; Occupation: Book editor;
    Harold Laski ::: Born: June 30, 1893; Died: March 24, 1950; Occupation: Economist;
    John Hagee ::: Born: April 12, 1940; Occupation: Pastor;
    Stephen A. Schwarzman ::: Born: February 14, 1947; Occupation: Business magnate;
    David Bach ::: Born: November 19, 1966; Occupation: Author;
    Kerry Stokes ::: Born: September 13, 1940; Occupation: Businessman;
    Talaat Pasha ::: Born: 1874; Died: March 15, 1921; Occupation: Political figure;
    Pol Pot ::: Born: May 19, 1925; Died: April 15, 1998; Occupation: Political leader;
    David Gergen ::: Born: May 9, 1942; Occupation: White House Staff Assistant;
    Marlo Morgan ::: Born: September 29, 1937; Occupation: Author;
    Gerard Butler ::: Born: November 13, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
    Peter Schiff ::: Born: March 23, 1963; Occupation: Author;
    Mangosuthu Buthelezi ::: Born: August 27, 1928; Occupation: South African Politician;
    Steve Schirripa ::: Born: September 3, 1957; Occupation: Actor;
    Edith Widder ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Oceanographer;
    Eric Hiscock ::: Born: March 14, 1908; Died: September 15, 1986; Occupation: Sailor;
    Gary North ::: Born: 1942; Occupation: Historian;
    Paul Rogat Loeb ::: Born: July 4, 1952; Occupation: Social activist;
    Marcus Borg ::: Born: 1942; Died: January 21, 2015; Occupation: Scholar;
    Marc Ian Barasch ::: Born: 1949; Occupation: Fictioneer;
    James Wolfensohn ::: Born: December 1, 1933; Occupation: Lawyer;
    Satya Nadella ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Executive;
    Ben Moody ::: Born: January 22, 1981; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Elliot Aronson ::: Born: January 9, 1932; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Mariane Pearl ::: Born: July 23, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
    Zero Mostel ::: Born: February 28, 1915; Died: September 8, 1977; Occupation: Actor;
    Geezer Butler ::: Born: July 17, 1949; Occupation: Musician;
    Reggie White ::: Born: December 19, 1961; Died: December 26, 2004; Occupation: Football player;
    Olga Korbut ::: Born: May 16, 1955; Occupation: Gymnast;
    Bob Costas ::: Born: March 22, 1952; Occupation: Sportscaster;
    Joseph Butler ::: Born: May 18, 1692; Died: June 16, 1752; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Elgin Baylor ::: Born: September 16, 1934; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Howie Long ::: Born: January 6, 1960; Occupation: Actor;
    Debi Thomas ::: Born: March 25, 1967; Occupation: Physician;
    Zola Budd ::: Born: May 26, 1966; Occupation: Runner;
    Judith Butler ::: Born: February 24, 1956; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Samuel Alexander ::: Born: January 6, 1859; Died: September 13, 1938; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Thomas F. Wilson ::: Born: April 15, 1959; Died: March 25, 2004; Occupation: Actor;
    Diana Dors ::: Born: October 23, 1931; Died: May 4, 1984; Occupation: Film actress;
    Cornelius Nepos ::: Born: 100 BC; Died: 24 BC; Occupation: Biographer;
    Andrew Mason ::: Born: 1980; Occupation: Businessman;
    Michael Dirda ::: Born: November 6, 1948; Occupation: Critic;
    Scott Peterson ::: Born: October 24, 1972; Occupation: Sentence;
    Richard Diebenkorn ::: Born: April 22, 1922; Died: March 30, 1993; Occupation: Painter;
    Octavia Butler ::: Born: June 22, 1947; Died: February 24, 2006; Occupation: Writer;
    Bryant Gumbel ::: Born: September 29, 1948; Occupation: Journalist;
    Samuel Butler ::: Born: December 4, 1835; Died: June 18, 1902; Occupation: Author;
    Frank Sulloway ::: Born: February 2, 1947; Occupation: Historian of Science;
    Charles Lapworth ::: Born: September 20, 1842; Died: March 13, 1920; Occupation: Geologist;
    David Koepp ::: Born: June 9, 1963; Occupation: Screenwriter;
    George Wells Beadle ::: Born: October 22, 1903; Died: June 9, 1989; Occupation: Scientist;
    Smedley Butler ::: Born: July 30, 1881; Died: June 21, 1940; Occupation: Author;
    Anna Dello Russo ::: Born: April 16, 1962; Occupation: Editor;
    Hubert de Givenchy ::: Born: February 21, 1927; Occupation: Fashion designer;
    Jane Birkin ::: Born: December 14, 1946; Occupation: Film actress;
    Zac Posen ::: Born: October 24, 1980; Occupation: Fashion designer;
    Sarah Burton ::: Born: 1974; Occupation: Fashion designer;
    Sammy Sosa ::: Born: November 12, 1968; Occupation: Baseball player;
    Dan Shaughnessy ::: Born: July 20, 1953; Occupation: Writer;
    Kenneth Turan ::: Born: October 27, 1946; Occupation: Film critic;
    Nancy Kress ::: Born: January 20, 1948; Occupation: Fiction writer;
    Jack Dann ::: Born: February 15, 1945; Occupation: Writer;
    Danielle LaPorte ::: Born: May 25, 1969; Occupation: Author;
    Marijane Meaker ::: Born: May 27, 1927; Occupation: Novelist;
    Bernard Hopkins ::: Born: January 15, 1965; Occupation: Boxer;
    Franz Beckenbauer ::: Born: September 11, 1945; Occupation: Football manager;
    Donald Worster ::: Born: 1941; Occupation: Professor;
    Norman Finkelstein ::: Born: December 8, 1953; Occupation: Political Scientist;
    Gian-Carlo Rota ::: Born: April 27, 1932; Died: April 18, 1999; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Red Buttons ::: Born: February 5, 1919; Died: July 13, 2006; Occupation: Comedian;
    Denton Cooley ::: Born: August 22, 1920; Died: November 18, 2016; Occupation: Surgeon;
    Heinrich Hertz ::: Born: February 22, 1857; Died: January 1, 1894; Occupation: Physicist;
    Benedict of Nursia ::: Born: 480; Died: March 21, 543; Occupation: Saint;
    Peter Gzowski ::: Born: July 13, 1934; Died: January 24, 2002; Occupation: Broadcaster;
    Kyoshi Takahama ::: Born: February 22, 1874; Died: April 8, 1959; Occupation: Poet;
    Norris Church Mailer ::: Born: January 31, 1949; Died: November 21, 2010; Occupation: Novelist;
    Dinaw Mengestu ::: Born: 1978; Occupation: Novelist;
    Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ::: Born: 1910; Died: September 28, 1991; Occupation: Poet;
    Ken Auletta ::: Born: April 23, 1942; Occupation: Writer;
    Luis Federico Leloir ::: Born: September 6, 1906; Died: December 2, 1987; Occupation: Researcher;
    Uell Stanley Andersen ::: Born: September 14, 1917; Died: September 24, 1986; Occupation: Author;
    Patricia Churchland ::: Born: July 16, 1943; Occupation: Philosopher;
    David Budbill ::: Born: 1940; Died: September 25, 2016; Occupation: Poet;
    Howard W. Hunter ::: Born: November 14, 1907; Died: March 3, 1995; Occupation: Lawyer;
    Thomas Troward ::: Born: 1847; Died: May 16, 1916; Occupation: Author;
    Steve Buyer ::: Born: November 26, 1958; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
    Mike Todd ::: Born: June 22, 1909; Died: March 22, 1958; Occupation: Theater Producer;
    Shailender Singh ::: Born: October 4, 1952; Occupation: Playback Singer;
    Murasaki Shikibu ::: Born: 973; Occupation: Novelist;
    Elisabeth Moss ::: Born: July 24, 1982; Occupation: TV Actor;
    A. S. Byatt ::: Born: August 24, 1936; Occupation: Novelist;
    Otl Aicher ::: Born: May 13, 1922; Died: September 1, 1991; Occupation: Graphic Designer;
    Dieter Rams ::: Born: May 20, 1932; Occupation: Industrial designer;
    Jean Baker Miller ::: Born: September 29, 1927; Died: July 29, 2006; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
    Robert Pinsky ::: Born: October 20, 1940; Occupation: Poet;
    Amanda Bynes ::: Born: April 3, 1986; Occupation: Actress;
    Michael Chertoff ::: Born: November 28, 1953; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security;
    Lawton Chiles ::: Born: April 3, 1930; Died: December 12, 1998; Occupation: Former American Senate member;
    Scott Sanders ::: Born: October 26, 1945; Occupation: Novelist;
    Robert Montgomery ::: Born: May 21, 1904; Died: September 27, 1981; Occupation: Film actor;
    John Gerard ::: Born: 1545; Occupation: Botanist;
    J. Michael Bailey ::: Born: July 2, 1957; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Ranulph Fiennes ::: Born: March 7, 1944; Occupation: Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes baronets;
    Kate Capshaw ::: Born: November 3, 1953; Occupation: Film actress;
    Hans Zimmer ::: Born: September 12, 1957; Occupation: Film composer;
    Milton H. Erickson ::: Born: December 5, 1901; Died: March 25, 1980; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
    John Lennox ::: Born: 1945; Occupation: Mathematician;
    William Lane Craig ::: Born: August 23, 1949; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Donald Bradman ::: Born: August 27, 1908; Died: February 25, 2001; Occupation: Cricketer;
    C. Vivian Stringer ::: Born: March 16, 1948; Occupation: Basketball Coach;
    Robert Byrd ::: Born: November 20, 1917; Died: June 28, 2010; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Darryl F. Zanuck ::: Born: September 5, 1902; Died: December 22, 1979; Occupation: Film Producer;
    Ted Koppel ::: Born: February 8, 1940; Occupation: Broadcaster;
    David Byrne ::: Born: May 14, 1952; Occupation: Musician;
    Gabriel Byrne ::: Born: May 12, 1950; Occupation: Actor;
    Walter Russell ::: Born: 1871; Died: 1963; Occupation: Author;
    Harry Secombe ::: Born: September 8, 1921; Died: April 11, 2001; Occupation: Comedian;
    Hermione Gingold ::: Born: December 9, 1897; Died: May 24, 1987; Occupation: Film actress;
    Kong Hee ::: Born: August 23, 1964; Occupation: Pastor;
    David Yonggi Cho ::: Born: February 14, 1936; Occupation: Pastor;
    Stephen Samuel Wise ::: Born: March 17, 1874; Died: April 19, 1949; Occupation: Rabbi;
    Jane Byrne ::: Born: May 24, 1934; Died: November 14, 2014; Occupation: Former Mayor of Chicago;
    Scottie Pippen ::: Born: September 25, 1965; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Howard G. Hendricks ::: Born: April 5, 1924; Died: February 20, 2013; Occupation: Professor;
    Helen Caldicott ::: Born: August 7, 1938; Occupation: Physician;
    Sylvia Ashton-Warner ::: Born: December 17, 1908; Died: April 28, 1984; Occupation: Writer;
    John Byrne ::: Born: July 6, 1950; Occupation: Comic Book Writer;
    Gyorgy Kepes ::: Born: October 4, 1906; Died: December 29, 2001; Occupation: Visual Artist;
    Piet Mondrian ::: Born: March 7, 1872; Died: February 1, 1944; Occupation: Painter;
    Paul Strand ::: Born: October 16, 1890; Died: March 31, 1976; Occupation: Photographer;
    Roger Fry ::: Born: December 14, 1866; Died: September 9, 1934; Occupation: Artist;
    Augustus Saint-Gaudens ::: Born: March 1, 1848; Died: August 3, 1907; Occupation: Sculptor;
    Rhonda Byrne ::: Born: March 12, 1951; Occupation: Writer;
    Stephen A. Douglas ::: Born: April 23, 1813; Died: June 3, 1861; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
    Protagoras ::: Born: 490 BC; Died: 420 BC; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Paul Kurtz ::: Born: December 21, 1925; Died: October 22, 2012; Occupation: Professor;
    Adoniram Judson ::: Born: August 9, 1788; Died: April 12, 1850; Occupation: Missionary;
    Mike Binder ::: Born: June 2, 1958; Occupation: Film director;
    Hu Jintao ::: Born: December 21, 1942; Occupation: Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of China;
    Otto Neurath ::: Born: December 10, 1882; Died: December 22, 1945; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Louis Agassiz ::: Born: May 28, 1807; Died: December 14, 1873; Occupation: Geologist;
    Antony Hewish ::: Born: May 11, 1924; Occupation: Astronomer;
    Gregory of Nyssa ::: Born: 335; Died: 394; Occupation: Saint;
    Chinmayananda Saraswati ::: Born: May 8, 1916; Died: August 3, 1993; Occupation: Spiritual leader;
    Judah Halevi ::: Born: 1075; Died: 1141; Occupation: Poet;
    Sarada Devi ::: Born: December 22, 1853; Died: July 20, 1920; Occupation: Biographer;
    Ibn Arabi ::: Born: July 25, 1165; Died: November 8, 1240; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Jean Klein ::: Born: October 19, 1912; Died: February 22, 1998; Occupation: Spiritual teacher;
    Peter Levitt ::: Born: September 2, 1946; Occupation: Poet;
    Fred Alan Wolf ::: Born: December 3, 1934; Occupation: Physicist;
    Lord Byron ::: Born: January 22, 1788; Died: April 19, 1824; Occupation: Baron Byron;
    Shana Alexander ::: Born: October 6, 1925; Died: June 23, 2005; Occupation: Journalist;
    Abdallah II ::: Born: January 30, 1962; Occupation: King of Jordan;
    Anthony of Padua ::: Born: August 15, 1195; Died: June 13, 1231; Occupation: Priest;
    Seungsahn ::: Born: August 1, 1927; Died: November 30, 2004; Occupation: Correspondent;
    Douglas Harding ::: Born: February 12, 1909; Died: January 11, 2007; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan ::: Born: September 5, 1888; Died: April 17, 1975; Occupation: Former President of India;
    Krista Tippett ::: Born: November 6, 1960; Occupation: Broadcaster;
    Aaron Huey ::: Born: December 9, 1975; Occupation: Photographer;
    Augustus Toplady ::: Born: November 4, 1740; Died: August 11, 1778; Occupation: Writer;
    Kenneth Lee Pike ::: Born: June 9, 1912; Died: December 31, 2000; Occupation: Anthropologist;
    Samuel McChord Crothers ::: Born: June 7, 1857; Occupation: Essayist;
    Hasdai ibn Shaprut ::: Born: 915; Occupation: Physician;
    Janet Flanner ::: Born: March 13, 1892; Died: November 7, 1978; Occupation: Writer;
    Sara Jeannette Duncan ::: Born: December 22, 1861; Died: July 22, 1922; Occupation: Author;
    Raquel Welch ::: Born: September 5, 1940; Occupation: Film actress;
    Octave Chanute ::: Born: February 18, 1832; Died: November 23, 1910; Occupation: Engineer;
    Carsten Juste ::: Born: July 6, 1947; Occupation: Journalist;
    Terry Wogan ::: Born: August 3, 1938; Died: January 31, 2016; Occupation: Television presenter;
    Charles I of England ::: Born: November 19, 1600; Died: January 30, 1649; Occupation: Monarch;
    Margaret Bourke-White ::: Born: June 14, 1904; Died: August 27, 1971; Occupation: Photographer;
    Zitkala-Sa ::: Born: February 22, 1876; Died: January 26, 1938; Occupation: Writer;
    Donald C. Peattie ::: Born: June 21, 1898; Died: November 16, 1964; Occupation: Botanist;
    James Caan ::: Born: March 26, 1940; Occupation: Actor;
    Caligula ::: Born: August 31, 12; Died: January 24, 41; Occupation: Roman emperor;
    Roberto Rossellini ::: Born: May 8, 1906; Died: June 3, 1977; Occupation: Film director;
    Brandon Bays ::: Born: August 21, 1953; Occupation: Author;
    Willis Harman ::: Born: August 16, 1918; Died: January 30, 1997; Occupation: Engineer;
    Russell Conwell ::: Born: February 15, 1843; Died: December 6, 1925; Occupation: Writer;
    Scott Caan ::: Born: August 23, 1976; Occupation: Actor;
    Ronald Knox ::: Born: February 17, 1888; Died: August 24, 1957; Occupation: Author;
    Camille Desmoulins ::: Born: March 2, 1760; Died: April 5, 1794; Occupation: French Politician;
    Trevor McDonald ::: Born: August 16, 1939; Occupation: Journalist;
    Carlos P. Romulo ::: Born: January 14, 1899; Died: December 15, 1985; Occupation: Resident Commissioner of the Philippines;
    David Ramsey ::: Born: November 17, 1971; Occupation: Actor;
    James Branch Cabell ::: Born: April 14, 1879; Died: May 5, 1958; Occupation: Author;
    Andrew Napolitano ::: Born: June 6, 1950; Occupation: Judge;
    Suzanne Curchod ::: Born: 1737; Died: May 6, 1794; Occupation: Writer;
    John Foxe ::: Born: 1517; Died: April 18, 1587; Occupation: Author;
    Jack Hyles ::: Born: September 25, 1926; Died: February 6, 2001; Occupation: Pastor;
    Christina Stead ::: Born: July 17, 1902; Died: March 31, 1983; Occupation: Novelist;
    John Lanchester ::: Born: February 25, 1962; Occupation: Journalist;
    Victor Niederhoffer ::: Born: December 10, 1943; Occupation: Author;
    Clive Palmer ::: Born: March 26, 1954; Occupation: Australian Politician;
    Huldrych Zwingli ::: Born: January 1, 1484; Died: October 11, 1531; Occupation: Political leader;
    Vince Cable ::: Born: May 9, 1943; Occupation: British Politician;
    Polycarp ::: Born: 69; Died: 155; Occupation: Martyr;
    Jorma Kaukonen ::: Born: December 23, 1940; Occupation: Guitarist;
    Meg Cabot ::: Born: February 1, 1967; Occupation: Author;
    Davina McCall ::: Born: October 16, 1967; Occupation: Television presenter;
    Karl Albrecht ::: Born: September 17, 1941; Occupation: Author;
    Michael Gerber ::: Born: June 20, 1936; Occupation: Author;
    Ahmed Chalabi ::: Born: October 30, 1944; Died: November 3, 2015; Occupation: Iraqi Politician;
    Tom Glavine ::: Born: March 25, 1966; Occupation: Baseball player;
    Miguel Cabrera ::: Born: April 18, 1983; Occupation: Baseball player;
    Jon Corzine ::: Born: January 1, 1947; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Ernest K. Gann ::: Born: October 13, 1910; Died: December 19, 1991; Occupation: Aviator;
    Bernard Moitessier ::: Born: April 10, 1925; Died: June 16, 1994; Occupation: Sailor;
    Ryan Cabrera ::: Born: July 18, 1982; Occupation: Singer;
    Alain Gerbault ::: Born: November 17, 1893; Died: December 16, 1941; Occupation: Sailor;
    Eileen Caddy ::: Born: August 26, 1917; Died: December 13, 2006; Occupation: Author;
    Marine Le Pen ::: Born: August 5, 1968; Occupation: Member of the European Parliament;
    Mark W. Clark ::: Born: May 1, 1896; Died: April 17, 1984; Occupation: Soldier;
    Derek Jacobi ::: Born: October 22, 1938; Occupation: Actor;
    Rocco Buttiglione ::: Born: June 6, 1948; Occupation: Italian Politician;
    Viktor Suvorov ::: Born: April 20, 1947; Occupation: Writer;
    Lajos Kossuth ::: Born: September 19, 1802; Died: March 20, 1894; Occupation: Lawyer;
    James Meredith ::: Born: June 25, 1933; Occupation: Writer;
    Elijah Muhammad ::: Born: October 7, 1897; Died: February 25, 1975; Occupation: Political leader;
    Mary Frances Berry ::: Born: February 17, 1938; Occupation: Professor;
    Gil Amelio ::: Born: March 1, 1943; Occupation: Executive;
    David Meerman Scott ::: Born: March 25, 1961; Occupation: Strategist;
    Robert H. Jackson ::: Born: February 13, 1892; Died: October 9, 1954; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
    Herb Caen ::: Born: April 3, 1916; Died: February 1, 1997; Occupation: Journalist;
    Trent Reznor ::: Born: May 17, 1965; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Rachel Simmons ::: Born: August 10, 1974; Occupation: Author;
    Dainin Katagiri ::: Born: January 19, 1928; Died: March 1, 1990; Occupation: Author;
    Hans Magnus Enzensberger ::: Born: November 11, 1929; Occupation: Author;
    Julius Caesar ::: Born: 100 BC; Occupation: Roman dictator;
    Li Peng ::: Born: October 20, 1928; Occupation: Former Premier of the People's Republic of China;
    Amerigo Vespucci ::: Born: March 9, 1454; Died: February 22, 1512; Occupation: Navigator;
    Grace Hartigan ::: Born: March 28, 1922; Died: November 15, 2008; Occupation: Painter;
    Mary Edwards Walker ::: Born: November 26, 1832; Died: February 21, 1919; Occupation: Surgeon;
    Sid Caesar ::: Born: September 8, 1922; Died: February 12, 2014; Occupation: Actor;
    Wilhelm II ::: Born: January 27, 1859; Died: June 4, 1941; Occupation: Former German Emperor;
    Louis Untermeyer ::: Born: October 1, 1885; Died: December 18, 1977; Occupation: Poet;
    George Henry Borrow ::: Born: July 5, 1803; Died: July 26, 1881; Occupation: Author;
    Brigit of Kildare ::: Born: 451; Died: February 1, 523; Occupation: Saint;
    John Cage ::: Born: September 5, 1912; Died: August 12, 1992; Occupation: Composer;
    James Garner ::: Born: April 7, 1928; Died: July 19, 2014; Occupation: Actor;
    Phineas Fletcher ::: Born: 1582; Died: 1650; Occupation: Poet;
    Cecil Day-Lewis ::: Born: April 27, 1904; Died: May 22, 1972; Occupation: Poet;
    Melanie Griffith ::: Born: August 9, 1957; Occupation: Actress;
    Irving Layton ::: Born: March 12, 1912; Died: January 4, 2006; Occupation: Poet;
    Nicolas Gomez Davila ::: Born: May 18, 1913; Died: May 17, 1994; Occupation: Writer;
    Nicolas Cage ::: Born: January 7, 1964; Occupation: Actor;
    James Cagney ::: Born: July 17, 1899; Died: March 30, 1986; Occupation: Actor;
    Sarah Louise Delany ::: Born: September 19, 1889; Died: January 25, 1999; Occupation: Educator;
    Reginald Heber ::: Born: April 21, 1783; Died: April 3, 1826; Occupation: Writer;
    Harry Anderson ::: Born: October 14, 1952; Occupation: Actor;
    Abraham Cahan ::: Born: July 7, 1860; Died: August 31, 1951; Occupation: Editor;
    Paul Michael Glaser ::: Born: March 25, 1943; Occupation: Actor;
    Douglas Smith ::: Born: June 22, 1985; Occupation: Actor;
    Angela Ahrendts ::: Born: June 12, 1960; Occupation: Businesswoman;
    Karl Gutzkow ::: Born: March 17, 1811; Died: December 16, 1878; Occupation: Writer;
    Heywood Hale Broun ::: Born: March 10, 1918; Died: September 5, 2001; Occupation: Author;
    Lolo Jones ::: Born: August 5, 1982; Occupation: Track and field athlete;
    Greg Maddux ::: Born: April 14, 1966; Occupation: Baseball player;
    Alex Morgan ::: Born: July 2, 1989; Occupation: Soccer Player;
    Jamila Wideman ::: Born: October 16, 1975; Occupation: Basketball Player;
    Kenyon Martin ::: Born: December 30, 1977; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Colbie Caillat ::: Born: May 28, 1985; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Bob Cousy ::: Born: August 9, 1928; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Bela Karolyi ::: Born: September 13, 1942; Occupation: Coach;
    Tyson Gay ::: Born: August 9, 1982; Occupation: Track and field athlete;
    Herman Cain ::: Born: December 13, 1945; Occupation: Author;
    Sherman Alexie ::: Born: October 7, 1966; Occupation: Poet;
    Geno Auriemma ::: Born: March 23, 1954; Occupation: Basketball Coach;
    Dawn Staley ::: Born: May 4, 1970; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Damon Hill ::: Born: September 17, 1960; Occupation: Racing driver;
    James M. Cain ::: Born: July 1, 1892; Died: October 27, 1977; Occupation: Author;
    Jimmy Hill ::: Born: July 22, 1928; Died: December 19, 2015; Occupation: Association football player;
    Ron Atkinson ::: Born: March 18, 1939; Occupation: Soccer player;
    Gale Sayers ::: Born: May 30, 1943; Occupation: Football player;
    Jonathan Cain ::: Born: February 26, 1950; Occupation: Musician;
    Jose Canseco ::: Born: July 2, 1964; Occupation: Baseball player;
    Pedro ::: Born: July 28, 1987; Occupation: Soccer player;
    Metta World Peace ::: Born: November 13, 1979; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Bill Cowher ::: Born: May 8, 1957; Occupation: Football coach;
    Frederick Marryat ::: Born: July 10, 1792; Died: August 9, 1848; Occupation: Officer;
    Susan Cain ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Writer;
    Bob Monkhouse ::: Born: June 1, 1928; Died: December 29, 2003; Occupation: Writer;
    Taki Theodoracopulos ::: Born: August 11, 1937; Occupation: Journalist;
    William Castle ::: Born: April 24, 1914; Died: May 31, 1977; Occupation: Film director;
    Gail Parent ::: Born: August 12, 1940; Occupation: Television screenwriter;
    John Evelyn ::: Born: October 31, 1620; Died: February 27, 1706; Occupation: Writer;
    James Rachels ::: Born: May 30, 1941; Died: September 5, 2003; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Madeleine de Scudery ::: Born: November 17, 1607; Died: June 2, 1701; Occupation: Writer;
    Edvard Grieg ::: Born: June 15, 1843; Died: September 4, 1907; Occupation: Composer;
    Michael Caine ::: Born: March 14, 1933; Occupation: Actor;
    Eric Williams ::: Born: September 25, 1911; Died: March 29, 1981; Occupation: Historian;
    Bel Kaufman ::: Born: May 10, 1911; Died: July 25, 2014; Occupation: Author;
    Krista Allen ::: Born: April 5, 1971; Occupation: Film actress;
    Raymond Burr ::: Born: May 21, 1917; Died: September 12, 1993; Occupation: Actor;
    William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne ::: Born: March 15, 1779; Died: November 24, 1848; Occupation: Former First Lord of the Treasury;
    Alexander Calder ::: Born: July 22, 1898; Died: November 11, 1976; Occupation: Sculptor;
    Javed Akhtar ::: Born: January 17, 1945; Occupation: Poet;
    Margaret Halsey ::: Born: February 13, 1910; Died: February 4, 1997; Occupation: Writer;
    Richard Widmark ::: Born: December 26, 1914; Died: March 24, 2008; Occupation: Film actor;
    Jack Abbott ::: Born: January 21, 1944; Died: February 10, 2002; Occupation: Author;
    John Howe ::: Born: August 21, 1957; Occupation: Illustrator;
    Edmund Gosse ::: Born: September 21, 1849; Died: May 16, 1928; Occupation: Poet;
    Rex Harrison ::: Born: March 5, 1908; Died: June 2, 1990; Occupation: Actor;
    Anton Webern ::: Born: December 3, 1883; Died: September 15, 1945; Occupation: Composer;
    Roger Angell ::: Born: September 19, 1920; Occupation: Essayist;
    Roy Campanella ::: Born: November 19, 1921; Died: June 26, 1993; Occupation: Baseball player;
    Ron Shelton ::: Born: September 15, 1945; Occupation: Film director;
    Taylor Caldwell ::: Born: September 7, 1900; Died: August 30, 1985; Occupation: Novelist;
    Kim Alexis ::: Born: July 15, 1960; Occupation: Model;
    Mary McGrory ::: Born: August 22, 1918; Died: April 20, 2004; Occupation: Journalist;
    Dan Jenkins ::: Born: December 2, 1929; Occupation: Author;
    John Cale ::: Born: March 9, 1942; Occupation: Musician;
    John C. Calhoun ::: Born: March 18, 1782; Died: March 31, 1850; Occupation: Former United States Representative;
    A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ::: Born: September 1, 1896; Died: November 14, 1977; Occupation: Spiritual teacher;
    Jean-Baptiste Lamarck ::: Born: August 1, 1744; Died: December 18, 1829; Occupation: Science writer;
    Joseph Dalton Hooker ::: Born: June 30, 1817; Died: December 10, 1911; Occupation: Botanist;
    Paul Broun ::: Born: May 14, 1946; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Ernst Haeckel ::: Born: February 16, 1834; Died: August 9, 1919; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Roderick Murchison ::: Born: February 22, 1792; Died: October 22, 1871; Occupation: Baronet Murchison;
    Jacques Monod ::: Born: February 9, 1910; Died: May 31, 1976; Occupation: Biologist;
    Julian Huxley ::: Born: June 22, 1887; Died: February 14, 1975; Occupation: Film director;
    John Hughlings Jackson ::: Born: April 4, 1835; Died: October 7, 1911; Occupation: Neurologist;
    James Callaghan ::: Born: March 27, 1912; Died: March 26, 2005; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
    Karl Landsteiner ::: Born: June 14, 1868; Died: June 26, 1943; Occupation: Physician;
    Johann Gottfried Herder ::: Born: August 25, 1744; Died: December 18, 1803; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Karl Ernst von Baer ::: Born: February 17, 1792; Died: November 16, 1876; Occupation: Scientist;
    Charles Galton Darwin ::: Born: December 18, 1887; Died: December 31, 1962; Occupation: Physicist;
    Kenneth E. Boulding ::: Born: January 18, 1910; Died: March 18, 1993; Occupation: Economist;
    Lawrence Hargrave ::: Born: January 29, 1850; Died: July 14, 1915; Occupation: Engineer;
    Seth Shostak ::: Born: July 20, 1943; Occupation: Astronomer;
    Henry Walter Bates ::: Born: February 8, 1825; Died: February 16, 1892; Occupation: Naturalist;
    Bruce Alberts ::: Born: April 14, 1938; Occupation: Biochemist;
    Francois Mitterrand ::: Born: October 26, 1916; Died: January 8, 1996; Occupation: Former President of France;
    Lupita Nyong'o ::: Born: March 1, 1983; Occupation: Film actress;
    Maria Callas ::: Born: December 2, 1923; Died: September 16, 1977; Occupation: Opera singer;
    Valentino Garavani ::: Born: May 11, 1932; Occupation: Fashion designer;
    Cristobal Balenciaga ::: Born: January 21, 1895; Died: March 23, 1972; Occupation: Fashion designer;
    Pierre Cardin ::: Born: July 2, 1922; Occupation: Fashion designer;
    Stella McCartney ::: Born: September 13, 1971; Occupation: Fashion designer;
    Bryan Callen ::: Born: January 26, 1967; Occupation: Actor;
    Bruce Oldfield ::: Born: July 14, 1950; Occupation: Fashion designer;
    Madeleine Vionnet ::: Born: June 22, 1876; Died: March 2, 1975; Occupation: Fashion designer;
    Felicity Jones ::: Born: October 17, 1983; Occupation: Actress;
    Georgie Henley ::: Born: July 9, 1995; Occupation: Film actress;
    Hugo Pratt ::: Born: June 15, 1927; Died: August 20, 1995; Occupation: Comic strip creator;
    Emilia Clarke ::: Born: May 1, 1987; Occupation: Actress;
    Edmund Clarence Stedman ::: Born: October 8, 1833; Died: January 18, 1908; Occupation: Poet;
    Honus Wagner ::: Born: February 24, 1874; Died: December 6, 1955; Occupation: Baseball player;
    Gene Autry ::: Born: September 29, 1907; Died: October 2, 1998; Occupation: Music performer;
    Tim Wakefield ::: Born: August 2, 1966; Occupation: Baseball player;
    Joe Flaherty ::: Born: June 21, 1941; Occupation: Actor;
    Vittorio Alfieri ::: Born: January 16, 1749; Died: October 8, 1803; Occupation: Dramatist;
    Arnold Sommerfeld ::: Born: December 5, 1868; Died: April 26, 1951; Occupation: Physicist;
    James T. Farrell ::: Born: February 27, 1904; Died: August 22, 1979; Occupation: Novelist;
    Brian Stableford ::: Born: July 25, 1948; Occupation: Fiction writer;
    William Zinsser ::: Born: October 7, 1922; Died: May 12, 2015; Occupation: Writer;
    Ken MacLeod ::: Born: August 2, 1954; Occupation: Fiction writer;
    Ferenc Molnar ::: Born: January 12, 1878; Died: April 1, 1952; Occupation: Dramatist;
    Edwin Schlossberg ::: Born: July 19, 1945; Occupation: Designer;
    L. Sprague de Camp ::: Born: November 27, 1907; Died: November 6, 2000; Occupation: Writer;
    Jack Smith ::: Born: November 14, 1932; Died: September 25, 1989; Occupation: Filmmaker;
    Barbara Cook ::: Born: October 25, 1927; Occupation: Singer;
    Robin Meade ::: Born: April 21, 1969; Occupation: News anchor;
    Auguste Piccard ::: Born: January 28, 1884; Died: March 24, 1962; Occupation: Physicist;
    Emmy Rossum ::: Born: September 12, 1986; Occupation: Film actress;
    David J. Schwartz ::: Born: March 23, 1927; Died: December 6, 1987; Occupation: Motivational writer;
    Michael Ventura ::: Born: October 31, 1945; Occupation: Novelist;
    John Wilkins ::: Born: February 14, 1614; Died: November 19, 1672; Occupation: Author;
    Josiah Royce ::: Born: November 20, 1855; Died: September 14, 1916; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Lloyd John Ogilvie ::: Born: September 2, 1930; Occupation: Minister;
    Paavo Nurmi ::: Born: June 13, 1897; Died: October 2, 1973; Occupation: Runner;
    Carl Deuker ::: Born: August 26, 1950; Occupation: Author;
    Pierre-Simon Laplace ::: Born: March 23, 1749; Died: March 5, 1827; Occupation: Mathematician;
    John Calvin ::: Born: July 10, 1509; Died: May 27, 1564; Occupation: Theologian;
    John Gerstner ::: Born: November 22, 1914; Died: March 24, 1996; Occupation: Author;
    William Beebe ::: Born: July 29, 1877; Died: June 4, 1962; Occupation: Ornithologist;
    John Haines ::: Born: June 29, 1924; Died: March 2, 2011; Occupation: Poet;
    Dwight Morrow ::: Born: January 11, 1873; Died: October 5, 1931; Occupation: American Politician;
    Jean-Michel Cousteau ::: Born: May 6, 1938; Occupation: Explorer;
    Norman Angell ::: Born: December 26, 1872; Died: October 7, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
    Roman Abramovich ::: Born: October 24, 1966; Occupation: Businessman;
    Italo Calvino ::: Born: October 15, 1923; Died: September 19, 1985; Occupation: Journalist;
    Lakshmi Mittal ::: Born: September 2, 1950; Occupation: Magnate;
    Levi Eshkol ::: Born: October 25, 1895; Died: February 26, 1969; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Israel;
    George Bird Grinnell ::: Born: September 20, 1849; Died: April 11, 1938; Occupation: Anthropologist;
    Marguerite de Navarre ::: Born: April 11, 1492; Died: December 21, 1549; Occupation: Author;
    Max Delbruck ::: Born: September 4, 1906; Died: March 9, 1981; Occupation: Researcher;
    Sir George Stokes, 1st Baronet ::: Born: August 13, 1819; Died: February 1, 1903; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Gertrude B. Elion ::: Born: January 23, 1918; Died: February 21, 1999; Occupation: Innovator;
    John Playfair ::: Born: March 10, 1748; Died: July 20, 1819; Occupation: Scientist;
    Wolfgang Ostwald ::: Born: May 27, 1883; Died: November 22, 1943; Occupation: Chemist;
    Alfred Tarski ::: Born: January 14, 1901; Died: October 26, 1983; Occupation: Logician;
    Marcello Malpighi ::: Born: March 10, 1628; Died: September 30, 1694; Occupation: Physician;
    Proclus ::: Born: February 8, 412; Died: April 17, 485; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Francis Galton ::: Born: February 16, 1822; Died: January 17, 1911; Occupation: Polymath;
    Max Wertheimer ::: Born: April 15, 1880; Died: October 12, 1943; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Karl Pearson ::: Born: March 27, 1857; Died: April 27, 1936; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Theobald Smith ::: Born: July 31, 1859; Died: December 10, 1934; Occupation: Medical Doctor;
    Reginald Fessenden ::: Born: October 6, 1866; Died: July 22, 1932; Occupation: Inventor;
    John Bardeen ::: Born: May 23, 1908; Died: January 30, 1991; Occupation: Physicist;
    Irene Joliot-Curie ::: Born: September 12, 1897; Died: March 17, 1956; Occupation: Scientist;
    Gerald Weinberg ::: Born: October 27, 1933; Occupation: Computer Scientist;
    William Camden ::: Born: May 2, 1551; Died: November 9, 1623; Occupation: Writer;
    Robert Bunsen ::: Born: March 30, 1811; Died: August 16, 1899; Occupation: Chemist;
    Richard Willstatter ::: Born: August 13, 1872; Died: August 3, 1942; Occupation: Chemist;
    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek ::: Born: October 24, 1632; Died: August 26, 1723; Occupation: Scientist;
    Octavian Paler ::: Born: July 2, 1926; Died: May 7, 2007; Occupation: Writer;
    Peter Camejo ::: Born: December 31, 1939; Died: September 13, 2008; Occupation: Author;
    Wang Wei ::: Born: 701; Died: 761; Occupation: Poet;
    Mathilde Blind ::: Born: March 21, 1841; Died: November 26, 1896; Occupation: Poet;
    Farkas Bolyai ::: Born: February 9, 1775; Died: November 20, 1856; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Francis Ledwidge ::: Born: August 19, 1887; Died: July 31, 1917; Occupation: Poet;
    Candace Cameron ::: Born: April 6, 1976; Occupation: Actress;
    Julian Grenfell ::: Born: March 30, 1888; Died: May 26, 1915; Occupation: Poet;
    Bernard Barton ::: Born: January 31, 1784; Died: February 19, 1849; Occupation: Poet;
    Alice Dunbar Nelson ::: Born: July 19, 1875; Died: September 18, 1935; Occupation: Poet;
    Ann Zwinger ::: Born: March 12, 1925; Died: 2014; Occupation: Author;
    Sam Hamill ::: Born: September 5, 1943; Occupation: Poet;
    David Cameron ::: Born: October 9, 1966; Occupation: Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
    Ikkyu ::: Born: February 1, 1394; Died: December 12, 1481; Occupation: Monk;
    W. D. Snodgrass ::: Born: January 5, 1926; Died: January 13, 2009; Occupation: Poet;
    Yosa Buson ::: Born: 1716; Died: December 25, 1783; Occupation: Poet;
    Thomas Malory ::: Born: 1405; Died: March 14, 1471; Occupation: Writer;
    Jim Shepard ::: Born: December 29, 1956; Occupation: Author;
    James Cameron ::: Born: August 16, 1954; Occupation: Film director;
    Irene Nemirovsky ::: Born: February 11, 1903; Died: August 17, 1942; Occupation: Novelist;
    Dorothy Wordsworth ::: Born: December 25, 1771; Died: January 25, 1855; Occupation: Author;
    Redman ::: Born: April 17, 1970; Occupation: MC;
    Cam'ron ::: Born: February 4, 1976; Occupation: Rapper;
    Pimp C ::: Born: December 29, 1973; Died: December 4, 2007; Occupation: Rapper;
    Anna Nalick ::: Born: March 30, 1984; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Andrea Barrett ::: Born: November 16, 1954; Occupation: Novelist;
    Norman Podhoretz ::: Born: January 16, 1930; Occupation: Pundit;
    Namkhai Norbu ::: Born: December 8, 1938; Occupation: Teacher;
    Julia Cameron ::: Born: March 4, 1948; Occupation: Teacher;
    Mary Slessor ::: Born: December 2, 1848; Died: January 13, 1915; Occupation: Missionary;
    John Climacus ::: Born: 525; Died: March 30, 606; Occupation: Saint;
    Angela of Foligno ::: Born: 1248; Died: January 4, 1309; Occupation: Saint;
    John of Shanghai and San Francisco ::: Born: June 4, 1896; Died: July 2, 1966; Occupation: Saint;
    John Cassian ::: Born: 360; Died: 435; Occupation: Saint;
    Symeon the New Theologian ::: Born: 949; Died: March 12, 1022; Occupation: Poet;
    Seraphim of Sarov ::: Born: August 1, 1754; Died: January 14, 1833; Occupation: Monk;
    Julia Margaret Cameron ::: Born: June 11, 1815; Died: January 26, 1879; Occupation: Photographer;
    Mark the Evangelist ::: Born: 1; Died: April 26, 68; Occupation: Author;
    Robert Baker Aitken ::: Born: June 19, 1917; Died: August 5, 2010; Occupation: Peace activist;
    Kirk Cameron ::: Born: October 12, 1970; Occupation: Actor;
    Chuck Daly ::: Born: July 20, 1930; Died: May 9, 2009; Occupation: Basketball Coach;
    Andrew Dickson White ::: Born: November 7, 1832; Died: November 4, 1918; Occupation: Diplomat;
    Philip II of Macedon ::: Born: 382 BC; Died: 336 BC; Occupation: King;
    Matt Cameron ::: Born: November 28, 1962; Occupation: Musician;
    Han Fei ::: Born: 280 BC; Died: 233 BC; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Antony C. Sutton ::: Born: February 14, 1925; Died: June 17, 2002; Occupation: Economist;
    Samson Raphael Hirsch ::: Born: June 20, 1808; Died: December 31, 1888; Occupation: Rabbi;
    Truman G. Madsen ::: Born: December 13, 1926; Died: May 28, 2009; Occupation: Professor;
    Virginia H. Pearce ::: Born: February 8, 1945; Occupation: Author;
    Arnulf Øverland ::: Born: April 27, 1889; Died: March 25, 1968; Occupation: Author;
    Arnulf Øverland ::: Born: April 27, 1889; Died: March 25, 1968; Occupation: Author;
    Robert M. Price ::: Born: July 7, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
    Adam Pascal ::: Born: October 25, 1970; Occupation: Actor;
    Sean Faircloth ::: Born: May 23, 1960; Occupation: Politician;
    Rebecca Goldstein ::: Born: February 23, 1950; Occupation: Novelist;
    Gad Saad ::: Born: October 13, 1964; Occupation: Scientist;
    Jim Al-Khalili ::: Born: September 20, 1962; Occupation: Physicist;
    Jean Meslier ::: Born: June 15, 1664; Died: June 17, 1729; Occupation: Philosopher;
    PZ Myers ::: Born: March 9, 1957; Occupation: Scientist;
    David Belasco ::: Born: July 25, 1853; Died: May 14, 1931; Occupation: Theatrical producer;
    John F Walvoord ::: Born: May 1, 1910; Died: December 20, 2002; Occupation: Author;
    Cus D'Amato ::: Born: January 17, 1908; Died: November 4, 1985; Occupation: Boxing Trainer;
    Shawn Ashmore ::: Born: October 7, 1979; Occupation: Film actor;
    Mary Norton ::: Born: December 10, 1903; Died: August 29, 1992; Occupation: Author;
    Walter Smith ::: Born: February 24, 1948; Occupation: Soccer player;
    Teddy Sheringham ::: Born: April 2, 1966; Occupation: Soccer player;
    Kathryn Hulme ::: Born: July 6, 1900; Died: August 25, 1981; Occupation: Author;
    Alastair Campbell ::: Born: May 25, 1957; Died: August 27, 1697; Occupation: Journalist;
    E. L. James ::: Born: March 7, 1963; Occupation: Author;
    Alex Campbell ::: Born: December 1, 1933; Died: January 3, 1987; Occupation: Politician;
    Richard Courant ::: Born: January 8, 1888; Died: January 27, 1972; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Leopold Infeld ::: Born: August 20, 1898; Died: January 15, 1968; Occupation: Physicist;
    Connie Schultz ::: Born: July 21, 1957; Occupation: Writer;
    Jason Segel ::: Born: January 18, 1980; Occupation: Actor;
    Anne Campbell ::: Born: April 6, 1940; Occupation: Politician;
    Freeman Thomas ::: Born: August 20, 1957; Occupation: Designer;
    Edward Gordon Craig ::: Born: January 16, 1872; Died: July 29, 1966; Occupation: Theatre practitioner;
    Edmond Jabes ::: Born: April 16, 1912; Died: January 2, 1991; Occupation: Writer;
    Charles S. Maier ::: Born: February 23, 1939; Occupation: Professor;
    J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur ::: Born: December 31, 1735; Died: November 12, 1813; Occupation: Writer;
    Oscar Handlin ::: Born: September 29, 1915; Died: September 20, 2011; Occupation: Historian;
    Anton Cermak ::: Born: May 9, 1873; Died: March 6, 1933; Occupation: Former Mayor of Chicago;
    Ben Nighthorse Campbell ::: Born: April 13, 1933; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
    Horatio Alger ::: Born: January 13, 1832; Died: July 18, 1899; Occupation: Author;
    Henry Cuellar ::: Born: September 19, 1955; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Elizabeth Dole ::: Born: July 29, 1936; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Maria Echaveste ::: Born: May 31, 1954; Occupation: American legislator;
    Phil Gramm ::: Born: July 8, 1942; Occupation: Former American senator;
    Billy Campbell ::: Born: July 7, 1959; Occupation: Film actor;
    Gaylord Nelson ::: Born: June 4, 1916; Died: July 3, 2005; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Pete Wilson ::: Born: August 23, 1933; Occupation: Former Governor of California;
    Jean Reno ::: Born: July 30, 1948; Occupation: Actor;
    Drake Bell ::: Born: June 27, 1986; Occupation: Actor;
    Roderick Haig-Brown ::: Born: February 21, 1908; Died: October 9, 1976; Occupation: Writer;
    Mary Hunter Austin ::: Born: September 9, 1868; Died: August 13, 1934; Occupation: Writer;
    Madison Cawein ::: Born: March 23, 1865; Died: December 8, 1914; Occupation: Poet;
    Laszlo Moholy-Nagy ::: Born: June 20, 1895; Died: November 24, 1946; Occupation: Painter;
    Herb Goldberg ::: Born: July 14, 1937; Occupation: Author;
    Aurangzeb ::: Born: November 4, 1618; Died: March 3, 1707; Occupation: Mughal Emperor;
    Charles Lee ::: Born: February 6, 1732; Died: October 2, 1782; Occupation: Commissioned officer;
    Charles XII of Sweden ::: Born: June 17, 1682; Died: November 30, 1718; Occupation: Former King of Sweden;
    Hugo Grotius ::: Born: April 10, 1583; Died: August 28, 1645; Occupation: Jurist;
    James Wolfe ::: Born: January 2, 1727; Died: September 13, 1759; Occupation: Major;
    Louis XVI of France ::: Born: August 23, 1754; Died: January 21, 1793; Occupation: King of France;
    Alexander Suvorov ::: Born: November 24, 1730; Died: May 18, 1800; Occupation: Military Officer;
    Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon ::: Born: April 25, 1862; Died: September 7, 1933; Occupation: Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;
    William III of England ::: Born: November 14, 1650; Died: March 8, 1702; Occupation: Sovereign;
    William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield ::: Born: March 2, 1705; Died: March 20, 1793; Occupation: Judge;
    Dalton McGuinty ::: Born: July 19, 1955; Occupation: Former Premier of Ontario;
    Miles O'Brien ::: Born: June 9, 1959; Occupation: Broadcaster;
    Mary Livermore ::: Born: December 19, 1820; Died: May 23, 1905; Occupation: Journalist;
    Hiram Maxim ::: Born: February 5, 1840; Died: November 24, 1916; Occupation: Inventor;
    Samuel Hahnemann ::: Born: April 10, 1755; Died: July 2, 1843; Occupation: Physician;
    Guglielmo Marconi ::: Born: April 25, 1874; Died: July 20, 1937; Occupation: Inventor;
    Eddie Campbell ::: Born: August 10, 1955; Occupation: Comics artist;
    Alexander Eliot ::: Born: April 28, 1919; Died: April 23, 2015; Occupation: Writer;
    Jacqueline Cochran ::: Born: May 11, 1906; Died: August 9, 1980; Occupation: Aviator;
    Murray Leinster ::: Born: June 16, 1896; Died: June 8, 1975; Occupation: Writer;
    Margrethe II of Denmark ::: Born: April 16, 1940; Occupation: Queen of Denmark;
    Margaret Truman Daniel ::: Born: February 17, 1924; Died: January 29, 2008; Occupation: Author;
    Harry Callahan ::: Born: October 22, 1912; Died: March 15, 1999; Occupation: Photographer;
    Dan Wakefield ::: Born: May 21, 1932; Occupation: Novelist;
    Joseph Campbell ::: Born: March 26, 1904; Died: October 30, 1987; Occupation: Writer;
    Albert C. Barnes ::: Born: January 2, 1872; Died: July 24, 1951; Occupation: Chemist;
    Joel Grey ::: Born: April 11, 1932; Occupation: Actor;
    Kim Campbell ::: Born: March 10, 1947; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Canada;
    Mark Fuhrman ::: Born: February 5, 1952; Occupation: Detective;
    Luther Campbell ::: Born: December 22, 1960; Occupation: Actor;
    Francis Marion Crawford ::: Born: August 2, 1854; Died: April 9, 1909; Occupation: Writer;
    Emanuel Lasker ::: Born: December 24, 1868; Died: January 11, 1941; Occupation: Chess Player;
    Arrigo Sacchi ::: Born: April 1, 1946; Occupation: Coach;
    Naomi Campbell ::: Born: May 22, 1970; Occupation: Model;
    Robert Southwell ::: Born: 1561; Died: February 21, 1595; Occupation: Poet;
    Neve Campbell ::: Born: October 3, 1973; Occupation: Actress;
    Jim Backus ::: Born: February 25, 1913; Died: July 3, 1989; Occupation: Television actor;
    Joycelyn Elders ::: Born: August 13, 1933; Occupation: Former Surgeon General of the United States;
    Katt Williams ::: Born: September 2, 1973; Occupation: Comedian;
    Thomas Campbell ::: Born: July 27, 1777; Died: June 15, 1844; Occupation: Poet;
    Charles Eliot Norton ::: Born: November 16, 1827; Died: October 21, 1908; Occupation: Author;
    Roger Penrose ::: Born: August 8, 1931; Occupation: Physicist;
    Mary Stewart ::: Born: September 17, 1916; Died: May 9, 2014; Occupation: Novelist;
    Sarah Harmer ::: Born: November 12, 1970; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Rosemary Altea ::: Born: May 19, 1946; Occupation: Author;
    Terry Fox ::: Born: July 28, 1958; Died: June 28, 1981; Occupation: Athlete;
    Ellen Langer ::: Born: March 25, 1947; Occupation: Professor;
    Natasha Gregson Wagner ::: Born: September 29, 1970; Occupation: Film actress;
    Cindy McCain ::: Born: May 20, 1954; Occupation: Businesswoman;
    Camilla Belle ::: Born: October 2, 1986; Occupation: Actress;
    Yasmin Le Bon ::: Born: October 29, 1964; Occupation: Model;
    Jane Campion ::: Born: April 30, 1954; Occupation: Screenwriter;
    Samuel Hoffenstein ::: Born: October 8, 1890; Died: October 6, 1947; Occupation: Screenwriter;
    Tony Campolo ::: Born: February 25, 1935; Occupation: Pastor;
    Rick Reilly ::: Born: February 3, 1958; Occupation: Sportswriter;
    George Robertson, Baron Robertson of Port Ellen ::: Born: April 12, 1946; Occupation: British Politician;
    Albert Camus ::: Born: November 7, 1913; Died: January 4, 1960; Occupation: Author;
    Mark Steel ::: Born: July 4, 1960; Occupation: Columnist;
    El DeBarge ::: Born: June 4, 1961; Occupation: Singer;
    Richard Lugar ::: Born: April 4, 1932; Occupation: Former member of the United States Senate;
    Jim Moran ::: Born: May 16, 1945; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Elisabetta Canalis ::: Born: September 12, 1978; Occupation: Actress;
    Nelson Algren ::: Born: March 28, 1909; Died: May 9, 1981; Occupation: Film writer;
    Paula Abdul ::: Born: June 19, 1962; Occupation: Choreographer;
    Herophilos ::: Born: 335 BC; Died: 280 BC; Occupation: Physician;
    Robert Cochrane ::: Born: January 26, 1931; Died: July 3, 1966; Occupation: Witch;
    Eberhard Arnold ::: Born: July 26, 1883; Died: November 22, 1935; Occupation: Writer;
    Susan Collins ::: Born: December 7, 1952; Occupation: United States Senator;
    August Sander ::: Born: November 17, 1876; Died: April 20, 1964; Occupation: Photographer;
    Maria Bamford ::: Born: September 3, 1970; Occupation: Comedian;
    Anastacia ::: Born: September 17, 1968; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    John Fogerty ::: Born: May 28, 1945; Occupation: Musician;
    David Crosby ::: Born: August 14, 1941; Occupation: Guitarist;
    Don Williams ::: Born: May 27, 1939; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Jim Croce ::: Born: January 10, 1943; Died: September 20, 1973; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Natasha Bedingfield ::: Born: November 26, 1981; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Coleman Hawkins ::: Born: November 21, 1904; Died: May 19, 1969; Occupation: Saxophonist;
    John Grant ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Peter Murphy ::: Born: July 11, 1957; Occupation: Vocalist;
    John Candy ::: Born: October 31, 1950; Died: March 4, 1994; Occupation: Actor;
    Michel Legrand ::: Born: February 24, 1932; Occupation: Composer;
    Lyle Lovett ::: Born: November 1, 1957; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Mary Chapin Carpenter ::: Born: February 21, 1958; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Kellie Pickler ::: Born: June 28, 1986; Occupation: Musical Artist;
    Tammy Wynette ::: Born: May 5, 1942; Died: April 6, 1998; Occupation: Singer;
    Dierks Bentley ::: Born: November 20, 1975; Occupation: Singer;
    Jon Anderson ::: Born: October 25, 1944; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Nik Kershaw ::: Born: March 1, 1958; Occupation: Singer;
    Carmen McRae ::: Born: April 8, 1920; Died: November 10, 1994; Occupation: Singer;
    George Shearing ::: Born: August 13, 1919; Died: February 14, 2011; Occupation: Pianist;
    Hoagy Carmichael ::: Born: November 22, 1899; Died: December 27, 1981; Occupation: Composer;
    Joshua Redman ::: Born: February 1, 1969; Occupation: Saxophonist;
    Kurt Elling ::: Born: November 2, 1967; Occupation: Vocalist;
    Jeff Beck ::: Born: June 24, 1944; Occupation: Guitarist;
    Charlie Byrd ::: Born: September 16, 1925; Died: December 2, 1999; Occupation: Guitarist;
    Betty Carter ::: Born: May 16, 1929; Died: September 26, 1998; Occupation: Singer;
    Maynard Ferguson ::: Born: May 4, 1928; Died: August 23, 2006; Occupation: Musician;
    Freddie Hubbard ::: Born: April 7, 1938; Died: December 29, 2008; Occupation: Trumpeter;
    Brad Mehldau ::: Born: August 23, 1970; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
    Glenn Miller ::: Born: March 1, 1904; Died: December 15, 1944; Occupation: Musician;
    Wayne Shorter ::: Born: August 25, 1933; Occupation: Saxophonist;
    Esperanza Spalding ::: Born: October 18, 1984; Occupation: Bassist;
    Steve Winwood ::: Born: May 12, 1948; Occupation: Musician;
    Rudolf Dreikurs ::: Born: February 8, 1897; Died: May 25, 1972; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Richard Bandler ::: Born: February 24, 1950; Occupation: Author;
    Kenneth Tynan ::: Born: April 2, 1927; Died: July 26, 1980; Occupation: Critic;
    Jack Canfield ::: Born: August 19, 1944; Occupation: Author;
    George Clinton ::: Born: July 22, 1941; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    David Cook ::: Born: December 20, 1982; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Philip DeFranco ::: Born: December 1, 1985; Occupation: Video blogger;
    Donald Keough ::: Born: 1927; Died: February 24, 2015; Occupation: Businessman;
    Robyn Davidson ::: Born: September 6, 1950; Occupation: Writer;
    Trishelle Cannatella ::: Born: November 4, 1979; Occupation: Model;
    Hans Reichenbach ::: Born: September 26, 1891; Died: April 9, 1953; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Danny Thomas ::: Born: January 6, 1912; Died: February 6, 1991; Occupation: Comedian;
    Jared Sparks ::: Born: May 10, 1789; Died: March 14, 1866; Occupation: Historian;
    John Bonifaz ::: Born: June 22, 1966; Occupation: Attorney;
    George Canning ::: Born: April 11, 1770; Died: August 8, 1827; Occupation: Former Foreign Secretary;
    Ayaan Hirsi Ali ::: Born: November 13, 1969; Occupation: Activist;
    Herman Boerhaave ::: Born: December 31, 1668; Died: September 23, 1738; Occupation: Botanist;
    Luis Walter Alvarez ::: Born: June 13, 1911; Died: September 1, 1988; Occupation: Physicist;
    Leslie Groves ::: Born: August 17, 1896; Died: July 13, 1970; Occupation: Engineer;
    Lise Meitner ::: Born: November 7, 1878; Died: October 27, 1968; Occupation: Physicist;
    Henry M. Morris ::: Born: October 6, 1918; Died: February 25, 2006; Occupation: University Professor;
    Theodore Austin-Sparks ::: Born: 1888; Died: 1971; Occupation: Author;
    Samuel Logan Brengle ::: Born: June 1, 1860; Died: 1936; Occupation: Author;
    Horatius Bonar ::: Born: December 19, 1808; Died: May 31, 1889; Occupation: Poet;
    Heather McHugh ::: Born: August 20, 1948; Occupation: Poet;
    John Henry Mackay ::: Born: February 6, 1864; Died: May 16, 1933; Occupation: Writer;
    Dyan Cannon ::: Born: January 4, 1937; Occupation: Film actress;
    Takeda Nobushige ::: Born: 1525; Died: 1561; Occupation: Samurai;
    Toyotomi Hideyoshi ::: Born: March 17, 1537; Died: September 18, 1598; Occupation: Daimyo;
    Takeda Shingen ::: Born: December 1, 1521; Died: May 13, 1573; Occupation: Daimyo;
    Edward III of England ::: Born: November 13, 1312; Died: June 21, 1377; Occupation: King of England;
    Louis XI of France ::: Born: July 3, 1423; Died: August 30, 1483; Occupation: Monarch;
    John Kendrick Bangs ::: Born: May 27, 1862; Died: January 21, 1922; Occupation: Author;
    Bertrand Barere ::: Born: September 10, 1755; Died: January 13, 1841; Occupation: French Politician;
    Nick Cannon ::: Born: October 8, 1980; Occupation: Actor;
    Frank Laubach ::: Born: September 2, 1884; Died: June 11, 1970; Occupation: Missionary;
    G. Campbell Morgan ::: Born: December 9, 1863; Died: May 16, 1945; Occupation: Evangelist;
    Martyn Lloyd-Jones ::: Born: December 20, 1899; Died: March 1, 1981; Occupation: Minister;
    Kay Arthur ::: Born: November 11, 1933; Occupation: Author;
    Harold Robbins ::: Born: May 21, 1916; Died: October 14, 1997; Occupation: Author;
    Ross Macdonald ::: Born: December 13, 1915; Died: July 11, 1983; Occupation: Writer;
    Carl Zuckmayer ::: Born: December 27, 1896; Died: January 18, 1977; Occupation: Writer;
    Victor Cherbuliez ::: Born: July 19, 1829; Died: July 1, 1899; Occupation: Novelist;
    Nipsey Russell ::: Born: September 15, 1918; Died: October 2, 2005; Occupation: Comedian;
    Bob Hoover ::: Born: January 24, 1922; Died: October 25, 2016; Occupation: Airshow pilot;
    Anselm of Canterbury ::: Born: 1033; Died: April 21, 1109; Occupation: Saint;
    Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero ::: Born: August 4, 1960; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Spain;
    Michael Bennet ::: Born: November 28, 1964; Occupation: United States Senator;
    Saxby Chambliss ::: Born: November 10, 1943; Occupation: United States Senator;
    Jeff Flake ::: Born: December 31, 1962; Occupation: United States Senator;
    Bob Menendez ::: Born: January 1, 1954; Occupation: United States Senator;
    Monica Ali ::: Born: October 20, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
    Roger Wicker ::: Born: July 5, 1951; Occupation: United States Senator;
    Mike Lee ::: Born: June 4, 1971; Occupation: United States Senator;
    David Vitter ::: Born: May 3, 1961; Occupation: United States Senator;
    Justin Amash ::: Born: April 18, 1980; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Mario Diaz-Balart ::: Born: September 25, 1961; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Bob Goodlatte ::: Born: September 22, 1952; Occupation: United States Representative;
    Alan Grayson ::: Born: March 13, 1958; Occupation: United States Representative;
    Eric Cantona ::: Born: May 24, 1966; Occupation: Actor;
    Michael McCaul ::: Born: January 14, 1962; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Zoe Lofgren ::: Born: December 21, 1947; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Michael C. Burgess ::: Born: December 23, 1950; Occupation: United States Representative;
    Raul Labrador ::: Born: December 8, 1967; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Chris Hedges ::: Born: September 18, 1956; Occupation: Author;
    Anzia Yezierska ::: Born: 1880; Died: November 21, 1970; Occupation: Novelist;
    Midge Decter ::: Born: July 25, 1927; Occupation: Journalist;
    Loudon Wainwright III ::: Born: September 5, 1946; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Keith Green ::: Born: October 21, 1953; Died: July 28, 1982; Occupation: Singer;
    Brian Regan ::: Born: June 2, 1957; Occupation: Comedian;
    Alan Redpath ::: Born: January 9, 1907; Died: March 16, 1989; Occupation: Author;
    Eddie Cantor ::: Born: January 31, 1892; Died: October 10, 1964; Occupation: Comedian;
    Winkie Pratney ::: Born: August 3, 1944; Occupation: Writer;
    Valerie Plame ::: Born: August 13, 1963; Occupation: Author;
    Michael Scheuer ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Blogger;
    Bill Kreutzmann ::: Born: May 7, 1946; Occupation: Drummer;
    Fred Ebb ::: Born: April 8, 1928; Died: September 11, 2004; Occupation: Lyricist;
    Michael Penn ::: Born: August 1, 1958; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Eric Cantor ::: Born: June 6, 1963; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Tommy Franks ::: Born: June 17, 1945; Occupation: General;
    Joe Lieberman ::: Born: February 24, 1942; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Hugh Shelton ::: Born: January 2, 1942; Occupation: Military Officer;
    Alva Myrdal ::: Born: January 31, 1902; Died: February 1, 1986; Occupation: Swedish Politician;
    Georg Cantor ::: Born: March 3, 1845; Died: January 6, 1918; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Gordon Moore ::: Born: January 3, 1929; Occupation: Businessman;
    James Packer ::: Born: September 8, 1967; Occupation: Businessman;
    Blu Cantrell ::: Born: March 16, 1976; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    T Bone Burnett ::: Born: January 14, 1948; Occupation: Musician;
    Sam Cooke ::: Born: January 22, 1931; Died: December 11, 1964; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Adi Shankara ::: Born: 788; Died: 820; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Anagarika Govinda ::: Born: May 17, 1898; Died: January 14, 1985; Occupation: Painter;
    Jigdral Yeshe Dorje ::: Born: June 10, 1904; Died: January 17, 1987; Occupation: 2nd Dudjom Rinpoche;
    Taizan Maezumi ::: Born: February 24, 1931; Died: May 15, 1995; Occupation: Zen master;
    Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Author;
    Jerry Cantrell ::: Born: March 18, 1966; Occupation: Guitarist;
    Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Lama;
    Tsoknyi Rinpoche ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Author;
    Swami Paramananda ::: Born: February 5, 1884; Died: June 21, 1940; Occupation: Poet;
    Amedeo Modigliani ::: Born: July 12, 1884; Died: January 24, 1920; Occupation: Painter;
    Maria W. Stewart ::: Born: 1803; Died: December 17, 1879; Occupation: Journalist;
    Maria Cantwell ::: Born: October 13, 1958; Occupation: United States Senator;
    Babe Paley ::: Born: July 5, 1915; Died: July 6, 1978; Occupation: Socialite;
    George Wither ::: Born: June 11, 1588; Died: May 2, 1667; Occupation: Poet;
    John Michael Montgomery ::: Born: January 20, 1965; Occupation: Musical Artist;
    Tim Hughes ::: Born: July 23, 1978; Occupation: Songwriter;
    Matt Redman ::: Born: February 14, 1974; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Robert Capa ::: Born: October 22, 1913; Died: May 25, 1954; Occupation: Photographer;
    Jonathan Turley ::: Born: May 6, 1961; Occupation: Lawyer;
    Burt Lancaster ::: Born: November 2, 1913; Died: October 20, 1994; Occupation: Film actor;
    Stephanie Mills ::: Born: March 22, 1957; Occupation: Singer;
    Country Joe McDonald ::: Born: January 1, 1942; Occupation: Musician;
    Jim Capaldi ::: Born: August 2, 1944; Died: January 28, 2005; Occupation: Musician;
    Muhammad Ali ::: Born: January 17, 1942; Died: June 3, 2016; Occupation: Professional Boxer;
    Teddy Pendergrass ::: Born: March 26, 1950; Died: January 13, 2010; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Sixto Rodriguez ::: Born: July 10, 1942; Occupation: Musician;
    Arthur Freed ::: Born: September 9, 1894; Died: April 12, 1973; Occupation: Lyricist;
    Vince Gill ::: Born: April 12, 1957; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Peter Wolf ::: Born: March 7, 1946; Occupation: Musician;
    Johnny Ramistella ::: Born: November 7, 1942; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Karel Capek ::: Born: January 9, 1890; Died: December 25, 1938; Occupation: Writer;
    Ricky Skaggs ::: Born: July 18, 1954; Occupation: Singer;
    Lil Boosie ::: Born: November 14, 1982; Occupation: Rapper;
    Ol' Dirty Bastard ::: Born: November 15, 1968; Died: November 13, 2004; Occupation: Rapper;
    Glen Campbell ::: Born: April 22, 1936; Occupation: Singer;
    Jack White ::: Born: July 9, 1975; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Gladys Knight ::: Born: May 28, 1944; Occupation: Songwriter;
    Jerry Pournelle ::: Born: August 7, 1933; Occupation: Fiction writer;
    Jann Arden ::: Born: March 27, 1962; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Myrtle Reed ::: Born: September 27, 1874; Died: August 17, 1911; Occupation: Author;
    Don McLean ::: Born: October 2, 1945; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Melanie ::: Born: February 3, 1947; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Richie Havens ::: Born: January 21, 1941; Died: April 22, 2013; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Izabella Scorupco ::: Born: June 4, 1970; Occupation: Film actress;
    Lizzy Caplan ::: Born: June 30, 1982; Occupation: Actress;
    Jerry Newport ::: Born: August 19, 1948; Occupation: Author;
    Stuart Duncan ::: Born: April 14, 1964; Occupation: Session musician;
    Tony Attwood ::: Born: February 9, 1952; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Hans Asperger ::: Born: February 18, 1906; Died: October 21, 1980; Occupation: Medical Doctor;
    Stephen Shore ::: Born: October 8, 1947; Occupation: Photographer;
    Hugh Dancy ::: Born: June 19, 1975; Occupation: Actor;
    Robert Farrar Capon ::: Born: 1925; Died: September 5, 2013; Occupation: Author;
    Lewis F. Powell, Jr. ::: Born: September 19, 1907; Died: August 25, 1998; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
    Eve Arden ::: Born: April 30, 1908; Died: November 12, 1990; Occupation: Actress;
    Mel Blanc ::: Born: May 30, 1908; Died: July 10, 1989; Occupation: Voice Actor;
    Wyatt Earp ::: Born: March 19, 1848; Died: January 13, 1929; Occupation: Gambler;
    Bert Convy ::: Born: July 23, 1933; Died: July 15, 1991; Occupation: Actor;
    Oliver Hardy ::: Born: January 18, 1892; Died: August 7, 1957; Occupation: Comic;
    Al Capone ::: Born: January 17, 1899; Died: January 25, 1947; Occupation: Gangster;
    Allan Pinkerton ::: Born: August 25, 1819; Died: July 1, 1884; Occupation: Detective;
    Mack Sennett ::: Born: January 17, 1880; Died: November 5, 1960; Occupation: Film director;
    Bugsy Siegel ::: Born: February 28, 1906; Died: June 20, 1947; Occupation: Mobster;
    Candace Pert ::: Born: June 26, 1946; Died: September 12, 2013; Occupation: Neuroscientist;
    Kelly Cutrone ::: Born: November 13, 1965; Occupation: Publicist;
    2 Chainz ::: Born: September 12, 1977; Occupation: Hip-hop artist;
    Truman Capote ::: Born: September 30, 1924; Died: August 25, 1984; Occupation: Author;
    Ernst Zundel ::: Born: April 24, 1939; Occupation: Pamphleteer;
    James Gould Cozzens ::: Born: August 19, 1903; Died: August 9, 1978; Occupation: Novelist;
    Majel Barrett ::: Born: February 23, 1932; Died: December 18, 2008; Occupation: Actress;
    Sydney Brenner ::: Born: January 13, 1927; Occupation: Researcher;
    Gordon Allport ::: Born: November 11, 1897; Died: October 9, 1967; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Alice Stone Blackwell ::: Born: September 14, 1857; Died: March 15, 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
    Subhas Chandra Bose ::: Born: January 23, 1897; Died: August 18, 1945; Occupation: Freedom fighter;
    Mary Brave Bird ::: Born: September 26, 1954; Died: February 14, 2013; Occupation: Writer;
    John Brown ::: Born: May 9, 1800; Died: December 2, 1859; Occupation: Abolitionist;
    Roger Casement ::: Born: September 1, 1864; Died: August 3, 1916; Occupation: Poet;
    James Crawford ::: Born: November 14, 1948; Occupation: Jurist;
    Ruben Dario ::: Born: January 18, 1867; Died: February 6, 1916; Occupation: Poet;
    Martin Delany ::: Born: May 6, 1812; Died: January 24, 1885; Occupation: Journalist;
    Charles Ferguson ::: Born: March 24, 1955; Occupation: Director;
    Henry Highland Garnet ::: Born: December 23, 1815; Died: February 13, 1882; Occupation: Minister;
    Lois Capps ::: Born: January 10, 1938; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Natalia Ginzburg ::: Born: July 14, 1916; Died: October 7, 1991; Occupation: Author;
    Nicolas Guillen ::: Born: July 10, 1901; Died: July 16, 1990; Occupation: Poet;
    Lani Guinier ::: Born: April 19, 1950; Occupation: Law professor;
    Janet Campbell Hale ::: Born: January 11, 1946; Occupation: Writer;
    Frances Harper ::: Born: September 24, 1825; Died: February 22, 1911; Occupation: Poet;
    Chester Himes ::: Born: July 29, 1909; Died: November 12, 1984; Occupation: Writer;
    Benjamin Hooks ::: Born: January 31, 1925; Died: April 15, 2010; Occupation: Minister;
    Frank Capra ::: Born: May 18, 1897; Died: September 3, 1991; Occupation: Film director;
    Sonia Johnson ::: Born: February 27, 1936; Occupation: Writer;
    Alain LeRoy Locke ::: Born: September 13, 1886; Died: June 9, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
    Albert Lutuli ::: Born: 1898; Died: July 21, 1967; Occupation: Politician;
    Winnie Madikizela-Mandela ::: Born: September 26, 1936; Occupation: South African Politician;
    Jules Michelet ::: Born: August 21, 1798; Died: February 9, 1874; Occupation: Historian;
    Patsy Mink ::: Born: December 6, 1927; Died: September 28, 2002; Occupation: American Politician;
    Clarence Page ::: Born: June 2, 1947; Occupation: Journalist;
    Alvin Francis Poussaint ::: Born: May 15, 1934; Occupation: Professor;
    Marlon Riggs ::: Born: February 3, 1957; Died: April 5, 1994; Occupation: Filmmaker;
    Mary Robinson ::: Born: May 21, 1944; Occupation: Former President of Ireland;
    Richard Rodriguez ::: Born: July 31, 1944; Occupation: Writer;
    Fernando de Rojas ::: Born: 1465; Occupation: Author;
    Ned Rorem ::: Born: October 23, 1923; Occupation: Composer;
    Sarah Schulman ::: Born: July 28, 1958; Occupation: Novelist;
    Hazel Scott ::: Born: June 11, 1920; Died: October 2, 1981; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
    Ousmane Sembene ::: Born: January 1, 1923; Died: June 9, 2007; Occupation: Film director;
    Zhang Zai ::: Born: 1020; Died: 1077; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Henry McNeal Turner ::: Born: February 1, 1834; Died: May 9, 1915; Occupation: Chaplain;
    Urvashi Vaid ::: Born: October 8, 1958; Occupation: Activist;
    Varahamihira ::: Born: 505; Died: 587; Occupation: Astronomer;
    David Walker ::: Born: September 27, 1796; Died: June 28, 1830; Occupation: Pamphleteer;
    William Wells Brown ::: Born: November 6, 1814; Died: November 6, 1884; Occupation: Novelist;
    Gina Carano ::: Born: April 16, 1982; Occupation: Actress;
    Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo ::: Born: February 3, 1948; Occupation: Bishop;
    Norman Bethune ::: Born: March 4, 1890; Died: November 12, 1939; Occupation: Physician;
    Alfred Hermann Fried ::: Born: November 11, 1864; Died: May 5, 1921; Occupation: Journalist;
    Kim Dae-jung ::: Born: December 3, 1925; Died: August 18, 2009; Occupation: Former President of South Korea;
    Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin ::: Born: August 31, 1842; Died: March 13, 1924; Occupation: Publisher;
    Theodore Dwight Weld ::: Born: November 23, 1803; Died: February 3, 1895; Occupation: Writer;
    Leyla Zana ::: Born: May 3, 1961; Occupation: Turkish Politician;
    Eva Marie Saint ::: Born: July 4, 1924; Occupation: Film actress;
    Jack Osbourne ::: Born: November 8, 1985; Occupation: TV Personality;
    Edward VII ::: Born: November 9, 1841; Died: May 6, 1910; Occupation: Former King of the United Kingdom;
    Isabella Beeton ::: Born: March 12, 1836; Died: February 6, 1865; Occupation: Author;
    Donald L. Carcieri ::: Born: December 16, 1942; Occupation: Former Governor of Rhode Island;
    Alphonse Allais ::: Born: October 20, 1854; Died: October 28, 1905; Occupation: Writer;
    Bill Hader ::: Born: June 7, 1978; Occupation: Actor;
    Bret McKenzie ::: Born: June 29, 1976; Occupation: Comedian;
    Bill Simmons ::: Born: September 25, 1969; Occupation: Sports Columnist;
    Ari Emanuel ::: Born: March 29, 1961; Occupation: Talent agent;
    Andrew Card ::: Born: May 10, 1947; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Transportation;
    Gabriel Ba ::: Born: June 5, 1976; Occupation: Artist;
    Eddie Long ::: Born: May 12, 1953; Died: January 15, 2017; Occupation: Pastor;
    Peter Kay ::: Born: July 2, 1973; Occupation: Comedian;
    Paul Smith ::: Born: July 5, 1946; Occupation: Fashion designer;
    Christopher Wren ::: Born: October 20, 1632; Died: February 25, 1723; Occupation: Architect;
    Orson Scott Card ::: Born: August 24, 1951; Occupation: Novelist;
    Lene Marlin ::: Born: August 17, 1980; Occupation: Singer;
    Chief Dan George ::: Born: July 24, 1899; Died: September 23, 1981; Occupation: Author;
    Anna Katharine Green ::: Born: November 11, 1846; Died: April 11, 1935; Occupation: Poet;
    Howard Carter ::: Born: May 9, 1874; Died: March 2, 1939; Occupation: Archaeologist;
    Edward Dowden ::: Born: May 3, 1843; Died: April 4, 1913; Occupation: Poet;
    Robert Waterman McChesney ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Professor;
    John W. Snow ::: Born: August 2, 1939; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of the Treasury;
    Linda Cardellini ::: Born: June 25, 1975; Occupation: Actress;
    Felicity Kendal ::: Born: September 25, 1946; Occupation: Actor;
    Henry Flynt ::: Born: 1940; Occupation: Musician;
    Anthony Michael Hall ::: Born: April 14, 1968; Occupation: Actor;
    Dougray Scott ::: Born: November 25, 1965; Occupation: Actor;
    Cindy Adams ::: Born: April 24, 1930; Occupation: Gossip columnist;
    Zebulon Pike ::: Born: January 5, 1779; Died: April 27, 1813; Occupation: Explorer;
    Robin Tunney ::: Born: June 19, 1972; Occupation: Film actress;
    Hideki Tojo ::: Born: December 30, 1884; Died: December 23, 1948; Occupation: Military Officer;
    Treat Williams ::: Born: December 1, 1951; Occupation: Actor;
    Melanie Chisholm ::: Born: January 12, 1974; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Frank Carlucci ::: Born: October 18, 1930; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Defense;
    Jean-Claude Carriere ::: Born: September 17, 1931; Occupation: Novelist;
    Madame de Pompadour ::: Born: December 29, 1721; Died: April 15, 1764; Occupation: Marquise de Pompadour;
    Robert M. Parker, Jr. ::: Born: July 23, 1947; Occupation: Critic;
    Basil Bunting ::: Born: March 1, 1900; Died: April 17, 1985; Occupation: Poet;
    Christa B. Allen ::: Born: November 11, 1991; Occupation: Actress;
    Erin O'Connor ::: Born: February 9, 1978; Occupation: Model;
    Sally Phillips ::: Born: May 10, 1970; Occupation: Actress;
    Theodore Wilhelm Engstrom ::: Born: 1916; Died: July 14, 2006; Occupation: Author;
    Sir Fowell Buxton, 1st Baronet ::: Born: April 1, 1786; Died: February 19, 1845; Occupation: English member of Parliament;
    Pandurang Shastri Athavale ::: Born: October 19, 1920; Died: October 25, 2003; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Van Jones ::: Born: September 20, 1968; Occupation: Civil Rights Advocate;
    Steve Carell ::: Born: August 16, 1962; Occupation: Actor;
    Sam Nunn ::: Born: September 8, 1938; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Antony Jay ::: Born: April 20, 1930; Died: August 21, 2016; Occupation: Writer;
    Drew Carey ::: Born: May 23, 1958; Occupation: Actor;
    Tony Buzan ::: Born: June 2, 1942; Occupation: Author;
    Damien Rice ::: Born: December 7, 1973; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Phillip Lopate ::: Born: November 16, 1943; Occupation: Film critic;
    Duane G. Carey ::: Born: April 30, 1957; Occupation: Astronaut;
    Wendy O. Williams ::: Born: May 28, 1949; Died: April 6, 1998; Occupation: Singer;
    Joy Harjo ::: Born: May 9, 1951; Occupation: Poet;
    Andre Previn ::: Born: April 6, 1929; Occupation: Pianist;
    Stephen Gaskin ::: Born: February 16, 1935; Died: July 1, 2014; Occupation: Author;
    Gail Kelly ::: Born: April 25, 1956; Occupation: Businesswoman;
    Lindsey Stirling ::: Born: September 21, 1986; Occupation: Violinist;
    George Carey ::: Born: November 13, 1935; Occupation: Archbishop of Canterbury;
    Brit Marling ::: Born: August 7, 1983; Occupation: Film actress;
    Daniel Franzese ::: Born: May 9, 1978; Occupation: Actor;
    Amy Purdy ::: Born: November 7, 1979; Occupation: Actress;
    Evangeline Lilly ::: Born: August 3, 1979; Occupation: Film actress;
    George Horace Lorimer ::: Born: October 6, 1867; Died: October 22, 1937; Occupation: Journalist;
    Ed Byrne ::: Born: April 16, 1972; Occupation: Comedian;
    Judy Tenuta ::: Born: November 7, 1956; Occupation: Entertainer;
    Zhuge Liang ::: Born: 181; Died: 234; Occupation: Inventor;
    Ken Dodd ::: Born: November 8, 1927; Occupation: Comedian;
    Lance Secretan ::: Born: 1939; Occupation: Columnist;
    Mariah Carey ::: Born: March 27, 1970; Occupation: Singer;
    Will Arnett ::: Born: May 4, 1970; Occupation: Actor;
    Luther Vandross ::: Born: April 20, 1951; Died: July 1, 2005; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Timothy J. Russert ::: Born: May 7, 1950; Died: June 13, 2008; Occupation: Journalist;
    Louis Adamic ::: Born: March 23, 1898; Died: September 4, 1951; Occupation: Author;
    Ralph Connor ::: Born: September 13, 1860; Died: October 31, 1937; Occupation: Novelist;
    Peter Carey ::: Born: May 7, 1943; Occupation: Novelist;
    William Carey ::: Born: August 17, 1761; Died: June 9, 1834; Occupation: Missionary;
    Ronnie Coleman ::: Born: May 13, 1964; Occupation: Bodybuilder;
    Hank Green ::: Born: May 5, 1980; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Mary Alice ::: Born: December 3, 1941; Occupation: Actress;
    Jeremih ::: Born: July 17, 1987; Occupation: Record producer;
    Sylvia Kristel ::: Born: September 28, 1952; Died: October 18, 2012; Occupation: Film actress;
    Alfred Binet ::: Born: July 8, 1857; Died: October 18, 1911; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Lisa Vanderpump ::: Born: September 15, 1960; Occupation: Restaurateur;
    Natalie Babbitt ::: Born: July 28, 1932; Died: October 31, 2016; Occupation: Writer;
    Eric Carle ::: Born: June 25, 1929; Occupation: Children's book illustrator;
    Sally Jessy Raphael ::: Born: February 25, 1935; Occupation: Talk show host;
    Louis Bleriot ::: Born: July 1, 1872; Died: August 1, 1936; Occupation: Aviator;
    Sigurd F. Olson ::: Born: April 4, 1899; Died: January 13, 1982; Occupation: Author;
    Ruth Stone ::: Born: June 8, 1915; Died: November 19, 2011; Occupation: Poet;
    Sergei Yesenin ::: Born: October 3, 1895; Died: December 28, 1925; Occupation: Poet;
    Brandi Carlile ::: Born: June 1, 1981; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Dante Alighieri ::: Born: 1265; Died: September 14, 1321; Occupation: Poet;
    Tony Hancock ::: Born: May 12, 1924; Died: June 24, 1968; Occupation: Comedian;
    Jon-Erik Hexum ::: Born: November 5, 1957; Died: October 18, 1984; Occupation: Model;
    John Squire ::: Born: November 24, 1962; Occupation: Musician;
    Billy Currington ::: Born: November 19, 1973; Occupation: Musical Artist;
    Robert Gibbs ::: Born: March 29, 1971; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
    Edward Albert ::: Born: February 20, 1951; Died: September 22, 2006; Occupation: Film actor;
    Alison Lohman ::: Born: September 18, 1979; Occupation: Actress;
    George Carlin ::: Born: May 12, 1937; Died: June 22, 2008; Occupation: Comedian;
    Harry Hill ::: Born: October 1, 1964; Occupation: Comedian;
    Eugene Mirman ::: Born: July 24, 1974; Occupation: Comedian;
    John Aubrey ::: Born: March 12, 1626; Died: June 7, 1697; Occupation: Writer;
    Ty Burrell ::: Born: August 22, 1967; Occupation: Actor;
    George V ::: Born: June 3, 1865; Died: January 20, 1936; Occupation: King of the United Kingdom;
    Wendy Carlos ::: Born: November 14, 1939; Occupation: Film Score Composer;
    Ian Wooldridge ::: Born: January 14, 1932; Died: March 4, 2007; Occupation: Journalist;
    Douglas Wilson ::: Born: June 18, 1953; Occupation: Pastor;
    Brander Matthews ::: Born: February 21, 1852; Died: March 31, 1929; Occupation: Writer;
    Jim Dodge ::: Born: 1945; Occupation: Novelist;
    Michael K. Williams ::: Born: November 22, 1966; Occupation: Actor;
    Michael Anthony ::: Born: June 20, 1954; Occupation: Musician;
    Gus Grissom ::: Born: April 3, 1926; Died: January 27, 1967; Occupation: Astronaut;
    David Korten ::: Born: 1937; Occupation: Author;
    Phyllis Rose ::: Born: October 26, 1942; Occupation: Literary critic;
    Teresa de la Parra ::: Born: October 5, 1889; Died: April 23, 1936; Occupation: Novelist;
    Saul Alinsky ::: Born: January 30, 1909; Died: June 12, 1972; Occupation: Writer;
    Susan Ward ::: Born: April 15, 1976; Occupation: Actress;
    Tate Taylor ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Film actor;
    Bernard Marcus ::: Born: 1929; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Edward B. Rust, Jr. ::: Born: August 3, 1950; Occupation: Executive;
    Crowder ::: Born: November 29, 1971; Occupation: Musician;
    Nancy Kassebaum ::: Born: July 29, 1932; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    John Amos Comenius ::: Born: March 28, 1592; Died: November 15, 1670; Occupation: Writer;
    Jim Breuer ::: Born: June 21, 1967; Occupation: Stand-up comedian;
    Peter Cetera ::: Born: September 13, 1944; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Jennifer Nettles ::: Born: September 12, 1974; Occupation: Musical Artist;
    Tucker Carlson ::: Born: May 16, 1969; Occupation: Commentator;
    Dessa Darling ::: Born: May 23, 1981; Occupation: Rapper;
    Mary Fisher ::: Born: April 6, 1948; Occupation: Author;
    Arvid Carlsson ::: Born: January 25, 1923; Occupation: Scientist;
    Adelaide Crapsey ::: Born: September 9, 1878; Died: October 8, 1914; Occupation: Poet;
    Rachel Field ::: Born: September 19, 1894; Died: March 15, 1942; Occupation: Novelist;
    Daniel Amen ::: Born: July 19, 1954; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
    Moshe Feldenkrais ::: Born: May 6, 1904; Died: July 1, 1984; Occupation: Physicist;
    Peter J. Daniels ::: Born: 1932; Occupation: Writer;
    Vanessa Carlton ::: Born: August 16, 1980; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Robert Carlyle ::: Born: April 14, 1961; Occupation: Actor;
    Paul Westhead ::: Born: February 21, 1939; Occupation: Basketball Coach;
    Lenny Wilkens ::: Born: October 28, 1937; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Thomas Carlyle ::: Born: December 4, 1795; Died: February 5, 1881; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Samuel Alito ::: Born: April 1, 1950; Occupation: Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
    Neymar ::: Born: February 5, 1992; Occupation: Soccer player;
    Nelson Rodrigues ::: Born: August 23, 1912; Died: December 21, 1980; Occupation: Playwright;
    Roy Keane ::: Born: August 10, 1971; Occupation: Football manager;
    Samantha Stosur ::: Born: March 30, 1984; Occupation: Tennis player;
    Ana Ivanovic ::: Born: November 6, 1987; Occupation: Tennis player;
    Bliss Carman ::: Born: April 15, 1861; Died: June 8, 1929; Occupation: Poet;
    Kim Clijsters ::: Born: June 8, 1983; Occupation: Tennis player;
    Ann B. Davis ::: Born: May 5, 1926; Died: June 1, 2014; Occupation: Television actress;
    Trey Gowdy ::: Born: August 22, 1964; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Bobby Robson ::: Born: February 18, 1933; Died: July 31, 2009; Occupation: Soccer player;
    Winfield Scott ::: Born: June 13, 1786; Died: May 29, 1866; Occupation: General officer commanding;
    James L. Jones ::: Born: December 19, 1943; Occupation: Former United States National Security Advisor;
    Richard Harding Davis ::: Born: April 18, 1864; Died: April 11, 1916; Occupation: Journalist;
    Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, 1st Baronet ::: Born: June 9, 1783; Died: October 21, 1862; Occupation: Surgeon;
    Sally Quinn ::: Born: July 1, 1941; Occupation: Author;
    Stokely Carmichael ::: Born: June 29, 1941; Died: November 15, 1998; Occupation: Activist;
    Francisco Franco ::: Born: December 4, 1892; Died: November 20, 1975; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Spain;
    CM Punk ::: Born: October 26, 1978; Occupation: Professional Wrestler;
    Tavi Gevinson ::: Born: April 21, 1996; Occupation: Writer;
    Augustus ::: Born: 63 BC; Died: August 19, 14; Occupation: Roman emperor;
    Daniel Libeskind ::: Born: May 12, 1946; Occupation: Architect;
    Richard Neutra ::: Born: April 8, 1892; Died: April 16, 1970; Occupation: Architect;
    Norman Foster ::: Born: June 1, 1935; Occupation: Architect;
    David Chipperfield ::: Born: December 18, 1953; Occupation: Architect;
    Russ Carnahan ::: Born: July 10, 1958; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
    El Lissitzky ::: Born: November 23, 1890; Died: December 30, 1941; Occupation: Artist;
    Oskar Schlemmer ::: Born: September 4, 1888; Died: April 13, 1943; Occupation: Painter;
    Louis Sullivan ::: Born: September 3, 1856; Died: April 14, 1924; Occupation: Architect;
    Mario Botta ::: Born: April 1, 1943; Occupation: Architect;
    Marcel Carne ::: Born: August 18, 1906; Died: October 31, 1996; Occupation: Film director;
    Andrew Carnegie ::: Born: November 25, 1835; Died: August 11, 1919; Occupation: Business magnate;
    Gary Allan ::: Born: December 5, 1967; Occupation: Musical Artist;
    Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ::: Born: April 16, 1947; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Steve Rushin ::: Born: September 22, 1966; Occupation: Journalist;
    Dale Carnegie ::: Born: November 24, 1888; Died: November 1, 1955; Occupation: Writer;
    Michael Richards ::: Born: July 24, 1949; Occupation: Actor;
    Jarome Iginla ::: Born: July 1, 1977; Occupation: Ice hockey player;
    Jay Carney ::: Born: May 22, 1965; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
    Frank Deford ::: Born: December 16, 1938; Occupation: Sportswriter;
    Robert Caro ::: Born: October 30, 1935; Occupation: Journalist;
    Adam Carolla ::: Born: May 27, 1964; Occupation: Comedian;
    Sean Avery ::: Born: April 10, 1980; Occupation: Ice hockey player;
    Parminder Nagra ::: Born: October 5, 1975; Occupation: Film actress;
    Thom Hartmann ::: Born: May 7, 1951; Occupation: Radio host;
    Timothy M. Dolan ::: Born: February 6, 1950; Occupation: Archbishop of New York;
    Leslie Caron ::: Born: July 1, 1931; Occupation: Film actress;
    Marvin Hier ::: Born: 1939; Occupation: Film producer;
    J. Edwin Orr ::: Born: January 15, 1912; Died: April 22, 1987; Occupation: Writer;
    Ephrem the Syrian ::: Born: 306; Died: June 9, 373; Occupation: Saint;
    Mary MacKillop ::: Born: January 15, 1842; Died: August 8, 1909; Occupation: Nun;
    John Vianney ::: Born: May 8, 1786; Died: August 4, 1859; Occupation: Parish priest;
    Frances Xavier Cabrini ::: Born: July 15, 1850; Died: December 22, 1917; Occupation: Religious sister;
    Charisma Carpenter ::: Born: July 23, 1970; Occupation: Actress;
    Margaret Mary Alacoque ::: Born: June 22, 1647; Died: October 17, 1690; Occupation: Nun;
    Carlo Borromeo ::: Born: October 2, 1538; Died: November 3, 1584; Occupation: Cardinal;
    Elizabeth Ann Seton ::: Born: August 28, 1774; Died: January 4, 1821; Occupation: Canonized;
    Peter Julian Eymard ::: Born: February 4, 1811; Died: August 1, 1868; Occupation: Priest;
    John Hardon ::: Born: June 18, 1914; Died: December 30, 2000; Occupation: Priest;
    Coolio ::: Born: August 1, 1963; Occupation: Musician;
    Edward Carpenter ::: Born: August 29, 1844; Died: June 28, 1929; Occupation: Poet;
    Tomie dePaola ::: Born: September 15, 1934; Occupation: Writer;
    James McCosh ::: Born: April 1, 1811; Died: November 16, 1894; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Erik Brynjolfsson ::: Born: April 14, 1962; Occupation: Academic;
    Wayne McGregor ::: Born: March 12, 1970; Occupation: Choreographer;
    Don Tapscott ::: Born: June 1, 1947; Occupation: Author;
    Juan Enriquez ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Author;
    Karen Bass ::: Born: October 3, 1953; Occupation: United States Representative;
    Regina E. Dugan ::: Born: March 19, 1963; Occupation: Businesswoman;
    Robin Ince ::: Born: February 20, 1969; Occupation: Comedian;
    John Carpenter ::: Born: January 16, 1948; Occupation: Film director;
    Ze Frank ::: Born: March 31, 1972; Occupation: Performance artist;
    Barton Seaver ::: Born: April 12, 1979; Occupation: Chef;
    Esther Duflo ::: Born: October 25, 1972; Occupation: Economist;
    Karen Carpenter ::: Born: March 2, 1950; Died: February 4, 1983; Occupation: Singer;
    Gregory Benford ::: Born: January 30, 1941; Occupation: Fictioneer;
    Phillis Wheatley ::: Born: May 8, 1753; Died: December 5, 1784; Occupation: Poet;
    Roy Davis ::: Born: March 9, 1931; Occupation: Author;
    Rickie Lee Jones ::: Born: November 8, 1954; Occupation: Vocalist;
    Gloria Gaither ::: Born: March 4, 1942; Occupation: Songwriter;
    Chris Shays ::: Born: October 18, 1945; Occupation: Former United States Representative;
    Joan Van Ark ::: Born: June 16, 1943; Occupation: Actress;
    Barry Sheene ::: Born: September 11, 1950; Died: March 10, 2003; Occupation: Motorcycle Racer;
    Serge Schmemann ::: Born: April 12, 1945; Occupation: Writer;
    Ronaldinho ::: Born: March 21, 1980; Occupation: Soccer player;
    Alejo Carpentier ::: Born: December 26, 1904; Died: April 24, 1980; Occupation: Novelist;
    Bobby Charlton ::: Born: October 11, 1937; Occupation: Soccer player;
    Luis Suarez ::: Born: January 24, 1987; Occupation: Soccer player;
    John Daido Loori ::: Born: June 14, 1931; Died: October 9, 2009; Occupation: Author;
    Thomas Carper ::: Born: January 23, 1947; Occupation: United States Senator;
    Gary Cooper ::: Born: May 7, 1901; Died: May 13, 1961; Occupation: Film actor;
    Alfred Brendel ::: Born: January 5, 1931; Occupation: Pianist;
    Samuel Eto'o ::: Born: March 10, 1981; Occupation: Soccer player;
    Bob Paisley ::: Born: January 23, 1919; Died: February 14, 1996; Occupation: Soccer player;
    Tony Hatch ::: Born: June 30, 1939; Occupation: Composer;
    Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery ::: Born: May 7, 1847; Died: May 21, 1929; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
    Leo Strauss ::: Born: September 20, 1899; Died: October 18, 1973; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Caleb Carr ::: Born: August 2, 1955; Occupation: Novelist;
    Gerald May ::: Born: June 12, 1940; Died: April 12, 2005; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
    Benedict Joseph Labre ::: Born: March 25, 1748; Died: April 16, 1783; Occupation: Saint;
    Kurt Tucholsky ::: Born: January 9, 1890; Died: December 21, 1935; Occupation: Journalist;
    Greg Koukl ::: Born: June 10, 1950; Occupation: Author;
    Bernard Nathanson ::: Born: July 31, 1926; Died: February 21, 2011; Occupation: Medical doctor;
    Eric Carr ::: Born: July 12, 1950; Died: November 24, 1991; Occupation: Musician;
    Sarah Weddington ::: Born: February 5, 1945; Occupation: Attorney at law;
    John W. Campbell ::: Born: June 8, 1910; Died: July 11, 1971; Occupation: Fiction writer;
    Howie Carr ::: Born: January 17, 1952; Occupation: Journalist;
    Allen Toussaint ::: Born: January 14, 1938; Died: November 10, 2015; Occupation: Musician;
    Jimmy Carr ::: Born: September 15, 1972; Occupation: Comedian;
    Thomas Holcomb ::: Born: August 5, 1879; Died: May 24, 1965; Occupation: United States Ambassador to South Africa;
    James Forrestal ::: Born: February 15, 1892; Died: May 22, 1949; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Defense;
    Kris Carr ::: Born: August 31, 1971; Occupation: Film actor;
    Jim Webb ::: Born: February 9, 1946; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Jimmy Doolittle ::: Born: December 14, 1896; Died: September 27, 1993; Occupation: Officer commanding;
    Blake Clark ::: Born: February 2, 1946; Occupation: Comedian;
    Antoine-Henri Jomini ::: Born: March 6, 1779; Died: March 24, 1869; Occupation: Writer;
    David Carradine ::: Born: December 8, 1936; Died: June 3, 2009; Occupation: Actor;
    Robert Wise ::: Born: September 10, 1914; Died: September 14, 2005; Occupation: Film director;
    Craig Murray ::: Born: October 17, 1958; Occupation: Blogger;
    Evan Thomas ::: Born: April 25, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
    Garet Garrett ::: Born: February 19, 1878; Died: November 6, 1954; Occupation: Journalist;
    Vo Nguyen Giap ::: Born: August 25, 1911; Died: October 4, 2013; Occupation: Politician;
    Hans von Seeckt ::: Born: April 22, 1866; Died: December 27, 1936; Occupation: Member of Parliament;
    Harry Elmer Barnes ::: Born: June 15, 1889; Died: August 25, 1968; Occupation: Historian;
    Justin Raimondo ::: Born: November 18, 1951; Occupation: American author;
    John le Carre ::: Born: October 19, 1931; Occupation: Author;
    Martin Luther King III ::: Born: October 23, 1957; Occupation: Advocate;
    Olavo de Carvalho ::: Born: April 29, 1947; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Pyrrhus of Epirus ::: Born: 318 BC; Died: 272 BC; Occupation: Statesman;
    Robert Higgs ::: Born: February 1, 1944; Occupation: Economist;
    Robert M. La Follette, Sr. ::: Born: June 14, 1855; Died: June 18, 1925; Occupation: Former member of the U.S. Senate;
    Alexis Carrel ::: Born: June 28, 1873; Died: November 5, 1944; Occupation: Surgeon;
    Samuel B. Pettengill ::: Born: January 19, 1886; Died: March 20, 1974; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
    Stan Goff ::: Born: November 12, 1951; Occupation: Writer;
    William Appleman Williams ::: Born: June 12, 1921; Died: March 5, 1990; Occupation: Historian;
    Louis Antoine de Saint-Just ::: Born: August 25, 1767; Died: July 28, 1794; Occupation: Political leader;
    Dennis DeYoung ::: Born: February 18, 1947; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    William Lilly ::: Born: May 11, 1602; Died: June 9, 1681; Occupation: Astrologer;
    Jose Carreras ::: Born: December 5, 1946; Occupation: Performer;
    Kirk Kerkorian ::: Born: June 6, 1917; Died: June 15, 2015; Occupation: Businessman;
    Michael Atherton ::: Born: March 23, 1968; Occupation: Broadcaster;
    Hazel Blears ::: Born: May 14, 1956; Occupation: British Politician;
    Tia Carrere ::: Born: January 2, 1967; Occupation: Actress;
    William Rothenstein ::: Born: January 29, 1872; Died: February 14, 1945; Occupation: Writer;
    Lawrence Halprin ::: Born: July 1, 1916; Died: October 25, 2009; Occupation: Landscape architect;
    Jim Carrey ::: Born: January 17, 1962; Occupation: Actor;
    Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth ::: Born: May 31, 1893; Died: August 31, 1986; Occupation: Writer;
    Steven Wilson ::: Born: November 3, 1967; Occupation: Musician;
    Claudine Guerin de Tencin ::: Born: April 27, 1682; Died: December 4, 1749; Occupation: Author;
    Leonora Carrington ::: Born: April 6, 1917; Died: May 25, 2011; Occupation: Artist;
    C. Z. Guest ::: Born: February 19, 1920; Died: November 8, 2003; Occupation: Actress;
    Victoria Glendinning ::: Born: April 23, 1937; Occupation: Biographer;
    Abhinavagupta ::: Born: 950; Died: 1020; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Albert Howard ::: Born: December 8, 1873; Died: October 20, 1947; Occupation: Botanist;
    Jonathan Carroll ::: Born: January 26, 1949; Occupation: Writer;
    Edwin Lutyens ::: Born: March 29, 1869; Died: January 1, 1944; Occupation: Architect;
    Alcibiades ::: Born: 450 BC; Died: 404 BC; Occupation: Statesman;
    Lewis Carroll ::: Born: January 27, 1832; Died: January 14, 1898; Occupation: Writer;
    David Alan Harvey ::: Born: June 6, 1944; Occupation: Photographer;
    Wally Lamb ::: Born: October 17, 1950; Occupation: Author;
    Howard Baker ::: Born: November 15, 1925; Died: June 26, 2014; Occupation: Former White House Chief of Staff;
    Appius Claudius Caecus ::: Born: 340 BC; Died: 273 BC; Occupation: Politician;
    Mark Antony ::: Born: January 14, 83 BC; Died: August 1, 30 BC; Occupation: Roman Politician;
    Thomas Jane ::: Born: February 22, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
    Frank Waters ::: Born: July 25, 1902; Died: June 3, 1995; Occupation: Writer;
    Jasper Carrott ::: Born: March 14, 1945; Occupation: Comedian;
    Claude Shannon ::: Born: April 30, 1916; Died: February 24, 2001; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Santoka Taneda ::: Born: December 3, 1882; Died: October 11, 1940; Occupation: Author;
    Paul Reps ::: Born: 1895; Died: 1990; Occupation: Poet;
    Anne Carson ::: Born: June 21, 1950; Occupation: Poet;
    Michael Vartan ::: Born: November 27, 1968; Occupation: Actor;
    Benjamin Carson ::: Born: September 18, 1951; Occupation: Doctor;
    Ryan Miller ::: Born: July 17, 1980; Occupation: Ice hockey player;
    Roberto Luongo ::: Born: April 4, 1979; Occupation: Ice hockey player;
    Frank Carson ::: Born: November 6, 1926; Died: February 22, 2012; Occupation: Comedian;
    Brandon Prust ::: Born: March 16, 1984; Occupation: Ice hockey player;
    Johnny Carson ::: Born: October 23, 1925; Died: January 23, 2005; Occupation: Host;
    Ines de La Fressange ::: Born: August 11, 1957; Occupation: Model;
    Aaron Carter ::: Born: December 7, 1987; Occupation: Singer;
    Svetlana Boginskaya ::: Born: February 9, 1973; Occupation: Olympic athlete;
    Judy Grahn ::: Born: July 28, 1940; Occupation: Poet;
    Ally Carter ::: Born: January 1, 1974; Occupation: Author;
    Angela Carter ::: Born: May 7, 1940; Died: February 16, 1992; Occupation: Novelist;
    Billy Carter ::: Born: March 29, 1937; Died: September 25, 1988; Occupation: Businessman;
    Lionel Barrymore ::: Born: April 28, 1878; Died: November 15, 1954; Occupation: Actor;
    Erri De Luca ::: Born: May 20, 1950; Occupation: Novelist;
    Sergio Leone ::: Born: January 3, 1929; Died: April 30, 1989; Occupation: Film director;
    Scott Frank ::: Born: March 10, 1960; Occupation: Screenwriter;
    Dannion Brinkley ::: Born: July 20, 1950; Occupation: Author;
    Stone Cold Steve Austin ::: Born: December 18, 1964; Occupation: Actor;
    Marc Brown ::: Born: November 25, 1946; Occupation: Author;
    Ernest Hello ::: Born: November 4, 1828; Died: July 14, 1885; Occupation: Writer;
    Deborah Cox ::: Born: July 13, 1974; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Gary Moore ::: Born: April 4, 1952; Died: February 6, 2011; Occupation: Musician;
    Charlotte Mary Yonge ::: Born: August 11, 1823; Died: May 24, 1901; Occupation: Novelist;
    Alice Childress ::: Born: October 12, 1912; Died: August 14, 1994; Occupation: Playwright;
    Guy Clark ::: Born: November 6, 1941; Died: May 17, 2016; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Kevin Keegan ::: Born: February 14, 1951; Occupation: Soccer player;
    Neville Cardus ::: Born: April 3, 1888; Died: February 28, 1975; Occupation: Writer;
    Don Murray ::: Born: July 31, 1929; Occupation: Actor;
    Peter Dunne ::: Born: March 17, 1954; Occupation: New Zealand Politician;
    Graydon Carter ::: Born: July 14, 1949; Occupation: Journalist;
    Bruce Pearl ::: Born: March 18, 1960; Occupation: Basketball Coach;
    Helena Bonham Carter ::: Born: May 26, 1966; Occupation: Actress;
    Jean Batten ::: Born: September 15, 1909; Died: November 22, 1982; Occupation: Aviator;
    Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani ::: Born: January 1, 1952; Died: October 23, 2016; Occupation: Former Emir of Qatar;
    Margot Robbie ::: Born: July 2, 1990; Occupation: Film actress;
    Jimmy Carter ::: Born: October 1, 1924; Occupation: 39th U.S. President;
    Roddy Piper ::: Born: April 17, 1954; Died: July 31, 2015; Occupation: Professional Wrestler;
    Bar Refaeli ::: Born: June 4, 1985; Occupation: Fashion Model;
    Whitfield Diffie ::: Born: June 5, 1944; Occupation: Cryptographer;
    Sanya Richards-Ross ::: Born: February 26, 1985; Occupation: Track and field athlete;
    Missy Franklin ::: Born: May 10, 1995; Occupation: Swimmer;
    Lynda Carter ::: Born: July 24, 1951; Occupation: Actress;
    Wesley Clark ::: Born: December 23, 1944; Occupation: Political figure;
    Phil Hartman ::: Born: September 24, 1948; Died: May 28, 1998; Occupation: Actor;
    Karl Donitz ::: Born: September 16, 1891; Died: December 24, 1980; Occupation: Armed force officer;
    Maxime Weygand ::: Born: January 21, 1867; Died: January 28, 1965; Occupation: Military Commander;
    Andrei Zhdanov ::: Born: February 26, 1896; Died: August 31, 1948; Occupation: Politician;
    Joseph Stilwell ::: Born: March 19, 1883; Died: October 12, 1946; Occupation: Military Commander;
    George VI ::: Born: December 14, 1895; Died: February 6, 1952; Occupation: Former King of the United Kingdom;
    Hirohito ::: Born: April 29, 1901; Died: January 7, 1989; Occupation: Former Emperor of Japan;
    Hal Moore ::: Born: February 13, 1922; Died: February 10, 2017; Occupation: Author;
    William John Locke ::: Born: March 20, 1863; Died: May 15, 1930; Occupation: Novelist;
    Nick Carter ::: Born: January 28, 1980; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Thomas Hearns ::: Born: October 18, 1958; Occupation: Professional Boxer;
    Lennox Lewis ::: Born: September 2, 1965; Occupation: Professional Boxer;
    Jim Leach ::: Born: October 15, 1942; Occupation: Former U.S. Congressman;
    Benjamin Cheever ::: Born: October 8, 1948; Occupation: Writer;
    Shalane Flanagan ::: Born: July 8, 1981; Occupation: Runner;
    Rosalynn Carter ::: Born: August 18, 1927; Occupation: Former First Lady of the United States;
    Tamra Davis ::: Born: January 22, 1962; Occupation: Music Video Director;
    Alain Robert ::: Born: August 7, 1962; Occupation: Rock climber;
    B. J. Thomas ::: Born: August 7, 1942; Occupation: Singer;
    Kano Jigoro ::: Born: October 28, 1860; Died: May 4, 1938; Occupation: Martial Artist;
    Sherilyn Fenn ::: Born: February 1, 1965; Occupation: Actress;
    Catherine of Aragon ::: Born: December 16, 1485; Died: January 7, 1536; Occupation: Ambassador;
    Peter Breggin ::: Born: May 11, 1936; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
    John Shirley ::: Born: February 10, 1953; Occupation: Writer;
    Vince Carter ::: Born: January 26, 1977; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Theodore L. Cuyler ::: Born: January 10, 1822; Died: February 26, 1909; Occupation: Writer;
    Jacky Ickx ::: Born: January 1, 1945; Occupation: Racing driver;
    William Baldwin ::: Born: February 21, 1963; Occupation: Actor;
    Abigail Breslin ::: Born: April 14, 1996; Occupation: Actress;
    Ariel Winter ::: Born: January 28, 1998; Occupation: Actress;
    Henri Cartier-Bresson ::: Born: August 22, 1908; Died: August 3, 2004; Occupation: Photographer;
    Sarah Hyland ::: Born: November 24, 1990; Occupation: Actress;
    Elizabeth Carter ::: Born: December 16, 1717; Died: February 19, 1806; Occupation: Poet;
    Erin Foster ::: Born: August 23, 1982; Occupation: TV actor;
    Shane Smith ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Journalist;
    Charles Proteus Steinmetz ::: Born: April 9, 1865; Died: October 26, 1923; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Barbara Cartland ::: Born: July 9, 1901; Died: May 21, 2000; Occupation: Author;
    Jill Briscoe ::: Born: November 11, 1934; Occupation: Author;
    George Reeves ::: Born: January 5, 1914; Died: June 16, 1959; Occupation: Actor;
    Gregg Braden ::: Born: June 28, 1954; Occupation: Author;
    Anthony the Great ::: Born: 251; Died: January 17, 356; Occupation: Saint;
    June Hunt ::: Born: December 31, 1944; Occupation: Author;
    Casey Treat ::: Born: May 11, 1955; Occupation: Pastor;
    Jackie Cooper ::: Born: September 15, 1922; Died: May 3, 2011; Occupation: Actor;
    Buddhadasa ::: Born: May 27, 1906; Died: May 25, 1993; Occupation: Monk;
    Oren Lyons ::: Born: 1930; Occupation: Lacrosse Player;
    Henry Campbell-Bannerman ::: Born: September 7, 1836; Died: April 22, 1908; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
    Dan Morgenstern ::: Born: October 24, 1929; Occupation: Critic;
    Edward Victor Appleton ::: Born: September 6, 1892; Died: April 21, 1965; Occupation: Physicist;
    Jesse Tyler Ferguson ::: Born: October 22, 1975; Occupation: Actor;
    Peter Deunov ::: Born: July 11, 1864; Died: December 27, 1944; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Robert R. McCammon ::: Born: July 17, 1952; Occupation: Novelist;
    Raisa Gorbacheva ::: Born: January 5, 1932; Died: September 20, 1999; Occupation: Political leader;
    Barbara Lee ::: Born: July 16, 1946; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Robert K. Merton ::: Born: July 4, 1910; Died: February 23, 2003; Occupation: Sociologist of Science;
    Frederick Winslow Taylor ::: Born: March 20, 1856; Died: March 21, 1915; Occupation: Mechanical Engineer;
    Diane Black ::: Born: January 16, 1951; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    George Washington Carver ::: Born: 1865; Died: January 5, 1943; Occupation: Scientist;
    Lucy Parsons ::: Born: 1853; Died: March 7, 1942; Occupation: Activist;
    Mario Savio ::: Born: December 8, 1942; Died: November 6, 1996; Occupation: Activist;
    Mary Heaton Vorse ::: Born: 1874; Died: June 14, 1966; Occupation: Journalist;
    Shelby Steele ::: Born: January 1, 1946; Occupation: Author;
    Raymond Carver ::: Born: May 25, 1938; Died: August 2, 1988; Occupation: Writer;
    Jenny Sanford ::: Born: September 11, 1962; Occupation: Investment Banker;
    Aulus Gellius ::: Born: 130; Died: 180; Occupation: Author;
    Tahereh Mafi ::: Born: 1988; Occupation: Author;
    Josemaria Escriva ::: Born: January 9, 1902; Died: June 26, 1975; Occupation: Canonized;
    Wilhelm Stekel ::: Born: March 18, 1868; Died: June 25, 1940; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Dana Carvey ::: Born: June 2, 1955; Occupation: Actor;
    Hume Cronyn ::: Born: July 18, 1911; Died: June 15, 2003; Occupation: Actor;
    Nick Swardson ::: Born: October 9, 1976; Occupation: Actor;
    James Carville ::: Born: October 25, 1944; Occupation: Commentator;
    Louis de Montfort ::: Born: January 31, 1673; Died: April 28, 1716; Occupation: Priest;
    John Huston ::: Born: August 5, 1906; Died: August 28, 1987; Occupation: Film director;
    George Montgomery ::: Born: August 29, 1916; Died: December 12, 2000; Occupation: Painter;
    Gregory Hines ::: Born: February 14, 1946; Died: August 9, 2003; Occupation: Actor;
    Ronnie Wood ::: Born: June 1, 1947; Occupation: Musician;
    Gerald McRaney ::: Born: August 19, 1947; Occupation: Television actor;
    Bill Bruford ::: Born: May 17, 1949; Occupation: Drummer;
    Joyce Cary ::: Born: December 7, 1888; Died: March 29, 1957; Occupation: Novelist;
    Jackie Kay ::: Born: November 9, 1961; Occupation: Poet;
    Alben W. Barkley ::: Born: November 24, 1877; Died: April 30, 1956; Occupation: Former Vice President of the United States;
    Francois de Malherbe ::: Born: 1555; Died: October 16, 1628; Occupation: Poet;
    Jack Butler Yeats ::: Born: August 29, 1871; Died: March 28, 1957; Occupation: Artist;
    Patricia Arquette ::: Born: April 8, 1968; Occupation: Film actress;
    Amy Irving ::: Born: September 10, 1953; Occupation: Film actress;
    Balthazar Getty ::: Born: January 22, 1975; Occupation: Film actor;
    Ethan Suplee ::: Born: May 25, 1976; Occupation: Film actor;
    Julian Casablancas ::: Born: August 23, 1978; Occupation: Musician;
    Joel Kinnaman ::: Born: November 25, 1979; Occupation: Actor;
    Alain-Rene Lesage ::: Born: May 6, 1668; Died: November 17, 1747; Occupation: Novelist;
    George C. Scott ::: Born: October 18, 1927; Died: September 22, 1999; Occupation: Film actor;
    Richard Aldington ::: Born: July 8, 1892; Died: July 27, 1962; Occupation: Writer;
    Jim Beaver ::: Born: August 12, 1950; Occupation: Film actor;
    Jan Morris ::: Born: October 2, 1926; Occupation: Historian;
    Richard Jeni ::: Born: April 14, 1957; Died: March 10, 2007; Occupation: Comedian;
    H. C. Bailey ::: Born: 1878; Died: March 24, 1961; Occupation: Author;
    Mary Astor ::: Born: May 3, 1906; Died: September 25, 1987; Occupation: Film actress;
    Giacomo Casanova ::: Born: April 2, 1725; Died: June 4, 1798; Occupation: Author;
    Belva Ann Lockwood ::: Born: October 24, 1830; Died: May 19, 1917; Occupation: Attorney;
    John Henry Patterson ::: Born: December 13, 1844; Died: May 7, 1922; Occupation: Industrialist;
    Alfred the Great ::: Born: 849; Died: October 26, 899; Occupation: King of Wessex;
    Ferdinand Magellan ::: Born: 1480; Died: April 27, 1521; Occupation: Explorer;
    Leo Baekeland ::: Born: November 14, 1863; Died: February 23, 1944; Occupation: Chemist;
    Joseph Priestley ::: Born: March 24, 1733; Died: February 6, 1804; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Simonides of Ceos ::: Born: 556 BC; Died: 468 BC; Occupation: Lyric poet;
    Archibald Geikie ::: Born: December 28, 1835; Died: November 10, 1924; Occupation: Geologist;
    Jens Stoltenberg ::: Born: March 16, 1959; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Norway;
    W. Arthur Lewis ::: Born: January 23, 1915; Died: June 15, 1991; Occupation: Economist;
    David Justice ::: Born: April 14, 1966; Occupation: Baseball athlete;
    Steve Case ::: Born: August 21, 1958; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Richard Harris ::: Born: October 1, 1930; Died: October 25, 2002; Occupation: Actor;
    Bob Casey, Jr. ::: Born: April 13, 1960; Occupation: United States Senator;
    Phil Silvers ::: Born: May 11, 1911; Died: November 1, 1985; Occupation: Entertainer;
    Johnny Cash ::: Born: February 26, 1932; Died: September 12, 2003; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    June Carter Cash ::: Born: June 23, 1929; Died: May 15, 2003; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Debbie Allen ::: Born: January 16, 1950; Occupation: Actress;
    Nubar Gulbenkian ::: Born: June 2, 1896; Died: January 10, 1972; Occupation: Business magnate;
    Rosanne Cash ::: Born: May 24, 1955; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Benjamin Guggenheim ::: Born: October 26, 1865; Died: April 15, 1912; Occupation: Businessman;
    Joey McIntyre ::: Born: December 31, 1972; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Susan Strasberg ::: Born: May 22, 1938; Died: January 21, 1999; Occupation: Film actress;
    Gail Buckley ::: Born: December 21, 1937; Occupation: Author;
    Mary Mapes Dodge ::: Born: January 26, 1831; Died: August 21, 1905; Occupation: Writer;
    Suzette Haden Elgin ::: Born: November 18, 1936; Died: January 27, 2015; Occupation: Fictioneer;
    Gottfried Keller ::: Born: July 19, 1819; Died: July 15, 1890; Occupation: Poet;
    Camara Laye ::: Born: January 1, 1928; Died: February 4, 1980; Occupation: Writer;
    Margaret Whitlam ::: Born: November 19, 1919; Died: March 16, 2012; Occupation: Author;
    Neal Cassady ::: Born: February 8, 1926; Died: February 4, 1968; Occupation: Poet;
    Tayeb Salih ::: Born: July 12, 1929; Died: February 18, 2009; Occupation: Writer;
    Mary Cassatt ::: Born: May 22, 1844; Died: June 14, 1926; Occupation: Artist;
    Manis Friedman ::: Born: 1946; Occupation: Rabbi;
    Du Mu ::: Born: 803; Died: 852; Occupation: Poet;
    David Caruso ::: Born: January 7, 1956; Occupation: Actor;
    Peter Salovey ::: Born: February 21, 1958; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Florence Henderson ::: Born: February 14, 1934; Died: November 24, 2016; Occupation: Actress;
    Narendra Modi ::: Born: September 17, 1950; Occupation: Prime Minister of India;
    John Cassavetes ::: Born: December 9, 1929; Died: February 3, 1989; Occupation: Actor;
    Sylvia Fraser ::: Born: March 8, 1935; Occupation: Novelist;
    Leon Levy ::: Born: September 13, 1925; Died: April 6, 2003; Occupation: Financier;
    John of Damascus ::: Born: 676; Died: December 4, 749; Occupation: Monk;
    Isaac Jogues ::: Born: January 10, 1607; Died: October 18, 1646; Occupation: Martyr;
    Pio of Pietrelcina ::: Born: May 25, 1887; Died: September 23, 1968; Occupation: Saint;
    Cyril Norman Hinshelwood ::: Born: June 19, 1897; Died: October 9, 1967; Occupation: Chemist;
    Anne Askew ::: Born: 1521; Died: July 16, 1546; Occupation: Poet;
    Asahel Nettleton ::: Born: April 21, 1783; Died: May 16, 1844; Occupation: Biographer;
    Friedrich Holderlin ::: Born: March 20, 1770; Died: June 7, 1843; Occupation: Poet;
    Paul Washer ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Sermonizer;
    William Cameron Townsend ::: Born: July 9, 1896; Died: April 23, 1982; Occupation: Missionary;
    Robbie Savage ::: Born: October 18, 1974; Occupation: Pundit;
    Charles Scott Sherrington ::: Born: November 27, 1857; Died: March 4, 1952; Occupation: Neurophysiologist;
    Mike Rutherford ::: Born: October 2, 1950; Occupation: Musician;
    Sara Maitland ::: Born: February 27, 1950; Occupation: Writer;
    Kevin Sorbo ::: Born: September 24, 1958; Occupation: Actor;
    James Coco ::: Born: March 21, 1930; Died: February 25, 1987; Occupation: Character actor;
    Dana Reeve ::: Born: March 17, 1961; Died: March 6, 2006; Occupation: Actress;
    Susan Ford ::: Born: July 6, 1957; Occupation: Author;
    Michael Dorris ::: Born: January 30, 1945; Died: April 10, 1997; Occupation: Novelist;
    Adolphe Quetelet ::: Born: February 22, 1796; Died: February 17, 1874; Occupation: Astronomer;
    Harry Lloyd ::: Born: November 17, 1983; Occupation: Actor;
    Jonathan Goforth ::: Born: February 10, 1860; Died: October 8, 1936; Occupation: Missionary;
    Mildred Cable ::: Born: February 21, 1878; Died: April 30, 1952; Occupation: Missionary;
    John Gibson Paton ::: Born: May 24, 1824; Died: January 28, 1907; Occupation: Author;
    Francis Xavier ::: Born: April 7, 1506; Died: December 3, 1552; Occupation: Missionary;
    Mark Pocan ::: Born: August 14, 1964; Occupation: United States Representative;
    P. C. Cast ::: Born: April 30, 1960; Occupation: Author;
    Bonaventure ::: Born: 1221; Died: July 15, 1274; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Carlos Castaneda ::: Born: December 25, 1925; Died: April 27, 1998; Occupation: Author;
    Larisa Oleynik ::: Born: June 7, 1981; Occupation: Film actress;
    Lucie Arnaz ::: Born: July 17, 1951; Occupation: Actress;
    Soleil Moon Frye ::: Born: August 6, 1976; Occupation: Film actress;
    Emily Deschanel ::: Born: October 11, 1976; Occupation: Film actress;
    Dan Castellaneta ::: Born: October 29, 1957; Occupation: Actor;
    Pierre de Ronsard ::: Born: September 11, 1524; Died: December 27, 1585; Occupation: Poet;
    Francisco de Quevedo ::: Born: September 14, 1580; Died: September 8, 1645; Occupation: Writer;
    Tara Stiles ::: Born: May 6, 1981; Occupation: Model;
    Mary Ann Mobley ::: Born: February 17, 1939; Died: December 9, 2014; Occupation: Actress;
    Barbara Fredrickson ::: Born: June 15, 1964; Occupation: Professor;
    Ed Diener ::: Born: 1946; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Sarah Winman ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Actress;
    Ana Castillo ::: Born: June 15, 1953; Occupation: Novelist;
    David Talbot ::: Born: September 22, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
    Steve Ross ::: Born: September 17, 1927; Died: December 20, 1992; Occupation: Time Warner CEO;
    Debby Ryan ::: Born: May 13, 1993; Occupation: Film actress;
    Francine du Plessix Gray ::: Born: September 25, 1930; Occupation: Writer;
    Boris Karloff ::: Born: November 23, 1887; Died: February 2, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
    Dave Edmunds ::: Born: April 15, 1944; Occupation: Singer;
    Simon Rattle ::: Born: January 19, 1955; Occupation: Conductor;
    Hugo Wolf ::: Born: March 13, 1860; Died: February 22, 1903; Occupation: Composer;
    Israel Meir Kagan ::: Born: February 6, 1838; Died: September 15, 1933; Occupation: Rabbi;
    David Foreman ::: Born: 1947; Occupation: Environmentalist;
    Amos Alonzo Stagg ::: Born: August 16, 1862; Died: March 17, 1965; Occupation: American football head coach;
    Maude Barlow ::: Born: May 24, 1947; Occupation: Author;
    Jane Curtin ::: Born: September 6, 1947; Occupation: Actress;
    Fidel Castro ::: Born: August 13, 1926; Died: November 25, 2016; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Cuba;
    Tim Wirth ::: Born: September 22, 1939; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Gretchen Mol ::: Born: November 8, 1972; Occupation: Film actress;
    Daniel Okrent ::: Born: April 2, 1948; Occupation: Writer;
    Fanny Crosby ::: Born: March 24, 1820; Died: February 12, 1915; Occupation: Poet;
    Charles Frohman ::: Born: July 15, 1856; Died: May 7, 1915; Occupation: Producer;
    Bob Hicok ::: Born: 1960; Occupation: Poet;
    Matthew Simmons ::: Born: April 7, 1943; Died: August 8, 2010; Occupation: Author;
    James R. Schlesinger ::: Born: February 15, 1929; Died: March 27, 2014; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Defense;
    Michael Ruppert ::: Born: February 3, 1951; Died: April 13, 2014; Occupation: Author;
    Gianfranco Zola ::: Born: July 5, 1966; Occupation: Footballer;
    John Gregory Dunne ::: Born: May 25, 1932; Died: December 30, 2003; Occupation: Novelist;
    Edwin Meese ::: Born: December 2, 1931; Occupation: Attorney at law;
    Jean Guitton ::: Born: August 18, 1901; Died: March 21, 1999; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Raymond Radiguet ::: Born: June 18, 1903; Died: December 12, 1923; Occupation: Novelist;
    Rosalia de Castro ::: Born: February 24, 1837; Died: July 15, 1885; Occupation: Writer;
    Estelle Getty ::: Born: July 25, 1923; Died: July 22, 2008; Occupation: Film actress;
    Lea Seydoux ::: Born: July 1, 1985; Occupation: Film actress;
    Helen Suzman ::: Born: November 7, 1917; Died: January 1, 2009; Occupation: Former Member of the Parliament of South Africa;
    Li Qingzhao ::: Born: 1084; Died: 1151; Occupation: Writer;
    Asher Roth ::: Born: August 11, 1985; Occupation: Hip-hop artist;
    Clea DuVall ::: Born: September 25, 1977; Occupation: Film actress;
    Emmanuelle Riva ::: Born: February 24, 1927; Died: January 27, 2017; Occupation: Film actress;
    William Caxton ::: Born: 1415; Died: 1492; Occupation: Writer;
    Dana Rohrabacher ::: Born: June 21, 1947; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    John Trudell ::: Born: February 15, 1946; Died: December 8, 2015; Occupation: Author;
    Ryan Phillippe ::: Born: September 10, 1974; Occupation: Actor;
    Willa Cather ::: Born: December 7, 1873; Died: April 24, 1947; Occupation: Author;
    Simon Conway Morris ::: Born: November 6, 1951; Occupation: University Professor;
    Wilhelm Johannsen ::: Born: February 3, 1857; Died: November 11, 1927; Occupation: Botanist;
    Cesar Milstein ::: Born: October 8, 1927; Died: March 24, 2002; Occupation: Researcher;
    Tsunesaburo Makiguchi ::: Born: June 6, 1871; Died: November 18, 1944; Occupation: Educator;
    Juan Manuel, Prince of Villena ::: Born: May 5, 1282; Died: June 13, 1348; Occupation: Writer;
    Nicolas Bentley ::: Born: June 14, 1907; Died: August 14, 1978; Occupation: Author;
    Hugh Latimer ::: Born: 1487; Died: October 16, 1555; Occupation: Bishop of Worcester;
    Elliott Jaques ::: Born: January 18, 1917; Died: March 8, 2003; Occupation: Psychoanalyst;
    Nong ?uc Manh ::: Born: September 11, 1940; Occupation: Vietnamese Politician;
    Tulsidas ::: Born: 1497; Died: 1623; Occupation: Poet;
    Eugenie Clark ::: Born: May 4, 1922; Died: February 25, 2015; Occupation: Ichthyologist;
    Deborah Wiles ::: Born: May 5, 1953; Occupation: Author;
    Bruce Catton ::: Born: October 9, 1899; Died: August 28, 1978; Occupation: Historian;
    Fred Allen ::: Born: May 31, 1894; Died: March 17, 1956; Occupation: Comedian;
    Antony Flew ::: Born: February 11, 1923; Died: April 8, 2010; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Bernard Lewis ::: Born: May 31, 1916; Occupation: Historian;
    Kim Cattrall ::: Born: August 21, 1956; Occupation: Actress;
    Sha Zukang ::: Born: September 24, 1947; Occupation: Diplomat;
    Rory Stewart ::: Born: January 3, 1973; Occupation: Academic;
    Mamphela Ramphele ::: Born: December 28, 1947; Occupation: Medical doctor;
    Gunnar Myrdal ::: Born: December 6, 1898; Died: May 17, 1987; Occupation: Economist;
    William Paterson ::: Born: December 24, 1745; Died: September 9, 1806; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
    Kristin Cavallari ::: Born: January 5, 1987; Occupation: Television Personality;
    James Blish ::: Born: May 23, 1921; Died: July 30, 1975; Occupation: Author;
    Luis Valdez ::: Born: June 26, 1940; Occupation: Playwright;
    Richard Riordan ::: Born: May 1, 1930; Occupation: American Politician;
    Kathy Bates ::: Born: June 28, 1948; Occupation: Actress;
    Roberto Cavalli ::: Born: November 15, 1940; Occupation: Fashion designer;
    Joe Louis ::: Born: May 13, 1914; Died: April 12, 1981; Occupation: Professional Boxer;
    Jose Angel Gurria ::: Born: May 8, 1950; Occupation: Economist;
    Bryan Stevenson ::: Born: November 14, 1959; Occupation: Professor;
    Mr. T ::: Born: May 21, 1952; Occupation: Actor;
    Alan Tudyk ::: Born: March 16, 1971; Occupation: Actor;
    James Hong ::: Born: February 22, 1929; Occupation: Actor;
    Jim Broadbent ::: Born: May 24, 1949; Occupation: Film actor;
    Forest Whitaker ::: Born: July 15, 1961; Occupation: Actor;
    Dabbs Greer ::: Born: April 2, 1917; Died: April 28, 2007; Occupation: Actor;
    Christopher Plummer ::: Born: December 13, 1929; Occupation: Theatre actor;
    Michael Wincott ::: Born: January 21, 1958; Occupation: Film actor;
    Donald Sutherland ::: Born: July 17, 1935; Occupation: Actor;
    Nick Cave ::: Born: September 22, 1957; Occupation: Musician;
    Michael Rennie ::: Born: August 25, 1909; Died: June 10, 1971; Occupation: Film actor;
    Walter Huston ::: Born: April 5, 1883; Died: April 7, 1950; Occupation: Actor;
    Mavis Gallant ::: Born: August 11, 1922; Died: February 18, 2014; Occupation: Writer;
    Margaret Cavendish ::: Born: 1623; Died: December 15, 1673; Occupation: Writer;
    John Kessel ::: Born: September 24, 1950; Occupation: Author;
    Billy Beane ::: Born: March 29, 1962; Occupation: Baseball player;
    David Halberstam ::: Born: April 10, 1934; Died: April 23, 2007; Occupation: Journalist;
    Greg Chappell ::: Born: August 7, 1948; Occupation: Cricketer;
    Dick Cavett ::: Born: November 19, 1936; Occupation: Host;
    Marcia Gay Harden ::: Born: August 14, 1959; Occupation: Film actress;
    Jim Caviezel ::: Born: September 26, 1968; Occupation: Film actor;
    Leon Edel ::: Born: September 9, 1907; Died: September 5, 1997; Occupation: Literary critic;
    Tatjana Patitz ::: Born: March 25, 1966; Occupation: Fashion model;
    Dave Allen ::: Born: July 6, 1936; Died: March 10, 2005; Occupation: Comedian;
    Joel Chandler Harris ::: Born: December 9, 1848; Died: July 3, 1908; Occupation: Journalist;
    James Thomas Fields ::: Born: December 31, 1817; Died: April 24, 1881; Occupation: Publisher;
    Henry Cavill ::: Born: May 5, 1983; Occupation: Actor;
    Tyga ::: Born: November 19, 1989; Occupation: Rapper;
    Phil Lesh ::: Born: March 15, 1940; Occupation: Musician;
    Stephen Foster ::: Born: July 4, 1826; Died: January 13, 1864; Occupation: Songwriter;
    Jonathan Krohn ::: Born: March 1, 1995; Occupation: Journalist;
    George J. Mitchell ::: Born: August 20, 1933; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Rose Byrne ::: Born: July 24, 1979; Occupation: Film actress;
    Ahmet Zappa ::: Born: May 15, 1974; Occupation: Writer;
    Violette Leduc ::: Born: April 7, 1907; Died: May 28, 1972; Occupation: Author;
    Eddie Cochran ::: Born: October 3, 1938; Died: April 17, 1960; Occupation: Musician;
    Neil Cavuto ::: Born: September 22, 1958; Occupation: Television personality;
    George Washington Cable ::: Born: October 12, 1844; Died: January 31, 1925; Occupation: Novelist;
    William Braithwaite ::: Born: December 6, 1878; Died: June 8, 1962; Occupation: Writer;
    Sara Coleridge ::: Born: December 23, 1802; Died: May 3, 1852; Occupation: Author;
    Masaoka Shiki ::: Born: October 14, 1867; Died: September 19, 1902; Occupation: Poet;
    Bat Masterson ::: Born: November 26, 1853; Died: October 25, 1921; Occupation: Columnist;
    Iannis Xenakis ::: Born: May 29, 1922; Died: February 4, 2001; Occupation: Composer;
    Gerald Scarfe ::: Born: June 1, 1936; Occupation: Cartoonist;
    Helle Thorning-Schmidt ::: Born: December 14, 1966; Occupation: Prime Minister of Denmark;
    Alexi Giannoulias ::: Born: March 16, 1976; Occupation: American Politician;
    Seth Gabel ::: Born: October 3, 1981; Occupation: Actor;
    Michael Easton ::: Born: February 15, 1967; Occupation: Television actor;
    Arthur Cayley ::: Born: August 16, 1821; Died: January 26, 1895; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Joseph O'Neill ::: Born: February 23, 1964; Occupation: Novelist;
    Mary McCormack ::: Born: February 8, 1969; Occupation: Film actress;
    Josephine de La Baume ::: Born: October 8, 1984; Occupation: Actress;
    Olivia de Havilland ::: Born: July 1, 1916; Occupation: Film actress;
    Scott Simon ::: Born: March 16, 1952; Occupation: Journalist;
    Georgia Douglas Johnson ::: Born: September 10, 1880; Died: May 14, 1966; Occupation: Poet;
    Jim Toomey ::: Born: December 26, 1960; Occupation: Cartoonist;
    Sarah Kay ::: Born: June 19, 1988; Occupation: Poet;
    Fabien Cousteau ::: Born: October 2, 1967; Occupation: Oceanographer;
    Brooklyn Decker ::: Born: April 12, 1987; Occupation: Fashion model;
    Danny Masterson ::: Born: March 13, 1976; Occupation: Actor;
    Carrie Hamilton ::: Born: December 5, 1963; Died: January 20, 2002; Occupation: Actress;
    Bob Beamon ::: Born: August 29, 1946; Occupation: Track and field athlete;
    Mike Webster ::: Born: March 18, 1952; Died: September 24, 2002; Occupation: American football player;
    Camilo Jose Cela ::: Born: May 11, 1916; Died: January 17, 2002; Occupation: Novelist;
    Paul Celan ::: Born: November 23, 1920; Died: April 20, 1970; Occupation: Poet;
    Thomas Dolby ::: Born: October 14, 1958; Occupation: Musician;
    Louis-Ferdinand Celine ::: Born: May 27, 1894; Died: July 1, 1961; Occupation: Novelist;
    James Dwight Dana ::: Born: February 12, 1813; Died: April 14, 1895; Occupation: Geologist;
    Suzanne Segal ::: Born: 1955; Died: 1997; Occupation: Writer;
    Peter Agre ::: Born: January 30, 1949; Occupation: Physician;
    Lou Henry Hoover ::: Born: March 29, 1874; Died: January 7, 1944; Occupation: Former First Lady of the United States;
    Yvonne Strahovski ::: Born: July 30, 1982; Occupation: Actress;
    Lauren Holly ::: Born: October 28, 1963; Occupation: Film actress;
    William Lacy Clay, Jr. ::: Born: July 27, 1956; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    John Goodman ::: Born: June 20, 1952; Occupation: Actor;
    Joan Aiken ::: Born: September 4, 1924; Died: January 4, 2004; Occupation: Writer;
    Susan Blackmore ::: Born: July 29, 1951; Occupation: Writer;
    Emanuel Celler ::: Born: May 6, 1888; Died: January 15, 1981; Occupation: American Politician;
    Jose Manuel Rodriguez Delgado ::: Born: August 8, 1915; Died: September 15, 2011; Occupation: Researcher;
    Marian Diamond ::: Born: November 26, 1926; Occupation: Professor;
    John Eccles ::: Born: January 27, 1903; Died: May 2, 1997; Occupation: Neurophysiologist;
    Josh Holloway ::: Born: July 20, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
    John Cena ::: Born: April 23, 1977; Occupation: Professional Wrestler;
    Moms Mabley ::: Born: March 19, 1894; Died: May 23, 1975; Occupation: Comedian;
    Dwight Howard ::: Born: December 8, 1985; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Thomas Davis ::: Born: October 14, 1814; Died: September 16, 1845; Occupation: Writer;
    Anjelica Huston ::: Born: July 8, 1951; Occupation: Actress;
    Franz Joseph Gall ::: Born: March 9, 1758; Died: August 22, 1828; Occupation: Physiologist;
    Michael Gazzaniga ::: Born: December 12, 1939; Occupation: Professor;
    Richard Gregory ::: Born: July 24, 1923; Died: May 17, 2010; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Tim Green ::: Born: December 16, 1963; Occupation: American football player;
    Susan Greenfield, Baroness Greenfield ::: Born: October 1, 1950; Occupation: Scientist;
    David H. Hubel ::: Born: February 27, 1926; Died: September 22, 2013; Occupation: Neurophysiologist;
    Eric Kandel ::: Born: November 7, 1929; Occupation: Professor;
    Rodolfo Llinas ::: Born: December 16, 1934; Occupation: Professor;
    Bennett Cerf ::: Born: May 25, 1898; Died: August 27, 1971; Occupation: Publisher;
    Malcolm McDowell ::: Born: June 13, 1943; Occupation: Actor;
    Colin McGinn ::: Born: March 10, 1950; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Steven Rose ::: Born: July 4, 1938; Occupation: Professor;
    Vinton Cerf ::: Born: June 23, 1943; Occupation: Engineer;
    Richard Selzer ::: Born: June 24, 1928; Died: June 15, 2016; Occupation: Author;
    Roger Wolcott Sperry ::: Born: August 20, 1913; Died: April 17, 1994; Occupation: Researcher;
    James Trefil ::: Born: September 10, 1938; Occupation: Physicist;
    Gracie Allen ::: Born: July 26, 1895; Died: August 27, 1964; Occupation: Comedienne;
    Carl Zimmer ::: Born: July 13, 1966; Occupation: Science writer;
    William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley ::: Born: September 13, 1520; Died: August 4, 1598; Occupation: Statesman;
    Aaron Paul ::: Born: August 27, 1979; Occupation: Actor;
    Bob Balaban ::: Born: August 16, 1945; Occupation: Actor;
    Harpo Marx ::: Born: November 23, 1888; Died: September 28, 1964; Occupation: Comedian;
    Beverly Johnson ::: Born: October 13, 1952; Occupation: Model;
    Roy Blunt ::: Born: January 10, 1950; Occupation: United States Senator;
    Richard N. Haass ::: Born: July 28, 1951; Occupation: Diplomat;
    Miguel de Cervantes ::: Born: September 29, 1547; Died: April 22, 1616; Occupation: Novelist;
    Rich Hall ::: Born: June 10, 1954; Occupation: Comedian;
    Johnny Nash ::: Born: August 19, 1940; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Mikhail Lomonosov ::: Born: November 19, 1711; Died: April 15, 1765; Occupation: Writer;
    John Dalton ::: Born: September 6, 1766; Died: July 27, 1844; Occupation: Chemist;
    Charles A. Murray ::: Born: January 8, 1943; Occupation: Political Scientist;
    Billy Ocean ::: Born: January 21, 1950; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    William Everson ::: Born: September 10, 1912; Died: June 3, 1994; Occupation: Poet;
    Aime Cesaire ::: Born: June 26, 1913; Died: April 17, 2008; Occupation: Poet;
    James Roday ::: Born: April 4, 1976; Occupation: Actor;
    Paolo Veronese ::: Born: 1528; Died: April 19, 1588; Occupation: Painter;
    Maurice Blondel ::: Born: November 2, 1861; Died: June 4, 1949; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Jules Amedee Barbey d'Aurevilly ::: Born: November 2, 1808; Died: April 23, 1889; Occupation: Novelist;
    Paul Cezanne ::: Born: January 19, 1839; Died: October 22, 1906; Occupation: Artist;
    Steven A. Cohen ::: Born: June 11, 1956; Occupation: Manager;
    Tiny Tim ::: Born: April 12, 1932; Died: November 30, 1996; Occupation: Singer;
    Frank Skinner ::: Born: January 28, 1957; Occupation: Comedian;
    John Vanbrugh ::: Born: January 24, 1664; Died: March 26, 1726; Occupation: Architect;
    Vanessa Redgrave ::: Born: January 30, 1937; Occupation: Actress;
    Lapo Elkann ::: Born: October 7, 1977; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
    Tyler Hoechlin ::: Born: September 11, 1987; Occupation: Actor;
    Matt Prokop ::: Born: July 29, 1990; Occupation: Actor;
    Rob James-Collier ::: Born: September 23, 1976; Occupation: Actor;
    Richard Helms ::: Born: March 30, 1913; Died: October 22, 2002; Occupation: Former Director of Central Intelligence;
    Michael McIntyre ::: Born: February 21, 1976; Occupation: Stand-up comedian;
    David Landes ::: Born: April 29, 1924; Died: August 17, 2013; Occupation: Author;
    Sean O Faolain ::: Born: February 22, 1900; Died: April 20, 1991; Occupation: Short story writer;
    Michael Chabon ::: Born: May 24, 1963; Occupation: Author;
    John G. Kemeny ::: Born: May 31, 1926; Died: December 26, 1992; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Leonard Adleman ::: Born: December 31, 1945; Occupation: Computer Scientist;
    Steve Chabot ::: Born: January 22, 1953; Occupation: United States Representative;
    Cilla Black ::: Born: May 27, 1943; Died: August 1, 2015; Occupation: Singer;
    Claude Chabrol ::: Born: June 24, 1930; Died: September 12, 2010; Occupation: Film director;
    G. D. H. Cole ::: Born: September 25, 1889; Died: January 14, 1959; Occupation: Economist;
    Lucullus ::: Born: 118 BC; Died: 56 BC; Occupation: Politician;
    Max Hastings ::: Born: December 28, 1945; Occupation: Journalist;
    Eugene Sue ::: Born: January 20, 1804; Died: August 3, 1857; Occupation: Novelist;
    Jacques Cartier ::: Born: December 31, 1491; Died: September 1, 1557; Occupation: Explorer;
    Richard Eberhart ::: Born: April 5, 1904; Died: June 9, 2005; Occupation: Poet;
    Dorothy Richardson ::: Born: May 17, 1873; Died: June 17, 1957; Occupation: Author;
    Chuck Smith ::: Born: June 25, 1927; Died: October 3, 2013; Occupation: Pastor;
    Hanan Ashrawi ::: Born: October 8, 1946; Occupation: Palestinian legislator;
    Noto ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Musician;
    Leo Robin ::: Born: April 6, 1900; Died: December 29, 1984; Occupation: Composer;
    Brian Lumley ::: Born: December 2, 1937; Occupation: Fiction writer;
    Mike McCready ::: Born: April 5, 1966; Occupation: Musician;
    Conway Twitty ::: Born: September 1, 1933; Died: June 5, 1993; Occupation: Musical Artist;
    Charlotte Rampling ::: Born: February 5, 1946; Occupation: Film actress;
    Lincoln Chafee ::: Born: March 26, 1953; Occupation: American Politician;
    Tom Verlaine ::: Born: December 13, 1949; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Lacey Chabert ::: Born: September 30, 1982; Occupation: Actress;
    Julia Ormond ::: Born: January 4, 1965; Occupation: Film actress;
    Aaron Spelling ::: Born: April 22, 1923; Died: June 23, 2006; Occupation: Film Producer;
    Annette O'Toole ::: Born: April 1, 1952; Occupation: Actress;
    John Sebastian ::: Born: March 17, 1944; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Gabor Mate ::: Born: 1944; Occupation: Physician;
    Anne Robinson ::: Born: September 26, 1944; Occupation: Television presenter;
    Abdelkader El Djezairi ::: Born: September 6, 1808; Died: May 26, 1883; Occupation: Military leader;
    Louis Bourdaloue ::: Born: August 20, 1632; Died: May 13, 1704; Occupation: Preacher;
    Scott Foley ::: Born: July 15, 1972; Occupation: Actor;
    Dominic West ::: Born: October 15, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
    Marc Chagall ::: Born: July 6, 1887; Died: March 28, 1985; Occupation: Artist;
    Emperor Wu of Han ::: Born: June 7, 156 BC; Died: March 29, 87 BC; Occupation: Emperor of China;
    Charles Mathias ::: Born: July 24, 1922; Died: January 25, 2010; Occupation: Former member of the United States Senate;
    Violet Trefusis ::: Born: June 6, 1894; Died: February 29, 1972; Occupation: Writer;
    Jan Kott ::: Born: October 27, 1914; Died: December 23, 2001; Occupation: Critic;
    Liz Greene ::: Born: September 4, 1946; Occupation: Astrologer;
    Gordon R. Dickson ::: Born: November 1, 1923; Died: January 31, 2001; Occupation: Fiction writer;
    Donna Air ::: Born: August 2, 1979; Occupation: Television presenter;
    Dermot O'Leary ::: Born: May 24, 1973; Occupation: Television presenter;
    Peaches Geldof ::: Born: March 13, 1989; Died: April 7, 2014; Occupation: Journalist;
    Terry Venables ::: Born: January 6, 1943; Occupation: Football player;
    Danielle O'Hara ::: Born: December 16, 1983; Occupation: Model;
    Colin Baker ::: Born: June 8, 1943; Occupation: Actor;
    Elaine Paige ::: Born: March 5, 1948; Occupation: Singer;
    Irving Fisher ::: Born: February 27, 1867; Died: April 29, 1947; Occupation: Economist;
    Alf Landon ::: Born: September 9, 1887; Died: October 12, 1987; Occupation: Former Governor of Kansas;
    Bill Wyman ::: Born: October 24, 1936; Occupation: Musician;
    Dannii Minogue ::: Born: October 20, 1971; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Bob Merrill ::: Born: May 17, 1921; Died: February 17, 1998; Occupation: Songwriter;
    David Chalmers ::: Born: April 20, 1966; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Alan Parker ::: Born: February 14, 1944; Occupation: Film director;
    Michael Berryman ::: Born: September 4, 1948; Occupation: Actor;
    Link Wray ::: Born: May 2, 1929; Died: November 5, 2005; Occupation: Guitarist;
    Brenda Lee ::: Born: December 11, 1944; Occupation: Vocalist;
    Nick Lowe ::: Born: March 24, 1949; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Otis Blackwell ::: Born: February 16, 1931; Died: May 6, 2002; Occupation: Songwriter;
    Jackie DeShannon ::: Born: August 21, 1944; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Gordon Waller ::: Born: June 4, 1945; Died: July 17, 2009; Occupation: Songwriter;
    Patti Page ::: Born: November 8, 1927; Died: January 1, 2013; Occupation: Singer;
    Jeanine Pirro ::: Born: June 2, 1951; Occupation: Prosecutor;
    Elizabeth Siddal ::: Born: July 25, 1829; Died: February 11, 1862; Occupation: Artist;
    Edward Burne-Jones ::: Born: August 28, 1833; Died: June 17, 1898; Occupation: Artist;
    Christopher Lee ::: Born: May 27, 1922; Died: June 7, 2015; Occupation: Actor;
    Anne Heche ::: Born: May 25, 1969; Occupation: Actress;
    Mariette Hartley ::: Born: June 21, 1940; Occupation: Actress;
    Joshua Chamberlain ::: Born: September 8, 1828; Died: February 24, 1914; Occupation: Former Governor of Maine;
    Alan Carr ::: Born: June 14, 1976; Occupation: Comedian;
    Kuki Gallmann ::: Born: June 1, 1943; Occupation: Author;
    Jeanne Tripplehorn ::: Born: June 10, 1963; Occupation: Film actress;
    Neville Chamberlain ::: Born: March 18, 1869; Died: November 9, 1940; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
    Jean-Philippe Rameau ::: Born: September 25, 1683; Died: September 12, 1764; Occupation: Composer;
    Victor Cousin ::: Born: November 28, 1792; Died: January 14, 1867; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Jonathan Balcombe ::: Born: February 28, 1959; Occupation: Ethologist;
    William McIlvanney ::: Born: November 25, 1936; Died: December 5, 2015; Occupation: Writer;
    John Peel ::: Born: August 30, 1939; Died: October 25, 2004; Occupation: Disc jockey;
    Richard Chamberlain ::: Born: March 31, 1934; Occupation: Actor;
    Antonya Nelson ::: Born: January 6, 1961; Occupation: Author;
    Wilt Chamberlain ::: Born: August 21, 1936; Died: October 12, 1999; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Taeyang ::: Born: May 18, 1988; Occupation: Singer;
    Jay Park ::: Born: April 25, 1987; Occupation: Singer;
    Fabian ::: Born: February 6, 1942; Occupation: Singer;
    Greg Louganis ::: Born: January 29, 1960; Occupation: Author;
    Athanasius of Alexandria ::: Born: 296; Died: May 2, 373; Occupation: Saint;
    Callie Khouri ::: Born: November 27, 1957; Occupation: Television screenwriter;
    Barbet Schroeder ::: Born: August 26, 1941; Occupation: Film director;
    James Allen ::: Born: November 28, 1864; Died: 1912; Occupation: Writer;
    Jeremy Northam ::: Born: December 1, 1961; Occupation: Actor;
    Ashley Benson ::: Born: December 18, 1989; Occupation: Film actress;
    Sky Ferreira ::: Born: July 8, 1992; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Lyndsy Fonseca ::: Born: January 7, 1987; Occupation: Actress;
    Nick Moran ::: Born: December 23, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
    Tom Bergeron ::: Born: May 6, 1955; Occupation: Television Personality;
    Melissa Rivers ::: Born: January 20, 1968; Occupation: Actress;
    Emily Ratajkowski ::: Born: June 7, 1991; Occupation: Model;
    Heinrich von Treitschke ::: Born: September 15, 1834; Died: April 28, 1896; Occupation: Historian;
    Edith Massey ::: Born: May 28, 1918; Died: October 24, 1984; Occupation: Actress;
    Rupert Hughes ::: Born: January 31, 1872; Died: September 9, 1956; Occupation: Novelist;
    Elsa Lanchester ::: Born: October 28, 1902; Died: December 26, 1986; Occupation: Film actress;
    Yi Sun-sin ::: Born: April 28, 1545; Died: December 16, 1598; Occupation: Military Officer;
    Bae Yong-joon ::: Born: August 29, 1972; Occupation: Actor;
    Lady Caroline Lamb ::: Born: November 13, 1785; Died: January 26, 1828; Occupation: Novelist;
    Hedda Hopper ::: Born: May 2, 1885; Died: February 1, 1966; Occupation: Gossip columnist;
    Frederic Raphael ::: Born: August 14, 1931; Occupation: Screenwriter;
    Whittaker Chambers ::: Born: April 1, 1901; Died: July 9, 1961; Occupation: Writer;
    John Ehrlichman ::: Born: March 20, 1925; Died: February 14, 1999; Occupation: Counsel;
    Ronald Firbank ::: Born: January 17, 1886; Died: May 21, 1926; Occupation: Novelist;
    Amy Yasbeck ::: Born: September 12, 1962; Occupation: Film actress;
    Francis Gary Powers ::: Born: August 17, 1929; Died: August 1, 1977; Occupation: Pilot;
    Richard Allen ::: Born: February 14, 1760; Died: March 26, 1831; Occupation: Bishop;
    Richard Darman ::: Born: May 10, 1943; Died: January 25, 2008; Occupation: Businessman;
    Dorothy McGuire ::: Born: May 28, 1916; Died: September 13, 2001; Occupation: Actress;
    Thomas Raymond Kelly ::: Born: 1893; Died: January 17, 1941; Occupation: Quaker mystic;
    Nicolas Chamfort ::: Born: April 6, 1741; Died: April 13, 1794; Occupation: Writer;
    Claire Bloom ::: Born: February 15, 1931; Occupation: Film actress;
    Gregor Mendel ::: Born: July 20, 1822; Died: January 6, 1884; Occupation: Scientist;
    Pliny the Younger ::: Born: 61; Died: 112; Occupation: Author;
    Cyril Smith ::: Born: June 28, 1928; Died: September 3, 2010; Occupation: Member of Parliament;
    Ellen Willis ::: Born: December 14, 1941; Died: November 9, 2006; Occupation: Essayist;
    Diane Wilson ::: Born: 1948; Occupation: Activist;
    Dwight Macdonald ::: Born: March 24, 1906; Died: December 19, 1982; Occupation: Writer;
    Jackie Chan ::: Born: April 7, 1954; Occupation: Actor;
    Albertus Magnus ::: Born: 1193; Died: November 15, 1280; Occupation: Saint;
    Jacques Brel ::: Born: April 8, 1929; Died: October 9, 1978; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Jay E. Adams ::: Born: January 30, 1929; Occupation: Author;
    Margaret Chan ::: Born: 1947; Occupation: MD;
    James Lane Allen ::: Born: December 21, 1849; Died: February 18, 1925; Occupation: Novelist;
    Peter Abelard ::: Born: 1079; Died: April 21, 1142; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Rachel Boston ::: Born: May 9, 1982; Occupation: Film actress;
    John Hartford ::: Born: December 30, 1937; Died: June 4, 2001; Occupation: Composer;
    Jennifer Connelly ::: Born: December 12, 1970; Occupation: Film actress;
    Robert Dale Owen ::: Born: November 7, 1801; Died: June 24, 1877; Occupation: American Politician;
    David Horowitz ::: Born: January 10, 1939; Occupation: Writer;
    Chanakya ::: Born: 370 BC; Died: 283 BC; Occupation: Teacher;
    Maurice Barres ::: Born: August 19, 1862; Died: December 4, 1923; Occupation: Novelist;
    Angus Wilson ::: Born: August 11, 1913; Died: May 31, 1991; Occupation: Novelist;
    Ian Plimer ::: Born: February 12, 1946; Occupation: Geologist;
    Lizette Woodworth Reese ::: Born: January 9, 1856; Died: December 17, 1935; Occupation: Poet;
    Jean le Rond d'Alembert ::: Born: November 16, 1717; Died: October 29, 1783; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Emile Gaboriau ::: Born: November 9, 1832; Died: September 28, 1873; Occupation: Writer;
    Kyle Chandler ::: Born: September 17, 1965; Occupation: Film actor;
    Hester Lynch Piozzi ::: Born: January 27, 1741; Died: May 2, 1821; Occupation: Author;
    Gordon Downie ::: Born: February 6, 1964; Occupation: Musician;
    Raymond Chandler ::: Born: July 23, 1888; Died: March 26, 1959; Occupation: Novelist;
    Niccolo Paganini ::: Born: October 27, 1782; Died: May 27, 1840; Occupation: Violinist;
    Leni Riefenstahl ::: Born: August 22, 1902; Died: September 8, 2003; Occupation: Film director;
    Dorothy Maclean ::: Born: 1920; Occupation: Writer;
    Silver RavenWolf ::: Born: September 11, 1956; Occupation: Author;
    Emil Nolde ::: Born: August 7, 1867; Died: April 13, 1956; Occupation: Painter;
    Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy ::: Born: July 6, 1888; Died: February 24, 1973; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Penelope Leach ::: Born: November 19, 1937; Occupation: Psychologist;
    John Michael Hayes ::: Born: May 11, 1919; Died: November 19, 2008; Occupation: Screenwriter;
    Coco Chanel ::: Born: August 19, 1883; Died: January 10, 1971; Occupation: Fashion designer;
    Gish Jen ::: Born: August 12, 1955; Occupation: Writer;
    Richard Henry Stoddard ::: Born: July 2, 1825; Died: May 12, 1903; Occupation: Poet;
    Claes Oldenburg ::: Born: January 28, 1929; Occupation: Sculptor;
    Manfred Eigen ::: Born: May 9, 1927; Occupation: Chemist;
    William McDonough ::: Born: February 21, 1951; Occupation: Designer;
    Amy Schumer ::: Born: June 1, 1981; Occupation: Stand-up comedian;
    Ha-Joon Chang ::: Born: October 7, 1963; Occupation: Economist;
    Gordon Lish ::: Born: February 11, 1934; Occupation: Writer;
    Charlie Daniels ::: Born: October 28, 1936; Occupation: Musician;
    Justus von Liebig ::: Born: May 12, 1803; Died: April 18, 1873; Occupation: Chemist;
    Pat Derby ::: Born: June 7, 1942; Died: February 15, 2013; Occupation: Animal trainer;
    Jung Chang ::: Born: March 25, 1952; Occupation: Writer;
    Stuart Kauffman ::: Born: September 28, 1939; Occupation: Biologist;
    Perry Farrell ::: Born: March 29, 1959; Occupation: Musician;
    Bronislaw Malinowski ::: Born: April 7, 1884; Died: May 16, 1942; Occupation: Anthropologist;
    Maria Popova ::: Born: 1980; Occupation: Writer;
    Ernesto Cardenal ::: Born: January 20, 1925; Occupation: Priest;
    Hank Williams, Jr. ::: Born: May 26, 1949; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Carol Channing ::: Born: January 31, 1921; Occupation: Comedian;
    Jacob Needleman ::: Born: October 6, 1934; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Rene Burri ::: Born: April 9, 1933; Died: October 20, 2014; Occupation: Photographer;
    Channing Tatum ::: Born: April 26, 1980; Occupation: Actor;
    Jason Biggs ::: Born: May 12, 1978; Occupation: Actor;
    Pierre Curie ::: Born: May 15, 1859; Died: April 19, 1906; Occupation: Physicist;
    Robert Ley ::: Born: February 15, 1890; Died: October 25, 1945; Occupation: German Politician;
    Ted Haggard ::: Born: June 27, 1956; Occupation: Pastor;
    Francisco Goya ::: Born: March 30, 1746; Died: April 16, 1828; Occupation: Painter;
    Frederick Locker-Lampson ::: Born: 1821; Died: 1895; Occupation: Poet;
    William Ellery Channing ::: Born: April 7, 1780; Died: October 2, 1842; Occupation: Preacher;
    Alfonso X of Castile ::: Born: November 23, 1221; Died: April 4, 1284; Occupation: Author;
    Dana Gould ::: Born: August 24, 1964; Occupation: Comedian;
    Silvano Arieti ::: Born: June 28, 1914; Died: August 7, 1981; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
    Edgar Mitchell ::: Born: September 17, 1930; Died: February 4, 2016; Occupation: Aviator;
    Rodney Crowell ::: Born: August 7, 1950; Occupation: Musician;
    Dan Chaon ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Writer;
    Jalen Rose ::: Born: January 30, 1973; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Paul Collier ::: Born: April 25, 1953; Occupation: Professor;
    Ernst Toller ::: Born: December 1, 1893; Died: May 22, 1939; Occupation: Playwright;
    James Baker ::: Born: April 28, 1930; Occupation: Former White House Chief of Staff;
    Lazare Carnot ::: Born: May 13, 1753; Died: August 2, 1823; Occupation: French Politician;
    J. F. C. Fuller ::: Born: September 1, 1878; Died: February 10, 1966; Occupation: Historian;
    Charlie Chaplin ::: Born: April 16, 1889; Died: December 25, 1977; Occupation: Actor;
    Herodotus ::: Born: 484 BC; Died: 425 BC; Occupation: Historian;
    Paul von Hindenburg ::: Born: October 2, 1847; Died: August 2, 1934; Occupation: Statesman;
    John Terraine ::: Born: January 15, 1921; Died: December 28, 2003; Occupation: Historian;
    Ralph Chaplin ::: Born: 1887; Died: 1961; Occupation: Writer;
    Hugh Dowding, 1st Baron Dowding ::: Born: April 24, 1882; Died: February 15, 1970; Occupation: Officer commanding;
    Robert Kagan ::: Born: September 26, 1958; Occupation: Historian;
    Philip Sheridan ::: Born: March 6, 1831; Died: August 5, 1888; Occupation: Major;
    Duane Chapman ::: Born: February 2, 1953; Occupation: Bounty hunter;
    Kenneth Williams ::: Born: February 22, 1926; Died: April 15, 1988; Occupation: Comic;
    Allison Williams ::: Born: April 13, 1988; Occupation: Actress;
    Fabiola Gianotti ::: Born: October 29, 1962; Occupation: Physicist;
    Savannah Guthrie ::: Born: December 27, 1971; Occupation: Journalist;
    Coco Rocha ::: Born: September 10, 1988; Occupation: Supermodel;
    Gary Chapman ::: Born: January 10, 1938; Occupation: Author;
    Taylor Mead ::: Born: December 31, 1924; Died: May 8, 2013; Occupation: Writer;
    Shawn Phillips ::: Born: February 3, 1943; Occupation: Musician;
    Andre Braugher ::: Born: July 1, 1962; Occupation: Actor;
    Anthony Perkins ::: Born: April 4, 1932; Died: September 12, 1992; Occupation: Actor;
    Armand Assante ::: Born: October 4, 1949; Occupation: Actor;
    Barry McGuire ::: Born: October 15, 1935; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    George Chapman ::: Born: 1559; Died: May 12, 1634; Occupation: Dramatist;
    Bernard Pivot ::: Born: May 5, 1935; Occupation: Journalist;
    Cillian Murphy ::: Born: May 25, 1976; Occupation: Actor;
    Earl Scruggs ::: Born: January 6, 1924; Died: March 28, 2012; Occupation: Musician;
    Emile Hirsch ::: Born: March 13, 1985; Occupation: Actor;
    Eric Roberts ::: Born: April 18, 1956; Occupation: Actor;
    Georgina Chapman ::: Born: April 14, 1976; Occupation: Fashion designer;
    Erich von Stroheim ::: Born: September 22, 1885; Died: May 12, 1957; Occupation: Film director;
    Ernest Thompson Seton ::: Born: August 14, 1860; Died: October 23, 1946; Occupation: Author;
    Frank Oz ::: Born: May 25, 1944; Occupation: Film director;
    Fritz Zwicky ::: Born: February 14, 1898; Died: February 8, 1974; Occupation: Astronomer;
    Gareth Gates ::: Born: July 12, 1984; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Harrison Salisbury ::: Born: November 14, 1908; Died: July 5, 1993; Occupation: Journalist;
    James Gunn ::: Born: August 5, 1970; Occupation: Writer;
    Jason Statham ::: Born: July 26, 1967; Occupation: Actor;
    John Phillips ::: Born: August 30, 1935; Died: March 18, 2001; Occupation: Singer;
    Julie Taymor ::: Born: December 15, 1952; Occupation: Director;
    Keren Ann ::: Born: March 10, 1974; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Lee Hazlewood ::: Born: July 9, 1929; Died: August 4, 2007; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Louis Leakey ::: Born: August 7, 1903; Died: October 1, 1972; Occupation: Archaeologist;
    Martin Lewis Perl ::: Born: June 24, 1927; Died: September 30, 2014; Occupation: Physicist;
    Maurice Jarre ::: Born: September 13, 1924; Died: March 28, 2009; Occupation: Film Score Composer;
    John Jay Chapman ::: Born: March 2, 1862; Died: November 4, 1933; Occupation: Author;
    Megan Martha White ::: Born: December 10, 1974; Occupation: Drummer;
    Melissa Auf der Maur ::: Born: March 17, 1972; Occupation: Musician;
    Mink Stole ::: Born: August 25, 1947; Occupation: Film actress;
    Nancy Sinatra ::: Born: June 8, 1940; Occupation: Singer;
    Paul Haggis ::: Born: March 10, 1953; Occupation: Screenwriter;
    Philippe Perrin ::: Born: January 6, 1963; Occupation: Pilot;
    Richard Griffiths ::: Born: July 31, 1947; Died: March 28, 2013; Occupation: Actor;
    Rick Moranis ::: Born: April 18, 1953; Occupation: Actor;
    Rob Mariano ::: Born: December 25, 1975; Occupation: Television Personality;
    Rose McGowan ::: Born: September 5, 1973; Occupation: Film actress;
    Tom Berenger ::: Born: May 31, 1949; Occupation: Television actor;
    Umberto Guidoni ::: Born: August 18, 1954; Occupation: Astronaut;
    William Bligh ::: Born: September 9, 1754; Died: December 7, 1817; Occupation: Governor;
    Phoebe Cary ::: Born: September 4, 1824; Died: July 31, 1871; Occupation: Poet;
    Themistocles ::: Born: 524 BC; Died: 459 BC; Occupation: Athenian Politician;
    Juan Cole ::: Born: October 23, 1952; Occupation: Academic;
    David Cortright ::: Born: 1946; Occupation: Activist;
    Steven Curtis Chapman ::: Born: November 21, 1962; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Tulsi Gabbard ::: Born: April 12, 1981; Occupation: United States Representative;
    Janice Hahn ::: Born: March 30, 1952; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Tim Kaine ::: Born: February 26, 1958; Occupation: United States Senator;
    Sean Patrick Maloney ::: Born: July 30, 1966; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Buck McKeon ::: Born: September 9, 1938; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Chris Murphy ::: Born: August 3, 1973; Occupation: United States Senator;
    Tracy Chapman ::: Born: March 30, 1964; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Bill Belichick ::: Born: April 16, 1952; Occupation: American football head coach;
    Ruud Gullit ::: Born: September 1, 1962; Occupation: Football manager;
    Rocky Graziano ::: Born: January 1, 1919; Died: May 22, 1990; Occupation: Boxer;
    Joanna Trollope ::: Born: December 9, 1943; Occupation: Writer;
    Dave Chappelle ::: Born: August 24, 1973; Occupation: Comedian;
    Jim Davidson ::: Born: December 13, 1953; Occupation: Comedian;
    Paul Mazursky ::: Born: April 25, 1930; Died: June 30, 2014; Occupation: Film director;
    Paul Westphal ::: Born: November 30, 1950; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Tommy Tune ::: Born: February 28, 1939; Occupation: Actor;
    John Havlicek ::: Born: April 8, 1940; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Oscar Robertson ::: Born: November 24, 1938; Occupation: Basketball player;
    John Edgar Wideman ::: Born: June 14, 1941; Occupation: Writer;
    Gregg Popovich ::: Born: January 28, 1949; Occupation: Basketball Coach;
    Isiah Thomas ::: Born: April 30, 1961; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Stewart Granger ::: Born: May 6, 1913; Died: August 16, 1993; Occupation: Film actor;
    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ::: Born: May 1, 1881; Died: April 10, 1955; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Edward Hirsch ::: Born: January 20, 1950; Occupation: Poet;
    Manu Ginobili ::: Born: July 28, 1977; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Rick Barry ::: Born: March 28, 1944; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Bill Foster ::: Born: October 7, 1955; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Karen Allen ::: Born: October 5, 1951; Occupation: Actress;
    Frank Robinson ::: Born: August 31, 1935; Occupation: Baseball Manager;
    Bill Laimbeer ::: Born: May 19, 1957; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Grant Hill ::: Born: October 5, 1972; Occupation: Basketball player;
    Anita Bryant ::: Born: March 25, 1940; Occupation: Singer;
    Alan Chambers ::: Born: February 21, 1972; Occupation: Exodus International;
    Jim Kolbe ::: Born: June 28, 1942; Occupation: Former United States Representative;
    Mo'Nique Imes-Jackson ::: Born: December 11, 1967; Occupation: Comedian;
    JWoww ::: Born: February 27, 1986; Occupation: Television personality;
    Josh Charles ::: Born: September 15, 1971; Occupation: Film actor;
    Yvette Cooper ::: Born: March 20, 1969; Occupation: British Politician;
    William H. Masters ::: Born: December 27, 1915; Died: February 16, 2001; Occupation: Gynecologist;
    Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick ::: Born: May 2, 1950; Died: April 12, 2009; Occupation: Academic;
    Anthony Kennedy ::: Born: July 23, 1936; Occupation: Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
    Scott Lively ::: Born: December 14, 1957; Occupation: Author;
    Sally Kohn ::: Born: March 27, 1977; Occupation: Commentator;
    Masha Gessen ::: Born: January 13, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
       I believe I was impatient with unintelligent people from the moment I was born: a tragedy - for I am myself three-parts a fool. -- Mrs. Patrick Campbell ::: Born: February 9, 1865; Died: April 9, 1940; Occupation: Actress;
    Bob Dornan ::: Born: April 3, 1933; Occupation: Former United States Representative;
    Bryan Fischer ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Host;
    Cleve Jones ::: Born: October 11, 1954; Occupation: Activist;
    Ray Charles ::: Born: September 23, 1930; Died: June 10, 2004; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Michael Savage ::: Born: March 31, 1942; Occupation: Radio host;
    Chris Smither ::: Born: November 11, 1944; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Carine Roitfeld ::: Born: September 19, 1954; Occupation: Editor;
    Mathew Staver ::: Born: 1956; Occupation: Lawyer;
    Caroline Norton ::: Born: March 22, 1808; Died: June 15, 1877; Occupation: Author;
    Ann Widdecombe ::: Born: October 4, 1947; Occupation: British Politician;
    Kenneth Clarke ::: Born: July 2, 1940; Occupation: Former Minister without portfolio;
    August Alsina ::: Born: September 3, 1992; Occupation: Musical Artist;
    Lorde ::: Born: November 7, 1996; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Gary Cole ::: Born: September 20, 1956; Occupation: Television actor;
    Julia Barr ::: Born: February 8, 1949; Occupation: Actress;
    Mia Kirshner ::: Born: January 25, 1975; Occupation: Actress;
    Peter Gallagher ::: Born: August 19, 1955; Occupation: Actor;
    Jules Asner ::: Born: February 14, 1968; Occupation: Television personality;
    Tea Leoni ::: Born: February 25, 1966; Occupation: Film actress;
    Lisa Guerrero ::: Born: April 9, 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
    Niki Taylor ::: Born: March 5, 1975; Occupation: Model;
    Benjamin West ::: Born: October 10, 1738; Died: March 11, 1820; Occupation: Painter;
    Talisa Soto ::: Born: March 27, 1967; Occupation: Actress;
    Rich Vos ::: Born: June 30, 1957; Occupation: Comedian;
    Louis Jordan ::: Born: July 8, 1908; Died: February 4, 1975; Occupation: Musician;
    Ann Dunham ::: Born: November 29, 1942; Died: November 7, 1995; Occupation: Anthropologist;
    Bruce Bawer ::: Born: October 31, 1956; Occupation: Writer;
    Amanda Bearse ::: Born: August 9, 1958; Occupation: Film actress;
    Salmon P. Chase ::: Born: January 13, 1808; Died: May 7, 1873; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
    Luke Evans ::: Born: April 15, 1979; Occupation: Actor;
    Frank DeCaro ::: Born: November 6, 1962; Occupation: Writer;
    Liz Cheney ::: Born: July 28, 1966; Occupation: Attorney;
    Yekaterina Samutsevich ::: Born: August 9, 1982; Occupation: Political activist;
    Richard Corliss ::: Born: March 6, 1944; Died: April 23, 2015; Occupation: Editor;
    Wilfrid Sheed ::: Born: December 27, 1930; Died: January 19, 2011; Occupation: Novelist;
    Nancy Chodorow ::: Born: January 20, 1944; Occupation: Sociologist;
    Stuart Chase ::: Born: March 8, 1888; Died: November 16, 1985; Occupation: Economist;
    Hugo von Hofmannsthal ::: Born: February 1, 1874; Died: July 15, 1929; Occupation: Novelist;
    Frank Yerby ::: Born: September 5, 1916; Died: November 29, 1991; Occupation: Novelist;
    Alison McGhee ::: Born: July 8, 1960; Occupation: Author;
    Caroline Paul ::: Born: July 29, 1963; Occupation: Writer;
    Richard Watson Gilder ::: Born: February 8, 1844; Died: November 18, 1909; Occupation: Poet;
    Paul Romer ::: Born: November 7, 1955; Occupation: Economist;
    Jon J Muth ::: Born: July 28, 1960; Occupation: Comic book artist;
    John Hagelin ::: Born: June 9, 1954; Occupation: Physicist;
    John Barrowman ::: Born: March 11, 1967; Occupation: Actor;
    Ron Howard ::: Born: March 1, 1954; Occupation: Film director;
    Susan Cheever ::: Born: July 31, 1943; Occupation: Author;
    Tina Brown ::: Born: November 21, 1953; Occupation: Journalist;
    Ilya Ehrenburg ::: Born: January 27, 1891; Died: August 31, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
    Francis William Aston ::: Born: September 1, 1877; Died: November 20, 1945; Occupation: Chemist;
    Leo Kadanoff ::: Born: January 14, 1937; Died: October 26, 2015; Occupation: Physicist;
    Ellen Swallow Richards ::: Born: December 3, 1842; Died: March 30, 1911; Occupation: Chemist;
    Craig Venter ::: Born: October 14, 1946; Occupation: Geneticist;
    Thomas Hunt Morgan ::: Born: September 25, 1866; Died: December 4, 1945; Occupation: Author;
    Donald Sinden ::: Born: October 9, 1923; Died: September 11, 2014; Occupation: Actor;
    Geoffrey Chaucer ::: Born: 1343; Died: October 25, 1400; Occupation: Poet;
    Kris Allen ::: Born: June 21, 1985; Occupation: Musician;
    Ada Louise Huxtable ::: Born: March 14, 1921; Died: January 7, 2013; Occupation: Architectural Critic;
    Martin Ritt ::: Born: March 2, 1914; Died: December 8, 1990; Occupation: Director;
    Chevy Chase ::: Born: October 8, 1943; Occupation: Comedian;
    Jean Burden ::: Born: September 1, 1914; Died: April 21, 2008; Occupation: Poet;
    Christopher Smart ::: Born: April 11, 1722; Died: May 21, 1771; Occupation: Poet;
    Cesar Chavez ::: Born: March 31, 1927; Died: April 23, 1993; Occupation: Civil rights activist;
    Elizabeth Marshall Thomas ::: Born: September 13, 1931; Occupation: Author;
    Carl Van Vechten ::: Born: June 17, 1880; Died: December 21, 1964; Occupation: Writer;
    Robert A. M. Stern ::: Born: May 23, 1939; Occupation: Architect;
    Hugo Chavez ::: Born: July 28, 1954; Died: March 5, 2013; Occupation: Former President of Venezuela;
    Michael O'Donoghue ::: Born: January 5, 1940; Died: November 8, 1994; Occupation: Writer;
    Robert K. Massie ::: Born: 1929; Occupation: Historian;
    Linda Chavez ::: Born: June 17, 1947; Occupation: Author;
    Francis Hutcheson ::: Born: August 8, 1694; Died: January 14, 1747; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Muhammad ibn Isa at-Tirmidhi ::: Born: 824; Died: 892; Occupation: Islamic scholar;
    Leo Baeck ::: Born: May 23, 1873; Died: November 2, 1956; Occupation: Rabbi;
    Asher Peres ::: Born: January 30, 1934; Died: January 1, 2005; Occupation: Physicist;
    Cecile Richards ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Activist;
    Tammy Duckworth ::: Born: March 12, 1968; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Diana DeGette ::: Born: July 29, 1957; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    Ralph Bellamy ::: Born: June 17, 1904; Died: November 29, 1991; Occupation: Actor;
    Michael Keaton ::: Born: September 5, 1951; Occupation: Actor;
    Don Ameche ::: Born: May 31, 1908; Died: December 6, 1993; Occupation: Actor;
    Bill Pullman ::: Born: December 17, 1953; Occupation: Actor;
    Robert Wuhl ::: Born: October 9, 1951; Occupation: Actor;
    Robert Loggia ::: Born: January 3, 1930; Died: December 4, 2015; Occupation: Actor;
    Ted Knight ::: Born: December 7, 1923; Died: August 26, 1986; Occupation: Actor;
    Nick Nolte ::: Born: February 8, 1941; Occupation: Actor;
    Paul Reubens ::: Born: August 27, 1952; Occupation: Actor;
    Curtis Armstrong ::: Born: November 27, 1953; Occupation: Actor;
    Kalpana Chawla ::: Born: March 17, 1962; Died: February 1, 2003; Occupation: Astronaut;
    Kip Moore ::: Born: April 1, 1980; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    William Holman Hunt ::: Born: April 2, 1827; Died: September 7, 1910; Occupation: Painter;
    Paddy Chayefsky ::: Born: January 29, 1923; Died: August 1, 1981; Occupation: Playwright;
    Steven Levitan ::: Born: April 6, 1962; Occupation: Screenwriter;
    John Frankenheimer ::: Born: February 19, 1930; Died: July 6, 2002; Occupation: Film director;
    Kelly Perdew ::: Born: January 29, 1967; Occupation: Businessman;
    Larry Brilliant ::: Born: May 5, 1944; Occupation: Physician;
    Seymour Hersh ::: Born: April 8, 1937; Occupation: Journalist;
    Ben Bradlee ::: Born: August 26, 1921; Died: October 21, 2014; Occupation: Editor;
    Eugene Gendlin ::: Born: December 25, 1926; Died: May 1, 2017; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Stephen Chbosky ::: Born: January 25, 1970; Occupation: Novelist;
    Frank Bruni ::: Born: October 31, 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
    Akif Pirincci ::: Born: October 20, 1959; Occupation: Writer;
    Don Cheadle ::: Born: November 29, 1964; Occupation: Actor;
    Stanley Spencer ::: Born: June 30, 1891; Died: December 14, 1959; Occupation: Painter;
    Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman ::: Born: October 31, 1852; Died: March 13, 1930; Occupation: Author;
    Benjamin Alire Saenz ::: Born: August 16, 1954; Occupation: Poet;
    Gemma Ward ::: Born: November 3, 1987; Occupation: Model;
    Jessica Chastain ::: Born: March 24, 1977; Occupation: Film actress;
    Nikki Cox ::: Born: June 2, 1978; Occupation: Actress;
    J. L. Austin ::: Born: March 26, 1911; Died: February 8, 1960; Occupation: Philosopher;
    F. L. Lucas ::: Born: December 28, 1894; Died: June 1, 1967; Occupation: Poet;
    Elizabeth A. Johnson ::: Born: 1941; Occupation: Theologian;
    Praveen Kumar ::: Born: October 2, 1986; Occupation: Cricket Bowler;
    Debra Wilson ::: Born: April 26, 1962; Occupation: Actress;
    Reshad Feild ::: Born: April 15, 1934; Died: May 31, 2016; Occupation: Author;
    Bryan Singer ::: Born: September 17, 1965; Occupation: Film director;
    Lara Logan ::: Born: March 29, 1971; Occupation: Journalist;
    Bryan Brown ::: Born: June 23, 1947; Occupation: Actor;
    John Cheever ::: Born: May 27, 1912; Died: June 18, 1982; Occupation: Novelist;
    Shannon Brown ::: Born: November 29, 1985; Occupation: Basketball player;
    William Gallas ::: Born: August 17, 1977; Occupation: Footballer;
    Paolo Maldini ::: Born: June 26, 1968; Occupation: Footballer;
    Anton Chekhov ::: Born: January 29, 1860; Died: July 15, 1904; Occupation: Physician;
    Don Paterson ::: Born: 1963; Occupation: Poet;
    Jerry Fodor ::: Born: 1935; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Christie Brinkley ::: Born: February 2, 1954; Occupation: Model;
    Eric Bogosian ::: Born: April 24, 1953; Occupation: Actor;
    Takeshi Kitano ::: Born: January 18, 1947; Occupation: Film director;
    Daniel Schorr ::: Born: August 31, 1916; Died: July 23, 2010; Occupation: Journalist;
    Joan Chen ::: Born: April 26, 1961; Occupation: Actress;
    Frank Rich ::: Born: June 2, 1949; Occupation: Essayist;
    Hans Blix ::: Born: June 28, 1928; Occupation: Swedish Politician;
    Lloyd Bridges ::: Born: January 15, 1913; Died: March 10, 1998; Occupation: Actor;
    Eliza Acton ::: Born: April 17, 1799; Died: February 13, 1859; Occupation: Poet;
    Anna de Noailles ::: Born: November 15, 1876; Died: April 30, 1933; Occupation: Writer;
    Tennessee Ernie Ford ::: Born: February 13, 1919; Died: October 17, 1991; Occupation: Television host;
    David Fisher ::: Born: 1949; Occupation: Architect;
    Maria Menounos ::: Born: June 8, 1978; Occupation: Actress;
    Dick Cheney ::: Born: January 30, 1941; Occupation: Former Vice President of the United States;
    Lindsey Shaw ::: Born: May 10, 1989; Occupation: Actress;
    Ruth Stafford Peale ::: Born: September 10, 1906; Died: February 6, 2008; Occupation: Writer;
    Michael Dummett ::: Born: June 27, 1925; Died: December 27, 2011; Occupation: Philosopher;
    J. L. Mackie ::: Born: August 25, 1917; Died: December 12, 1981; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Kwame Anthony Appiah ::: Born: May 8, 1954; Occupation: Philosopher;
    C. D. Broad ::: Born: December 30, 1887; Died: March 11, 1971; Occupation: Philosopher;
    G. E. M. Anscombe ::: Born: March 18, 1919; Died: January 5, 2001; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Alasdair MacIntyre ::: Born: January 12, 1929; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Derek Parfit ::: Born: December 11, 1942; Died: January 1, 2017; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Carl Shapiro ::: Born: March 20, 1955; Occupation: Professor;
    Catfish Hunter ::: Born: April 8, 1946; Died: September 9, 1999; Occupation: Baseball player;
    Kristin Chenoweth ::: Born: July 24, 1968; Occupation: Singer;
    Jonathan Alter ::: Born: October 6, 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
    Edward Bellamy ::: Born: March 26, 1850; Died: May 22, 1898; Occupation: Author;
    Jonathan Frakes ::: Born: August 19, 1952; Occupation: Actor;
    Cher ::: Born: May 20, 1946; Occupation: Singer;
    Margaret Heckler ::: Born: June 21, 1931; Occupation: Politician;
    Frederic Joliot-Curie ::: Born: March 19, 1900; Died: August 14, 1958; Occupation: Physicist;
    Sally Jenkins ::: Born: October 22, 1960; Occupation: Columnist;
    Ron Chernow ::: Born: March 3, 1949; Occupation: Writer;
    Ben Mezrich ::: Born: February 7, 1969; Occupation: Author;
    Jay Baer ::: Born: September 29, 1969; Occupation: Consultant;
    Raymond Charles Barker ::: Born: 1911; Died: January 29, 1988; Occupation: Author;
    Sophia Lyon Fahs ::: Born: August 2, 1876; Died: April 14, 1978; Occupation: Editor;
    C. J. Cherryh ::: Born: September 1, 1942; Occupation: Author;
    Mary Calderone ::: Born: July 1, 1904; Died: October 24, 1998; Occupation: Physician;
    Kendrick Meek ::: Born: September 6, 1966; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
    Lucille Roybal-Allard ::: Born: June 12, 1941; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
    David Perlmutter ::: Born: December 31, 1954; Occupation: Author;
    Candy Crowley ::: Born: December 26, 1948; Occupation: News anchor;
    James Rebhorn ::: Born: September 1, 1948; Died: March 21, 2014; Occupation: Actor;
    Elizabeth David ::: Born: December 26, 1913; Died: May 22, 1992; Occupation: Writer;
    Ben Horowitz ::: Born: June 13, 1966; Occupation: Businessman;
    Derek Acorah ::: Born: January 27, 1950; Occupation: Television presenter;
    John McAfee ::: Born: September 18, 1945; Occupation: Computer programmer;
    Kenny Chesney ::: Born: March 26, 1968; Occupation: Singer;
    Joyce Grenfell ::: Born: February 10, 1910; Died: November 30, 1979; Occupation: Writer;
    Eliza R. Snow ::: Born: January 21, 1804; Died: December 5, 1887; Occupation: Poet;
    Charles W. Chesnutt ::: Born: June 20, 1858; Died: November 17, 1932; Occupation: Author;
    David Wilcock ::: Born: March 8, 1973; Occupation: Lecturer;
    Joel S. Goldsmith ::: Born: March 10, 1892; Died: June 17, 1964; Occupation: Author;
    Jose Arguelles ::: Born: January 24, 1939; Died: March 23, 2011; Occupation: Author;
    Keith Miller ::: Born: November 28, 1919; Died: October 11, 2004; Occupation: Cricketer;
    Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee ::: Born: 1953; Occupation: Lecturer;
    Mabel Collins ::: Born: September 9, 1851; Died: March 31, 1927; Occupation: Author;
    Robert Young ::: Born: February 22, 1907; Died: July 21, 1998; Occupation: Television actor;
    Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar ::: Born: May 21, 1921; Died: October 21, 1990; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Geoffrey Fisher ::: Born: May 5, 1887; Died: September 15, 1972; Occupation: Archbishop of Canterbury;
    Anandamayi Ma ::: Born: April 30, 1896; Died: August 27, 1982; Occupation: Saint;
    Lord Chesterfield ::: Born: September 22, 1694; Died: March 24, 1773; Occupation: British Statesman;
    Anthony of Sourozh ::: Born: June 19, 1914; Died: August 4, 2003; Occupation: Writer;
    Gregory Palamas ::: Born: 1296; Died: November 14, 1359; Occupation: Saint;
    Robert Macfarlane ::: Born: August 15, 1976; Occupation: Writer;
    Gilbert K. Chesterton ::: Born: May 29, 1874; Died: June 14, 1936; Occupation: Writer;
    Francois Arago ::: Born: February 26, 1786; Died: October 2, 1853; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the French Republic;
    Jose Ferrer ::: Born: January 8, 1912; Died: January 26, 1992; Occupation: Actor;
    Diana Trilling ::: Born: July 21, 1905; Died: October 23, 1996; Occupation: Literary critic;
    Morris Chestnut ::: Born: January 1, 1969; Occupation: Film actor;
    James Shirley ::: Born: September 18, 1596; Died: October 29, 1666; Occupation: Dramatist;
    Hill Harper ::: Born: May 17, 1966; Occupation: Film actor;
    John A. Sanford ::: Born: July 26, 1929; Died: October 17, 2005; Occupation: Psychoanalyst;
    Darren Rowse ::: Born: April 27, 1972; Occupation: Blogger;
    Maurice Chevalier ::: Born: September 12, 1888; Died: January 1, 1972; Occupation: Actor;
    Julie Henderson ::: Born: March 5, 1986; Occupation: Model;
    Belinda Carlisle ::: Born: August 17, 1958; Occupation: Singer;
    Dominic Chianese ::: Born: February 24, 1931; Occupation: Film actor;
    LeVar Burton ::: Born: February 16, 1957; Occupation: Actor;
    Corliss Lamont ::: Born: March 28, 1902; Died: April 26, 1995; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Bret Lott ::: Born: October 8, 1958; Occupation: Author;
    Aurora Levins Morales ::: Born: February 24, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
    Henry F. Schaefer, III ::: Born: June 8, 1944; Occupation: Chemist;
    Jennifer Chiaverini ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Author;
    Charles E. Blake ::: Born: August 5, 1940; Occupation: Bishop;
    Rodney Collin ::: Born: April 26, 1909; Died: May 3, 1956; Occupation: Writer;
    Magnus Carlsen ::: Born: November 30, 1990; Occupation: Chess Player;
    Jean Chatzky ::: Born: November 7, 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
    Shawn Desman ::: Born: January 12, 1982; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Sanai ::: Born: 1080; Died: 1131; Occupation: Poet;
    Judy Chicago ::: Born: July 20, 1939; Occupation: Artist;
    Maurice Nicoll ::: Born: July 19, 1884; Died: August 30, 1953; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
    Frederick Schiller Faust ::: Born: May 29, 1892; Died: May 12, 1944; Occupation: Author;
    Roger Williams ::: Born: December 21, 1603; Died: April 18, 1683; Occupation: Theologian;
    Brand Blanshard ::: Born: August 27, 1892; Died: November 19, 1987; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Marie-Louise von Franz ::: Born: January 4, 1915; Died: February 17, 1998; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Eugene Wigner ::: Born: November 17, 1902; Died: January 1, 1995; Occupation: Physicist;
    Luci Shaw ::: Born: 1928; Occupation: Poet;
    Bernard d'Espagnat ::: Born: August 22, 1921; Died: August 1, 2015; Occupation: Physicist;
    Sarah Fuller Flower Adams ::: Born: February 22, 1805; Died: September 14, 1848; Occupation: Poet;
    Max Heindel ::: Born: July 23, 1865; Died: January 6, 1919; Occupation: Astrologer;
    Corinne Heline ::: Born: August 18, 1882; Died: 1975; Occupation: Author;
    Alexandra David-Neel ::: Born: October 24, 1868; Died: September 8, 1969; Occupation: Writer;
    James Hutton ::: Born: June 3, 1726; Died: March 26, 1797; Occupation: Geologist;
    Lyman Spitzer ::: Born: June 26, 1914; Died: March 31, 1997; Occupation: Astronomer;
    Augustus De Morgan ::: Born: June 27, 1806; Died: March 18, 1871; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Tycho Brahe ::: Born: December 14, 1546; Died: October 24, 1601; Occupation: Nobleman;
    Robert Koch ::: Born: December 11, 1843; Died: May 27, 1910; Occupation: Physician;
    Andreas Vesalius ::: Born: December 31, 1514; Died: October 15, 1564; Occupation: Physician;
    Robert Boyle ::: Born: January 25, 1627; Died: December 31, 1691; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Michael Kinsley ::: Born: March 9, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
    Astley Cooper ::: Born: August 23, 1768; Died: February 12, 1841; Occupation: Surgeon;
    Julia Child ::: Born: August 15, 1912; Died: August 13, 2004; Occupation: Chef;
    William Herschel ::: Born: November 15, 1738; Died: August 25, 1822; Occupation: Astronomer;
    Giorgio Baglivi ::: Born: September 8, 1668; Died: June 15, 1707; Occupation: Physician;
    Otto Robert Frisch ::: Born: October 1, 1904; Died: September 22, 1979; Occupation: Physicist;
    Lee Child ::: Born: October 29, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
    Carl Mitcham ::: Born: 1941; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Averroes ::: Born: April 14, 1126; Died: December 10, 1198; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Allan Sandage ::: Born: June 18, 1926; Died: November 13, 2010; Occupation: Astronomer;
    Evangelista Torricelli ::: Born: October 15, 1608; Died: October 25, 1647; Occupation: Physicist;
    Peter Debye ::: Born: March 24, 1884; Died: November 2, 1966; Occupation: Chemist;
    Gilbert Ryle ::: Born: August 19, 1900; Died: October 6, 1976; Occupation: Philosopher;
    August Krogh ::: Born: November 15, 1874; Died: September 13, 1949; Occupation: Researcher;
    William Broad ::: Born: March 7, 1951; Occupation: Science journalist;
    Warren Weaver ::: Born: July 17, 1894; Died: November 24, 1978; Occupation: Scientist;
    Lydia M. Child ::: Born: February 11, 1802; Died: October 20, 1880; Occupation: Activist;
    Emile Borel ::: Born: January 7, 1871; Died: February 3, 1956; Occupation: French Politician;
    Georges Lemaitre ::: Born: July 17, 1894; Died: June 20, 1966; Occupation: Physicist;
    Swami Abhedananda ::: Born: October 2, 1866; Died: September 8, 1939; Occupation: Author;
    Rudolf Clausius ::: Born: January 2, 1822; Died: August 24, 1888; Occupation: Physicist;
    William John Macquorn Rankine ::: Born: July 5, 1820; Died: December 24, 1872; Occupation: Civil engineer;
    Tsung-Dao Lee ::: Born: November 24, 1926; Occupation: Physicist;
    Hermann von Helmholtz ::: Born: August 31, 1821; Died: September 8, 1894; Occupation: Physician;
    James Joseph Sylvester ::: Born: September 3, 1814; Died: March 15, 1897; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Robert Fulton ::: Born: November 14, 1765; Died: February 24, 1815; Occupation: Engineer;
    Edward Forbes ::: Born: February 12, 1815; Died: November 18, 1854; Occupation: Naturalist;
    Gilbert N. Lewis ::: Born: October 23, 1875; Died: March 23, 1946; Occupation: Chemist;
    Frederick Banting ::: Born: November 14, 1891; Died: February 21, 1941; Occupation: Medical doctor;
    Edward Condon ::: Born: March 2, 1902; Died: March 26, 1974; Occupation: Physicist;
    Andre-Marie Ampere ::: Born: January 20, 1775; Died: June 10, 1836; Occupation: Physicist;
    William James Mayo ::: Born: June 29, 1861; Died: July 28, 1939; Occupation: Physician;
    Fritz Haber ::: Born: December 9, 1868; Died: January 29, 1934; Occupation: Chemist;
    William Ian Beardmore Beveridge ::: Born: 1908; Died: August 14, 2006; Occupation: Author;
    Arthur Fry ::: Born: August 19, 1931; Occupation: Inventor;
    Eduardo Chillida ::: Born: January 10, 1924; Died: August 19, 2002; Occupation: Artist;
    Ava DuVernay ::: Born: August 24, 1972; Occupation: Filmmaker;
    Gemma Galgani ::: Born: March 12, 1878; Died: April 11, 1903; Occupation: Saint;
    Peter Chrysologus ::: Born: 406; Died: July 31, 450; Occupation: Saint;
    Frederic Ozanam ::: Born: April 23, 1813; Died: September 8, 1853; Occupation: Saint;
    Louis of Granada ::: Born: 1505; Died: December 31, 1588; Occupation: Writer;
    Cyril of Jerusalem ::: Born: 313; Died: March 18, 386; Occupation: Saint;
    Dominic Savio ::: Born: April 2, 1842; Died: March 9, 1857; Occupation: Saint;
    Maximilian Kolbe ::: Born: January 8, 1894; Died: August 14, 1941; Occupation: Canonized;
    Caryl Churchill ::: Born: September 3, 1938; Occupation: Dramatist;
    Frieda Lawrence ::: Born: August 11, 1879; Died: August 11, 1956; Occupation: Novelist;
    Ralph W. Gerard ::: Born: October 7, 1900; Died: February 17, 1974; Occupation: Scientist;
    Kenneth Adelman ::: Born: June 9, 1946; Occupation: Diplomat;
    Jules Furthman ::: Born: March 5, 1888; Died: September 22, 1966; Occupation: Writer;
    James Chanos ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Manager;
    Isabel Briggs Myers ::: Born: October 18, 1897; Died: May 5, 1980; Occupation: Author;
    Murray Kempton ::: Born: December 16, 1917; Died: May 5, 1997; Occupation: Journalist;
    Herbert Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel ::: Born: November 6, 1870; Died: February 2, 1963; Occupation: British Politician;
    Ernst Lubitsch ::: Born: January 29, 1892; Died: November 30, 1947; Occupation: Actor;
    Georges Seurat ::: Born: December 2, 1859; Died: March 29, 1891; Occupation: Painter;
    George Augustus Henry Sala ::: Born: November 24, 1828; Died: December 8, 1895; Occupation: Journalist;
    Leslie White ::: Born: January 19, 1900; Died: March 31, 1975; Occupation: Anthropologist;
    Vicente Aleixandre ::: Born: April 26, 1898; Died: December 14, 1984; Occupation: Poet;
    Buffy Sainte-Marie ::: Born: February 20, 1941; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Hans Morgenthau ::: Born: February 17, 1904; Died: July 19, 1980; Occupation: Correspondent;
    Sri Chinmoy ::: Born: August 27, 1931; Died: October 11, 2007; Occupation: Author;
    Alexander Sutherland Neill ::: Born: 1883; Died: 1973; Occupation: Educator;
    Irving Howe ::: Born: June 11, 1920; Died: May 5, 1993; Occupation: Literary critic;
    Jerry Rubin ::: Born: July 14, 1938; Died: November 28, 1994; Occupation: Businessman;
    Jacques Chirac ::: Born: November 29, 1932; Occupation: Former President of France;
    Cornell Capa ::: Born: April 10, 1918; Died: May 23, 2008; Occupation: Photographer;
    Garry Winogrand ::: Born: January 14, 1928; Died: March 19, 1984; Occupation: Photographer;
    Nicolas Malebranche ::: Born: August 6, 1638; Died: October 13, 1715; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Lorne Michaels ::: Born: November 17, 1944; Occupation: Television producer;
    Philip Warren Anderson ::: Born: December 13, 1923; Occupation: Physicist;
    Henry Suso ::: Born: March 21, 1300; Died: January 25, 1366; Occupation: Writer;
    Christoph Martin Wieland ::: Born: September 5, 1733; Died: January 20, 1813; Occupation: Poet;
    Angela Merici ::: Born: March 21, 1474; Died: January 27, 1540; Occupation: Saint;
    Mortimer Zuckerman ::: Born: June 4, 1937; Occupation: Media proprietor;
    David Souter ::: Born: September 17, 1939; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
    Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre ::: Born: January 19, 1737; Died: January 21, 1814; Occupation: Writer;
    Masaru Ibuka ::: Born: April 11, 1908; Died: December 19, 1997; Occupation: Industrialist;
    Shirley Chisholm ::: Born: November 30, 1924; Died: January 1, 2005; Occupation: American Politician;
    Edmund Morris ::: Born: May 27, 1940; Occupation: Writer;
    Tommaso Campanella ::: Born: September 5, 1568; Died: May 21, 1639; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Virginia Graham ::: Born: July 4, 1912; Died: December 22, 1998; Occupation: Television host;
    Wendy Craig ::: Born: June 20, 1934; Occupation: Actress;
    Angela Thirkell ::: Born: January 30, 1890; Died: January 29, 1961; Occupation: Novelist;
    Anna Chlumsky ::: Born: December 3, 1980; Occupation: Film actress;
    Dorothy Morrison ::: Born: May 6, 1955; Occupation: Author;
    Stan Brakhage ::: Born: January 14, 1933; Died: March 9, 2003; Occupation: Filmmaker;
    Richard Serra ::: Born: November 2, 1939; Occupation: Sculptor;
    Bridget of Sweden ::: Born: 1303; Died: July 23, 1373; Occupation: Saint;
    Linda Goodman ::: Born: April 9, 1925; Died: October 21, 1995; Occupation: Astrologer;
    Sidney Nolan ::: Born: April 22, 1917; Died: November 28, 1992; Occupation: Painter;
    Whitley Strieber ::: Born: June 13, 1945; Occupation: Writer;
    Craig Raine ::: Born: December 3, 1944; Occupation: Poet;
    Rodrigo Rato ::: Born: March 18, 1949; Occupation: Spanish Political figure;
    Margaret Cho ::: Born: December 5, 1968; Occupation: Comedian;
    A. A. Gill ::: Born: June 28, 1954; Died: December 10, 2016; Occupation: Writer;
    Anderson Silva ::: Born: April 14, 1975; Occupation: Mixed Martial Artist;
    Polykarp Kusch ::: Born: January 26, 1911; Died: March 20, 1993; Occupation: Physicist;
    Jane Frances de Chantal ::: Born: January 23, 1572; Died: December 13, 1641; Occupation: Saint;
    Chris Chocola ::: Born: February 24, 1962; Occupation: Businessman;
    Gerry Cooney ::: Born: August 4, 1956; Occupation: Boxer;
    Jimmy Greaves ::: Born: February 20, 1940; Occupation: Footballer;
    Joseph L. Mankiewicz ::: Born: February 11, 1909; Died: February 5, 1993; Occupation: Film director;
    Howard Hawks ::: Born: May 30, 1896; Died: December 26, 1977; Occupation: Film director;
    Georgette Leblanc ::: Born: February 8, 1869; Died: October 27, 1941; Occupation: Operatic soprano;
    Giovanni della Casa ::: Born: June 28, 1503; Died: November 14, 1556; Occupation: Poet;
    Fred Saberhagen ::: Born: May 18, 1930; Died: June 29, 2007; Occupation: Fictioneer;
    Bill Gothard ::: Born: November 2, 1934; Occupation: Writer;
    Pema Chodron ::: Born: July 14, 1936; Occupation: Nun;
    Clifford Odets ::: Born: July 18, 1906; Died: August 14, 1963; Occupation: Playwright;
    Bertrand Tavernier ::: Born: April 25, 1941; Occupation: Director;
    Noam Chomsky ::: Born: December 7, 1928; Occupation: Linguist;
    Larry Gelbart ::: Born: February 25, 1928; Died: September 11, 2009; Occupation: Television writer;
    Willard Libby ::: Born: December 17, 1908; Died: September 8, 1980; Occupation: Chemist;
    Fred Savage ::: Born: July 9, 1976; Occupation: Actor;
    Michael Emerson ::: Born: September 7, 1954; Occupation: Film actor;
    Charles Tart ::: Born: April 29, 1937; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Cesare Lombroso ::: Born: November 6, 1835; Died: October 19, 1909; Occupation: Physician;
    Franco Harris ::: Born: March 7, 1950; Occupation: American football player;
    Rebecca Lobo ::: Born: October 3, 1973; Occupation: Basketball Analyst;
    Judith Krantz ::: Born: January 9, 1928; Occupation: Novelist;
    Baird T. Spalding ::: Born: October 3, 1872; Died: March 18, 1953; Occupation: Writer;
    Christina, Queen of Sweden ::: Born: December 18, 1626; Died: April 19, 1689; Occupation: Queen regnant;
    Jim Steinman ::: Born: November 1, 1947; Occupation: Composer;
    Tommy Chong ::: Born: May 24, 1938; Occupation: Comedian;
    Margaret Trudeau ::: Born: September 10, 1948; Occupation: Author;
    Jean Craighead George ::: Born: July 2, 1919; Died: May 15, 2012; Occupation: Writer;
    Nathan Lane ::: Born: February 3, 1956; Occupation: Actor;
    Klemens von Metternich ::: Born: May 15, 1773; Died: June 11, 1859; Occupation: Politician;
    Elizabeth Robins Pennell ::: Born: February 21, 1855; Died: February 7, 1936; Occupation: Writer;
    Marie-Antoine Careme ::: Born: June 8, 1783; Died: January 12, 1833; Occupation: Cook;
    B.J. Penn ::: Born: December 13, 1978; Occupation: Mixed martial artist;
    Todd Agnew ::: Born: March 15, 1971; Occupation: Musician;
    Sara Groves ::: Born: September 10, 1972; Occupation: Singer;
    Philip Freneau ::: Born: January 2, 1752; Died: December 18, 1832; Occupation: Poet;
    Kate Chopin ::: Born: February 8, 1850; Died: August 22, 1904; Occupation: Author;
    Nouman Ali Khan ::: Born: May 4, 1978; Occupation: Instructor;
    Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya ::: Born: January 28, 1292; Died: September 15, 1350; Occupation: Jurist;
    Gale Harold ::: Born: July 10, 1969; Occupation: Actor;
    Deepak Chopra ::: Born: October 22, 1947; Occupation: Author;
    Mary Lamb ::: Born: December 3, 1764; Died: May 20, 1847; Occupation: Writer;
    Pat Sajak ::: Born: October 26, 1946; Occupation: Television Personality;
    H. Emilie Cady ::: Born: 1848; Died: 1941; Occupation: Author;
    Hugo Ball ::: Born: February 22, 1886; Died: September 14, 1927; Occupation: Author;
    Jay Baruchel ::: Born: April 9, 1982; Occupation: Actor;
    Alan Titchmarsh ::: Born: May 2, 1949; Occupation: Gardener;
    Charlotte Church ::: Born: February 21, 1986; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Priyanka Chopra ::: Born: July 18, 1982; Occupation: Film actress;
    Zhou Enlai ::: Born: March 5, 1898; Died: January 8, 1976; Occupation: Diplomat;
    Allan Massie ::: Born: October 19, 1938; Occupation: Journalist;
    Ammianus Marcellinus ::: Born: 320; Died: 390; Occupation: Historian;
    Michael Frayn ::: Born: September 8, 1933; Occupation: Playwright;
    Madeleine Sophie Barat ::: Born: December 12, 1779; Died: May 25, 1865; Occupation: Saint;
    Magdalena de Pazzi ::: Born: April 2, 1566; Died: May 25, 1607; Occupation: Saint;
    Bob Weir ::: Born: October 16, 1947; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Yvon Chouinard ::: Born: November 9, 1938; Occupation: Rock climber;
    Ira Remsen ::: Born: February 10, 1846; Died: March 4, 1927; Occupation: Chemist;
    Filippo Tommaso Marinetti ::: Born: December 22, 1876; Died: December 2, 1944; Occupation: Poet;
    Stephen Bayley ::: Born: October 13, 1951; Occupation: Critic;
    Laura Nyro ::: Born: October 18, 1947; Died: April 8, 1997; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Fulke Greville, 1st Baron Brooke ::: Born: October 3, 1554; Died: September 30, 1628; Occupation: 1st Baron Brooke;
    Henry de Montherlant ::: Born: April 26, 1895; Died: September 21, 1972; Occupation: Essayist;
    Arthur Cheney Train ::: Born: September 6, 1875; Died: December 22, 1945; Occupation: Lawyer;
    Hermann Broch ::: Born: November 1, 1886; Died: May 30, 1951; Occupation: Writer;
    Margaret Widdemer ::: Born: September 30, 1884; Died: July 14, 1978; Occupation: Poet;
    Judith Moore ::: Born: May 15, 1940; Died: May 15, 2006; Occupation: Author;
    Carolyn Rodgers ::: Born: December 14, 1940; Died: April 2, 2010; Occupation: Poet;
    Dorothy Fields ::: Born: July 15, 1905; Died: March 28, 1974; Occupation: Librettist;
    Ernest Bramah ::: Born: March 20, 1868; Died: June 27, 1942; Occupation: Author;
    Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild ::: Born: October 31, 1910; Died: March 20, 1990; Occupation: Cricket Player;
    Muriel Fox ::: Born: February 3, 1928; Occupation: Publicizer;
    Rolf Hochhuth ::: Born: April 1, 1931; Occupation: Author;
    Friedrich Melchior, Baron von Grimm ::: Born: December 26, 1723; Died: December 19, 1807; Occupation: Journalist;
    Edith Evans ::: Born: February 8, 1888; Died: October 14, 1976; Occupation: Film actress;
    Silouan the Athonite ::: Born: 1866; Died: September 24, 1938; Occupation: Monk;
    Jean Chretien ::: Born: January 11, 1934; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Canada;
    David Knopfler ::: Born: December 27, 1952; Occupation: Guitarist;
    Sybille Bedford ::: Born: March 16, 1911; Died: February 17, 2006; Occupation: Writer;
    Lucas Malet ::: Born: June 4, 1852; Died: 1931; Occupation: Novelist;
    Lester Maddox ::: Born: September 30, 1915; Died: June 25, 2003; Occupation: American Politician;
    John Winthrop ::: Born: January 12, 1587; Died: March 26, 1649; Occupation: Political figure;
    William R. Brody ::: Born: January 4, 1944; Occupation: Radiologist;
    Townes Van Zandt ::: Born: March 7, 1944; Died: January 1, 1997; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Bernadette Soubirous ::: Born: January 7, 1844; Died: April 16, 1879; Occupation: Saint;
    Carol P. Christ ::: Born: 1945; Occupation: Teacher;
    Saint Colette ::: Born: January 13, 1381; Died: March 6, 1447; Occupation: Saint;
    Josephine Bakhita ::: Born: 1868; Died: February 8, 1947; Occupation: Religious sister;
    Catherine of Genoa ::: Born: April 5, 1447; Died: September 15, 1510; Occupation: Saint;
    Elizabeth of the Trinity ::: Born: July 18, 1880; Died: November 9, 1906; Occupation: Writer;
    Christopher Phillips ::: Born: July 15, 1959; Occupation: Author;
    Leslie Stephen ::: Born: November 28, 1832; Died: February 22, 1904; Occupation: Author;
    Anne-Therese de Marguenat de Courcelles ::: Born: 1647; Died: July 12, 1733; Occupation: Writer;
    Roscoe Bartlett ::: Born: June 3, 1926; Occupation: Former U.S. Representative;
    Richard Bacon ::: Born: November 30, 1975; Occupation: Television presenter;
    Henry Harland ::: Born: March 1, 1861; Died: December 20, 1905; Occupation: Novelist;
    George Henry Boker ::: Born: October 6, 1823; Died: January 2, 1890; Occupation: Poet;
    Odilon Redon ::: Born: April 20, 1840; Died: July 6, 1916; Occupation: Painter;
    Kazimir Malevich ::: Born: February 23, 1879; Died: May 15, 1935; Occupation: Painter;
    John Constable ::: Born: June 11, 1776; Died: March 31, 1837; Occupation: Painter;
    Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin ::: Born: November 2, 1699; Died: December 6, 1779; Occupation: Painter;
    Gustave Moreau ::: Born: April 6, 1826; Died: April 18, 1898; Occupation: Painter;
    Helena Christensen ::: Born: December 25, 1968; Occupation: Fashion model;
    Theo van Doesburg ::: Born: August 30, 1883; Died: April 7, 1931; Occupation: Artist;
    Jon Rappoport ::: Born: April 16, 1938; Occupation: Journalist;
    Raoul Dufy ::: Born: June 3, 1877; Died: March 23, 1953; Occupation: Illustrator;
    Hans Arp ::: Born: September 16, 1886; Died: June 7, 1966; Occupation: Sculptor;
    Armando Iannucci ::: Born: November 28, 1963; Occupation: Satirist;
    Fernando Botero ::: Born: April 19, 1932; Occupation: Artist;
    Arshile Gorky ::: Born: April 15, 1904; Died: July 21, 1948; Occupation: Painter;
    Alexej von Jawlensky ::: Born: March 13, 1864; Died: March 15, 1941; Occupation: Artist;
    Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres ::: Born: August 29, 1780; Died: January 14, 1867; Occupation: Painter;
    Fairfield Porter ::: Born: June 10, 1907; Died: September 18, 1975; Occupation: Painter;
    Agatha Christie ::: Born: September 15, 1890; Died: January 12, 1976; Occupation: Novelist;
    Paula Rego ::: Born: January 26, 1935; Occupation: Visual artist;
    Paula Modersohn-Becker ::: Born: February 8, 1876; Died: November 21, 1907; Occupation: Artist;
    Jim Dine ::: Born: June 16, 1935; Occupation: Artist;
    Aubrey Beardsley ::: Born: August 21, 1872; Died: March 16, 1898; Occupation: Author;
    Ruth Bernhard ::: Born: October 14, 1905; Died: December 18, 2006; Occupation: Photographer;
    Chris Christie ::: Born: September 6, 1962; Occupation: Governor of New Jersey;
    Mathew Brady ::: Born: May 18, 1822; Died: January 15, 1896; Occupation: Photographer;
    Yves Klein ::: Born: April 28, 1928; Died: June 6, 1962; Occupation: Artist;
    Fernand Leger ::: Born: February 4, 1881; Died: August 17, 1955; Occupation: Painter;
    Nicolas Poussin ::: Born: June 15, 1594; Died: November 19, 1665; Occupation: Painter;
    Victor Vasarely ::: Born: April 9, 1906; Died: March 15, 1997; Occupation: Artist;
    Joan Mitchell ::: Born: February 12, 1925; Died: October 30, 1992; Occupation: Painter;
    Umberto Boccioni ::: Born: October 19, 1882; Died: August 17, 1916; Occupation: Painter;
    Donald Judd ::: Born: June 3, 1928; Died: February 12, 1994; Occupation: Artist;
    August Macke ::: Born: January 3, 1887; Died: September 26, 1914; Occupation: Artist;
    Sonia Delaunay ::: Born: November 14, 1885; Died: December 5, 1979; Occupation: Artist;
    Julie Christie ::: Born: April 14, 1941; Occupation: Actress;
    Johannes Itten ::: Born: November 11, 1888; Died: March 25, 1967; Occupation: Writer;
    Paul Signac ::: Born: November 11, 1863; Died: August 15, 1935; Occupation: Painter;
    Peter Doig ::: Born: April 17, 1959; Occupation: Painter;
    Andre Derain ::: Born: June 10, 1880; Died: September 8, 1954; Occupation: Artist;
    Oskar Kokoschka ::: Born: March 1, 1886; Died: February 22, 1980; Occupation: Artist;
    Robert Ryan ::: Born: November 11, 1909; Died: July 11, 1973; Occupation: Actor;
    Anne Jackson ::: Born: September 3, 1926; Died: April 12, 2016; Occupation: Actress;
    Juan Gris ::: Born: March 23, 1887; Died: May 11, 1927; Occupation: Painter;
    Bill Viola ::: Born: January 25, 1951; Occupation: Video Artist;
    El Greco ::: Born: 1541; Died: April 7, 1614; Occupation: Painter;
    Karel Appel ::: Born: April 25, 1921; Died: May 3, 2006; Occupation: Painter;
    Giorgio de Chirico ::: Born: July 10, 1888; Died: November 20, 1978; Occupation: Artist;
    Nan Goldin ::: Born: September 12, 1953; Occupation: Photographer;
    Marianne von Werefkin ::: Born: September 10, 1860; Died: February 6, 1938; Occupation: Painter;
    Piper Laurie ::: Born: January 22, 1932; Occupation: Film actress;
    Ruth Buzzi ::: Born: July 24, 1936; Occupation: Comedienne;
    Cesare Borgia ::: Born: September 13, 1475; Died: March 12, 1507; Occupation: Duke of Valentinois;
    George Axelrod ::: Born: June 9, 1922; Died: June 21, 2003; Occupation: Screenwriter;
    Vespasian ::: Born: November 17, 9; Died: June 23, 79; Occupation: Roman emperor;
    Henri Lebesgue ::: Born: June 28, 1875; Died: July 26, 1941; Occupation: Mathematician;
    J. C. R. Licklider ::: Born: March 11, 1915; Died: June 26, 1990; Occupation: Psychologist;
    Rene Coty ::: Born: March 20, 1882; Died: November 22, 1962; Occupation: Former President of France;
    Warren Christopher ::: Born: October 27, 1925; Died: March 18, 2011; Occupation: Former United States Deputy Secretary of State;
    Andy Gibb ::: Born: March 5, 1958; Died: March 10, 1988; Occupation: Singer;
    Rich Little ::: Born: November 26, 1938; Occupation: Impressionist;
    Joseph Murray ::: Born: April 1, 1919; Died: November 26, 2012; Occupation: Surgeon;
    Zalmay Khalilzad ::: Born: March 22, 1951; Occupation: Ambassador;
    Joseph-Louis Lagrange ::: Born: January 25, 1736; Died: April 10, 1813; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Amelia B. Edwards ::: Born: June 7, 1831; Died: April 15, 1892; Occupation: Novelist;
    Abraham Pais ::: Born: May 19, 1918; Died: July 28, 2000; Occupation: Physicist;
    Dirk Bogarde ::: Born: March 28, 1921; Died: May 8, 1999; Occupation: Actor;
    David L. Katz ::: Born: February 20, 1963; Occupation: Author;
    Albert Sorel ::: Born: August 13, 1842; Died: June 29, 1906; Occupation: Historian;
    Jean-Martin Charcot ::: Born: November 29, 1825; Died: August 16, 1893; Occupation: Medical Doctor;
    Marc Kielburger ::: Born: 1977; Occupation: Activist;
    Thomas Chatterton ::: Born: November 20, 1752; Died: August 24, 1770; Occupation: Poet;
    John D. Barrow ::: Born: November 29, 1952; Occupation: Physicist;
    Paul Levinson ::: Born: March 25, 1947; Occupation: Author;
    Chin-Ning Chu ::: Born: 1947; Died: December 10, 2009; Occupation: Author;
    Chen Shui-bian ::: Born: October 12, 1950; Occupation: Politician;
    Otto Preminger ::: Born: December 5, 1905; Died: April 23, 1986; Occupation: Theatre Director;
    Nick Lachey ::: Born: November 9, 1973; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Suzy Bogguss ::: Born: December 30, 1956; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Cyril Tourneur ::: Born: 1575; Died: February 28, 1626; Occupation: Dramatist;
    Francois Villon ::: Born: 1431; Died: 1463; Occupation: Poet;
    Donald Glover ::: Born: September 25, 1983; Occupation: Actor;
    Big K.R.I.T. ::: Born: August 26, 1986; Occupation: Rapper;
    Steven Chu ::: Born: February 28, 1948; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Energy;
    Wale ::: Born: September 21, 1984; Occupation: Rapper;
    C.L. Smooth ::: Born: October 8, 1968; Occupation: Rapper;
    K'naan ::: Born: February 1, 1978; Occupation: Poet;
    Masta Killa ::: Born: August 18, 1969; Occupation: Rapper;
    Common ::: Born: March 13, 1972; Occupation: Hip-hop artist;
    Jay Electronica ::: Born: September 19, 1976; Occupation: Hip-hop artist;
    Earl Sweatshirt ::: Born: February 24, 1994; Occupation: Rapper;
    Amy Chua ::: Born: October 26, 1962; Occupation: Professor;
    Lil B ::: Born: August 17, 1989; Occupation: Rapper;
    Rakim ::: Born: January 28, 1968; Occupation: Rapper;
    Big Daddy Kane ::: Born: September 10, 1968; Occupation: Rapper;
    Diamond D ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Record Producer;
    Ghostface Killah ::: Born: May 9, 1970; Occupation: Rapper;
    GZA ::: Born: August 22, 1966; Occupation: Hip-hop artist;
    Inspectah Deck ::: Born: July 6, 1970; Occupation: Rapper;
    Phife Dawg ::: Born: November 20, 1970; Died: March 22, 2016; Occupation: Rapper;
    Q-Tip ::: Born: April 10, 1970; Occupation: Rapper;
    RZA ::: Born: July 5, 1969; Occupation: Music Producer;
    Slick Rick ::: Born: January 14, 1965; Occupation: Rapper;
    U-God ::: Born: November 11, 1970; Occupation: Rapper;
    KRS-One ::: Born: August 20, 1965; Occupation: Rapper;
    Pharoahe Monch ::: Born: October 31, 1972; Occupation: Rapper;
    Capital STEEZ ::: Born: July 7, 1993; Died: December 24, 2012; Occupation: Musical Artist;
    Intelligent Hoodlum ::: Born: August 13, 1971; Occupation: Rapper;
    Heavy D ::: Born: May 24, 1967; Died: November 8, 2011; Occupation: Rapper;
    Kool G Rap ::: Born: July 20, 1968; Occupation: Rapper;
    Jeru the Damaja ::: Born: February 14, 1972; Occupation: Rapper;
    Alexa Chung ::: Born: November 5, 1983; Occupation: Presenter;
    Big L ::: Born: May 30, 1974; Died: February 15, 1999; Occupation: Rapper;
    Cappadonna ::: Born: September 18, 1969; Occupation: Rapper;
    Ade Edmondson ::: Born: January 24, 1957; Occupation: Comedian;
    Trygve Lie ::: Born: July 16, 1896; Died: December 30, 1968; Occupation: Norwegian Politician;
    Benny Hinn ::: Born: December 3, 1952; Occupation: Televangelist;
    A.J. Ayer ::: Born: October 29, 1910; Died: June 27, 1989; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Len Deighton ::: Born: February 18, 1929; Occupation: Historian;
    Julian Schnabel ::: Born: October 26, 1951; Occupation: Artist;
    Israel Kamakawiwo'ole ::: Born: May 20, 1959; Died: June 26, 1997; Occupation: Musician;
    Morey Amsterdam ::: Born: December 14, 1908; Died: October 28, 1996; Occupation: Television actor;
    Bow Wow ::: Born: March 9, 1987; Occupation: Rapper;
    William Harvey ::: Born: April 1, 1578; Died: June 3, 1657; Occupation: Physician;
    Archie Frederick Collins ::: Born: January 8, 1869; Died: 1952; Occupation: Author;
    Clancy Brown ::: Born: January 5, 1959; Occupation: Film actor;
    Ronald Harwood ::: Born: November 9, 1934; Occupation: Author;
    Bill Anderson ::: Born: November 1, 1937; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Alison Moyet ::: Born: June 18, 1961; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Marilyn Horne ::: Born: January 16, 1934; Occupation: Soprano;
    Michael Curtiz ::: Born: December 25, 1886; Died: April 10, 1962; Occupation: Film director;
    Arthur Waley ::: Born: August 19, 1889; Died: June 27, 1966; Occupation: Translator;
    Nigel Lawson ::: Born: March 11, 1932; Occupation: Politician;
    A. E. Waite ::: Born: October 2, 1857; Died: May 19, 1942; Occupation: Poet;
    Ben Gazzara ::: Born: August 28, 1930; Died: February 3, 2012; Occupation: Film actor;
    Steve Allen ::: Born: December 26, 1921; Died: October 30, 2000; Occupation: Television Personality;
    Doris Roberts ::: Born: November 4, 1925; Died: April 17, 2016; Occupation: Actress;
    Steve Schmidt ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Strategist;
    Ed Pastor ::: Born: June 28, 1943; Occupation: United States Representative;
    Carlos Mesa ::: Born: August 12, 1953; Occupation: Bolivian Politician;
    Jennifer Beals ::: Born: December 19, 1963; Occupation: Film actress;
    Eric Church ::: Born: May 3, 1977; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Ian Hart ::: Born: October 8, 1964; Occupation: Television actor;
    Ikue Mori ::: Born: December 17, 1953; Occupation: Composer;
    Robert Strausz-Hupe ::: Born: March 25, 1903; Died: February 24, 2002; Occupation: Political Scientist;
    Norman Lamm ::: Born: December 19, 1927; Occupation: Rabbi;
    David Lange ::: Born: August 4, 1942; Died: August 13, 2005; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of New Zealand;
    Robert Scoble ::: Born: January 18, 1965; Occupation: Blogger;
    John Poindexter ::: Born: August 12, 1936; Occupation: Armed force officer;
    Richard A. Clarke ::: Born: October 27, 1950; Occupation: Adviser;
    Thomas Haden Church ::: Born: June 17, 1960; Occupation: Actor;
    Joe Abercrombie ::: Born: December 31, 1974; Occupation: Writer;
    Hermann Ebbinghaus ::: Born: January 24, 1850; Died: February 26, 1909; Occupation: Psychologist;
    John Aniston ::: Born: July 24, 1933; Occupation: Actor;
    Mark Goddard ::: Born: July 24, 1936; Occupation: Actor;
    Paul Allen ::: Born: January 21, 1953; Occupation: Philanthropist;
    Jeff Cohen ::: Born: June 25, 1974; Occupation: Attorney;
    D. Michael Quinn ::: Born: March 26, 1944; Occupation: Historian;
    John Spencer ::: Born: December 20, 1946; Died: December 16, 2005; Occupation: Actor;
    Winston Churchill ::: Born: November 30, 1874; Died: January 24, 1965; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
    Mikko Hypponen ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Columnist;
    Majandra Delfino ::: Born: February 20, 1981; Occupation: Actress;
    Michael Donaghy ::: Born: May 24, 1954; Died: September 16, 2004; Occupation: Poet;
    Charles Michael Davis ::: Born: December 1, 1984; Occupation: Actor;
    Avicii ::: Born: September 8, 1989; Occupation: DJ;
    Greer Garson ::: Born: September 29, 1904; Died: April 6, 1996; Occupation: Actress;
    Frank O'Connor ::: Born: September 17, 1903; Died: March 10, 1966; Occupation: Writer;
    Harry Carpenter ::: Born: October 17, 1925; Died: March 22, 2010; Occupation: Sports commentator;
    Martin Tyler ::: Born: September 14, 1945; Occupation: Commentator;
    Ted Allen ::: Born: May 20, 1965; Occupation: Writer;
    Marjorie Garber ::: Born: June 11, 1944; Occupation: Professor;
    Kate Jackson ::: Born: October 29, 1948; Occupation: Actress;
    James H. Billington ::: Born: June 1, 1929; Occupation: Librarian;
    Leon Blum ::: Born: April 9, 1872; Died: March 30, 1950; Occupation: Prime Minister of France;
    William Borah ::: Born: June 29, 1865; Died: January 19, 1940; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
    Cato the Younger ::: Born: 95 BC; Occupation: Roman Politician;
    William Cohen ::: Born: August 28, 1940; Occupation: Former member of the United States Senate;
    John Ciardi ::: Born: June 24, 1916; Died: March 30, 1986; Occupation: Poet;
    John Cotton ::: Born: December 29, 1584; Died: December 23, 1652; Occupation: Minister;
    Benedetto Croce ::: Born: February 25, 1866; Died: November 20, 1952; Occupation: Philosopher;
    Etienne de La Boetie ::: Born: November 1, 1530; Died: August 18, 1563; Occupation: Writer;
    Emile Faguet ::: Born: December 17, 1847; Died: June 7, 1916; Occupation: Author;
    Robert Hayden ::: Born: August 4, 1913; Died: February 25, 1980; Occupation: Poet;
    Jimmy Hoffa ::: Born: February 14, 1913; Died: July 30, 1982; Occupation: Activist;
    Wayne LaPierre ::: Born: November 8, 1948; Occupation: Author;
    Simon Heffer ::: Born: July 18, 1960; Occupation: Journalist;
    Allen Drury ::: Born: September 2, 1918; Died: September 2, 1998; Occupation: Novelist;
    Madonna Ciccone ::: Born: August 16, 1958; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
    Chuck Baldwin ::: Born: May 3, 1952; Occupation: American Politician;
    Eustace Mullins ::: Born: March 9, 1923; Died: February 2, 2010; Occupation: Writer;
    Christiaan Huygens ::: Born: April 14, 1629; Died: July 8, 1695; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Richard Wiseman ::: Born: 1966; Died: 1676; Occupation: Professor;
    Paul Halmos ::: Born: March 3, 1916; Died: October 2, 2006; Occupation: Mathematician;
    Nelly ::: Born: November 2, 1974; Occupation: Rapper;
    Jerry Reed ::: Born: March 20, 1937; Died: September 1, 2008; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;

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